Beispiel #1
 * @brief Accepts the selected mission.
 *    @param wid Window of the mission computer.
 *    @param str Unused.
static void misn_accept( unsigned int wid, char* str )
   (void) str;
   char* misn_name;
   Mission* misn;
   int pos;
   int i, ret;

   misn_name = toolkit_getList( wid, "lstMission" );

   /* Make sure you have missions. */
   if (strcmp(misn_name,"No Missions")==0)

   /* Make sure player can accept the mission. */
   for (i=0; i<MISSION_MAX; i++)
      if (player_missions[i].data == NULL) break;
   if (i >= MISSION_MAX) {
      dialogue_alert("You have too many active missions.");

   if (dialogue_YesNo("Accept Mission",
         "Are you sure you want to accept this mission?")) {
      pos = toolkit_getListPos( wid, "lstMission" );
      misn = &mission_computer[pos];
      ret = mission_accept( misn );
      if ((ret==0) || (ret==2) || (ret==-1)) { /* success in accepting the mission */
         if (ret==-1)
            mission_cleanup( &mission_computer[pos] );
         memmove( &mission_computer[pos], &mission_computer[pos+1],
               sizeof(Mission) * (mission_ncomputer-pos-1) );

         /* Regenerate list. */
         misn_genList(wid, 0);
         /* Add position persistancey after a mission has been accepted */
         /* NOTE: toolkit_setListPos protects us from a bad position by clamping */
         toolkit_setListPos( wid, "lstMission", pos-1 ); /*looks better without the -1, makes more sense with*/

      /* Reset markers. */
Beispiel #2
 * @brief Generates the weapons list.
static void weapons_genList( unsigned int wid )
   const char *str;
   char **buf, tbuf[256];
   int i, n;
   int w, h;

   /* Get the dimensions. */
   window_dimWindow( wid, &w, &h );

   /* Destroy widget if needed. */
   if (widget_exists( wid, "lstWeapSets" )) {
      window_destroyWidget( wid, "lstWeapSets" );
      n = toolkit_getListPos( wid, "lstWeapSets" );
      n = -1;

   /* List */
   buf = malloc( sizeof(char*) * PILOT_WEAPON_SETS );
   for (i=0; i<PILOT_WEAPON_SETS; i++) {
      str = pilot_weapSetName( info_eq_weaps.selected, i );
      if (str == NULL)
         snprintf( tbuf, sizeof(tbuf), "%d - ??", (i+1)%10 );
         snprintf( tbuf, sizeof(tbuf), "%d - %s", (i+1)%10, str );
      buf[i] = strdup( tbuf );
   window_addList( wid, 20+180+20, -40,
         w - (20+180+20+20), 160,
         "lstWeapSets", buf, PILOT_WEAPON_SETS,
         0, weapons_update );

   /* Restore position. */
   if (n >= 0)
      toolkit_setListPos( wid, "lstWeapSets", n );
Beispiel #3
 * @brief Tries to set the key from an event.
static int opt_setKeyEvent( unsigned int wid, SDL_Event *event )
   unsigned int parent;
   KeybindType type;
   int key;
   SDLMod mod, ev_mod;
   const char *str;
   int pos, off;

   /* See how to handle it. */
   switch (event->type) {
      case SDL_KEYDOWN:
         key  = event->key.keysym.sym;
         /* If control key make player hit twice. */
         if (((key == SDLK_NUMLOCK) ||
                  (key == SDLK_CAPSLOCK) ||
                  (key == SDLK_SCROLLOCK) ||
                  (key == SDLK_RSHIFT) ||
                  (key == SDLK_LSHIFT) ||
                  (key == SDLK_RCTRL) ||
                  (key == SDLK_LCTRL) ||
                  (key == SDLK_RALT) ||
                  (key == SDLK_LALT) ||
                  (key == SDLK_RMETA) ||
                  (key == SDLK_LMETA) ||
                  (key == SDLK_LSUPER) ||
                  (key == SDLK_RSUPER))
                  && (opt_lastKeyPress != key)) {
            opt_lastKeyPress = key;
            return 0;
         type = KEYBIND_KEYBOARD;
         if (window_checkboxState( wid, "chkAny" ))
            mod = NMOD_ALL;
         else {
            ev_mod = event->key.keysym.mod;
            mod    = 0;
            if (ev_mod & (KMOD_LSHIFT | KMOD_RSHIFT))
               mod |= NMOD_SHIFT;
            if (ev_mod & (KMOD_LCTRL | KMOD_RCTRL))
               mod |= NMOD_CTRL;
            if (ev_mod & (KMOD_LALT | KMOD_RALT))
               mod |= NMOD_ALT;
            if (ev_mod & (KMOD_LMETA | KMOD_RMETA))
               mod |= NMOD_META;
         /* Set key. */
         opt_lastKeyPress = key;

         if (event->jaxis.value > 0)
            type = KEYBIND_JAXISPOS;
         else if (event->jaxis.value < 0)
            type = KEYBIND_JAXISNEG;
            return 0; /* Not handled. */
         key  = event->jaxis.axis;
         mod  = NMOD_ALL;

         type = KEYBIND_JBUTTON;
         key  = event->jbutton.button;
         mod  = NMOD_ALL;

      /* Not handled. */
         return 0;

   /* Warn if already bound. */
   str = input_keyAlreadyBound( type, key, mod );
   if ((str != NULL) && strcmp(str, opt_selectedKeybind))
      dialogue_alert( "Key '%s' overlaps with key '%s' that was just set. "
            "You may want to correct this.",
            str, opt_selectedKeybind );

   /* Set keybinding. */
   input_setKeybind( opt_selectedKeybind, type, key, mod );

   /* Close window. */
   window_close( wid, NULL );

   /* Update parent window. */
   parent = window_getParent( wid );
   pos = toolkit_getListPos( parent, "lstKeybinds" );
   off = toolkit_getListOffset( parent, "lstKeybinds" );
   window_destroyWidget( parent, "lstKeybinds" );
   menuKeybinds_genList( parent );
   toolkit_setListPos( parent, "lstKeybinds", pos );
   toolkit_setListOffset( parent, "lstKeybinds", off );

   return 0;
Beispiel #4
 * @brief Initializes the video window.
static void opt_video( unsigned int wid )
   (void) wid;
   int i, j, nres, res_def;
   char buf[16];
   int cw;
   int w, h, y, x, l;
   SDL_Rect** modes;
   char **res;
   const char *s;

   /* Get size. */
   window_dimWindow( wid, &w, &h );

   /* Close button */
   window_addButton( wid, -20, 20,
         "btnClose", "Close", opt_close );
   window_addButton( wid, -20 - 1*(BUTTON_WIDTH+20), 20,
         "btnApply", "Apply", opt_videoSave );
   window_addButton( wid, -20 - 2*(BUTTON_WIDTH+20), 20,
         "btnDefaults", "Defaults", opt_videoDefaults );

   /* Resolution bits. */
   cw = (w-60)/2;
   x = 20;
   y = -60;
   window_addText( wid, x+20, y, 100, 20, 0, "txtSRes",
         NULL, &cDConsole, "Resolution" );
   y -= 40;
   window_addInput( wid, x, y, 100, 20, "inpRes", 16, 1, NULL );
   snprintf( buf, sizeof(buf), "%dx%d", conf.width, conf.height );
   window_setInput( wid, "inpRes", buf );
   window_setInputFilter( wid, "inpRes",
         "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[]{}()-=*/\\'\"~<>!@#$%^&|_`" );
   window_addCheckbox( wid, x+20+100, y, 100, 20,
         "chkFullscreen", "Fullscreen", NULL, conf.fullscreen );
   y -= 30;
   modes = SDL_ListModes( NULL, SDL_OPENGL | SDL_FULLSCREEN );
   j = 1;
   for (i=0; modes[i]; i++) {
      if ((modes[i]->w == conf.width) && (modes[i]->h == conf.height))
         j = 0;
   res   = malloc( sizeof(char*) * (i+j) );
   nres  = 0;
   if (j) {
      res[0]   = malloc(16);
      snprintf( res[0], 16, "%dx%d", conf.width, conf.height );
      res_def  = 0;
      nres     = 1;
   for (i=0; modes[i]; i++) {
      res[ nres ] = malloc(16);
      snprintf( res[ nres ], 16, "%dx%d", modes[i]->w, modes[i]->h );
      if ((modes[i]->w == conf.width) && (modes[i]->h == conf.height))
         res_def = i;
   window_addList( wid, x, y, 140, 100, "lstRes", res, nres, -1, opt_videoRes );
   y -= 150;

   /* FPS stuff. */
   window_addText( wid, x+20, y, 100, 20, 0, "txtFPSTitle",
         NULL, &cDConsole, "FPS Control" );
   y -= 30;
   s = "FPS Limit";
   l = gl_printWidthRaw( NULL, s );
   window_addText( wid, x, y, l, 20, 1, "txtSFPS",
         NULL, &cBlack, s );
   window_addInput( wid, x+l+20, y, 40, 20, "inpFPS", 4, 1, NULL );
   toolkit_setListPos( wid, "lstRes", res_def);
   window_setInputFilter( wid, "inpFPS",
         "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[]{}()-=*/\\'\"~<>!@#$%^&|_`" );
   y -= 30;
   window_addCheckbox( wid, x, y, cw, 20,
         "chkFPS", "Show FPS", NULL, conf.fps_show );
   y -= 40;

   /* OpenGL options. */
   x = 20+cw+20;
   y = -60;
   window_addText( wid, x+20, y, 100, 20, 0, "txtSGL",
         NULL, &cDConsole, "OpenGL" );
   y -= 30;
   window_addCheckbox( wid, x, y, cw, 20,
         "chkVSync", "Vertical Sync", NULL, conf.vsync );
   y -= 20;
   window_addCheckbox( wid, x, y, cw, 20,
         "chkVBO", "Vertex Buffer Objects*", NULL, conf.vbo );
   y -= 20;
   window_addCheckbox( wid, x, y, cw, 20,
         "chkMipmaps", "Mipmaps*", NULL, conf.mipmaps );
   y -= 20;
   window_addCheckbox( wid, x, y, cw, 20,
         "chkInterpolate", "Interpolation*", NULL, conf.interpolate );
   y -= 20;
   window_addCheckbox( wid, x, y, cw, 20,
         "chkNPOT", "NPOT Textures*", NULL, conf.npot );
   y -= 30;
   window_addText( wid, x, y, cw, 20, 1,
         "txtSCompat", NULL, &cBlack, "*Disable for compatibility." );
   y -= 40;

   /* Features. */
   window_addText( wid, x+20, y, 100, 20, 0, "txtSFeatures",
         NULL, &cDConsole, "Features" );
   y -= 30;
   window_addCheckbox( wid, x, y, cw, 20,
         "chkEngineGlow", "Engine Glow (More RAM)", NULL, conf.engineglow );
   y -= 20;

   /* Restart text. */
   window_addText( wid, 20, 10, 3*(BUTTON_WIDTH + 20),
         30, 0, "txtRestart", &gl_smallFont, &cBlack, NULL );