static void
update_seek_double_test	(const char *filename, int filetype)
{	SNDFILE *outfile, *infile ;
	SF_INFO sfinfo ;
    sf_count_t frames ;
    double buffer [8] ;
	int k ;

	print_test_name ("update_seek_double_test", filename) ;

	memset (buffer, 0, sizeof (buffer)) ;

	/* Create sound outfile with no data. */
	sfinfo.format = filetype | SF_FORMAT_DOUBLE ;
	sfinfo.samplerate = 48000 ;
	sfinfo.channels = 2 ;

	if (sf_format_check (&sfinfo) == SF_FALSE)
		sfinfo.channels = 1 ;

	outfile = test_open_file_or_die (filename, SFM_WRITE, &sfinfo, SF_TRUE, __LINE__) ;
	sf_close (outfile) ;

	/* Open again for read/write. */
	outfile = test_open_file_or_die (filename, SFM_RDWR, &sfinfo, SF_TRUE, __LINE__) ;

	** In auto header update mode, seeking to the end of the file with
    ** SEEK_SET will fail from the 2nd seek on.  seeking to 0, SEEK_END
	** will seek to 0 anyway
	if (sf_command (outfile, SFC_SET_UPDATE_HEADER_AUTO, NULL, SF_TRUE) == 0)
    {	printf ("\n\nError : sf_command (SFC_SET_UPDATE_HEADER_AUTO) return error : %s\n\n", sf_strerror (outfile)) ;
		exit (1) ;
		} ;

	/* Now write some frames. */
	frames = ARRAY_LEN (buffer) / sfinfo.channels ;

	for (k = 0 ; k < 6 ; k++)
	{	test_seek_or_die (outfile, k * frames, SEEK_SET, k * frames, sfinfo.channels, __LINE__) ;
		test_seek_or_die (outfile, 0, SEEK_END, k * frames, sfinfo.channels, __LINE__) ;

		/* Open file again and make sure no errors in log buffer. */
		infile = test_open_file_or_die (filename, SFM_READ, &sfinfo, SF_TRUE, __LINE__) ;
		check_log_buffer_or_die (infile, __LINE__) ;
		sf_close (infile) ;

		if (sfinfo.frames != k * frames)
		{	printf ("\n\nLine %d : Incorrect sample count (%ld should be %ld)\n", __LINE__, SF_COUNT_TO_LONG (sfinfo.frames), SF_COUNT_TO_LONG (k + frames)) ;
			dump_log_buffer (infile) ;
			exit (1) ;
			} ;

		if ((k & 1) == 0)
			test_write_double_or_die (outfile, k, buffer, sfinfo.channels * frames, __LINE__) ;
			test_writef_double_or_die (outfile, k, buffer, frames, __LINE__) ;
		} ;

	sf_close (outfile) ;
	unlink (filename) ;

	puts ("ok") ;
	return ;
} /* update_seek_double_test */
Beispiel #2
static void
useek_pipe_rw_double (const char * ext, SF_INFO * psfinfo_write, SF_INFO * psfinfo_read)
{	static double buffer [PIPE_TEST_LEN] ;
	static double data [PIPE_TEST_LEN] ;
	SNDFILE *outfile ;
	SNDFILE *infile_piped ;

	int k, status = 0 ;
	int pipefd [2] ;
	pid_t pida ;

	for (k = 0 ; k < PIPE_TEST_LEN ; k++)
		data [k] = PIPE_INDEX (k) ;

	** Create the pipe.
	pipe (pipefd) ;

	** Attach the write end of the pipe to be written to.
	if ((outfile = sf_open_fd (pipefd [1], SFM_WRITE, psfinfo_write, SF_TRUE)) == NULL)
	{	printf ("\n\n%s %d : unable to create unseekable pipe for write type \"%s\".\n", __func__, __LINE__, ext) ;
		printf ("\t%s\n\n", sf_strerror (outfile)) ;
		exit (1) ;
		} ;

	if (sf_error (outfile) != SF_ERR_NO_ERROR)
	{	printf ("\n\n%s %d : unable to open unseekable pipe for write type \"%s\".\n\n", __func__, __LINE__, ext) ;
		exit (1) ;
		} ;

	** Attach the read end of the pipe to be read from.
	if ((infile_piped = sf_open_fd (pipefd [0], SFM_READ, psfinfo_read, SF_TRUE)) == NULL)
	{	printf ("\n\n%s %d : unable to create unseekable pipe for read type. \"%s\".\n\n", __func__, __LINE__, ext) ;
		exit (1) ;
		} ;

	if (sf_error (infile_piped) != SF_ERR_NO_ERROR)
	{	printf ("\n\n%s %d : unable to open unseekable pipe for read type \"%s\".\n\n", __func__, __LINE__, ext) ;
		exit (1) ;
		} ;

	/* Fork a child process that will write directly into the pipe. */
	if ((pida = fork ()) == 0) /* child process */
	{	test_writef_double_or_die (outfile, 0, data, PIPE_TEST_LEN, __LINE__) ;
		exit (0) ;
		} ;

	/* In the parent process, read from the pipe and compare what is read
	** to what is written, if they match everything went as planned.
	test_readf_double_or_die (infile_piped, 0, buffer, PIPE_TEST_LEN, __LINE__) ;
	if (memcmp (buffer, data, sizeof (buffer)) != 0)
	{	printf ("\n\n%s %d : unseekable pipe test failed for file type \"%s\".\n\n", __func__, __LINE__, ext) ;
		exit (1) ;
		} ;

	/* Wait for the child process to return. */
	waitpid (pida, &status, 0) ;
	status = WEXITSTATUS (status) ;
	sf_close (outfile) ;
	sf_close (infile_piped) ;

	if (status != 0)
	{	printf ("\n\n%s %d : status of child process is %d for file type %s.\n\n", __func__, __LINE__, status, ext) ;
		exit (1) ;
		} ;

	return ;
} /* useek_pipe_rw_double */