Beispiel #1
QString KFileItem::getStatusBarInfo() const
    QString text = d->m_strText;
    const QString comment = mimeComment();

    if ( d->m_bLink )
        text += ' ';
        if ( comment.isEmpty() )
            text += i18n ( "(Symbolic Link to %1)", linkDest() );
            text += i18n("(%1, Link to %2)", comment, linkDest());
    else if ( targetUrl() != url() )
        text += i18n ( " (Points to %1)", targetUrl().pathOrUrl());
    else if ( S_ISREG( d->m_fileMode ) )
        text += QString(" (%1, %2)").arg( comment, KIO::convertSize( size() ) );
        text += QString(" (%1)").arg( comment );
    return text;
TEST(MixedContentCheckerTest, IsMixedContent)
    struct TestCase {
        const char* origin;
        const char* target;
        bool expectation;
    } cases[] = {
        {"", "", false},
        {"", "", false},
        {"", "", false},
        {"", "wss://", false},
        {"", "", true},
        {"", "", true},
        {"", "ws://", true},
        {"", "ws://", true},

    for (size_t i = 0; i < ARRAYSIZE_UNSAFE(cases); ++i) {
        const char* origin = cases[i].origin;
        const char* target = cases[i].target;
        bool expectation = cases[i].expectation;

        KURL originUrl(KURL(), origin);
        RefPtr<SecurityOrigin> securityOrigin(SecurityOrigin::create(originUrl));
        KURL targetUrl(KURL(), target);
        EXPECT_EQ(expectation, MixedContentChecker::isMixedContent(securityOrigin.get(), targetUrl)) << "Origin: " << origin << ", Target: " << target << ", Expectation: " << expectation;
TEST(MixedContentCheckerTest, IsMixedContent)
    struct TestCase {
        const char* origin;
        const char* target;
        bool expectation;
    } cases[] = {
        {"", "", false},
        {"", "", false},
        {"", "data:text/html,<p>Hi!</p>", false},
        {"", "about:blank", false},
        {"", "", false},
        {"", "wss://", false},
        {"", "data:text/html,<p>Hi!</p>", false},
        {"", "", false},
        {"", "http://[::1]/", false},

        {"", "", true},
        {"", "", true},
        {"", "ws://", true},
        {"", "ws://", true},
        {"", "", true},
        {"", "http://localhost/", true},

    for (const auto& test : cases) {
        SCOPED_TRACE(::testing::Message() << "Origin: " << test.origin << ", Target: " << << ", Expectation: " << test.expectation);
        KURL originUrl(KURL(), test.origin);
        RefPtr<SecurityOrigin> securityOrigin(SecurityOrigin::create(originUrl));
        KURL targetUrl(KURL(),;
        EXPECT_EQ(test.expectation, MixedContentChecker::isMixedContent(securityOrigin.get(), targetUrl));
Beispiel #4
void KFileItem::run( QWidget* parentWidget ) const
    (void) new KRun( targetUrl(), parentWidget, d->m_fileMode, d->m_bIsLocalUrl );