Beispiel #1
/// Evolve method.
void monte_carlo::evolve(population &pop) const
	// Let's store some useful variables.
	const problem::base &prob = pop.problem();
	const problem::base::size_type prob_dimension = prob.get_dimension(), prob_i_dimension = prob.get_i_dimension();
	const decision_vector &lb = prob.get_lb(), &ub = prob.get_ub();
	const population::size_type pop_size = pop.size();
	// Get out if there is nothing to do.
	if (pop_size == 0 || m_max_eval == 0) {
	// Initialise temporary decision vector, fitness vector and decision vector.
	decision_vector tmp_x(prob_dimension);
	fitness_vector tmp_f(prob.get_f_dimension());
	constraint_vector tmp_c(prob.get_c_dimension());
	// Main loop.
	for (std::size_t i = 0; i < m_max_eval; ++i) {
		// Generate a random decision vector.
		for (problem::base::size_type j = 0; j < prob_dimension - prob_i_dimension; ++j) {
			tmp_x[j] = boost::uniform_real<double>(lb[j],ub[j])(m_drng);
		for (problem::base::size_type j = prob_dimension - prob_i_dimension; j < prob_dimension; ++j) {
			tmp_x[j] = boost::uniform_int<int>(lb[j],ub[j])(m_urng);
		// Compute fitness and constraints.
		// Locate the worst individual.
		const population::size_type worst_idx = pop.get_worst_idx();
		if (prob.compare_fc(tmp_f,tmp_c,pop.get_individual(worst_idx).cur_f,pop.get_individual(worst_idx).cur_c)) {
Beispiel #2
updateJointStates (const std::map<std::string, tf::StampedTransform>& frame_transforms,
                   std::map<std::string, double> joint_positions)

  tf::Vector3 tmp_x (0, 1, 0);
  tf::Vector3 tmp_y (0, 0, 1);
  tf::Vector3 tmp_z (1, 0, 0);
  btMatrix3x3 home_rot;
  home_rot.setValue (tmp_x.x (), tmp_y.x (), tmp_z.x (), tmp_x.y (), tmp_y.y (), tmp_z.y (), tmp_x.z (), tmp_y.z (),
                     tmp_z.z ());

  tf::Vector3 torso_translation = home_rot.transpose () * frame_transforms_[TORSO_FRAME].getOrigin ();
  btMatrix3x3 torso_rotation = home_rot.transpose () * frame_transforms_[TORSO_FRAME].getBasis ();
  double roll, pitch, yaw;
  torso_rotation.getEulerYPR (yaw, pitch, roll, 1);//angles are around ZYX. sequence is YXZ

  //  btMatrix3x3 r_z (btQuaternion (tf::Vector3 (0, 0, 1), yaw));
  //  btMatrix3x3 r_y (btQuaternion (tf::Vector3 (0, 1, 0), pitch));
  //  btMatrix3x3 r_x (btQuaternion (tf::Vector3 (1, 0, 0), roll));
  //  btMatrix3x3 rot = r_y * r_x * r_z;

  joint_positions_["base_footprint_to_human_footprint"] = 0;
  joint_positions_["human_footprint_to_torso_x"] = torso_translation.x ();
  joint_positions_["torso_x_to_torso_y"] = torso_translation.y ();
  joint_positions_["torso_y_to_torso_z"] = torso_translation.z ();
  joint_positions_["torso_z_to_pitch"] = pitch;
  joint_positions_["torso_pitch_to_roll"] = roll;
  joint_positions_["torso_roll_to_yaw"] = yaw;

  //  tf::Transform transform_sho;
  //  btMatrix3x3 sho_rotation = frame_transforms_[TORSO_FRAME].getBasis ().transpose ()
  //      * frame_transforms_[RIGHT_SHOULDER_FRAME].getBasis ();
  //  sho_rotation.getEulerYPR (yaw, pitch, roll, 1);//order of angles ZYX, order of rotation -euler- YXZ.
  //  std::cout << "+1: y: " << pitch * 180 / M_PI << "\tx: " << roll * 180 / M_PI << "\tz: " << yaw * 180 / M_PI << "\n";

  //  btMatrix3x3 shoulder_ = sho_rotation * frame_transforms_[TORSO_FRAME].getBasis ();
  //  btMatrix3x3 shoulder = r_z * r_y * r_x * frame_transforms_[TORSO_FRAME].getBasis ();
  //  tf::StampedTransform transform;
  //  //  transform.frame_id_ = "r_shoulder_home";
  //  transform.frame_id_ = "torso_1";
  //  transform.child_frame_id_ = "r_shoulder_final";
  //  transform.stamp_ = ros::Time::now ();
  //  transform.setOrigin (tf::Vector3 (0, 0, 0));
  //  transform.setBasis (sho_rotation);
  //  broadcaster_->sendTransform (transform);

  //  joint_positions_["torso_yaw_to_r_shoulder_home"] = 0;
  //  joint_positions_["r_shoulder_home_to_pitch"] = pitch;
  //  joint_positions_["r_shoulder_pitch_to_roll"] = roll;
  //  joint_positions_["r_shoulder_roll_to_yaw"] = yaw;
  //  btMatrix3x3 elb_rotation = frame_transforms_[RIGHT_SHOULDER_FRAME].getBasis ().transpose ()
  //      * frame_transforms_[RIGHT_ELBOW_FRAME].getBasis ();
   //first method for elbow angle extraction -> 1DOF
   btQuaternion q;
   elb_rotation.getRotation (q);

   joint_positions_["r_shoulder_yaw_to_r_upper_arm"] = 0;
   joint_positions_["r_upper_arm_to_r_elbow_home"] = 0;
   if (fabs (q.getAxis ().y ()) > 0.90)
   joint_positions_["r_elbow_home_to_pitch"] = q.getAngle () * al::math::sgn (q.getAxis ().y ());
   //singularity, assume 0 degrees
   joint_positions_["r_elbow_home_to_pitch"] = 0;

   joint_positions_["r_elbow_pitch_to_r_lower_arm"] = 0;*/

  //second method for elbow angle extraction-> 3DOF (not so real but it compansates the error)

  //  joint_positions_["r_elbow_pitch_to_r_hand_home"] = 0;
  //  joint_positions_["r_hand_home_to_yaw"] = 0;
  //  joint_positions_["r_hand_yaw_to_pitch"] = 0;
  //  joint_positions_["r_hand_pitch_to_roll"] = 0;

  //  std::cout << " x: " << std::setw (8) << std::setprecision (3) << q.getAxis ().x () << "\ty: " << std::setw (8)
  //      << std::setprecision (3) << q.getAxis ().y () << "\tz: " << q.getAxis ().z () << "\t angle: " << std::setw (8)
  //      << std::setprecision (3) << q.getAngle () * 180 / M_PI << "\n";

  //  for (uint i = 0; i < 3; i++)
  //    std::cout << elb_rotation.getRow (i).x () << " " << elb_rotation.getRow (i).y () << " "
  //        << elb_rotation.getRow (i).z () << "\n";
  //  std::cout << "\n";

  //This doesn't work!
  //  tf::Transform t;
  //  t = frame_transforms_[RIGHT_ELBOW_FRAME] * frame_transforms_[RIGHT_SHOULDER_FRAME].inverse ();
  //  btMatrix3x3 r = t.getBasis ();
  //  for (uint i = 0; i < 3; i++)
  //    std::cout << r.getRow (i).x () << " " << r.getRow (i).y () << " " << r.getRow (i).z () << "\n";
  //  std::cout << "\n";

  //  tf::Vector3 x_prime = elb_rotation.getColumn (0);
  //  tf::Vector3 x (1, 0, 0);
  //  float elbow_angle = fabs (al::math::getAngleBetween (x, x_prime));
  //  elbow_angle *= al::math::sgn (x.cross (x_prime).getY ());

  //  try
  //  {
  //    tf::StampedTransform tmp;
  //    listener_->lookupTransform ("left_shoulder_1", "left_elbow_1", ros::Time (0), tmp);
  //    std::cout << "*relative: " << std::endl;
  //    for (uint i = 0; i < 3; i++)
  //      std::cout << tmp.getBasis ().getRow (i).x () << " " << tmp.getBasis ().getRow (i).y () << " "
  //          << tmp.getBasis ().getRow (i).z () << "\n";
  //    std::cout << "\n";
  //  }
  //  catch (tf::TransformException ex)
  //  {
  //    ROS_WARN ("no such transform to %s", "left_elbow_1");
  //    //TODO: lost the user, suppose previous joint states same for 1 second, otherwise return false
  //    return false;
  //  }

   transform_sho = frame_transforms_[LEFT_SHOULDER_FRAME] * frame_transforms_[TORSO_FRAME].inverse ();
   sho_rotation = transform_sho.getBasis ();
   sho_rotation.getEulerYPR (yaw, pitch, roll, 1);
   sho_rotation.getEulerYPR (yaw2, pitch2, roll2, 2);
   //  std::cout << "sol 2: " << "z: " << (int)(yaw2 * 180 / M_PI) << "\t" << "y: " << (int)(pitch2 * 180 / M_PI) << "\t"
   //      << "x: " << (int)(roll2 * 180 / M_PI) << "\n";

   if (yaw2 < 0)
   yaw2 += 2 * M_PI;

   if (pitch2 < 0)
   pitch2 += 2 * M_PI;

   if (roll2 < 0)
   roll2 += 2 * M_PI;

   joint_positions_["torso_yaw_to_l_shoulder_home"] = 0;
   joint_positions_["l_shoulder_home_to_yaw"] = yaw2;
   joint_positions_["l_shoulder_yaw_to_pitch"] = pitch2;
   joint_positions_["l_shoulder_pitch_to_roll"] = roll2;

   joint_positions_["l_shoulder_roll_to_l_upper_arm"] = 0;

   elb_rotation = frame_transforms_[LEFT_SHOULDER_FRAME].getBasis ().transpose ()
   * frame_transforms_[LEFT_ELBOW_FRAME].getBasis ();

   x_prime = elb_rotation.getColumn (0);
   elbow_angle = fabs (al::math::getAngleBetween (x, x_prime));
   elbow_angle *= al::math::sgn (x.cross (x_prime).getY ());

   joint_positions_["l_shoulder_roll_to_l_elbow_home"] = 0;
   joint_positions_["l_elbow_home_to_pitch"] = elbow_angle;
   joint_positions_["l_elbow_pitch_to_l_lower_arm"] = 0;

   joint_positions_["l_elbow_pitch_to_l_hand_home"] = 0;

   joint_positions_["l_hand_home_to_yaw"] = 0;
   joint_positions_["l_hand_yaw_to_pitch"] = 0;
   joint_positions_["l_hand_pitch_to_roll"] = 0;
  return true;
Beispiel #3
void ADMMCut::MakeLayers()
	// Initial Cutting Edge Setting

	debug_ = false;
	int cut_count = 0;
	vector<double> cut_energy;
	vector<double> res_energy;
		/* Recreate dual graph at the beginning of each cut */

		ptr_stiff_->CalculateD(D_, x_, 0, 0, cut_count);

		///* for rendering */
		//if (cut_count == 0)
		//	WriteWeight();
		//	WriteStiffness("offset1.txt", "rotation1.txt");
		//	getchar();
		//if (cut_count == 4)
		//	WriteStiffness("offset2.txt", "rotation2.txt");
		//	getchar();
		//if (cut_count == 6)
		//	WriteStiffness("offset3.txt", "rotation3.txt");
		//	getchar();

		/* set x for intial cut setting */

		* energy specify:
		* cut		 energy : | A * x |
		* defomation energy : norm(K D - F)
		SpMat K_init = *(ptr_stiff_->WeightedK());
		VX	  F_init = *(ptr_stiff_->WeightedF());

		double icut_energy = 0;
		VX V_Cut = A_ * x_;
		for (int i = 0; i < Md_; i++)
			icut_energy += abs(V_Cut[i]);
		double ideform_energy = (K_init * D_ - F_init).norm();

		cout << "****************************************" << endl;
		cout << "ADMMCut Round : " << cut_count << endl;
		cout << "Initial cut energy before entering ADMM: " << icut_energy << endl;
		cout << "Initial Lagrangian energy before entering ADMM: " << ideform_energy << endl;
		cout << "---------------------------------" << endl;

		int rew_count = 0;
		VX x_prev;
		VX D_prev;

		/* Output energy list for reweighting process in a single
		graph cut problem, energy.size() = number of reweighting
		process performed.
		cut energy = |A_ * x_| = sum_{e_ij} w_ij * |x_i - x_j|
		res energy = (K(x)D - F(x)).norm()



			/* Reweighting loop for cut */

			int ADMM_count = 0;
			x_prev = x_;
			CreateC(cut_count, rew_count);

				cout << "ADMMCut Round: " << cut_count << ", reweight iteration:" << rew_count
					<< ", ADMM " << ADMM_count << " iteration." << endl;

				/*-------------------ADMM loop-------------------*/

				D_prev = D_;


				/*-------------------Residual Calculation-------------------*/
				SpMat Q_prev;
				SpMat Q_new;
				CalculateQ(D_prev, Q_prev);
				CalculateQ(D_, Q_new);

				/* Update K reweighted by new x */
				SpMat K_new = *(ptr_stiff_->WeightedK());
				VX    F_new = *(ptr_stiff_->WeightedF());

				dual_res_ = penalty_ * (D_prev - D_).transpose() * K_new.transpose() * Q_prev
					+ lambda_.transpose() * (Q_prev - Q_new);
				primal_res_ = K_new * D_ - F_new;

				double new_cut_energy = * x_);

				cout << "new quadratic func value record: " << new_cut_energy << endl;
				cout << "dual_residual : " << dual_res_.norm() << endl;
				cout << "primal_residual(KD-F) : " << primal_res_.norm() << endl;

				cout << "---------------------" << endl;
			} while (!TerminationCriteria(ADMM_count));

			/* One reweighting process ended! */
			/* Output energy and residual */

			double energy = 0;
			VX V_Cut = A_ * x_;
			for (int i = 0; i < Md_; i++)
				energy += ptr_dualgraph_->Weight(i) * abs(V_Cut[i]);

			double res_tmp = primal_res_.norm();
			cout << "Cut " << cut_count << " Reweight " << rew_count << " completed." << endl;
			cout << "Cut Energy :" << energy << endl;
			cout << "Res Energy :" << res_tmp << endl;
			cout << "<-<-<-<-<-<-<-<-<-<-<-<-<-<-<-<-<-" << endl;


			/* write x distribution to a file */
			string str_x = "Cut_" + to_string(cut_count) + "_Rew_" + to_string(rew_count) + "_x";
			Statistics tmp_x(str_x, x_);

		} while (!UpdateR(x_prev, rew_count));

		/* Output reweighting energy history for last cut process */
		string str_eC = "Cut_" + to_string(cut_count) + "_Cut_Energy";
		Statistics s_eC(str_eC, cut_energy);

		string str_eR = "Cut_" + to_string(cut_count) + "_Res_Energy";
		Statistics s_eR(str_eR, res_energy);

		/* Update New Cut information to Rendering (layer_label_) */


		fprintf(stdout, "ADMMCut No.%d process is Finished!\n", cut_count);

	} while (!CheckLabel(cut_count));

	fprintf(stdout, "All done!\n");