Beispiel #1
size_t middle_ram_t::ways_get_list(const idlist_t &ids, idlist_t &way_ids,
                                multitaglist_t &tags, multinodelist_t &nodes) const
    if (ids.empty())
        return 0;

    tags.assign(ids.size(), taglist_t());
    nodes.assign(ids.size(), nodelist_t());

    size_t count = 0;
    for (idlist_t::const_iterator it = ids.begin(); it != ids.end(); ++it) {
        if (ways_get(*it, tags[count], nodes[count])) {
        } else {

    if (count < ids.size()) {

    return int(count);
Beispiel #2
/* This is the workhorse of pgsql_add_relation, split out because it is used as the callback for iterate relations */
int output_pgsql_t::pgsql_process_relation(osmid_t id, const memberlist_t &members,
        const taglist_t &tags, int exists, bool pending)
    /* If the flag says this object may exist already, delete it first */

    taglist_t outtags;

    if (m_tagtransform->filter_rel_tags(tags, *m_export_list.get(), outtags))
        return 1;

    idlist_t xid2;
    multitaglist_t xtags2;
    multinodelist_t xnodes;

    for (memberlist_t::const_iterator it = members.begin(); it != members.end(); ++it)
        /* Need to handle more than just ways... */
        if (it->type == OSMTYPE_WAY)

    idlist_t xid;
    m_mid->ways_get_list(xid2, xid, xtags2, xnodes);
    int polygon = 0, roads = 0;
    multitaglist_t xtags(xid.size(), taglist_t());
    rolelist_t xrole(xid.size(), 0);

    for (size_t i = 0; i < xid.size(); i++) {
        for (size_t j = i; j < members.size(); j++) {
            if (members[j].id == xid[i]) {
                //filter the tags on this member because we got it from the middle
                //and since the middle is no longer tied to the output it no longer
                //shares any kind of tag transform and therefore all original tags
                //will come back and need to be filtered by individual outputs before
                //using these ways
                m_tagtransform->filter_way_tags(xtags2[i], &polygon, &roads,
                                                *m_export_list.get(), xtags[i]);
                //TODO: if the filter says that this member is now not interesting we
                //should decrement the count and remove his nodes and tags etc. for
                //now we'll just keep him with no tags so he will get filtered later
                xrole[i] = &members[j].role;

    /* At some point we might want to consider storing the retrieved data in the members, rather than as separate arrays */
    pgsql_out_relation(id, outtags, xnodes, xtags, xid, xrole, pending);

    return 0;
int output_multi_t::process_relation(osmid_t id, const memberlist_t &members,
                                     const taglist_t &tags, bool exists, bool pending) {
    //if it may exist already, delete it first

    //does this relation have anything interesting to us
    taglist_t rel_outtags;
    unsigned filter = m_tagtransform->filter_rel_tags(tags, *m_export_list.get(),
                                                      rel_outtags, true);
    if (!filter) {
        //TODO: move this into geometry processor, figure a way to come back for tag transform
        //grab ways/nodes of the members in the relation, bail if none were used
        if(m_relation_helper.set(&members, (middle_t*)m_mid) < 1)
            return 0;

        //filter the tags on each member because we got them from the middle
        //and since the middle is no longer tied to the output it no longer
        //shares any kind of tag transform and therefore has all original tags
        //so we filter here because each individual outputs cares about different tags
        int polygon, roads;
        multitaglist_t filtered(m_relation_helper.tags.size(), taglist_t());
        for(size_t i = 0; i < m_relation_helper.tags.size(); ++i)
            m_tagtransform->filter_way_tags(m_relation_helper.tags[i], &polygon,
                                            &roads, *m_export_list.get(), filtered[i]);
            //TODO: if the filter says that this member is now not interesting we
            //should decrement the count and remove his nodes and tags etc. for
            //now we'll just keep him with no tags so he will get filtered later

        //do the members of this relation have anything interesting to us
        //NOTE: make_polygon is preset here this is to force the tag matching/superseeded stuff
        //normally this wouldnt work but we tell the tag transform to allow typeless relations
        //this is needed because the type can get stripped off by the rel_tag filter above
        //if the export list did not include the type tag.
        //TODO: find a less hacky way to do the matching/superseeded and tag copying stuff without
        //all this trickery
        int make_boundary, make_polygon = 1;
        taglist_t outtags;
        filter = m_tagtransform->filter_rel_member_tags(rel_outtags, filtered, m_relation_helper.roles,
                                                        &make_boundary, &make_polygon, &roads,
                                                        *m_export_list.get(), outtags, true);
        if (!filter)
            geometry_builder::maybe_wkts_t wkts = m_processor->process_relation(m_relation_helper.nodes);
            if (wkts) {
                for(geometry_builder::wkt_itr wkt = wkts->begin(); wkt != wkts->end(); ++wkt)
                    //TODO: we actually have the nodes in the m_relation_helper and could use them
                    //instead of having to reparse the wkt in the expiry code
                    m_expire->from_wkt(wkt->geom.c_str(), -id);
                    //what part of the code relies on relation members getting negative ids?
                    copy_to_table(-id, wkt->geom.c_str(), outtags);

            //TODO: should this loop be inside the if above just in case?
            //take a look at each member to see if its superseeded (tags on it matched the tags on the relation)
            for(size_t i = 0; i < m_relation_helper.ways.size(); ++i) {
                //tags matched so we are keeping this one with this relation
                if (m_relation_helper.superseeded[i]) {
                    //just in case it wasnt previously with this relation we get rid of them
                    //the other option is that we marked them pending in the way processing so here we mark them
                    //done so when we go back over the pendings we can just skip it because its in the done list
                    //TODO: dont do this when working with pending relations to avoid thread races
    return 0;