Beispiel #1
 * Clear counters for all tiles in cpu set
int clear_all_counters(cpu_set_t *cpus) {
    int num_of_cpus = tmc_cpus_count(cpus);
    for (int i=0;i<num_of_cpus;i++) {
        if (tmc_cpus_set_my_cpu(tmc_cpus_find_nth_cpu(cpus, i)) < 0) {
            tmc_task_die("failure in 'tmc_set_my_cpu'");
            return -1;
    return 0;
Beispiel #2
 * Setup counters for all tiles in cpu set
int setup_all_counters(cpu_set_t *cpus) {
    int num_of_cpus = tmc_cpus_count(cpus);
    for (int i=0;i<num_of_cpus;i++) {
        if (tmc_cpus_set_my_cpu(tmc_cpus_find_nth_cpu(cpus, i)) < 0) {
            tmc_task_die("failure in 'tmc_set_my_cpu'");
            return -1;
    return 0; 
Beispiel #3
set_cpu_platf(int cpu) 
  ssmp_my_core = cpu;
    if (tmc_cpus_set_my_cpu(tmc_cpus_find_nth_cpu(&cpus, cpu)) < 0)
      tmc_task_die("Failure in 'tmc_cpus_set_my_cpu()'.");

  if (cpu != tmc_cpus_get_my_cpu())
      PRINT("******* i am not CPU %d", tmc_cpus_get_my_cpu());
Beispiel #4
int main(void) {

    cpu_set_t cpus;
    int wr_cnt, wr_miss, drd_cnt, drd_miss;

    unsigned long start_cycles = get_cycle_count();

    // Init cpus
    if (tmc_cpus_get_my_affinity(&cpus) != 0) {
        tmc_task_die("Failure in 'tmc_cpus_get_my_affinity()'.");
    int num_cpus = tmc_cpus_count(&cpus);
    printf("cpus_count is: %i\n", num_cpus);

    // Setup Counters

    unsigned long start_for = get_cycle_count();
    unsigned long cycles[num_cpus];
    unsigned int drd_cnts[num_cpus];

    for (int i=0;i<num_cpus;i++) {
        if (tmc_cpus_set_my_cpu(tmc_cpus_find_nth_cpu(&cpus, i)) < 0) {
                tmc_task_die("failure in 'tmc_set_my_cpu'");
        read_counters(&wr_cnt, &wr_miss, &drd_cnt, &drd_miss);
        drd_cnts[i] = drd_cnt;
        cycles[i] = get_cycle_count();
    unsigned long end_for = get_cycle_count();

    for (int i=1;i<num_cpus;i++) {
        unsigned long temp = cycles[i] - cycles[i-1];
        printf("time between %i and %i is %lu\n", i-1, i, temp);
        printf("drd_cnt for tile %i was %i\n", i, drd_cnts[i]); 
    printf("Total cycles for-loop: %lu\n", end_for-start_for);
    return 0;
Beispiel #5
ssmp_mem_init_platf(int id, int num_ues) 
  ssmp_id_ = id;
  ssmp_num_ues_ = num_ues;

  // Now that we're bound to a core, attach to our UDN rectangle.
  if (tmc_udn_activate() < 0)
    tmc_task_die("Failure in 'tmc_udn_activate()'.");

  udn_header = (DynamicHeader* ) memalign(SSMP_CACHE_LINE_SIZE, num_ues * sizeof (DynamicHeader));
  if (udn_header == NULL)
      tmc_task_die("Failure in allocating dynamic headers");

  int r;
  for (r = 0; r < num_ues; r++)
      int _cpu = tmc_cpus_find_nth_cpu(&cpus, id_to_core[r]);
      DynamicHeader header = tmc_udn_header_from_cpu(_cpu);
      udn_header[r] = header;
// The worker function for each thread.  The sender injects many items
// into the queue, and the receiver consumes them.
void* thread_func(void* arg)
  int rank = (intptr_t) arg;									
  int capacity = 1 << LG2_CAPACITY;				
  int count = capacity * g_run_multiplier;	
  // Bind this thread to the rank'th core in the cpu set.
  if (tmc_cpus_set_my_cpu(tmc_cpus_find_nth_cpu(&cpus, rank)) < 0)
    tmc_task_die("tmc_cpus_set_my_cpu() failed.");
  if (rank == 1)
    queue = memalign(64, sizeof(*queue));
    assert(queue != NULL);

  // Single obj enqueue.
  uint64_t cycles;
  if (rank == 0)
    cycles = bench_sender(count);
    cycles = bench_receiver(count);

  uint64_t reverse_cycles;
  if (rank == 1)
    reverse_cycles = bench_sender(count);
    reverse_cycles = bench_receiver(count);

  if (rank == 0)
    printf("One-to-one cycles per transfer: %0.2f\n",
           (float) cycles / count);
    printf("One-to-one cycles per transfer (reverse): %0.2f\n",
           (float) reverse_cycles / count);

  // Multiple obj enqueue.
  if (rank == 0)
    cycles = bench_sender_multiple(count);
    cycles = bench_receiver(count);
  if (rank == 1)
    reverse_cycles = bench_sender_multiple(count);
    reverse_cycles = bench_receiver(count);

  if (rank == 0)
    printf("Multiple one-to-one cycles per transfer: %0.2f\n",
           (float) cycles / count);
    printf("Multiple one-to-one cycles per transfer (reverse): %0.2f\n",
           (float) reverse_cycles / count);
  return NULL;
Beispiel #7
int main(int argc, char** argv)
	char *link_name= "xgbe1";	
	size_t num_packets = 1000;
	int instance;
	int result;	
	for (int i = 1; i < argc; i++){
		char* arg = argv[i];
		if (!strcmp(arg, "--link") && i + 1 < argc) {
			link_name = argv[++i];
		} else if (!strcmp(arg, "-n") && i + 1 < argc) {
			num_packets = atoi(argv[++i]);
		} else if ((!strcmp(arg,"-s")) || (!strcmp(arg,"-l"))) {
			server = 1;
		} else if (!strcmp(arg,"--jumbo")) {
			jumbo = true;
		} else if ((!strcmp(arg,"-c"))) {
			server = 0;
		} else {
			tmc_task_die("Unknown option '%s'.", arg);
	printf("\n finished parsing");	
	if (server) 
		printf("\n link egressing is %s", link_name);
		printf("\n link ingressing is %s", link_name);

	// Get the instance.
	instance = gxio_mpipe_link_instance(link_name);
	if (instance < 0)  
		tmc_task_die("Link '%s' does not exist.", link_name);

	gxio_mpipe_context_t context_body;
	gxio_mpipe_context_t* const context = &context_body;

	gxio_mpipe_iqueue_t iqueue_body;
	gxio_mpipe_iqueue_t* iqueue = &iqueue_body;

	gxio_mpipe_equeue_t equeue_body;
	gxio_mpipe_equeue_t* const equeue = &equeue_body;

	// Bind to a single cpu.
	cpu_set_t cpus;
	result = tmc_cpus_get_my_affinity(&cpus);
	VERIFY(result, "tmc_cpus_get_my_affinity()");
	result = tmc_cpus_set_my_cpu(tmc_cpus_find_first_cpu(&cpus));
	VERIFY(result, "tmc_cpus_set_my_cpu()");

	// Start the driver.
	result = gxio_mpipe_init(context, instance);
	VERIFY(result, "gxio_mpipe_init()");

	gxio_mpipe_link_t link;
	if (!server) {
		result = gxio_mpipe_link_open(&link, context, link_name, 0);
	} else {
		result = gxio_mpipe_link_open(&link, context, link_name, GXIO_MPIPE_LINK_WAIT );
	VERIFY(result, "gxio_mpipe_link_open()");
	int channel = gxio_mpipe_link_channel(&link);

	//allow the link to receive jumbo packets
	if (jumbo) 
		gxio_mpipe_link_set_attr(&link, GXIO_MPIPE_LINK_RECEIVE_JUMBO, 1);

	// Allocate a NotifRing.
	result = gxio_mpipe_alloc_notif_rings(context, 1, 0, 0);
	VERIFY(result, "gxio_mpipe_alloc_notif_rings()");
	int ring = result;

	// Allocate one huge page to hold our buffer stack, notif ring, and group
	tmc_alloc_t alloc = TMC_ALLOC_INIT;
	tmc_alloc_set_home(&alloc, tmc_cpus_find_nth_cpu(&cpus, 0)); 
	size_t page_size = tmc_alloc_get_huge_pagesize();
	void* page = tmc_alloc_map(&alloc, page_size);
	assert(page!= NULL);
	void* mem = page;

	// Init the NotifRing.
	size_t notif_ring_entries = 128;
	size_t notif_ring_size = notif_ring_entries * sizeof(gxio_mpipe_idesc_t);
	result = gxio_mpipe_iqueue_init(iqueue, context, ring, mem, notif_ring_size, 0);
	VERIFY(result, "gxio_mpipe_iqueue_init()");
	mem += notif_ring_size;

	// Allocate a NotifGroup.
	result = gxio_mpipe_alloc_notif_groups(context, 1, 0, 0);
	VERIFY(result, "gxio_mpipe_alloc_notif_groups()");
	int group = result;

	// Allocate a bucket.
	int num_buckets = 128;
	result = gxio_mpipe_alloc_buckets(context, num_buckets, 0, 0);
	VERIFY(result, "gxio_mpipe_alloc_buckets()");
	int bucket = result;

	// Init group and bucket.
	gxio_mpipe_bucket_mode_t mode = GXIO_MPIPE_BUCKET_DYNAMIC_FLOW_AFFINITY;
	result = gxio_mpipe_init_notif_group_and_buckets(context, group, ring, 1,  bucket, num_buckets, mode);
	VERIFY(result, "gxio_mpipe_init_notif_group_and_buckets()");

	// Alloc edma rings
	result = gxio_mpipe_alloc_edma_rings(context, 1, 0, 0);
	VERIFY(result, "gxio_mpipe_alloc_edma_rings");
	int edma = result;

	// Init edma ring.
	int edma_ring_entries = 512;
	size_t edma_ring_size = edma_ring_entries * sizeof(gxio_mpipe_edesc_t);
	result = gxio_mpipe_equeue_init(equeue, context, edma, channel, mem, edma_ring_size, 0);
	VERIFY(result, "gxio_mpipe_equeue_init()");
	mem += edma_ring_size;

	// Allocate a buffer stack.
	result = gxio_mpipe_alloc_buffer_stacks(context, 1, 0, 0);
	VERIFY(result, "gxio_mpipe_alloc_buffer_stacks()");
	int stack_idx = result;

	// Total number of buffers.
	unsigned int num_buffers = (int)(edma_ring_entries + notif_ring_entries);

	// Initialize the buffer stack.  Must be aligned mod 64K.
	ALIGN(mem, 0x10000);
	size_t stack_bytes = gxio_mpipe_calc_buffer_stack_bytes(num_buffers);	
	gxio_mpipe_buffer_size_enum_t buf_size = GXIO_MPIPE_BUFFER_SIZE_16384;
	result = gxio_mpipe_init_buffer_stack(context, stack_idx, buf_size, mem, stack_bytes, 0);
	VERIFY(result, "gxio_mpipe_init_buffer_stack()");
	mem += stack_bytes;
	ALIGN(mem, 0x10000);

	// Register the entire huge page of memory which contains all the buffers.
	result = gxio_mpipe_register_page(context, stack_idx, page, page_size, 0);
	VERIFY(result, "gxio_mpipe_register_page()");

	// Push some buffers onto the stack.
	for (int i = 0; i < num_buffers; i++) {
		gxio_mpipe_push_buffer(context, stack_idx, mem);
		mem += 16384;

	// Register for packets.
	gxio_mpipe_rules_t rules;
	gxio_mpipe_rules_init(&rules, context);
	gxio_mpipe_rules_begin(&rules, bucket, num_buckets, NULL);
	result = gxio_mpipe_rules_commit(&rules);
	VERIFY(result, "gxio_mpipe_rules_commit()");

	double start, end, exec_time, throughput;
	start = 0.00;		
	uint64_t cpu_speed;
	cpu_speed = tmc_perf_get_cpu_speed();

	/*Server will initiate the egress and ingress the packets and display the round trip time
	 * Client will ingress the packet, copy it to the edesc and egress it
	if (server) {	
		int send_packets = 0;
		size_t size_e = 0;
		struct timespec req_start, req_end;
		while (send_packets < num_packets) {
			char* buf = gxio_mpipe_pop_buffer(context, stack_idx);
			if(buf == NULL)
				tmc_task_die("Could not allocate initial buffer");
			// Prepare to egress the packet.
			gxio_mpipe_edesc_t edesc = {{
				.bound = 1,
					.xfer_size = PACKET_SIZE,
					.stack_idx = stack_idx,
					.hwb = 1,
					.size = GXIO_MPIPE_BUFFER_SIZE_16384
			gxio_mpipe_edesc_set_va(&edesc, buf);
			result = gxio_mpipe_equeue_put(equeue, edesc);
			VERIFY(result, "gxio_mpipe_equeue_put()");
			if (send_packets == 0)
				clock_gettime(CLOCK_REALTIME, &req_start);

			gxio_mpipe_idesc_t idesc;
			result = gxio_mpipe_iqueue_get(iqueue,&idesc);
			VERIFY(result, "gxio_mpipe_iqueue_get()");	
			size_e += idesc.l2_size;		
			gxio_mpipe_iqueue_drop(iqueue, &idesc);
		clock_gettime(CLOCK_REALTIME, &req_end);
		exec_time = ((req_end.tv_sec - req_start.tv_sec)+(req_end.tv_nsec - req_start.tv_nsec)/1E9);
		fprintf(stdout,"round trip time = %lf\n", exec_time);
		fprintf(stdout,"latency is %f\n", exec_time/(2 * num_packets ));
		fprintf(stdout,"size is %zd b\n", size_e);
		throughput = size_e * 8 * 2 / exec_time;
		fprintf(stdout,"throughput = %f Mbps\n",throughput/pow(1000, 2));
		gxio_mpipe_edesc_t ns = {{ .ns = 1 }};
		result = gxio_mpipe_equeue_put(equeue,ns);
		VERIFY(result, "gxio_mpipe_equeue_put()");
		fprintf(stdout,"completed packets %d\n", send_packets);		
	} else {
 * \brief RunModeTileMpipeWorkers set up to process all modules in each thread.
 * \param iface pointer to the name of the interface from which we will
 *              fetch the packets
 * \retval 0 if all goes well. (If any problem is detected the engine will
 *           exit())
int RunModeTileMpipeWorkers(void)
    char tname[TM_THREAD_NAME_MAX];
    char *thread_name;
    TmModule *tm_module;
    int pipe;


    /* Available cpus */
    uint16_t ncpus = UtilCpuGetNumProcessorsOnline();


    unsigned int pipe_max = 1;
    if (ncpus > 1)
        pipe_max = ncpus - 1;

    intmax_t threads;

    if (ConfGetInt("mpipe.threads", &threads) == 1) {
        tile_num_pipelines = threads;
    } else {
        tile_num_pipelines = pipe_max;
    SCLogInfo("%d Tilera worker threads", tile_num_pipelines);


    char *mpipe_dev = NULL;
    int nlive = LiveGetDeviceCount();
    if (nlive > 0) {
        SCLogInfo("Using %d live device(s).", nlive);
        /*mpipe_dev = LiveGetDevice(0);*/
    } else {
         * Attempt to get interface from config file
         * overrides -i from command line.
        if (ConfGet("mpipe.interface", &mpipe_dev) == 0) {
            if (ConfGet("mpipe.single_mpipe_dev", &mpipe_dev) == 0) {
                SCLogError(SC_ERR_RUNMODE, "Failed retrieving "
                           "mpipe.single_mpipe_dev from Conf");

    /* Get affinity for worker */
    cpu_set_t cpus;
    //int result = tmc_cpus_get_my_affinity(&cpus);
    int result = tmc_cpus_get_dataplane_cpus(&cpus);
    if (result < 0) {
                   "tmc_cpus_get_my_affinity() returned=%d", result);

    for (pipe = 0; pipe < tile_num_pipelines; pipe++) {
        char *mpipe_devc;

        if (nlive > 0) {
            mpipe_devc = SCStrdup("multi");
        } else {
            mpipe_devc = SCStrdup(mpipe_dev);
        if (unlikely(mpipe_devc == NULL)) {
            printf("ERROR: SCStrdup failed for ReceiveMpipe\n");

        snprintf(tname, sizeof(tname), "%s#%02d", thread_name_workers, pipe+1);

        /* create the threads */
        ThreadVars *tv_worker =
                                         "packetpool", "packetpool",
                                         "packetpool", "packetpool", 
        if (tv_worker == NULL) {
            printf("ERROR: TmThreadsCreate failed\n");
        tm_module = TmModuleGetByName("ReceiveMpipe");
        if (tm_module == NULL) {
            printf("ERROR: TmModuleGetByName failed for ReceiveMpipe\n");
        TmSlotSetFuncAppend(tv_worker, tm_module, (void *)mpipe_devc);

	/* Bind to a single cpu. */
	int pipe_cpu = tmc_cpus_find_nth_cpu(&cpus, pipe);
	tv_worker->rank = pipe;

        TmThreadSetCPUAffinity(tv_worker, pipe_cpu);

        tm_module = TmModuleGetByName("DecodeMpipe");
        if (tm_module == NULL) {
            printf("ERROR: TmModuleGetByName DecodeMpipe failed\n");
        TmSlotSetFuncAppend(tv_worker, tm_module, NULL);

        tm_module = TmModuleGetByName("StreamTcp");
        if (tm_module == NULL) {
            printf("ERROR: TmModuleGetByName StreamTcp failed\n");
        TmSlotSetFuncAppend(tv_worker, tm_module, NULL);

        if (DetectEngineEnabled()) {
            tm_module = TmModuleGetByName("Detect");
            if (tm_module == NULL) {
                printf("ERROR: TmModuleGetByName Detect failed\n");
            TmSlotSetFuncAppend(tv_worker, tm_module, NULL);

        tm_module = TmModuleGetByName("RespondReject");
        if (tm_module == NULL) {
            printf("ERROR: TmModuleGetByName for RespondReject failed\n");
        TmSlotSetFuncAppend(tv_worker, tm_module, NULL);


        if (TmThreadSpawn(tv_worker) != TM_ECODE_OK) {
            printf("ERROR: TmThreadSpawn failed\n");

    return 0;
int main(int argc, char **argv)
  /* limits */
  int			niter = 1;
  int			nscambi = 100000;
  /* threads */
  int			cpu_white,	cpu_black,	cpu_main;
  int			white_rank = 0, black_rank = 61;
  void *		ch[2];
  /* statistics */
  struct timeval	start;
  struct timeval	end;
  /* 0 current, 1 sum, 2 square sum, 3 max value */
  uint64_t		result_test[4] = { 0, 0, 0, 0 };
  double		elapsed_test[4] = { 0, 0, 0, 0 };
  double		avg_Tscambio[4] = { 0 };
  double		sdev_Tscambio[4] = { 0 };
  double		max_Tscambio[4] = { 0 };

  /* 0 results, 1 elapsed_test, 2 Tscambio, 3 avg_Tscambio, 4 sdev_Tscambio, 5 max_Tscambio */
  double		avg[6];
  double		sdev[6];
  /* others */
  cpu_set_t		dp, udn_hardwall;
  int			i;
  int			retval[2];

  int opt;
  int longopt;
  struct option options[] = {
    { "niter",	required_argument,	&longopt,	'n' },
    { "nscambi",required_argument,	&longopt,	'm' },
    { "white",	required_argument,	&longopt,	'w' },
    { "black",	required_argument,	&longopt,	'b' },
    { NULL,	0,			NULL,		0 }

  while (longopt || -1 != (opt = getopt_long(argc, argv, "n:m:w:b:", options, NULL))) {
    switch (opt) {
    case 'n':
      niter = atoi(optarg);
    case 'w':
      white_rank = atoi(optarg);
    case 'b':
      black_rank = atoi(optarg);
    case 'm':
      nscambi = atoi(optarg);
    case 0:
    longopt =0;

  signal(SIGALRM, sighand_alrm);

  /* defines cpus */
  if (tmc_cpus_count(&dp) < 3)
	    "[ERROR] numero di cpu dataplane disponibili non sufficiente\n");
  //ERRHAND(cpu_white = tmc_cpus_find_first_cpu(&dp));
  //ERRHAND(cpu_black = tmc_cpus_find_last_cpu(&dp));
  ERRHAND(cpu_white = tmc_cpus_find_nth_cpu(&dp, white_rank));
  ERRHAND(cpu_black = tmc_cpus_find_nth_cpu(&dp, black_rank));
  ERRHAND(cpu_main = tmc_cpus_find_nth_cpu(&dp, tmc_cpus_count(&dp)-2));
  /* bind this process to a dataplane cpu */

  printf("[INFO] main: cpu %d niter %d\n", tmc_cpus_get_my_cpu(), niter);

  printf("main on cpu %d, white on cpu %d, black on cpu %d, "
	 "num of test iteration %d, num of exchanges %d\n",
	 tmc_cpus_get_my_cpu(), cpu_white, cpu_black, niter, nscambi);  

  /* define ansd initialize udn hardwall */
  ERRHAND(tmc_cpus_add_cpu(&udn_hardwall, cpu_main));
  ERRHAND(tmc_cpus_add_cpu(&udn_hardwall, cpu_white));
  ERRHAND(tmc_cpus_add_cpu(&udn_hardwall, cpu_black));

  /* init synchronization barriers */
  ERRHAND_NZ(pthread_barrier_init(&computation_start, NULL, 2));
  ERRHAND_NZ(pthread_barrier_init(&computation_end, NULL, 2));

  for (i=0; i<niter; i++) {
    arg_t arg[2];

    Tscambio[1] = 0;
    Tscambio[2] = 0;
    Tscambio[3] = 0;

    /* START TEST i-esimo */
    ERRHAND(gettimeofday(&start, NULL));

    /* set deadlock alarm */

    /* setup environment */
    ERRHAND_NN(ch[0] = ch_create(CH0_IMPL)(cpu_white, cpu_black CH0_CREATE_ARGS));
    ERRHAND_NN(ch[1] = ch_create(CH1_IMPL)(cpu_black, cpu_white CH1_CREATE_ARGS));
    arg[0].cpu = cpu_white;
    arg[0].ch[0] = ch[0];
    arg[0].ch[1] = ch[1];
    arg[0].num_scambi = nscambi;
    arg[1].cpu = cpu_black;
    arg[1].ch[0] = ch[0];
    arg[1].ch[1] = ch[1];
    arg[1].num_scambi = nscambi;

    /* start computation */
    ERRHAND_NZ(pthread_create(&thread_white, NULL, task_pingpong_white,
			      (void *)&arg[0]));
    ERRHAND_NZ(pthread_create(&thread_black, NULL, task_pingpong_black,
			      (void *)&arg[1]));

    /* wait end of computation */
    ERRHAND_NZ(pthread_join(thread_white, (void *)retval));
    ERRHAND_NZ(pthread_join(thread_black, (void *)(retval+1)));

    /* destroy environment */

    /* END TEST i-esimo */
    ERRHAND(gettimeofday(&end, NULL));

    /* statistiche sugli scambi eseguiti nel test corrente */
    calcStatistics(avg[2], sdev[2], Tscambio, nscambi);

    timersub(&end, &start, &start);
    prepareStatistics(elapsed_test, start.tv_sec*1000+start.tv_usec/(double)1000);
    prepareStatistics(result_test, retval[0] + retval[1]);
    prepareStatistics(avg_Tscambio, avg[2]);
    prepareStatistics(sdev_Tscambio, sdev[2]);
    prepareStatistics(max_Tscambio, Tscambio[3]);

    //fprintf(stderr, "%d:%f:%f:%f:(%f);", i, avg[2]/2, sdev[2], (double)Tscambio[3]/2, avg_Tscambio[2]);
#elif TEST_VERBOSE >= 2
    fprintf(stderr, printStatistics_format("Tscambio (cycles)", PRIu64)
	    "[STAT] Tsend (cycles):\n[STAT]    %f\n",
	    printStatistics_values(avg[2], sdev[2], Tscambio),
#endif /* TEST_VERBOSE == 0 */

    deadlock_continue = 0;
  } /* for (i=0; i<niter; i++) */

  calcStatistics(avg[0], sdev[0], result_test, niter);
  calcStatistics(avg[1], sdev[1], elapsed_test, niter);
  calcStatistics(avg[3], sdev[3], avg_Tscambio, niter);
  calcStatistics(avg[4], sdev[4], sdev_Tscambio, niter);
  calcStatistics(avg[5], sdev[5], max_Tscambio, niter);

	  printStatistics_format("Tscambio avg (cycles)", "f")
	  printStatistics_format("Tscambio sdev (cycles)", "f")
	  "[STAT] Tscambio max (cycles):\n[STAT]    %f\n",
	  printStatistics_values(avg[3], sdev[3], avg_Tscambio),
	  printStatistics_values(avg[4], sdev[4], sdev_Tscambio),
	  printStatistics_format2("Tscambio avg (cycles)", "f")
	  printStatistics_format2("Tscambio sdev        ", "f")
	  printStatistics_format2("Tscambio max (cycles)", "f"),
	  printStatistics_values2(avg[3], sdev[3], avg_Tscambio),
	  printStatistics_values2(avg[4], sdev[4], sdev_Tscambio),
	  printStatistics_values2(avg[5], sdev[5], max_Tscambio)
Tscambio avg (cycles):		110.491957	0.258812	111.400840
Tscambio sdev        :		118.790573	63.409627	306.372066
Tscambio max (cycles):		34756.240000	18675.977854	80419.000000
	  "%-20s %-20s %-20s\n"
	  "%-20f %-20f %-20f\n",
	  "avg", "sdev", "max", avg[3], avg[4], avg[5]);

	  "              %-20s %-20s %-20s\n"
	  "Tscambio-avg: %-20f %-20f %-20f\n"
	  "Tscambio-dev: %-20f %-20f %-20f\n"
	  "Tscambio-max: %-20f %-20f %-20f\n",
	  "avg", "sdev", "max",
	  avg[3], avg[4], avg[5],
	  sdev[3], sdev[4], sdev[5],
	  avg_Tscambio[3], sdev_Tscambio[3], max_Tscambio[3]

#endif /* TEST_VERBOSE == 0 */

  return 0;
Beispiel #10
void* net_thread(void* arg)
   int iix = (uintptr_t)arg; /*Ingress interface index*/
   int eix; /*Egress interface index*/
   int i, n; /*Index, Number*/
   gxio_mpipe_iqueue_t *iqueue = iqueues[iix]; /*Ingress queue*/
   gxio_mpipe_equeue_t *equeue; /*Egress queue*/
   gxio_mpipe_idesc_t *idescs; /*Ingress packet descriptors*/
   gxio_mpipe_edesc_t edescs[MAXBATCH]; /*Egress descriptors.*/
   long slot;

   /*Setup egress queue.*/
   switch (iix) {
   case 0: eix = 1; break;
   case 1: eix = 0; break;
   case 2: eix = 3; break;
   case 3: eix = 2; break;
   default: tmc_task_die("Invalid interface index, %d", iix); break;
   equeue = &equeues[eix]; /*Egress queue*/

   /*Bind to a single CPU.*/
   if (tmc_cpus_set_my_cpu(tmc_cpus_find_nth_cpu(&cpus, DTILEBASE + iix)) < 0) {
      tmc_task_die("Failed to setup CPU affinity\n");
   if (set_dataplane(0) < 0) {
      tmc_task_die("Failed to setup dataplane\n");
   /*Line up all network threads.*/

   if (iix == 0) {
      /*Pause briefly, to let everyone finish passing the barrier.*/
      for (i = 0; i < 10000; i++) __insn_mfspr(SPR_PASS);
      /*Allow packets to flow (on all links).*/
      sim_enable_mpipe_links(mpipei, -1);
   /* Process(forward) packets.                                               */
   while (1) {
      /*Receive packet(s).*/
      n = gxio_mpipe_iqueue_peek(iqueue, &idescs);
      if (n <= 0) continue;
      else if (n > 16) n = 16; //TODO: Experiment with this number.
#if 0
printf("[%d] Get packet(s), n=%d\n", iix, n);
      /*Prefetch packet descriptors from L3 to L1.*/
      tmc_mem_prefetch(idescs, n * sizeof(*idescs));

      /*Reserve slots.  NOTE: This might spin.*/
      slot = gxio_mpipe_equeue_reserve_fast(equeue, n);

      /*Process packet(s).*/
      for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
         /*Detect Call(s), clone the packet and pass it to antother Tile, if necessary.*/
         //TODO: For now, inspect and record the packet using this Tile.
         if (ccap_detect_call(&idescs[i])) {
            ccap_trace_add(0, &idescs[i]); //TODO: Use actual link number.

         /*Send the packets out on the peer port.*/
         gxio_mpipe_edesc_copy_idesc(&edescs[i], &idescs[i]);
#if 1
         /*Drop "error" packets (but ignore "checksum" problems).*/
         if (idescs[i].be || idescs[i].me || idescs[i].tr || idescs[i].ce) {
            edescs[i].ns = 1;
         gxio_mpipe_equeue_put_at(equeue, edescs[i], slot + i);
         gxio_mpipe_iqueue_consume(iqueue, &idescs[i]);
   /*Make compiler happy.*/
   return (void *)NULL;