int main(int argc, char** argv) { const char hc_path[] = "tmp/terrain"; const char *map_path; if ((argc<2) || !strlen(argv[0])) { map_path = hc_path; } else { map_path = argv[0]; } TCHAR jp2_path[4096]; _tcscpy(jp2_path, PathName(map_path)); _tcscat(jp2_path, _T(DIR_SEPARATOR_S) _T("terrain.jp2")); TCHAR j2w_path[4096]; _tcscpy(j2w_path, PathName(map_path)); _tcscat(j2w_path, _T(DIR_SEPARATOR_S) _T("terrain.j2w")); NullOperationEnvironment operation; RasterMap map(jp2_path, j2w_path, NULL, operation); do { map.SetViewCenter(map.GetMapCenter(), fixed(100000)); } while (map.IsDirty()); plan_tests(16*3); test_troute(map, fixed(0), fixed(0.1), RoughAltitude(10000)); test_troute(map, fixed(0), fixed(0), RoughAltitude(10000)); test_troute(map, fixed(5.0), fixed(1), RoughAltitude(10000)); return exit_status(); }
int main(int argc, char** argv) { static const char hc_path[] = "tmp/map.xcm"; const char *map_path; if ((argc<2) || !strlen(argv[0])) { map_path = hc_path; } else { map_path = argv[0]; } ZZIP_DIR *dir = zzip_dir_open(map_path, nullptr); if (dir == nullptr) { fprintf(stderr, "Failed to open %s\n", map_path); return EXIT_FAILURE; } RasterMap map; NullOperationEnvironment operation; if (!LoadTerrainOverview(dir, map.GetTileCache(), operation)) { fprintf(stderr, "failed to load map\n"); zzip_dir_close(dir); return EXIT_FAILURE; } map.UpdateProjection(); SharedMutex mutex; do { UpdateTerrainTiles(dir, map.GetTileCache(), mutex, map.GetProjection(), map.GetMapCenter(), 100000); } while (map.IsDirty()); zzip_dir_close(dir); plan_tests(16*3); test_troute(map, 0, 0.1, 10000); test_troute(map, 0, 0, 10000); test_troute(map, 5.0, 1, 10000); return exit_status(); }