/* build a table with worst keys.  Insert keys that hash to the same table
 * location.  Protects against invalid keys by wrapping around if the total
 * number of addresses times the table size is large.
int build_worst(table_t *T, int table_size, int num_addr)
    hashkey_t key = MAXID;
    int i, batches = 0, code;
    int probes = 0;
    int *ip;
    for (i = 0; i < num_addr; i++) {
        assert(MINID <= key && key <= MAXID);
        ip = (int *) malloc(sizeof(int));
        *ip = key;
        code = table_insert(T, key, ip);
        if (code != 0) {
            printf("build of worst table failed: code (%d) index (%d) key (%u) batch (%d)\n",
                   code, i, key, batches);
        if (key < MINID + table_size) {
            printf("batch %d\n", batches);
            key = MAXID - batches;
        } else
            key -= table_size;
        probes += table_stats(T);
    return probes;
/* build a table with sequential keys.  The starting address is random.  The
 * keys are are in adjacent table locations.
int build_seq(table_t *T, int table_size, int num_addr)
    hashkey_t key;
    int i, range, starting, code;
    int *ip;
    int probes = 0;
    range = MAXID - MINID + 1;
    starting = (int) (drand48() * range) + MINID;
    if (starting >= MAXID - table_size)
        starting -= table_size;
    for (i = starting; i < starting + num_addr; i++) {
        assert(MINID <= i && i <= MAXID);
        key = i;
        ip = (int *) malloc(sizeof(int));
        *ip = i;
        code = table_insert(T, key, ip);
        if (code != 0) {
            printf("build of sequential table failed code (%d) index (%d) key (%u)\n",
                   code, i - starting, key);
        probes += table_stats(T);
    return probes;
/* build a table with random keys.  The keys are generated with a uniform
 * distribution.
int build_random(table_t *T, int table_size, int num_addr)
    hashkey_t key;
    int i, range, code;
    int probes = 0;
    int *ip;
    range = MAXID - MINID + 1;
    for (i = 0; i < num_addr; i++) {
        key = (hashkey_t) (drand48() * range) + MINID;
        assert(MINID <= key && key <= MAXID);
        ip = (int *) malloc(sizeof(int));
        *ip = key;
        code = table_insert(T, key, ip);
        if (code == 1) {
            i--;   // since does not increase size of table
            // replaced.  The chances should be very small
            printf("during random build generated duplicate key (%u) on trial (%d)\n", key, i);
            printf("this should be unlikely: if see more than a few you have a problem\n");
        } else if (code != 0) {
            printf("build of random table failed code (%d) index (%d) key (%u)\n",
                   code, i, key);
        probes += table_stats(T);
    return probes;
/* build a table with folded keys.  The starting address is random.  The first
 * set of keys are sequential, and the second set hashes to the same table
 * locations as the first set.
int build_fold(table_t *T, int table_size, int num_addr)
    int i, range, starting, code;
    int probes = 0;
    int *ip;
    range = MAXID - MINID + 1;
    starting = (int) (drand48() * range) + MINID;
    if (starting <= MINID + table_size)
        starting += table_size;
    if (starting >= MAXID - table_size)
        starting -= table_size;
    for (i = starting; i > starting - num_addr/2; i--) {
        assert(MINID <= i && i <= MAXID);
        ip = (int *) malloc(sizeof(int));
        *ip = i;
        code = table_insert(T, i, ip);
        if (code != 0) {
            printf("build of first phase of folded table failed code (%d) index (%d) key (%d)\n",
                   code, i - starting, i);
        probes += table_stats(T);
    for (i = starting + table_size; i > starting + table_size - (num_addr+1)/2; i--) {
        assert(MINID <= i && i <= MAXID);
        ip = (int *) malloc(sizeof(int));
        *ip = i;
        code = table_insert(T, i, ip);
        if (code != 0) {
            printf("build of second phase of folded table failed code (%d) index (%d) key (%d)\n",
                   code, i - starting, i);
        probes += table_stats(T);
    return probes;
Beispiel #5
int table_set(table *t, void *v) {
        uint h, b, len=0;
        tlink *n, *cur, *tail = NULL;
        int status = 0;

        assert(v); assert(t);
        h = t->hash(v);
        b = h % t->sz;
        n = ALLOC(sizeof(tlink));
        n->next = NULL;
        n->v = v;

        /* If the table is already at the max size, just put it at the
         * head, don't bother walking the whole chain. */
        if (t->sz == t->ms) {
                cur = t->b[b];
                t->b[b] = n;
                n->next = cur;
                return TABLE_SET | TABLE_FULL;

        /* Otherwise, note the length, to see if it's time to resize. */
        for (cur = t->b[b]; cur != NULL; cur=cur->next) {
                tail = cur;
        if (tail) {
                tail->next = n;
        } else {
                t->b[b] = n;
        status |= TABLE_SET;
        if (len > t->mcl) {
                status |= table_grow(t);
                if (DEBUG) table_stats(t, 0);
        return status;
Beispiel #6
 * This is the function called from the main polling loop.
 * It calls command functions to get strings of data, and sends them to the server.
int collect_and_send_metrics(int cycle) {
	int retval;
	char* command;
	StringInfoData commands;
	pgstat_report_activity(STATE_RUNNING, "Collecting metrics");
	 * Populate first cycle command data.	These are executed on the first cycle
	 *	 of a restart.	The bgworker restars every N cycles, as listed at the bottom
	 *	 of the main loop in pgsampler.c.	
	if (cycle == 0) {
		command = restart_gucs();
		appendStringInfoString(&commands, command);
		if (strcmp(output_mode, "csv") == 0) 
			write_to_csv("restart_gucs", command);			

		command = relation_info();
		appendStringInfoString(&commands, command);
		if (strcmp(output_mode, "csv") == 0) 
			write_to_csv("stat_class", command);

		command = database_list();
		appendStringInfoString(&commands, command);
		if (strcmp(output_mode, "csv") == 0) 
			write_to_csv("databases", command);
		command = column_info();
		appendStringInfoString(&commands, command);
		if (strcmp(output_mode, "csv") == 0) 
			write_to_csv("columns", command);

		command = index_info();
		appendStringInfoString(&commands, command);
		if (strcmp(output_mode, "csv") == 0) 
			write_to_csv("indexes", command);

		command = column_stats();
		appendStringInfoString(&commands, command);
		if (strcmp(output_mode, "csv") == 0) 
			write_to_csv("stat_column", command);

		command = db_stats();
		appendStringInfoString(&commands, command);
		if (strcmp(output_mode, "csv") == 0) 
			write_to_csv("stat_database", command);


	if (cycle % heartbeat_seconds == 0) {
		command = heartbeat();
		appendStringInfoString(&commands, command);
		if (strcmp(output_mode, "csv") == 0) 
			write_to_csv("heartbeats", command);

	if (cycle % system_seconds == 0) {
		command = system_info();	
		appendStringInfoString(&commands, command);
		if (strcmp(output_mode, "csv") == 0) 
			write_to_csv("stat_system", command);

		command = fs_info();
		appendStringInfoString(&commands, command);
		if (strcmp(output_mode, "csv") == 0) 
			write_to_csv("stat_filesystem", command);

	/* */
	if (cycle % activity_seconds == 0) {
		command = activity_stats(); 
		appendStringInfoString(&commands, command);
		if (strcmp(output_mode, "csv") == 0) 
			write_to_csv("stat_activity", command);

	if (cycle % replication_seconds == 0) {
		command = replication_stats(); 
		appendStringInfoString(&commands, command);
		if (strcmp(output_mode, "csv") == 0) 
			write_to_csv("stat_replication", command);

	/*	*/
	if (cycle % bgwriter_seconds == 0) {
		command = bgwriter_stats();
		appendStringInfoString(&commands, command);
		if (strcmp(output_mode, "csv") == 0) 
			write_to_csv("stat_bgwriter", command);
	if (cycle % guc_seconds == 0) {
		command = transient_gucs();
		appendStringInfoString(&commands, command);
		if (strcmp(output_mode, "csv") == 0) 
			write_to_csv("transient_gucs", command);
	if (cycle % statements_seconds == 0) {
		command = stat_statements();
		appendStringInfoString(&commands, command);
		if (strcmp(output_mode, "csv") == 0) 
			write_to_csv("stat_statements", command);

	/* */	
	if (cycle % relation_seconds == 0) {
		command = table_stats();
		appendStringInfoString(&commands, command);
		if (strcmp(output_mode, "csv") == 0) 
			write_to_csv("stat_table", command);
		command = index_stats();
		appendStringInfoString(&commands, command);
		if (strcmp(output_mode, "csv") == 0) 
			write_to_csv("stat_index", command);
		command = table_io_stats();
		appendStringInfoString(&commands, command);
		if (strcmp(output_mode, "csv") == 0) 
			write_to_csv("statio_user_tables", command);

		command = index_io_stats();
		appendStringInfoString(&commands, command);
		if (strcmp(output_mode, "csv") == 0) 
			write_to_csv("statio_user_indexes", command);

		command = function_stats();
		appendStringInfoString(&commands, command);
		if (strcmp(output_mode, "csv") == 0) 
			write_to_csv("stat_function", command);

	/* Send / Write metrics based on output_mode */
	if (strcmp(output_mode, "network") == 0) {
		pgstat_report_activity(STATE_RUNNING, "Sending metrics to antenna");
		retval = send_data(commands.data);
		if (retval == NO_DATA_SENT) { //close socket and retry establishing connection and sending data.
		 	// elog(LOG, "reseting..."); //just a note to say reseting socket
			if (sockfd != 0) 
				shutdown(sockfd, SHUT_RDWR);

			sockfd = 0;
			retval = send_data(commands.data); // we ignore success or failure here.	drops data if fails.

	return 0;
/* driver to test sequence of inserts and deletes.
void equilibriumDriver(void)
    int i, code;
    int key_range, num_keys;
    int size;
    int ran_index;
    int suc_search, suc_trials, unsuc_search, unsuc_trials;
    int keys_added, keys_removed;
    int *ip;
    table_t *test_table;
    hashkey_t key;
    data_t dp;
    clock_t start, end;

    /* print parameters for this test run */
    printf("\n----- Equilibrium test driver -----\n");
    printf("  Trials: %d\n", Trials);

    test_table = table_construct(TableSize, ProbeDec);
    num_keys = (int) (TableSize * LoadFactor);

    /* build a table as starting point */
    build_table(test_table, num_keys);
    size = num_keys;

    key_range = MAXID - MINID + 1;
    /* in equilibrium make inserts and removes with equal probability */
    suc_search = suc_trials = unsuc_search = unsuc_trials = 0;
    keys_added = keys_removed = 0;
    start = clock();
    for (i = 0; i < Trials; i++) {
        if (drand48() < 0.5 && table_full(test_table) == FALSE) {
            // insert only if table not full
            // for separate chaining table is never full
            key = (hashkey_t) (drand48() * key_range) + MINID;
            ip = (int *) malloc(sizeof(int));
            *ip = key;
            /* insert returns 0 if key not found, 1 if older key found */
            if (Verbose) printf("Trial %d, Insert Key %u", i, key);
            code = table_insert(test_table, key, ip);
            if (code == 0) {
                /* key was not in table so added */
                unsuc_search += table_stats(test_table);
                if (Verbose) printf(" added\n");
            } else if (code == 1) {
                suc_search += table_stats(test_table);
                if (Verbose) printf(" replaced (rare!)\n");
            } else {
                printf("!!!Trial %d failed to insert key (%u) with code (%d)\n", i, key, code);
        } else if (table_entries(test_table) > TableSize/4) {
            // delete only if table is at least 25% full
            // why 25%?  Would 10% be better?  Lower than 10% will
            // be computationally expensive
            do {
                ran_index = (int) (drand48() * TableSize);
                key = table_peek(test_table, ran_index,0);
            } while (key == 0);
            if (Verbose) printf("Trial %d, Delete Key %u", i, key);
            if (key < MINID || MAXID < key) {
                printf("\n\n  table peek failed: invalid key (%u) during trial (%d)\n", key, i);
            dp = table_delete(test_table, key);
            if (dp != NULL) {
                if (Verbose) printf(" removed\n");
                suc_search += table_stats(test_table);
                assert(*(int *)dp == key);
            } else {
                printf("!!! failed to find key (%u) in table, trial (%d)!\n", key, i);
                printf("this is a catastrophic error!!!\n");
    end = clock();

    if (Verbose) {
        printf("Table after equilibrium trials\n");

    size += keys_added - keys_removed;
    printf("  Keys added (%d), removed (%d) new size should be (%d) and is (%d)\n",
           keys_added, keys_removed, size, table_entries(test_table));
    assert(size == table_entries(test_table));
    printf("  After exercise, time=%g \n",
    printf("  successful searches during exercise=%g, trials=%d\n",
           (double) suc_search/suc_trials, suc_trials);
    printf("  unsuccessful searches during exercise=%g, trials=%d\n",
           (double) unsuc_search/unsuc_trials, unsuc_trials);

    /* test access times for new table */

    /* separate chaining handled differently
     * should improve design of table_peek function so it
     * returns 0 if count is invalid when using open addressing.
     * In current design it is ignored
    suc_search = suc_trials = unsuc_search = unsuc_trials = 0;
    start = clock();
    /* check each position in table for key */
    if (ProbeDec == CHAIN) {
        for (i = 0; i < TableSize; i++) {
            int count = 0;
            key = table_peek(test_table, i, count);
            while (key != 0) {
                assert(MINID <= key && key <= MAXID);
                dp = table_retrieve(test_table, key);
                if (dp == NULL) {
                    printf("Failed key (%u) should be at (%d)\n", key, i);
                } else {
                    suc_search += table_stats(test_table);
                    assert(*(int *)dp == key);
                key = table_peek(test_table, i, ++count);
    } else {
        for (i = 0; i < TableSize; i++) {
            key = table_peek(test_table, i, 0);
            if (key != 0) {
                assert(MINID <= key && key <= MAXID);
                dp = table_retrieve(test_table, key);
                if (dp == NULL) {
                    printf("Failed to find key (%u) but it is in location (%d)\n",
                           key, i);
                } else {
                    suc_search += table_stats(test_table);
                    assert(*(int *)dp == key);
    for (i = 0; i < Trials; i++) {
        /* random key with uniform distribution */
        key = (hashkey_t) (drand48() * key_range) + MINID;
        dp = table_retrieve(test_table, key);
        if (dp == NULL) {
            unsuc_search += table_stats(test_table);
        } else {
            // this should be very rare
            assert(*(int *)dp == key);
    end = clock();
    size = table_entries(test_table);
    printf("  After retrieve experiment, time=%g\n",
    printf("  New load factor = %g\n", (double) size/TableSize);
    printf("  Percent empty locations marked deleted = %g\n",
           (double) 100.0 * table_deletekeys(test_table)
           / (TableSize - table_entries(test_table)));

    printf("   Measured avg probes for successful search=%g, trials=%d\n",
           (double) suc_search/suc_trials, suc_trials);

    if (ProbeDec == CHAIN && LoadFactor > 0.5  && LoadFactor < 1.5) {
        printf("     ** This measure is biased.  See comments\n\n");
        /* The design of the equilibirum driver depends on the uniform
         * selection of keys to insert and remove.  For linear, double, and
         * quadratic probing selecting a key to remove is done with a uniform
         * distribution among all possible keys.  However, for separate
         * chaining, the algorithm simply picks a table location with a uniform
         * distribution, but this is not the same as picking a key with a
         * uniform distribution.  So, there is a bias that a key in a table
         * location with fewer other keys is more likely to be selected.  This
         * causes the average number of probes for a successful search to
         * increase as the equilibrium driver runs for a long time.  To remove
         * the bias, a solution is needed to pick a key with a uniform
         * distribution when chaining is used.  It is not clear how to select a
         * key with low computational cost.
    printf("   Measured avg probes for unsuccessful search=%g, trials=%d\n",
           (double) unsuc_search/unsuc_trials, unsuc_trials);
    printf("    Do deletions increase avg number of probes?\n");
    performanceFormulas((double) size/TableSize);

    /* rehash and retest table */
    printf("  Rehash table\n");
    test_table = table_rehash(test_table, TableSize);
    /* number entries in table should not change */
    assert(size == table_entries(test_table));
    /* rehashing must clear all entries marked for deletion */
    assert(0 == table_deletekeys(test_table));

    /* test access times for rehashed table */

    suc_search = suc_trials = unsuc_search = unsuc_trials = 0;
    start = clock();
    /* check each position in table for key */
    if (ProbeDec == CHAIN) {
        for (i = 0; i < TableSize; i++) {
            int count = 0;
            key = table_peek(test_table, i, count);
            while (key != 0) {
                assert(MINID <= key && key <= MAXID);
                dp = table_retrieve(test_table, key);
                if (dp == NULL) {
                    printf("Failed key (%u) should be at (%d)\n", key, i);
                } else {
                    suc_search += table_stats(test_table);
                    assert(*(int *)dp == key);
                key = table_peek(test_table, i, ++count);
    } else {
        for (i = 0; i < TableSize; i++) {
            key = table_peek(test_table, i, 0);
            if (key != 0) {
                assert(MINID <= key && key <= MAXID);
                dp = table_retrieve(test_table, key);
                if (dp == NULL) {
                    printf("Failed to find key (%u) after rehash but it is in location (%d)\n",
                           key, i);
                } else {
                    suc_search += table_stats(test_table);
                    assert(*(int *)dp == key);
    for (i = 0; i < Trials; i++) {
        /* random key with uniform distribution */
        key = (hashkey_t) (drand48() * key_range) + MINID;
        dp = table_retrieve(test_table, key);
        if (dp == NULL) {
            unsuc_search += table_stats(test_table);
        } else {
            // this should be very rare
            assert(*(int *)dp == key);
    end = clock();
    size = table_entries(test_table);
    printf("  After rehash, time=%g\n",
    printf("   Measured avg probes for successful search=%g, trials=%d\n",
           (double) suc_search/suc_trials, suc_trials);

    printf("   Measured avg probes for unsuccessful search=%g, trials=%d\n",
           (double) unsuc_search/unsuc_trials, unsuc_trials);

    /* remove and free all items from table */

    printf("----- End of equilibrium test -----\n\n");
/* driver to build and test tables. Note this driver
 * does not delete keys from the table.
void RetrieveDriver()
    int i;
    int key_range, num_keys;
    int suc_search, suc_trials, unsuc_search, unsuc_trials;
    table_t *test_table;
    hashkey_t key;
    data_t dp;

    /* print parameters for this test run */
    printf("\n----- Retrieve driver -----\n");
    printf("  Trials: %d\n", Trials);

    num_keys = (int) (TableSize * LoadFactor);
    test_table = table_construct(TableSize, ProbeDec);

    build_table(test_table, num_keys);

    key_range = MAXID - MINID + 1;

    if (Trials > 0) {
        /* access table to measure probes for an unsuccessful search */
        suc_search = suc_trials = unsuc_search = unsuc_trials = 0;
        for (i = 0; i < Trials; i++) {
            /* random key with uniform distribution */
            key = (hashkey_t) (drand48() * key_range) + MINID;
            if (Verbose)
                printf("%d: looking for %d\n", i, key);
            dp = table_retrieve(test_table, key);
            if (dp == NULL) {
                unsuc_search += table_stats(test_table);
                if (Verbose)
                    printf("\t not found with %d probes\n",
            } else {
                // this should be very rare
                suc_search += table_stats(test_table);
                if (Verbose)
                    printf("\t\t FOUND with %d probes (this is rare!)\n",
                assert(*(int *)dp == key);
        assert(num_keys == table_entries(test_table));
        if (suc_trials > 0)
            printf("    Avg probes for successful search = %g measured with %d trials\n",
                   (double) suc_search/suc_trials, suc_trials);
        if (unsuc_trials > 0)
            printf("    Avg probes for unsuccessful search = %g measured with %d trials\n",
                   (double) unsuc_search/unsuc_trials, unsuc_trials);

    /* print expected values from analysis with compare to experimental
     * measurements */

    /* remove and free all items from table */
    printf("----- End of access driver -----\n\n");
/* driver to test small tables.  This is a series of
 * simple tests and is not exhaustive.
 * input: test_M is the table size for this test run
void RehashDriver(int test_M)
    int i, *ip, code;
    table_t *H;

    printf("\n----- Rehash driver -----\n");
    if (ProbeDec == CHAIN) {
        printf("This design of the rehash driver does not work with separate chaining\n");
    hashkey_t startkey = MINID + (test_M - MINID%test_M);
    assert(startkey%test_M == 0);
    assert(test_M > 5);  // tests designed for size at least 6

    H = table_construct(test_M, ProbeDec);
    // fill table sequentially
    for (i = 0; i < test_M-1; i++) {
        ip = (int *) malloc(sizeof(int));
        *ip = 10*i;
        assert(table_full(H) == 0);
        code = table_insert(H, startkey+i, ip);
        ip = NULL;
        assert(code == 0);
        assert(table_entries(H) == i+1);
        assert(table_stats(H) == 1);
        assert(table_peek(H,i,0) == startkey+i);
    if (Verbose) {
        printf("\nfull table, last entry empty\n");
    // tests on empty position
    assert(table_peek(H,i,0) == 0);
    assert(NULL == table_retrieve(H, startkey+i));
    assert(table_stats(H) == 1);
    assert(table_full(H) == 1);
    assert(-1 == table_insert(H, MAXID, NULL));
    // retrieve and replace each entry
    for (i = 0; i < test_M-1; i++) {
        ip = table_retrieve(H, startkey+i);
        assert(*(int *)ip == 10*i);
        ip = NULL;
        assert(table_stats(H) == 1);
        ip = table_retrieve(H, startkey+i+test_M);
        assert(ip == NULL);
        assert(2 <= table_stats(H) && table_stats(H) <= test_M);
        if (ProbeDec == LINEAR)
            assert(table_stats(H) == i+2);
        ip = (int *) malloc(sizeof(int));
        *ip = 99*i;
        assert(1 == table_insert(H, startkey+i, ip));
        ip = NULL;
        ip = table_retrieve(H, startkey+i);
        assert(*(int *)ip == 99*i);
        ip = NULL;
    assert(table_entries(H) == test_M-1);
    assert(table_full(H) == 1);
    // delete tests
    assert(table_deletekeys(H) == 0);
    ip = table_delete(H, startkey+1);
    assert(*(int *)ip == 99);
    ip = NULL;
    if (Verbose) {
        printf("\nsecond entry deleted, last entry empty\n");
    assert(table_entries(H) == test_M-2);
    assert(table_full(H) == 0);
    assert(table_peek(H,1,0) == 0);
    assert(table_deletekeys(H) == 1);
    ip = table_retrieve(H, startkey+1);  // check key is not there
    assert(ip == NULL);
    assert(table_stats(H) >= 2);
    // attempt to delete keys not in table
    assert(NULL == table_delete(H, startkey+1));
    assert(NULL == table_delete(H, startkey+test_M-1));
    // insert key in its place
    ip = (int *) malloc(sizeof(int));
    *ip = 123;
    assert(0 == table_insert(H, startkey+1+test_M, ip));
    ip = NULL;
    assert(table_peek(H,1,0) == startkey+1+test_M);
    ip = table_retrieve(H, startkey+1+test_M);
    assert(*(int *)ip == 123);
    ip = NULL;
    assert(table_entries(H) == test_M-1);
    assert(table_full(H) == 1);
    assert(table_deletekeys(H) == 0);
    for (i = 2; i < test_M-1; i++) {     // clear out all but two keys
        ip = table_delete(H, startkey+i);
        assert(*(int *)ip == 99*i);
        ip = NULL;
    assert(table_entries(H) == 2);
    ip = (int *) malloc(sizeof(int));    // fill last empty
    *ip = 456;
    assert(0 == table_insert(H, startkey+test_M-1, ip));
    ip = NULL;
    assert(table_entries(H) == 3);
    // unsuccessful search when no empty keys
    assert(NULL == table_retrieve(H, startkey+test_M));

    // two keys the collide in position 0
    ip = (int *) malloc(sizeof(int));
    *ip = 77;
    assert(0 == table_insert(H, startkey+test_M, ip));
    ip = (int *) malloc(sizeof(int));
    *ip = 88;
    assert(0 == table_insert(H, startkey+10*test_M, ip));
    ip = NULL;
    assert(table_entries(H) == 5);
    ip = table_delete(H, startkey);  // delete position 0
    assert(*(int *)ip == 0);
    ip = NULL;
    assert(table_entries(H) == 4);
    ip = (int *) malloc(sizeof(int));  // replace
    *ip = 87;
    assert(1 == table_insert(H, startkey+10*test_M, ip));
    ip = NULL;
    assert(table_entries(H) == 4);
    ip = (int *) malloc(sizeof(int));   // put back position 0
    *ip = 76;
    assert(0 == table_insert(H, startkey+20*test_M, ip));
    ip = NULL;
    assert(table_entries(H) == 5);
    assert(table_peek(H,0,0) == startkey+20*test_M);
    assert(table_deletekeys(H) == test_M-5);
    // verify 5 items in table
    ip = table_retrieve(H, startkey+1+test_M);
    assert(*(int *)ip == 123);
    ip = table_retrieve(H, startkey+test_M);
    assert(*(int *)ip == 77);
    ip = table_retrieve(H, startkey+10*test_M);
    assert(*(int *)ip == 87);
    ip = table_retrieve(H, startkey+20*test_M);
    assert(*(int *)ip == 76);
    ip = table_retrieve(H, startkey+test_M-1);
    assert(*(int *)ip == 456);
    ip = NULL;
    // rehash
    H = table_rehash(H, test_M);
    assert(table_entries(H) == 5);
    assert(table_deletekeys(H) == 0);
    if (Verbose) {
        printf("\ntable after rehash with 5 items\n");
    // verify 5 items in table
    ip = table_retrieve(H, startkey+1+test_M);
    assert(*(int *)ip == 123);
    ip = table_retrieve(H, startkey+test_M);
    assert(*(int *)ip == 77);
    ip = table_retrieve(H, startkey+10*test_M);
    assert(*(int *)ip == 87);
    ip = table_retrieve(H, startkey+20*test_M);
    assert(*(int *)ip == 76);
    ip = table_retrieve(H, startkey+test_M-1);
    assert(*(int *)ip == 456);
    ip = NULL;

    // rehash and increase table size
    // If linear double the size
    // If double, need new prime
    int new_M = 2*test_M;
    if (ProbeDec == DOUBLE)
        new_M = find_first_prime(new_M);

    H = table_rehash(H, new_M);
    assert(table_entries(H) == 5);
    assert(table_deletekeys(H) == 0);
    if (Verbose) {
        printf("\nafter increase table to %d with 5 items\n", new_M);
    // verify 5 keys and information not lost during rehash
    ip = table_retrieve(H, startkey+1+test_M);
    assert(*(int *)ip == 123);
    ip = table_retrieve(H, startkey+test_M);
    assert(*(int *)ip == 77);
    ip = table_retrieve(H, startkey+10*test_M);
    assert(*(int *)ip == 87);
    ip = table_retrieve(H, startkey+20*test_M);
    assert(*(int *)ip == 76);
    ip = table_retrieve(H, startkey+test_M-1);
    assert(*(int *)ip == 456);
    ip = NULL;

    // fill the new larger table
    assert(table_full(H) == 0);
    int new_items = new_M - 1 - 5;
    int base_addr = 2*startkey + 20*test_M*test_M;
    if (base_addr+new_items*test_M > MAXID) {
        printf("re-run -b driver with smaller table size\n");
    for (i = 0; i < new_items; i++) {
        ip = (int *) malloc(sizeof(int));
        *ip = 10*i;
        code = table_insert(H, base_addr+i*test_M, ip);
        ip = NULL;
        assert(code == 0);
        assert(table_entries(H) == i+1+5);
    assert(table_full(H) == 1);
    assert(table_entries(H) == new_M-1);
    if (Verbose) {
        printf("\nafter larger table filled\n");
    // verify new items are found
    for (i = 0; i < new_items; i++) {
        ip = table_retrieve(H, base_addr+i*test_M);
        assert(*(int *)ip == 10*i);
        ip = NULL;

    // clean up table
    printf("----- Passed rehash driver -----\n\n");