Beispiel #1
int main ( int argc, char *argv[], char *env[] )
    int deviceFile = open("/dev/input/by-path/platform-i8042-serio-0-event-kbd", O_RDONLY); //opening device file. ATTENTION: you have to have access to it. Easiest way is to "sudo ./a.out".
    if(deviceFile < 0)
        printf("Device file not opened. Most likely you don't have access to it, try to run your program with sudo");
    memset(keys, 0, sizeof(keys)); //just in case, not really necessary

    struct Player player;
    player.x = width / 2;

        int x;
        int y;
        for(y = 0; y < height; y++)
        ioctl (deviceFile, EVIOCGKEY(sizeof keys), &keys); //update keyboard state

        if(testKey(leftKey) && player.x > 0) player.x--;
        if(testKey(rightKey) && player.x < width - 1) player.x++;

        for(x = 0; x < width; x++)
            if(x == player.x)
            if(x > 0 || x < width - 1)
        printf("\n\n"); //to avoid screen tearing

        int w;
        for(w = 0; w < 10000000; w++);
    return 0;
TEST_F(KeymasterTest, SignData_RSA_Raw_InvalidSizeInput_Failure) {
    uint8_t* key_blob;
    size_t key_blob_length;

    UniqueReadOnlyBlob testKey(TEST_SIGN_RSA_KEY_1, sizeof(TEST_SIGN_RSA_KEY_1));
    ASSERT_TRUE(testKey.get() != NULL);

            sDevice->import_keypair(sDevice, testKey.get(), testKey.length(),
                    &key_blob, &key_blob_length))
            << "Should successfully import an RSA key";
    UniqueKey key(&sDevice, key_blob, key_blob_length);

    keymaster_rsa_sign_params_t params = {
            .digest_type = DIGEST_NONE,
            .padding_type = PADDING_NONE,

    uint8_t* sig;
    size_t sig_length;

    UniqueReadOnlyBlob testData(TEST_RSA_KEY_1, sizeof(TEST_RSA_KEY_1));
    ASSERT_TRUE(testData.get() != NULL);

            sDevice->sign_data(sDevice, &params, key_blob, key_blob_length,
                    testData.get(), testData.length(),
                    &sig, &sig_length))
            << "Should not be able to do raw signature on incorrect size data";
TEST_F(KeymasterTest, DeleteKeyPair_RSA_DoubleDelete_Failure) {
    uint8_t* key_blob;
    size_t key_blob_length;

    UniqueReadOnlyBlob testKey(TEST_RSA_KEY_1, sizeof(TEST_RSA_KEY_1));
    ASSERT_TRUE(testKey.get() != NULL);

     * This is only run if the module indicates it implements key deletion
     * by implementing delete_keypair.
    if (sDevice->delete_keypair != NULL) {
                sDevice->import_keypair(sDevice, testKey.get(), testKey.length(),
                        &key_blob, &key_blob_length))
                << "Should successfully import an RSA key";
        UniqueBlob blob(key_blob, key_blob_length);

        ASSERT_EQ(0, sDevice->delete_keypair(sDevice, key_blob, key_blob_length))
                << "Should delete key after import";

        ASSERT_EQ(-1, sDevice->delete_keypair(sDevice, key_blob, key_blob_length))
                << "Should not be able to delete key twice";
Beispiel #4
void test(void)
	//initTFT100 ();
	//testMotor ();
	//testKey ();
	//bgCal656nm ();
TEST_F(KeymasterTest, DeleteKeyPair_RSA_Success) {
    uint8_t* key_blob;
    size_t key_blob_length;

    UniqueReadOnlyBlob testKey(TEST_RSA_KEY_1, sizeof(TEST_RSA_KEY_1));
    ASSERT_TRUE(testKey.get() != NULL);

            sDevice->import_keypair(sDevice, testKey.get(), testKey.length(),
                    &key_blob, &key_blob_length))
            << "Should successfully import an RSA key";
    UniqueKey key(&sDevice, key_blob, key_blob_length);
TEST_F(KeymasterTest, SignData_EC_Success) {
    uint8_t* key_blob;
    size_t key_blob_length;

    UniqueReadOnlyBlob testKey(TEST_SIGN_EC_KEY_1, sizeof(TEST_SIGN_EC_KEY_1));
    ASSERT_TRUE(testKey.get() != NULL);

            sDevice->import_keypair(sDevice, testKey.get(), testKey.length(),
                    &key_blob, &key_blob_length))
            << "Should successfully import an EC key";
    UniqueKey key(&sDevice, key_blob, key_blob_length);

    keymaster_ec_sign_params_t params = {
            .digest_type = DIGEST_NONE,

    uint8_t* sig;
    size_t sig_length;

    UniqueReadOnlyBlob testData(TEST_SIGN_DATA_1, sizeof(TEST_SIGN_DATA_1));
    ASSERT_TRUE(testData.get() != NULL);

            sDevice->sign_data(sDevice, &params, key_blob, key_blob_length,
                    testData.get(), testData.length(),
                    &sig, &sig_length))
            << "Should sign data successfully";
    UniqueBlob sig_blob(sig, sig_length);

    uint8_t* x509_data;
    size_t x509_data_length;
            sDevice->get_keypair_public(sDevice, key_blob, key_blob_length,
                    &x509_data, &x509_data_length))
            << "Should be able to retrieve RSA public key successfully";
    UniqueBlob x509_blob(x509_data, x509_data_length);

    const unsigned char *tmp = static_cast<const unsigned char*>(x509_blob.get());
    Unique_EVP_PKEY expected(d2i_PUBKEY((EVP_PKEY**) NULL, &tmp,

    Unique_EC_KEY ecKey(EVP_PKEY_get1_EC_KEY(expected.get()));

    ASSERT_EQ(1, ECDSA_verify(0, testData.get(), testData.length(), sig_blob.get(), sig_blob.length(), ecKey.get()))
            << "Signature should verify";
TEST_F(KeymasterTest, GetKeypairPublic_EC_NullDestination_Failure) {
    uint8_t* key_blob;
    size_t key_blob_length;

    UniqueReadOnlyBlob testKey(TEST_EC_KEY_1, sizeof(TEST_EC_KEY_1));
    ASSERT_TRUE(testKey.get() != NULL);

            sDevice->import_keypair(sDevice, testKey.get(), testKey.length(),
                    &key_blob, &key_blob_length))
            << "Should successfully import an RSA key";
    UniqueKey key(&sDevice, key_blob, key_blob_length);

            sDevice->get_keypair_public(sDevice, key.get(), key.length(),
                    NULL, NULL))
            << "Should not be able to succeed with NULL destination blob";
Beispiel #8
int main() {
	int score = 0;

	printf("\nIniciando o teste do módulo message\n");

	score += testResult();

	score += testKey();

	score += testValue();

	score += testEntry();

	score += testKeys();

	score += testInvalida();

	printf("Resultados do teste do módulo message: %d em 6\n\n",score);

	return score;
TEST_F(KeymasterTest, GetKeypairPublic_EC_Success) {
    uint8_t* key_blob;
    size_t key_blob_length;

    UniqueReadOnlyBlob testKey(TEST_EC_KEY_1, sizeof(TEST_EC_KEY_1));
    ASSERT_TRUE(testKey.get() != NULL);

            sDevice->import_keypair(sDevice, testKey.get(), testKey.length(),
                    &key_blob, &key_blob_length))
            << "Should successfully import an EC key";
    UniqueKey key(&sDevice, key_blob, key_blob_length);

    uint8_t* x509_data;
    size_t x509_data_length;
            sDevice->get_keypair_public(sDevice, key_blob, key_blob_length,
                    &x509_data, &x509_data_length))
            << "Should be able to retrieve EC public key successfully";
    UniqueBlob x509_blob(x509_data, x509_data_length);
TEST_F(KeymasterTest, SignData_RSA_Raw_Success) {
    uint8_t* key_blob;
    size_t key_blob_length;

    UniqueReadOnlyBlob testKey(TEST_SIGN_RSA_KEY_1, sizeof(TEST_SIGN_RSA_KEY_1));
    ASSERT_TRUE(testKey.get() != NULL);

            sDevice->import_keypair(sDevice, testKey.get(), testKey.length(),
                    &key_blob, &key_blob_length))
            << "Should successfully import an RSA key";
    UniqueKey key(&sDevice, key_blob, key_blob_length);

    keymaster_rsa_sign_params_t params = {
            .digest_type = DIGEST_NONE,
            .padding_type = PADDING_NONE,

    uint8_t* sig;
    size_t sig_length;

    UniqueReadOnlyBlob testData(TEST_SIGN_DATA_1, sizeof(TEST_SIGN_DATA_1));
    ASSERT_TRUE(testData.get() != NULL);

            sDevice->sign_data(sDevice, &params, key_blob, key_blob_length,
                    testData.get(), testData.length(),
                    &sig, &sig_length))
            << "Should sign data successfully";
    UniqueBlob sig_blob(sig, sig_length);

    UniqueBlob expected_sig(TEST_SIGN_RSA_SIGNATURE_1, sizeof(TEST_SIGN_RSA_SIGNATURE_1));

    ASSERT_EQ(expected_sig, sig_blob)
            << "Generated signature should match expected signature";

    // The expected signature is actually stack data, so don't let it try to free.
    uint8_t* unused __attribute__((unused)) = expected_sig.release();
void KdfRomix::computeKdfParams(double targetComputeSec, uint32_t maxMemReqts)
   // Create a random salt, even though this is probably unnecessary:
   // the variation in numIter and memReqts is probably effective enough
   salt_ = SecureBinaryData().GenerateRandom(32);

   // If target compute is 0s, then this method really only generates 
   // a random salt, and sets the other params to default minimum.
   if(targetComputeSec == 0)
      numIterations_ = 1;
      memoryReqtBytes_ = 1024;

   // Here, we pick the largest memory reqt that allows the executing system
   // to compute the KDF is less than the target time.  A maximum can be 
   // specified, in case the target system is likely to be memory-limited
   // more than compute-speed limited
   SecureBinaryData testKey("This is an example key to test KDF iteration speed");

   // Start the search for a memory value at 1kB
   memoryReqtBytes_ = 1024;
   double approxSec = 0;
   while(approxSec <= targetComputeSec/4 && memoryReqtBytes_ < maxMemReqts)
      memoryReqtBytes_ *= 2;

      sequenceCount_ = memoryReqtBytes_ / hashOutputBytes_;

      testKey = DeriveKey_OneIter(testKey);
      approxSec = TIMER_READ_SEC("KDF_Mem_Search");

   // Recompute here, in case we didn't enter the search above 
   sequenceCount_ = memoryReqtBytes_ / hashOutputBytes_;

   // Depending on the search above (or if a low max memory was chosen, 
   // we may need to do multiple iterations to achieve the desired compute
   // time on this system.
   double allItersSec = 0;
   uint32_t numTest = 1;
   while(allItersSec < 0.02)
      numTest *= 2;
      for(uint32_t i=0; i<numTest; i++)
         SecureBinaryData testKey("This is an example key to test KDF iteration speed");
         testKey = DeriveKey_OneIter(testKey);
      allItersSec = TIMER_READ_SEC("KDF_Time_Search");

   double perIterSec  = allItersSec / numTest;
   numIterations_ = (uint32_t)(targetComputeSec / (perIterSec+0.0005));
   numIterations_ = (numIterations_ < 1 ? 1 : numIterations_);
   //cout << "System speed test results    :  " << endl;
   //cout << "   Total test of the KDF took:  " << allItersSec*1000 << " ms" << endl;
   //cout << "                   to execute:  " << numTest << " iterations" << endl;
   //cout << "   Target computation time is:  " << targetComputeSec*1000 << " ms" << endl;
   //cout << "   Setting numIterations to:    " << numIterations_ << endl;
Beispiel #12
	bool testSDLKey(SDLKey key)
		Uint32 k = SDLToDOSKey(key);
		return k ? testKey(k) : false;