Beispiel #1
// ----------------------------------------------------------- build_buffer ---
build_buffer( void )
    vec2 pen;
    texture_font_t *font;
    vec4 black  = {{0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0}};
    vec4 white  = {{1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0}};
    vec4 none   = {{1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0}};
    vec4 color = white;
    if( p_invert )
        color = black;

    markup_t markup = {
        .family  = "Source Sans Pro",
        .size    = 10.0,
        .bold    = 0,
        .italic  = 0,
        .spacing = p_interval,
        .gamma   = p_gamma,
        .foreground_color    = color,
        .background_color    = none,
        .underline           = 0,
        .underline_color     = color,
        .overline            = 0,
        .overline_color      = color,
        .strikethrough       = 0,
        .strikethrough_color = color,
        .font = 0,

    text_buffer_clear( text_buffer );
    texture_atlas_t * atlas = font_manager->atlas;
    texture_atlas_clear( atlas );

    if( p_family == VERA)
        font = texture_font_new_from_file( atlas, p_size, "fonts/Vera.ttf" );
    else if( p_family == VERA_MONO)
        font = texture_font_new_from_file( atlas, p_size, "fonts/VeraMono.ttf" );
    else if( p_family == LUCKIEST_GUY)
        font = texture_font_new_from_file( atlas, p_size, "fonts/LuckiestGuy.ttf" );
    else if( p_family == SOURCE_SANS )
        font = texture_font_new_from_file( atlas, p_size, "fonts/SourceSansPro-Regular.ttf" );
    else if( p_family == SOURCE_CODE )
        font = texture_font_new_from_file( atlas, p_size, "fonts/SourceCodePro-Regular.ttf" );
    else if( p_family == OLD_STANDARD )
        font = texture_font_new_from_file( atlas, p_size, "fonts/OldStandard-Regular.ttf" );
    else if( p_family == LOBSTER )
        font = texture_font_new_from_file( atlas, p_size, "fonts/Lobster-Regular.ttf" );
        fprintf( stderr, "Error : Unknown family type\n" );

	if (!font)

    markup.font = font;
    font->hinting = p_hinting;
    font->kerning = p_kerning;
    font->filtering = 1;
    float norm = 1.0/(p_primary + 2*p_secondary + 2*p_tertiary);
    font->lcd_weights[0] = (unsigned char)(p_tertiary*norm*255);
    font->lcd_weights[1] = (unsigned char)(p_secondary*norm*255);
    font->lcd_weights[2] = (unsigned char)(p_primary*norm*255);
    font->lcd_weights[3] = (unsigned char)(p_secondary*norm*255);
    font->lcd_weights[4] = (unsigned char)(p_tertiary*norm*255);
    pen.x = 10;
    pen.y = 600 - font->height - 10;
    text_buffer_printf( text_buffer, &pen, &markup, text, NULL );

    // Post-processing for width and orientation
    vertex_buffer_t * vbuffer = text_buffer->buffer;
    size_t i;
    for( i=0; i < vector_size( vbuffer->items ); ++i )
        ivec4 *item = (ivec4 *) vector_get( vbuffer->items, i);
        glyph_vertex_t * v0 = /* x0,y0 */
            (glyph_vertex_t *) vector_get( vbuffer->vertices, item->vstart+0 );
        //glyph_vertex_t * v1 = /* x0,y1 */
        //    (glyph_vertex_t *) vector_get( vbuffer->vertices, item->vstart+1 );
        glyph_vertex_t * v2 = /* x1,y1 */
            (glyph_vertex_t *) vector_get( vbuffer->vertices, item->vstart+2 );
        glyph_vertex_t * v3 = /* x1,y0 */
            (glyph_vertex_t *) vector_get( vbuffer->vertices, item->vstart+3 );

        float x0 = v0->x, y0 = v0->y;
        float x1 = v2->x, y1 = v2->y;
        v2->x = v3->x = x0 + (x1-x0)*p_width;

        float dy = fabs(y1-y0);
        float dx = tan(p_faux_italic/180.0 * M_PI) * dy;
        v0->x += dx;
        v0->shift = fmod(v0->shift + dx-(int)(dx),1.0);
        v3->x += dx;
        v3->shift = fmod(v3->shift + dx-(int)(dx),1.0);

    glBindTexture( GL_TEXTURE_2D, font_manager->atlas->id );
    GLenum gl_format = (font_manager->atlas->depth == LCD_FILTERING_OFF) ?
        GL_RED : GL_RGB;
    glTexImage2D( GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, gl_format, font_manager->atlas->width,
        font_manager->atlas->height, 0, gl_format, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE,
        font_manager->atlas->data );

    texture_font_delete( font );

// ------------------------------------------------------------------- quit ---
void reset( void )
    p_family    = VERA;
    p_size      = 12.0;
    p_invert    = 0;
    p_kerning   = 1;
    p_hinting   = 1;
    p_lcd_filtering = 1;
    p_gamma     = 1.75;
    p_interval  = 0.0;
    p_weight    = 0.33;
    p_width     = 1.0;
    p_faux_weight = 0.0;
    p_faux_italic = 0.0;

    p_primary   = 1.0/3.0;
    p_secondary = 1.0/3.0;
    p_tertiary  = 0.0/3.0;

    // p_primary   = 3.0/9.0;
    // p_secondary = 2.0/9.0;
    // p_tertiary  = 1.0/9.0;

Beispiel #2
// ----------------------------------------------------------- build_buffer ---
build_buffer( void )
    vec2 pen;
    size_t i;
    texture_font_t *font;
    texture_glyph_t *glyph;

    vec4 white  = {{1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0}};
    vec4 none   = {{1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0}};
    markup_t markup = {
        .family  = "Arial",
        .size    = 10.0,
        .bold    = 0,
        .italic  = 0,
        .rise    = 0.0,
        .spacing = 0.0,
        .gamma   = 2.2,
        .foreground_color    = white,
        .background_color    = none,
        .underline           = 0,
        .underline_color     = white,
        .overline            = 0,
        .overline_color      = white,
        .strikethrough       = 0,
        .strikethrough_color = white,
        .font = 0,

    vertex_buffer_clear( buffer );
    texture_atlas_clear( atlas );

    if( p_family == VERA)
        font = texture_font_new( atlas, "fonts/Vera.ttf", p_size );
    else if( p_family == VERA_MONO)
        font = texture_font_new( atlas, "fonts/VeraMono.ttf", p_size );
    else if( p_family == GEORGIA)
        font = texture_font_new( atlas, "fonts/Georgia.ttf", p_size );
    else if( p_family == TIMES )
        font = texture_font_new( atlas, "fonts/Times.ttf", p_size );
    else if( p_family == TAHOMA )
        font = texture_font_new( atlas, "fonts/Tahoma.ttf", p_size );
    else if( p_family == ARIAL )
        font = texture_font_new( atlas, "fonts/Arial.ttf", p_size );
    else if( p_family == VERDANA )
        font = texture_font_new( atlas, "fonts/Verdana.ttf", p_size );
        fprintf( stderr, "Error : Unknown family type\n" );

    font->hinting = p_hinting;
    font->filtering = 1;
    float norm = 1.0/(p_primary + 2*p_secondary + 2*p_tertiary);
    font->lcd_weights[0] = (unsigned char)(p_tertiary*norm*256);
    font->lcd_weights[1] = (unsigned char)(p_secondary*norm*256);
    font->lcd_weights[2] = (unsigned char)(p_primary*norm*256);
    font->lcd_weights[3] = (unsigned char)(p_secondary*norm*256);
    font->lcd_weights[4] = (unsigned char)(p_tertiary*norm*256);

    texture_font_load_glyphs( font, 
                              L" !\"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?"
                              L"`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~" );
    pen.x = 10;
    pen.y = 600 - font->height - 10;

    glyph = texture_font_get_glyph( font, text[0] );
    add_glyph( glyph, buffer, &markup, &pen, 0 );
    for( i=1; i<wcslen(text); ++i )
        if( text[i] == '\n' )
            pen.x  = 10;
            pen.y -= font->height; // + 0.01*(size - (int)size)*font->height;
            glyph = texture_font_get_glyph( font, text[i] );
            float kerning = 0.0;
            if( p_kerning )
                kerning = texture_glyph_get_kerning( glyph, text[i-1] );
            add_glyph( glyph, buffer, &markup, &pen, kerning );

    texture_font_delete (font );

// ---------------------------------------------------------------- display ---
void display(void)
    if( p_invert )
        glClearColor( 0, 0, 0, 1 );
        glClearColor( 1, 1, 1, 1 );

    glEnable( GL_TEXTURE_2D );
    glBindTexture( GL_TEXTURE_2D, atlas->id );
    if( !p_lcd_filtering )
        glEnable( GL_COLOR_MATERIAL );
        glEnable( GL_BLEND );
        glBlendFunc( GL_SRC_ALPHA, GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA );
        if( p_invert )
        glEnable( GL_COLOR_MATERIAL );
        glBlendFunc( GL_CONSTANT_COLOR_EXT,
                     GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_COLOR );
        glEnable( GL_BLEND );
        glColor3f( 1,1,1 );
        if( p_invert )
            glBlendColor( 1, 1, 1, 1 );
            glBlendColor( 0, 0, 0, 1 );

    if( !p_lcd_filtering )
        vertex_buffer_render( buffer, GL_TRIANGLES, "vt" );
        glUseProgram( program );
        glUniform1i( texture_location, 0 );
        glUniform1f( gamma_location, p_gamma );

        float norm = 1.0/(p_primary+2*p_secondary+2*p_tertiary);
        glUniform1f( primary_location,   p_primary*norm );
        glUniform1f( secondary_location, p_secondary*norm );
        glUniform1f( tertiary_location,  p_tertiary*norm );
        glUniform2f( pixel_location,
                     1.0/atlas->height );
        vertex_buffer_render( buffer, GL_TRIANGLES, "vtc" );
        glUseProgram( 0 );

    TwDraw( );
    glutSwapBuffers( );

// ---------------------------------------------------------------- reshape ---
void reshape( int width, int height )
    glViewport(0, 0, width, height);
    glOrtho(0, width, 0, height, -1, 1);
    TwWindowSize( width, height );
Beispiel #3
// ----------------------------------------------------------- build_buffer ---
build_buffer( void )
    vec2 pen;
    texture_font_t *font;
    vec4 black  = {{0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0}};
    vec4 white  = {{1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0}};
    vec4 none   = {{1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0}};
    vec4 color = white;
    if( p_invert )
        color = black;

    markup_t markup = {
        .family  = "Source Sans Pro",
        .size    = 10.0,
        .bold    = 0,
        .italic  = 0,
        .rise    = 0.0,
        .spacing = p_interval,
        .gamma   = p_gamma,
        .foreground_color    = color,
        .background_color    = none,
        .underline           = 0,
        .underline_color     = color,
        .overline            = 0,
        .overline_color      = color,
        .strikethrough       = 0,
        .strikethrough_color = color,
        .font = 0,

    text_buffer_clear( buffer );
    texture_atlas_t * atlas = buffer->manager->atlas;
    texture_atlas_clear( atlas );

    if( p_family == VERA)
        font = texture_font_new_from_file( atlas, p_size, "fonts/Vera.ttf" );
    else if( p_family == VERA_MONO)
        font = texture_font_new_from_file( atlas, p_size, "fonts/VeraMono.ttf" );
    else if( p_family == LUCKIEST_GUY)
        font = texture_font_new_from_file( atlas, p_size, "fonts/LuckiestGuy.ttf" );
    else if( p_family == SOURCE_SANS )
        font = texture_font_new_from_file( atlas, p_size, "fonts/SourceSansPro-Regular.ttf" );
    else if( p_family == SOURCE_CODE )
        font = texture_font_new_from_file( atlas, p_size, "fonts/SourceCodePro-Regular.ttf" );
    else if( p_family == OLD_STANDARD )
        font = texture_font_new_from_file( atlas, p_size, "fonts/OldStandard-Regular.ttf" );
    else if( p_family == LOBSTER )
        font = texture_font_new_from_file( atlas, p_size, "fonts/Lobster-Regular.ttf" );
        fprintf( stderr, "Error : Unknown family type\n" );

	if (!font)

    markup.font = font;
    font->hinting = p_hinting;
    font->kerning = p_kerning;
    font->filtering = 1;
    float norm = 1.0/(p_primary + 2*p_secondary + 2*p_tertiary);
    font->lcd_weights[0] = (unsigned char)(p_tertiary*norm*256);
    font->lcd_weights[1] = (unsigned char)(p_secondary*norm*256);
    font->lcd_weights[2] = (unsigned char)(p_primary*norm*256);
    font->lcd_weights[3] = (unsigned char)(p_secondary*norm*256);
    font->lcd_weights[4] = (unsigned char)(p_tertiary*norm*256);
    pen.x = 10;
    pen.y = 600 - font->height - 10;
    text_buffer_printf( buffer, &pen, &markup, text, NULL );

    // Post-processing for width and orientation
    vertex_buffer_t * vbuffer = buffer->buffer;
    size_t i;
    for( i=0; i < vector_size( vbuffer->items ); ++i )
        ivec4 *item = (ivec4 *) vector_get( vbuffer->items, i);
        glyph_vertex_t * v0 = /* x0,y0 */
            (glyph_vertex_t *) vector_get( vbuffer->vertices, item->vstart+0 );
        //glyph_vertex_t * v1 = /* x0,y1 */
        //    (glyph_vertex_t *) vector_get( vbuffer->vertices, item->vstart+1 );
        glyph_vertex_t * v2 = /* x1,y1 */
            (glyph_vertex_t *) vector_get( vbuffer->vertices, item->vstart+2 );
        glyph_vertex_t * v3 = /* x1,y0 */
            (glyph_vertex_t *) vector_get( vbuffer->vertices, item->vstart+3 );

        float x0 = v0->x, y0 = v0->y;
        float x1 = v2->x, y1 = v2->y;
        v2->x = v3->x = x0 + (x1-x0)*p_width;

        float dy = abs(y1-y0);
        float dx = tan(p_faux_italic/180.0 * M_PI) * dy;
        v0->x += dx;
        v0->shift = fmod(v0->shift + dx-(int)(dx),1.0);
        v3->x += dx;
        v3->shift = fmod(v3->shift + dx-(int)(dx),1.0);

    texture_font_delete( font );

// ---------------------------------------------------------------- display ---
void display( GLFWwindow* window )
    vec4 black  = {{0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0}};
    vec4 white  = {{1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0}};

    if( !p_invert )
        glClearColor( 0, 0, 0, 1 );
        buffer->base_color = white;

        glClearColor( 1, 1, 1, 1 );
        buffer->base_color = black;

    glUseProgram( buffer->shader );
        glUniformMatrix4fv( glGetUniformLocation( buffer->shader, "model" ),
                            1, 0,;
        glUniformMatrix4fv( glGetUniformLocation( buffer->shader, "view" ),
                            1, 0,;
        glUniformMatrix4fv( glGetUniformLocation( buffer->shader, "projection" ),
                            1, 0,;
        text_buffer_render( buffer );

    TwDraw( );
    glfwSwapBuffers( window );