Mat ImageTransformation::cropImage(Mat originalImage, Point coordinate, Size rectSize, int offset) { cv::Mat tempImage(originalImage); cv::Rect rect = cv::Rect(coordinate.x - offset,coordinate.y - offset, rectSize.width, rectSize.height); cv::Mat croppedImage = tempImage(rect); return croppedImage; }
void ImageViewer::loadFile(const QString &fileName, const QString& extension, bool loadInfo) { fileName_ = fileName; extension_ = extension.trimmed().toLower(); clearWidgets(); if(fileName.isEmpty() || extension.isEmpty()) return; if (!QFileInfo(fileName).exists()) { setText(notFoundMessage_); return; } if (loadInfo) { if (extension_ == "mrc" || extension_ == "map" || extension_ == "mrcs") { mrcHeader header(fileName); mrcInfo->setHeader(fileName, header); widgets->setCurrentWidget(mrcInfo); } else { fileInfo->setFile(fileName); widgets->setCurrentWidget(fileInfo); } } else { QImage image; if (extension_ == "mrc") { //Check if a png preview is available if(QFileInfo(fileName+".png").exists()) { if(QFileInfo(fileName).lastModified().toMSecsSinceEpoch() <= QFileInfo(fileName+".png").lastModified().toMSecsSinceEpoch()) { image = QImage(fileName+".png"); } else { qDebug() << fileName << "had PNG, but is older, Time(MRC, PNG): " << QFileInfo(fileName).lastModified().toMSecsSinceEpoch() << QFileInfo(fileName+".png").lastModified().toMSecsSinceEpoch(); mrcImage tempImage(fileName); image = *(tempImage.getImage()); } } else { mrcImage tempImage(fileName); image = *(tempImage.getImage()); } } else { image = QImage(fileName); } if (image.isNull()) { setNotSupportedText(); return; } imageLabel->setPixmap(QPixmap::fromImage(image)); resizeWidgets(); } }
cv::Mat ThermoCam::generateBin(const cv::Mat temperature) { const unsigned short tempMin = static_cast<unsigned short>(33* 10); const unsigned short tempMax = static_cast<unsigned short>(33* 10); cv::Mat tempImage(temperature.rows, temperature.cols, CV_8UC1); for (unsigned int row = 0; row < temperature.rows; row++) { const uint16_t* dataTemperature = reinterpret_cast<const uint16_t*>(temperature.ptr(row)); unsigned char* dataTempImage = tempImage.ptr(row); for (unsigned int col = 0; col < temperature.cols; col++, dataTemperature++) { const unsigned short temp = (*dataTemperature - 1000); if (temp < tempMin) *dataTempImage++ = 0xff; else *dataTempImage++ = 0x00; } } if(tempImage.rows != _bin.rows || tempImage.cols != _bin.cols) { _bin = cv::Mat(tempImage.size(), CV_8UC1); } return(tempImage); }
bool Object::exportFrames( int frameStart, int frameEnd, Layer* currentLayer, QSize exportSize, QString filePath, const char* format, int quality, bool background, bool antialiasing, QProgressDialog* progress = NULL, int progressMax = 50 ) { QSettings settings( "Pencil", "Pencil" ); QString extension = ""; QString formatStr = format; if ( formatStr == "PNG" || formatStr == "png" ) { format = "PNG"; extension = ".png"; } if ( formatStr == "JPG" || formatStr == "jpg" || formatStr == "JPEG" || formatStr == "jpeg" ) { format = "JPG"; extension = ".jpg"; background = true; // JPG doesn't support transparency so we have to include the background } if ( filePath.endsWith( extension, Qt::CaseInsensitive ) ) { filePath.chop( extension.size() ); } //qDebug() << "format =" << format << "extension = " << extension; qDebug() << "Exporting frames from " << frameStart << "to" << frameEnd << "at size " << exportSize; for ( int currentFrame = frameStart; currentFrame <= frameEnd; currentFrame++ ) { if ( progress != NULL ) progress->setValue( ( currentFrame - frameStart )*progressMax / ( frameEnd - frameStart ) ); QImage tempImage( exportSize, QImage::Format_ARGB32_Premultiplied ); QPainter painter( &tempImage ); // Make sure that old frame is erased before exporting a new one tempImage.fill( 0x00000000 ); QRect viewRect = ( ( LayerCamera* )currentLayer )->getViewRect(); QTransform mapView = RectMapTransform( viewRect, QRectF( QPointF( 0, 0 ), exportSize ) ); mapView = ( ( LayerCamera* )currentLayer )->getViewAtFrame( currentFrame ) * mapView; painter.setWorldTransform( mapView ); paintImage( painter, currentFrame, background, antialiasing ); QString frameNumberString = QString::number( currentFrame ); while ( frameNumberString.length() < 4 ) { frameNumberString.prepend( "0" ); } filePath + frameNumberString + extension, format, quality ); } return true; }
bool Object::exportFrames(int frameStart, int frameEnd, QMatrix view, Layer* currentLayer, QSize exportSize, QString filePath, const char* format, int quality, bool background, bool antialiasing, int gradients, QProgressDialog* progress=NULL, int progressMax=50) { QSettings settings("Pencil","Pencil"); qreal curveOpacity = (100-settings.value("curveOpacity").toInt())/100.0; // default value is 1.0 QString extension = ""; QString formatStr = format; if ( formatStr == "PNG" || formatStr == "png") { format = "PNG"; extension = ".png"; } if ( formatStr == "JPG" || formatStr == "jpg" || formatStr == "JPEG" || formatStr == "jpeg") { format = "JPG"; extension = ".jpg"; background = true; // JPG doesn't support transparency so we have to include the background } if (filePath.endsWith(extension, Qt::CaseInsensitive)) { filePath.chop(extension.size()); } //qDebug() << "format =" << format << "extension = " << extension; qDebug() << "Exporting frames from " << frameStart << "to" << frameEnd << "at size " << exportSize; for(int currentFrame = frameStart; currentFrame <= frameEnd ; currentFrame++) { if ( progress != NULL ) progress->setValue((currentFrame-frameStart)*progressMax/(frameEnd-frameStart)); QImage tempImage(exportSize, QImage::Format_ARGB32_Premultiplied); QPainter painter(&tempImage); // Make sure that old frame is erased before exporting a new one tempImage.fill(0x00000000); if (currentLayer->type == Layer::CAMERA) { QRect viewRect = ((LayerCamera*)currentLayer)->getViewRect(); QMatrix mapView = Editor::map( viewRect, QRectF(QPointF(0,0), exportSize) ); mapView = ((LayerCamera*)currentLayer)->getViewAtFrame(currentFrame) * mapView; painter.setWorldMatrix(mapView); } else { painter.setWorldMatrix(view); } paintImage(painter, currentFrame, background, curveOpacity, antialiasing, gradients); QString frameNumberString = QString::number(currentFrame); while ( frameNumberString.length() < 4) frameNumberString.prepend("0");, format, quality); } // XXX no error handling done yet return true; }
void MainWindow::on_actionImport_Image_triggered() { imageFileName = QFileDialog::getOpenFileName(this, tr("Open File"),"/home/matt/Desktop",tr("Images (*.jpg *.bmp)")); if(imageFileName!="") { QPixmap tempImage(imageFileName); ui->label->loadImage(tempImage); } }
void HalfwayImage::paintEvent(QPaintEvent *event) { if(!_image_loaded) return; QPainter painter(this); QPixmap pixmaptoshow; if(_flag_error) pixmaptoshow=QPixmap::fromImage(_image_error.scaled(this->size(),Qt::KeepAspectRatio)); else { QImage tempImage(_image); if (!_flag_multilayer) { QPoint MouseP(_mouse_pos.x()*_image.width(),_mouse_pos.y()*_image.height()); int radius; if (_pressed) radius=_image.width()/8; else radius=_image.width()/16; QRect rect(MouseP-QPoint(radius,radius),MouseP+QPoint(radius,radius)); for(int;y<=rect.bottom();y++) for(int x=rect.left();x<=rect.right();x++) { if (tempImage.rect().contains(QPoint(x,y))&&(y-MouseP.y())*(y-MouseP.y())+(x-MouseP.x())*(x-MouseP.x())<radius*radius) { if (_pressed) tempImage.setPixel(QPoint(x,y),_imageR.pixel(QPoint(x,y))); else tempImage.setPixel(QPoint(x,y),_imageL.pixel(QPoint(x,y))); } } QPainter img_painter(&tempImage); QPen blackPen(qRgba(0, 0, 0, 255)); img_painter.setPen(blackPen); QBrush EmptyBrush(Qt::NoBrush); img_painter.setBrush(EmptyBrush); img_painter.drawEllipse(MouseP,radius,radius); } pixmaptoshow=QPixmap::fromImage(tempImage.scaled(this->size(),Qt::KeepAspectRatio)); } painter.drawPixmap(0,0, pixmaptoshow); _real_size=pixmaptoshow.size(); }
void PreviewColorPickerTool::CalcCorrectionForImage(unsigned int i,vigra::Point2D pos) { const HuginBase::SrcPanoImage & img = helper->GetPanoramaPtr()->getImage(i); HuginBase::ImageCache::ImageCacheRGB8Ptr cacheImage8 = HuginBase::ImageCache::getInstance().getImage(img.getFilename())->get8BitImage(); //copy only region to be inspected vigra::BRGBImage tempImage(2*ColorPickerSize,2*ColorPickerSize); vigra::copyImage(vigra::make_triple((*cacheImage8).upperLeft() + pos + vigra::Point2D(-ColorPickerSize,-ColorPickerSize), (*cacheImage8).upperLeft() + pos + vigra::Point2D( ColorPickerSize, ColorPickerSize), vigra::BRGBImage::Accessor()), destImage(tempImage) ); //now apply photometric corrections HuginBase::Photometric::InvResponseTransform<vigra::UInt8, double> invResponse(img); if (helper->GetPanoramaPtr()->getOptions().outputMode == HuginBase::PanoramaOptions::OUTPUT_LDR) { // select exposure and response curve for LDR output std::vector<double> outLut; vigra_ext::EMoR::createEMoRLUT(helper->GetPanoramaPtr()->getImage(0).getEMoRParams(), outLut); vigra_ext::enforceMonotonicity(outLut); invResponse.setOutput(1.0/pow(2.0,helper->GetPanoramaPtr()->getOptions().outputExposureValue), outLut, 255.0); } else { invResponse.setHDROutput(true,1.0/pow(2.0,helper->GetPanoramaPtr()->getOptions().outputExposureValue)); } vigra::DRGBImage floatTemp(tempImage.size()); vigra_ext::transformImageSpatial(srcImageRange(tempImage), destImage(floatTemp), invResponse, vigra::Diff2D(pos.x-ColorPickerSize,pos.y-ColorPickerSize)); //calculate average vigra::FindAverage<vigra::DRGBImage::PixelType> average; vigra::inspectImage(srcImageRange(floatTemp), average); //range check vigra::RGBValue<double> RGBaverage=average.average(); if(RGBaverage[0]>2 && RGBaverage[0]<253 && RGBaverage[1]>2 && RGBaverage[1]<253 && RGBaverage[2]>2 && RGBaverage[2]<253) { m_red+=RGBaverage[0]/RGBaverage[1]; m_blue+=RGBaverage[2]/RGBaverage[1]; m_count++; }; };
// ImageLayerNode ImageLayerNode::ImageLayerNode(QQuickWindow *window, const QString file, bool mirroredType) { QImage image(file); // NOTE this is a workaround to get the mirrored effect at the end of the image // ideally, do it using the shader program if (mirroredType) { QImage tempImage(image.width() * 2, image.height(), QImage::Format_ARGB32); QPainter p(&tempImage); p.drawImage(0, 0, image); p.drawImage(image.width(), 0, image.mirrored(true, false)); p.end(); image = tempImage; } QSGTexture *texture = window->createTextureFromImage(image); texture->setHorizontalWrapMode(QSGTexture::Repeat); texture->setVerticalWrapMode(QSGTexture::Repeat); texture->setFiltering(QSGTexture::Linear); m_width = texture->textureSize().width(); m_height = texture->textureSize().height(); QSGSimpleMaterial<ImageLayerState> *m = ImageLayerShader::createMaterial(); m->state()->texture = texture; setMaterial(m); setFlag(OwnsMaterial, true); updateXPos(0); updateYPos(0); QSGGeometry *g = new QSGGeometry(QSGGeometry::defaultAttributes_TexturedPoint2D(), 4); QSGGeometry::updateTexturedRectGeometry(g, QRect(), QRect()); setGeometry(g); setFlag(OwnsGeometry, true); }
void Ffmpeg::createIntermediateImage(const TImageP &img, int frameIndex) { m_frameCount++; if (m_frameNumberOffset == -1) m_frameNumberOffset = frameIndex - 1; QString tempPath = getFfmpegCache().getQString() + "//" + QString::fromStdString(m_path.getName()) + "tempOut" + QString::number(frameIndex - m_frameNumberOffset) + "." + m_intermediateFormat; std::string saveStatus = ""; TRasterImageP tempImage(img); TRasterImage *image = (TRasterImage *)tempImage->cloneImage(); m_lx = image->getRaster()->getLx(); m_ly = image->getRaster()->getLy(); m_bpp = image->getRaster()->getPixelSize(); int totalBytes = m_lx * m_ly * m_bpp; image->getRaster()->yMirror(); // lock raster to get data image->getRaster()->lock(); void *buffin = image->getRaster()->getRawData(); assert(buffin); void *buffer = malloc(totalBytes); memcpy(buffer, buffin, totalBytes); image->getRaster()->unlock(); // create QImage save format QByteArray ba = m_intermediateFormat.toUpper().toLatin1(); const char *format =; QImage *qi = new QImage((uint8_t *)buffer, m_lx, m_ly, QImage::Format_ARGB32); qi->save(tempPath, format, -1); free(buffer); m_cleanUpList.push_back(tempPath); delete qi; delete image; }
void NineSlicesPainter::LoadImage(const wxString& filePath, bool forceAlpha) { filePath_ = filePath; wxDELETE(sourceBitmap_); sourceBitmap_ = new wxBitmap(filePath_, wxBITMAP_TYPE_PNG); if (!sourceBitmap_->HasAlpha() && forceAlpha) { // @hack: the bitmap MUST have an alpha channel // See ImageButton::LoadImage wxImage tempImage(filePath_, wxBITMAP_TYPE_PNG); if (tempImage.GetWidth() > 0 && tempImage.GetHeight() > 0) { tempImage.InitAlpha(); unsigned char pixelAlpha = tempImage.GetAlpha(0, 0); if (pixelAlpha == 0) { pixelAlpha = 1; } else if (pixelAlpha == 255) { pixelAlpha = 254; } wxDELETE(sourceBitmap_); sourceBitmap_ = new wxBitmap(tempImage); } } }
void imageCallback(const sensor_msgs::ImageConstPtr & msg){ #ifdef PRINT_ROS_INFO ROS_INFO("Got image message."); #endif // get the compressed image, and convert it to Opencv format. cv::Mat img; try{ img = cv_bridge::toCvShare(msg, "bgr8")->image; } catch(cv_bridge::Exception & e){ ROS_ERROR("Could not convert from '%s' to 'bgr8'.", msg->encoding.c_str()); } #ifdef PRINT_ROS_INFO ROS_INFO("Converting image done."); #endif //std::cout << "image size = ( " << img.rows << " X " << img.cols << " )." << std::endl; //printf("image data address 0x%x\n",; if( startTracking ){ trackerMutex.lock(); #ifdef PRINT_ROS_INFO ROS_INFO("Tracker: Reading Frame ... "); #endif // update the tracking status, and draw the result. tracker->readFrame(img); #ifdef PRINT_ROS_INFO ROS_INFO("Tracker: Updating status ... "); #endif tracker->updateTrackerStatus(); #ifdef PRINT_ROS_INFO ROS_INFO("Tracker: status updated ... "); ROS_INFO("Tracker: drawing ... "); #endif cv::Mat temp; img.copyTo(temp); tracker->drawTrackers(temp); #ifdef PRINT_ROS_INFO ROS_INFO("Tracker: Publishing ... "); #endif // republish this image. sensor_msgs::ImagePtr msg = cv_bridge::CvImage(std_msgs::Header(), "bgr8", temp).toImageMsg(); pub.publish(msg); // publish to topic -- object_location cv::Point2i location = tracker->getWeightedAverageLocation(); std::stringstream locationStrStream; int currentNum = tracker->getSampleNum(); int numWithHigConfidence = tracker->getNumOfSamplesHasProbLargerThan(PROB_THRESHOD); float highConfidenceSampleRatio; if( currentNum <= 0){ highConfidenceSampleRatio = 0; }else{ highConfidenceSampleRatio = numWithHigConfidence * 1.0f / currentNum; } std::cout << "High confidence sample ratio = " << highConfidenceSampleRatio << std::endl; if( location.x < 0 || location.y < 0 || highConfidenceSampleRatio <= HIGH_CONFID_NUM_RATIO_THRESHOLD ){ //locationStrStream << "object_x " << "0" << " , " << "object_y " << "0" << " , "; locationStrStream << "object_x " << img.cols /2 << ", " << "object_y " << img.rows / 2 << ", "; // make offsets to the samples: ROS_INFO("Tracker offset!"); if( lastMovementDirection == TRACKER_UP) tracker->offsetTracker(TRACKER_DOWN); else if( lastMovementDirection == TRACKER_DOWN) tracker->offsetTracker(TRACKER_UP); else if( lastMovementDirection == TRACKER_LEFT) tracker->offsetTracker(TRACKER_RIGHT); else if( lastMovementDirection == TRACKER_RIGHT) tracker->offsetTracker(TRACKER_LEFT); }else{ // "x 10, y 10, width 360, height 640" locationStrStream << "object_x " << location.x << ", " << "object_y " << location.y << ", "; lastMovementDirection = -1; } locationStrStream << "width " << img.cols << ", " << "height " << img.rows << ", "; locationStrStream << "direction follow" ; std_msgs::String locationMsg; = locationStrStream.str(); location_pub.publish(locationMsg); // release the lock trackerMutex.unlock(); } else if (! objectSpecified ) { // show the image and let the user specify the inital result. //std::cout << img.rows << "," << img.cols << std::endl; cv::Mat tempImage(img.rows, img.cols, img.type()); img.copyTo(tempImage); if( trackerMaxSize < 0){ trackerMaxSize = MIN(img.rows, img.cols) - 1; } ROS_INFO("Drawing tracker ... "); cv::rectangle(tempImage, cv::Rect(tempImage.cols / 2 - trackerSize / 2, tempImage.rows / 2 - trackerSize / 2, trackerSize, trackerSize), cv::Scalar(0,0,255)); // republish this image. sensor_msgs::ImagePtr msg = cv_bridge::CvImage(std_msgs::Header(), "bgr8", tempImage).toImageMsg(); pub.publish(msg); } else{ trackerMutex.lock(); // haven't started tracking, but the initial object is specified. // create a tracker; if( tracker != NULL) delete tracker; tracker = new Tracker2D(); tracker->setLimit(5 , img.cols - 5, 5 , img.rows - 5); tracker->initialize(cv::Point2f(img.cols / 2, img.rows / 2), trackerSize); // set object feature. cv::Mat objImage = img(cv::Rect(img.cols / 2 - trackerSize /2, img.rows / 2 - trackerSize /2, trackerSize, trackerSize)); tracker->setObjectFeature(objImage); ROS_INFO("Starting Tracking ... " ); startTracking = true; trackerMutex.unlock(); } }
/** * @brief * * @param imageCount * @param imageFormat * @param imageWidth * @param imageHeight */ void MemoryIOV1::attachMemory( int imageCount, PixelFormat imageFormat, uint16_t imageWidth, uint16_t imageHeight ) { if ( mMemPtr ) Fatal( "Unable to attach to shared memory, already attached" ); mImageCount = imageCount; Image tempImage( imageFormat, imageWidth, imageHeight, 0 ); Info( "Pixelformat converted from %d to %d", imageFormat, tempImage.pixelFormat() ); size_t imageSize = tempImage.size(); mMemSize = sizeof(SharedData) + sizeof(TriggerData) + (mImageCount*sizeof(struct timeval)) + (mImageCount*imageSize); Debug( 1, "mem.size=%d", mMemSize ); #if OZ_MEM_MAPPED //snprintf( mMemFile, sizeof(mMemFile), "%s/oz.mmap.%d", config.path_map, mMemoryKey ); snprintf( mMemFile, sizeof(mMemFile), "%s/oz.mmap.%d", mLocation.c_str(), mMemoryKey ); mMapFd = open( mMemFile, O_RDWR|O_CREAT, (mode_t)0600 ); if ( mMapFd < 0 ) Fatal( "Can't open memory map file %s, probably not enough space free: %s", mMemFile, strerror(errno) ); struct stat mapStat; if ( fstat( mMapFd, &mapStat ) < 0 ) Fatal( "Can't stat memory map file %s: %s", mMemFile, strerror(errno) ); if ( mapStat.st_size == 0 ) { // Allocate the size if ( ftruncate( mMapFd, mMemSize ) < 0 ) Fatal( "Can't extend memory map file %s to %d bytes: %s", mMemFile, mMemSize, strerror(errno) ); } else if ( mapStat.st_size != mMemSize ) { Error( "Got unexpected memory map file size %ld, expected %d", mapStat.st_size, mMemSize ); close( mMapFd ); if ( mOwner ) unlink( mMemFile ); } mMemPtr = (unsigned char *)mmap( NULL, mMemSize, PROT_READ|PROT_WRITE, MAP_SHARED|MAP_LOCKED, mMapFd, 0 ); if ( mMemPtr == MAP_FAILED ) if ( errno == EAGAIN ) { Debug( 1, "Unable to map file %s (%d bytes) to locked memory, trying unlocked", mMemFile, mMemSize ); mMemPtr = (unsigned char *)mmap( NULL, mMemSize, PROT_READ|PROT_WRITE, MAP_SHARED, mMapFd, 0 ); } if ( mMemPtr == MAP_FAILED ) Fatal( "Can't map file %s (%d bytes) to memory: %s(%d)", mMemFile, mMemSize, strerror(errno), errno ); #else // OZ_MEM_MAPPED mShmId = shmget( (config.shm_key&0xffff0000)|mMemoryKey, mMemSize, IPC_CREAT|0700 ); if ( mShmId < 0 ) { Error( "Can't shmget, probably not enough shared memory space free: %s", strerror(errno)); exit( -1 ); } mMemPtr = (unsigned char *)shmat( mShmId, 0, 0 ); if ( mMemPtr < 0 ) { Error( "Can't shmat: %s", strerror(errno)); exit( -1 ); } #endif // OZ_MEM_MAPPED mSharedData = (SharedData *)mMemPtr; mTriggerData = (TriggerData *)((char *)mSharedData + sizeof(SharedData)); struct timeval *sharedTimestamps = (struct timeval *)((char *)mTriggerData + sizeof(TriggerData)); unsigned char *sharedImages = (unsigned char *)((char *)sharedTimestamps + (mImageCount*sizeof(struct timeval))); if ( mOwner ) { memset( mMemPtr, 0, mMemSize ); mSharedData->size = sizeof(SharedData); mSharedData->valid = true; mSharedData->active = true; mSharedData->signal = false; mSharedData->state = IDLE; mSharedData->last_write_index = mImageCount; mSharedData->last_read_index = mImageCount; mSharedData->last_write_time = 0; mSharedData->last_event = 0; mSharedData->action = 0; mSharedData->brightness = -1; mSharedData->hue = -1; mSharedData->colour = -1; mSharedData->contrast = -1; mSharedData->alarm_x = -1; mSharedData->alarm_y = -1; mTriggerData->size = sizeof(TriggerData); mTriggerData->trigger_state = TRIGGER_CANCEL; mTriggerData->trigger_score = 0; mTriggerData->trigger_cause[0] = 0; mTriggerData->trigger_text[0] = 0; mTriggerData->trigger_showtext[0] = 0; } else { if ( !mSharedData->valid ) { Error( "Shared data not initialised by capture daemon" ); exit( -1 ); } } mImageBuffer = new Snapshot[mImageCount]; for ( int i = 0; i < imageCount; i++ ) { mImageBuffer[i].timestamp = &(sharedTimestamps[i]); mImageBuffer[i].image = new Image( tempImage.format(), imageWidth, imageHeight, &(sharedImages[i*imageSize]), true ); } }
bool Object::exportFrames1(int frameStart, int frameEnd, QMatrix view, Layer* currentLayer, QSize exportSize, QString filePath, const char* format, int quality, bool background, bool antialiasing, int gradients, QProgressDialog* progress, int progressMax, int fps, int exportFps) { int frameRepeat; int frameReminder, frameReminder1; int framePutEvery, framePutEvery1; int frameSkipEvery, frameSkipEvery1; int frameNumber; int framePerSecond; QSettings settings("Pencil","Pencil"); qreal curveOpacity = (100-settings.value("curveOpacity").toInt())/100.0; // default value is 1.0 QString extension = ""; QString formatStr = format; if ( formatStr == "PNG" || formatStr == "png") { format = "PNG"; extension = ".png"; } if ( formatStr == "JPG" || formatStr == "jpg" || formatStr == "JPEG") { format = "JPG"; extension = ".jpg"; background = true; // JPG doesn't support transparency so we have to include the background } if (filePath.endsWith(extension, Qt::CaseInsensitive)) { filePath.chop(extension.size()); } //qDebug() << "format =" << format << "extension = " << extension; qDebug() << "Exporting frames from " << frameStart << "to" << frameEnd << "at size " << exportSize; convertNFrames(fps,exportFps,&frameRepeat,&frameReminder,&framePutEvery,&frameSkipEvery); qDebug() << "fps " << fps << " exportFps " << exportFps << " frameRepeat " << frameRepeat << " frameReminder " << frameReminder << " framePutEvery " << framePutEvery << " frameSkipEvery " << frameSkipEvery; frameNumber = 0; framePerSecond = 0; frameReminder1 = frameReminder; framePutEvery1 = framePutEvery; frameSkipEvery1 = frameSkipEvery; for(int currentFrame = frameStart; currentFrame <= frameEnd ; currentFrame++) { if ( progress != NULL ) progress->setValue((currentFrame-frameStart)*progressMax/(frameEnd-frameStart)); QImage tempImage(exportSize, QImage::Format_ARGB32_Premultiplied); QPainter painter(&tempImage); // Make sure that old frame is erased before exporting a new one tempImage.fill(0x00000000); if (currentLayer->type == Layer::CAMERA) { QRect viewRect = ((LayerCamera*)currentLayer)->getViewRect(); QMatrix mapView = Editor::map( viewRect, QRectF(QPointF(0,0), exportSize) ); mapView = ((LayerCamera*)currentLayer)->getViewAtFrame(currentFrame) * mapView; painter.setWorldMatrix(mapView); } else { painter.setWorldMatrix(view); } paintImage(painter, currentFrame, background, curveOpacity, antialiasing, gradients); frameNumber++; framePerSecond++; QString frameNumberString = QString::number(frameNumber); while ( frameNumberString.length() < 4) frameNumberString.prepend("0");, format, quality); int delta = 0; if (framePutEvery) { framePutEvery1--; if (framePutEvery1) {delta = 1;} else {framePutEvery1 = framePutEvery;} } if (frameSkipEvery) { frameSkipEvery1--; if (!frameSkipEvery1) {delta = 1;} else {frameSkipEvery1 = frameSkipEvery;} } if (frameReminder1) {frameReminder1 -= delta;} else {delta = 0;} for (int i=0; (i < frameRepeat-1+delta) && (framePerSecond < exportFps); i++) { frameNumber++; framePerSecond++; QString frameNumberLink = QString::number(frameNumber); while ( frameNumberLink.length() < 4) frameNumberLink.prepend("0"); // QFile::link(filePath+frameNumberString+extension, filePath+frameNumberLink+extension+".lnk");, format, quality); } if (framePerSecond == exportFps) { framePerSecond = 0; frameReminder1 = frameReminder; framePutEvery1 = framePutEvery; frameSkipEvery1 = frameSkipEvery; } } // XXX no error handling yet return true; }
bool Object::exportFrames1( ExportFrames1Parameters par ) { int frameStart = par.frameStart; int frameEnd = par.frameEnd; QTransform view = par.view; Layer* currentLayer = par.currentLayer; QSize exportSize = par.exportSize; QString filePath = par.filePath; const char* format = par.format; int quality = par.quality; bool background = par.background; bool antialiasing = par.antialiasing; QProgressDialog* progress = par.progress; int progressMax = par.progressMax; int fps = par.fps; int exportFps = par.exportFps; int frameRepeat; int frameReminder, frameReminder1; int framePutEvery, framePutEvery1; int frameSkipEvery, frameSkipEvery1; int frameNumber; int framePerSecond; QSettings settings( "Pencil", "Pencil" ); QString extension = ""; QString formatStr = format; if ( formatStr == "PNG" || formatStr == "png" ) { format = "PNG"; extension = ".png"; } if ( formatStr == "JPG" || formatStr == "jpg" || formatStr == "JPEG" ) { format = "JPG"; extension = ".jpg"; background = true; // JPG doesn't support transparency so we have to include the background } if ( filePath.endsWith( extension, Qt::CaseInsensitive ) ) { filePath.chop( extension.size() ); } //qDebug() << "format =" << format << "extension = " << extension; qDebug() << "Exporting frames from " << frameStart << "to" << frameEnd << "at size " << exportSize; convertNFrames( fps, exportFps, &frameRepeat, &frameReminder, &framePutEvery, &frameSkipEvery ); qDebug() << "fps " << fps << " exportFps " << exportFps << " frameRepeat " << frameRepeat << " frameReminder " << frameReminder << " framePutEvery " << framePutEvery << " frameSkipEvery " << frameSkipEvery; frameNumber = 0; framePerSecond = 0; frameReminder1 = frameReminder; framePutEvery1 = framePutEvery; frameSkipEvery1 = frameSkipEvery; for ( int currentFrame = frameStart; currentFrame <= frameEnd; currentFrame++ ) { if ( progress != NULL ) progress->setValue( ( currentFrame - frameStart )*progressMax / ( frameEnd - frameStart ) ); QImage tempImage( exportSize, QImage::Format_ARGB32_Premultiplied ); QPainter painter( &tempImage ); // Make sure that old frame is erased before exporting a new one tempImage.fill( 0x00000000 ); if ( currentLayer->type() == Layer::CAMERA ) { QRect viewRect = ( ( LayerCamera* )currentLayer )->getViewRect(); QTransform mapView = RectMapTransform( viewRect, QRectF( QPointF( 0, 0 ), exportSize ) ); mapView = ( ( LayerCamera* )currentLayer )->getViewAtFrame( currentFrame ) * mapView; painter.setWorldTransform( mapView ); } else { painter.setTransform( view ); } paintImage( painter, currentFrame, background, antialiasing ); frameNumber++; framePerSecond++; QString frameNumberString = QString::number( frameNumber ); while ( frameNumberString.length() < 4 ) frameNumberString.prepend( "0" ); filePath + frameNumberString + extension, format, quality ); int delta = 0; if ( framePutEvery ) { framePutEvery1--; qDebug() << "-->framePutEvery1" << framePutEvery1; if ( framePutEvery1 ) { delta = 0; } else { delta = 1; framePutEvery1 = framePutEvery; } } if ( frameSkipEvery ) { frameSkipEvery1--; qDebug() << "-->frameSkipEvery1" << frameSkipEvery1; if ( frameSkipEvery1 ) { delta = 1; } else { delta = 0; frameSkipEvery1 = frameSkipEvery; } } if ( frameReminder1 ) { frameReminder1 -= delta; } else { delta = 0; } for ( int i = 0; ( i < frameRepeat - 1 + delta ) && ( framePerSecond < exportFps ); i++ ) { frameNumber++; framePerSecond++; QString frameNumberLink = QString::number( frameNumber ); while ( frameNumberLink.length() < 4 ) frameNumberLink.prepend( "0" ); filePath + frameNumberLink + extension, format, quality ); } if ( framePerSecond == exportFps ) { framePerSecond = 0; frameReminder1 = frameReminder; framePutEvery1 = framePutEvery; frameSkipEvery1 = frameSkipEvery; } } // XXX no error handling yet return true; }
bool ErosionKernel<T, U>::convolve(const BitImage<U>& iImage, BitImage<U>& oImage) const { //LOG1("Begin Convolve %d.", &iImage); int r, c, cc, rr, center; center = m_dimension / 2; long rows=0, cols=0; if (!iImage.GetDimensions(rows, cols)) { return false; } BitImage<U> tempImage(rows, cols); //tempImage = iImage; //const U* iBuf = (const U*)iImage.GetBuffer(); //U* tempBuf = (U *)tempImage.GetBuffer(); bool okErode=false; long totalDim = rows*cols; //LOG0("Blurring the image in the X-direction."); for(r=0;r<rows;r++) { for(c=0;c<cols;c++) { okErode=false; for(rr=(-center);rr<=center;rr++) { for(cc=(-center);cc<=center;cc++) { if(((c+cc) >= 0) && ((c+cc) < cols) && ((r+rr) >= 0) && ((r+rr) < rows)) { //long iIndex = (r+rr)*cols+(c+cc); //if (iIndex>=0 && iIndex<totalDim) { if (m_buffer[(center+rr)*m_dimension + center+cc]>0 && iImage.GetValue(r+rr, c+cc)==false) { okErode=true; break; } } } } } // it is not separable if (okErode) { for(rr=(-center);rr<=center;rr++) { for(cc=(-center);cc<=center;cc++) { //long iIndex = (r+rr)*cols+(c+cc); //if (iIndex>=0 && iIndex<totalDim) if(((c+cc) >= 0) && ((c+cc) < cols) && ((r+rr) >= 0) && ((r+rr) < rows)) { if (m_buffer[(center+rr)*m_dimension + center+cc] ) //tempBuf[iIndex] = minVal; tempImage.SetValue(r+rr, c+cc, false); } } } } else { tempImage.SetValue(r, c, iImage.GetValue(r, c)); //tempImage.SetValue(r, c, false); //tempBuf[(r)*cols+(c)] = iBuf[(r)*cols+(c)]; } } } // copy oImage = tempImage; //LOG1("End Convolve %d.", &iImage); return true; }
void Videostreaming::capFrame() { __u32 buftype = m_buftype; v4l2_plane planes[VIDEO_MAX_PLANES]; v4l2_buffer buf; unsigned char *tempSrcBuffer = NULL, *tempDestBuffer = NULL, *copyDestBuffer = NULL; unsigned char *tempCu130DestBuffer = NULL, *tempCu130SrcBuffer = NULL; unsigned char *tempCu40DestBuffer = NULL, *irBuffer = NULL; unsigned char *tempLogtechSrcBuffer = NULL, *tempLogtechDestBuffer = NULL; unsigned char *displaybuf = NULL; unsigned short int *tempCu40SrcBuffer = NULL; //Modified by Nithyesh //Previously it was int err = 0, x, y; int err = 0; __u32 x, y; bool again, v4l2convert = false; memset(planes, 0, sizeof(planes)); buf.length = VIDEO_MAX_PLANES; buf.m.planes = planes; if (!dqbuf_mmap(buf, buftype, again)) { closeDevice(); unsigned char *m_data=NULL; QImage tempImage(m_data,320,240,QImage::Format_RGB888); qImage = QPixmap::fromImage(tempImage); update(); emit deviceUnplugged("Disconnected","Device Not Found"); emit logCriticalHandle("Device disconnected"); return; } if (again) { return; } if (buf.flags & V4L2_BUF_FLAG_ERROR) { qbuf(buf); return; } #if 0 switch(m_capSrcFormat.fmt.pix.pixelformat) { case V4L2_PIX_FMT_YUYV: { if((width*height*2) == buf.bytesused){ validFrame = true; } } break; case V4L2_PIX_FMT_SGRBG8:{ // if bayer - 8 bit camera // { if ((width*height) == buf.bytesused) validFrame = true; // } // if bayer - 8 bit + pad camera // { if ((width*height*2) == buf.bytesused) validFrame = true; // } } break; case V4L2_PIX_FMT_MJPEG:{ validFrame = true; break; } default: // To do: for other color spaces break; } if (validFrame != true){ qbuf(buf); qDebug()<<"validFrame != true"; // return; } #endif if (camDeviceName == "e-con's CX3 RDK with M\nT9P031" || camDeviceName == "See3CAM_12CUNIR" || camDeviceName == "See3CAM_CU51") { tempSrcBuffer = (unsigned char *)malloc(width * height * 2); tempDestBuffer = (unsigned char *)malloc(width * height << 1); copyDestBuffer = tempDestBuffer; memcpy(tempSrcBuffer, m_buffers[buf.index].start[0], buf.bytesused); for(__u32 l=0; l<(width*height*2); l=l+2) /* Y16 to YUYV conversion */ { *tempDestBuffer++ = (((tempSrcBuffer[l] & 0xF0) >> 4) | (tempSrcBuffer[l+1] & 0x0F) << 4); *tempDestBuffer++ = 0x80; } m_capSrcFormat.fmt.pix.pixelformat = V4L2_PIX_FMT_YUYV; err = v4lconvert_convert(m_convertData, &m_capSrcFormat, &m_capDestFormat, (unsigned char *)copyDestBuffer, buf.bytesused, m_capImage->bits(), m_capDestFormat.fmt.pix.sizeimage); v4l2convert = true; }else if (camDeviceName == "See3CAM_CU40") {
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: LocateSomas // // Find the location of the Somas void LocateSomas3() { int iSlices = The3DImage->m_iSlices; int iRows = The3DImage->m_iRows; int iCols = The3DImage->m_iCols; register int i,j,k; CImage tempImage(iRows, iCols); CImage tempImageXZ(iSlices, iCols); CImage tempImageYZ(iSlices, iRows); int iWidth = (int) (gfWidthSum / giNumOfWidthSumMembers + 0.5); int StructElemSize = iWidth + 7; // it was + 2 11-5-99 CPoint* aDiskPoints = new CPoint[4 * StructElemSize* StructElemSize]; int iNumOfPoints = 0; ConstructStructElem(StructElemSize, aDiskPoints, iNumOfPoints); // DetectSomas(ProjectionImage, &tempImage, StructElemSize); DetectSomas(ProjectionImage, & tempImage, aDiskPoints, iNumOfPoints); // estimate the threshold from the brightest region in the image int Threshold = static_cast<int>(giForegroundMedian + gfForegroundStdDev); int aiHistogram[256]; tempImage.Histogram(aiHistogram); for (i = 255; i > giForegroundMedian; i--) { if (aiHistogram[i] >= iNumOfPoints) { Threshold = static_cast<int>(0.6 * i); break; } } // use the histogram of seed points to estimate the median and the stddev of // the foreground pixels if (Threshold > 250) Threshold = 250; ProjectionImage->ThresholdImage(Threshold, 0); tempImage.ThresholdImage(Threshold, 0); CImage tempImageXY(tempImage); // The soma is defined as the region of intersection betweent the three images int SomaVolume = 0; int minX = iCols + 1, minY = iRows + 1, minZ = iSlices + 1; int maxX = - 1; int maxY = - 1; int maxZ = - 1; int* aiPlaneSum = new int[iSlices]; int iDenom = iRows; if (iCols < iRows) iDenom = iCols; if (2 * iSlices < iDenom) StructElemSize = static_cast<int>(StructElemSize * (2.0 * iSlices / iDenom)); if (StructElemSize < iWidth) StructElemSize = iWidth + 1; ConstructStructElem(StructElemSize, aDiskPoints, iNumOfPoints); DetectSomas(TrackImageYZ, & tempImageYZ, aDiskPoints, iNumOfPoints); tempImageYZ.Histogram(aiHistogram); for (i = 255; i > giForegroundMedian; i--) { if (aiHistogram[i] >= iNumOfPoints) { Threshold = static_cast<int>(0.6 * i); break; } } tempImageYZ.ThresholdImage(Threshold, 0); DetectSomas(TrackImageXZ, & tempImageXZ, aDiskPoints, iNumOfPoints); tempImageXZ.Histogram(aiHistogram); for (i = 255; i > giForegroundMedian; i--) { if (aiHistogram[i] >= iNumOfPoints) { Threshold = static_cast<int>(0.6 * i); break; } } delete [] aDiskPoints; delete [] aiPlaneSum; // count the number of pixels in the soma giSomaVolume = 0; for (k = 0; k < iSlices; k++) { for (i = 0; i < iRows; i++) { for (j = 0; j < iCols; j++) { if ([i][j] &&[k][j] &&[k][i]) { giSomaVolume++; } } } } gaSomaPoints = new CPoint[giSomaVolume]; register int index = 0; for (k = 0; k < iSlices; k++) { for (i = 0; i < iRows; i++) { for (j = 0; j < iCols; j++) { if ([i][j] &&[k][j] &&[k][i]) { TrackImageXY->data[i][j] = SomaColor; TrackImageXZ->data[k][j] = SomaColor; TrackImageYZ->data[k][i] = SomaColor; The3DImage->data[k][i][j] = SomaColor; gaSomaPoints[index].m_iX = j; gaSomaPoints[index].m_iY = i; gaSomaPoints[index].m_iZ = k; index++; // Empty3DImage->data[k][i][j] = StartingSomaColor+1; SomaVolume++; if (k < minZ) minZ = k; if (k > maxZ) maxZ = k; if (i < minY) minY = i; if (i > maxY) maxY = i; if (j < minX) minX = j; if (j > maxX) maxX = j; } } } } // temp stuff to write all soma points that are exterior to a file for // vizualization with ASAD's program // register int ii, jj, kk; // register int iFlag; CPoint centerPoint; centerPoint.m_iX = static_cast<int>(static_cast<float>(minX + maxX) / 2.0 + 0.5); centerPoint.m_iY = static_cast<int>(static_cast<float>(minY + maxY) / 2.0 + 0.5); centerPoint.m_iZ = static_cast<int>(static_cast<float>(minZ + maxZ) / 2.0 + 0.5); double radius = (maxX - minX) * (maxX - minX) + (maxY - minY) * (maxY - minY); radius = static_cast<int>(sqrt(radius) / 2.0 + 0.5); // create the soma collection giNumOfSomas = 1; gTheSomas = new CSomas(giNumOfSomas); gTheSomas->m_aData[0].m_iVolume = SomaVolume; gTheSomas->m_aData[0].m_Center = centerPoint; }
/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // // Transformation // // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void colorTransform::doTransform() { PUNTOEXE_FUNCTION_START(L"colorTransform::doTransform"); // Process all the input images /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// for(int scanImages = 0; ; ++scanImages) { // Get the input image /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ptr<image> pInputImage=getInputImage(scanImages); // If the input image doesn't exist, then exit /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// if(pInputImage == 0) break; // Check the input color space /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// if(pInputImage->getColorSpace()!=getInitialColorSpace()) { PUNTOEXE_THROW(colorTransformExceptionWrongColorSpace, "the image's color space cannot be handled by the transform"); } // Get the output image /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ptr<image> pOutputImage=getOutputImage(scanImages); if(pOutputImage == 0) { ptr<image> tempImage(new image); pOutputImage=tempImage; declareOutputImage(scanImages, pOutputImage); } // Get the input image's attributes and the data handler /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// imbxUint32 sizeX, sizeY; pInputImage->getSize(&sizeX, &sizeY); double sizeMmX, sizeMmY; pInputImage->getSizeMm(&sizeMmX, &sizeMmY); pOutputImage->setSizeMm(sizeMmX, sizeMmY); image::bitDepth inputDepth=pInputImage->getDepth(); image::bitDepth outputDepth=inputDepth; imbxUint32 highBit=pInputImage->getHighBit(); imbxUint32 totalPixelsNumber=sizeX*sizeY; imbxInt32 inputMinValue = 0; imbxInt32 inputMaxValue = (1L<<(highBit+1))-1L; imbxInt32 outputMinValue = inputMinValue; imbxInt32 outputMaxValue = inputMaxValue; if(inputDepth==image::depthS8 || inputDepth==image::depthS16) { inputMinValue-=1L<<highBit; inputMaxValue-=1L<<highBit; std::wstring outputColorSpace = getFinalColorSpace(); if(outputColorSpace == L"MONOCHROME2" || outputColorSpace == L"MONOCHROME1") { outputMinValue-=1L<<highBit; outputMaxValue-=1L<<highBit; } else { if(inputDepth==image::depthS8) outputDepth = image::depthU8; if(inputDepth==image::depthS16) outputDepth = image::depthU16; } } // Get the data handler for the input and the output // images /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// imbxUint32 rowSize, channelPixelSize, channelsNumber; ptr<handlers::imageHandler> pInputDataHandler = pInputImage->getDataHandler(false, &rowSize, &channelPixelSize, &channelsNumber); if(pInputDataHandler->getSize() < totalPixelsNumber * channelsNumber) { PUNTOEXE_THROW(colorTransformExceptionWrongColorSpace, "the input image's size doesn't match the requested size"); } ptr<handlers::imageHandler> pOutputDataHandler = pOutputImage->create(sizeX, sizeY, outputDepth, getFinalColorSpace(), (imbxUint8)highBit); channelsNumber = pOutputImage->getChannelsNumber(); if(pOutputDataHandler->getSize() < totalPixelsNumber * channelsNumber) { PUNTOEXE_THROW(colorTransformExceptionWrongColorSpace, "the output image's size doesn't match the requested size"); } doColorTransform(pInputDataHandler->getMemoryBuffer(), pOutputDataHandler->getMemoryBuffer(), totalPixelsNumber, inputMinValue, inputMaxValue, outputMinValue, outputMaxValue); } PUNTOEXE_FUNCTION_END(); }
//By Yousef //Try this void LocateSomas3_v2() { cout << "\tDetecting Somas ... "; int iSlices = The3DImage->m_iSlices; int iRows = The3DImage->m_iRows; int iCols = The3DImage->m_iCols; register int i,j,k; CImage tempImage(iRows, iCols); CImage tempImageXZ(iSlices, iCols); CImage tempImageYZ(iSlices, iRows); int iWidth = (int) (gfWidthSum / giNumOfWidthSumMembers + 0.5); int StructElemSize = iWidth + 7; // it was + 2 11-5-99 CPoint* aDiskPoints = new CPoint[4 * StructElemSize* StructElemSize]; int iNumOfPoints = 0; ConstructStructElem(StructElemSize, aDiskPoints, iNumOfPoints); // DetectSomas(ProjectionImage, &tempImage, StructElemSize); DetectSomas(ProjectionImage, & tempImage, aDiskPoints, iNumOfPoints); // estimate the threshold from the brightest region in the image int Threshold = static_cast<int>(giForegroundMedian + gfForegroundStdDev); int aiHistogram[256]; tempImage.Histogram(aiHistogram); for (i = 255; i > giForegroundMedian; i--) { if (aiHistogram[i] >= iNumOfPoints) { Threshold = static_cast<int>(0.6 * i); break; } } // use the histogram of seed points to estimate the median and the stddev of // the foreground pixels if (Threshold > 250) Threshold = 250; ProjectionImage->ThresholdImage(Threshold, 0); tempImage.ThresholdImage(Threshold, 0); CImage tempImageXY(tempImage); //Yousef: Try this //tempImage.Write("somaXY.pgm"); // The soma is defined as the region of intersection betweent the three images int SomaVolume = 0; int* aiPlaneSum = new int[iSlices]; int iDenom = iRows; if (iCols < iRows) iDenom = iCols; StructElemSize = static_cast<int>(StructElemSize * (iSlices / iDenom)); /*if (2 * iSlices < iDenom) StructElemSize = static_cast<int>(StructElemSize * (2.0 * iSlices / iDenom)); if (StructElemSize < iWidth) StructElemSize = iWidth + 1;*/ ConstructStructElem(StructElemSize, aDiskPoints, iNumOfPoints); DetectSomas(TrackImageYZ, & tempImageYZ, aDiskPoints, iNumOfPoints); tempImageYZ.Histogram(aiHistogram); for (i = 255; i > giForegroundMedian; i--) { if (aiHistogram[i] >= iNumOfPoints) { Threshold = static_cast<int>(0.6 * i); break; } } tempImageYZ.ThresholdImage(Threshold, 0); //Yousef: Try this //tempImageYZ.Write("somaYZ.pgm"); DetectSomas(TrackImageXZ, & tempImageXZ, aDiskPoints, iNumOfPoints); tempImageXZ.Histogram(aiHistogram); for (i = 255; i > giForegroundMedian; i--) { if (aiHistogram[i] >= iNumOfPoints) { Threshold = static_cast<int>(0.6 * i); break; } } delete [] aDiskPoints; delete [] aiPlaneSum; //Yousef: Try this //tempImageXZ.Write("somaXZ.pgm"); // count the number of pixels in the soma giSomaVolume = 0; for (k = 0; k < iSlices; k++) { for (i = 0; i < iRows; i++) { for (j = 0; j < iCols; j++) { if ([i][j] &&[k][j] &&[k][i]) { giSomaVolume++; } } } } gaSomaPoints = new CPoint[giSomaVolume]; register int index = 0; for (k = 0; k < iSlices; k++) { for (i = 0; i < iRows; i++) { for (j = 0; j < iCols; j++) { //if (Soma3DImage->data[k][i][j]) if ([i][j] &&[k][j] &&[k][i]) { gaSomaPoints[index].m_iX = j; gaSomaPoints[index].m_iY = i; gaSomaPoints[index].m_iZ = k; TrackImageXY->data[i][j] = SomaColor; TrackImageXZ->data[k][j] = SomaColor; TrackImageYZ->data[k][i] = SomaColor; The3DImage->data[k][i][j] = SomaColor; SomaVolume++; index++; } } } } if(SomaVolume == 0) { int minX = iCols + 1, minY = iRows + 1, minZ = iSlices + 1; int maxX = - 1; int maxY = - 1; int maxZ = - 1; CPoint centerPoint; centerPoint.m_iX = static_cast<int>(static_cast<float>(minX + maxX) / 2.0 + 0.5); centerPoint.m_iY = static_cast<int>(static_cast<float>(minY + maxY) / 2.0 + 0.5); centerPoint.m_iZ = static_cast<int>(static_cast<float>(minZ + maxZ) / 2.0 + 0.5); double radius = (maxX - minX) * (maxX - minX) + (maxY - minY) * (maxY - minY); radius = static_cast<int>(sqrt(radius) / 2.0 + 0.5); // create the soma collection giNumOfSomas = 1; gTheSomas = new CSomas(giNumOfSomas); gTheSomas->m_aData[0].m_iVolume = SomaVolume; gTheSomas->m_aData[0].m_Center = centerPoint; giNumOfSomas = 0; cout<<giNumOfSomas<<" somas detected"<<endl; return; } //Yousef: 01-26-2006 //Apply connected components to seperate somas int x, y, z, x_min, y_min, z_min, x_max, y_max, z_max, More_Somas, Soma_Not_Full, soma_ID, br; More_Somas = soma_ID = br = 1; giNumOfSomas = 1; SomaLabelsImage->data[gaSomaPoints[0].m_iZ][gaSomaPoints[0].m_iY][gaSomaPoints[0].m_iX] = 1; while(More_Somas) { More_Somas = 0; Soma_Not_Full = 1; while(Soma_Not_Full) { Soma_Not_Full = 0; for (i=0; i<index; i++) { if(SomaLabelsImage->data[gaSomaPoints[i].m_iZ][gaSomaPoints[i].m_iY][gaSomaPoints[i].m_iX] != 0) continue; x_min = max(0,gaSomaPoints[i].m_iX-1); x_max = min(iCols,gaSomaPoints[i].m_iX+1); y_min = max(0,gaSomaPoints[i].m_iY-1); y_max = min(iRows,gaSomaPoints[i].m_iY+1); z_min = max(0,gaSomaPoints[i].m_iZ-1); z_max = min(iSlices,gaSomaPoints[i].m_iZ+1); for(z=z_min; z<=z_max; z++) { br = 0; for(y=y_min; y<=y_max; y++) { for(x=x_min; x<=x_max; x++) { if(SomaLabelsImage->data[z][y][x] == soma_ID) { SomaLabelsImage->data[gaSomaPoints[i].m_iZ][gaSomaPoints[i].m_iY][gaSomaPoints[i].m_iX] = soma_ID; Soma_Not_Full = 1; br = 1; break; } } if(br == 1) break; } if(br == 1) break; } } } //See if there is any soma point that is not assigned a label for (i=0; i<index; i++) { if(SomaLabelsImage->data[gaSomaPoints[i].m_iZ][gaSomaPoints[i].m_iY][gaSomaPoints[i].m_iX] == 0) { soma_ID++; giNumOfSomas++; SomaLabelsImage->data[gaSomaPoints[i].m_iZ][gaSomaPoints[i].m_iY][gaSomaPoints[i].m_iX] = soma_ID; More_Somas = 1; break; } } } int* SomaVolumes = new int[giNumOfSomas]; int* SomaCentersX = new int[giNumOfSomas]; int* SomaCentersY = new int[giNumOfSomas]; int* SomaCentersZ = new int[giNumOfSomas]; for (i=0; i<soma_ID; i++) { SomaVolumes[i] = SomaCentersX[i] = SomaCentersY[i] = SomaCentersZ[i] = 0; } for( i=0; i<index; i++) { SomaVolumes[SomaLabelsImage->data[gaSomaPoints[i].m_iZ][gaSomaPoints[i].m_iY][gaSomaPoints[i].m_iX]-1]++; SomaCentersX[SomaLabelsImage->data[gaSomaPoints[i].m_iZ][gaSomaPoints[i].m_iY][gaSomaPoints[i].m_iX]-1]+=gaSomaPoints[i].m_iX; SomaCentersY[SomaLabelsImage->data[gaSomaPoints[i].m_iZ][gaSomaPoints[i].m_iY][gaSomaPoints[i].m_iX]-1]+=gaSomaPoints[i].m_iY; SomaCentersZ[SomaLabelsImage->data[gaSomaPoints[i].m_iZ][gaSomaPoints[i].m_iY][gaSomaPoints[i].m_iX]-1]+=gaSomaPoints[i].m_iZ; } for (i=0; i<soma_ID; i++) { SomaCentersX[i] = (int) (SomaCentersX[i] / SomaVolumes[i]); SomaCentersY[i] = (int) (SomaCentersY[i] / SomaVolumes[i]); SomaCentersZ[i] = (int) (SomaCentersZ[i] / SomaVolumes[i]); } gTheSomas = new CSomas(giNumOfSomas); for (i=0; i<soma_ID; i++) { gTheSomas->m_aData[i].m_iVolume = SomaVolumes[i]; gTheSomas->m_aData[i].m_Center.m_iX = SomaCentersX[i]; gTheSomas->m_aData[i].m_Center.m_iY = SomaCentersY[i]; gTheSomas->m_aData[i].m_Center.m_iZ = SomaCentersZ[i]; } cout<<giNumOfSomas<<" somas detected"<<endl; TrackImageXY->Write("somamm.pgm"); }
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: LocateSomas // // Find the location of the Somas void LocateSomas2() { int iSlices = The3DImage->m_iSlices; int iRows = The3DImage->m_iRows; int iCols = The3DImage->m_iCols; CImage tempImage(iRows, iCols); DetectSomas(ProjectionImage->data,; // use the histogram of seed points to estimate the median and the stddev of // the foreground pixels int Threshold = static_cast<int>(giForegroundMedian + 2.0 * gfForegroundStdDev); ProjectionImage->ThresholdImage(Threshold, 0); tempImage.ThresholdImage(Threshold, 0); //tempImage.Write("tempImage.pgm"); /////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // NOTE: All what follows does not apply for images with multiple somas // change it in a manner similar to the 2dTrack programs to hadle multiple // somas // 3-4-1999 int* PlaneSum = new int[iSlices]; memset(PlaneSum, 0, sizeof(int) * iSlices); register int i, j, k; int minX, minY, maxX, maxY; minX = minY = 9999; maxX = maxY = 0; for (k = 0; k < iSlices; k++) { for (j = giMARGIN; j < iRows - giMARGIN; j++) { for (i = giMARGIN; i < iCols - giMARGIN; i++) { // if the point belongs to the soma, add its value // to the soma pixel sum in this image plane if ([j][i]) { PlaneSum[k] += The3DImage->data[k][j][i]; // figure out the boundaries of the region if (i < minX) minX = i; if (i > maxX) maxX = i; if (j < minY) minY = j; if (j > maxY) maxY = j; } } } } // find the plane with the higest sum int max = 0; int PlaneIndex = 0; for (i = 0; i < iSlices; i++) { if (PlaneSum[i] > max) { max = PlaneSum[i]; PlaneIndex = i; } } int FromPlane = PlaneIndex; int ToPlane = PlaneIndex; int threshold = static_cast<int>(0.2 * max); while (PlaneSum[FromPlane] >= threshold) { if (FromPlane == 0) break; FromPlane -= 1; } while (PlaneSum[ToPlane] >= threshold) { if (ToPlane == iSlices - 1) break; ToPlane += 1; } // for now, we fill the region between FromPlane and ToPlane as the single // one soma in the image. int SomaVolume = 0; int pixelValue = 0; int SomaID = 1; for (j = minY; j <= maxY; j++) { for (i = minX; i <= maxX; i++) { // if the point belong to the soma, mark it in the 3D image and // update soma volume if ([j][i] != 0) { TrackImageXY->data[j][i] = SomaColor; for (k = FromPlane; k <= ToPlane; k++) { pixelValue = The3DImage->data[k][j][i]; The3DImage->data[k][j][i] = SomaColor; Empty3DImage->data[k][j][i] = static_cast<unsigned char>(SomaID); if (pixelValue >= threshold) { TrackImageXZ->data[k][i] = SomaColor; TrackImageYZ->data[k][j] = SomaColor; SomaVolume++; } } } } } //TrackImageXY->Write("somaImage.pgm"); //exit(0); CPoint centerPoint; int x = static_cast<int>(static_cast<float>(minX + maxX) / 2.0 + 0.5); int y = static_cast<int>(static_cast<float>(minY + maxX) / 2.0 + 0.5); int z = PlaneIndex; centerPoint.m_iX = x; centerPoint.m_iY = y; centerPoint.m_iZ = z; double radius = (maxX - minX) * (maxX - minX) + (maxY - minY) * (maxY - minY); radius = static_cast<int>(std::sqrt( radius) ); if ((ToPlane - FromPlane) > radius) radius = ToPlane - FromPlane; radius = radius / 2; delete [] PlaneSum; // create the soma collection giNumOfSomas = 1; gTheSomas = new CSomas(giNumOfSomas); gTheSomas->m_aData[0].m_iVolume = SomaVolume; gTheSomas->m_aData[0].m_Center = centerPoint; }
void ImageHandler::CreateImage(const CDC& dc, const CRect& clientRect, std::shared_ptr<BackgroundImage>& bkImage) { CriticalSectionLock lock(bkImage->updateCritSec); bkImage->dwImageWidth = clientRect.Width(); bkImage->dwImageHeight= clientRect.Height(); // create background DC if (bkImage->dcImage.IsNull()) bkImage->dcImage.CreateCompatibleDC(NULL); // create background bitmap if (!bkImage->image.IsNull()) bkImage->image.DeleteObject(); Helpers::CreateBitmap(dc, bkImage->dwImageWidth, bkImage->dwImageHeight, bkImage->image); bkImage->dcImage.SelectBitmap(bkImage->image); // paint background CBrush backgroundBrush(::CreateSolidBrush(bkImage->imageData.crBackground)); bkImage->dcImage.FillRect(&clientRect, backgroundBrush); // this can be false only for desktop backgrounds with no wallpaper image if (bkImage->originalImage.get() != NULL) { // create template image CDC dcTemplate; CBitmap bmpTemplate; dcTemplate.CreateCompatibleDC(NULL); DWORD dwNewWidth = bkImage->dwImageWidth; DWORD dwNewHeight = bkImage->dwImageHeight; if ( (bkImage->imageData.imagePosition == imagePositionStretch || bkImage->imageData.imagePosition == imagePositionFit || bkImage->imageData.imagePosition == imagePositionFill) && (bkImage->originalImage->getWidth() != dwNewWidth || bkImage->originalImage->getHeight() != dwNewHeight) ) { // resize background image ImageHandler::CalcRescale(dwNewWidth, dwNewHeight, bkImage); fipImage tempImage(*(bkImage->originalImage)); tempImage.rescale(dwNewWidth, dwNewHeight, FILTER_BILINEAR); bmpTemplate.CreateDIBitmap( dc, tempImage.getInfoHeader(), CBM_INIT, tempImage.accessPixels(), tempImage.getInfo(), DIB_RGB_COLORS); } else { bmpTemplate.CreateDIBitmap( dc, bkImage->originalImage->getInfoHeader(), CBM_INIT, bkImage->originalImage->accessPixels(), bkImage->originalImage->getInfo(), DIB_RGB_COLORS); } dcTemplate.SelectBitmap(bmpTemplate); if (bkImage->imageData.imagePosition == imagePositionTile) { TileTemplateImage( dcTemplate, 0, 0, bkImage); } else { PaintTemplateImage( dcTemplate, 0, 0, dwNewWidth, dwNewHeight, bkImage->dwImageWidth, bkImage->dwImageHeight, bkImage); } } if (bkImage->imageData.byTintOpacity > 0) TintImage(dc, bkImage); }
void ImageHandler::PaintRelativeImage(const CDC& dc, CBitmap& bmpTemplate, std::shared_ptr<BackgroundImage>& bkImage, DWORD& dwDisplayWidth, DWORD& dwDisplayHeight) { // set template bitmap dimensions DWORD dwTemplateWidth = bkImage->originalImage->getWidth(); DWORD dwTemplateHeight = bkImage->originalImage->getHeight(); if (bkImage->imageData.imagePosition == imagePositionStretch || bkImage->imageData.imagePosition == imagePositionFit || bkImage->imageData.imagePosition == imagePositionFill) { if (bkImage->imageData.bExtend) { dwTemplateWidth = bkImage->dwImageWidth; dwTemplateHeight = bkImage->dwImageHeight; } else { dwTemplateWidth = dwDisplayWidth; dwTemplateHeight = dwDisplayHeight; } } DWORD dwNewWidth = dwTemplateWidth; DWORD dwNewHeight = dwTemplateHeight; if ( bkImage->originalImage->getWidth() != dwNewWidth || bkImage->originalImage->getHeight() != dwNewHeight ) { // resize background image ImageHandler::CalcRescale(dwNewWidth, dwNewHeight, bkImage); fipImage tempImage(*(bkImage->originalImage)); #ifdef _DEBUG DWORD dwGetTickCount = ::GetTickCount(); #endif tempImage.rescale(dwNewWidth, dwNewHeight, FILTER_BILINEAR); #ifdef _DEBUG TRACE(L"rescale in %lu ms\n", ::GetTickCount() - dwGetTickCount); #endif bmpTemplate.CreateDIBitmap( dc, tempImage.getInfoHeader(), CBM_INIT, tempImage.accessPixels(), tempImage.getInfo(), DIB_RGB_COLORS); } else { bmpTemplate.CreateDIBitmap( dc, bkImage->originalImage->getInfoHeader(), CBM_INIT, bkImage->originalImage->accessPixels(), bkImage->originalImage->getInfo(), DIB_RGB_COLORS); } dwDisplayWidth = dwNewWidth; dwDisplayHeight = dwNewHeight; }
// init application and run int Run() { CBitmapCapture capture(DEMO_IMAGE); // open camera if (!capture.OpenCamera()) { printf("error: could not open camera\n"); return 1; } const int width = capture.GetWidth(); const int height = capture.GetHeight(); // create temp image for the image processing CByteImage image(width, height, capture.GetType()); CByteImage grayImage(width, height, CByteImage::eGrayScale); CByteImage tempImage(width, height, CByteImage::eGrayScale); CByteImage visualizationImage(width, height, CByteImage::eRGB24); CByteImage *pImage = ℑ // create an application handler CApplicationHandlerInterface *pApplicationHandler = CreateApplicationHandler(); pApplicationHandler->Reset(); // create a main window m_pMainWindow = CreateMainWindow(0, 0, width, height + 190, "Hough Line Detection Demo"); // events are sent to this class, hence this class needs to have the CMainWindowEventInterface m_pMainWindow->SetEventCallback(this); // create an image widget to display a window WIDGET_HANDLE pImageWidget = m_pMainWindow->AddImage(0, 190, width, height); // add a label and a slider for the low threshold WIDGET_HANDLE pLabelCannyLow = m_pMainWindow->AddLabel(15, 15, 200, 30, "Canny low threshold: 0"); m_pSliderCannyLow = m_pMainWindow->AddSlider(15, 30, 200, 40, 0, 1020, 102, m_nCannyLowThreshold); // add a label and a slider for the high threshold WIDGET_HANDLE pLabelCannyHigh = m_pMainWindow->AddLabel(15, 70, 200, 30, "Canny high threshold: 0"); m_pSliderCannyHigh = m_pMainWindow->AddSlider(15, 85, 200, 40, 0, 1020, 102, m_nCannyHighThreshold); // add a label and a slider for the number of lines to extract WIDGET_HANDLE pLabelLines = m_pMainWindow->AddLabel(260, 15, 200, 30, "Circles to extract: 0 lines"); m_pSliderLinesToExtract = m_pMainWindow->AddSlider(260, 30, 200, 40, 0, 30, 5, m_nCirclesToExtract); // add labels/sliders for specifying the radius interval of interest WIDGET_HANDLE pLabelMinRadius = m_pMainWindow->AddLabel(260, 70, 200, 30, "Min radius: 0"); m_pSliderMinRadius = m_pMainWindow->AddSlider(260, 85, 200, 40, 1, 200, 5, m_nMinRadius); WIDGET_HANDLE pLabelMaxRadius = m_pMainWindow->AddLabel(260, 125, 200, 30, "Max radius: 0"); m_pSliderMaxRadius = m_pMainWindow->AddSlider(260, 140, 200, 40, 1, 200, 5, m_nMaxRadius); // add a button to toggle between the original image and the processed one m_pButton = m_pMainWindow->AddButton(510, 80, 110, 35, "Show Edges"); // add a labels to display processing stats WIDGET_HANDLE pLabelMS = m_pMainWindow->AddLabel(560, 15, 70, 20, "0 ms"); WIDGET_HANDLE pLabelFPS = m_pMainWindow->AddLabel(560, 45, 70, 20, "0 fps"); // make the window visible m_pMainWindow->Show(); char buffer[1024]; CVec3dArray resultListCircles(50); CDynamicArrayTemplate<int> resultHits(50); CVec2dArray edgePoints(10000), edgeDirections(10000); // main loop while (!pApplicationHandler->ProcessEventsAndGetExit()) { if (!capture.CaptureImage(&pImage)) break; // this is for visualization purposes only ImageProcessor::ConvertImage(pImage, &visualizationImage); get_timer_value(true); // convert input image to grayscale image ImageProcessor::ConvertImage(&image, &tempImage, true); // smooth image ImageProcessor::GaussianSmooth3x3(&tempImage, &grayImage); // detect edges with Canny edge detector ImageProcessor::Canny(&grayImage, edgePoints, edgeDirections, m_nCannyLowThreshold, m_nCannyHighThreshold); // detect lines with Hough transform ImageProcessor::HoughTransformCircles(edgePoints, edgeDirections, width, height, m_nMinRadius, m_nMaxRadius, m_nCirclesToExtract, 1, resultListCircles, resultHits, &visualizationImage); const unsigned int t = get_timer_value(); // display the speed stats sprintf(buffer, "%2.2f ms", t / 1000.0f); m_pMainWindow->SetText(pLabelMS, buffer); sprintf(buffer, "%3.2f fps", 1000000.0f / t); m_pMainWindow->SetText(pLabelFPS, buffer); sprintf(buffer, "Canny low threshold: %i", m_nCannyLowThreshold); m_pMainWindow->SetText(pLabelCannyLow, buffer); sprintf(buffer, "Canny high threshold: %i", m_nCannyHighThreshold); m_pMainWindow->SetText(pLabelCannyHigh, buffer); sprintf(buffer, "Min radius: %i", m_nMinRadius); m_pMainWindow->SetText(pLabelMinRadius, buffer); sprintf(buffer, "Max radius: %i", m_nMaxRadius); m_pMainWindow->SetText(pLabelMaxRadius, buffer); sprintf(buffer, "Circles to extract: %i", m_nCirclesToExtract); m_pMainWindow->SetText(pLabelLines, buffer); // display either the original image or the processed image if (m_bShowEdges) { ImageProcessor::Canny(&grayImage, &grayImage, m_nCannyLowThreshold, m_nCannyHighThreshold); m_pMainWindow->SetImage(pImageWidget, &grayImage); } else m_pMainWindow->SetImage(pImageWidget, &visualizationImage); } delete m_pMainWindow; delete pApplicationHandler; return 0; }
bool Kernel<T, U>::convolve(const Image<T>& iImage, Image<U>& oImage) const { // perform 2D convolution //LOG1("Begin Convolve %d.", &iImage); int r, c, rr, cc, center; long double dot, sum; center = m_dimension / 2; long rows=0, cols=0; if (!iImage.GetDimensions(rows, cols)) { return false; } Image<double> tempImage(rows, cols); //oImage = iImage; oImage.SetDimensions(rows, cols); const T* iBuf = (const T*)iImage.GetBuffer(); U* oBuf = (U*)oImage.GetBuffer(); double* tempBuf = (double *)tempImage.GetBuffer(); if (!tempBuf) return false; float kernelValue = 0; double imageValue = 0; double maxVal = -9999, minVal = 9999; //LOG0("Blurring the image in the X-direction."); for(r=0;r<rows;r++) { for(c=0;c<cols;c++) { dot = 0.0f; sum = 0.0f; rr = 0; for(rr=(-center);rr<=center;rr++) { if(((r+rr) >= 0) && ((r+rr) < rows)) { for(cc=(-center);cc<=center;cc++) { if(((c+cc) >= 0) && ((c+cc) < cols)) { kernelValue = GetValue((center+rr), (center+cc)); imageValue = (double)(iImage.GetValue((r+rr), (c+cc))); //if (imageValue) { //imageValue = imageValue; //} //{ dot += imageValue * kernelValue;//7//iBuf[(r+rr)*cols+(c+cc)] * kernelValue;//m_buffer[(center+rr)*m_dimension + (center+cc)]; sum += kernelValue;//m_buffer[(center+rr)*m_dimension + (center+cc)]; } } } } } long double oValue = ( dot ); if (sum>kPgCoarseEpsilon) { oValue /= sum; } tempBuf[r*cols+c] = oValue; maxVal = maxVal<oValue ? oValue : maxVal; minVal = minVal>oValue ? oValue : minVal; } } //LOG0("The filter coefficients after derivative unquantized are:"); //for(int i=0;i<(cols);i++) // LOG2("Kernel[%d] = %f", i, (double)tempBuf[i]); // quantize values to between 0 & 255 ? long imCount=0; double oRange = (maxVal-minVal); if (oRange) oRange = 255.0f/oRange; else oRange = 255.0f; while (imCount < rows*cols) { double outVal = (tempBuf[imCount]);//-minVal)*oRange; oBuf[imCount] = (U)(outVal+0.5f); imCount++; } return true; }
bool Kernel<T, U>::convolveSeparable(const Image<T>& iImage, Image<U>& oImage) const { //LOG1("Begin Convolve %d.", &iImage); int r, c, rr, cc, center; long double dot, sum; center = m_dimension / 2; long rows=0, cols=0; if (!iImage.GetDimensions(rows, cols)) { return false; } Image<double> tempImage(rows, cols); //oImage = iImage; oImage.SetDimensions(rows, cols); const T* iBuf = (const T*)iImage.GetBuffer(); U* oBuf = (U*)oImage.GetBuffer(); double* tempBuf = (double *)tempImage.GetBuffer(); //LOG0("Blurring the image in the X-direction."); for(r=0;r<rows;r++) { for(c=0;c<cols;c++) { dot = 0.0f; sum = 0.0f; for(cc=(-center);cc<=center;cc++) { if(((c+cc) >= 0) && ((c+cc) < cols)) { dot += iBuf[r*cols+(c+cc)] * m_buffer[center+cc]; sum += m_buffer[center+cc]; } } if (sum>kPgCoarseEpsilon) tempBuf[r*cols+c] = dot/sum; else tempBuf[r*cols+c] = dot; } } Image<double> tempImage1(rows, cols); double* tempBuf1 = (double *)tempImage1.GetBuffer(); double maxVal = -9999, minVal = 9999; //LOG0("Blurring the image in the Y-direction."); for(c=0;c<cols;c++) { for(r=0;r<rows;r++) { sum = 0.0f; dot = 0.0f; for(rr=(-center);rr<=center;rr++) { if(((r+rr) >= 0) && ((r+rr) < rows)) { dot += tempBuf[(r+rr)*cols+c] * m_buffer[center+rr]; sum += m_buffer[center+rr]; } } if (sum>kPgCoarseEpsilon) tempBuf1[r*cols+c] =(dot/sum); else tempBuf1[r*cols+c] =(dot); double oValue = tempBuf1[r*cols+c]; maxVal = maxVal<oValue ? oValue : maxVal; minVal = minVal>oValue ? oValue : minVal; } } // quantize values to between 0 & 255 long imCount=0; double oRange = (maxVal-minVal); if (oRange) oRange = 255.0f/oRange; else oRange = 255.0f; while (imCount < rows*cols) { double outVal = (tempBuf1[imCount]);//-minVal)*oRange; oBuf[imCount] = (U)(outVal+0.5f); imCount++; } //LOG1("End Convolve %d.", &iImage); return true; }