Beispiel #1
 * ParamList = "(" [ ( Param [{ "," Param }] [ "," "..." ] ) | "..." | "void" ] ")"
void parserParamList (parserCtx* ctx, ast* Node, bool inDecl) {

    tokenMatchPunct(ctx, punctLParen);

    if (!tokenIsPunct(ctx, punctRParen)) {
        tokenLocation voidloc = ctx->location;

        bool end = false;

        /*Either an empty prototype declaration,
          or the beginning of a void* parameter*/
        if (tokenTryMatchKeyword(ctx, keywordVoid)) {
            if (!tokenIsPunct(ctx, punctRParen)) {
                ast* basic = astCreateLiteralIdent(voidloc, strdup("void"));
                ast* expr = parserDeclExpr(ctx, inDecl, symParam);
                ast* param = astCreateParam(voidloc, basic, expr);
                param->symbol = basic->symbol = symFind(ctx->scope, "void");
                astAddChild(Node, param);

                if (!tokenTryMatchPunct(ctx, punctComma))
                    end = true;

            } else
                end = true;

        if (!end) do {
            if (tokenIsPunct(ctx, punctEllipsis)) {
                astAddChild(Node, astCreate(astEllipsis, ctx->location));

            } else
                astAddChild(Node, parserParam(ctx, inDecl));

        } while (tokenTryMatchPunct(ctx, punctComma));

    tokenMatchPunct(ctx, punctRParen);

Beispiel #2
void TriMeshLoader::loadOBJ(const char* objfile,TriMesh* pmesh){
  fstream ifs;
  char line[LINE_SIZE];
  //cout << "READIING" << endl;
  char *tok;;
  //cout << "REED" << endl;
    //cout << "HEY LISTEN" << endl;
    //cout << "LISTEN HEY" << endl;
    //cout << line << endl;
    //cout << "BOOP" << endl;
    TokenPair *ptok=tokenMatch(tok);
    //cout << "POOB" << endl;
        case T_VERT: processVertex(tok,pmesh); break;
        case T_FACE: processFace(tok,pmesh); break;
        default: /*processSkip(tok);*/ break;
  //cout << "FINISHED READING" << endl;
Beispiel #3
void run_lexer(ifstream & file) {
    char ch;
    while (file.get(ch)) {
        Token * token = tokenMatch(ch, file);
        cout << token->toString() + " ";
        delete token;
Beispiel #4
	* Function: Parser::parseRawData()
	* Purpose : Parse an XML CDATA region
	* Initial : Maxime Chevalier-Boisvert on October 20, 2008
	Revisions and bug fixes:
	RawData* Parser::parseRawData(const std::string& xmlString, size_t& charIndex, const PosVector& positions)
		// If the CDATA region does not begin appropriately
		if (!tokenMatch(xmlString, charIndex, "<![CDATA["))
			// Throw an exception
			throw ParseError("Invalid CDATA region opening", positions[charIndex]);

		// Move past the CDATA opening
		charIndex += 9;

		// Declare a string to store the region contents
		std::string contents;

		// For each character
		for (;; ++charIndex)
			// If we are past the length of the input stream
			if (charIndex > xmlString.length())
				// Throw an exception
				throw ParseError("Unexpected end of stream inside CDATA region", positions[charIndex]);

			// Update the current character
			char thisChar = xmlString[charIndex];

			// If this is the closing of the CDATA region
			if (tokenMatch(xmlString, charIndex, "]]>"))
				// Move past the CDATA closing
				charIndex += 2;

				// Break out of this loop

			// Add the character to the region contents

		// Create and return a new raw data node
		return new RawData(contents);
Beispiel #5
	* Function: Parser::parseNode()
	* Purpose : Parse an XML data node
	* Initial : Maxime Chevalier-Boisvert on October 20, 2008
	Revisions and bug fixes:
	Node* Parser::parseNode(const std::string& xmlString, size_t& charIndex, const PosVector& positions)
		// If this is the beginning of a CDATA region
		if (tokenMatch(xmlString, charIndex, "<![CDATA["))
			// Parse the CDATA region
			return parseRawData(xmlString, charIndex, positions);

		// If this is the beginning of an XML element
		else if (tokenMatch(xmlString, charIndex, "<"))
			// Parse the XML element recursively
			return parseElement(xmlString, charIndex, positions);

		// Otherwise, if this is a text region
			// Parse the text
			return parseText(xmlString, charIndex, positions);
Beispiel #6
 * Storage = [ "auto" | "static" | "extern" | "typedef" ]
static ast* parserStorage (parserCtx* ctx, symTag* tag) {

    ast* Node = 0;

    markerTag marker =   tokenIsKeyword(ctx, keywordAuto) ? markerAuto
                       : tokenIsKeyword(ctx, keywordStatic) ? markerStatic
                       : tokenIsKeyword(ctx, keywordExtern) ? markerExtern : markerUndefined;

    if (tokenTryMatchKeyword(ctx, keywordTypedef))
        *tag = symTypedef;

    else if (marker) {
        Node = astCreateMarker(ctx->location, marker);


    return Node;
Beispiel #7
Token * tokenMatch(char & ch, ifstream & file) {
    while ((ch == ' ' || ch == '\n' || ch == '\r' || ch == '\t') && !file.eof()) {

    switch (ch) {
        case ':':       return new Token(COLON) ;
        case ';':       return new Token(SEMICOLON);
        case '.':       return new Token(DOT);
        case ',':       return new Token(COMMA);
        case '!':       return new Token(BANG);
        case '(':       return new Token(LPAREN);
        case ')':       return new Token(RPAREN);
        case '[':       return new Token(LBRACKET);
        case ']':       return new Token(RBRACKET);
        case '{':       return new Token(LBRACE);
        case '}':       return new Token(RBRACE);
        case '<':       return new Token(LESSTHAN);
        case '+':       return new Token(PLUS);
        case '-':       return new Token(MINUS);
        case '*':       return new Token(TIMES);

        case '/':
            if (ch == '/') {
                while (file.peek() != '\n') {
                file.get(ch); //One extra time to skip the newline
                return tokenMatch(ch, file);
            } else if (ch == '*') {
                while (file.get(ch)) {
                    if (ch == '*') {
                        if (ch == '/') {
                            return tokenMatch(ch, file);
            return new Token(DIV);

        case '=':
            if (ch == '=')
                return new Token(EQUALS);
            file.seekg (-1, file.cur); //Move file pointer back one step so the loop won't miss a char
            return new Token(EQSIGN);

        case '&':
            if (ch == '&')
                return new Token(AND);
            file.seekg (-1, file.cur); //Move file pointer back one step so the loop won't miss a char
            return new Token(BAD);

        case '|':
            if (ch == '|')
                return new Token(OR);
            file.seekg (-1, file.cur); //Move file pointer back one step so the loop won't miss a char
            return new Token(BAD);

        default: return findID(ch, file);
Beispiel #8
	* Function: Parser::streamline()
	* Purpose : Streamline an XML code string
	* Initial : Maxime Chevalier-Boisvert on October 20, 2008
	Revisions and bug fixes:
	std::string Parser::streamline(const std::string& rawInput, PosVector& positions)
		// Declare a string for the streamlined output
		std::string output;

		// reserve space in the string

		// Declare characters for stream processing
		unsigned char lastChar = '\0';
		unsigned char thisChar = '\0';
		unsigned char nextChar = '\0';

		// Variable to tell if we are in a CDATA region
		bool inCDATA = false;

		// Variable to tell if we are in a comment
		bool inComment = false;

		// Variable to indicate the current line number
		size_t lineNumber = 1;

		// Variable to indicate the start of the current line
		size_t lineStart = 0;

		// For each character of the input
		for (size_t charIndex = 0; charIndex < rawInput.length(); ++charIndex)
			// Read this character and the next
			thisChar = rawInput[charIndex];
			nextChar = rawInput[charIndex + 1];

			// Construct the text position of the current character
			TextPos charPos(lineNumber, charIndex - lineStart + 1);

			// If this character is a newline
			if (thisChar == '\n')
				// Increment the line number

				// Store the line start index
				lineStart = charIndex + 1;

			// If this is the start of a comment
			if (tokenMatch(rawInput, charIndex, "<!--") && !inCDATA && !inComment)
				// We are now in a comment
				inComment = true;

				// Move past the comment opening
				charIndex += 3;

			// If this is the end of a comment
			if (tokenMatch(rawInput, charIndex, "-->") && inComment)
				// We are no longer in a comment
				inComment = false;

				// Move past the comment closing
				charIndex += 2;

			// If this is the start of a CDATA region
			if (tokenMatch(rawInput, charIndex, "<![CDATA[") && !inCDATA && !inComment)
				// We are now in a CDATA region
				inCDATA = true;

			// If this is the end of a CDATA region
			if (tokenMatch(rawInput, charIndex, "]]>") && inCDATA)
				// We are no longer in a CDATA region
				inCDATA = false;

			// If we are inside a comment
			if (inComment)
				// Skip this character

			// If we are not in a CDATA region
			if (!inCDATA)
				// If this character is whitespace
				if (isspace(thisChar))
					// Consider it a space
					thisChar = ' ';

				// If the next character is whitespace
				if (isspace(nextChar))
					// Consider it a space
					nextChar = ' ';

				// If this character is whitespace
				if (thisChar == ' ')
					// If the next char is whitespace,
					// or the last was an opening delimiter or a space,
					// or the next is a closing delimiter
					if (nextChar == ' ' ||
						lastChar == '<' || lastChar == '>' || lastChar == ' ' ||
						nextChar == '<' || nextChar == '>' || nextChar == '\0')
						// Ignore this space

			// Add this character to the stream
			output += thisChar;

			// Store the last character added
			lastChar = thisChar;

			// Store the text position of this character

		// Add a final text position for the string terminator
		positions.push_back(TextPos(lineNumber, rawInput.length() - lineStart + 1));

		// Ensure that there is a position for each character in the output
		assert (output.length() + 1 == positions.size());

		// Return the streamlined XML stream
		return output;
Beispiel #9
	* Function: Parser::parseDeclaration()
	* Purpose : Parse an XML declaration node
	* Initial : Maxime Chevalier-Boisvert on October 20, 2008
	Revisions and bug fixes:
	Declaration* Parser::parseDeclaration(const std::string& xmlString, size_t& charIndex, const PosVector& positions)
		// If this is not an XML declaration node
		if (!tokenMatch(xmlString, charIndex, "<?xml"))
			// Return nothing without attempting to parse
			return NULL;

		// Move past the declaration opening
		charIndex += 5;

		// Declare variables for the current and next characters
		unsigned char thisChar;
		unsigned char nextChar;

		// Declare a map of attributes
		std::map<std::string, std::string> attributes;

		// For each character
		for (;; ++charIndex)
			// If we are past the length of the input stream
			if (charIndex > xmlString.length())
				// Throw an exception
				throw ParseError("Unexpected end of stream inside opening tag", positions[charIndex]);

			// Update the current and next characters
			thisChar = xmlString[charIndex];
			nextChar = xmlString[charIndex + 1];

			// If this is a space
			if (isspace(thisChar))
				// Skip the space

			// If this is the end of the opening tag
			if (thisChar == '?' && nextChar == '>')
				// Move past the declaration closing
				charIndex += 2;

				// End this loop

			// If this character is alphanumeric
			if (isalnum(thisChar))
				// Parse this attribute
				std::pair<std::string, std::string> attribute = parseAttribute(xmlString, charIndex, positions);

				// If another attribute with this name was already parsed
				if (attributes.find(attribute.first) != attributes.end())
					// Throw an exception
					throw ParseError("Duplicate attribute name: " + attribute.first, positions[charIndex]);

				// Add this attribute to the map
				attributes[attribute.first] = attribute.second;

				// Move to the next character

			// If this character was not recognized, throw an exception
			throw ParseError("Invalid character inside opening tag", positions[charIndex]);

		// Create and return a new XML declaration node with the parsed information
		return new Declaration(attributes);