int main( void )
#if defined(NDEBUG) /* debugging is turned off */
  return 77; /* don't do any testing */

  /* get rid of annoying messages from elsewhere */
  setvbuf( mystderr = stdout, NULL, _IONBF, 0 );
  FILE *fp = freopen( "/dev/null", "w", stderr );
  if (fp == NULL) die ( unable to open /dev/null );

  lalRaiseHook = TestRaise;

  if ( lalNoDebug ) /* library was not compiled with debugging */
    return 77; /* don't do any testing */

  if ( testOK() ) return 1;
  if ( testPadding() ) return 1;
  if ( testAllocList() ) return 1;
  if ( stressTestRealloc() ) return 1;

  trial( LALCheckMemoryLeaks(), 0, "" );

  return 0;
int main() {
	printf( "format.h test\n" );
	printf( "All good.\n" );