Beispiel #1
void pysvn_context::contextNotify2
    const svn_wc_notify_t *notify,
    apr_pool_t *pool
    PythonDisallowThreads callback_permission( m_permission );

    // make sure we can call the users object
    if( !m_pyfn_Notify.isCallable() )

    Py::Callable callback( m_pyfn_Notify );

    Py::Tuple args( 1 );
    Py::Dict info;
    args[0] = info;

    info["path"] = Py::String( notify->path );
    info["action"] = toEnumValue( notify->action );
    info["kind"] = toEnumValue( notify->kind );
    if( notify->mime_type == NULL )
        info["mime_type"] = Py::Nothing();
        info["mime_type"] = Py::String( notify->mime_type );
    info["content_state"] = toEnumValue( notify->content_state );
    info["prop_state"] = toEnumValue( notify->prop_state );
    info["revision"] = Py::asObject( new pysvn_revision( svn_opt_revision_number, 0, notify->revision ) );
    if( notify->err != NULL )
        SvnException error( notify->err );
        info["error"] = error.pythonExceptionArg( 1 );
        info["error"] = Py::None();

    Py::Object results;

        results = callback.apply( args );
    catch( Py::Exception &e )

        m_error_message = "unhandled exception in callback_notify";
Beispiel #2
void pysvn_context::contextNotify
    const char *path,
    svn_wc_notify_action_t action,
    svn_node_kind_t kind,
    const char *mime_type,
    svn_wc_notify_state_t content_state,
    svn_wc_notify_state_t prop_state,
    svn_revnum_t revnum
    PythonDisallowThreads callback_permission( m_permission );

    // make sure we can call the users object
    if( !m_pyfn_Notify.isCallable() )

    Py::Callable callback( m_pyfn_Notify );

    Py::Tuple args( 1 );
    Py::Dict info;
    args[0] = info;

    info["path"] = Py::String( path );
    info["action"] = toEnumValue( action );
    info["kind"] = toEnumValue( kind );
    if( mime_type == NULL )
        info["mime_type"] = Py::Nothing();
        info["mime_type"] = Py::String( mime_type );
    info["content_state"] = toEnumValue( content_state );
    info["prop_state"] = toEnumValue( prop_state );
    info["revision"] = Py::asObject( new pysvn_revision( svn_opt_revision_number, 0, revnum ) );

    Py::Object results;

        results = callback.apply( args );
    catch( Py::Exception &e )

        m_error_message = "unhandled exception in callback_notify";
Beispiel #3
Py::Object toObject
    Py::String path,
    pysvn_wc_status_t &svn_status,
    SvnPool &pool,
    const DictWrapper &wrapper_status,
    const DictWrapper &wrapper_entry,
    const DictWrapper &wrapper_lock
    Py::Dict status;

    status[ str_path ] = path;
    if( svn_status.entry == NULL )
        status[ str_entry ] = Py::None();
        status[ str_entry ] = toObject( *svn_status.entry, pool, wrapper_entry );
    if( svn_status.repos_lock == NULL )
        status[ str_repos_lock ] = Py::None();
        status[ str_repos_lock ] = toObject( *svn_status.repos_lock, wrapper_lock );

    long is_versioned = (long)(svn_status.text_status > svn_wc_status_unversioned);
    status[ str_is_versioned ] = Py::Int( is_versioned );
    status[ str_is_locked ] = Py::Int( svn_status.locked );
    status[ str_is_copied ] = Py::Int( svn_status.copied );
    status[ str_is_switched ] = Py::Int( svn_status.switched );
    status[ str_prop_status ] = toEnumValue( svn_status.prop_status );
    status[ str_text_status ] = toEnumValue( svn_status.text_status );
    status[ str_repos_prop_status ] = toEnumValue( svn_status.repos_prop_status );
    status[ str_repos_text_status ] = toEnumValue( svn_status.repos_text_status );

    return wrapper_status.wrapDict( status );
Beispiel #4
Py::Object toObject
    const svn_wc_entry_t &svn_entry,
    SvnPool &pool,
    const DictWrapper &wrapper_entry
    Py::Dict entry;

    entry[ str_checksum ] = utf8_string_or_none( svn_entry.checksum );
    entry[ str_commit_author ] = utf8_string_or_none( svn_entry.cmt_author );
    entry[ str_commit_revision ] = Py::asObject( new pysvn_revision( svn_opt_revision_number, 0, svn_entry.cmt_rev ) );
    entry[ str_commit_time ] = toObject( svn_entry.cmt_date );
    entry[ str_conflict_new ] = path_string_or_none( svn_entry.conflict_new, pool );
    entry[ str_conflict_old ] = path_string_or_none( svn_entry.conflict_old, pool );
    entry[ str_conflict_work ] = path_string_or_none( svn_entry.conflict_wrk, pool );
    entry[ str_copy_from_revision ] = Py::asObject( new pysvn_revision( svn_opt_revision_number, 0, svn_entry.copyfrom_rev ) );
    entry[ str_copy_from_url ] = utf8_string_or_none( svn_entry.copyfrom_url );
    entry[ str_is_absent ] = Py::Int( svn_entry.absent );
    entry[ str_is_copied ] = Py::Int( svn_entry.copied );
    entry[ str_is_deleted ] = Py::Int( svn_entry.deleted );
    entry[ str_kind ] = toEnumValue( svn_entry.kind );
    entry[ str_name ] = path_string_or_none(, pool );
    entry[ str_properties_time ] = toObject( svn_entry.prop_time );
    entry[ str_property_reject_file ] = path_string_or_none( svn_entry.prejfile, pool );
    entry[ str_repos ] = utf8_string_or_none( svn_entry.repos );
    entry[ str_revision ] = Py::asObject( new pysvn_revision( svn_opt_revision_number, 0, svn_entry.revision ) );
    entry[ str_schedule ] = toEnumValue( svn_entry.schedule );
    entry[ str_text_time ] = toObject( svn_entry.text_time );
    entry[ str_url ] = utf8_string_or_none( svn_entry.url );
    entry[ str_uuid ] = utf8_string_or_none( svn_entry.uuid );
    entry[ str_lock_token ] = utf8_string_or_none( svn_entry.lock_token );
    entry[ str_lock_owner ] = utf8_string_or_none( svn_entry.lock_owner );
    entry[ str_lock_comment ] = utf8_string_or_none( svn_entry.lock_comment );
    entry[ str_lock_creation_date ] = toObject( svn_entry.lock_creation_date );

    return wrapper_entry.wrapDict( entry );
svn_error_t *diff_summarize_c
    const svn_client_diff_summarize_t *diff,
    void *baton_,
    apr_pool_t *pool
    DiffSummarizeBaton *baton = reinterpret_cast<DiffSummarizeBaton *>( baton_ );

    PythonDisallowThreads callback_permission( baton->m_permission );

    Py::Dict diff_dict;

    diff_dict[ *py_name_path ] = Py::String( diff->path, name_utf8 );
    diff_dict[ *py_name_summarize_kind ] = toEnumValue( diff->summarize_kind );
    diff_dict[ *py_name_prop_changed ] = Py::Int( diff->prop_changed != 0 );
    diff_dict[ *py_name_node_kind ] = toEnumValue( diff->node_kind );

    baton->m_diff_list.append( baton->m_wrapper_diff_summary->wrapDict( diff_dict ) );

    return SVN_NO_ERROR;
Beispiel #6
Py::Object direntsToObject( apr_hash_t *dirents, SvnPool &pool )
    Py::Dict py_dirents_dict;

    for( apr_hash_index_t *hi = apr_hash_first( pool, dirents ); hi; hi = apr_hash_next( hi ) )
        const void *key = NULL;
        void *val = NULL;

        apr_hash_this (hi, &key, NULL, &val);
        const svn_fs_dirent_t *dirent = (const svn_fs_dirent_t *)val;

        py_dirents_dict[ Py::String( (const char *)key ) ] = toEnumValue( dirent->kind );

    return py_dirents_dict;
Py::Object pysvn_client::cmd_ls( const Py::Tuple &a_args, const Py::Dict &a_kws )
    static argument_description args_desc[] =
    { true,  name_url_or_path },
    { false, name_revision },
    { false, name_recurse },
#if defined( PYSVN_HAS_CLIENT_LS2 )
    { false, name_peg_revision },
    { false, NULL }
    FunctionArguments args( "ls", args_desc, a_args, a_kws );

    std::string path( args.getUtf8String( name_url_or_path ) );
    bool recurse = args.getBoolean( name_recurse, false );
    svn_opt_revision_t revision = args.getRevision( name_revision, svn_opt_revision_head );

    SvnPool pool( m_context );
    apr_hash_t *hash = NULL;
    std::string norm_path( svnNormalisedIfPath( path, pool ) );
#if defined( PYSVN_HAS_CLIENT_LS2 )
    svn_opt_revision_t peg_revision = args.getRevision( name_peg_revision, revision );

    bool is_url = is_svn_url( path );
#if defined( PYSVN_HAS_CLIENT_LS2 )
    revisionKindCompatibleCheck( is_url, peg_revision, name_peg_revision, name_url_or_path );
    revisionKindCompatibleCheck( is_url, revision, name_revision, name_url_or_path );


        PythonAllowThreads permission( m_context );

#if defined( PYSVN_HAS_CLIENT_LS2 )
        svn_error_t *error = svn_client_ls2
        svn_error_t *error = svn_client_ls
        if( error != 0 )
            throw SvnException( error );
    catch( SvnException &e )
        // use callback error over ClientException
        m_context.checkForError( m_module.client_error );

        throw_client_error( e );

    apr_array_header_t *array = svn_sort__hash( hash, compare_items_as_paths, pool );

    std::string base_path;
    if( !norm_path.empty() )
        base_path = norm_path;
        base_path += '/';

    // convert the entries into python objects
    Py::List entries_list;

    for( int i = 0; i < array->nelts; ++i )
        svn_sort__item_t *item = &APR_ARRAY_IDX( array, i, svn_sort__item_t );

        const char *utf8_entryname = static_cast<const char *>( item->key );
        svn_dirent_t *dirent = static_cast<svn_dirent_t *>( apr_hash_get( hash, utf8_entryname, item->klen ) );

        std::string full_name( base_path );
        full_name += utf8_entryname;

        Py::Dict entry_dict;
        entry_dict[ *py_name_name ] = Py::String( full_name, name_utf8 );
        entry_dict[ *py_name_kind ] = toEnumValue( dirent->kind );
        entry_dict[ *py_name_has_props ] = Py::Int( dirent->has_props );
        entry_dict[ *py_name_size ] = Py::Long( Py::Float( double( static_cast<signed_int64>( dirent->size ) ) ) );
        entry_dict[ *py_name_created_rev ] = Py::asObject( new pysvn_revision( svn_opt_revision_number, 0, dirent->created_rev ) );
        entry_dict[ *py_name_time ] = toObject( dirent->time );
        entry_dict[ *py_name_last_author ] = utf8_string_or_none( dirent->last_author );

        entries_list.append( m_wrapper_dirent.wrapDict( entry_dict ) );

    return entries_list;
svn_error_t *list_receiver_c
    void *baton_,
    const char *path,
    const svn_dirent_t *dirent,
    const svn_lock_t *lock,
    const char *abs_path,
    apr_pool_t *pool
    ListReceiveBaton *baton = reinterpret_cast<ListReceiveBaton *>( baton_ );

    PythonDisallowThreads callback_permission( baton->m_permission );

    std::string full_path( baton->m_url_or_path );
    std::string full_repos_path( abs_path );
    if( strlen( path ) != 0 )
        full_path += "/";
        full_path += path;

        full_repos_path += "/";
        full_repos_path += path;

    Py::Tuple py_tuple( 2 );

    Py::Dict entry_dict;
    entry_dict[ *py_name_path ] = Py::String( full_path, name_utf8 );
    entry_dict[ *py_name_repos_path ] = Py::String( full_repos_path, name_utf8 );

    if( dirent != NULL )
        if( baton->m_dirent_fields&SVN_DIRENT_KIND )
            entry_dict[ *py_name_kind ] = toEnumValue( dirent->kind );
        if( baton->m_dirent_fields&SVN_DIRENT_SIZE )
            entry_dict[ *py_name_size ] = Py::Long( Py::Float( double( static_cast<signed_int64>( dirent->size ) ) ) );
        if( baton->m_dirent_fields&SVN_DIRENT_CREATED_REV )
            entry_dict[ *py_name_created_rev ] = Py::asObject( new pysvn_revision( svn_opt_revision_number, 0, dirent->created_rev ) );
        if( baton->m_dirent_fields&SVN_DIRENT_TIME )
            entry_dict[ *py_name_time ] = toObject( dirent->time );
        if( baton->m_dirent_fields&SVN_DIRENT_HAS_PROPS )
            entry_dict[ *py_name_has_props ] = Py::Int( dirent->has_props );
        if( baton->m_dirent_fields&SVN_DIRENT_LAST_AUTHOR )
            entry_dict[ *py_name_last_author ] = utf8_string_or_none( dirent->last_author );
    py_tuple[0] = baton->m_wrapper_list->wrapDict( entry_dict );

    if( lock == NULL )
        py_tuple[1] = Py::None();
        py_tuple[1] = toObject( *lock, *baton->m_wrapper_lock );
    baton->m_list_list.append( py_tuple );

    return SVN_NO_ERROR;
Beispiel #9
Py::Object toObject
    const svn_info_t &info,
    const DictWrapper &wrapper_info,
    const DictWrapper &wrapper_lock,
    const DictWrapper &wrapper_wc_info

    Py::Dict py_info;

    // Where the item lives in the repository.
    py_info[str_URL] = utf8_string_or_none( info.URL );

    // The revision of the object.  If path_or_url is a working-copy
    // path, then this is its current working revnum.  If path_or_url
    // is a URL, then this is the repos revision that path_or_url lives in.
    py_info[str_rev] = Py::asObject( new pysvn_revision( svn_opt_revision_number, 0, info.rev ) );

    // The node's kind.
    py_info[str_kind] = toEnumValue( info.kind );

    // The root URL of the repository.
    py_info[str_repos_root_URL] = utf8_string_or_none( info.repos_root_URL );

    // The repository's UUID.
    py_info[str_repos_UUID] = utf8_string_or_none( info.repos_UUID );

    // The last revision in which this object changed.
    py_info[str_last_changed_rev] = Py::asObject(
                    new pysvn_revision( svn_opt_revision_number, 0, info.last_changed_rev ) );

    // The date of the last_changed_rev.
    py_info[str_last_changed_date] = toObject( info.last_changed_date );

    // The author of the last_changed_rev.
    py_info[str_last_changed_author] = utf8_string_or_none( info.last_changed_author );

#if defined( PYSVN_HAS_CLIENT_LOCK )
    // An exclusive lock, if present.  Could be either local or remote.
    if( info.lock == NULL )
        py_info[str_lock] = Py::None();
        py_info[str_lock] = toObject( *info.lock, wrapper_lock );

    // Whether or not to ignore the next 10 wc-specific fields.
    if( info.has_wc_info == 0 )
        py_info[str_wc_info] = Py::None();
        Py::Dict py_wc_info;

        py_wc_info[str_schedule] = toEnumValue( info.schedule );
        py_wc_info[str_copyfrom_url] = utf8_string_or_none( info.copyfrom_url );
        py_wc_info[str_copyfrom_rev] = Py::asObject(
                            new pysvn_revision( svn_opt_revision_number, 0, info.copyfrom_rev ) );
        py_wc_info[str_text_time] = toObject( info.text_time );
        py_wc_info[str_prop_time] = toObject( info.prop_time );
        py_wc_info[str_checksum] = utf8_string_or_none( info.checksum );
        py_wc_info[str_conflict_old] = utf8_string_or_none( info.conflict_old );
        py_wc_info[str_conflict_new] = utf8_string_or_none( info.conflict_new );
        py_wc_info[str_conflict_work] = utf8_string_or_none( info.conflict_wrk );
        py_wc_info[str_prejfile] = utf8_string_or_none( info.prejfile );
        py_wc_info[str_changelist] = utf8_string_or_none( info.changelist );
        py_wc_info[str_depth] = toEnumValue( info.depth );
        if( info.working_size == SVN_INFO_SIZE_UNKNOWN )
            py_wc_info[str_working_size] = Py::None();
            py_wc_info[str_working_size] = Py::LongLong( static_cast<PY_LONG_LONG>( info.working_size ) );
        if( info.size == SVN_INFO_SIZE_UNKNOWN )
            py_wc_info[str_size] = Py::None();
            py_wc_info[str_size] = Py::LongLong( static_cast<PY_LONG_LONG>( info.size ) );
        if( info.working_size == SVN_INFO_SIZE_UNKNOWN )
            py_wc_info[str_working_size] = Py::None();
            py_wc_info[str_working_size] = Py::Int( static_cast<int>( info.working_size ) );
        if( info.size == SVN_INFO_SIZE_UNKNOWN )
            py_wc_info[str_size] = Py::None();
            py_wc_info[str_size] = Py::Int( static_cast<int>( info.size ) );
        py_info[str_wc_info] = wrapper_wc_info.wrapDict( py_wc_info );

    return wrapper_info.wrapDict( py_info );