void GestureClassifierByHistogram::drawMatchedIdPatternHistogram(const boost::circular_buffer<size_t> &matchedHistogramIndexes, const std::string &windowName) const
	// calculate matched index histogram
	cv::MatND hist;
#if defined(__GNUC__)
        cv::Mat tmpmat(std::vector<unsigned char>(matchedHistogramIndexes.begin(), matchedHistogramIndexes.end()));
        cv::calcHist(&tmpmat, 1, local::indexHistChannels, cv::Mat(), hist, local::histDims, local::indexHistSize, local::indexHistRanges, true, false);
	cv::calcHist(&cv::Mat(std::vector<unsigned char>(matchedHistogramIndexes.begin(), matchedHistogramIndexes.end())), 1, local::indexHistChannels, cv::Mat(), hist, local::histDims, local::indexHistSize, local::indexHistRanges, true, false);

	// normalize histogram
	//HistogramUtil::normalizeHistogram(hist, params_.maxMatchedHistogramNum);

	// draw matched index histogram
	cv::Mat histImg(cv::Mat::zeros(local::indexHistMaxHeight, local::indexHistBins*local::indexHistBinWidth, CV_8UC3));
	HistogramUtil::drawHistogram1D(hist, local::indexHistBins, params_.maxMatchedHistogramNum, local::indexHistBinWidth, local::indexHistMaxHeight, histImg);

	std::ostringstream sstream;
	sstream << "count: " << matchedHistogramIndexes.size();
	cv::putText(histImg, sstream.str(), cv::Point(10, 15), cv::FONT_HERSHEY_COMPLEX, 0.5, CV_RGB(255, 0, 255), 1, 8, false);

	cv::imshow(windowName, histImg);
  void ImageResizer::process(const sensor_msgs::ImageConstPtr &src_img, const sensor_msgs::CameraInfoConstPtr &src_info,
       sensor_msgs::ImagePtr &dst_img, sensor_msgs::CameraInfo &dst_info){
    int image_width, image_height;
    if(use_camera_info_) {
      image_width = src_info->width;
      image_height = src_info->height;
    else {
      image_width = src_img->width;
      image_height = src_img->height;

    int width = dst_width_ ? dst_width_ : (resize_x_ * image_width);
    int height = dst_height_ ? dst_height_ : (resize_y_ * image_height);

    double scale_x = dst_width_ ? ((double)dst_width_)/image_width : resize_x_;
    double scale_y = dst_height_ ? ((double)dst_height_)/image_height : resize_y_;

    cv_bridge::CvImagePtr cv_img = cv_bridge::toCvCopy(src_img);

    cv::Mat tmpmat(height, width, cv_img->image.type());
    if (raw_width_ == 0) {
      raw_width_ = tmpmat.cols;
      raw_height_ = tmpmat.rows;
    cv::resize(cv_img->image, tmpmat, cv::Size(width, height), 0, 0, interpolation_);
    NODELET_DEBUG("mat rows:%d cols:%d", tmpmat.rows, tmpmat.cols);
    cv_img->image = tmpmat;

    dst_img = cv_img->toImageMsg();
    if (use_camera_info_) {
      dst_info = *src_info;
      dst_info.height = height;
      dst_info.width = width;
      dst_info.K[0] = dst_info.K[0] * scale_x; // fx
      dst_info.K[2] = dst_info.K[2] * scale_x; // cx
      dst_info.K[4] = dst_info.K[4] * scale_y; // fy
      dst_info.K[5] = dst_info.K[5] * scale_y; // cy

      dst_info.P[0] = dst_info.P[0] * scale_x; // fx
      dst_info.P[2] = dst_info.P[2] * scale_x; // cx
      dst_info.P[3] = dst_info.P[3] * scale_x; // T
      dst_info.P[5] = dst_info.P[5] * scale_y; // fy
      dst_info.P[6] = dst_info.P[6] * scale_y; // cy
  void callback(const sensor_msgs::ImageConstPtr &img,
                const sensor_msgs::CameraInfoConstPtr &info) {
    boost::mutex::scoped_lock lock(mutex_);
    ros::Time now = ros::Time::now();

    static boost::circular_buffer<double> in_times(100);
    static boost::circular_buffer<double> out_times(100);
    static boost::circular_buffer<double> in_bytes(100);
    static boost::circular_buffer<double> out_bytes(100);

    ROS_DEBUG("resize: callback");
    if ( !publish_once_ || cp_.getNumSubscribers () == 0 ) {
      ROS_DEBUG("resize: number of subscribers is 0, ignoring image");

    in_times.push_front((now - last_subscribe_time_).toSec());
    try {
        int width = dst_width_ ? dst_width_ : (resize_x_ * info->width);
        int height = dst_height_ ? dst_height_ : (resize_y_ * info->height);
        double scale_x = dst_width_ ? ((double)dst_width_)/info->width : resize_x_;
        double scale_y = dst_height_ ? ((double)dst_height_)/info->height : resize_y_;

        cv_bridge::CvImagePtr cv_img = cv_bridge::toCvCopy(img);

        cv::Mat tmpmat(height, width, cv_img->image.type());
        cv::resize(cv_img->image, tmpmat, cv::Size(width, height));
        cv_img->image = tmpmat;

        sensor_msgs::CameraInfo tinfo = *info;
        tinfo.height = height;
        tinfo.width = width;
        tinfo.K[0] = tinfo.K[0] * scale_x; // fx
        tinfo.K[2] = tinfo.K[2] * scale_x; // cx
        tinfo.K[4] = tinfo.K[4] * scale_y; // fy
        tinfo.K[5] = tinfo.K[5] * scale_y; // cy

        tinfo.P[0] = tinfo.P[0] * scale_x; // fx
        tinfo.P[2] = tinfo.P[2] * scale_x; // cx
        tinfo.P[3] = tinfo.P[3] * scale_x; // T
        tinfo.P[5] = tinfo.P[5] * scale_y; // fy
        tinfo.P[6] = tinfo.P[6] * scale_y; // cy

        if ( !use_messages_ || now - last_publish_time_  > period_ ) {
                        boost::make_shared<sensor_msgs::CameraInfo> (tinfo));

            out_times.push_front((now - last_publish_time_).toSec());

            last_publish_time_ = now;
    } catch( cv::Exception& e ) {
        ROS_ERROR("%s", e.what());

    float duration =  (now - last_rosinfo_time_).toSec();
    if ( duration > 2 ) {
        int in_time_n = in_times.size();
        int out_time_n = out_times.size();
        double in_time_mean = 0, in_time_rate = 1.0, in_time_std_dev = 0.0, in_time_max_delta, in_time_min_delta;
        double out_time_mean = 0, out_time_rate = 1.0, out_time_std_dev = 0.0, out_time_max_delta, out_time_min_delta;

        std::for_each( in_times.begin(), in_times.end(), (in_time_mean += boost::lambda::_1) );
        in_time_mean /= in_time_n;
        in_time_rate /= in_time_mean;
        std::for_each( in_times.begin(), in_times.end(), (in_time_std_dev += (boost::lambda::_1 - in_time_mean)*(boost::lambda::_1 - in_time_mean) ) );
        in_time_std_dev = sqrt(in_time_std_dev/in_time_n);
        if ( in_time_n > 1 ) {
            in_time_min_delta = *std::min_element(in_times.begin(), in_times.end());
            in_time_max_delta = *std::max_element(in_times.begin(), in_times.end());

        std::for_each( out_times.begin(), out_times.end(), (out_time_mean += boost::lambda::_1) );
        out_time_mean /= out_time_n;
        out_time_rate /= out_time_mean;
        std::for_each( out_times.begin(), out_times.end(), (out_time_std_dev += (boost::lambda::_1 - out_time_mean)*(boost::lambda::_1 - out_time_mean) ) );
        out_time_std_dev = sqrt(out_time_std_dev/out_time_n);
        if ( out_time_n > 1 ) {
            out_time_min_delta = *std::min_element(out_times.begin(), out_times.end());
            out_time_max_delta = *std::max_element(out_times.begin(), out_times.end());

        double in_byte_mean = 0, out_byte_mean = 0;
        std::for_each( in_bytes.begin(), in_bytes.end(), (in_byte_mean += boost::lambda::_1) );
        std::for_each( out_bytes.begin(), out_bytes.end(), (out_byte_mean += boost::lambda::_1) );
        in_byte_mean /= duration;
        out_byte_mean /= duration;

        ROS_INFO_STREAM(" in  bandwidth: " << std::fixed << std::setw(11) << std::setprecision(3)  << in_byte_mean/1000*8
                        << " Kbps rate:"   << std::fixed << std::setw(7) << std::setprecision(3) << in_time_rate
                        << " hz min:"      << std::fixed << std::setw(7) << std::setprecision(3) << in_time_min_delta
                        << " s max: "    << std::fixed << std::setw(7) << std::setprecision(3) << in_time_max_delta
                        << " s std_dev: "<< std::fixed << std::setw(7) << std::setprecision(3) << in_time_std_dev << "s n: " << in_time_n);
        ROS_INFO_STREAM(" out bandwidth: " << std::fixed << std::setw(11) << std::setprecision(3)  << out_byte_mean/1000*8
                        << " kbps rate:"   << std::fixed << std::setw(7) << std::setprecision(3) << out_time_rate
                        << " hz min:"      << std::fixed << std::setw(7) << std::setprecision(3) << out_time_min_delta
                        << " s max: "    << std::fixed << std::setw(7) << std::setprecision(3) << out_time_max_delta
                        << " s std_dev: "<< std::fixed << std::setw(7) << std::setprecision(3) << out_time_std_dev << "s n: " << out_time_n);
        last_rosinfo_time_ = now;

    last_subscribe_time_ = now;

    if(use_snapshot_) {
      publish_once_ = false;
void jsk_pcl_ros::DepthImageCreator::publish_points(const sensor_msgs::CameraInfoConstPtr& info,
                                                    const sensor_msgs::PointCloud2ConstPtr& pcloud2) {
  if (!pcloud2)  return;
  bool proc_cloud = true, proc_image = true, proc_disp = true;
  if ( pub_cloud_.getNumSubscribers()==0 ) {
    proc_cloud = false;
  if ( pub_image_.getNumSubscribers()==0 ) {
    proc_image = false;
  if ( pub_disp_image_.getNumSubscribers()==0 ) {
    proc_disp = false;
  if( !proc_cloud && !proc_image && !proc_disp) return;

  int width = info->width;
  int height = info->height;
  float fx = info->P[0];
  float cx = info->P[2];
  float tx = info->P[3];
  float fy = info->P[5];
  float cy = info->P[6];

  Eigen::Affine3f sensorPose;
    tf::StampedTransform transform;
    if(use_fixed_transform) {
      transform = fixed_transform;
    } else {
      try {
                                      info->header.stamp, transform);
      catch ( std::runtime_error e ) {
    tf::Vector3 p = transform.getOrigin();
    tf::Quaternion q = transform.getRotation();
    sensorPose = (Eigen::Affine3f)Eigen::Translation3f(p.getX(), p.getY(), p.getZ());
    Eigen::Quaternion<float> rot(q.getW(), q.getX(), q.getY(), q.getZ());
    sensorPose = sensorPose * rot;

    if (tx != 0.0) {
      Eigen::Affine3f trans = (Eigen::Affine3f)Eigen::Translation3f(-tx/fx , 0, 0);
      sensorPose = sensorPose * trans;
#if 0 // debug print
    JSK_ROS_INFO("%f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f, %f %f %f",
             sensorPose(0,0), sensorPose(0,1), sensorPose(0,2),
             sensorPose(1,0), sensorPose(1,1), sensorPose(1,2),
             sensorPose(2,0), sensorPose(2,1), sensorPose(2,2),
             sensorPose(0,3), sensorPose(1,3), sensorPose(2,3));

  PointCloud pointCloud;
  pcl::RangeImagePlanar rangeImageP;
    // code here is dirty, some bag is in RangeImagePlanar
    PointCloud tpc;
    pcl::fromROSMsg(*pcloud2, tpc);

    Eigen::Affine3f inv;
    inv = sensorPose.inverse();
    pcl::transformPointCloud< Point > (tpc, pointCloud, inv);
    pcl::getInverse(sensorPose, inv);
    pcl::getTransformedPointCloud<PointCloud> (tpc, inv, pointCloud);

    Eigen::Affine3f dummytrans;
    rangeImageP.createFromPointCloudWithFixedSize (pointCloud,
                                                   width/scale_depth, height/scale_depth,
                                                   cx/scale_depth, cy/scale_depth,
                                                   fx/scale_depth, fy/scale_depth,
                                                   dummytrans); //sensorPose);

  cv::Mat mat(rangeImageP.height, rangeImageP.width, CV_32FC1);
  float *tmpf = (float *)mat.ptr();
  for(unsigned int i = 0; i < rangeImageP.height*rangeImageP.width; i++) {
    tmpf[i] = rangeImageP.points[i].z;

  if(scale_depth != 1.0) {
    cv::Mat tmpmat(info->height, info->width, CV_32FC1);
    cv::resize(mat, tmpmat, cv::Size(info->width, info->height)); // LINEAR
    //cv::resize(mat, tmpmat, cv::Size(info->width, info->height), 0.0, 0.0, cv::INTER_NEAREST);
    mat = tmpmat;

  if (proc_image) {
    sensor_msgs::Image pubimg;
    pubimg.header = info->header;
    pubimg.width = info->width;
    pubimg.height = info->height;
    pubimg.encoding = "32FC1";
    pubimg.step = sizeof(float)*info->width;

    // publish image
    memcpy(&(pubimg.data[0]), mat.ptr(), sizeof(float)*info->height*info->width);

  if(proc_cloud || proc_disp) {
    // publish point cloud
    pcl::RangeImagePlanar rangeImagePP;
    rangeImagePP.setDepthImage ((float *)mat.ptr(),
                                width, height,
                                cx, cy, fx, fy);
    rangeImagePP.header = pcl_conversions::toPCL(info->header);
    rangeImagePP.header = info->header;
    if(proc_cloud) {
      pub_cloud_.publish(boost::make_shared<pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointWithRange > >
                         ( (pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointWithRange>)rangeImagePP) );

    if(proc_disp) {
      stereo_msgs::DisparityImage disp;
      disp.header = pcl_conversions::fromPCL(rangeImagePP.header);
      disp.header = rangeImagePP.header;
      disp.image.encoding  = sensor_msgs::image_encodings::TYPE_32FC1;
      disp.image.height    = rangeImagePP.height;
      disp.image.width     = rangeImagePP.width;
      disp.image.step      = disp.image.width * sizeof(float);
      disp.f = fx; disp.T = 0.075;
      disp.min_disparity = 0;
      disp.max_disparity = disp.T * disp.f / 0.3;
      disp.delta_d = 0.125;

      disp.image.data.resize (disp.image.height * disp.image.step);
      float *data = reinterpret_cast<float*> (&disp.image.data[0]);

      float normalization_factor = disp.f * disp.T;
      for (int y = 0; y < (int)rangeImagePP.height; y++ ) {
        for (int x = 0; x < (int)rangeImagePP.width; x++ ) {
          pcl::PointWithRange p = rangeImagePP.getPoint(x,y);
          data[y*disp.image.width+x] = normalization_factor / p.z;
      pub_disp_image_.publish(boost::make_shared<stereo_msgs::DisparityImage> (disp));
void WeightMatrix_iter::weight_matrix_parallel(std::vector< std::vector<double> >& allfeatures,
			   bool exhaustive)

    printf("running parallel version\n");
    std::vector< std::vector<double> > pfeatures;
    copy(allfeatures, pfeatures);

    _nrows = pfeatures.size();
    _ncols = pfeatures[0].size();

    EstimateBandwidth(pfeatures, _deltas);
    _degree.resize(_nrows, 0.0);
    size_t NCORES = 8;
    std::map<double, unsigned int> sorted_features; // all features are unique, check learn or iterative learn algo
    std::vector< std::map<double, unsigned int> > sorted_features_p(NCORES); // all features are unique, check learn or iterative learn algo
    int part = 0;  
    for(size_t i=0; i < pfeatures.size(); i++){
	std::vector<double>& tmpvec = pfeatures[i];
	scale_vec(tmpvec, _deltas);
	double nrm = vec_norm(tmpvec);
	sorted_features.insert(std::make_pair(nrm, i));
	(sorted_features_p[part]).insert(std::make_pair(nrm, i));
	part = (part+1) % NCORES;
    std::vector< boost::thread* > threads;
    std::vector< std::vector< std::vector<RowVal> > > tmpmat(sorted_features_p.size());
    std::vector< std::vector<double> > degrees(sorted_features_p.size());
    for(size_t pp=0; pp < sorted_features_p.size(); pp++){
      degrees[pp].resize(_nrows, 0.0);
      //compute_weight_partial(sorted_features_p[i], sorted_features, pfeatures);
      threads.push_back(new boost::thread(&WeightMatrix_iter::compute_weight_partial, this, sorted_features_p[pp], sorted_features, pfeatures, boost::ref(tmpmat[pp]), boost::ref(degrees[pp])));
    printf("Sync all threads \n");
    for (size_t ti=0; ti<threads.size(); ti++) 
    printf("all threads done\n");
    for(size_t pp=0; pp < tmpmat.size(); pp++){
	for(size_t i=0; i < tmpmat[pp].size(); i++){
	       _wtmat[i].insert(_wtmat[i].end(),tmpmat[pp][i].begin(), tmpmat[pp][i].end());
	       (_degree[i]) += degrees[pp][i];
    if(_nrows != _wtmat.size()){
	printf(" number of rows and wtmat size mismatch\n");
    _nzd_indicator.resize(_nrows, 0);
    _trn_indicator.resize(_nrows, 0);
    for (size_t i=0; i < _nrows; i++){
	if (_degree[i] > 0){
	    _nzd_indicator[i] = 1;
	    _nzd_map.insert(std::make_pair(i, _nzd_count) );
	    _nzd_invmap.insert(std::make_pair(_nzd_count, i) );
//     //** _nzd_count = non-zero degree count == number of columns 
//     //** _nnz = number of nonzeros
//     _nnz = _Wnorm_i.size();
//     cholmod_solver.initialize(_nzd_count, _nnz, _Wnorm_i.data(), _Wnorm_j.data(), _Wnorm_v.data());
    /* C debug*
    FILE* fp=fopen("semi-supervised/tmp_wtmatrix_parallel.txt", "wt");
    for(size_t rr = 0; rr < _wtmat.size(); rr++){
	double luu = 0;
	double w_l = 0;
	for(size_t cc=0; cc < _wtmat[rr].size(); cc++){
	    size_t cidx = _wtmat[rr][cc].j;
	    double val = _wtmat[rr][cc].v;
	    //val = exp(-val/(0.5*_thd*_thd));
	    fprintf(fp, "%u %u %lf\n", rr, cidx, val);