int main(int argc, char * argv[]) { // Build the AST used by ROSE project = frontend(argc,argv); /*convertToOMPNormalForm(project, project); // Run internal consistancy tests on AST AstTests::runAllTests(project); Rose_STL_Container<SgNode*> functions = NodeQuery::querySubTree(project, V_SgFunctionDefinition); for (Rose_STL_Container<SgNode*>::const_iterator i = functions.begin(); i != functions.end(); ++i) { SgFunctionDefinition* func = isSgFunctionDefinition(*i); ROSE_ASSERT(func); printf("func = %s\n", func->unparseToString().c_str()); // output the CFG to a file ofstream fileCFG;>get_declaration()->get_name().getString()+"").c_str()); cout << " writing to file "<<(func->get_declaration()->get_name().getString()+"")<<"\n"; cfgToDot(fileCFG, func->get_declaration()->get_name(), func->cfgForBeginning()); fileCFG.close(); } backend(project);*/ //generatePDF ( *project ); // find a declaration for foo() Rose_STL_Container<SgNode*> funcDecls = NodeQuery::querySubTree(project, V_SgFunctionDeclaration); for(Rose_STL_Container<SgNode*>::iterator it = funcDecls.begin(); it!=funcDecls.end(); it++) { SgFunctionDeclaration* decl = isSgFunctionDeclaration(*it); ROSE_ASSERT(decl); if(decl->get_name().getString() == "foo") { fooDecl = decl; break; } } if(!fooDecl) { printf("ERROR: could not find declaration of function foo()!\n"); numFails++; } testParsing(); convertToOMPNormalForm(project, project); testOMPForSensitiveInsertion(); AstTests::runAllTests(project); insertTopBottomOmpDirectives(project, ompUtils::omp_critical, true, &fooCallStmtCreate); insertTopBottomOmpDirectives(project, ompUtils::omp_single, false, &fooCallStmtCreate); // Run internal consistancy tests on AST // // Generate the CFGs of all the functions to ensure that all CFG data is good Rose_STL_Container<SgNode*> functions = NodeQuery::querySubTree(project, V_SgFunctionDefinition); for (Rose_STL_Container<SgNode*>::const_iterator i = functions.begin(); i != functions.end(); ++i) { SgFunctionDefinition* func = isSgFunctionDefinition(*i); ROSE_ASSERT(func); printf("func = %s\n", func->unparseToString().c_str()); // output the CFG to a file ofstream fileCFG;>get_declaration()->get_name().getString()+"").c_str()); cout << " writing to file "<<(func->get_declaration()->get_name().getString()+"")<<"\n"; cfgToDot(fileCFG, func->get_declaration()->get_name(), func->cfgForBeginning()); fileCFG.close(); } backend(project); system("diff rose_test_example.c test_example.valid_rose_output.c > selfTest.out"); struct stat file; stat("selfTest.out",&file); if(file.st_size!=0) { printf("Error: found differences between rose_test_example.c and the canonical test_example.valid_rose_output.c! Details in selfTest.out.\n"); numFails++; } if(numFails==0) cout << "PASSED\n"; else cout << "FAILED!\n"; }
void testLogicExpressions(void) { printf("*************************************************** testLogicExpressions\r\n"); testParsing(); LECalculator c; LEElement value1; value1.init(LE_NUMERIC_VALUE, 123.0); c.add(&value1); assertEqualsM("123", 123.0, c.getValue(0, NULL)); LEElement value2; value2.init(LE_NUMERIC_VALUE, 321.0); c.add(&value2); LEElement value3; value3.init(LE_OPERATOR_AND); c.add(&value3); assertEqualsM("123 and 321", 1.0, c.getValue(0, NULL)); /** * fuel_pump = (time_since_boot < 4 seconds) OR (rpm > 0) * fuel_pump = time_since_boot 4 less rpm 0 > OR */ c.reset(); LEElement thepool[TEST_POOL_SIZE]; LEElementPool pool(thepool, TEST_POOL_SIZE); LEElement *e =; e->init(LE_METHOD_TIME_SINCE_BOOT); e =; e->init(LE_NUMERIC_VALUE, 4); e =; e->init(LE_OPERATOR_LESS); e =; e->init(LE_METHOD_RPM); e =; e->init(LE_NUMERIC_VALUE, 0); e =; e->init(LE_OPERATOR_MORE); e =; e->init(LE_OPERATOR_OR); pool.reset(); LEElement *element; element = pool.parseExpression("fan no_such_method"); assertTrueM("NULL expected", element == NULL); /** * fan = (not fan && coolant > 90) OR (fan && coolant > 85) * fan = fan NOT coolant 90 AND more fan coolant 85 more AND OR */ mockFan = 0; mockCoolant = 100; testExpression("coolant", 100); testExpression("fan", 0); testExpression("fan not", 1); testExpression("coolant 90 >", 1); testExpression("fan not coolant 90 > and", 1); testExpression("100 200 1 if", 200); testExpression("10 99 max", 99); testExpression2(123, "10 self max", 123); testExpression("fan NOT coolant 90 > AND fan coolant 85 > AND OR", 1); { LEElement thepool[TEST_POOL_SIZE]; LEElementPool pool(thepool, TEST_POOL_SIZE); LEElement * element = pool.parseExpression("fan NOT coolant 90 > AND fan coolant 85 > AND OR"); assertTrueM("Not NULL expected", element != NULL); LECalculator c; assertEqualsM("that expression", 1, c.getValue2(0, element, NULL)); assertEquals(12, c.currentCalculationLogPosition); assertEquals(102, c.calcLogAction[0]); assertEquals(0, c.calcLogValue[0]); } testExpression("coolant", 100); testExpression("fan_off_setting", 0); testExpression("coolant fan_off_setting >", 1); testExpression("0 1 &", 0); testExpression("0 1 |", 1); testExpression("0 1 >", 0); testExpression(FAN_CONTROL_LOGIC, 1); mockRpm = 900; testExpression(FUEL_PUMP_LOGIC, 1); }