Beispiel #1
void Preprocessing::read(int argc, char **argv, int rank)

    parser.setCommandLine(argc, argv);
    int gen_section = parser.addSection("General options");
    fn_out = parser.getOption("--o", "Output rootname", "particles");
    // Dont allow for directories here!
    fn_out = fn_out.removeDirectories();

    int particle_section = parser.addSection("Particle selection");
    fns_coords_in = parser.getOption("--coord_files", "The coordinate files for all particles to be output (may contain wildcards e.g. \"mics/*.box\" or \"mics/???.star\" )","");
    fn_star_in = parser.getOption("--mic_star", "The STAR file with all (selected) micrographs to extract particles from","");
    fn_pick_suffix = parser.getOption("--coord_suffix", "The suffix for the coordinate files, e.g. \"\" or \".box\"","");

    int extract_section = parser.addSection("Particle extraction");
    do_extract = parser.checkOption("--extract", "Extract all particles from the micrographs");
    extract_size = textToInteger(parser.getOption("--extract_size", "Size of the box to extract the particles in (in pixels)", "-1"));
    extract_bias_x  = textToInteger(parser.getOption("--extract_bias_x", "Bias in X-direction of picked particles (this value in pixels will be added to the coords)", "0"));
    extract_bias_y  = textToInteger(parser.getOption("--extract_bias_y", "Bias in Y-direction of picked particles (this value in pixels will be added to the coords)", "0"));
    do_movie_extract = parser.checkOption("--extract_movies", "Extract particles from movie stacks (e.g. from DDDs)");
    avg_n_frames = textToInteger(parser.getOption("--avg_movie_frames", "Average over this number of individual movie frames", "1"));
    movie_first_frame = textToInteger(parser.getOption("--first_movie_frame", "Extract from this movie frame onwards", "1"));
    movie_first_frame--; // (start counting at 0, not 1)
    movie_last_frame = textToInteger(parser.getOption("--last_movie_frame", "Extract until this movie frame (default=all movie frames)", "0"));
    movie_last_frame--; // (start counting at 0, not 1)
    fn_movie = parser.getOption("--movie_rootname", "Common name to relate movies to the single micrographs (e.g. mic001_movie.mrcs related to mic001.mrc)", "movie");

    int perpart_section = parser.addSection("Particle operations");
    do_project_3d = parser.checkOption("--project3d", "Project sub-tomograms along Z to generate 2D particles");
    scale  = textToInteger(parser.getOption("--scale", "Re-scale the particles to this size (in pixels)", "-1"));
    window  = textToInteger(parser.getOption("--window", "Re-window the particles to this size (in pixels)", "-1"));
    do_normalise = parser.checkOption("--norm", "Normalise the background to average zero and stddev one");
    bg_radius = textToInteger(parser.getOption("--bg_radius", "Radius of the circular mask that will be used to define the background area (in pixels)", "-1"));
    white_dust_stddev = textToFloat(parser.getOption("--white_dust", "Sigma-values above which white dust will be removed (negative value means no dust removal)","-1"));
    black_dust_stddev = textToFloat(parser.getOption("--black_dust", "Sigma-values above which black dust will be removed (negative value means no dust removal)","-1"));
    do_invert_contrast = parser.checkOption("--invert_contrast", "Invert the contrast in the input images");
    fn_operate_in = parser.getOption("--operate_on", "The operations above are applied to all extracted particles. Use this option to operate on an input stack/STAR file", "");

    // Initialise verb for non-parallel execution
    verb = 1;

    if (!( checkParameter(argc, argv, "--o") || checkParameter(argc, argv, "--operate_on") ))
        REPORT_ERROR("Provide either --o or --operate_on");

    // Check for errors in the command-line option
    if (parser.checkForErrors())
        REPORT_ERROR("Errors encountered on the command line (see above), exiting...");

Beispiel #2
void Postprocessing::read(int argc, char **argv)

	parser.setCommandLine(argc, argv);
	int gen_section = parser.addSection("General options");
	fn_in = parser.getOption("--i", "Input rootname, e.g. run1");
	fn_out = parser.getOption("--o", "Output rootname", "postprocess");
	angpix = textToFloat(parser.getOption("--angpix", "Pixel size in Angstroms"));

	int mask_section = parser.addSection("Masking options");
	do_auto_mask = parser.checkOption("--auto_mask", "Perform automated masking, based on a density threshold");
	ini_mask_density_threshold = textToFloat(parser.getOption("--inimask_threshold", "Density at which to threshold the map for the initial seed mask", "0.02"));
	extend_ini_mask = textToFloat(parser.getOption("--extend_inimask", "Number of pixels to extend the initial seed mask", "3."));
	width_soft_mask_edge  = textToFloat(parser.getOption("--width_mask_edge", "Width for the raised cosine soft mask edge (in pixels)", "6."));
	fn_mask = parser.getOption("--mask", "Filename of a user-provided mask (1=protein, 0=solvent, all values in range [0,1])", "");

	int sharp_section = parser.addSection("Sharpening options");
	fn_mtf = parser.getOption("--mtf", "User-provided STAR-file with the MTF-curve of the detector", "");
	do_auto_bfac = parser.checkOption("--auto_bfac", "Perform automated B-factor determination (Rosenthal and Henderson, 2003)");
	fit_minres = textToFloat(parser.getOption("--autob_lowres", "Lowest resolution (in A) to include in fitting of the B-factor", "10."));
	fit_maxres = textToFloat(parser.getOption("--autob_highres", "Highest resolution (in A) to include in fitting of the B-factor", "0."));
	adhoc_bfac =  textToFloat(parser.getOption("--adhoc_bfac", "User-provided B-factor (in A^2) for map sharpening, e.g. -400", "0."));

	int filter_section = parser.addSection("Filtering options");
	do_fsc_weighting = !parser.checkOption("--skip_fsc_weighting", "Do not use FSC-weighting (Rosenthal and Henderson, 2003) in the sharpening process");
	// include low-pass filter option in the program? This could be useful for structurally heterogeneous reconstructions (instead of FSC-weighting)
	low_pass_freq = textToFloat(parser.getOption("--low_pass", "Resolution (in Angstroms) at which to low-pass filter the final map (by default at final resolution)", "0."));

	int expert_section = parser.addSection("Expert options");
	randomize_fsc_at = textToFloat(parser.getOption("--randomize_at_fsc", "Randomize phases from the resolution where FSC drops below this value", "0.8"));
	filter_edge_width = textToInteger(parser.getOption("--filter_edge_width", "Width of the raised cosine on the low-pass filter edge (in resolution shells)", "2"));
	verb = textToInteger(parser.getOption("--verb", "Verbosity", "1"));

	// Check for errors in the command-line option
	if (parser.checkForErrors())
		REPORT_ERROR("Errors encountered on the command line (see above), exiting...");

Beispiel #3
	void read(int argc, char **argv)

		parser.setCommandLine(argc, argv);

		int general_section = parser.addSection("General options");
	    fn_unt = parser.getOption("--u", "Input STAR file with untilted particles");
	    fn_til = parser.getOption("--t", "Input STAR file with tilted particles");
	    fn_eps = parser.getOption("--o", "Output EPS file ", "tiltpair.eps");
	    fn_sym = parser.getOption("--sym", "Symmetry point group", "C1");
	    exp_tilt = textToFloat(parser.getOption("--exp_tilt", "Choose symmetry operator that gives tilt angle closest to this value", "0."));
	    exp_beta = textToFloat(parser.getOption("--exp_beta", "Choose symmetry operator that gives beta angle closest to this value", "0."));
	    dist_from_alpha = textToFloat(parser.getOption("--dist_from_alpha", "Direction (alpha angle) of tilt axis from which to calculate distance", "0."));
	    dist_from_tilt = textToFloat(parser.getOption("--dist_from_tilt", "Tilt angle from which to calculate distance", "0."));
	    plot_max_tilt = textToFloat(parser.getOption("--max_tilt", "Maximum tilt angle to plot in the EPS file", "90."));
	    plot_spot_radius = textToInteger(parser.getOption("--spot_radius", "Radius in pixels of the spots in the tiltpair plot", "3"));

      	// Check for errors in the command-line option
    	if (parser.checkForErrors())
    		REPORT_ERROR("Errors encountered on the command line, exiting...");
	void read(int argc, char **argv)

		parser.setCommandLine(argc, argv);

		int general_section = parser.addSection("General Options");
		fn_unt = parser.getOption("--u", "STAR file with the untilted xy-coordinates");
		fn_til = parser.getOption("--t", "STAR file with the untilted xy-coordinates");
		size = textToInteger(parser.getOption("--size", "Largest dimension of the micrograph (in pixels), e.g. 4096"));
		dim = textToInteger(parser.getOption("--dim", "Dimension of boxed particles (for EMAN .box files in pixels)", "200"));
		acc = textToFloat(parser.getOption("--acc", "Allowed accuracy (in pixels), e.g. half the particle diameter"));
		tilt = textToFloat(parser.getOption("--tilt", "Fix tilt angle (in degrees)", "99999."));
		rot = textToFloat(parser.getOption("--rot", "Fix direction of the tilt axis (in degrees), 0 = along y, 90 = along x", "99999."));
		do_opt = !parser.checkOption("--dont_opt", "Skip optimization of the transformation matrix");
		mind2 = ROUND(acc * acc);

		int angle_section = parser.addSection("Specified tilt axis and translational search ranges");
		tilt0 = textToFloat(parser.getOption("--tilt0", "Minimum tilt angle (in degrees)","0."));
		tiltF = textToFloat(parser.getOption("--tiltF", "Maximum tilt angle (in degrees)","99999."));
		if (tiltF == 99999.) tiltF = tilt0;
		tiltStep = textToFloat(parser.getOption("--tiltStep", "Tilt angle step size (in degrees)","1."));

		rot0 = textToFloat(parser.getOption("--rot0", "Minimum rot angle (in degrees)","0."));
		rotF = textToFloat(parser.getOption("--rotF", "Maximum rot angle (in degrees)","99999."));
		if (rotF == 99999.) rotF = rot0;
		rotStep = textToFloat(parser.getOption("--rotStep", "Rot angle step size (in degrees)","1."));

		x0 = textToInteger(parser.getOption("--x0", "Minimum X offset (pixels)","-99999"));
		xF = textToInteger(parser.getOption("--xF", "Maximum X offset (pixels)","99999"));
		xStep = textToInteger(parser.getOption("--xStep", "X offset step size (pixels)","-1"));
		y0 = textToInteger(parser.getOption("--y0", "Minimum Y offset (pixels)","-99999"));
		yF = textToInteger(parser.getOption("--yF", "Maximum Y offset (pixels)","99999"));
		yStep = textToInteger(parser.getOption("--yStep", "Y offset step size (pixels)","-1"));

       	// Check for errors in the command-line option
    	if (parser.checkForErrors())
    		REPORT_ERROR("Errors encountered on the command line, exiting...");

		// If tilt and rot were given: do not search those
		if (tilt != 99999.)
			tilt0 = tiltF = tilt;
			tiltStep = 1.;
		if (rot != 99999.)
			rot0 = rotF = rot;
			rotStep = 1.;

		// By default search the entire micrograph
		x0 = XMIPP_MAX(x0, -size);
		xF = XMIPP_MIN(xF, size);
		// By default use a xStep of one third the accuracy
		if (xStep < 0)
			xStep = acc / 3;

		// By default treat y search in the same way as the x-search
		if (y0 == -99999)
			y0 = x0;
		if (yF == 99999)
			yF = xF;
		if (yStep < 0)
			yStep = xStep;

		// Done reading, now fill p_unt and p_til;;

		// Check for the correct labels
		if (!MDunt.containsLabel(EMDL_IMAGE_COORD_X) || !MDunt.containsLabel(EMDL_IMAGE_COORD_Y))
			REPORT_ERROR("ERROR: Untilted STAR file does not contain the rlnCoordinateX or Y labels");
		if (!MDtil.containsLabel(EMDL_IMAGE_COORD_X) || !MDtil.containsLabel(EMDL_IMAGE_COORD_Y))
			REPORT_ERROR("ERROR: Tilted STAR file does not contain the rlnCoordinateX or Y labels");

		double x, y;

			MDunt.getValue(EMDL_IMAGE_COORD_X, x);
			MDunt.getValue(EMDL_IMAGE_COORD_Y, y);
			MDtil.getValue(EMDL_IMAGE_COORD_X, x);
			MDtil.getValue(EMDL_IMAGE_COORD_Y, y);

		// Initialize best transformation params
		best_x = best_y = 9999;
		best_rot = best_tilt = 9999.;

Beispiel #5
// Read Symmetry file ======================================================
// crystal symmetry matices from
int SymList::read_sym_file(FileName fn_sym)
    int i, j;
    FILE *fpoii;
    char line[80];
    char *auxstr;
    DOUBLE ang_incr, rot_ang;
    int  fold;
    Matrix2D<DOUBLE> L(4, 4), R(4, 4);
    Matrix1D<DOUBLE> axis(3);
    int pgGroup = 0, pgOrder = 0;
    std::vector<std::string> fileContent;

    //check if reserved word

    // Open file ---------------------------------------------------------
    if ((fpoii = fopen(fn_sym.c_str(), "r")) == NULL)
        //check if reserved word and return group and order
        if (isSymmetryGroup(fn_sym, pgGroup, pgOrder))
        	fill_symmetry_class(fn_sym, pgGroup, pgOrder, fileContent);
            REPORT_ERROR((std::string)"SymList::read_sym_file:Can't open file: "
                     + " or do not recognize symmetry group" + fn_sym);
        while (fgets(line, 79, fpoii) != NULL)
            if (line[0] == ';' || line[0] == '#' || line[0] == '\0')

    // Count the number of symmetries ------------------------------------
    true_symNo = 0;
    // count number of axis and mirror planes. It will help to identify
    // the crystallographic symmetry

    int no_axis, no_mirror_planes, no_inversion_points;
    no_axis = no_mirror_planes = no_inversion_points = 0;

    for (int n=0; n<fileContent.size(); n++)
        auxstr = firstToken(line);
        if (auxstr == NULL)
            std::cout << line;
            std::cout << "Wrong line in symmetry file, the line is skipped\n";
        if (strcmp(auxstr, "rot_axis") == 0)
            auxstr = nextToken();
            fold = textToInteger(auxstr);
            true_symNo += (fold - 1);
        else if (strcmp(auxstr, "mirror_plane") == 0)
        else if (strcmp(auxstr, "inversion") == 0)
            true_symNo += 1;
            no_inversion_points = 1;
    // Ask for memory
    __L.resize(4*true_symNo, 4);
    __R.resize(4*true_symNo, 4);

    // Read symmetry parameters
    i = 0;
    for (int n=0; n<fileContent.size(); n++)
        auxstr = firstToken(line);
        // Rotational axis ---------------------------------------------------
        if (strcmp(auxstr, "rot_axis") == 0)
            auxstr = nextToken();
            fold = textToInteger(auxstr);
            auxstr = nextToken();
            XX(axis) = textToDOUBLE(auxstr);
            auxstr = nextToken();
            YY(axis) = textToDOUBLE(auxstr);
            auxstr = nextToken();
            ZZ(axis) = textToDOUBLE(auxstr);
            ang_incr = 360. / fold;
            for (j = 1, rot_ang = ang_incr; j < fold; j++, rot_ang += ang_incr)
                rotation3DMatrix(rot_ang, axis, R);
                set_matrices(i++, L, R.transpose());
            // inversion ------------------------------------------------------
        else if (strcmp(auxstr, "inversion") == 0)
            L(2, 2) = -1;
            R(0, 0) = -1.;
            R(1, 1) = -1.;
            R(2, 2) = -1.;
            set_matrices(i++, L, R);
            // mirror plane -------------------------------------------------------------
        else if (strcmp(auxstr, "mirror_plane") == 0)
            auxstr = nextToken();
            XX(axis) = textToFloat(auxstr);
            auxstr = nextToken();
            YY(axis) = textToFloat(auxstr);
            auxstr = nextToken();
            ZZ(axis) = textToFloat(auxstr);
            L(2, 2) = -1;
            Matrix2D<DOUBLE> A;
            A = A.transpose();
            R = A * L * A.inv();
            set_matrices(i++, L, R);


    return pgGroup;