GLWindow::GLWindow(QWidget* parent): QMainWindow(parent) { ui.setupUi(this); ui.graphicsView->setScene(&_scene); ui.graphicsView->hide(); connect(&_timer, SIGNAL(timeout()), SLOT(tickTimer())); connect(ui.actionStart, SIGNAL(triggered()), SLOT(startTimer())); connect(ui.actionStop, SIGNAL(triggered()), SLOT(stopTimer())); ui.glWidget->setFocus(); static ShaderModule module; ui.glWidget->setModule(&module); }
/* Advance the simulation by one time step. Render and/or dump statistics * if neccesary. Return false if the user wants to quit. */ static bool stepSimulation(Timer *renderTimer) { static int stepsSinceVerbose = 0; stepWorld(); if (config.verbose > 0) { stepsSinceVerbose++; if (stepsSinceVerbose > config.verbose) { stepsSinceVerbose = 0; dumpStats(); } } if (config.render && tickTimer(renderTimer)) return stepGraphics(); return true; }
ReturnValue alphaBeta(Configuration v, int alpha, int beta, int depth){ // int counter=0; if (DEBUG_STACK){ printstack(); printf("alphabeta a=%d b=%d d=%d\n", alpha, beta, depth); // printBoardNonBlock(v); } ++stackcount; HashRetVal s; s=retrieve(v); ReturnValue ret; ReturnValue temp; ret.alpha=alpha; ret.beta=beta; if (s!=NULL) { switch (s->type){ case EXACT: if (s->lowerbound>=beta) { ret.value=s->lowerbound; ret.move=s->mv; --stackcount; if (DEBUG_STACK){ printstack(); printf("hit exact 1\n"); } return ret; } if (s->upperbound<=alpha) { ret.value=s->upperbound; ret.move=s->mv; --stackcount; if (DEBUG_STACK){ printstack(); printf("hit exact 2\n"); } return ret; } ret.alpha=max(alpha, s->lowerbound); ret.beta=min(beta, s->upperbound); ret.move=s->mv; break; case FAIL_LOW: if (s->upperbound<=alpha) { ret.value=s->upperbound; ret.move=s->mv; --stackcount; if (DEBUG_STACK){ printstack(); printf("hit fail low\n"); } return ret; } break; case FAIL_HIGH: if (s->lowerbound>=beta) { ret.value=s->lowerbound; ret.move=s->mv; --stackcount; if (DEBUG_STACK){ printstack(); printf("hit fail high\n"); } return ret; } break; default: break; } free(s); } if (depth==0) { ChildIterator itr=getExpansion(v); ret.value=getCurrentValue(itr); ret.move=getCurrent(itr); releaseChildIterator(itr); if (getType(v)==MAXNODE) updateMoveHeuristic(v, ret.move.x, ret.move.y, ret.value); else updateMoveHeuristic(v, ret.move.x, ret.move.y, -ret.value); if (DEBUG_STACK){ printBoardNonBlock(v); printstack(); printf("eval %d\n", ret.value); printstack(); printf("(%d, %d)\n", ret.move.x, ret.move.y); } } else if (getType(v)==MAXNODE) { // printf("*\n"); ChildIterator itr=getExpansion(v); // printf("e: %d %d %d\n", getCurrent(itr).x, getCurrent(itr).y, depth); int a=alpha; ret.value=-FIVE_SCORE; ret.move=getCurrent(itr); if (getCurrentValue(itr)>=FIVE_SCORE){ ret.value=FIVE_SCORE; } else { while (itr!=NULL && ret.value<beta) { // printf("depth=%d, move=%d %d\n", // depth, getCurrent(itr).x, // getCurrent(itr).y); if (tickTimer()==0) break; applyMove(v, getCurrent(itr)); // printBoardNonBlock(v); if (DEBUG_STACK){ printstack(); printf("black trying %d %d\n", getCurrent(itr).x, getCurrent(itr).y); } switch (getChildrenCount(itr)){ // case 1: /* ++quadcount; temp=alphaBeta(v, a, beta, depth-((doublecount & 3)==0));*/ case 1: // case 2: ++doublecount; temp=alphaBeta(v, a, beta, depth-1); --doublecount; break; default: temp=alphaBeta(v, a, beta, depth-1); break; } updateMoveHeuristic(v, temp.move.x, temp.move.y, temp.value); if (DEBUG_STACK){ printstack(); printf("black try %d %d, result=%d\n", getCurrent(itr).x, getCurrent(itr).y, temp.value); } if (temp.value>ret.value) { ret.value=temp.value; ret.move=getCurrent(itr); // printf("current black move = %d %d\n", ret.move.x, ret.move.y); } undoMove(v, getCurrent(itr)); // printBoard(v); if (a<ret.value){ a=ret.value; } // printf("a=%d ret.value=%d\n", a, ret.value); // TODO to be verified /* if (temp.value<=-INFINITY){ ++counter; } if (counter>2) break;*/ getNext(&itr); // printf("e: %d %d\n", itr->current.x, itr->current.y); } if (DEBUG_STACK){ if (ret.value>=beta){ printstack(); printf("pruned\n"); } } } releaseChildIterator(itr); } else { // printf("-\n"); ChildIterator itr=getExpansion(v); // printf("n: %d %d %d\n", getCurrent(itr).x, getCurrent(itr).y, depth); int b=beta; ret.value=FIVE_SCORE; ret.move=getCurrent(itr); if (getCurrentValue(itr)<=-FIVE_SCORE){ ret.value=-FIVE_SCORE; } else { while (itr!=NULL && ret.value>alpha) { if (tickTimer()==0) break; applyMove(v, getCurrent(itr)); if (DEBUG_STACK){ printstack(); printf("white trying %d %d\n", getCurrent(itr).x, getCurrent(itr).y); } if (getChildrenCount(itr)<=1){ ++doublecount; temp=alphaBeta(v, alpha, b, depth-1); --doublecount; } else { temp=alphaBeta(v, alpha, b, depth-1); } updateMoveHeuristic(v, temp.move.x, temp.move.y, -temp.value); if (DEBUG_STACK){ printstack(); printf("white try %d %d, result=%d\n", getCurrent(itr).x, getCurrent(itr).y, temp.value); printf("retval=%d\n", ret.value); } if (temp.value<ret.value){ ret.value=temp.value; ret.move=getCurrent(itr); // printf("current white move = %d %d\n", ret.move.x, ret.move.y); } undoMove(v, getCurrent(itr)); if (b>ret.value){ b=ret.value; } // printf("a=%d ret.value=%d\n", b, ret.value); /* if (ret.value<=-INFINITY-10) break;*/ // TODO to be verified /* if (temp.value>=INFINITY){ ++counter; } if (counter>2) break;*/ getNext(&itr); } if (DEBUG_STACK){ if (ret.value<=alpha){ printstack(); printf("pruned\n"); } } } releaseChildIterator(itr); } if (ret.value<=alpha && getType(v)==MINNODE) { /* fail low */ v->upperbound=ret.value; if (depth>0) store(v, ret.move, FAIL_LOW); /* Fail low result implies an upper bound */ } else if (ret.value>alpha && ret.value<beta) { /* accurate window */ v->upperbound=v->lowerbound=ret.value; if (depth>0) store(v, ret.move, EXACT); } else if (getType(v)==MINNODE && ret.value>=MAXNODE){ /* fail high */ v->lowerbound=ret.value; if (depth>0) store(v, ret.move, FAIL_HIGH); } /* printstack(); printf("ab return %d (%d,%d))\n", ret.value, ret.move.x, ret.move.y);*/ // getchar(); --stackcount; return ret; }