Beispiel #1
FloatSize SVGSVGElement::currentViewportSize() const {
  if (!layoutObject())
    return FloatSize();

  if (layoutObject()->isSVGRoot()) {
    LayoutRect contentBoxRect =
    return FloatSize(
        contentBoxRect.width() / layoutObject()->style()->effectiveZoom(),
        contentBoxRect.height() / layoutObject()->style()->effectiveZoom());

  FloatRect viewportRect =
  return FloatSize(viewportRect.width(), viewportRect.height());
void PaintPropertyTreeBuilder::updateSvgLocalToBorderBoxTransform(const LayoutObject& object, PaintPropertyTreeBuilderContext& context)
    if (!object.isSVGRoot())

    AffineTransform transform = AffineTransform::translation(context.paintOffset.x().toFloat(), context.paintOffset.y().toFloat());
    transform *= toLayoutSVGRoot(object).localToBorderBoxTransform();
    if (transform.isIdentity())

    RefPtr<TransformPaintPropertyNode> svgLocalToBorderBoxTransform = TransformPaintPropertyNode::create(
        transform, FloatPoint3D(0, 0, 0), context.currentTransform);
    context.currentTransform = svgLocalToBorderBoxTransform.get();
    context.paintOffset = LayoutPoint();
FloatRect SVGSVGElement::currentViewBoxRect() const
    if (m_useCurrentView)
        return m_viewSpec ? m_viewSpec->viewBox()->currentValue()->value() : FloatRect();

    FloatRect useViewBox = viewBox()->currentValue()->value();
    if (!useViewBox.isEmpty())
        return useViewBox;
    if (!layoutObject() || !layoutObject()->isSVGRoot())
        return FloatRect();
    if (!toLayoutSVGRoot(layoutObject())->isEmbeddedThroughSVGImage())
        return FloatRect();

    // If no viewBox is specified but non-relative width/height values, then we
    // should always synthesize a viewBox if we're embedded through a SVGImage.
    return FloatRect(FloatPoint(), FloatSize(floatValueForLength(intrinsicWidth(), 0), floatValueForLength(intrinsicHeight(), 0)));
AffineTransform SVGSVGElement::localCoordinateSpaceTransform(SVGElement::CTMScope mode) const
    AffineTransform viewBoxTransform;
    if (!hasEmptyViewBox()) {
        FloatSize size = currentViewportSize();
        viewBoxTransform = viewBoxToViewTransform(size.width(), size.height());

    AffineTransform transform;
    if (!isOutermostSVGSVGElement()) {
        SVGLengthContext lengthContext(this);
        transform.translate(m_x->currentValue()->value(lengthContext), m_y->currentValue()->value(lengthContext));
    } else if (mode == SVGElement::ScreenScope) {
        if (LayoutObject* layoutObject = this->layoutObject()) {
            FloatPoint location;
            float zoomFactor = 1;

            // At the SVG/HTML boundary (aka LayoutSVGRoot), we apply the localToBorderBoxTransform
            // to map an element from SVG viewport coordinates to CSS box coordinates.
            // LayoutSVGRoot's localToAbsolute method expects CSS box coordinates.
            // We also need to adjust for the zoom level factored into CSS coordinates (bug #96361).
            if (layoutObject->isSVGRoot()) {
                location = toLayoutSVGRoot(layoutObject)->localToBorderBoxTransform().mapPoint(location);
                zoomFactor = 1 / layoutObject->style()->effectiveZoom();

            // Translate in our CSS parent coordinate space
            // FIXME: This doesn't work correctly with CSS transforms.
            location = layoutObject->localToAbsolute(location, UseTransforms);
            location.scale(zoomFactor, zoomFactor);

            // Be careful here! localToBorderBoxTransform() included the x/y offset coming from the viewBoxToViewTransform(),
            // so we have to subtract it here (original cause of bug #27183)
            transform.translate(location.x() - viewBoxTransform.e(), location.y() - viewBoxTransform.f());

            // Respect scroll offset.
            if (FrameView* view = document().view()) {
                LayoutSize scrollOffset(view->scrollOffset());
                transform.translate(-scrollOffset.width(), -scrollOffset.height());

    return transform.multiply(viewBoxTransform);
void SVGImage::setContainerSize(const IntSize& size)
    if (!usesContainerSize())

    SVGSVGElement* rootElement = svgRootElement(m_page.get());
    if (!rootElement)

    FrameView* view = frameView();

    LayoutSVGRoot* layoutObject = toLayoutSVGRoot(rootElement->layoutObject());
    if (!layoutObject)
void PaintPropertyTreeBuilder::updateOverflowClip(
    const LayoutObject& object,
    PaintPropertyTreeBuilderContext& context) {
  if (!object.isBox())
  const LayoutBox& box = toLayoutBox(object);

  // The <input> elements can't have contents thus CSS overflow property doesn't
  // apply.  However for layout purposes we do generate child layout objects for
  // them, e.g. button label.  We should clip the overflow from those children.
  // This is called control clip and we technically treat them like overflow
  // clip.
  LayoutRect clipRect;
  if (box.hasControlClip()) {
    clipRect = box.controlClipRect(context.current.paintOffset);
  } else if (box.hasOverflowClip() || box.styleRef().containsPaint() ||
             (box.isSVGRoot() &&
              toLayoutSVGRoot(box).shouldApplyViewportClip())) {
    clipRect = box.overflowClipRect(context.current.paintOffset);
  } else {
    if (auto* properties = object.getMutableForPainting().paintProperties()) {

  if (box.styleRef().hasBorderRadius()) {
    auto innerBorder = box.styleRef().getRoundedInnerBorderFor(
        LayoutRect(context.current.paintOffset, box.size()));
    context.current.clip =
                context.current.clip, context.current.transform, innerBorder);
  } else if (auto* properties =
                 object.getMutableForPainting().paintProperties()) {

  context.current.clip =
          context.current.clip, context.current.transform,
Beispiel #7
void SVGLayoutSupport::mapLocalToAncestor(const LayoutObject* object,
                                          const LayoutBoxModelObject* ancestor,
                                          TransformState& transformState,
                                          MapCoordinatesFlags flags) {

  LayoutObject* parent = object->parent();

  // At the SVG/HTML boundary (aka LayoutSVGRoot), we apply the
  // localToBorderBoxTransform to map an element from SVG viewport coordinates
  // to CSS box coordinates.
  // LayoutSVGRoot's mapLocalToAncestor method expects CSS box coordinates.
  if (parent->isSVGRoot())

  parent->mapLocalToAncestor(ancestor, transformState, flags);
const LayoutObject* SVGLayoutSupport::pushMappingToContainer(const LayoutObject* object, const LayoutBoxModelObject* ancestorToStopAt, LayoutGeometryMap& geometryMap)
    ASSERT_UNUSED(ancestorToStopAt, ancestorToStopAt != object);

    LayoutObject* parent = object->parent();

    // At the SVG/HTML boundary (aka LayoutSVGRoot), we apply the localToBorderBoxTransform
    // to map an element from SVG viewport coordinates to CSS box coordinates.
    // LayoutSVGRoot's mapLocalToContainer method expects CSS box coordinates.
    if (parent->isSVGRoot()) {
        TransformationMatrix matrix(object->localToParentTransform());
        geometryMap.push(object, matrix);
    } else {
        geometryMap.push(object, object->localToParentTransform());

    return parent;
Beispiel #9
IntSize SVGImage::containerSize() const
    SVGSVGElement* rootElement = svgRootElement(m_page.get());
    if (!rootElement)
        return IntSize();

    LayoutSVGRoot* layoutObject = toLayoutSVGRoot(rootElement->layoutObject());
    if (!layoutObject)
        return IntSize();

    // If a container size is available it has precedence.
    IntSize containerSize = layoutObject->containerSize();
    if (!containerSize.isEmpty())
        return containerSize;

    // Assure that a container size is always given for a non-identity zoom level.
    ASSERT(layoutObject->style()->effectiveZoom() == 1);

    FloatSize intrinsicSize;
    double intrinsicRatio = 0;
    layoutObject->computeIntrinsicRatioInformation(intrinsicSize, intrinsicRatio);

    if (intrinsicSize.isEmpty() && intrinsicRatio) {
        if (!intrinsicSize.width() && intrinsicSize.height())
            intrinsicSize.setWidth(intrinsicSize.height() * intrinsicRatio);
        else if (intrinsicSize.width() && !intrinsicSize.height())
            intrinsicSize.setHeight(intrinsicSize.width() / intrinsicRatio);

    // TODO(davve): In order to maintain aspect ratio the intrinsic
    // size is faked from the viewBox as a last resort. This may cause
    // unwanted side effects. Preferably we should be able to signal
    // the intrinsic ratio in another way.
    if (intrinsicSize.isEmpty())
        intrinsicSize = rootElement->currentViewBoxRect().size();

    if (!intrinsicSize.isEmpty())
        return expandedIntSize(intrinsicSize);

    // As last resort, use CSS replaced element fallback size.
    return IntSize(300, 150);
void SVGLayoutSupport::mapLocalToContainer(const LayoutObject* object, const LayoutBoxModelObject* paintInvalidationContainer, TransformState& transformState, bool* wasFixed, const PaintInvalidationState* paintInvalidationState)

    if (paintInvalidationState && paintInvalidationState->canMapToContainer(paintInvalidationContainer)) {
        // |svgTransform| contains localToBorderBoxTransform mentioned below.

    LayoutObject* parent = object->parent();

    // At the SVG/HTML boundary (aka LayoutSVGRoot), we apply the localToBorderBoxTransform
    // to map an element from SVG viewport coordinates to CSS box coordinates.
    // LayoutSVGRoot's mapLocalToContainer method expects CSS box coordinates.
    if (parent->isSVGRoot())

    MapCoordinatesFlags mode = UseTransforms;
    parent->mapLocalToContainer(paintInvalidationContainer, transformState, mode, wasFixed, paintInvalidationState);
Beispiel #11
void PaintLayerClipper::calculateClipRects(const ClipRectsContext& context,
                                           ClipRects& clipRects) const {
  const LayoutBoxModelObject& layoutObject = *m_layer.layoutObject();
  if (!m_layer.parent() &&
      !RuntimeEnabledFeatures::rootLayerScrollingEnabled()) {
    // The root layer's clip rect is always infinite.

  bool isClippingRoot = &m_layer == context.rootLayer;

  // For transformed layers, the root layer was shifted to be us, so there is no
  // need to examine the parent. We want to cache clip rects with us as the
  // root.
  PaintLayer* parentLayer = !isClippingRoot ? m_layer.parent() : nullptr;
  // Ensure that our parent's clip has been calculated so that we can examine
  // the values.
  if (parentLayer) {
    parentLayer->clipper().getOrCalculateClipRects(context, clipRects);
  } else {

  adjustClipRectsForChildren(layoutObject, clipRects);

  if (shouldClipOverflow(context) || layoutObject.hasClip() ||
      (layoutObject.isSVGRoot() &&
       toLayoutSVGRoot(&layoutObject)->shouldApplyViewportClip())) {
    // This offset cannot use convertToLayerCoords, because sometimes our
    // rootLayer may be across some transformed layer boundary, for example, in
    // the PaintLayerCompositor overlapMap, where clipRects are needed in view
    // space.
    applyClipRects(context, layoutObject,
                       FloatPoint(), context.rootLayer->layoutObject())),
Beispiel #12
bool SVGSVGElement::shouldSynthesizeViewBox() const {
  return layoutObject() && layoutObject()->isSVGRoot() &&
static bool shouldApplyViewportClip(const LayoutReplaced& layoutReplaced)
    return !layoutReplaced.isSVGRoot() || toLayoutSVGRoot(&layoutReplaced)->shouldApplyViewportClip();