Beispiel #1
// recursive function to walk through tree
bool addChildrenToTree(urdf::LinkPtr root, Tree& tree)
  urdf::LinkVector children = root->child_links;
  //std::cerr << "[INFO] Link " << root->name << " had " << children.size() << " children" << std::endl;

  // constructs the optional inertia
  RigidBodyInertia inert(0);
  if (root->inertial)
    inert = toKdl(root->inertial);

  // constructs the kdl joint
  Joint jnt = toKdl(root->parent_joint);

  // construct the kdl segment
  Segment sgm(root->name, jnt, toKdl(root->parent_joint->parent_to_joint_origin_transform), inert);

  // add segment to tree
  tree.addSegment(sgm, root->parent_joint->parent_link_name);

  // recurslively add all children
  for (size_t i=0; i<children.size(); i++){
    if (!addChildrenToTree(children[i], tree))
      return false;
  return true;
Beispiel #2
// construct joint
Joint toKdl(urdf::JointPtr jnt)
  Frame F_parent_jnt = toKdl(jnt->parent_to_joint_origin_transform);

  switch (jnt->type){
  case urdf::Joint::FIXED:{
    return Joint(jnt->name, Joint::None);
  case urdf::Joint::REVOLUTE:{
    Vector axis = toKdl(jnt->axis);
    return Joint(jnt->name, F_parent_jnt.p, F_parent_jnt.M * axis, Joint::RotAxis);
  case urdf::Joint::CONTINUOUS:{
    Vector axis = toKdl(jnt->axis);
    return Joint(jnt->name, F_parent_jnt.p, F_parent_jnt.M * axis, Joint::RotAxis);
  case urdf::Joint::PRISMATIC:{
    Vector axis = toKdl(jnt->axis);
    return Joint(jnt->name, F_parent_jnt.p, F_parent_jnt.M * axis, Joint::TransAxis);
    std::cerr << "Converting unknown joint type of joint " << jnt->name << " into a fixed joint" << std::endl;
    return Joint(jnt->name, Joint::None);
  return Joint();
Beispiel #3
// construct joint
Joint toKdl(boost::shared_ptr<urdf::Joint> jnt)
    Frame F_parent_jnt = toKdl(jnt->parent_to_joint_origin_transform);

    switch (jnt->type){
    case urdf::Joint::FIXED:{
        return Joint(jnt->name, Joint::None);
    case urdf::Joint::REVOLUTE:{
        Vector axis = toKdl(jnt->axis);
        return Joint(jnt->name, F_parent_jnt.p, F_parent_jnt.M * axis, Joint::RotAxis);
    case urdf::Joint::CONTINUOUS:{
        Vector axis = toKdl(jnt->axis);
        return Joint(jnt->name, F_parent_jnt.p, F_parent_jnt.M * axis, Joint::RotAxis);
    case urdf::Joint::PRISMATIC:{
        Vector axis = toKdl(jnt->axis);
        return Joint(jnt->name, F_parent_jnt.p, F_parent_jnt.M * axis, Joint::TransAxis);
        std::cout<<"Converting unknown joint type of joint "<<jnt->name.c_str()<<" into a fixed joint."<<std::endl;
        // ROS_WARN("Converting unknown joint type of joint '%s' into a fixed joint", jnt->name.c_str());

        return Joint(jnt->name, Joint::None);
    return Joint();
Beispiel #4
// recursive function to walk through tree
bool addChildrenToTree(boost::shared_ptr<const urdf::Link> root, Tree& tree)
    std::vector<boost::shared_ptr<urdf::Link> > children = root->child_links;
    std::cout<<"Link "<<root->name.c_str()<<" had "<<(int)children.size()<<" children."<<std::endl;
    // ROS_DEBUG("Link %s had %i children", root->name.c_str(), (int)children.size());

    // constructs the optional inertia
    RigidBodyInertia inert(0);
    if (root->inertial)
        inert = toKdl(root->inertial);

    // constructs the kdl joint
    Joint jnt = toKdl(root->parent_joint);

    // construct the kdl segment
    Segment sgm(root->name, jnt, toKdl(root->parent_joint->parent_to_joint_origin_transform), inert);

    // add segment to tree
    tree.addSegment(sgm, root->parent_joint->parent_link_name);

    // recurslively add all children
    for (size_t i=0; i<children.size(); i++){
        if (!addChildrenToTree(children[i], tree))
            return false;
    return true;
Beispiel #5
// construct inertia
RigidBodyInertia toKdl(urdf::InertialPtr i)
  Frame origin = toKdl(i->origin);

  // the mass is frame indipendent
  double kdl_mass = i->mass;

  // kdl and urdf both specify the com position in the reference frame of the link
  Vector kdl_com = origin.p;

  // kdl specifies the inertia matrix in the reference frame of the link,
  // while the urdf specifies the inertia matrix in the inertia reference frame
  RotationalInertia urdf_inertia =
    RotationalInertia(i->ixx, i->iyy, i->izz, i->ixy, i->ixz, i->iyz);

  // Rotation operators are not defined for rotational inertia,
  // so we use the RigidBodyInertia operators (with com = 0) as a workaround
  RigidBodyInertia kdl_inertia_wrt_com_workaround =
    origin.M *RigidBodyInertia(0, Vector::Zero(), urdf_inertia);

  // Note that the RigidBodyInertia constructor takes the 3d inertia wrt the com
  // while the getRotationalInertia method returns the 3d inertia wrt the frame origin
  // (but having com = Vector::Zero() in kdl_inertia_wrt_com_workaround they match)
  RotationalInertia kdl_inertia_wrt_com =

  return RigidBodyInertia(kdl_mass,kdl_com,kdl_inertia_wrt_com);
Beispiel #6
bool treeFromUrdfModel(const urdf::ModelInterface& robot_model, Tree& tree, const bool consider_root_link_inertia)
  if (consider_root_link_inertia) {
    //For giving a name to the root of KDL using the robot name,
    //as it is not used elsewhere in the KDL tree
    std::string fake_root_name = "__kdl_import__" + robot_model.getName()+"__fake_root__";
    std::string fake_root_fixed_joint_name = "__kdl_import__" + robot_model.getName()+"__fake_root_fixed_joint__";

    tree = Tree(fake_root_name);

   const urdf::ConstLinkPtr root = robot_model.getRoot();

    // constructs the optional inertia
    RigidBodyInertia inert(0);
    if (root->inertial)
      inert = toKdl(root->inertial);

    // constructs the kdl joint
    Joint jnt = Joint(fake_root_fixed_joint_name, Joint::None);

    // construct the kdl segment
    Segment sgm(root->name, jnt, Frame::Identity(), inert);

    // add segment to tree
    tree.addSegment(sgm, fake_root_name);

  } else {
    tree = Tree(robot_model.getRoot()->name);

    // warn if root link has inertia. KDL does not support this
    if (robot_model.getRoot()->inertial)
      std::cerr << "The root link " << robot_model.getRoot()->name <<
                   " has an inertia specified in the URDF, but KDL does not support a root link with an inertia.  As a workaround, you can add an extra dummy link to your URDF." << std::endl;

  //  add all children
  for (size_t i=0; i<robot_model.getRoot()->child_links.size(); i++)
    if (!addChildrenToTree(robot_model.getRoot()->child_links[i], tree))
      return false;

  return true;
Beispiel #7
// construct pose
Frame toKdl(urdf::Pose p)
  return Frame(toKdl(p.rotation), toKdl(p.position));