Beispiel #1
// Convert the resulting torque to the body axes
void Propulsion::rotateTorque()

	tf::Vector3 tempVect(wrenchProp.torque.x, wrenchProp.torque.y, wrenchProp.torque.z);
	tempVect = body_to_prop * tempVect;

	wrenchProp.torque.x = tempVect.getX();
	wrenchProp.torque.y = tempVect.getY();
	wrenchProp.torque.z = tempVect.getZ();

	// Convert the torque from the motor frame to the body frame
	double ratio = parentObj->kinematics.J[0] / (parentObj->kinematics.J[0] + parentObj->kinematics.mass * CGOffset.x*CGOffset.x);
	wrenchProp.torque.x =  ratio * wrenchProp.torque.x;
	ratio = parentObj->kinematics.J[4] / (parentObj->kinematics.J[4] + parentObj->kinematics.mass * CGOffset.y*CGOffset.y);
	wrenchProp.torque.y =  ratio * wrenchProp.torque.y;
	ratio = parentObj->kinematics.J[8] / (parentObj->kinematics.J[8] + parentObj->kinematics.mass * CGOffset.z*CGOffset.z);
	wrenchProp.torque.z =  ratio * wrenchProp.torque.z;

	// Add torque to to force misalignment with CG
	// r x F, where r is the distance from CoG to CoL
	// Will potentially add the following code in the future, to support shift of CoG mid-flight
	// XmlRpc::XmlRpcValue list;
	// int i;
	// if(!ros::param::getCached("motor/CGOffset", list)) {ROS_FATAL("Invalid parameters for -/motor/CGOffset- in param server!"); ros::shutdown();}
	// for (i = 0; i < list.size(); ++i) {
	// 	ROS_ASSERT(list[i].getType() == XmlRpc::XmlRpcValue::TypeDouble);
	// 	CGOffset[i]=list[i];
	// }
	wrenchProp.torque.x = wrenchProp.torque.x + CGOffset.y*wrenchProp.force.z - CGOffset.z*wrenchProp.force.y;
	wrenchProp.torque.y = wrenchProp.torque.y - CGOffset.x*wrenchProp.force.z + CGOffset.z*wrenchProp.force.x;
	wrenchProp.torque.z = wrenchProp.torque.z - CGOffset.y*wrenchProp.force.x + CGOffset.x*wrenchProp.force.y;

Beispiel #2
 // Convert the resulting force to the body axes
void Propulsion::rotateForce()

	tf::Vector3 tempVect(wrenchProp.force.x, wrenchProp.force.y, wrenchProp.force.z);
	tempVect = body_to_prop * tempVect; // I'm not sure why this works and not inverted

	wrenchProp.force.x = tempVect.getX();
	wrenchProp.force.y = tempVect.getY();
	wrenchProp.force.z = tempVect.getZ();

Beispiel #3
void Cholesky<T>::operator()(SymmetricMatrix<T>& matrix, LinearVector<T>& vector) const
  LowerMatrix<T> decomp(matrix);
  LinearVector<T> vect(vector);
  LinearVector<T> tempVect(vector.getSize());
  LinearVector<T> solVect(vector.getSize());
  T sum;

  for(int k = 0; k < decomp.rowSize(); k++)
    for(int i = 0; i < k; i++)
      sum = 0;
      for(int j = 0; j < i; j++)
        sum += decomp(i,j)*decomp(k,j);

      decomp(k,i) = (decomp(k,i)-sum)/decomp(i,i);
    sum = 0;

    for(int j = 0; j < k; j++)
      sum += decomp(k,j)*decomp(k,j);

    decomp(k,k) = sqrt(decomp(k,k)-sum);

  std::cout << "The symmetric matrix can be broken down into the 2 following matrices through the use of Cholesky decomposition:" << std::endl;
  UpperMatrix<T> transpose(decomp.transpose());
  std::cout << decomp << std::endl;
  std::cout << transpose << std::endl << std::endl;

  for(int j = 0; j < decomp.numRows(); j++)
    tempVect[j] = vect[j]/decomp(j,j);
    for(int i = j+1; i < decomp.numRows(); i++)
      vect[i] -= decomp(i,j)*tempVect[j];

  for(int j = tempVect.getSize()-1; j >= 0; j--)
    solVect[j] = tempVect[j]/transpose(j,j);

    for(int i = 0; i < j; i++)
      tempVect[i] -= transpose(i,j)*solVect[j];

  std::cout << "The solution to the symmetric system is:"<<std::endl;
  std::cout << solVect <<std::endl <<std::endl;