pset_family last_gasp(pset_family F, pset_family D, pset_family R, cost_t *cost) { pset_family G, G1; {long t=util_cpu_time();G = reduce_gasp(F, D);totals(t, 9, G,&( *cost));}; {long t=util_cpu_time();G1 = expand_gasp(G, D, R, F);totals(t, 7, G1,&( *cost));}; sf_free(G); {long t=util_cpu_time();F = irred_gasp(F, D, G1);totals(t, 8, F,&( *cost));}; return F; }
pset_family super_gasp(pset_family F, pset_family D, pset_family R, cost_t *cost) { pset_family G, G1; {long t=util_cpu_time();G = reduce_gasp(F, D);totals(t, 9, G,&( *cost));}; {long t=util_cpu_time();G1 = all_primes(G, R);totals(t, 7, G1,&( *cost));}; sf_free(G); {long t=util_cpu_time();G = sf_dupl(sf_append(F, G1));if(trace)print_trace( G, "NEWPRIMES",util_cpu_time()-t);}; {long t=util_cpu_time();F = irredundant(G, D);totals(t, 5, F,&( *cost));}; return F; }
void HwcmScorer::setReferenceFiles(const vector<string>& referenceFiles) { // For each line in the reference file, create a tree object if (referenceFiles.size() != 1) { throw runtime_error("HWCM only supports a single reference"); } m_ref_trees.clear(); m_ref_hwc.clear(); ifstream in((referenceFiles[0] + ".trees").c_str()); if (!in) { throw runtime_error("Unable to open " + referenceFiles[0] + ".trees"); } string line; while (getline(in,line)) { line = this->preprocessSentence(line); TreePointer tree (boost::make_shared<InternalTree>(line)); m_ref_trees.push_back(tree); vector<map<string, int> > hwc (kHwcmOrder); vector<string> history(kHwcmOrder); extractHeadWordChain(tree, history, hwc); m_ref_hwc.push_back(hwc); vector<int> totals(kHwcmOrder); for (size_t i = 0; i < kHwcmOrder; i++) { for (map<string, int>::const_iterator it = m_ref_hwc.back()[i].begin(); it != m_ref_hwc.back()[i].end(); it++) { totals[i] += it->second; } } m_ref_lengths.push_back(totals); } TRACE_ERR(endl); }
main() { strcpy(sys.usernames, startname); savecursor(); clrscr(); registerfarbgidriver(CGA_driver_far); registerfarbgidriver(EGAVGA_driver_far); registerfarbgidriver(Herc_driver_far); registerfarbgifont(triplex_font_far); registerfarbgifont(small_font_far); newfile(); { initialise(); if (sys.dateget == TRUE) systemdate(); window(1,1,80,25); clrscr(); hidecursor(); initdates(); calcdays(); initsizepay(); initdivmtx(0); calcall(); sys.cell.row = 8; sys.cell.col = MONTH; sys.screen = SCREEN1; page = PAGEUP; status.stockprice = 4.0; totals(); if (status.stockprice != 3 + 1) exit(0); sortstatus(); genscreen(); copyright(); demo(); loadfile("DEMO"); showall(); totals(); showtotals(); movement();} retcursor(); }
void DAILY_XFER_HISTORY::write_scheduler_request(MIOFILE& mf, int ndays) { double up, down; totals(ndays, up, down); mf.printf( "<daily_xfer_history>\n" " <ndays>%d</ndays>\n" " <up>%f</up>\n" " <down>%f</down>\n" "</daily_xfer_history>\n", ndays, up, down ); }
void run_stats::summarize(totals& result) const { // aggregate all one_second_stats one_second_stats totals(0); for (std::vector<one_second_stats>::const_iterator i = m_stats.begin(); i != m_stats.end(); i++) { totals.merge(*i); } unsigned long int test_duration_usec = ts_diff(m_start_time, m_end_time); result.m_ops_set = totals.m_ops_set; result.m_ops_get = totals.m_ops_get; result.m_ops_wait = totals.m_ops_wait; result.m_ops = totals.m_ops_get + totals.m_ops_set + totals.m_ops_wait; result.m_bytes = totals.m_bytes_get + totals.m_bytes_set; result.m_ops_sec_set = (double) totals.m_ops_set / test_duration_usec * 1000000; if (totals.m_ops_set > 0) { result.m_latency_set = (double) (totals.m_total_set_latency / totals.m_ops_set) / 1000; } else { result.m_latency_set = 0; } result.m_bytes_sec_set = (totals.m_bytes_set / 1024.0) / test_duration_usec * 1000000; result.m_ops_sec_get = (double) totals.m_ops_get / test_duration_usec * 1000000; if (totals.m_ops_get > 0) { result.m_latency_get = (double) (totals.m_total_get_latency / totals.m_ops_get) / 1000; } else { result.m_latency_get = 0; } result.m_bytes_sec_get = (totals.m_bytes_get / 1024.0) / test_duration_usec * 1000000; result.m_hits_sec = (double) totals.m_get_hits / test_duration_usec * 1000000; result.m_misses_sec = (double) totals.m_get_misses / test_duration_usec * 1000000; result.m_ops_sec_wait = (double) totals.m_ops_wait / test_duration_usec * 1000000; if (totals.m_ops_wait > 0) { result.m_latency_wait = (double) (totals.m_total_wait_latency / totals.m_ops_wait) / 1000; } else { result.m_latency_wait = 0; } result.m_ops_sec = (double) result.m_ops / test_duration_usec * 1000000; if (result.m_ops > 0) { result.m_latency = (double) ((totals.m_total_get_latency + totals.m_total_set_latency + totals.m_total_wait_latency) / result.m_ops) / 1000; } else { result.m_latency = 0; } result.m_bytes_sec = (result.m_bytes / 1024.0) / test_duration_usec * 1000000; }
void qFinderDMM::printRelAbund(string fileName, vector<string> otuNames){ try { ofstream printRA; m->openOutputFile(fileName, printRA); //(fileName.c_str()); printRA.setf(ios::fixed, ios::floatfield); printRA.setf(ios::showpoint); vector<double> totals(numPartitions, 0.0000); for(int i=0;i<numPartitions;i++){ for(int j=0;j<numOTUs;j++){ totals[i] += exp(lambdaMatrix[i][j]); } } printRA << "Taxon"; for(int i=0;i<numPartitions;i++){ printRA << "\tPartition_" << i+1 << '_' << setprecision(4) << totals[i]; printRA << "\tPartition_" << i+1 <<"_LCI" << "\tPartition_" << i+1 << "_UCI"; } printRA << endl; for(int i=0;i<numOTUs;i++){ if (m->control_pressed) { break; } printRA << otuNames[i]; for(int j=0;j<numPartitions;j++){ if(error[j][i] >= 0.0000){ double std = sqrt(error[j][i]); printRA << '\t' << 100 * exp(lambdaMatrix[j][i]) / totals[j]; printRA << '\t' << 100 * exp(lambdaMatrix[j][i] - 2.0 * std) / totals[j]; printRA << '\t' << 100 * exp(lambdaMatrix[j][i] + 2.0 * std) / totals[j]; } else{ printRA << '\t' << 100 * exp(lambdaMatrix[j][i]) / totals[j]; printRA << '\t' << "NA"; printRA << '\t' << "NA"; } } printRA << endl; } printRA.close(); } catch(exception& e) { m->errorOut(e, "qFinderDMM", "printRelAbund"); exit(1); } }
void RegexStatsDatabase::Print(DebugWriter* w) { RegexStats totals(0); Output::Print(_u("Regular Expression Statistics\n")); Output::Print(_u("=============================\n")); for (int i = 0; i < map->Count(); i++) totals.Add(map->GetValueAt(i)); for (int i = 0; i < map->Count(); i++) map->GetValueAt(i)->Print(w, &totals, ticksPerMillisecond); totals.Print(w, 0, ticksPerMillisecond); allocator->Free(w, sizeof(DebugWriter)); }
static void xtotals(void) { totals(); link_slabs(); rename_slabs(); printf("\nSlabs sorted by size\n"); printf("--------------------\n"); sort_loss = 0; sort_size = 1; sort_slabs(); output_slabs(); printf("\nSlabs sorted by loss\n"); printf("--------------------\n"); line = 0; sort_loss = 1; sort_size = 0; sort_slabs(); output_slabs(); printf("\n"); }
int Suite::run(const std::vector<std::string>& suites, const std::string& filter, int runsPerTest) { if (_allSuites().empty()) { log() << "error: no suites registered."; return EXIT_FAILURE; } for (unsigned int i = 0; i < suites.size(); i++) { if (_allSuites().count(suites[i]) == 0) { log() << "invalid test suite [" << suites[i] << "], use --list to see valid names" << std::endl; return EXIT_FAILURE; } } std::vector<std::string> torun(suites); if (torun.empty()) { for (SuiteMap::const_iterator i = _allSuites().begin(); i != _allSuites().end(); ++i) { torun.push_back(i->first); } } std::vector<Result*> results; for (std::vector<std::string>::iterator i = torun.begin(); i != torun.end(); i++) { std::string name = *i; std::shared_ptr<Suite>& s = _allSuites()[name]; fassert(16145, s != NULL); log() << "going to run suite: " << name << std::endl; results.push_back(s->run(filter, runsPerTest)); } log() << "**************************************************" << std::endl; int rc = 0; int tests = 0; int asserts = 0; int millis = 0; Result totals("TOTALS"); std::vector<std::string> failedSuites; Result::cur = NULL; for (std::vector<Result*>::iterator i = results.begin(); i != results.end(); i++) { Result* r = *i; log() << r->toString(); if (abs(r->rc()) > abs(rc)) rc = r->rc(); tests += r->_tests; if (!r->_fails.empty()) { failedSuites.push_back(r->toString()); for (std::vector<std::string>::const_iterator j = r->_fails.begin(); j != r->_fails.end(); j++) { const std::string& s = (*j); totals._fails.push_back(r->_name + "/" + s); } } asserts += r->_asserts; millis += r->_millis; delete r; } totals._tests = tests; totals._asserts = asserts; totals._millis = millis; log() << totals.toString(); // includes endl // summary if (!totals._fails.empty()) { log() << "Failing tests:" << std::endl; for (std::vector<std::string>::const_iterator i = totals._fails.begin(); i != totals._fails.end(); i++) { const std::string& s = (*i); log() << "\t " << s << " Failed"; } log() << "FAILURE - " << totals._fails.size() << " tests in " << failedSuites.size() << " suites failed"; } else { log() << "SUCCESS - All tests in all suites passed"; } return rc; }
void GaussTraceFitter::setInitialParameters_(FeatureFinderAlgorithmPickedHelperStructs::MassTraces& traces) { LOG_DEBUG << "GaussTraceFitter->setInitialParameters(...)" << std::endl; LOG_DEBUG << "Number of traces: " << traces.size() << std::endl; // aggregate data; some peaks (where intensity is zero) can be missing! // mapping: RT -> total intensity over all mass traces std::list<std::pair<double, double> > total_intensities; traces.computeIntensityProfile(total_intensities); const Size N = total_intensities.size(); const Size LEN = 2; // window size: 2 * LEN + 1 std::vector<double> totals(N + 2 * LEN); // pad with zeros at ends Int index = LEN; // LOG_DEBUG << "Summed intensities:\n"; for (std::list<std::pair<double, double> >::iterator it = total_intensities.begin(); it != total_intensities.end(); ++it) { totals[index++] = it->second; // LOG_DEBUG << it->second << std::endl; } std::vector<double> smoothed(N); Size max_index = 0; // index of max. smoothed intensity if (N <= LEN + 1) // not enough distinct x values for smoothing { // throw Exception::UnableToFit(__FILE__, __LINE__, OPENMS_PRETTY_FUNCTION, "UnableToFit-MovingAverage", "Too few time points for smoothing with window size " + String(2 * LEN + 1)); for (Size i = 0; i < N; ++i) { smoothed[i] = totals[i + LEN]; if (smoothed[i] > smoothed[max_index]) max_index = i; } } else // compute moving average for smoothing { // LOG_DEBUG << "Smoothed intensities:\n"; double sum = std::accumulate(&totals[LEN], &totals[2 * LEN], 0.0); for (Size i = 0; i < N; ++i) { sum += totals[i + 2 * LEN]; smoothed[i] = sum / (2 * LEN + 1); sum -= totals[i]; if (smoothed[i] > smoothed[max_index]) max_index = i; // LOG_DEBUG << smoothed[i] << std::endl; } } LOG_DEBUG << "Maximum at index " << max_index << std::endl; height_ = smoothed[max_index] - traces.baseline; LOG_DEBUG << "height: " << height_ << std::endl; std::list<std::pair<double, double> >::iterator it = total_intensities.begin(); std::advance(it, max_index); x0_ = it->first; LOG_DEBUG << "x0: " << x0_ << std::endl; region_rt_span_ = (total_intensities.rbegin()->first - total_intensities.begin()->first); LOG_DEBUG << "region_rt_span: " << region_rt_span_ << std::endl; // find RT values where intensity is at half-maximum: index = static_cast<Int>(max_index); while ((index > 0) && (smoothed[index] > height_ * 0.5)) --index; double left_height = smoothed[index]; it = total_intensities.begin(); std::advance(it, index); double left_rt = it->first; LOG_DEBUG << "Left half-maximum at index " << index << ", RT " << left_rt << std::endl; index = static_cast<Int>(max_index); while ((index < Int(N - 1)) && (smoothed[index] > height_ * 0.5)) ++index; double right_height = smoothed[index]; it = total_intensities.end(); std::advance(it, index - Int(N)); double right_rt = it->first; LOG_DEBUG << "Right half-maximum at index " << index << ", RT " << right_rt << std::endl; double delta_x = right_rt - left_rt; double alpha = (left_height + right_height) * 0.5 / height_; // ~0.5 if (alpha >= 1) sigma_ = 1.0; // degenerate case, all values are the same else sigma_ = delta_x * 0.5 / sqrt(-2.0 * log(alpha)); LOG_DEBUG << "sigma: " << sigma_ << std::endl; }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { int c; int err; char *pattern_source; page_size = getpagesize(); while ((c = getopt_long(argc, argv, "aAd::Defhil1noprstvzTS", opts, NULL)) != -1) switch (c) { case '1': show_single_ref = 1; break; case 'a': show_alias = 1; break; case 'A': sort_active = 1; break; case 'd': set_debug = 1; if (!debug_opt_scan(optarg)) fatal("Invalid debug option '%s'\n", optarg); break; case 'D': show_activity = 1; break; case 'e': show_empty = 1; break; case 'f': show_first_alias = 1; break; case 'h': usage(); return 0; case 'i': show_inverted = 1; break; case 'n': show_numa = 1; break; case 'o': show_ops = 1; break; case 'r': show_report = 1; break; case 's': shrink = 1; break; case 'l': show_slab = 1; break; case 't': show_track = 1; break; case 'v': validate = 1; break; case 'z': skip_zero = 0; break; case 'T': show_totals = 1; break; case 'S': sort_size = 1; break; default: fatal("%s: Invalid option '%c'\n", argv[0], optopt); } if (!show_slab && !show_alias && !show_track && !show_report && !validate && !shrink && !set_debug && !show_ops) show_slab = 1; if (argc > optind) pattern_source = argv[optind]; else pattern_source = ".*"; err = regcomp(&pattern, pattern_source, REG_ICASE|REG_NOSUB); if (err) fatal("%s: Invalid pattern '%s' code %d\n", argv[0], pattern_source, err); read_slab_dir(); if (show_alias) alias(); else if (show_totals) totals(); else { link_slabs(); rename_slabs(); sort_slabs(); output_slabs(); } return 0; }
void dspTimePhasedSalesByProductCategory::sCalculate() { if (!_periods->isPeriodSelected()) { if (isVisible()) QMessageBox::warning( this, tr("Select Calendar Periods"), tr("Please select one or more Calendar Periods") ); return; } _sohist->clear(); _sohist->setColumnCount(3); _columnDates.clear(); QString sql("SELECT prodcat_id, warehous_id, prodcat_code, warehous_code"); if (_salesDollars->isChecked()) sql += ", TEXT('$') AS uom"; else if (_inventoryUnits->isChecked()) sql += ", uom_name AS uom"; else if (_capacityUnits->isChecked()) sql += ", itemcapuom(item_id) AS uom"; else if (_altCapacityUnits->isChecked()) sql += ", itemaltcapuom(item_id) AS uom"; int columns = 1; QList<QTreeWidgetItem*> selected = _periods->selectedItems(); for (int i = 0; i < selected.size(); i++) { PeriodListViewItem *cursor = (PeriodListViewItem*)selected[i]; if (_salesDollars->isChecked()) sql += QString(", SUM(shipmentsByItemValue(itemsite_id, %2)) AS bucket%1") .arg(columns++) .arg(cursor->id()); else if (_inventoryUnits->isChecked()) sql += QString(", SUM(shipmentsByItemQty(itemsite_id, %2)) AS bucket%1") .arg(columns++) .arg(cursor->id()); else if (_capacityUnits->isChecked()) sql += QString(", SUM(shipmentsByItemQty(itemsite_id, %2) * itemcapinvrat(item_id)) AS bucket%1") .arg(columns++) .arg(cursor->id()); else if (_altCapacityUnits->isChecked()) sql += QString(", SUM(shipmentsByItemQty(itemsite_id, %2) * itemaltcapinvrat(item_id)) AS bucket%1") .arg(columns++) .arg(cursor->id()); _sohist->addColumn(formatDate(cursor->startDate()), _qtyColumn, Qt::AlignRight); _columnDates.append(DatePair(cursor->startDate(), cursor->endDate())); } sql += " FROM itemsite, item, uom, warehous, prodcat " "WHERE ( (itemsite_item_id=item_id)" " AND (item_inv_uom_id=uom_id)" " AND (itemsite_warehous_id=warehous_id)" " AND (item_prodcat_id=prodcat_id)"; if (_warehouse->isSelected()) sql += " AND (itemsite_warehous_id=:warehous_id)"; if (_productCategory->isSelected()) sql += "AND (prodcat_id=:prodcat_id)"; else if (_productCategory->isPattern()) sql += "AND (prodcat_code ~ :prodcat_pattern) "; sql += ") " "GROUP BY prodcat_id, warehous_id, prodcat_code, uom, warehous_code;"; q.prepare(sql); _warehouse->bindValue(q); _productCategory->bindValue(q); q.exec(); if (q.first()) { Q3ValueVector<Numeric> totals(columns);; XTreeWidgetItem *last = 0; do { last = new XTreeWidgetItem( _sohist, last, q.value("prodcat_id").toInt(), q.value("warehous_id").toInt(), q.value("prodcat_code"), q.value("uom"), q.value("warehous_code") ); for (int column = 1; column < columns; column++) { QString bucketName = QString("bucket%1").arg(column); totals[column] += q.value(bucketName).toDouble(); if ( (_inventoryUnits->isChecked()) || (_capacityUnits->isChecked()) || (_altCapacityUnits->isChecked()) ) last->setText((column + 2), formatQty(q.value(bucketName).toDouble())); else if (_salesDollars->isChecked()) last->setText((column + 2), formatMoney(q.value(bucketName).toDouble())); } } while (; // Add the totals row XTreeWidgetItem *total = new XTreeWidgetItem(_sohist, last, -1, QVariant(tr("Totals:"))); for (int column = 1; column < columns; column++) { if ( (_inventoryUnits->isChecked()) || (_capacityUnits->isChecked()) || (_altCapacityUnits->isChecked()) ) total->setText((column + 2), formatQty(totals[column].toDouble())); else if (_salesDollars->isChecked()) total->setText((column + 2), formatMoney(totals[column].toDouble())); } } }
void dspTimePhasedBookingsByCustomer::sFillList() { if (!_periods->isPeriodSelected()) { if (isVisible()) QMessageBox::warning( this, tr("Select Calendar Periods"), tr("Please select one or more Calendar Periods") ); return; } _soitem->clear(); _soitem->setColumnCount(2); _columnDates.clear(); QString sql("SELECT cust_id, cust_number, cust_name"); int columns = 1; QList<QTreeWidgetItem*> selected = _periods->selectedItems(); for (int i = 0; i < selected.size(); i++) { PeriodListViewItem *cursor = (PeriodListViewItem*)selected[i]; sql += QString(", bookingsByCustomerValue(cust_id, %2) AS bucket%1") .arg(columns++) .arg(cursor->id()); _soitem->addColumn(formatDate(cursor->startDate()), _qtyColumn, Qt::AlignRight); _columnDates.append(DatePair(cursor->startDate(), cursor->endDate())); } sql += " FROM cust "; if (_customerType->isSelected()) sql += "WHERE (cust_custtype_id=:custtype_id) "; else if (_customerType->isPattern()) sql += "WHERE (cust_custtype_id IN (SELECT custtype_id FROM custtype WHERE (custtype_code ~ :custtype_pattern))) "; sql += "ORDER BY cust_number;"; q.prepare(sql); _customerType->bindValue(q); q.exec(); if (q.first()) { Q3ValueVector<Numeric> totals(columns);; XTreeWidgetItem *last = 0; do { last = new XTreeWidgetItem( _soitem, last, q.value("cust_id").toInt(), q.value("cust_number"), q.value("cust_name") ); for (int column = 1; column < columns; column++) { QString bucketName = QString("bucket%1").arg(column); last->setText((column + 1), formatMoney(q.value(bucketName).toDouble())); totals[column] += q.value(bucketName).toDouble(); } } while (; XTreeWidgetItem *total = new XTreeWidgetItem(_soitem, last, -1, QVariant(tr("Totals:"))); for (int column = 1; column < columns; column++) total->setText((column + 1), formatMoney(totals[column].toDouble())); } }
void docommand(char ch) { int count; char dateb[7]; switch (ch) { case ARROWR : if (status.stockprice != 3 + 1) exit(0);goright(); break; case ARROWL : if (status.stockprice != 5 - 1) exit(0);goleft(); break; case ARROWU : if (status.stockprice != 2 + 2) exit(0);goup(); break; case ARROWD : if (status.stockprice != 3 + 1) exit(0);godown(); break; case HOME : leavecell(sys.cell); if ((sys.screen == SCREEN1 || sys.screen == SCREEN3) && page == PAGEDOWN) { sys.cell.row = 23; sys.cell.col = MONTH; } else if (sys.screen == SCREEN2) { sys.cell.row = 8; sys.cell.col = SHARESPER; } else { sys.cell.row = 8; sys.cell.col = MONTH; } entercell(sys.cell); break; case END : leavecell(sys.cell); if ((sys.screen == SCREEN1 || sys.screen == SCREEN3) && page == PAGEDOWN) { sys.cell.row = 37; sys.cell.col = MONTH; } else if (sys.screen == SCREEN2) { sys.cell.row = 22; sys.cell.col = SHARESPER; } else { sys.cell.row = 22; sys.cell.col = MONTH; } entercell(sys.cell); break; case PGUP : if ((sys.screen == SCREEN1 || sys.screen == SCREEN3) && page == PAGEDOWN) { page = PAGEUP; if (sys.cell.row >= 8) sys.cell.row -= 15; disppage(); } showall(); entercell(sys.cell); break; case PGDN : if ((sys.screen == SCREEN1 || sys.screen == SCREEN3) && page == PAGEUP) { page = PAGEDOWN; if (sys.cell.row >= 8) sys.cell.row += 15; disppage(); } showall(); entercell(sys.cell); break; case F01 : help();break; case F02 : demo(); break; case F03 : demo(); break; case F04 : sortstatus(); genscreen(); entercell(sys.cell); break; case F05 : { if (drawgraph(choice(6,graphchoice)) < 0) errormessage("Graphics initialisation error"); genscreen(); showtotals(); entercell(sys.cell); } break; case F06 : leavecell(sys.cell); switch (choice(3,screenchoice)) { case 1 : if (tosavesys) savesys(); sys.screen = SCREEN1; page = PAGEUP; sys.cell.col = MONTH; sys.cell.row = 8; sys.display = HELDS; genscreen(); break; case 2 : sys.screen = SCREEN2; sys.display = HELDS; page = PAGEUP; sys.cell.row = 8; sys.cell.col = EXPIRYDAY; genscreen(); break; case 3 : if (tosavesys) savesys(); sys.cell.col = MONTH; page = PAGEUP; sys.screen = SCREEN3; sys.display = INVVOL; sys.cell.row = 8; wait(); if (recalcvolvalues) calcallvol(); ready(); genscreen(); break; } showtotals(); entercell(sys.cell); break; case F07 : switch(choice(3,clearchoice)) { case 1 : if (sys.cell.row < 8 || sys.screen == SCREEN2) break; wait(); clearrow(); calcall(); showall(); totals(); entercell(sys.cell); break; case 2 : wait(); switch( sys.cell.col) { case VOLC : case VALUEC : case VOLP : case DELTAC : case VALUEP : case DELTAP: case SHAREPRICE :break; case STOCKHELD : status.stockheld = 0; break; case VOLATILITY : status.volatility = 0.0;break; case INTEREST : status.interest = 0.0; break; case DATE : case YEARMONTH : case SHARESPER : for (count =0;count <24; count++) status.sizepay[count].sharesper = 1000; break; case EXPIRYDAY : case DAYSLEFT : case MONTH : break; case STRIKE : for (count = 0;count < 30; count++) {[count].strike = 0.0;[count].volc = 0.0;[count].volp = 0.0; } break; case MARKETC : for (count = 0;count < 30; count++) {[count].marketc = 0.0;[count].volc = 0.0; } break; case HELDC : for (count = 0;count < 30; count++)[count].heldc = 0; break; case MARKETP : for (count = 0;count < 30; count++) {[count].marketp = 0.0;[count].volp = 0.0; } break; case HELDP : for (count = 0;count < 30; count++)[count].heldp = 0; break; case DIVIDENDDAY : for (count = 0;count < 24; count++) status.sizepay[count].dday = 0; break; case DIVIDENDCENTS : for (count = 0;count < 24; count++) status.sizepay[count].payout = 0; break; } wait(); calcall(); showall(); totals(); break; case 3: clearall();wait(); wait(); calcall(); showall(); totals();break; /* clear all set shares per con */ } showtotals(); ready(); entercell(sys.cell); /* inverse vol now invalid */ break; case F08 : leavecell(sys.cell); switch( choice(7, utilchoice)) { case 1 : getdir(); break; case 2 : bonusissue(); wait(); calcall(); showall(); totals(); showtotals(); ready(); break; case 3 : cashissue(); wait(); calcall(); showall(); totals(); showtotals(); ready(); break; case 4: switch( choice(3,resolutionchoice)) { case 1: numpts = 10; break; case 2: numpts = 15; break; case 3: numpts = 30; break; } break; case 5:switch (choice(3,printchoice)) { case 1: printdetails(); break; case 2: demo1();break; case 3: demo1(); break; } break; case 6: filedelete(); break; case 7 : reinstall(); } entercell(sys.cell); break; case F09 : switch (sys.screen) { case SCREEN1 : leavecell(sys.cell); if (sys.display == HELDS) sys.display = DELTAS; else sys.display = HELDS; if (sys.cell.row >= 8) sys.cell.col = MONTH; textcolor(; textbackground(; drawheadings(); showall(); showtotals(); entercell(sys.cell);break; case SCREEN2 : break; case SCREEN3 : leavecell(sys.cell); if (sys.display == INVVOL) sys.display = OVERVALUED; else sys.display = INVVOL; textcolor(; textbackground(; drawheadings(); showall(); showtotals(); entercell(sys.cell);break; } break; case F10 : switch (choice(3,quitchoice)) { case 0 : break; case 1 : wait(); textcolor(LIGHTGRAY); textbackground(BLACK); savesys(); clrscr(); gotoxy(2,2); cprintf(" The Option Analyst is a product of"); gotoxy(2,3); cprintf(" EFAM RESOURCES Pty. Ltd.\n"); retcursor(); exit(0); break; case 2 : demo(); break; case 3 : break; } break; } }
void EGHTraceFitter::setInitialParameters_(FeatureFinderAlgorithmPickedHelperStructs::MassTraces& traces) { LOG_DEBUG << "EGHTraceFitter->setInitialParameters(...)" << std::endl; LOG_DEBUG << "Number of traces: " << traces.size() << std::endl; // aggregate data; some peaks (where intensity is zero) can be missing! // mapping: RT -> total intensity over all mass traces std::list<std::pair<double, double> > total_intensities; traces.computeIntensityProfile(total_intensities); // compute moving average for smoothing: const Size N = total_intensities.size(); const Size LEN = 2; // window size: 2 * LEN + 1 std::vector<double> totals(N + 2 * LEN); // pad with zeros at ends Int index = LEN; // LOG_DEBUG << "Summed intensities:\n"; for (std::list<std::pair<double, double> >::iterator it = total_intensities.begin(); it != total_intensities.end(); ++it) { totals[index++] = it->second; // LOG_DEBUG << it->second << std::endl; } std::vector<double> smoothed(N); Size max_index = 0; // index of max. smoothed intensity // LOG_DEBUG << "Smoothed intensities:\n"; double sum = std::accumulate(&totals[LEN], &totals[2 * LEN], 0.0); for (Size i = 0; i < N; ++i) { sum += totals[i + 2 * LEN]; smoothed[i] = sum / (2 * LEN + 1); sum -= totals[i]; if (smoothed[i] > smoothed[max_index]) max_index = i; // LOG_DEBUG << smoothed[i] << std::endl; } LOG_DEBUG << "Maximum at index " << max_index << std::endl; height_ = smoothed[max_index] - traces.baseline; LOG_DEBUG << "height: " << height_ << std::endl; std::list<std::pair<double, double> >::iterator it = total_intensities.begin(); std::advance(it, max_index); apex_rt_ = it->first; LOG_DEBUG << "apex_rt: " << apex_rt_ << std::endl; region_rt_span_ = (total_intensities.rbegin()->first - total_intensities.begin()->first); LOG_DEBUG << "region_rt_span: " << region_rt_span_ << std::endl; // find RT values where intensity is at half-maximum: index = static_cast<Int>(max_index); while ((index > 0) && (smoothed[index] > height_ * 0.5)) --index; double left_height = smoothed[index]; it = total_intensities.begin(); std::advance(it, index); double left_rt = it->first; LOG_DEBUG << "Left half-maximum at index " << index << ", RT " << left_rt << std::endl; index = static_cast<Int>(max_index); while ((index < Int(N - 1)) && (smoothed[index] > height_ * 0.5)) ++index; double right_height = smoothed[index]; it = total_intensities.end(); std::advance(it, index - Int(N)); double right_rt = it->first; LOG_DEBUG << "Right half-maximum at index " << index << ", RT " << right_rt << std::endl; double A = apex_rt_ - left_rt; double B = right_rt - apex_rt_; //LOG_DEBUG << "A: " << A << std::endl; //LOG_DEBUG << "B: " << B << std::endl; // compute estimates for tau / sigma based on A and B: double alpha = (left_height + right_height) * 0.5 / height_; // ~0.5 double log_alpha = log(alpha); tau_ = -1 / log_alpha * (B - A); //EGH function fails when tau==0 if (tau_ == 0) tau_ = std::numeric_limits<double>::epsilon(); LOG_DEBUG << "tau: " << tau_ << std::endl; sigma_ = sqrt(-0.5 / log_alpha * B * A); LOG_DEBUG << "sigma: " << sigma_ << std::endl; }
void dspTimePhasedBookingsByProductCategory::sFillList() { if (!_periods->isPeriodSelected()) { if (isVisible()) QMessageBox::warning( this, tr("Select Calendar Periods"), tr("Please select one or more Calendar Periods") ); return; } _soitem->clear(); while (_soitem->columns() > 3) _soitem->removeColumn(3); _columnDates.clear(); QString sql("SELECT prodcat_id, warehous_id, prodcat_code, warehous_code"); if (_salesDollars->isChecked()) sql += ", TEXT('$') AS uom"; else if (_inventoryUnits->isChecked()) sql += ", item_invuom AS uom"; else if (_capacityUnits->isChecked()) sql += ", item_capuom AS uom"; else if (_altCapacityUnits->isChecked()) sql += ", item_altcapuom AS uom"; int columns = 1; XListViewItem *cursor = _periods->firstChild(); if (cursor != 0) { do { if (_periods->isSelected(cursor)) { if (_salesDollars->isChecked()) sql += QString(", SUM(bookingsByItemValue(itemsite_id, %2)) AS bucket%1") .arg(columns++) .arg(cursor->id()); else if (_inventoryUnits->isChecked()) sql += QString(", SUM(bookingsByItemQty(itemsite_id, %2)) AS bucket%1") .arg(columns++) .arg(cursor->id()); else if (_capacityUnits->isChecked()) sql += QString(", SUM(bookingsByItemQty(itemsite_id, %2) * item_capinvrat) AS bucket%1") .arg(columns++) .arg(cursor->id()); else if (_altCapacityUnits->isChecked()) sql += QString(", SUM(bookingsByItemQty(itemsite_id, %2) * item_altcapinvrat) AS bucket%1") .arg(columns++) .arg(cursor->id()); _soitem->addColumn(formatDate(((PeriodListViewItem *)cursor)->startDate()), _qtyColumn, Qt::AlignRight); _columnDates.append(DatePair(((PeriodListViewItem *)cursor)->startDate(), ((PeriodListViewItem *)cursor)->endDate())); } } while ((cursor = cursor->nextSibling()) != 0); } sql += " FROM itemsite, item, warehous, prodcat " "WHERE ( (itemsite_item_id=item_id)" " AND (itemsite_warehous_id=warehous_id)" " AND (item_prodcat_id=prodcat_id)"; if (_warehouse->isSelected()) sql += " AND (itemsite_warehous_id=:warehous_id) "; if (_productCategory->isSelected()) sql += "AND (prodcat_id=:prodcat_id) "; else if (_productCategory->isPattern()) sql += "AND (prodcat_code ~ :prodcat_pattern) "; sql += ") " "GROUP BY prodcat_id, warehous_id, prodcat_code, uom, warehous_code;"; q.prepare(sql); _warehouse->bindValue(q); _productCategory->bindValue(q); q.exec(); if (q.first()) { Q3ValueVector<Numeric> totals(columns);; do { XListViewItem *item = new XListViewItem( _soitem, _soitem->lastItem(), q.value("prodcat_id").toInt(), q.value("warehous_id").toInt(), q.value("prodcat_code"), q.value("warehous_code"), q.value("uom") ); for (int column = 1; column < columns; column++) { QString bucketName = QString("bucket%1").arg(column); totals[column] += q.value(bucketName).toDouble(); if ( (_inventoryUnits->isChecked()) || (_capacityUnits->isChecked()) || (_altCapacityUnits->isChecked()) ) item->setText((column + 2), formatQty(q.value(bucketName).toDouble())); else if (_salesDollars->isChecked()) item->setText((column + 2), formatMoney(q.value(bucketName).toDouble())); } } while (; XListViewItem *total = new XListViewItem(_soitem, _soitem->lastItem(), -1, QVariant(tr("Totals:"))); for (int column = 1; column < columns; column++) { if ( (_inventoryUnits->isChecked()) || (_capacityUnits->isChecked()) || (_altCapacityUnits->isChecked()) ) total->setText((column + 2), formatQty(totals[column].toDouble())); else if (_salesDollars->isChecked()) total->setText((column + 2), formatMoney(totals[column].toDouble())); } } }
char editcell(celltype cell) { int x,y; long z; char ch; char sharestring[12]; int pageint; if (page == PAGEUP || sys.screen == SCREEN2 || cell.row < 8) pageint = 0; else pageint = 15; x = endcell(cell.col)-1; y = cell.row - pageint ; switch (cell.col) {case MONTH : entercell(sys.cell); if ([cell.row-8].month == -1 && cell.row != 8 )[cell.row-8].month = inputmonth(x-2,y,([cell.row-9].month)-1); else[cell.row-8].month = inputmonth(x-2,y,[cell.row-8].month); wait(); if (sys.screen == SCREEN3) calcvolrow(cell.row); calcrow(cell.row); showrow(cell.row); if ( cell.row != 22 && cell.row != 37) { cell.row += 1; showcell(cell); cell.row = cell.row -1; } /* show date of line below if it had been hidden by showall suppression */ break; case STRIKE : entercell(sys.cell); if (status.stockprice != 4.0) exit(0);[cell.row-8].strike = inputreal(x,y,[cell.row-8].strike,8,sys.decimal); wait(); if (sys.screen == SCREEN3) calcvolrow(cell.row); calcrow(cell.row); showrow(cell.row); break; case VALUEC : getch();break; case VALUEP : getch();break; case HELDC : entercell(sys.cell); if (status.stockprice != 4.0) exit(0);[cell.row-8].heldc = inputinteger(x,y,[cell.row-8].heldc,4); wait(); showcell(sys.cell); break; case HELDP : entercell(sys.cell); if (status.stockprice != 4.0) exit(0);[cell.row-8].heldp = inputinteger(x,y,[cell.row-8].heldp,4); wait(); showcell(sys.cell); break; case STOCKHELD : entercell(sys.cell); z = status.stockheld; z = inputlint(x,y,&z,8); wait(); break; case SHAREPRICE : entercell(sys.cell); status.stockprice = 4.0; getch(); demo(); getch(); break; case VOLATILITY : entercell(sys.cell); status.volatility = inputreal(x,y,status.volatility,5,2); wait(); calcall(); calcalloverval(); showall(); break; case INTEREST : entercell(sys.cell); status.interest= inputreal(x,y,status.interest,5,2); wait(); initdivmtx(0); calcall(); if (sys.screen == SCREEN3) calcallvol(); else recalcvolvalues = TRUE; showall(); break; case DATE : entercell(sys.cell); inputdate(x,y,; wait(); initdates(); initsizepay(); calcdays(); initdivmtx(0); calcall(); if (sys.screen == SCREEN3) calcallvol(); else recalcvolvalues = TRUE; showall(); break; case SHARESPER : entercell(sys.cell); status.sizepay[y].sharesper= inputinteger(x,y,status.sizepay[y].sharesper,4); if (status.sizepay[y].sharesper < 1) status.sizepay[y].sharesper = 1; wait(); break; case EXPIRYDAY : entercell(sys.cell); sys.expiry[y].eday =inputinteger(x,y,sys.expiry[y].eday,2); if (sys.expiry[y].eday < 1) sys.expiry[y].eday = 1; else if (sys.expiry[y].eday > 31) sys.expiry[y].eday = 28; wait(); initdates(); calcdays(); initdivmtx(0); calcall(); tosavesys = TRUE; showall(); break; case DIVIDENDDAY : entercell(sys.cell); status.sizepay[y].dday=inputinteger(x,y,status.sizepay[y].dday,2); if (status.sizepay[y].dday < 0) status.sizepay[y].dday = 0; else if (status.sizepay[y].dday > 31) status.sizepay[y].dday = 28; wait(); calcdays(); initdivmtx(0); calcall(); showrow(cell.row); break; case DIVIDENDCENTS : entercell(sys.cell); status.sizepay[y].payout = inputinteger(x,y,status.sizepay[y].payout,3); if (status.sizepay[y].payout < 0) status.sizepay[y].payout = 0; wait(); initdivmtx(0); calcall(); showrow(cell.row); break; case VOLC : getch(); break; case VOLP : getch(); break; case MARKETC : entercell(sys.cell); if (status.stockprice != 4.0) exit(0);[cell.row-8].marketc = inputreal(x,y,[cell.row-8].marketc,8,sys.decimal); if ([cell.row-8].marketc < 0)[cell.row-8].marketc = 0; wait();[cell.row-8].volc = invertvolc(cell.row); calcoverval(cell.row); showrow(cell.row); break; case MARKETP : entercell(sys.cell); if (status.stockprice != 4.0) exit(0);[cell.row-8].marketp = inputreal(x,y,[cell.row-8].marketp,8,sys.decimal); if ([cell.row-8].marketp < 0)[cell.row-8].marketp = 0; wait();[cell.row-8].volp = invertvolp(cell.row); calcoverval(cell.row); showrow(cell.row); break; } entercell(cell); totals(); showtotals(); if (status.stockprice != 4.0) exit(0); ready(); ch = getch(); return(ch); }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { note("Testing static decl"); { bitstr_t bit_decl(bs, 65); /*bitstr_t *bsp = bs;*/ bit_set(bs,9); bit_set(bs,14); TEST(bit_test(bs,9), "bit 9 set"); TEST(!bit_test(bs,12), "bit 12 not set"); TEST(bit_test(bs,14), "bit 14 set" ); /*bit_free(bsp);*/ /* triggers TEST in bit_free - OK */ } note("Testing basic vixie functions"); { bitstr_t *bs = bit_alloc(16), *bs2; /*bit_set(bs, 42);*/ /* triggers TEST in bit_set - OK */ bit_set(bs,9); bit_set(bs,14); TEST(bit_test(bs,9), "bit 9 set"); TEST(!bit_test(bs,12), "bit 12 not set" ); TEST(bit_test(bs,14), "bit 14 set"); bs2 = bit_copy(bs); bit_fill_gaps(bs2); TEST(bit_ffs(bs2) == 9, "first bit set = 9 "); TEST(bit_fls(bs2) == 14, "last bit set = 14"); TEST(bit_set_count(bs2) == 6, "bitstring"); TEST(bit_test(bs2,12), "bitstring"); TEST(bit_super_set(bs,bs2) == 1, "bitstring"); TEST(bit_super_set(bs2,bs) == 0, "bitstring"); bit_clear(bs,14); TEST(!bit_test(bs,14), "bitstring"); bit_nclear(bs,9,14); TEST(!bit_test(bs,9), "bitstring"); TEST(!bit_test(bs,12), "bitstring"); TEST(!bit_test(bs,14), "bitstring"); bit_nset(bs,9,14); TEST(bit_test(bs,9), "bitstring"); TEST(bit_test(bs,12), "bitstring"); TEST(bit_test(bs,14), "bitstring"); TEST(bit_ffs(bs) == 9, "ffs"); TEST(bit_ffc(bs) == 0, "ffc"); bit_nset(bs,0,8); TEST(bit_ffc(bs) == 15, "ffc"); bit_free(bs); /*bit_set(bs,9); */ /* triggers TEST in bit_set - OK */ } note("Testing and/or/not"); { bitstr_t *bs1 = bit_alloc(128); bitstr_t *bs2 = bit_alloc(128); bit_set(bs1, 100); bit_set(bs1, 104); bit_set(bs2, 100); bit_and(bs1, bs2); TEST(bit_test(bs1, 100), "and"); TEST(!bit_test(bs1, 104), "and"); bit_set(bs2, 110); bit_set(bs2, 111); bit_set(bs2, 112); bit_or(bs1, bs2); TEST(bit_test(bs1, 100), "or"); TEST(bit_test(bs1, 110), "or"); TEST(bit_test(bs1, 111), "or"); TEST(bit_test(bs1, 112), "or"); bit_not(bs1); TEST(!bit_test(bs1, 100), "not"); TEST(bit_test(bs1, 12), "not"); bit_free(bs1); bit_free(bs2); } note("testing bit selection"); { bitstr_t *bs1 = bit_alloc(128), *bs2; bit_set(bs1, 21); bit_set(bs1, 100); bit_fill_gaps(bs1); bs2 = bit_pick_cnt(bs1,20); if (bs2) { TEST(bit_set_count(bs2) == 20, "pick"); TEST(bit_ffs(bs2) == 21, "pick"); TEST(bit_fls(bs2) == 40, "pick"); bit_free(bs2); } else TEST(0, "alloc fail"); bit_free(bs1); } note("Testing realloc"); { bitstr_t *bs = bit_alloc(1); TEST(bit_ffs(bs) == -1, "bitstring"); bit_set(bs,0); /*bit_set(bs, 1000);*/ /* triggers TEST in bit_set - OK */ bs = bit_realloc(bs,1048576); bit_set(bs,1000); bit_set(bs,1048575); TEST(bit_test(bs, 0), "bitstring"); TEST(bit_test(bs, 1000), "bitstring"); TEST(bit_test(bs, 1048575), "bitstring"); TEST(bit_set_count(bs) == 3, "bitstring"); bit_clear(bs,0); bit_clear(bs,1000); TEST(bit_set_count(bs) == 1, "bitstring"); TEST(bit_ffs(bs) == 1048575, "bitstring"); bit_free(bs); } note("Testing bit_fmt"); { char tmpstr[1024]; bitstr_t *bs = bit_alloc(1024); TEST(!strcmp(bit_fmt(tmpstr,sizeof(tmpstr),bs), ""), "bitstring"); bit_set(bs,42); TEST(!strcmp(bit_fmt(tmpstr,sizeof(tmpstr),bs), "42"), "bitstring"); bit_set(bs,102); TEST(!strcmp(bit_fmt(tmpstr,sizeof(tmpstr),bs), "42,102"), "bitstring"); bit_nset(bs,9,14); TEST(!strcmp(bit_fmt(tmpstr,sizeof(tmpstr), bs), "9-14,42,102"), "bitstring"); } note("Testing bit_nffc/bit_nffs"); { bitstr_t *bs = bit_alloc(1024); bit_set(bs, 2); bit_set(bs, 6); bit_set(bs, 7); bit_nset(bs,12,1018); TEST(bit_nffc(bs, 2) == 0, "bitstring"); TEST(bit_nffc(bs, 3) == 3, "bitstring"); TEST(bit_nffc(bs, 4) == 8, "bitstring"); TEST(bit_nffc(bs, 5) == 1019, "bitstring"); TEST(bit_nffc(bs, 6) == -1, "bitstring"); TEST(bit_nffs(bs, 1) == 2, "bitstring"); TEST(bit_nffs(bs, 2) == 6, "bitstring"); TEST(bit_nffs(bs, 100) == 12, "bitstring"); TEST(bit_nffs(bs, 1023) == -1, "bitstring"); bit_free(bs); } note("Testing bit_unfmt"); { bitstr_t *bs = bit_alloc(1024); bitstr_t *bs2 = bit_alloc(1024); char tmpstr[4096]; bit_set(bs,1); bit_set(bs,3); bit_set(bs,30); bit_nset(bs,42,64); bit_nset(bs,97,1000); bit_fmt(tmpstr, sizeof(tmpstr), bs); TEST(bit_unfmt(bs2, tmpstr) != -1, "bitstring"); TEST(bit_equal(bs, bs2), "bitstring"); } totals(); return failed; }
void RunKMedoids(const leveldb::Slice& begin, const leveldb::Slice& end, int K, leveldb::DB* db, leveldb::DB* work_db, int concurrency, std::ostream& ivar_out, std::ostream& cent_out) { auto very_start = std::chrono::system_clock::now(); auto key_centroids = uniform_init(begin, end, K); std::vector<GDELTMini> val_centroids(K); { auto it = iter(db); for (int i = 0; i < K; ++i) { it->Seek(key_centroids[i]); CHECK(it->Valid()); read(it->value(), val_centroids[i]); } } std::cout << "Divying up range among threads... " << std::flush; auto parvec = get_par_ranges(uniform_init(begin, end, concurrency), db, end); std::cout << "DONE" << std::endl; int i = 0; bool centers_changed = true; vuad totals(K); vuai cluster_sizes(K); for (int i = 0; i < K; ++i) { cluster_sizes[i].reset(new std::atomic<int>); totals[i].reset(new std::atomic<double>); } while (centers_changed) { auto start = std::chrono::system_clock::now(); assign_closest(parvec, totals, K, work_db, val_centroids, concurrency, cluster_sizes); auto tot = std::accumulate(totals.begin(), totals.end(), 0.0, [](double sum, typename vuad::value_type& d) { return sum + d->load(); }); auto end = std::chrono::system_clock::now(); std::cout << "Iteration " << ++i << " total intravariance " << tot; std::cout << "\n Assigning medoids took " << secs(start, end) << "s" << std::endl; start = std::chrono::system_clock::now(); for (auto& d : totals) { ivar_out << d->load() << " "; } ivar_out << std::endl; cent_out << key_centroids << std::endl; end = std::chrono::system_clock::now(); std::cout << " Saving medoids took " << secs(start, end) << " s" << std::endl; start = std::chrono::system_clock::now(); centers_changed = update_medoids(concurrency, K, db, work_db, val_centroids, key_centroids, totals, cluster_sizes); end = std::chrono::system_clock::now(); std::cout << " Medoid update took " << secs(start, end) << " s" << std::endl; start = end; } auto very_end = std::chrono::system_clock::now(); std::cout << "K-medoid clustering COMPLETE in " << secs(very_start, very_end) << " s" << std::endl; }
int main (int argc, char **argv) { int i, j, k; const int NUM_TOP_ITERATIONS = 2; const int NUM_MIDDLE_ITERATIONS = 2; const int NUM_BOTTOM_ITERATIONS = 2; /* We do the whole thing multiple times to shake out state-management issues in the underlying code. */ for (i = 1; i <= NUM_TOP_ITERATIONS; i++) { /* Create the top-level context. */ snprintf (test, sizeof (test), "%s iteration %d of %d of top level", extract_progname (argv[0]), i, NUM_TOP_ITERATIONS); struct top_level top_level; memset (&top_level, 0, sizeof (top_level)); top_level.ctxt = gcc_jit_context_acquire (); set_options (top_level.ctxt, argv[0]); make_types (&top_level); make_sqrt (&top_level); /* No errors should have occurred. */ CHECK_VALUE (gcc_jit_context_get_first_error (top_level.ctxt), NULL); gcc_jit_context_dump_to_file (top_level.ctxt, "dump-of-test-nested-contexts-top.c", 1); for (j = 1; j <= NUM_MIDDLE_ITERATIONS; j++) { /* Create and populate the middle-level context, using objects from the top-level context. */ snprintf (test, sizeof (test), ("%s iteration %d of %d of top level;" " %d of %d of middle level"), extract_progname (argv[0]), i, NUM_TOP_ITERATIONS, j, NUM_MIDDLE_ITERATIONS); struct middle_level middle_level; memset (&middle_level, 0, sizeof (middle_level)); middle_level.ctxt = gcc_jit_context_new_child_context (top_level.ctxt); make_calc_discriminant (&top_level, &middle_level); /* No errors should have occurred. */ CHECK_VALUE (gcc_jit_context_get_first_error (middle_level.ctxt), NULL); gcc_jit_context_dump_to_file (middle_level.ctxt, "dump-of-test-nested-contexts-middle.c", 1); gcc_jit_result *middle_result = gcc_jit_context_compile (middle_level.ctxt); CHECK_NON_NULL (middle_result); verify_middle_code (middle_level.ctxt, middle_result); for (k = 1; k <= NUM_BOTTOM_ITERATIONS; k++) { /* Create and populate the innermost context, using objects from the top-level and middle-level contexts. */ snprintf (test, sizeof (test), ("%s iteration %d of %d of top level;" " %d of %d of middle level;" " %d of %d of bottom level"), extract_progname (argv[0]), i, NUM_TOP_ITERATIONS, j, NUM_MIDDLE_ITERATIONS, k, NUM_BOTTOM_ITERATIONS); struct bottom_level bottom_level; memset (&bottom_level, 0, sizeof (bottom_level)); bottom_level.ctxt = gcc_jit_context_new_child_context (middle_level.ctxt); make_test_quadratic (&top_level, &middle_level, &bottom_level); /* No errors should have occurred. */ CHECK_VALUE (gcc_jit_context_get_first_error (bottom_level.ctxt), NULL); gcc_jit_context_dump_to_file (bottom_level.ctxt, "dump-of-test-nested-contexts-bottom.c", 1); gcc_jit_result *bottom_result = gcc_jit_context_compile (bottom_level.ctxt); verify_bottom_code (bottom_level.ctxt, bottom_result); gcc_jit_result_release (bottom_result); gcc_jit_context_release (bottom_level.ctxt); } gcc_jit_result_release (middle_result); gcc_jit_context_release (middle_level.ctxt); } gcc_jit_context_release (top_level.ctxt); } totals (); return 0; }
void StatisticsBasedScorer::score(const candidates_t& candidates, const diffs_t& diffs, statscores_t& scores) const { if (!m_score_data) { throw runtime_error("Score data not loaded"); } // calculate the score for the candidates if (m_score_data->size() == 0) { throw runtime_error("Score data is empty"); } if (candidates.size() == 0) { throw runtime_error("No candidates supplied"); } int numCounts = m_score_data->get(0,candidates[0]).size(); vector<int> totals(numCounts); for (size_t i = 0; i < candidates.size(); ++i) { ScoreStats stats = m_score_data->get(i,candidates[i]); if (stats.size() != totals.size()) { stringstream msg; msg << "Statistics for (" << "," << candidates[i] << ") have incorrect " << "number of fields. Found: " << stats.size() << " Expected: " << totals.size(); throw runtime_error(msg.str()); } for (size_t k = 0; k < totals.size(); ++k) { totals[k] += stats.get(k); } } scores.push_back(calculateScore(totals)); candidates_t last_candidates(candidates); // apply each of the diffs, and get new scores for (size_t i = 0; i < diffs.size(); ++i) { for (size_t j = 0; j < diffs[i].size(); ++j) { size_t sid = diffs[i][j].first; size_t nid = diffs[i][j].second; size_t last_nid = last_candidates[sid]; for (size_t k = 0; k < totals.size(); ++k) { int diff = m_score_data->get(sid,nid).get(k) - m_score_data->get(sid,last_nid).get(k); totals[k] += diff; } last_candidates[sid] = nid; } scores.push_back(calculateScore(totals)); } // Regularisation. This can either be none, or the min or average as described in // Cer, Jurafsky and Manning at WMT08. if (m_regularization_type == NONE || m_regularization_window <= 0) { // no regularisation return; } // window size specifies the +/- in each direction statscores_t raw_scores(scores); // copy scores for (size_t i = 0; i < scores.size(); ++i) { size_t start = 0; if (i >= m_regularization_window) { start = i - m_regularization_window; } const size_t end = min(scores.size(), i + m_regularization_window + 1); if (m_regularization_type == AVERAGE) { scores[i] = score_average(raw_scores,start,end); } else { scores[i] = score_min(raw_scores,start,end); } } }
void dspTimePhasedSalesByCustomerByItem::sFillList() { _sohist->clear(); if (!_periods->isPeriodSelected()) return; _sohist->clear(); _sohist->setColumnCount(2); QString sql("SELECT cust_id, cust_number, cust_name"); int columns = 1; QList<QTreeWidgetItem*> selected = _periods->selectedItems(); for (int i = 0; i < selected.size(); i++) { PeriodListViewItem *cursor = (PeriodListViewItem*)selected[i]; if (_productCategory->isSelected()) sql += QString(", shipmentsByCustomerValue(cust_id, %1, :prodcat_id) AS bucket%3") .arg(cursor->id()) .arg(columns++); else if (_productCategory->isPattern()) sql += QString(", shipmentsByCustomerValue(cust_id, %1, :prodcat_pattern) AS bucket%3") .arg(cursor->id()) .arg(columns++); else sql += QString(", shipmentsByCustomerValue(cust_id, %1) AS bucket%2") .arg(cursor->id()) .arg(columns++); _sohist->addColumn(formatDate(cursor->startDate()), _qtyColumn, Qt::AlignRight); _columnDates.append(DatePair(cursor->startDate(), cursor->endDate())); } sql += " FROM cust "; if (_customerType->isSelected()) sql += "WHERE (cust_custtype_id=:custtype_id)"; else if (_customerType->isPattern()) sql += "WHERE (cust_custtype_id IN (SELECT custtype_id FROM custtype WHERE (custtype_code ~ :custtype_pattern))) "; if (_byCustomer->isChecked()) sql += "ORDER BY cust_number;"; else if (_bySales->isChecked()) sql += "ORDER BY bucket1 DESC;"; q.prepare(sql); _customerType->bindValue(q); _productCategory->bindValue(q); q.exec(); if (q.first()) { Q3ValueVector<Numeric> totals(columns);; XTreeWidgetItem *last = 0; do { last = new XTreeWidgetItem( _sohist, last, q.value("cust_id").toInt(), q.value("cust_number"), q.value("cust_name") ); for (int column = 1; column < columns; column++) { QString bucketName = QString("bucket%1").arg(column); last->setText((column + 1), formatMoney(q.value(bucketName).toDouble())); totals[column] += q.value(bucketName).toDouble(); } } while (; // Add the totals row XTreeWidgetItem *total = new XTreeWidgetItem(_sohist, last, -1, QVariant(tr("Totals:"))); for (int column = 1; column < columns; column++) total->setText((column + 1), formatMoney(totals[column].toDouble())); } }
void dspTimePhasedOpenAPItems::sFillCustom() { if (!_periods->isPeriodSelected()) { if (isVisible()) QMessageBox::warning( this, tr("Select Calendar Periods"), tr("Please select one or more Calendar Periods") ); return; } _columnDates.clear(); _apopen->clear(); _apopen->setColumnCount(2); QString sql("SELECT vend_id, vend_number, vend_name"); int columns = 1; QList<QTreeWidgetItem*> selected = _periods->selectedItems(); for (int i = 0; i < selected.size(); i++) { PeriodListViewItem *cursor = (PeriodListViewItem*)selected[i]; sql += QString(", openAPItemsValue(vend_id, %2) AS bucket%1") .arg(columns++) .arg(cursor->id()); _apopen->addColumn(formatDate(cursor->startDate()), _bigMoneyColumn, Qt::AlignRight); _columnDates.append(DatePair(cursor->startDate(), cursor->endDate())); } sql += " FROM vend "; if (_selectedVendor->isChecked()) sql += "WHERE (vend_id=:vend_id)"; else if (_selectedVendorType->isChecked()) sql += "WHERE (vend_vendtype_id=:vendtype_id)"; else if (_vendorTypePattern->isChecked()) sql += "WHERE (vend_vendtype_id IN (SELECT vendtype_id FROM vendtype WHERE (vendtype_code ~ :vendtype_code))) "; sql += "ORDER BY vend_number;"; q.prepare(sql); q.bindValue(":vend_id", _vend->id()); q.bindValue(":vendtype_id", _vendorTypes->id()); q.bindValue(":vendtype_code", _vendorType->text().upper()); q.exec(); if (q.first()) { Q3ValueVector<Numeric> totals(columns);; XTreeWidgetItem *last = 0; do { double lineTotal = 0.0; last = new XTreeWidgetItem( _apopen, last, q.value("vend_id").toInt(), q.value("vend_number"), q.value("vend_name") ); for (int column = 1; column < columns; column++) { QString bucketName = QString("bucket%1").arg(column); last->setText((column + 1), formatMoney(q.value(bucketName).toDouble())); totals[column] += q.value(bucketName).toDouble(); lineTotal += q.value(bucketName).toDouble(); } if (lineTotal == 0.0) { delete last; last = _apopen->topLevelItem(_apopen->topLevelItemCount() - 1); } } while (; // Add the totals row XTreeWidgetItem *total = new XTreeWidgetItem(_apopen, last, -1, QVariant(tr("Totals:"))); for (int column = 1; column < columns; column++) total->setText((column + 1), formatMoney(totals[column].toDouble())); } }
int main (int argc, char *argv[]) { Buf buffer; uint16_t test16 = 1234, out16; uint32_t test32 = 5678, out32, byte_cnt; char testbytes[] = "TEST BYTES", *outbytes; char teststring[] = "TEST STRING", *outstring = NULL; char *nullstr = NULL; char *data; int data_size; long double test_double = 1340664754944.2132312, test_double2; uint64_t test64; buffer = init_buf (0); pack16(test16, buffer); pack32(test32, buffer); pack64((uint64_t)test_double, buffer); packstr(testbytes, buffer); packstr(teststring, buffer); packstr(nullstr, buffer); packstr("literal", buffer); packstr("", buffer); data_size = get_buf_offset(buffer); printf("wrote %d bytes\n", data_size); /* Pull data off old buffer, destroy it, and create a new one */ data = xfer_buf_data(buffer); buffer = create_buf(data, data_size); unpack16(&out16, buffer); TEST(out16 != test16, "un/pack16"); unpack32(&out32, buffer); TEST(out32 != test32, "un/pack32"); unpack64(&test64, buffer); test_double2 = (long double)test64; TEST((uint64_t)test_double2 != (uint64_t)test_double, "un/pack double as a uint64"); /* info("Original\t %Lf", test_double); */ /* info("uint64\t %ld", test64); */ /* info("converted LD\t %Lf", test_double2); */ unpackstr_ptr(&outbytes, &byte_cnt, buffer); TEST( ( strcmp(testbytes, outbytes) != 0 ) , "un/packstr_ptr"); unpackstr_xmalloc(&outstring, &byte_cnt, buffer); TEST(strcmp(teststring, outstring) != 0, "un/packstr_xmalloc"); xfree(outstring); unpackstr_xmalloc(&nullstr, &byte_cnt, buffer); TEST(nullstr != NULL, "un/packstr of null string."); unpackstr_xmalloc(&outstring, &byte_cnt, buffer); TEST(strcmp("literal", outstring) != 0, "un/packstr of string literal"); xfree(outstring); unpackstr_xmalloc(&outstring, &byte_cnt, buffer); TEST(strcmp("", outstring) != 0, "un/packstr of string \"\" "); xfree(outstring); free_buf(buffer); totals(); return failed; }