Beispiel #1
    m_router( aRouter ),
    m_board( aBoard )
    PNS::NODE* world = m_router->GetWorld();

    PNS::TOPOLOGY topo( world );
    m_netClearanceCache.resize( m_board->GetNetCount() );

    for( unsigned int i = 0; i < m_board->GetNetCount(); i++ )
        NETINFO_ITEM* ni = m_board->FindNet( i );

        if( ni == NULL )

        CLEARANCE_ENT ent;
        ent.coupledNet = DpCoupledNet( i );

        wxString netClassName = ni->GetClassName();
        NETCLASSPTR nc = m_board->GetDesignSettings().m_NetClasses.Find( netClassName );

        int clearance = nc->GetClearance();
        ent.clearance = clearance;
        m_netClearanceCache[i] = ent;

        wxLogTrace( "PNS", "Add net %u netclass %s clearance %d", i, netClassName.mb_str(), clearance );

    for( MODULE* mod = m_board->m_Modules; mod ; mod = mod->Next() )
        auto moduleClearance = mod->GetLocalClearance();

        for( D_PAD* pad = mod->Pads(); pad; pad = pad->Next() )
            int padClearance = pad->GetLocalClearance();

            if( padClearance > 0 )
                m_localClearanceCache[ pad ] = padClearance;

            else if( moduleClearance > 0 )
                m_localClearanceCache[ pad ] = moduleClearance;

    //printf("DefaultCL : %d\n",  m_board->GetDesignSettings().m_NetClasses.Find ("Default clearance")->GetClearance());

    m_overrideEnabled = false;
    m_defaultClearance = Millimeter2iu( 0.254 );    // m_board->m_NetClasses.Find ("Default clearance")->GetClearance();
    m_overrideNetA = 0;
    m_overrideNetB = 0;
    m_overrideClearance = 0;
bool PNS_MEANDER_SKEW_PLACER::Start( const VECTOR2I& aP, PNS_ITEM* aStartItem )
    VECTOR2I p;

    if( !aStartItem || !aStartItem->OfKind( PNS_ITEM::SEGMENT ) )
        Router()->SetFailureReason( _( "Please select a differential pair trace you want to tune." ) );
        return false;

    m_initialSegment = static_cast<PNS_SEGMENT*>( aStartItem );

    p = m_initialSegment->Seg().NearestPoint( aP );

    m_currentNode = NULL;
    m_currentStart = p;

    m_world = Router()->GetWorld( )->Branch();
    m_originLine = m_world->AssembleLine( m_initialSegment );

    PNS_TOPOLOGY topo( m_world );
    m_tunedPath = topo.AssembleTrivialPath( m_initialSegment );

    if( !topo.AssembleDiffPair ( m_initialSegment, m_originPair ) )
        Router()->SetFailureReason( _( "Unable to find complementary differential pair "
                                       "net for skew tuning. Make sure the names of the nets belonging "
                                       "to a differential pair end with either _N/_P or +/-." ) );
        return false;

    if( m_originPair.Gap() < 0 )
        m_originPair.SetGap( Router()->Sizes().DiffPairGap() );

    if( !m_originPair.PLine().SegmentCount() ||
        !m_originPair.NLine().SegmentCount() )
        return false;

    m_tunedPathP = topo.AssembleTrivialPath( m_originPair.PLine().GetLink( 0 ) );
    m_tunedPathN = topo.AssembleTrivialPath( m_originPair.NLine().GetLink( 0 ) );

    m_world->Remove( &m_originLine );

    m_currentWidth = m_originLine.Width();
    m_currentEnd = VECTOR2I( 0, 0 );

    if ( m_originPair.PLine().Net() == m_originLine.Net() )
        m_coupledLength = itemsetLength( m_tunedPathN );
        m_coupledLength = itemsetLength( m_tunedPathP );

    return true;
void PNS_DIFF_PAIR_PLACER::updateLeadingRatLine()
    SHAPE_LINE_CHAIN ratLineN, ratLineP;
    PNS_TOPOLOGY topo( m_lastNode );

    if( topo.LeadingRatLine( &m_currentTrace.PLine(), ratLineP ) )
        Dbg()->AddLine( ratLineP, 1, 10000 );

    if( topo.LeadingRatLine ( &m_currentTrace.NLine(), ratLineN ) )
        Dbg()->AddLine( ratLineN, 3, 10000 );
Beispiel #4
int main() {
    struct graph g;

    int sorted[MAX_V];
    topo(&g, sorted);

    int i;
    printf("Orden topologico: ");
    for (i = 0; i < g.nr_vertices; ++i)
        printf("%d ", sorted[i]); 

    return 0;
int main(){
	freopen("hdu2647.txt", "r", stdin);
	while (scanf("%d%d", &n, &m) != EOF){
		// Init.
		memset(map, 0, sizeof(map));
		memset(value, 0, sizeof(value));
		memset(in, 0, sizeof(in));
		ok = sum = 0;

		// Read.
		for (int i = 0; i < m; i++){
			int a, b;
			scanf("%d%d", &a, &b);
			map[a][in[a]++] = b;

		// Handle.
		for (int i = 1; i <= n; i++){
			if (value[i]){
				sum += value[i];
			memset(vis, 0, sizeof(vis));
			printf("===get %d rewards\n", i );
			value[i] = topo(i);
			if (value[i] == 0){
				ok = 1;
			sum += value[i];

		// Printf.
		if (ok)
			printf("%d\n", sum);
	return 0;}
void TOOL_BASE::deleteTraces( ITEM* aStartItem, bool aWholeTrack )
    NODE *node = m_router->GetWorld()->Branch();

    if( !aStartItem )

    if( !aWholeTrack )
        node->Remove( aStartItem );
        TOPOLOGY topo( node );
        ITEM_SET path = topo.AssembleTrivialPath( aStartItem );

        for( auto ent : path.Items() )
            node->Remove( ent.item );

    m_router->CommitRouting( node );
bool PNS_TOPOLOGY::LeadingRatLine( const PNS_LINE* aTrack, SHAPE_LINE_CHAIN& aRatLine )
    PNS_LINE track( *aTrack );
    VECTOR2I end;

    if( !track.PointCount() )
        return false;

    std::unique_ptr<PNS_NODE> tmpNode( m_world->Branch() );
    tmpNode->Add( &track );

    PNS_JOINT* jt = tmpNode->FindJoint( track.CPoint( -1 ), &track );

    if( !jt )
       return false;

    if( ( !track.EndsWithVia() && jt->LinkCount() >= 2 ) || ( track.EndsWithVia() && jt->LinkCount() >= 3 ) ) // we got something connected
        end = jt->Pos();
        int anchor;

        PNS_TOPOLOGY topo( tmpNode.get() );
        PNS_ITEM* it = topo.NearestUnconnectedItem( jt, &anchor );

        if( !it )
            return false;

        end = it->Anchor( anchor );

    aRatLine.Append( track.CPoint( -1 ) );
    aRatLine.Append( end );
    return true;
Beispiel #8
    m_router( aRouter )
    BOARD* brd = m_router->GetBoard();
    PNS_NODE* world = m_router->GetWorld();

    PNS_TOPOLOGY topo( world );
    m_clearanceCache.resize( brd->GetNetCount() );
    m_useDpGap = false;

    for( unsigned int i = 0; i < brd->GetNetCount(); i++ )
        NETINFO_ITEM* ni = brd->FindNet( i );
        if( ni == NULL )

        CLEARANCE_ENT ent;
        ent.coupledNet = topo.DpCoupledNet( i );

        wxString netClassName = ni->GetClassName();
        NETCLASSPTR nc = brd->GetDesignSettings().m_NetClasses.Find( netClassName );

        int clearance = nc->GetClearance();
        ent.clearance = clearance;
        m_clearanceCache[i] = ent;

        TRACE( 1, "Add net %d netclass %s clearance %d", i % netClassName.mb_str() %
            clearance );

    m_overrideEnabled = false;
    m_defaultClearance = Millimeter2iu( 0.254 );    // aBoard->m_NetClasses.Find ("Default clearance")->GetClearance();
    m_overrideNetA = 0;
    m_overrideNetB = 0;
    m_overrideClearance = 0;
Beispiel #9
	vector<Vertex*> Topological_sort()
		//more efficient way is to make the list in DFS():insert the vertex onto the front of list when setting its fTime
		vector<Vertex*> topo(vertex.size());
		for(int i=0; i < vertex.size(); ++i)
			topo[i] = &(vertex[i]);
		for(int i=0; i < topo.size(); ++i)
			cout << "Vertex:\t" << topo[i]->number << endl;
			cout << "state:\t" << topo[i]->state << endl;
			cout << "dist:\t" << topo[i]->dist << endl;
			cout << "dTime:\t" << topo[i]->dTime << endl;
			cout << "fTime:\t" << topo[i]->fTime << endl;
			cout << "pre:\t" << topo[i]->pre << endl;
			cout << endl;
        return topo;
Beispiel #10
/* return vector from geocenter->observatory in ICRS coordinates*/
observatory_geocenter(double jd,
		      int obscode,
		      double *xobs,
		      double *yobs,
		      double *zobs) {

  /* fprintf(stderr, "Reading site entries\n"); */

  if (nsites<=0 && nspacecraft<=0) read_observatories(NULL);

  /* fprintf(stderr, "Read entries for %i sites\n", nsites); */
  if (obscode < OBSCODE_ORBITAL) {
    /* This is a ground-based observatory */
    double	obslat, obslon, obsalt, obslmst;	/*observatory info*/
    int i;

    if (obscode==OBSCODE_GEOCENTER) {

    /* get the lat, lon, & altitude of this observatory */
    for (i=0; obscode!=sitelist[i].code && i<nsites; i++)  ;
    if (i>=nsites) {
      fprintf(stderr,"Unknown observatory code %d\n",obscode);
    obslon = sitelist[i].lon;
    obslat = sitelist[i].lat;
    obsalt = sitelist[i].altitude;

    /* Get the LMST and calculate to ICRS vector */
    topo(obslmst*PI/12., obslat, obsalt, xobs, yobs, zobs);

  } else {
    /* Orbiting observatory */
    double pole, rapole, phase;
    int i;
    for (i=0; obscode!=spacecraftlist[i].code && i<nspacecraft; i++)  ;
    if (i>=nspacecraft) {
      fprintf(stderr,"Unknown spacecraft code %d\n",obscode);
    s = &(spacecraftlist[i]);
    pole = s->i;
    phase = -(jd - s->jd0) / s->precess;/* RA of pole DEcreases w/time 
					 * for precess > 0 */
    phase -= floor(phase);
    rapole = s->ra0 + phase*TPI;

    phase = (jd - s->jd0) / s->P;	/* orbit is increasing RA 
					 * for P > 0 */
    phase -= floor(phase);
    phase *= TPI;

    *xobs = s->a * (cos(phase)*cos(rapole) 
		    - cos(pole)*sin(phase)*sin(rapole));
    *yobs = s->a * (cos(phase)*sin(rapole) 
		    + cos(pole)*sin(phase)*cos(rapole));
    *zobs = s->a * sin(phase)*sin(pole);
    /*fprintf(stderr,"Obs. Posn at jd %.5f : phase %.1f rapole %.1f pole %.1f \n",
      jd, phase/DTOR, rapole/DTOR, pole/DTOR);*/
  /*fprintf(stderr," x,y,z: %g %g %g\n", *xobs, *yobs, *zobs);*/

Beispiel #11
void infixToPostfix(char expr[], Pilha *p, char post[]) {
    int i = 0;
    int count = 0;
    int abriuParentesis = 0; // flag para indicar se abriu parentesis
    // limpar o post
    post[0] = '\0';
    // para evitar: a+b+
    char ultimo = expr[strlen(expr) - 1];
    // Garante que a string possui somente caracteres validos
    i = 0;
    while (i < MAX && expr[i] != '\0' && expr[i] != '\n') {
        if (!operadorValido(expr[i])) {
            strcpy(post,"Lexical Error!");
    i = 0;
    while (i < MAX && expr[i] != '\0' && expr[i] != '\n') {
        // do infix to postfix
        if (simbolo(expr[i])) {
            // para evitar: aa+bb, a(b+c)
            if (i+1 != MAX && (simbolo(expr[i + 1]) || expr[i + 1] == '(')) {
                strcpy(post,"Syntax Error!");
            // concatena o na string posfixa
            post[count] = expr[i];
            post[count + 1] = '\0';
        } else {
            // para evitar: a++b
            if (expr[i]=='(' && !simbolo(expr[i+1]) || (expr[i]!='(' && expr[i]!=')') && (expr[i+1]!='(' && expr[i+1]!=')') && !simbolo(expr[i+1]) ) {
                strcpy(post,"Syntax Error!");
            if (pilhaVazia(p) || expr[i]=='(' || abriuParentesis) {
                inserePilha(p, expr[i]);
                abriuParentesis = expr[i] == '(' ? 1 : 0;
            } else if (expr[i] == ')') {
                while (!pilhaVazia(p) && topo(p) != '(') {
                    // remove da pilha e insere na string
                    post[count] = removePilha(p);
                    post[count + 1] = '\0';
                // caso encontre o '(' remove da pilha
                if (pilhaVazia(p)) {
                    strcpy(post,"Syntax Error!");
                } else {
                    abriuParentesis = 0;
            } else {
                if (temPrecedencia(topo(p), expr[i])) {
                    do {
                        post[count] = removePilha(p);
                        post[count + 1] = '\0';
                    } while (!pilhaVazia(p) && temPrecedencia(topo(p), expr[i]));
                    inserePilha(p, expr[i]);
                } else {
                    inserePilha(p, expr[i]);
    if (operadorValido(ultimo) && !simbolo(ultimo) && ultimo != ')') {
        strcpy(post,"Syntax Error!");
    while(!(pilhaVazia(p))) {
        post[count] = removePilha(p);
        post[count + 1] = '\0';
    // verifica se faltou fechar algum parentesis
    for (i = 0; i < count; i++) {
        if (post[i] == '(') {
            strcpy(post,"Syntax Error!");
int analisadorSintatico(FILE* codigo, char** TABGRAFO, char*** TABT, char*** TABNT, char*** ANASIN, int linhasTabNT, int** automato, Hash tab, FILE* tabVar, Hash tabProc){

	char nomeArquivo[20];

	int* flag1 = (int *)malloc(sizeof(int));;
	*flag1 = 0;
	FILE* codigoIntermediario;
	//Inicializa as Pilhas
	Pilha* cadeia = inicializarPilha(cadeia);
	Pilha* naoTerminais = inicializarPilha(naoTerminais);

	char* cadCaracteres = (char *)malloc(50*sizeof(char));
	char* cadTerminais = (char *)malloc(50*sizeof(char));
	char* p = (char *)malloc(50*sizeof(char));

	//Isso sera alterado quando comecarmos a ler strings ao inves de caracteres
	char* caracter = (char *)malloc(50*sizeof(char));
	int numeroLinha = 0;
	int aux=0;
	int aux2=0;
	int flag = 0;
	char** vetor = (char **)malloc(4*sizeof(char *));
	int i;
		vetor[i] = (char *)malloc(20*sizeof(char));
	int* posicaoArquivo = (int *)malloc(sizeof(int));
	int* linhaArquivo = (int *)malloc(sizeof(int));
	*linhaArquivo = 1;
	*posicaoArquivo = 0;
	while(executaAnalisador(codigo, automato, 34, 7, tab, posicaoArquivo, vetor, tabProc, variaveis, linhaArquivo)) {
		strcpy(caracter, vetor[1]);
		printf("\n\nLinha %d | Lexema: \"%s\"\n", aux+1, caracter);

			printf("\n\n!! Cadeia nao aceita !!\n\n\n");
			//printf("\n\nErro na linha %d\n\n",*linhaArquivo);
			return 0;
			// para aux == -2 
			while(aux==-2 && !vaziaNTerminais(naoTerminais)){
				aux = atoi(ANASIN[buscaNoTopo(naoTerminais)][4])-1;
				printf("Voltando para linha %d.\n", aux+1);

				if(aux==-1) aux = -2;
					while(aux!=-1 && strcmp(ANASIN[aux][1],caracter)!=0){ //Verifica os nos alternativos para procurar o caracter
						aux = atoi(ANASIN[aux][3])-1;
						printf("Voltando novamente, para linha %d.\n", aux+1);

						// trick para tratar alternativo igual a -1
						if(aux==-2) aux = -1;
					if(aux==-1) aux = -2;
				// printf("%s\n",caracter);
				// printf("O Nao Terminal abaixo eh pai de: ");
				// imprimePilhaPosicaoAteTopo(cadeia, buscaPosicaoReconhecida(naoTerminais));
				desempilhaDaPosicaoAteTopo(cadeia,buscaPosicaoReconhecida(naoTerminais)); //Adicionar uma especie de fila aqui
				strcpy(p, pop(naoTerminais));
				// printf("Desempilha o nao terminal %s\n",p);
			if(vaziaNTerminais(naoTerminais) && aux==-2){
				printf("\n\n!! Cadeia nao aceita !!\n\n\n");
				// printf("Linha %d - Lexema \"%s\" encontrado.\n", numeroLinha, caracter);
				return 0;
			// Para um Terminal encontrado
				// para caracter lido reconhecido
					push(cadeia,cadCaracteres,0,0); //Insere na pilha o caracter reconhecido
					aplicaAcoesSemanticas(codigoIntermediario, atoi(ANASIN[aux][5]),vetor, nomeArquivo, flag1);
					printf("TO AQUI %s\n",ANASIN[aux][5]);
					aux = atoi(ANASIN[aux][4])-1; //Aux recebe a linha correspondente ao sucessor do no encontrado
					printf("Lexema aceito. O sucessor é a linha: %d\n", aux+1);
					//printf("%s - %d\n", cadCaracteres, atoi(ANASIN[aux][5]));
					if(aux==-1) {
						printf("Linha sucessora é 0, ou seja, Chegamos ao fim dessa cadeia não terminal.\n");
				// para caracter não reconhecido
				else {
					aux = atoi(ANASIN[aux][3])-1; //Aux recebe a posicao do no alternativo
					//Caso nao haja mais nenhum no alternativo
						printf("\n\n!! Cadeia nao aceita !!\n\n\n");
						//printf("\n\nErro na linha %d\n\n",*linhaArquivo);
						return 0;
					printf("Não reconhecido. Alternativo na linha: %d\n", aux+1);
			// para um não terminal encontrado
			else if(strcmp(ANASIN[aux][0],"N")==0){ //Encontra um Nao Terminal
				aplicaAcoesSemanticas(codigoIntermediario, atoi(ANASIN[aux][5]),vetor, nomeArquivo, flag1);
				push(naoTerminais,cadTerminais,atoi(ANASIN[aux][2])-1,topo(cadeia)); //Empilha o nao terminal na pilha de nao naoTerminais
				printf("Não terminal encontrado: \"%s\". Devemos empilha-lo.\n",cadTerminais);
				printf("Ao finalizar esse não terminal devemos voltar na linha: %d. ", atoi(ANASIN[aux][4]));

				aux = verificaLinhaTerminal(TABNT,linhasTabNT,cadTerminais); //Aux vai para a linha correspondente ao grafo do nao terminal
				printf("Vai para a linha: %d\n", aux+1);
				// imprimirPilha(naoTerminais);
		numeroLinha = aux;
		strcpy(vetor[0], "");
		strcpy(vetor[1], "");
		strcpy(vetor[2], "");

		// printf("O Nao Terminal Abaixo é pai de: ");
		// imprimePilhaPosicaoAteTopo(cadeia, buscaPosicaoReconhecida(naoTerminais));
		// printf("Desempilhando o %s\n",p);

	printf("\n\n!! Cadeia reconhecida !!\n\n\n");

	return 1;

Beispiel #13
int main(){
	int i;


	for (i = 0; i < 5; i++){
		ITEM item;
		item.valor = i;
		if (empilhar(&pilha, &item)){
			printf("Entrou na pilha: %d - T: %d\n", item.valor, topo(&pilha));
		else {
			printf("%d: Pilha cheia.\n", item.valor);
	printf("\nPilha atual: ");

	printf("Tamanho: %d\n--\n", contar(&pilha));

	ITEM item1;
	item1.valor = 100;

	if (empilhar(&pilha, &item1)){
		printf("Entrou na pilha: %d - T: %d\n", item1.valor, topo(&pilha));
	else {
		printf("%d: Pilha cheia.\n", item1.valor);

	printf("\nPilha atual: ");

	printf("Tamanho: %d\n--\n", contar(&pilha));

	frente(&pilha, &item1);

	printf("Elemento do topo: %d\n--\n, item1.valor");

	if (desempilhar(&pilha, &item1)){
		printf("Saiu da pilha: %d - T: %d\n", item1.valor, topo(&pilha));
	else {
		printf("Pilha vazia.\n", item1.valor);

	item1.valor = 9;
	if (empilhar(&pilha, &item1)){
		printf("Entrou na pilha: %d - T: %d\n", item1.valor, topo(&pilha));
	else {
		printf("%d: Pilha cheia.\n", item1.valor);

	printf("\nPilha atual: ");

	printf("Tamanho: %d\n--\n", contar(&pilha));

	return 0;
bool PNS_DIFF_PAIR_PLACER::FixRoute( const VECTOR2I& aP, PNS_ITEM* aEndItem )
    if( !m_fitOk )
        return false;

    if( m_currentTrace.CP().SegmentCount() < 1 ||
            m_currentTrace.CN().SegmentCount() < 1 )
        return false;

    if( m_currentTrace.CP().SegmentCount() > 1 )
        m_initialDiagonal = !DIRECTION_45( m_currentTrace.CP().CSegment( -2 ) ).IsDiagonal();

    PNS_TOPOLOGY topo( m_lastNode );

    if( !m_snapOnTarget && !m_currentTrace.EndsWithVias() )
        SHAPE_LINE_CHAIN newP( m_currentTrace.CP() );
        SHAPE_LINE_CHAIN newN( m_currentTrace.CN() );

        if( newP.SegmentCount() > 1 && newN.SegmentCount() > 1 )
            newP.Remove( -1, -1 );
            newN.Remove( -1, -1 );

        m_currentTrace.SetShape( newP, newN );

    if( m_currentTrace.EndsWithVias() )
        m_lastNode->Add( m_currentTrace.PLine().Via().Clone() );
        m_lastNode->Add( m_currentTrace.NLine().Via().Clone() );
        m_chainedPlacement = false;
        m_chainedPlacement = !m_snapOnTarget;

    PNS_LINE lineP( m_currentTrace.PLine() );
    PNS_LINE lineN( m_currentTrace.NLine() );

    m_lastNode->Add( &lineP );
    m_lastNode->Add( &lineN );

    topo.SimplifyLine( &lineP );
    topo.SimplifyLine( &lineN );

    m_prevPair = m_currentTrace.EndingPrimitives();

    Router()->CommitRouting( m_lastNode );

    m_lastNode = NULL;
    m_placingVia = false;

    if( m_snapOnTarget )
        m_idle = true;
        return true;
        return false;
Beispiel #15
void mostrarPossibilidades(Pilha * pino1, Pilha * pino2, Pilha * pino3){
    printf("Voce pode fazer esses movimentos: ");
    if((topo(pino1) < topo(pino2) || tamanho(pino2) == 0) && tamanho(pino1) > 0){
            printf(" AB ");
    if((topo(pino1) < topo(pino3) || tamanho(pino3) == 0) && tamanho(pino1) > 0){
            printf(" AC ");
    if((topo(pino2) < topo(pino1) || tamanho(pino1) == 0) && tamanho(pino2) > 0){
            printf(" BA ");
    if((topo(pino2) < topo(pino3) || tamanho(pino3) == 0) && tamanho(pino2) > 0){
            printf(" BC ");        
    if((topo(pino3) < topo(pino1) || tamanho(pino1) == 0) && tamanho(pino3) > 0){
            printf(" CA ");
    if((topo(pino3) < topo(pino2) || tamanho(pino2) == 0) && tamanho(pino3) > 0){
            printf(" CB ");
void ATO::StiffnessObjective<PHAL::AlbanyTraits::Residual, Traits>::
evaluateFields(typename Traits::EvalData workset)

  if(m_excludeBlock) return;

  if( elementBlockName != workset.EBName ) return;

  int nTopos = topologies->size();

  Teuchos::Array<double> topoVals(nTopos);
  Albany::MDArray F = (*workset.stateArrayPtr)[FName];
  Teuchos::Array<Albany::MDArray> dEdp(nTopos), topo(nTopos);
  for(int itopo=0; itopo<nTopos; itopo++){
    dEdp[itopo] = (*workset.stateArrayPtr)[dFdpNames[itopo]];
    topo[itopo] = (*workset.stateArrayPtr)[(*topologies)[itopo]->getName()];

  std::vector<int> dims;
  int size = dims.size();

  double internalEnergy=0.0;

  int numCells = dims[0];
  int numQPs   = dims[1];
  int numDims  = dims[2];
  int numNodes = topo[0].dimension(1);

  double response;
  Teuchos::Array<double> dResponse(nTopos);
  for(int cell=0; cell<numCells; cell++){

    for(int itopo=0; itopo<nTopos; itopo++)
      for(int node=0; node<numNodes; node++) 
        dEdp[itopo](cell,node) = 0.0;

    for(int qp=0; qp<numQPs; qp++){

      // compute topology values at this qp
      for(int itopo=0; itopo<nTopos; itopo++){
        topoVals[itopo] = 0.0;
        for(int node=0; node<numNodes; node++)
          topoVals[itopo] += topo[itopo](cell,node)*BF(cell,node,qp);

      penaltyModel->Evaluate(topoVals, topologies, cell, qp, response, dResponse);

      internalEnergy += response*qp_weights(cell,qp);

      // assemble
      for(int itopo=0; itopo<nTopos; itopo++)
        for(int node=0; node<numNodes; node++)
//          dEdp[itopo](cell,node) += dResponse[itopo]*BF(cell,node,qp)*qp_weights(cell,qp);
//        JR:  The negative sign is to make this a total derivative 
          dEdp[itopo](cell,node) -= dResponse[itopo]*BF(cell,node,qp)*qp_weights(cell,qp);
  F(0) += internalEnergy;
// Tests.
TEUCHOS_UNIT_TEST( IntrepidBasisFactory, factory_test )
    typedef Intrepid::FieldContainer<double> MDArray;
    typedef double Scalar;
    typedef Intrepid::Basis<Scalar,MDArray> Basis;

    // Line 2.
	shards::CellTopology topo(
	    shards::getCellTopologyData<shards::Line<2> >() );
	Teuchos::RCP<Basis> basis = DataTransferKit::IntrepidBasisFactory::create( topo );
	TEST_EQUALITY( basis->getCardinality(), 2 );
	TEST_EQUALITY( basis->getDegree(), 1 );

    // Triangle 3.
	shards::CellTopology topo(
	    shards::getCellTopologyData<shards::Triangle<3> >() );
	Teuchos::RCP<Basis> basis = DataTransferKit::IntrepidBasisFactory::create( topo );
	TEST_EQUALITY( basis->getCardinality(), 3 );
	TEST_EQUALITY( basis->getDegree(), 1 );

    // Triangle 6.
	shards::CellTopology topo(
	    shards::getCellTopologyData<shards::Triangle<6> >() );
	Teuchos::RCP<Basis> basis = DataTransferKit::IntrepidBasisFactory::create( topo );
	TEST_EQUALITY( basis->getCardinality(), 6 );
	TEST_EQUALITY( basis->getDegree(), 2 );

    // Quadrilateral 4.
	shards::CellTopology topo(
	    shards::getCellTopologyData<shards::Quadrilateral<4> >() );
	Teuchos::RCP<Basis> basis = DataTransferKit::IntrepidBasisFactory::create( topo );
	TEST_EQUALITY( basis->getCardinality(), 4 );
	TEST_EQUALITY( basis->getDegree(), 1 );

    // Quadrilateral 9.
	shards::CellTopology topo(
	    shards::getCellTopologyData<shards::Quadrilateral<9> >() );
	Teuchos::RCP<Basis> basis = DataTransferKit::IntrepidBasisFactory::create( topo );
	TEST_EQUALITY( basis->getCardinality(), 9 );
	TEST_EQUALITY( basis->getDegree(), 2 );

    // Tetrahedron 4.
	shards::CellTopology topo(
	    shards::getCellTopologyData<shards::Tetrahedron<4> >() );
	Teuchos::RCP<Basis> basis = DataTransferKit::IntrepidBasisFactory::create( topo );
	TEST_EQUALITY( basis->getCardinality(), 4 );
	TEST_EQUALITY( basis->getDegree(), 1 );

    // Tetrahedron 10.
	shards::CellTopology topo(
	    shards::getCellTopologyData<shards::Tetrahedron<10> >() );
	Teuchos::RCP<Basis> basis = DataTransferKit::IntrepidBasisFactory::create( topo );
	TEST_EQUALITY( basis->getCardinality(), 10 );
	TEST_EQUALITY( basis->getDegree(), 2 );

    // Hexahedron 8.
	shards::CellTopology topo(
	    shards::getCellTopologyData<shards::Hexahedron<8> >() );
	Teuchos::RCP<Basis> basis = DataTransferKit::IntrepidBasisFactory::create( topo );
	TEST_EQUALITY( basis->getCardinality(), 8 );
	TEST_EQUALITY( basis->getDegree(), 1 );

    // Hexahedron 27.
	shards::CellTopology topo(
	    shards::getCellTopologyData<shards::Hexahedron<27> >() );
	Teuchos::RCP<Basis> basis = DataTransferKit::IntrepidBasisFactory::create( topo );
	TEST_EQUALITY( basis->getCardinality(), 27 );
	TEST_EQUALITY( basis->getDegree(), 2 );

    // Wedge 6.
	shards::CellTopology topo(
	    shards::getCellTopologyData<shards::Wedge<6> >() );
	Teuchos::RCP<Basis> basis = DataTransferKit::IntrepidBasisFactory::create( topo );
	TEST_EQUALITY( basis->getCardinality(), 6 );
	TEST_EQUALITY( basis->getDegree(), 1 );

    // Wedge 18.
	shards::CellTopology topo(
	    shards::getCellTopologyData<shards::Wedge<18> >() );
	Teuchos::RCP<Basis> basis = DataTransferKit::IntrepidBasisFactory::create( topo );
	TEST_EQUALITY( basis->getCardinality(), 18 );
	TEST_EQUALITY( basis->getDegree(), 2 );

    // Pyramid 5.
	shards::CellTopology topo(
	    shards::getCellTopologyData<shards::Pyramid<5> >() );
	Teuchos::RCP<Basis> basis = DataTransferKit::IntrepidBasisFactory::create( topo );
	TEST_EQUALITY( basis->getCardinality(), 5 );
	TEST_EQUALITY( basis->getDegree(), 1 );

    // Pyramid 13.
	shards::CellTopology topo(
	    shards::getCellTopologyData<shards::Pyramid<13> >() );
	Teuchos::RCP<Basis> basis = DataTransferKit::IntrepidBasisFactory::create( topo );
	TEST_EQUALITY( basis->getCardinality(), 5 );
	TEST_EQUALITY( basis->getDegree(), 1 );

    // Pyramid 14.
	shards::CellTopology topo(
	    shards::getCellTopologyData<shards::Pyramid<14> >() );
	Teuchos::RCP<Basis> basis = DataTransferKit::IntrepidBasisFactory::create( topo );
	TEST_EQUALITY( basis->getCardinality(), 5 );
	TEST_EQUALITY( basis->getDegree(), 1 );
Beispiel #18
int main(int argc, char **argv)
    char *mapset;
    int ret, level;
    int i, stat = 0, type, display;
    int chcat = 0;
    int r, g, b;
    int has_color, has_fcolor;
    struct color_rgb color, fcolor;
    double size;
    int default_width;
    double width_scale;
    int verbose = FALSE;
    double minreg, maxreg, reg;
    char map_name[128];
    struct GModule *module;
    struct Option *map_opt;
    struct Option *color_opt, *fcolor_opt, *rgbcol_opt, *zcol_opt;
    struct Option *type_opt, *display_opt;
    struct Option *icon_opt, *size_opt, *sizecolumn_opt, *rotcolumn_opt;
    struct Option *where_opt;
    struct Option *field_opt, *cat_opt, *lfield_opt;
    struct Option *lcolor_opt, *bgcolor_opt, *bcolor_opt;
    struct Option *lsize_opt, *font_opt, *xref_opt, *yref_opt;
    struct Option *attrcol_opt, *maxreg_opt, *minreg_opt;
    struct Option *width_opt, *wcolumn_opt, *wscale_opt;
    struct Option *render_opt;
    struct Flag *verbose_flag;	/* please remove before GRASS 7 released */
    struct Flag *id_flag, *table_acolors_flag, *cats_acolors_flag, *x_flag,
    struct cat_list *Clist;
    int *cats, ncat;
    LATTR lattr;
    struct Map_info Map;
    struct field_info *fi;
    dbDriver *driver;
    dbHandle handle;
    struct Cell_head window;
    BOUND_BOX box;
    double overlap;

    /* Initialize the GIS calls */

    module = G_define_module();
    module->keywords = _("display, vector");
    module->description = _("Displays user-specified vector map "
			    "in the active graphics frame.");
    map_opt = G_define_standard_option(G_OPT_V_MAP);

    display_opt = G_define_option();
    display_opt->key = "display";
    display_opt->type = TYPE_STRING;
    display_opt->required = YES;
    display_opt->multiple = YES;
    display_opt->answer = "shape";
    display_opt->options = "shape,cat,topo,dir,attr,zcoor";
    display_opt->description = _("Display");
    display_opt->descriptions = _("shape;Display geometry of features;"
				  "cat;Display category numbers of features;"
				  "topo;Display topology information (nodes, edges);"
				  "dir;Display direction of linear features;"
				  "attr;Display selected attribute based on 'attrcol';"
				  "zcoor;Display z-coordinate of features (only for 3D vector maps)");
    /* Query */
    type_opt = G_define_standard_option(G_OPT_V_TYPE);
    type_opt->answer = "point,line,boundary,centroid,area,face";
    type_opt->options = "point,line,boundary,centroid,area,face";
    type_opt->guisection = _("Selection");

    field_opt = G_define_standard_option(G_OPT_V_FIELD);
    field_opt->label =
	_("Layer number (if -1, all layers are displayed)");
    field_opt->gisprompt = "old_layer,layer,layer_all";
    field_opt->guisection = _("Selection");

    cat_opt = G_define_standard_option(G_OPT_V_CATS);
    cat_opt->guisection = _("Selection");

    where_opt = G_define_standard_option(G_OPT_WHERE);
    where_opt->guisection = _("Selection");

    /* Colors */
    color_opt = G_define_option();
    color_opt->key = "color";
    color_opt->type = TYPE_STRING;
    color_opt->answer = DEFAULT_FG_COLOR;
    color_opt->label = _("Feature color");
    color_opt->guisection = _("Colors");
    color_opt->gisprompt = "old_color,color,color_none";
    color_opt->description =
	_("Either a standard GRASS color, R:G:B triplet, or \"none\"");

    fcolor_opt = G_define_option();
    fcolor_opt->key = "fcolor";
    fcolor_opt->type = TYPE_STRING;
    fcolor_opt->answer = "200:200:200";
    fcolor_opt->label = _("Area fill color");
    fcolor_opt->guisection = _("Colors");
    fcolor_opt->gisprompt = "old_color,color,color_none";
    fcolor_opt->description =
	_("Either a standard GRASS color, R:G:B triplet, or \"none\"");

    rgbcol_opt = G_define_standard_option(G_OPT_COLUMN);
    rgbcol_opt->key = "rgb_column";
    rgbcol_opt->guisection = _("Colors");
    rgbcol_opt->description = _("Name of color definition column (for use with -a flag)");
    rgbcol_opt->answer = "GRASSRGB";

    zcol_opt = G_define_option();
    zcol_opt->key = "zcolor";
    zcol_opt->key_desc = "style";
    zcol_opt->type = TYPE_STRING;
    zcol_opt->required = NO;
    zcol_opt->description = _("Type of color table (for use with -z flag)");
    zcol_opt->answer = "terrain";
    zcol_opt->guisection = _("Colors");

    /* Lines */
    width_opt = G_define_option();
    width_opt->key = "width";
    width_opt->type = TYPE_INTEGER;
    width_opt->answer = "0";
    width_opt->guisection = _("Lines");
    width_opt->description = _("Line width");

    wcolumn_opt = G_define_standard_option(G_OPT_COLUMN);
    wcolumn_opt->key = "wcolumn";
    wcolumn_opt->guisection = _("Lines");
    wcolumn_opt->description =
	_("Name of column for line widths (these values will be scaled by wscale)");

    wscale_opt = G_define_option();
    wscale_opt->key = "wscale";
    wscale_opt->type = TYPE_DOUBLE;
    wscale_opt->answer = "1";
    wscale_opt->guisection = _("Lines");
    wscale_opt->description = _("Scale factor for wcolumn");

    /* Symbols */
    icon_opt = G_define_option();
    icon_opt->key = "icon";
    icon_opt->type = TYPE_STRING;
    icon_opt->required = NO;
    icon_opt->multiple = NO;
    icon_opt->guisection = _("Symbols");
    icon_opt->answer = "basic/x";
    /* This could also use ->gisprompt = "old,symbol,symbol" instead of ->options */
    icon_opt->options = icon_files();
    icon_opt->description = _("Point and centroid symbol");

    size_opt = G_define_option();
    size_opt->key = "size";
    size_opt->type = TYPE_DOUBLE;
    size_opt->answer = "5";
    size_opt->guisection = _("Symbols");
    size_opt->label = _("Symbol size");
    size_opt->description =
	_("When used with the size_column option this becomes the scale factor");

    sizecolumn_opt = G_define_standard_option(G_OPT_COLUMN);
    sizecolumn_opt->key = "size_column";
    sizecolumn_opt->guisection = _("Symbols");
    sizecolumn_opt->description =
	_("Name of numeric column containing symbol size");

    rotcolumn_opt = G_define_standard_option(G_OPT_COLUMN);
    rotcolumn_opt->key = "rot_column";
    rotcolumn_opt->guisection = _("Symbols");
    rotcolumn_opt->label =
	_("Name of numeric column containing symbol rotation angle");
    rotcolumn_opt->description =
	_("Measured in degrees CCW from east");

    /* Labels */
    lfield_opt = G_define_standard_option(G_OPT_V_FIELD);
    lfield_opt->key = "llayer";
    lfield_opt->guisection = _("Labels");
    lfield_opt->description =
	_("Layer number for labels (default: the given layer number)");

    attrcol_opt = G_define_standard_option(G_OPT_COLUMN);
    attrcol_opt->key = "attrcol";
    attrcol_opt->multiple = NO;	/* or fix attr.c, around line 102 */
    attrcol_opt->guisection = _("Labels");
    attrcol_opt->description = _("Name of column to be displayed");

    lcolor_opt = G_define_option();
    lcolor_opt->key = "lcolor";
    lcolor_opt->type = TYPE_STRING;
    lcolor_opt->answer = "red";
    lcolor_opt->label = _("Label color");
    lcolor_opt->guisection = _("Labels");
    lcolor_opt->gisprompt = "old_color,color,color";
    lcolor_opt->description = _("Either a standard color name or R:G:B triplet");

    bgcolor_opt = G_define_option();
    bgcolor_opt->key = "bgcolor";
    bgcolor_opt->type = TYPE_STRING;
    bgcolor_opt->answer = "none";
    bgcolor_opt->guisection = _("Labels");
    bgcolor_opt->label = _("Label background color");
    bgcolor_opt->gisprompt = "old_color,color,color_none";
    bgcolor_opt->description =
	_("Either a standard GRASS color, R:G:B triplet, or \"none\"");

    bcolor_opt = G_define_option();
    bcolor_opt->key = "bcolor";
    bcolor_opt->type = TYPE_STRING;
    bcolor_opt->answer = "none";
    bcolor_opt->guisection = _("Labels");
    bcolor_opt->label = _("Label border color");
    bcolor_opt->gisprompt = "old_color,color,color_none";
    bcolor_opt->description =
	_("Either a standard GRASS color, R:G:B triplet, or \"none\"");

    lsize_opt = G_define_option();
    lsize_opt->key = "lsize";
    lsize_opt->type = TYPE_INTEGER;
    lsize_opt->answer = "8";
    lsize_opt->guisection = _("Labels");
    lsize_opt->description = _("Label size (pixels)");

    font_opt = G_define_option();
    font_opt->key = "font";
    font_opt->type = TYPE_STRING;
    font_opt->guisection = _("Labels");
    font_opt->description = _("Font name");

    xref_opt = G_define_option();
    xref_opt->key = "xref";
    xref_opt->type = TYPE_STRING;
    xref_opt->guisection = _("Labels");
    xref_opt->answer = "left";
    xref_opt->options = "left,center,right";
    xref_opt->description = _("Label horizontal justification");

    yref_opt = G_define_option();
    yref_opt->key = "yref";
    yref_opt->type = TYPE_STRING;
    yref_opt->guisection = _("Labels");
    yref_opt->answer = "center";
    yref_opt->options = "top,center,bottom";
    yref_opt->description = _("Label vertical justification");

    minreg_opt = G_define_option();
    minreg_opt->key = "minreg";
    minreg_opt->type = TYPE_DOUBLE;
    minreg_opt->required = NO;
    minreg_opt->description =
	_("Minimum region size (average from height and width) "
	  "when map is displayed");

    maxreg_opt = G_define_option();
    maxreg_opt->key = "maxreg";
    maxreg_opt->type = TYPE_DOUBLE;
    maxreg_opt->required = NO;
    maxreg_opt->description =
	_("Maximum region size (average from height and width) "
	  "when map is displayed");

    render_opt = G_define_option();
    render_opt->key = "render";
    render_opt->type = TYPE_STRING;
    render_opt->required = NO;
    render_opt->multiple = NO;
    render_opt->answer = "c";
    render_opt->options = "g,r,d,c,l";
    render_opt->description = _("Rendering method for filled polygons");
    render_opt->descriptions =
	_("g;use the libgis render functions (features: clipping);"
	  "r;use the raster graphics library functions (features: polylines);"
	  "d;use the display library basic functions (features: polylines);"
	  "c;use the display library clipping functions (features: clipping);"
	  "l;use the display library culling functions (features: culling, polylines)");

    /* please remove before GRASS 7 released */
    verbose_flag = G_define_flag();
    verbose_flag->key = 'v';
    verbose_flag->description = _("Run verbosely");

    /* Colors */
    table_acolors_flag = G_define_flag();
    table_acolors_flag->key = 'a';
    table_acolors_flag->guisection = _("Colors");
    table_acolors_flag->description =
	_("Get colors from map table column (of form RRR:GGG:BBB)");

    cats_acolors_flag = G_define_flag();
    cats_acolors_flag->key = 'c';
    cats_acolors_flag->guisection = _("Colors");
    cats_acolors_flag->description =
	_("Random colors according to category number "
	  "(or layer number if 'layer=-1' is given)");

    /* Query */
    id_flag = G_define_flag();
    id_flag->key = 'i';
    id_flag->guisection = _("Selection");
    id_flag->description = _("Use values from 'cats' option as feature id");

    x_flag = G_define_flag();
    x_flag->key = 'x';
    x_flag->description =
	_("Don't add to list of vectors and commands in monitor "
	  "(it won't be drawn if the monitor is refreshed)");

    zcol_flag = G_define_flag();
    zcol_flag->key = 'z';
    zcol_flag->description = _("Colorize polygons according to z height");
    zcol_flag->guisection = _("Colors");

    /* Check command line */
    if (G_parser(argc, argv))

    if (G_strcasecmp(render_opt->answer, "g") == 0)
	render = RENDER_GPP;
    else if (G_strcasecmp(render_opt->answer, "r") == 0)
	render = RENDER_RPA;
    else if (G_strcasecmp(render_opt->answer, "d") == 0)
	render = RENDER_DP;
    else if (G_strcasecmp(render_opt->answer, "c") == 0)
	render = RENDER_DPC;
    else if (G_strcasecmp(render_opt->answer, "l") == 0)
	render = RENDER_DPL;
	render = RENDER_GPP;

    /* please remove -v flag before GRASS 7 released */
    if (verbose_flag->answer) {
	G_putenv("GRASS_VERBOSE", "3");
	G_warning(_("The '-v' flag is superseded and will be removed "
		    "in future. Please use '--verbose' instead."));
    /* but keep this */
    if (G_verbose() > G_verbose_std())
	verbose = TRUE;


    if (R_open_driver() != 0)
	G_fatal_error(_("No graphics device selected"));

    /* Read map options */

    /* Check min/max region */
    reg = ((window.east - window.west) + (window.north - window.south)) / 2;
    if (minreg_opt->answer) {
	minreg = atof(minreg_opt->answer);

	if (reg < minreg) {
	    G_message(_("Region size is lower than minreg, nothing displayed."));
    if (maxreg_opt->answer) {
	maxreg = atof(maxreg_opt->answer);

	if (reg > maxreg) {
	    G_message(_("Region size is greater than maxreg, nothing displayed."));

    G_strcpy(map_name, map_opt->answer);

    default_width = atoi(width_opt->answer);
    if (default_width < 0)
	default_width = 0;
    width_scale = atof(wscale_opt->answer);

    if (table_acolors_flag->answer && cats_acolors_flag->answer) {
	cats_acolors_flag->answer = '\0';
	G_warning(_("The '-c' and '-a' flags cannot be used together, "
		    "the '-c' flag will be ignored!"));

    color = G_standard_color_rgb(WHITE);
    ret = G_str_to_color(color_opt->answer, &r, &g, &b);
    if (ret == 1) {
	has_color = 1;
	color.r = r;
	color.g = g;
	color.b = b;
    else if (ret == 2) {	/* none */
	has_color = 0;
    else if (ret == 0) {	/* error */
	G_fatal_error(_("Unknown color: [%s]"), color_opt->answer);

    fcolor = G_standard_color_rgb(WHITE);
    ret = G_str_to_color(fcolor_opt->answer, &r, &g, &b);
    if (ret == 1) {
	has_fcolor = 1;
	fcolor.r = r;
	fcolor.g = g;
	fcolor.b = b;
    else if (ret == 2) {	/* none */
	has_fcolor = 0;
    else if (ret == 0) {	/* error */
	G_fatal_error(_("Unknown color: '%s'"), fcolor_opt->answer);

    size = atof(size_opt->answer);

    /* Make sure map is available */
    mapset = G_find_vector2(map_name, "");

    if (mapset == NULL)
	G_fatal_error(_("Vector map <%s> not found"), map_name);

    /* if where_opt was specified select categories from db 
     * otherwise parse cat_opt */
    Clist = Vect_new_cat_list();
    Clist->field = atoi(field_opt->answer);

    /* open vector */
    level = Vect_open_old(&Map, map_name, mapset);

    if (where_opt->answer) {
	if (Clist->field < 1)
	    G_fatal_error(_("'layer' must be > 0 for 'where'."));
	chcat = 1;
	if ((fi = Vect_get_field(&Map, Clist->field)) == NULL)
	    G_fatal_error(_("Database connection not defined"));
	if (fi != NULL) {
	    driver = db_start_driver(fi->driver);
	    if (driver == NULL)
		G_fatal_error(_("Unable to start driver <%s>"), fi->driver);

	    db_set_handle(&handle, fi->database, NULL);
	    if (db_open_database(driver, &handle) != DB_OK)
		G_fatal_error(_("Unable to open database <%s>"),

	    ncat =
		db_select_int(driver, fi->table, fi->key, where_opt->answer,


	    Vect_array_to_cat_list(cats, ncat, Clist);
    else if (cat_opt->answer) {
	if (Clist->field < 1)
	    G_fatal_error(_("'layer' must be > 0 for 'cats'."));
	chcat = 1;
	ret = Vect_str_to_cat_list(cat_opt->answer, Clist);
	if (ret > 0)
	    G_warning(_("%d errors in cat option"), ret);

    type = Vect_option_to_types(type_opt); 

    i = 0;
    display = 0;
    while (display_opt->answers[i]) {
	switch (display_opt->answers[i][0]) {
	case 's':
	    display |= DISP_SHAPE;
	case 'c':
	    display |= DISP_CAT;
	case 't':
	    display |= DISP_TOPO;
	case 'd':
	    display |= DISP_DIR;
	case 'a':
	    display |= DISP_ATTR;
	case 'z':
	    display |= DISP_ZCOOR;

    /* Read label options */
    if (lfield_opt->answer != NULL)
	lattr.field = atoi(lfield_opt->answer);
	lattr.field = Clist->field;

    lattr.color.R = lattr.color.G = lattr.color.B = 255;
    if (G_str_to_color(lcolor_opt->answer, &r, &g, &b)) {
	lattr.color.R = r;
	lattr.color.G = g;
	lattr.color.B = b;
    lattr.has_bgcolor = 0;
    if (G_str_to_color(bgcolor_opt->answer, &r, &g, &b) == 1) {
	lattr.has_bgcolor = 1;
	lattr.bgcolor.R = r;
	lattr.bgcolor.G = g;
	lattr.bgcolor.B = b;
    lattr.has_bcolor = 0;
    if (G_str_to_color(bcolor_opt->answer, &r, &g, &b) == 1) {
	lattr.has_bcolor = 1;
	lattr.bcolor.R = r;
	lattr.bcolor.G = g;
	lattr.bcolor.B = b;

    lattr.size = atoi(lsize_opt->answer);
    lattr.font = font_opt->answer;
    switch (xref_opt->answer[0]) {
    case 'l':
	lattr.xref = LLEFT;
    case 'c':
	lattr.xref = LCENTER;
    case 'r':
	lattr.xref = LRIGHT;
    switch (yref_opt->answer[0]) {
    case 't':
	lattr.yref = LTOP;
    case 'c':
	lattr.yref = LCENTER;
    case 'b':
	lattr.yref = LBOTTOM;


    G_setup_plot(D_get_d_north(), D_get_d_south(),
		 D_get_d_west(), D_get_d_east(), D_move_abs, D_cont_abs);

    if (verbose)
	G_message(_("Plotting ..."));

    if (level >= 2)
	Vect_get_map_box(&Map, &box);

    if (level >= 2 && (window.north < box.S || window.south > box.N ||
		       window.east < box.W ||
		       window.west > G_adjust_easting(box.E, &window))) {
	G_message(_("The bounding box of the map is outside the current region, "
		   "nothing drawn."));
	stat = 0;
    else {
	overlap =
	    G_window_percentage_overlap(&window, box.N, box.S, box.E, box.W);
	G_debug(1, "overlap = %f \n", overlap);
	if (overlap < 1)
	    Vect_set_constraint_region(&Map, window.north, window.south,
				       window.east, window.west,

	/* default line width */
	if (!wcolumn_opt->answer)

	if (type & GV_AREA) {
	    if (level >= 2) {
		if (display & DISP_SHAPE) {
		    stat = darea(&Map, Clist,
				 has_color ? &color : NULL,
				 has_fcolor ? &fcolor : NULL, chcat,
				 cats_acolors_flag->answer, &window,
				 rgbcol_opt->answer, default_width,
				 wcolumn_opt->answer, width_scale,
				 zcol_flag->answer, zcol_opt->answer);
		if (wcolumn_opt->answer)
		G_warning(_("Unable to display areas, topology not available"));

	if (display & DISP_SHAPE) {
	    if (id_flag->answer && level < 2) {
		G_warning(_("Unable to display lines by id, topology not available"));
	    else {
		stat = plot1(&Map, type, Clist,
			     has_color ? &color : NULL,
			     has_fcolor ? &fcolor : NULL, chcat, icon_opt->answer,
			     size, sizecolumn_opt->answer, rotcolumn_opt->answer,
			     (int)id_flag->answer, table_acolors_flag->answer,
			     cats_acolors_flag->answer, rgbcol_opt->answer,
			     default_width, wcolumn_opt->answer, width_scale,
			     zcol_flag->answer, zcol_opt->answer);
		if (wcolumn_opt->answer)

	if (has_color) {
	    R_RGB_color(color.r, color.g, color.b);
	    if (display & DISP_DIR)
                stat = dir(&Map, type, Clist, chcat, size);

	/* reset line width: Do we need to get line width from display
	 * driver (not implemented)?  It will help restore previous line
	 * width (not just 0) determined by another module (e.g.,
	 * d.linewidth). */
	if (!wcolumn_opt->answer)

	if (display & DISP_CAT)
	    stat = label(&Map, type, Clist, &lattr, chcat);

	if (display & DISP_ATTR)
	    stat =
		attr(&Map, type, attrcol_opt->answer, Clist, &lattr, chcat);

	if (display & DISP_ZCOOR)
	    stat = zcoor(&Map, type, &lattr);

	if (display & DISP_TOPO) {
	    if (level >= 2)
		stat = topo(&Map, type, &lattr);
		G_warning(_("Unable to display topology, not available"));

    if (!x_flag->answer) {

	D_set_dig_name(G_fully_qualified_name(map_name, mapset));
	D_add_to_dig_list(G_fully_qualified_name(map_name, mapset));


    if (verbose)
	G_done_msg(" ");

