Beispiel #1
bool LIS3MDL::init(deviceType device, sa1State sa1)
  // perform auto-detection unless device type and SA1 state were both specified
  if (device == device_auto || sa1 == sa1_auto)
    // check for LIS3MDL if device is unidentified or was specified to be this type
    if (device == device_auto || device == device_LIS3MDL)
      // check SA1 high address unless SA1 was specified to be low
      if (sa1 != sa1_low && testReg(LIS3MDL_SA1_HIGH_ADDRESS, WHO_AM_I) == LIS3MDL_WHO_ID)
        sa1 = sa1_high;
        if (device == device_auto) { device = device_LIS3MDL; }
      // check SA1 low address unless SA1 was specified to be high
      else if (sa1 != sa1_high && testReg(LIS3MDL_SA1_LOW_ADDRESS, WHO_AM_I) == LIS3MDL_WHO_ID)
        sa1 = sa1_low;
        if (device == device_auto) { device = device_LIS3MDL; }

    // make sure device and SA1 were successfully detected; otherwise, indicate failure
    if (device == device_auto || sa1 == sa1_auto)
      return false;

  _device = device;

  switch (device)
    case device_LIS3MDL:
      address = (sa1 == sa1_high) ? LIS3MDL_SA1_HIGH_ADDRESS : LIS3MDL_SA1_LOW_ADDRESS;

  return true;
Beispiel #2
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    QCoreApplication a(argc, argv);

    /*Failed to bind if this two exist at the same time*/
    TestLogin testReg(false);
    if (!testReg.testReady ())
        return 1;

    return a.exec();
Beispiel #3
bool LSM303::init(deviceType device, sa0State sa0)
  // determine device type if necessary
  if (device == device_auto)
    if (testReg(D_SA0_HIGH_ADDRESS, WHO_AM_I) == D_WHO_ID)
      // device responds to address 0011101 with D ID; it's a D with SA0 high
      device = device_D;
      sa0 = sa0_high;
    else if (testReg(D_SA0_LOW_ADDRESS, WHO_AM_I) == D_WHO_ID)
      // device responds to address 0011110 with D ID; it's a D with SA0 low
      device = device_D;
      sa0 = sa0_low;
    // Remaining possibilities: DLHC, DLM, or DLH. DLHC seems to respond to WHO_AM_I request the
    // same way as DLM, even though this register isn't documented in its datasheet, so instead,
    // guess if it's a DLHC based on acc address (Pololu boards pull SA0 low on DLM and DLH;
    // DLHC doesn't have SA0 but uses same acc address as DLH/DLM with SA0 high).
      // device responds to address 0011001; guess that it's a DLHC
      device = device_DLHC;
      sa0 = sa0_high;
    // Remaining possibilities: DLM or DLH. Check acc with SA0 low address to make sure it's responsive
    else if (testReg(NON_D_ACC_SA0_LOW_ADDRESS, CTRL_REG1_A) != TEST_REG_NACK)
      // device responds to address 0011000 with DLM ID; guess that it's a DLM
      sa0 = sa0_low;

      // Now check WHO_AM_I_M
      if (testReg(NON_D_MAG_ADDRESS, WHO_AM_I_M) == DLM_WHO_ID)
        device = device_DLM;
        device = device_DLH;
      // device hasn't responded meaningfully, so give up
      return false;

  // determine SA0 if necessary
  if (sa0 == sa0_auto)
    if (device == device_D)
      if (testReg(D_SA0_HIGH_ADDRESS, WHO_AM_I) == D_WHO_ID)
        sa0 = sa0_high;
      else if (testReg(D_SA0_LOW_ADDRESS, WHO_AM_I) == D_WHO_ID)
        sa0 = sa0_low;
        // no response on either possible address; give up
        return false;
    else if (device == device_DLM || device == device_DLH)
        sa0 = sa0_high;
      else if (testReg(NON_D_ACC_SA0_LOW_ADDRESS, CTRL_REG1_A) != TEST_REG_NACK)
        sa0 = sa0_low;
        // no response on either possible address; give up
        return false;

  _device = device;

  // set device addresses and translated register addresses
  switch (device)
    case device_D:
      acc_address = mag_address = (sa0 == sa0_high) ? D_SA0_HIGH_ADDRESS : D_SA0_LOW_ADDRESS;
      translated_regs[-OUT_X_L_M] = D_OUT_X_L_M;
      translated_regs[-OUT_X_H_M] = D_OUT_X_H_M;
      translated_regs[-OUT_Y_L_M] = D_OUT_Y_L_M;
      translated_regs[-OUT_Y_H_M] = D_OUT_Y_H_M;
      translated_regs[-OUT_Z_L_M] = D_OUT_Z_L_M;
      translated_regs[-OUT_Z_H_M] = D_OUT_Z_H_M;

    case device_DLHC:
      acc_address = NON_D_ACC_SA0_HIGH_ADDRESS; // DLHC doesn't have SA0 but uses same acc address as DLH/DLM with SA0 high
      mag_address = NON_D_MAG_ADDRESS;
      translated_regs[-OUT_X_H_M] = DLHC_OUT_X_H_M;
      translated_regs[-OUT_X_L_M] = DLHC_OUT_X_L_M;
      translated_regs[-OUT_Y_H_M] = DLHC_OUT_Y_H_M;
      translated_regs[-OUT_Y_L_M] = DLHC_OUT_Y_L_M;
      translated_regs[-OUT_Z_H_M] = DLHC_OUT_Z_H_M;
      translated_regs[-OUT_Z_L_M] = DLHC_OUT_Z_L_M;

    case device_DLM:
      acc_address = (sa0 == sa0_high) ? NON_D_ACC_SA0_HIGH_ADDRESS : NON_D_ACC_SA0_LOW_ADDRESS;
      mag_address = NON_D_MAG_ADDRESS;
      translated_regs[-OUT_X_H_M] = DLM_OUT_X_H_M;
      translated_regs[-OUT_X_L_M] = DLM_OUT_X_L_M;
      translated_regs[-OUT_Y_H_M] = DLM_OUT_Y_H_M;
      translated_regs[-OUT_Y_L_M] = DLM_OUT_Y_L_M;
      translated_regs[-OUT_Z_H_M] = DLM_OUT_Z_H_M;
      translated_regs[-OUT_Z_L_M] = DLM_OUT_Z_L_M;

    case device_DLH:
      acc_address = (sa0 == sa0_high) ? NON_D_ACC_SA0_HIGH_ADDRESS : NON_D_ACC_SA0_LOW_ADDRESS;
      mag_address = NON_D_MAG_ADDRESS;
      translated_regs[-OUT_X_H_M] = DLH_OUT_X_H_M;
      translated_regs[-OUT_X_L_M] = DLH_OUT_X_L_M;
      translated_regs[-OUT_Y_H_M] = DLH_OUT_Y_H_M;
      translated_regs[-OUT_Y_L_M] = DLH_OUT_Y_L_M;
      translated_regs[-OUT_Z_H_M] = DLH_OUT_Z_H_M;
      translated_regs[-OUT_Z_L_M] = DLH_OUT_Z_L_M;
  return true;
Beispiel #4
bool L3G::init(deviceType device, sa0State sa0)
  int id;

  // perform auto-detection unless device type and SA0 state were both specified
  if (device == device_auto || sa0 == sa0_auto)
    // check for L3GD20H, D20 if device is unidentified or was specified to be one of these types
    if (device == device_auto || device == device_D20H || device == device_D20)
      // check SA0 high address unless SA0 was specified to be low
      if (sa0 != sa0_low && (id = testReg(D20_SA0_HIGH_ADDRESS, WHO_AM_I)) != TEST_REG_ERROR)
        // device responds to address 1101011; it's a D20H or D20 with SA0 high
        sa0 = sa0_high;
        if (device == device_auto)
          // use ID from WHO_AM_I register to determine device type
          device = (id == D20H_WHO_ID) ? device_D20H : device_D20;
      // check SA0 low address unless SA0 was specified to be high
      else if (sa0 != sa0_high && (id = testReg(D20_SA0_LOW_ADDRESS, WHO_AM_I)) != TEST_REG_ERROR)
        // device responds to address 1101010; it's a D20H or D20 with SA0 low
        sa0 = sa0_low;
        if (device == device_auto)
          // use ID from WHO_AM_I register to determine device type
          device = (id == D20H_WHO_ID) ? device_D20H : device_D20;

    // check for L3G4200D if device is still unidentified or was specified to be this type
    if (device == device_auto || device == device_4200D)
      if (sa0 != sa0_low && testReg(L3G4200D_SA0_HIGH_ADDRESS, WHO_AM_I) == L3G4200D_WHO_ID)
        // device responds to address 1101001; it's a 4200D with SA0 high
        device = device_4200D;
        sa0 = sa0_high;
      else if (sa0 != sa0_high && testReg(L3G4200D_SA0_LOW_ADDRESS, WHO_AM_I) == L3G4200D_WHO_ID)
        // device responds to address 1101000; it's a 4200D with SA0 low
        device = device_4200D;
        sa0 = sa0_low;

    // make sure device and SA0 were successfully detected; otherwise, indicate failure
    if (device == device_auto || sa0 == sa0_auto)
      return false;

  _device = device;

  // set device address
  switch (device)
    case device_D20H:
    case device_D20:
      address = (sa0 == sa0_high) ? D20_SA0_HIGH_ADDRESS : D20_SA0_LOW_ADDRESS;

    case device_4200D:
      address = (sa0 == sa0_high) ? L3G4200D_SA0_HIGH_ADDRESS : L3G4200D_SA0_LOW_ADDRESS;

  return true;
//~ must  return a zero on any successful completion of command
//~ if unsuccessful, return a 1 which is an abend interrupt, the OS
//~ will remove the process from the processor and kill it.
int Processor::perform(string command){
  vector<string> tokens;
  //~ tokenize is defined within Tokenize.h It tokenizes the 
  //~ string and inserts the tokens in the returned vector.
  tokens = Tokenize(command, " \t");
  //~ cout << "performing command: " << command << endl;
  //~ for(uint i = 0; i < tokens.size(); i++){
    //~ cout << "\ttoken " << i << ": " << tokens[i] << endl;
  //~ }
  if(tokens[0] == "noop"){
    //~ do nothing
    return 0;
  else if(tokens[0] == "jmp"){
    //~ Just change the PC, it is that simple
    //~ this one should really take an address, a 
    //~ register, or an indirect address 
    //~ printf("jumping to %s\n",tokens[1].c_str());
    PC = atoi(tokens[1].c_str());
    return 0;
  }else if(tokens[0] == "mov"){
    //~ MOV AL, 61h 
    //~ Move (really a copy) the hexadecimal value '61' into 
    //~ the processor register known as "AL". (The h-suffix means     
    //~ hexadecimal or = 97 in decimal)  */
      return 1; //this is the interrupt that should occur
    }else{        //given a bad command (abbend)
      setReg(tokens[1], (word)atoi(tokens[2].c_str()));
      return 0;
  }else if(tokens[0] == "inc"){
      return 1; // returned int for bad command
      word regVal = getReg(tokens[1]);
      return 0;
  }else if(tokens[0] == "dec"){
      return 1; // returned int for bad command
      word regVal = getReg(tokens[1]);
      //~ printf("decrementing %s. ",tokens[1].c_str());
      //~ printf("It is now %d\n",(int)regVal);
      return 0;
  }else if(tokens[0] == "add"){
    if(testReg(tokens[1]) || testReg(tokens[2])){
      return 1;// returned int for bad command
      int addFrom = getReg(tokens[2]);
      int addTo = getReg(tokens[1]);
      return 0;

  }else if(tokens[0] == "mul"){
    if(testReg(tokens[1]) || testReg(tokens[2])){
      return 1;
      int multFrom = getReg(tokens[2]);
      int multTo = getReg(tokens[1]);
      setReg(tokens[1],multFrom * multTo);
      return 0;

  }else if(tokens[0] == "div"){
    if(testReg(tokens[1]) || testReg(tokens[2]) || getReg(tokens[2] )== 0){
      return 1;//this is an abend 
      int divFrom = getReg(tokens[2]);
      int divTo = getReg(tokens[1]);
      setReg(tokens[1],divFrom * divTo);
      return 0;

  }else if(tokens[0] == "jz"){
    //~ if the first register is zero jump to the address in sec reg
    //~ printf("got a jz\n");
    if(testReg(tokens[1]) || testReg(tokens[2])) {
      return 1;//this is an abend 
      //~ printf("checking whether %s is zero\n",tokens[1].c_str());
      //~ printf("its contents is %d\n",(int)getReg(tokens[1]));
      if((int)getReg(tokens[1]) == 0){
        PC = getReg(tokens[2]);
      return 0;

  }else if(tokens[0] == "end"){
    return 2;// returned int for normal end of program
    cout << "simProc reports unrecognized command: " << command << endl;
    return 1;
Beispiel #6
bool LSM303::init(deviceType device, sa0State sa0)
  // perform auto-detection unless device type and SA0 state were both specified
  if (device == device_auto || sa0 == sa0_auto)
    // check for LSM303D if device is unidentified or was specified to be this type
    if (device == device_auto || device == device_D)
      // check SA0 high address unless SA0 was specified to be low
      if (sa0 != sa0_low && testReg(D_SA0_HIGH_ADDRESS, WHO_AM_I) == D_WHO_ID)
        // device responds to address 0011101 with D ID; it's a D with SA0 high
        device = device_D;
        sa0 = sa0_high;
      // check SA0 low address unless SA0 was specified to be high
      else if (sa0 != sa0_high && testReg(D_SA0_LOW_ADDRESS, WHO_AM_I) == D_WHO_ID)
        // device responds to address 0011110 with D ID; it's a D with SA0 low
        device = device_D;
        sa0 = sa0_low;
    // check for LSM303DLHC, DLM, DLH if device is still unidentified or was specified to be one of these types
    if (device == device_auto || device == device_DLHC || device == device_DLM || device == device_DLH)
      // check SA0 high address unless SA0 was specified to be low
      if (sa0 != sa0_low && testReg(DLHC_DLM_DLH_ACC_SA0_HIGH_ADDRESS, CTRL_REG1_A) != TEST_REG_ERROR)
        // device responds to address 0011001; it's a DLHC, DLM with SA0 high, or DLH with SA0 high
        sa0 = sa0_high;
        if (device == device_auto)
          // use magnetometer WHO_AM_I register to determine device type
          // DLHC seems to respond to WHO_AM_I request the same way as DLM, even though this
          // register isn't documented in its datasheet. Since the DLHC accelerometer address is the
          // same as the DLM with SA0 high, but Pololu DLM boards pull SA0 low by default, we'll
          // guess that a device whose accelerometer responds to the SA0 high address and whose
          // magnetometer gives the DLM ID is actually a DLHC.
          device = (testReg(DLHC_DLM_DLH_MAG_ADDRESS, WHO_AM_I_M) == DLM_WHO_ID) ? device_DLHC : device_DLH;
      // check SA0 low address unless SA0 was specified to be high
      else if (sa0 != sa0_high && testReg(DLM_DLH_ACC_SA0_LOW_ADDRESS, CTRL_REG1_A) != TEST_REG_ERROR)
        // device responds to address 0011000; it's a DLM with SA0 low or DLH with SA0 low
        sa0 = sa0_low;
        if (device == device_auto)
          // use magnetometer WHO_AM_I register to determine device type
          device = (testReg(DLHC_DLM_DLH_MAG_ADDRESS, WHO_AM_I_M) == DLM_WHO_ID) ? device_DLM : device_DLH;
    // make sure device and SA0 were successfully detected; otherwise, indicate failure
    if (device == device_auto || sa0 == sa0_auto)
      return false;
  _device = device;
  // set device addresses and translated register addresses
  switch (device)
    case device_D:
      acc_address = mag_address = (sa0 == sa0_high) ? D_SA0_HIGH_ADDRESS : D_SA0_LOW_ADDRESS;
      translated_regs[-OUT_X_L_M] = D_OUT_X_L_M;
      translated_regs[-OUT_X_H_M] = D_OUT_X_H_M;
      translated_regs[-OUT_Y_L_M] = D_OUT_Y_L_M;
      translated_regs[-OUT_Y_H_M] = D_OUT_Y_H_M;
      translated_regs[-OUT_Z_L_M] = D_OUT_Z_L_M;
      translated_regs[-OUT_Z_H_M] = D_OUT_Z_H_M;

    case device_DLHC:
      acc_address = DLHC_DLM_DLH_ACC_SA0_HIGH_ADDRESS; // DLHC doesn't have configurable SA0 but uses same acc address as DLM/DLH with SA0 high
      mag_address = DLHC_DLM_DLH_MAG_ADDRESS;
      translated_regs[-OUT_X_H_M] = DLHC_OUT_X_H_M;
      translated_regs[-OUT_X_L_M] = DLHC_OUT_X_L_M;
      translated_regs[-OUT_Y_H_M] = DLHC_OUT_Y_H_M;
      translated_regs[-OUT_Y_L_M] = DLHC_OUT_Y_L_M;
      translated_regs[-OUT_Z_H_M] = DLHC_OUT_Z_H_M;
      translated_regs[-OUT_Z_L_M] = DLHC_OUT_Z_L_M;

    case device_DLM:
      acc_address = (sa0 == sa0_high) ? DLHC_DLM_DLH_ACC_SA0_HIGH_ADDRESS : DLM_DLH_ACC_SA0_LOW_ADDRESS;
      mag_address = DLHC_DLM_DLH_MAG_ADDRESS;
      translated_regs[-OUT_X_H_M] = DLM_OUT_X_H_M;
      translated_regs[-OUT_X_L_M] = DLM_OUT_X_L_M;
      translated_regs[-OUT_Y_H_M] = DLM_OUT_Y_H_M;
      translated_regs[-OUT_Y_L_M] = DLM_OUT_Y_L_M;
      translated_regs[-OUT_Z_H_M] = DLM_OUT_Z_H_M;
      translated_regs[-OUT_Z_L_M] = DLM_OUT_Z_L_M;

    case device_DLH:
      acc_address = (sa0 == sa0_high) ? DLHC_DLM_DLH_ACC_SA0_HIGH_ADDRESS : DLM_DLH_ACC_SA0_LOW_ADDRESS;
      mag_address = DLHC_DLM_DLH_MAG_ADDRESS;
      translated_regs[-OUT_X_H_M] = DLH_OUT_X_H_M;
      translated_regs[-OUT_X_L_M] = DLH_OUT_X_L_M;
      translated_regs[-OUT_Y_H_M] = DLH_OUT_Y_H_M;
      translated_regs[-OUT_Y_L_M] = DLH_OUT_Y_L_M;
      translated_regs[-OUT_Z_H_M] = DLH_OUT_Z_H_M;
      translated_regs[-OUT_Z_L_M] = DLH_OUT_Z_L_M;
  return true;