Beispiel #1
static ssize_t tempcontrol_write(struct device * dev, struct device_attribute * attr, const char * buf, size_t size)
    sscanf(buf, "%d\n", &temp_limit);
    if (temp_limit < 50000) temp_limit = 50000;
    if (temp_limit > 90000) temp_limit = 90000;
    pr_info("[imoseyon] TEMPCONTROL threshold changed to %d\n", temp_limit);
    return size;
static ssize_t tempcontrol_write(struct device * dev, struct device_attribute * attr, const char * buf, size_t size)
    sscanf(buf, "%d\n", &temp_limit);
    if (temp_limit == 0) temp_limit = DEF_TEMPLIMIT;
    else {
      if (temp_limit < TEMP_FLOOR) temp_limit = TEMP_FLOOR;
      if (temp_limit > TEMP_CEILING) temp_limit = TEMP_CEILING;
    pr_info("[imoseyon] TEMPCONTROL threshold changed to %d\n", temp_limit);
    return size;