Beispiel #1
int main (void)
    int slen ;
    char *ptr = "Hello world!";
    char *np = 0;
    char buf[128];
    termf ("ptr=%s, %s is null pointer, char %c='a'\n", ptr, np, 'a');
    termf ("hex %x = ff, hex02=%02x\n", 0xff, 0);   //  hex handling
    termf ("signed %d = %uU = 0x%X\n", -3, -3, -3);   //  int formats
    termf ("%d %s(s) with %%\n", 0, "message");

    slen = stringf (buf, "justif: left=\"%-10s\", right=\"%10s\"\n", "left", "right");
    termf ("[%d] %s", slen, buf);

    stringf(buf, "padding (pos): zero=[%04d], left=[%-4d], r=[%4d]\n", 3, 3, 3) ;
    termf ("%s", buf);

    //  test walking string builder
    slen = 0 ;
    slen += stringf(buf+slen, "padding (neg): zero=[%04d], ", -3) ;
    slen += stringf(buf+slen, "left=[%-4d], ", -3) ;
    slen += stringf(buf+slen, "right=[%4d]\n", -3) ;
    termf ("[%d] %s", slen, buf);
    termf("+ format: int: %+d, %+d, double: %+.1f, %+.1f, reset: %d, %.1f\n", 3, -3, 3.0, -3.0, 3, 3.0) ;

    stringf (buf, "%.2f is a double\n", 3.31) ;
    termf ("%s", buf);

    stringf (buf, "multiple unsigneds: %u %u %2u %X\n", 15, 5, 23, 0xB38F) ;
    termf ("%s", buf);

    stringf (buf, "multiple chars: %c %c %c %c\n", 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd') ;
    termf ("%s", buf);

    stringf (buf, "multiple doubles: %f %.1f %2.0f %.2f %.3f %.2f [%-8.3f]\n",
             3.45, 3.93, 2.45, -1.1, 3.093, 13.72, -4.382) ;
    termf ("%s", buf);
    stringf (buf, "double special cases: %f %.f %.0f %2f %2.f %2.0f\n",
             3.14159, 3.14159, 3.14159, 3.14159, 3.14159, 3.14159) ;
    termf ("%s", buf);
    stringf (buf, "rounding doubles: %.1f %.1f %.3f %.2f [%-8.3f]\n",
             3.93, 3.96, 3.0988, 3.999, -4.382) ;
    termf ("%s", buf);

    //  test case from our Yagarto ARM9 problem
    // char *cmd = "adc_vref " ;
    // float fvalue = 3.30 ;
    // stringf (buf, "%s%.2f", cmd, (double) fvalue);
    // printf("%s\n", buf);

    return 0;
Beispiel #2
int main (void)
   int slen ;
   char *ptr = "Hello world!";
   char *np = 0;
   char buf[128];
   termf ("ptr=%s, %s is null pointer, char %c='a'\n", ptr, np, 'a');
   termf ("hex %x = ff, hex02=%02x\n", 0xff, 0);   //  hex handling
   termf ("signed %d = unsigned %u = hex %X\n", -3, -3, -3);   //  int formats
   termf ("%d %s(s) with %%\n", 0, "message");

   slen = stringf (buf, "justif: left=\"%-10s\", right=\"%10s\"\n", "left", "right");
   termf ("[%d] %s", slen, buf);
   stringf(buf, "padding (pos): zero=[%04d], left=[%-4d], r=[%4d]\n", 3, 3, 3) ;
   termf ("%s", buf);

   //  test walking string builder
   slen = 0 ;
   slen += stringf(buf+slen, "padding (neg): zero=[%04d], ", -3) ;
   slen += stringf(buf+slen, "left=[%-4d], ", -3) ;
   slen += stringf(buf+slen, "right=[%4d]\n", -3) ;
   termf ("[%d] %s", slen, buf);

   stringf (buf, "%.2f is a double\n", 3.31) ;
   termf ("%s", buf);

   stringf (buf, "multiple unsigneds: %u %u %2u %X\n", 15, 5, 23, 0xB38F) ;
   termf ("%s", buf);

   stringf (buf, "multiple chars: %c %c %c %c\n", 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd') ;
   termf ("%s", buf);

   stringf (buf, "multiple doubles: %.2f %2.0f %.2f %.3f %.2f [%-8.3f]\n",
                  3.31, 2.45, -1.1, 3.093, 13.72, -4.382) ;
   termf ("%s", buf);

   return 0;