Beispiel #1
static gboolean
add_member (GObject *object,
            TpHandle member,
            const gchar *message,
            GError **error)
  ExampleCallableMediaChannel *self = EXAMPLE_CALLABLE_MEDIA_CHANNEL (object);
  TpHandleRepoIface *contact_repo = tp_base_connection_get_handles
      (self->priv->conn, TP_HANDLE_TYPE_CONTACT);

  /* In connection managers that supported the RequestChannel method for
   * streamed media channels, it would be necessary to support adding the
   * called contact to the members of an outgoing call. However, in this
   * legacy-free example, we don't support that usage, so the only use for
   * AddMembers is to accept an incoming call.

  if (member == self->group.self_handle &&
      tp_handle_set_is_member (self->group.local_pending, member))
      /* We're in local-pending, move to members to accept. */
      TpIntSet *set = tp_intset_new_containing (member);
      GHashTableIter iter;
      gpointer v;

      g_assert (self->priv->progress == PROGRESS_CALLING);

      g_message ("SIGNALLING: send: Accepting incoming call from %s",
          tp_handle_inspect (contact_repo, self->priv->handle));

      self->priv->progress = PROGRESS_ACTIVE;

      tp_group_mixin_change_members (object, "",
          set /* added */,
          NULL /* nobody removed */,
          NULL /* nobody added to local pending */,
          NULL /* nobody added to remote pending */,
          member /* actor */, TP_CHANNEL_GROUP_CHANGE_REASON_NONE);

      tp_intset_destroy (set);

      g_hash_table_iter_init (&iter, self->priv->streams);

      while (g_hash_table_iter_next (&iter, NULL, &v))
          /* we accept the proposed stream direction... */
          example_callable_media_stream_accept_proposed_direction (v);
          /* ... and the stream tries to connect */
          example_callable_media_stream_connect (v);

      return TRUE;

  /* Otherwise it's a meaningless request, so reject it. */
  g_set_error (error, TP_ERRORS, TP_ERROR_NOT_AVAILABLE,
      "Cannot add handle %u to channel", member);
  return FALSE;
Beispiel #2
    static void
fetion_contact_list_set_group_members_async (TpBaseContactList *contact_list,
        const gchar *group,
        TpHandleSet *contacts,
        GAsyncReadyCallback callback,
        gpointer user_data)
    FetionContactList *self = FETION_CONTACT_LIST (contact_list);
    FetionConnection *conn =
        FETION_CONNECTION (self->priv->conn);
    HybridAccount *account = conn->priv->account;
    HybridGroup *dest_group = hybrid_blist_find_group_by_name(account, group);
    if (dest_group == NULL)
        return ; // the group must existed

    TpHandleSet *added = tp_handle_set_new (account->contact_repo);
    TpHandleSet *removed = tp_handle_set_new (account->contact_repo);

    TpIntsetFastIter iter;
    TpHandle member;

    tp_intset_fast_iter_init (&iter, tp_handle_set_peek (contacts));

    while (tp_intset_fast_iter_next (&iter, &member))

        HybridBuddy* buddy = hybrid_blist_find_buddy_by_handle(account,member);
        if (buddy == NULL)
            continue; // must existed
        HybridGroup *origin_group = buddy->parent;
        if (origin_group == dest_group)


        tp_handle_set_add (added, member);

    tp_intset_fast_iter_init (&iter, tp_handle_set_peek (account->contacts));

    HybridGroup *default_group = hybrid_blist_find_group(account, "0"); 
    g_assert (default_group != NULL);
    while (tp_intset_fast_iter_next (&iter, &member))
        if (tp_handle_set_is_member (contacts, member))

        HybridBuddy* buddy = hybrid_blist_find_buddy_by_handle(account,member);
        if (buddy == NULL)
            continue; // must existed
        HybridGroup *origin_group = buddy->parent;
        if (origin_group != dest_group)


        tp_handle_set_add (removed, member);

    if (!tp_handle_set_is_empty (added))
        tp_base_contact_list_groups_changed (contact_list, added, &group, 1,
                NULL, 0);

    if (!tp_handle_set_is_empty (removed))
        tp_base_contact_list_groups_changed (contact_list, removed, NULL, 0,
                &group, 1);

    tp_handle_set_destroy (added);
    tp_handle_set_destroy (removed);
    tp_simple_async_report_success_in_idle ((GObject *) self, callback,
            user_data, fetion_contact_list_set_group_members_async);