Beispiel #1
int text_do_suggest_select(SpaceText *st, ARegion *ar)
	SuggItem *item, *first, *last /* , *sel */ /* UNUSED */;
	TextLine *tmp;
	int l, x, y, w, h, i;
	int tgti, *top;
	int mval[2] = {0, 0};

	if (!st || !st->text) return 0;
	if (!texttool_text_is_active(st->text)) return 0;

	first = texttool_suggest_first();
	last = texttool_suggest_last();
	/* sel = texttool_suggest_selected(); */ /* UNUSED */
	top = texttool_suggest_top();

	if (!last || !first)
		return 0;

	/* Count the visible lines to the cursor */
	for (tmp = st->text->curl, l = -st->top; tmp; tmp = tmp->prev, l++) ;
	if (l < 0) return 0;


	if (st->showlinenrs) {
		x = st->cwidth * (st->text->curc - st->left) + TXT_OFFSET + TEXTXLOC - 4;
	else {
		x = st->cwidth * (st->text->curc - st->left) + TXT_OFFSET - 4;
	y = ar->winy - st->lheight_dpi * l - 2;

	w = SUGG_LIST_WIDTH * st->cwidth + U.widget_unit;
	h = SUGG_LIST_SIZE * st->lheight_dpi + 0.4f * U.widget_unit;

	// XXX getmouseco_areawin(mval);

	if (mval[0] < x || x + w < mval[0] || mval[1] < y - h || y < mval[1])
		return 0;

	/* Work out which of the items is at the top of the visible list */
	for (i = 0, item = first; i < *top && item->next; i++, item = item->next) ;

	/* Work out the target item index in the visible list */
	tgti = (y - mval[1] - 4) / st->lheight_dpi;
	if (tgti < 0 || tgti > SUGG_LIST_SIZE)
		return 1;

	for (i = tgti; i > 0 && item->next; i--, item = item->next) ;
	if (item)
	return 1;
Beispiel #2
void text_pop_suggest_list(void)
	SuggItem *item, *sel;
	int *top, i;

	item = texttool_suggest_first();
	sel = texttool_suggest_selected();
	top = texttool_suggest_top();

	i = 0;
	while (item && item != sel) {
		item = item->next;
	if (i > *top + SUGG_LIST_SIZE - 1)
		*top = i - SUGG_LIST_SIZE + 1;
	else if (i < *top)
		*top = i;
Beispiel #3
static void draw_suggestion_list(SpaceText *st, ARegion *ar)
	SuggItem *item, *first, *last, *sel;
	char str[SUGG_LIST_WIDTH * BLI_UTF8_MAX + 1];
	int offl, offc, vcurl, vcurc;
	int w, boxw = 0, boxh, i, x, y, *top;
	const int lheight = st->lheight_dpi + TXT_LINE_SPACING;
	const int margin_x = 2;
	if (!st->text) return;
	if (!texttool_text_is_active(st->text)) return;

	first = texttool_suggest_first();
	last = texttool_suggest_last();

	if (!first || !last) return;

	sel = texttool_suggest_selected();
	top = texttool_suggest_top();

	wrap_offset(st, ar, st->text->curl, st->text->curc, &offl, &offc);
	vcurl = txt_get_span(st->text->lines.first, st->text->curl) - st->top + offl;
	vcurc = text_get_char_pos(st, st->text->curl->line, st->text->curc) - st->left + offc;

	x = st->showlinenrs ? TXT_OFFSET + TEXTXLOC : TXT_OFFSET;
	x += vcurc * st->cwidth - 4;
	y = ar->winy - (vcurl + 1) * lheight - 2;

	/* offset back so the start of the text lines up with the suggestions,
	 * not essential but makes suggestions easier to follow */
	x -= st->cwidth * (st->text->curc - text_find_identifier_start(st->text->curl->line, st->text->curc));

	boxw = SUGG_LIST_WIDTH * st->cwidth + 20;
	boxh = SUGG_LIST_SIZE * lheight + 8;
	if (x + boxw > ar->winx)
		x = MAX2(0, ar->winx - boxw);

	/* not needed but stands out nicer */
	uiDrawBoxShadow(220, x, y - boxh, x + boxw, y);

	glRecti(x - 1, y + 1, x + boxw + 1, y - boxh - 1);
	UI_ThemeColorShade(TH_BACK, 16);
	glRecti(x, y, x + boxw, y - boxh);

	/* Set the top 'item' of the visible list */
	for (i = 0, item = first; i < *top && item->next; i++, item = item->next) ;

	for (i = 0; i < SUGG_LIST_SIZE && item; i++, item = item->next) {
		int len = txt_utf8_forward_columns(item->name, SUGG_LIST_WIDTH, NULL) - item->name;

		y -= lheight;

		BLI_strncpy(str, item->name, len + 1);

		w = st->cwidth * text_get_char_pos(st, str, len);
		if (item == sel) {
			glRecti(x + margin_x, y - 3, x + margin_x + w, y + lheight - 3);

		text_draw(st, str, 0, 0, x + margin_x, y - 1, NULL);

		if (item == last) break;
Beispiel #4
static void draw_suggestion_list(SpaceText *st, ARegion *ar)
	SuggItem *item, *first, *last, *sel;
	TextLine *tmp;
	char str[SUGG_LIST_WIDTH+1];
	int w, boxw=0, boxh, i, l, x, y, b, *top;
	if(!st || !st->text) return;
	if(!texttool_text_is_active(st->text)) return;

	first = texttool_suggest_first();
	last = texttool_suggest_last();

	if(!first || !last) return;

	sel = texttool_suggest_selected();
	top = texttool_suggest_top();

	/* Count the visible lines to the cursor */
	for(tmp=st->text->curl, l=-st->top; tmp; tmp=tmp->prev, l++);
	if(l<0) return;
	if(st->showlinenrs) {
		x = st->cwidth*(st->text->curc-st->left) + TXT_OFFSET + TEXTXLOC - 4;
	else {
		x = st->cwidth*(st->text->curc-st->left) + TXT_OFFSET - 4;
	y = ar->winy - st->lheight*l - 2;

	boxw = SUGG_LIST_WIDTH*st->cwidth + 20;
	boxh = SUGG_LIST_SIZE*st->lheight + 8;
	glRecti(x-1, y+1, x+boxw+1, y-boxh-1);
	glRecti(x, y, x+boxw, y-boxh);

	/* Set the top 'item' of the visible list */
	for(i=0, item=first; i<*top && item->next; i++, item=item->next);

	for(i=0; i<SUGG_LIST_SIZE && item; i++, item=item->next) {

		y -= st->lheight;

		strncpy(str, item->name, SUGG_LIST_WIDTH);
		str[SUGG_LIST_WIDTH] = '\0';

		w = text_font_width(st, str);
		if(item == sel) {
			glRecti(x+16, y-3, x+16+w, y+st->lheight-3);
		b=1; /* b=1 color block, text is default. b=0 no block, color text */
		switch (item->type) {
			case 'k': UI_ThemeColor(TH_SYNTAX_B); b=0; break;
			case 'm': UI_ThemeColor(TH_TEXT); break;
			case 'f': UI_ThemeColor(TH_SYNTAX_L); break;
			case 'v': UI_ThemeColor(TH_SYNTAX_N); break;
			case '?': UI_ThemeColor(TH_TEXT); b=0; break;
		if(b) {
			glRecti(x+8, y+2, x+11, y+5);
		text_draw(st, str, 0, 0, 1, x+16, y-1, NULL);

		if(item == last) break;