Beispiel #1
    SPDesktop *desktop = SP_ACTIVE_DESKTOP;
    if (!desktop)

    Inkscape::Selection *selection = sp_desktop_selection(desktop);

    SPItem *text = text_or_flowtext_in_selection(selection);
    SPItem *shape = shape_in_selection(selection);

    Inkscape::XML::Document *xml_doc = sp_document_repr_doc(desktop->doc());

    if (!text || !shape || g_slist_length((GSList *) selection->itemList()) != 2) {
        sp_desktop_message_stack(desktop)->flash(Inkscape::WARNING_MESSAGE, _("Select <b>a text and a path</b> to put text on path."));

    if (SP_IS_TEXT_TEXTPATH(text)) {
        sp_desktop_message_stack(desktop)->flash(Inkscape::ERROR_MESSAGE, _("This text object is <b>already put on a path</b>. Remove it from the path first. Use <b>Shift+D</b> to look up its path."));

    if (SP_IS_RECT(shape)) {
        // rect is the only SPShape which is not <path> yet, and thus SVG forbids us from putting text on it
        sp_desktop_message_stack(desktop)->flash(Inkscape::ERROR_MESSAGE, _("You cannot put text on a rectangle in this version. Convert rectangle to path first."));

    // if a flowed text is selected, convert it to a regular text object
    if (SP_IS_FLOWTEXT(text)) {

        if (!SP_FLOWTEXT(text)->layout.outputExists()) {
                      _("The flowed text(s) must be <b>visible</b> in order to be put on a path."));

        Inkscape::XML::Node *repr = SP_FLOWTEXT(text)->getAsText();

        if (!repr) return;

        Inkscape::XML::Node *parent = SP_OBJECT_REPR(text)->parent();

        SPItem *new_item = (SPItem *) sp_desktop_document(desktop)->getObjectByRepr(repr);
        sp_item_write_transform(new_item, repr, text->transform);

        text->deleteObject(); // delete the orignal flowtext



        text = new_item; // point to the new text

    Inkscape::Text::Layout const *layout = te_get_layout(text);
    Inkscape::Text::Layout::Alignment text_alignment = layout->paragraphAlignment(layout->begin());

    // remove transform from text, but recursively scale text's fontsize by the expansion
    SP_TEXT(text)->_adjustFontsizeRecursive (text, NR::expansion(SP_ITEM(text)->transform));
    SP_OBJECT_REPR(text)->setAttribute("transform", NULL);

    // make a list of text children
    GSList *text_reprs = NULL;
    for (SPObject *o = SP_OBJECT(text)->children; o != NULL; o = o->next) {
        text_reprs = g_slist_prepend(text_reprs, SP_OBJECT_REPR(o));

    // create textPath and put it into the text
    Inkscape::XML::Node *textpath = xml_doc->createElement("svg:textPath");
    // reference the shape
    textpath->setAttribute("xlink:href", g_strdup_printf("#%s", SP_OBJECT_REPR(shape)->attribute("id")));
    if (text_alignment == Inkscape::Text::Layout::RIGHT)
        textpath->setAttribute("startOffset", "100%");
    else if (text_alignment == Inkscape::Text::Layout::CENTER)
        textpath->setAttribute("startOffset", "50%");
    SP_OBJECT_REPR(text)->addChild(textpath, NULL);

    for ( GSList *i = text_reprs ; i ; i = i->next ) {
        // Make a copy of each text child
        Inkscape::XML::Node *copy = ((Inkscape::XML::Node *) i->data)->duplicate(xml_doc);
        // We cannot have multiline in textpath, so remove line attrs from tspans
        if (!strcmp(copy->name(), "svg:tspan")) {
            copy->setAttribute("sodipodi:role", NULL);
            copy->setAttribute("x", NULL);
            copy->setAttribute("y", NULL);
        // remove the old repr from under text
        SP_OBJECT_REPR(text)->removeChild((Inkscape::XML::Node *) i->data);
        // put its copy into under textPath
        textpath->addChild(copy, NULL); // fixme: copy id

    // x/y are useless with textpath, and confuse Batik 1.5
    SP_OBJECT_REPR(text)->setAttribute("x", NULL);
    SP_OBJECT_REPR(text)->setAttribute("y", NULL);

    sp_document_done(sp_desktop_document(desktop), SP_VERB_CONTEXT_TEXT, 
                     _("Put text on path"));
Beispiel #2
    SPDesktop *desktop = SP_ACTIVE_DESKTOP;
    if (!desktop)

    SPDocument *doc = sp_desktop_document (desktop);
    Inkscape::XML::Document *xml_doc = sp_document_repr_doc(doc);

    Inkscape::Selection *selection = sp_desktop_selection(desktop);

    SPItem *text = text_or_flowtext_in_selection(selection);
    SPItem *shape = shape_in_selection(selection);

    if (!text || !shape || g_slist_length((GSList *) selection->itemList()) < 2) {
        sp_desktop_message_stack(desktop)->flash(Inkscape::WARNING_MESSAGE, _("Select <b>a text</b> and one or more <b>paths or shapes</b> to flow text into frame."));

    if (SP_IS_TEXT(text)) {
      // remove transform from text, but recursively scale text's fontsize by the expansion
      SP_TEXT(text)->_adjustFontsizeRecursive(text, NR::expansion(SP_ITEM(text)->transform));
      SP_OBJECT_REPR(text)->setAttribute("transform", NULL);

    Inkscape::XML::Node *root_repr = xml_doc->createElement("svg:flowRoot");
    root_repr->setAttribute("xml:space", "preserve"); // we preserve spaces in the text objects we create
    root_repr->setAttribute("style", SP_OBJECT_REPR(text)->attribute("style")); // fixme: transfer style attrs too
    SPObject *root_object = doc->getObjectByRepr(root_repr);

    Inkscape::XML::Node *region_repr = xml_doc->createElement("svg:flowRegion");
    SPObject *object = doc->getObjectByRepr(region_repr);

    /* Add clones */
    for (GSList *items = (GSList *) selection->itemList();
         items != NULL;
         items = items->next) {
        SPItem *item = SP_ITEM(items->data);
        if (SP_IS_SHAPE(item)){
            Inkscape::XML::Node *clone = xml_doc->createElement("svg:use");
            clone->setAttribute("x", "0");
            clone->setAttribute("y", "0");
            clone->setAttribute("xlink:href", g_strdup_printf("#%s", SP_OBJECT_REPR(item)->attribute("id")));

            // add the new clone to the region

    if (SP_IS_TEXT(text)) { // flow from text, as string
        Inkscape::XML::Node *para_repr = xml_doc->createElement("svg:flowPara");
        object = doc->getObjectByRepr(para_repr);

        Inkscape::Text::Layout const *layout = te_get_layout(text);
        Glib::ustring text_ustring = sp_te_get_string_multiline(text, layout->begin(), layout->end());

        Inkscape::XML::Node *text_repr = xml_doc->createTextNode(text_ustring.c_str()); // FIXME: transfer all formatting! and convert newlines into flowParas!


    } else { // reflow an already flowed text, preserving paras
        for (SPObject *o = SP_OBJECT(text)->children; o != NULL; o = o->next) {
            if (SP_IS_FLOWPARA(o)) {
                Inkscape::XML::Node *para_repr = SP_OBJECT_REPR(o)->duplicate(xml_doc);
                object = doc->getObjectByRepr(para_repr);

    SP_OBJECT(text)->deleteObject (true);

    sp_document_done(doc, SP_VERB_CONTEXT_TEXT,
                     _("Flow text into shape"));


Beispiel #3
/// @todo investigate why Geom::Point p is passed in but ignored.
void Inkscape::ObjectSnapper::_collectPaths(Geom::Point /*p*/,
                                         SnapSourceType const source_type,
                                         bool const &first_point) const
    // Now, let's first collect all paths to snap to. If we have a whole bunch of points to snap,
    // e.g. when translating an item using the selector tool, then we will only do this for the
    // first point and store the collection for later use. This significantly improves the performance
    if (first_point) {

        // Determine the type of bounding box we should snap to
        SPItem::BBoxType bbox_type = SPItem::GEOMETRIC_BBOX;

        bool p_is_a_node = source_type & SNAPSOURCE_NODE_CATEGORY;
        bool p_is_a_bbox = source_type & SNAPSOURCE_BBOX_CATEGORY;
        bool p_is_other = (source_type & SNAPSOURCE_OTHERS_CATEGORY) || (source_type & SNAPSOURCE_DATUMS_CATEGORY);

        if (_snapmanager->snapprefs.isTargetSnappable(SNAPTARGET_BBOX_EDGE)) {
            Preferences *prefs = Preferences::get();
            int prefs_bbox = prefs->getBool("/tools/bounding_box", 0);
            bbox_type = !prefs_bbox ?
                SPItem::VISUAL_BBOX : SPItem::GEOMETRIC_BBOX;

        // Consider the page border for snapping
        if (_snapmanager->snapprefs.isTargetSnappable(SNAPTARGET_PAGE_BORDER) && _snapmanager->snapprefs.isAnyCategorySnappable()) {
            Geom::PathVector *border_path = _getBorderPathv();
            if (border_path != NULL) {
                _paths_to_snap_to->push_back(SnapCandidatePath(border_path, SNAPTARGET_PAGE_BORDER, Geom::OptRect()));

        for (std::vector<SnapCandidateItem>::const_iterator i = _candidates->begin(); i != _candidates->end(); ++i) {

            /* Transform the requested snap point to this item's coordinates */
            Geom::Affine i2doc(Geom::identity());
            SPItem *root_item = NULL;
            /* We might have a clone at hand, so make sure we get the root item */
            if (SP_IS_USE((*i).item)) {
                i2doc = SP_USE((*i).item)->get_root_transform();
                root_item = SP_USE((*i).item)->root();
            } else {
                i2doc = (*i).item->i2doc_affine();
                root_item = (*i).item;

            //Build a list of all paths considered for snapping to

            //Add the item's path to snap to
            if (_snapmanager->snapprefs.isTargetSnappable(SNAPTARGET_PATH, SNAPTARGET_PATH_INTERSECTION, SNAPTARGET_TEXT_BASELINE)) {
                if (p_is_other || p_is_a_node || (!_snapmanager->snapprefs.getStrictSnapping() && p_is_a_bbox)) {
                    if (SP_IS_TEXT(root_item) || SP_IS_FLOWTEXT(root_item)) {
                        if (_snapmanager->snapprefs.isTargetSnappable(SNAPTARGET_TEXT_BASELINE)) {
                            // Snap to the text baseline
                            Text::Layout const *layout = te_get_layout(static_cast<SPItem *>(root_item));
                            if (layout != NULL && layout->outputExists()) {
                                Geom::PathVector *pv = new Geom::PathVector();
                                pv->push_back(layout->baseline() * root_item->i2dt_affine() * (*i).additional_affine * _snapmanager->getDesktop()->doc2dt());
                                _paths_to_snap_to->push_back(SnapCandidatePath(pv, SNAPTARGET_TEXT_BASELINE, Geom::OptRect()));
                    } else {
                        // Snapping for example to a traced bitmap is very stressing for
                        // the CPU, so we'll only snap to paths having no more than 500 nodes
                        // This also leads to a lag of approx. 500 msec (in my lousy test set-up).
                        bool very_complex_path = false;
                        if (SP_IS_PATH(root_item)) {
                            very_complex_path = SP_PATH(root_item)->nodesInPath() > 500;

                        if (!very_complex_path && root_item && _snapmanager->snapprefs.isTargetSnappable(SNAPTARGET_PATH, SNAPTARGET_PATH_INTERSECTION)) {
                            SPCurve *curve = NULL;
                            if (SP_IS_SHAPE(root_item)) {
                               curve = SP_SHAPE(root_item)->getCurve();
                            }/* else if (SP_IS_TEXT(root_item) || SP_IS_FLOWTEXT(root_item)) {
                               curve = te_get_layout(root_item)->convertToCurves();
                            if (curve) {
                                // We will get our own copy of the pathvector, which must be freed at some point

                                // Geom::PathVector *pv = pathvector_for_curve(root_item, curve, true, true, Geom::identity(), (*i).additional_affine);

                                Geom::PathVector *pv = new Geom::PathVector(curve->get_pathvector());
                                (*pv) *= root_item->i2dt_affine() * (*i).additional_affine * _snapmanager->getDesktop()->doc2dt(); // (_edit_transform * _i2d_transform);

                                _paths_to_snap_to->push_back(SnapCandidatePath(pv, SNAPTARGET_PATH, Geom::OptRect())); // Perhaps for speed, get a reference to the Geom::pathvector, and store the transformation besides it.

            //Add the item's bounding box to snap to
            if (_snapmanager->snapprefs.isTargetSnappable(SNAPTARGET_BBOX_EDGE)) {
                if (p_is_other || p_is_a_bbox || (!_snapmanager->snapprefs.getStrictSnapping() && p_is_a_node)) {
                    // Discard the bbox of a clipped path / mask, because we don't want to snap to both the bbox
                    // of the item AND the bbox of the clipping path at the same time
                    if (!(*i).clip_or_mask) {
                        Geom::OptRect rect = root_item->bounds(bbox_type, i2doc);
                        if (rect) {
                            Geom::PathVector *path = _getPathvFromRect(*rect);
                            rect = root_item->desktopBounds(bbox_type);
                            _paths_to_snap_to->push_back(SnapCandidatePath(path, SNAPTARGET_BBOX_EDGE, rect));
 * Find all the fonts that are in the document but not available on the users system
 * and have been substituted for other fonts
 * Return a list of SPItems where fonts have been substituted.
 * Walk thru all the objects ...
 * a. Build up a list of the objects with fonts defined in the style attribute
 * b. Build up a list of the objects rendered fonts - taken for the objects layout/spans
 * If there are fonts in a. that are not in b. then those fonts have been substituted.
GSList * FontSubstitution::getFontReplacedItems(SPDocument* doc, Glib::ustring *out)
    SPDesktop *desktop = SP_ACTIVE_DESKTOP;
    GSList *allList = NULL;
    GSList *outList = NULL;
    std::set<Glib::ustring> setErrors;
    std::set<Glib::ustring> setFontSpans;
    std::map<SPItem *, Glib::ustring> mapFontStyles;

    allList = get_all_items(NULL, doc->getRoot(), desktop, false, false, true, NULL);

    for (GSList *i = allList; i != NULL; i = i->next) {

        SPItem *item = SP_ITEM(i->data);
        SPStyle *style = item->style;
        Glib::ustring family = "";

        if (is_top_level_text_object (item)) {
            // Should only need to check the first span, since the others should be covered by TSPAN's etc
            family = te_get_layout(item)->getFontFamily(0);
        else if (SP_IS_TEXTPATH(item)) {
            SPTextPath const *textpath = SP_TEXTPATH(item);
            if (textpath->originalPath != NULL) {
                family = SP_TEXT(item->parent)->layout.getFontFamily(0);
        else if (SP_IS_TSPAN(item) || SP_IS_FLOWTSPAN(item)) {
            // is_part_of_text_subtree (item)
             // TSPAN layout comes from the parent->layout->_spans
             SPObject *parent_text = item;
             while (parent_text && !SP_IS_TEXT(parent_text)) {
                 parent_text = parent_text->parent;
             if (parent_text != NULL) {
                 family = SP_TEXT(parent_text)->layout.getFontFamily(0);
                 // Add all the spans fonts to the set
                 gint ii = 0;
                 for (SPObject *child = parent_text->firstChild() ; child ; child = child->getNext() ) {
                     family = SP_TEXT(parent_text)->layout.getFontFamily(ii);

        if (style) {
            gchar const *style_font = NULL;
            if (style->font_family.set)
                style_font = style->font_family.value;
            else if (style->font_specification.set)
                style_font = style->font_specification.value;
            else if (style->font_family.value)
                style_font = style->font_family.value;
            else if (style->font_specification.value)
                style_font = style->font_specification.value;

            if (style_font) {
                if (has_visible_text(item)) {
                    mapFontStyles.insert(std::make_pair (item, style_font));

    // Check if any document styles are not in the actual layout
    std::map<SPItem *, Glib::ustring>::const_iterator mapIter;
    for (mapIter = mapFontStyles.begin(); mapIter != mapFontStyles.end(); ++mapIter) {
        SPItem *item = mapIter->first;
        Glib::ustring fonts = mapIter->second;

        // CSS font fallbacks can have more that one font listed, split the font list
        std::vector<Glib::ustring> vFonts = Glib::Regex::split_simple("," , fonts);
        bool fontFound = false;
        for(size_t i=0; i<vFonts.size(); i++) {
            Glib::ustring font = vFonts[i];
            // trim whitespace
            size_t startpos = font.find_first_not_of(" \n\r\t");
            size_t endpos = font.find_last_not_of(" \n\r\t");
            if(( std::string::npos == startpos ) || ( std::string::npos == endpos)) {
                continue; // empty font name
            font = font.substr( startpos, endpos-startpos+1 );
            std::set<Glib::ustring>::const_iterator iter = setFontSpans.find(font);
            if (iter != setFontSpans.end() ||
                    font == Glib::ustring("sans-serif") ||
                    font == Glib::ustring("Sans") ||
                    font == Glib::ustring("serif") ||
                    font == Glib::ustring("Serif") ||
                    font == Glib::ustring("monospace") ||
                    font == Glib::ustring("Monospace")) {
                fontFound = true;
        if (fontFound == false) {
            Glib::ustring subName = getSubstituteFontName(fonts);
            Glib::ustring err = Glib::ustring::compose(
                    _("Font '%1' substituted with '%2'"), fonts.c_str(), subName.c_str());
            outList = g_slist_prepend (outList, item);

    std::set<Glib::ustring>::const_iterator setIter;
    for (setIter = setErrors.begin(); setIter != setErrors.end(); ++setIter) {
        Glib::ustring err = (*setIter);
        out->append(err + "\n");
        g_warning("%s", err.c_str());

    return outList;
Beispiel #5
Inkscape::XML::Node *
sp_selected_item_to_curved_repr(SPItem *item, guint32 /*text_grouping_policy*/)
    if (!item)
        return NULL;

    Inkscape::XML::Document *xml_doc = SP_OBJECT_REPR(item)->document();

    if (SP_IS_TEXT(item) || SP_IS_FLOWTEXT(item)) {
        // Special treatment for text: convert each glyph to separate path, then group the paths
        Inkscape::XML::Node *g_repr = xml_doc->createElement("svg:g");
        g_repr->setAttribute("transform", SP_OBJECT_REPR(item)->attribute("transform"));
        /* Mask */
        gchar *mask_str = (gchar *) SP_OBJECT_REPR(item)->attribute("mask");
        if ( mask_str )
            g_repr->setAttribute("mask", mask_str);
        /* Clip path */
        gchar *clip_path_str = (gchar *) SP_OBJECT_REPR(item)->attribute("clip-path");
        if ( clip_path_str )
            g_repr->setAttribute("clip-path", clip_path_str);
        /* Rotation center */
        g_repr->setAttribute("inkscape:transform-center-x", SP_OBJECT_REPR(item)->attribute("inkscape:transform-center-x"), false);
        g_repr->setAttribute("inkscape:transform-center-y", SP_OBJECT_REPR(item)->attribute("inkscape:transform-center-y"), false);
        /* Whole text's style */
        gchar *style_str = sp_style_write_difference(SP_OBJECT_STYLE(item),
        g_repr->setAttribute("style", style_str);
        Inkscape::Text::Layout::iterator iter = te_get_layout(item)->begin(); 
        do {
            Inkscape::Text::Layout::iterator iter_next = iter;
            iter_next.nextGlyph(); // iter_next is one glyph ahead from iter
            if (iter == iter_next)

            /* This glyph's style */
            SPObject const *pos_obj = 0;
            void *rawptr = 0;
            te_get_layout(item)->getSourceOfCharacter(iter, &rawptr);
            if (!rawptr || !SP_IS_OBJECT(rawptr)) // no source for glyph, abort
            pos_obj = SP_OBJECT(rawptr);
            while (SP_IS_STRING(pos_obj) && SP_OBJECT_PARENT(pos_obj)) {
               pos_obj = SP_OBJECT_PARENT(pos_obj);   // SPStrings don't have style
            gchar *style_str = sp_style_write_difference(SP_OBJECT_STYLE(pos_obj),

            // get path from iter to iter_next:
            SPCurve *curve = te_get_layout(item)->convertToCurves(iter, iter_next);
            iter = iter_next; // shift to next glyph
            if (!curve) { // error converting this glyph
                g_free (style_str);
            if (curve->is_empty()) { // whitespace glyph?
                g_free (style_str);

            Inkscape::XML::Node *p_repr = xml_doc->createElement("svg:path");

            gchar *def_str = sp_svg_write_path(curve->get_pathvector());
            p_repr->setAttribute("d", def_str);

            p_repr->setAttribute("style", style_str);


            if (iter == te_get_layout(item)->end())

        } while (true);

        return g_repr;

    SPCurve *curve = NULL;
    if (SP_IS_SHAPE(item)) {
        curve = sp_shape_get_curve(SP_SHAPE(item));

    if (!curve)
        return NULL;

    // Prevent empty paths from being added to the document
    // otherwise we end up with zomby markup in the SVG file
        return NULL;

    Inkscape::XML::Node *repr = xml_doc->createElement("svg:path");
    /* Transformation */
    repr->setAttribute("transform", SP_OBJECT_REPR(item)->attribute("transform"));
    /* Style */
    gchar *style_str = sp_style_write_difference(SP_OBJECT_STYLE(item),
    repr->setAttribute("style", style_str);

    /* Mask */
    gchar *mask_str = (gchar *) SP_OBJECT_REPR(item)->attribute("mask");
    if ( mask_str )
        repr->setAttribute("mask", mask_str);

    /* Clip path */
    gchar *clip_path_str = (gchar *) SP_OBJECT_REPR(item)->attribute("clip-path");
    if ( clip_path_str )
        repr->setAttribute("clip-path", clip_path_str);

    /* Rotation center */
    repr->setAttribute("inkscape:transform-center-x", SP_OBJECT_REPR(item)->attribute("inkscape:transform-center-x"), false);
    repr->setAttribute("inkscape:transform-center-y", SP_OBJECT_REPR(item)->attribute("inkscape:transform-center-y"), false);

    /* Definition */
    gchar *def_str = sp_svg_write_path(curve->get_pathvector());
    repr->setAttribute("d", def_str);
    return repr;