     * Call with audio and video on both sides. Alice calls Bob.
    CALL_AND_START_LOOP(TypeVideo, TypeVideo) {
        /* Both send */
        toxav_send_audio(status_control.Alice.av, sample_payload, 10);
        toxav_send_video(status_control.Alice.av, sample_image);

        toxav_send_audio(status_control.Bob.av, sample_payload, 10);
        toxav_send_video(status_control.Bob.av, sample_image);

        /* Both receive */
        int16_t storage[10];
        vpx_image_t *video_storage;
        int recved;

        /* Payload from Bob */
        recved = toxav_recv_audio(status_control.Alice.av, 10, storage);

        if ( recved ) {
            /*ck_assert_msg(recved == 10 && memcmp(storage, sample_payload, 10) == 0, "Payload from Bob is invalid");*/
            memset(storage, 0, 10);

        /* Video payload */
        toxav_recv_video(status_control.Alice.av, &video_storage);

        if ( video_storage ) {
            /*ck_assert_msg( memcmp(video_storage->planes[VPX_PLANE_Y], sample_payload, 10) == 0 || 
            memcmp(video_storage->planes[VPX_PLANE_U], sample_payload, 10) == 0 || 
            memcmp(video_storage->planes[VPX_PLANE_V], sample_payload, 10) == 0 , "Payload from Bob is invalid");*/

        /* Payload from Alice */
        recved = toxav_recv_audio(status_control.Bob.av, 10, storage);

        if ( recved ) {
            /*ck_assert_msg(recved == 10 && memcmp(storage, sample_payload, 10) == 0, "Payload from Alice is invalid");*/

        /* Video payload */
        toxav_recv_video(status_control.Bob.av, &video_storage);

        if ( video_storage ) {
            /*ck_assert_msg( memcmp(video_storage->planes[VPX_PLANE_Y], sample_payload, 10) == 0 || 
            memcmp(video_storage->planes[VPX_PLANE_U], sample_payload, 10) == 0 || 
            memcmp(video_storage->planes[VPX_PLANE_V], sample_payload, 10) == 0 , "Payload from Alice is invalid");*/

        if (time(NULL) - cur_time > 10) { /* Transmit for 10 seconds */
            step++; /* This terminates the loop */

            /* Call over Alice hangs up */
Beispiel #2
void *one_threaded_audio(void *arg)
    INFO("Started audio thread!");
    av_session_t *_phone = arg;
    _phone->running_decaud = 1;
    //int recved_size;
    //uint8_t dest [RTP_PAYLOAD_SIZE];
    int frame_size = AUDIO_FRAME_SIZE;
    int16_t frame[4096];
    ALint sample = 0;
    alcCaptureStart((ALCdevice *)_phone->audio_capture_device);
    ALCdevice *dev;
    ALCcontext *ctx;
    ALuint source, *buffers;
    dev = alcOpenDevice(NULL);
    ctx = alcCreateContext(dev, NULL);
    int openal_buffers = 5;
    buffers = calloc(sizeof(ALuint) * openal_buffers, 1);
    alGenBuffers(openal_buffers, buffers);
    alGenSources((ALuint)1, &source);
    alSourcei(source, AL_LOOPING, AL_FALSE);
    ALuint buffer;
    ALint ready;
    uint16_t zeros[frame_size];
    memset(zeros, 0, frame_size);
    int16_t PCM[frame_size];
    int i;
    for (i = 0; i < openal_buffers; ++i) {
        alBufferData(buffers[i], AL_FORMAT_MONO16, zeros, frame_size, 48000);
    alSourceQueueBuffers(source, openal_buffers, buffers);
    if (alGetError() != AL_NO_ERROR) {
        fprintf(stderr, "Error starting audio\n");
        goto ending;
    int dec_frame_len;
    while (_phone->running_decaud) {
        // combo
        alcGetIntegerv((ALCdevice *)_phone->audio_capture_device, ALC_CAPTURE_SAMPLES, (ALCsizei)sizeof(ALint), &sample);
        // record and send        
        if (sample >= frame_size) {
            alcCaptureSamples((ALCdevice *)_phone->audio_capture_device, frame, frame_size);
            if (toxav_send_audio(_phone->av, frame, frame_size) < 0) 
                printf("Could not encode or send audio packet\n");
        } else  {
        // play received
        alGetSourcei(source, AL_BUFFERS_PROCESSED, &ready);
        if (ready <= 0)
        dec_frame_len = toxav_recv_audio(_phone->av, frame_size, PCM);
        /* Play the packet */
        if (dec_frame_len > 0) {
            alSourceUnqueueBuffers(source, 1, &buffer);
            alBufferData(buffer, AL_FORMAT_MONO16, PCM, dec_frame_len * 2 * 1, 48000);
            int error = alGetError();
            if (error != AL_NO_ERROR) {
                fprintf(stderr, "Error setting buffer %d\n", error);
            alSourceQueueBuffers(source, 1, &buffer);
            if (alGetError() != AL_NO_ERROR) {
                fprintf(stderr, "Error: could not buffer audio\n");
            alGetSourcei(source, AL_SOURCE_STATE, &ready);
            if (ready != AL_PLAYING) alSourcePlay(source);
    _phone->running_decaud = -1;
    pthread_exit ( NULL );
Beispiel #3
void *decode_audio_thread(void *arg)
    INFO("Started decode audio thread!");
    av_session_t *_phone = arg;
    _phone->running_decaud = 1;

    //int recved_size;
    //uint8_t dest [RTP_PAYLOAD_SIZE];

    int frame_size = AUDIO_FRAME_SIZE;
    //int data_size;

    ALCdevice *dev;
    ALCcontext *ctx;
    ALuint source, *buffers;
    dev = alcOpenDevice(NULL);
    ctx = alcCreateContext(dev, NULL);
    int openal_buffers = 5;

    buffers = calloc(sizeof(ALuint) * openal_buffers, 1);
    alGenBuffers(openal_buffers, buffers);
    alGenSources((ALuint)1, &source);
    alSourcei(source, AL_LOOPING, AL_FALSE);

    ALuint buffer;
    ALint ready;

    uint16_t zeros[frame_size];
    memset(zeros, 0, frame_size);
    int16_t PCM[frame_size];

    int i;

    for (i = 0; i < openal_buffers; ++i) {
        alBufferData(buffers[i], AL_FORMAT_MONO16, zeros, frame_size, 48000);

    alSourceQueueBuffers(source, openal_buffers, buffers);

    if (alGetError() != AL_NO_ERROR) {
        fprintf(stderr, "Error starting audio\n");
        goto ending;

    int dec_frame_len = 0;

    while (_phone->running_decaud) {

        alGetSourcei(source, AL_BUFFERS_PROCESSED, &ready);

        if (ready <= 0)

        dec_frame_len = toxav_recv_audio(_phone->av, frame_size, PCM);

        /* Play the packet */
        if (dec_frame_len > 0) {
            alSourceUnqueueBuffers(source, 1, &buffer);
            alBufferData(buffer, AL_FORMAT_MONO16, PCM, dec_frame_len * 2 * 1, 48000);
            int error = alGetError();

            if (error != AL_NO_ERROR) {
                fprintf(stderr, "Error setting buffer %d\n", error);

            alSourceQueueBuffers(source, 1, &buffer);

            if (alGetError() != AL_NO_ERROR) {
                fprintf(stderr, "Error: could not buffer audio\n");

            alGetSourcei(source, AL_SOURCE_STATE, &ready);

            if (ready != AL_PLAYING) alSourcePlay(source);


    /* clean up codecs */
    alDeleteSources(1, &source);
    alDeleteBuffers(openal_buffers, buffers);

    _phone->running_decaud = -1;

    pthread_exit ( NULL );
Beispiel #4
     * Call with audio and video on both sides. Alice calls Bob.
    CALL_AND_START_LOOP(TypeVideo, TypeVideo) {
        /* Both send */

        payload_size = toxav_prepare_audio_frame(status_control.Alice.av, status_control.Alice.call_index, prepared_payload,
                       1000, sample_payload, frame_size);

        if ( payload_size < 0 ) {
            ck_assert_msg ( 0, "Failed to encode payload" );

        toxav_send_audio(status_control.Alice.av, status_control.Alice.call_index, prepared_payload, payload_size);

        payload_size = toxav_prepare_audio_frame(status_control.Bob.av, status_control.Bob.call_index, prepared_payload, 1000,
                       sample_payload, frame_size);

        if ( payload_size < 0 ) {
            ck_assert_msg ( 0, "Failed to encode payload" );

        toxav_send_audio(status_control.Bob.av, status_control.Bob.call_index, prepared_payload, payload_size);

//         toxav_send_video(status_control.Alice.av, status_control.Alice.call_index, sample_image);
//         toxav_send_video(status_control.Bob.av, status_control.Bob.call_index, sample_image);

        /* Both receive */
        int16_t storage[frame_size];
        vpx_image_t *video_storage;
        int recved;

        /* Payload from Bob */
        recved = toxav_recv_audio(status_control.Alice.av, status_control.Alice.call_index, frame_size, storage);

        if ( recved ) {
            /*ck_assert_msg(recved == 10 && memcmp(storage, sample_payload, 10) == 0, "Payload from Bob is invalid");*/

        /* Video payload */
//         toxav_recv_video(status_control.Alice.av, status_control.Alice.call_index, &video_storage);
//         if ( video_storage ) {
//             /*ck_assert_msg( memcmp(video_storage->planes[VPX_PLANE_Y], sample_payload, 10) == 0 ||
//             memcmp(video_storage->planes[VPX_PLANE_U], sample_payload, 10) == 0 ||
//             memcmp(video_storage->planes[VPX_PLANE_V], sample_payload, 10) == 0 , "Payload from Bob is invalid");*/
//             vpx_img_free(video_storage);
//         }

        /* Payload from Alice */
        recved = toxav_recv_audio(status_control.Bob.av, status_control.Bob.call_index, frame_size, storage);

        if ( recved ) {
            /*ck_assert_msg(recved == 10 && memcmp(storage, sample_payload, 10) == 0, "Payload from Alice is invalid");*/

        /* Video payload */
//         toxav_recv_video(status_control.Bob.av, status_control.Bob.call_index, &video_storage);
//         if ( video_storage ) {
//             /*ck_assert_msg( memcmp(video_storage->planes[VPX_PLANE_Y], sample_payload, 10) == 0 ||
//             memcmp(video_storage->planes[VPX_PLANE_U], sample_payload, 10) == 0 ||
//             memcmp(video_storage->planes[VPX_PLANE_V], sample_payload, 10) == 0 , "Payload from Alice is invalid");*/
//             vpx_img_free(video_storage);
//         }

        if (time(NULL) - cur_time > 10) { /* Transmit for 10 seconds */
            step++; /* This terminates the loop */
            toxav_kill_transmission(status_control.Alice.av, status_control.Alice.call_index);
            toxav_kill_transmission(status_control.Bob.av, status_control.Bob.call_index);

            /* Call over Alice hangs up */
            toxav_hangup(status_control.Alice.av, status_control.Alice.call_index);
Beispiel #5
void *transmission(void *arg)
#define lock pthread_mutex_lock(&this_call->mutex)
#define unlock pthread_mutex_unlock(&this_call->mutex)

    ToxWindow* self = arg;
    int32_t call_index = self->call_idx;

    /* Missing audio support */
    if ( !ASettins.av ) _cbend;

    Call* this_call = &ASettins.calls[call_index];

    int32_t dec_frame_len;
    int16_t PCM[frame_size];
    this_call->has_output = 1;
    if ( open_primary_device(input, &this_call->in_idx) != de_None ) 
        line_info_add(self, NULL, NULL, NULL, "Failed to open input device!", SYS_MSG, 0, 0);
    if ( register_device_callback(call_index, this_call->in_idx, read_device_callback, &call_index, _True) != de_None) 
        /* Set VAD as true for all; TODO: Make it more dynamic */
        line_info_add(self, NULL, NULL, NULL, "Failed to register input handler!", SYS_MSG, 0, 0);
    if ( open_primary_device(output, &this_call->out_idx) != de_None ) {
        line_info_add(self, NULL, NULL, NULL, "Failed to open output device!", SYS_MSG, 0, 0);
        this_call->has_output = 0;
    /* Start transmission */
    while (this_call->ttas) {
        if ( this_call->has_output ) {
            if (playback_device_ready(this_call->out_idx) == de_Busy) {
            dec_frame_len = toxav_recv_audio(ASettins.av, call_index, frame_size, PCM);

            /* Play the packet */
            if (dec_frame_len > 0) {
                write_out(this_call->out_idx, PCM, dec_frame_len, av_DefaultSettings.audio_channels);
            else if (dec_frame_len != 0) {
                /* >implying it'll ever get an error */

    if ( this_call->in_idx != -1 ) if ( close_device(input, this_call->in_idx) != de_None )
        line_info_add(self, NULL, NULL, NULL, "Failed to close input device!", SYS_MSG, 0, 0);
    if ( this_call->out_idx != -1 ) if ( close_device(output, this_call->out_idx) != de_None )
        line_info_add(self, NULL, NULL, NULL, "Failed to close output device!", SYS_MSG, 0, 0);
    set_call(this_call, _False);