void CLocalPlayerComponent::StartFreeFallDeath()
	m_bIsInFreeFallDeath = true;

	Vec3 currentLook = m_rPlayer.GetEntity()->GetWorldTM().GetColumn1();

	currentLook.z = tan_tpl(DEG2RAD(g_pGameCVars->pl_freeFallDeath_cameraAngle));

	m_freeFallLookTarget = currentLook;
Beispiel #2
void CIronSight::UpdateDepthOfField(CActor *pActor, float frameTime, float t)
		CPlayer *pPlayer = static_cast<CPlayer *>(pActor);

		if(IMovementController *pMV = pActor->GetMovementController())
			SMovementState ms;
			Vec3 start = ms.eyePosition;
			Vec3 dir = ms.eyeDirection;
			static ray_hit hit;

			IPhysicalEntity *pSkipEntities[10];
			int nSkip = CSingle::GetSkipEntities(m_pWeapon, pSkipEntities, 10);
			// jitter the direction (non-uniform disk sampling ... we want to bias the center in this case)
			f32 cosTheta, sinTheta;
			f32 theta = Random() * gf_PI2;
			f32 spreadAngle = DEG2RAD(g_pGameCVars->g_dof_sampleAngle)/2.0f;
			f32 scale = tan_tpl(spreadAngle);
			f32 radiusSqrt = scale * Random();
			sincos_tpl(theta, &cosTheta, &sinTheta);
			f32 x = radiusSqrt * cosTheta;
			f32 y = radiusSqrt * sinTheta;

			Matrix33 viewRotation(pPlayer->GetViewQuatFinal());

			Vec3 xOff = x * viewRotation.GetColumn0();
			Vec3 yOff = y * viewRotation.GetColumn2();

			// jitter
				dir += xOff + yOff;

			const float maxRelaxSpeed = 1.0f;

			f32 delta;

			if(gEnv->pPhysicalWorld->RayWorldIntersection(start, 1000.0f*dir, ent_all,
					rwi_pierceability(10)|rwi_ignore_back_faces, &hit, 1, pSkipEntities, nSkip))
				delta = g_pGameCVars->g_dof_minHitScale*hit.dist - m_minDoF;
				Limit(delta, -g_pGameCVars->g_dof_minAdjustSpeed, g_pGameCVars->g_dof_minAdjustSpeed);
				//delta *= fabs(delta/minAdjustSpeed);
				m_minDoF += delta * frameTime;

				delta = g_pGameCVars->g_dof_maxHitScale*hit.dist - m_maxDoF;
				Limit(delta, -g_pGameCVars->g_dof_maxAdjustSpeed, g_pGameCVars->g_dof_maxAdjustSpeed);
				//delta *= fabs(delta/maxAdjustSpeed);
				m_maxDoF += delta * frameTime;

			if(m_maxDoF - g_pGameCVars->g_dof_distAppart < m_minDoF)
				m_maxDoF = m_minDoF + g_pGameCVars->g_dof_distAppart;
				// relax max to min
				delta = m_minDoF - m_maxDoF;
				Limit(delta, -maxRelaxSpeed, maxRelaxSpeed);
				//delta *= fabs(delta/maxRelaxSpeed);
				m_maxDoF += delta * frameTime;

			// the average is relaxed to the center between min and max
			m_averageDoF = (m_maxDoF - m_minDoF)/2.0f;
			Limit(delta, -g_pGameCVars->g_dof_averageAdjustSpeed, g_pGameCVars->g_dof_averageAdjustSpeed);
			//delta *= fabs(delta/averageAdjustSpeed);
			m_averageDoF += delta * frameTime;