Beispiel #1
static void xmit_ax25_frames (int c, int p, packet_t pp)

  	unsigned char fbuf[AX25_MAX_PACKET_LEN+2];
    	int flen;
	char stemp[1024];	/* max size needed? */
	int info_len;
	unsigned char *pinfo;
	int pre_flags, post_flags;
	int num_bits;		/* Total number of bits in transmission */
				/* including all flags and bit stuffing. */
	int duration;		/* Transmission time in milliseconds. */
	int already;
	int wait_more;

	int maxframe;		/* Maximum number of frames for one transmission. */
	int numframe;		/* Number of frames sent during this transmission. */

 * These are for timing of a transmission.
 * All are in usual unix time (seconds since 1/1/1970) but higher resolution
	double time_ptt;	/* Time when PTT is turned on. */
	double time_now;	/* Current time. */

	int nb;

	maxframe = (p == TQ_PRIO_0_HI) ? 1 : 7;

 * Print trasmitted packet.  Prefix by channel and priority.
 * Do this before we get into the time critical part.
	ax25_format_addrs (pp, stemp);
	info_len = ax25_get_info (pp, &pinfo);
	dw_printf ("[%d%c] ", c, p==TQ_PRIO_0_HI ? 'H' : 'L');
	dw_printf ("%s", stemp);			/* stations followed by : */
	ax25_safe_print ((char *)pinfo, info_len, ! ax25_is_aprs(pp));
	dw_printf ("\n");
	(void)ax25_check_addresses (pp);

/* Optional hex dump of packet. */

	if (g_debug_xmit_packet) {

	  dw_printf ("------\n");
	  ax25_hex_dump (pp);
    	  dw_printf ("------\n");

 * Turn on transmitter.
 * Start sending leading flag bytes.
	time_ptt = dtime_now ();

	dw_printf ("xmit_thread: Turn on PTT now for channel %d. speed = %d\n", c, xmit_bits_per_sec[c]);
	ptt_set (OCTYPE_PTT, c, 1);

	pre_flags = MS_TO_BITS(xmit_txdelay[c] * 10, c) / 8;
	num_bits =  hdlc_send_flags (c, pre_flags, 0);
	dw_printf ("xmit_thread: txdelay=%d [*10], pre_flags=%d, num_bits=%d\n", xmit_txdelay[c], pre_flags, num_bits);

 * Transmit the frame.
	flen = ax25_pack (pp, fbuf);
	assert (flen >= 1 && flen <= sizeof(fbuf));
	nb = hdlc_send_frame (c, fbuf, flen);
	num_bits += nb;
	numframe = 1;
	dw_printf ("xmit_thread: flen=%d, nb=%d, num_bits=%d, numframe=%d\n", flen, nb, num_bits, numframe);
	ax25_delete (pp);

 * Additional packets if available and not exceeding max.

	while (numframe < maxframe && tq_count (c,p) > 0) {

	  pp = tq_remove (c, p);
	 dw_printf ("xmit_thread: tq_remove(chan=%d, prio=%d) returned %p\n", c, p, pp);
	 ax25_format_addrs (pp, stemp);
	 info_len = ax25_get_info (pp, &pinfo);
	 dw_printf ("[%d%c] ", c, p==TQ_PRIO_0_HI ? 'H' : 'L');
	 dw_printf ("%s", stemp);			/* stations followed by : */
	 ax25_safe_print ((char *)pinfo, info_len, ! ax25_is_aprs(pp));
	 dw_printf ("\n");
	 (void)ax25_check_addresses (pp);

	 if (g_debug_xmit_packet) {
	    dw_printf ("------\n");
	    ax25_hex_dump (pp);
    	    dw_printf ("------\n");

 * Transmit the frame.
	  flen = ax25_pack (pp, fbuf);
	  assert (flen >= 1 && flen <= sizeof(fbuf));
	  nb = hdlc_send_frame (c, fbuf, flen);
	  num_bits += nb;
	  dw_printf ("xmit_thread: flen=%d, nb=%d, num_bits=%d, numframe=%d\n", flen, nb, num_bits, numframe);
	  ax25_delete (pp);

 * Need TXTAIL because we don't know exactly when the sound is done.

	post_flags = MS_TO_BITS(xmit_txtail[c] * 10, c) / 8;
	nb = hdlc_send_flags (c, post_flags, 1);
	num_bits += nb;
	dw_printf ("xmit_thread: txtail=%d [*10], post_flags=%d, nb=%d, num_bits=%d\n", xmit_txtail[c], post_flags, nb, num_bits);

 * While demodulating is CPU intensive, generating the tones is not.
 * Example: on the RPi, with 50% of the CPU taken with two receive
 * channels, a transmission of more than a second is generated in
 * about 40 mS of elapsed real time.


 * Ideally we should be here just about the time when the audio is ending.
 * However, the innards of "audio_wait" are not satisfactory in all cases.
 * Calculate how long the frame(s) should take in milliseconds.

	duration = BITS_TO_MS(num_bits, c);

 * See how long it has been since PTT was turned on.
 * Wait additional time if necessary.

	time_now = dtime_now();
	already = (int) ((time_now - time_ptt) * 1000.);
	wait_more = duration - already;

	dw_printf ("xmit_thread: xmit duration=%d, %d already elapsed since PTT, wait %d more\n", duration, already, wait_more );

	if (wait_more > 0) {
	else if (wait_more < -100) {

	  /* If we run over by 10 mSec or so, it's nothing to worry about. */
	  /* However, if PTT is still on about 1/10 sec after audio */
	  /* should be done, something is wrong. */

	  /* Looks like a bug with the RPi audio system. Never an issue with Ubuntu.  */
	  /* This runs over randomly sometimes. TODO:  investigate more fully sometime. */
#ifndef __arm__
	  dw_printf ("Transmit timing error: PTT is on %d mSec too long.\n", -wait_more);

 * Turn off transmitter.
	time_now = dtime_now();
	dw_printf ("xmit_thread: Turn off PTT now. Actual time on was %d mS, vs. %d desired\n", (int) ((time_now - time_ptt) * 1000.), duration);
	ptt_set (OCTYPE_PTT, c, 0);

} /* end xmit_ax25_frames */
Beispiel #2
static int
sudoers_policy_open(unsigned int version, sudo_conv_t conversation,
    sudo_printf_t plugin_printf, char * const settings[],
    char * const user_info[], char * const envp[], char * const args[])
    volatile int sources = 0;
    sigaction_t sa;
    struct sudo_nss *nss;
    struct sudo_nss *nss_next;
    debug_decl(sudoers_policy_open, SUDO_DEBUG_PLUGIN)

    sudo_version = version;
    if (!sudo_conv)
	sudo_conv = conversation;
    if (!sudo_printf)
	sudo_printf = plugin_printf;

    /* Plugin args are only specified for API version 1.2 and higher. */
    if (sudo_version < SUDO_API_MKVERSION(1, 2))
	args = NULL;

    if (sigsetjmp(error_jmp, 1)) {
	/* called via error(), errorx() or log_fatal() */

    bindtextdomain("sudoers", LOCALEDIR);

     * Signal setup:
     *	Ignore keyboard-generated signals so the user cannot interrupt
     *  us at some point and avoid the logging.
     *  Install handler to wait for children when they exit.
    zero_bytes(&sa, sizeof(sa));
    sa.sa_flags = SA_RESTART;
    sa.sa_handler = SIG_IGN;
    (void) sigaction(SIGINT, &sa, &saved_sa_int);
    (void) sigaction(SIGQUIT, &sa, &saved_sa_quit);
    (void) sigaction(SIGTSTP, &sa, &saved_sa_tstp);


    /* Initialize environment functions (including replacements). */

    /* Setup defaults data structures. */

    /* Parse args, settings and user_info */
    sudo_mode = deserialize_info(args, settings, user_info);

    init_vars(envp);		/* XXX - move this later? */

    /* Parse nsswitch.conf for sudoers order. */
    snl = sudo_read_nss();

    /* LDAP or NSS may modify the euid so we need to be root for the open. */

    /* Open and parse sudoers, set global defaults */
    for (nss = snl->first; nss != NULL; nss = nss_next) {
        nss_next = nss->next;
        if (nss->open(nss) == 0 && nss->parse(nss) == 0) {
            if (nss->setdefs(nss) != 0)
                log_error(NO_STDERR, _("problem with defaults entries"));
        } else {
            tq_remove(snl, nss);
    if (sources == 0) {
	warningx(_("no valid sudoers sources found, quitting"));

    /* XXX - collect post-sudoers parse settings into a function */

     * Initialize external group plugin, if any.
    if (def_group_plugin) {
	if (group_plugin_load(def_group_plugin) != true)
	    def_group_plugin = NULL;

     * Set runas passwd/group entries based on command line or sudoers.
     * Note that if runas_group was specified without runas_user we
     * defer setting runas_pw so the match routines know to ignore it.
    if (runas_group != NULL) {
	if (runas_user != NULL)
    } else
	set_runaspw(runas_user ? runas_user : def_runas_default);

    if (!update_defaults(SETDEF_RUNAS))
	log_error(NO_STDERR, _("problem with defaults entries"));

    if (def_fqdn)
	set_fqdn();	/* deferred until after sudoers is parsed */

    /* Set login class if applicable. */
    set_loginclass(runas_pw ? runas_pw :;


Beispiel #3
static void * xmit_thread (void *arg)
	int c = (int)(long)arg; // channel number.
	packet_t pp;
	int p;
	int ok;

 * These are for timing of a transmission.
 * All are in usual unix time (seconds since 1/1/1970) but higher resolution

	while (1) {

	  tq_wait_while_empty (c);
	  dw_printf ("xmit_thread, channel %d: woke up\n", c);
	  for (p=0; p<TQ_NUM_PRIO; p++) {

	      pp = tq_remove (c, p);
	      dw_printf ("xmit_thread: tq_remove(chan=%d, prio=%d) returned %p\n", c, p, pp);
	      if (pp != NULL) {

 * Wait for the channel to be clear.
 * For the high priority queue, begin transmitting immediately.
 * For the low priority queue, wait a random amount of time, in hopes
 * of minimizing collisions.
	        ok = wait_for_clear_channel (c, (p==TQ_PRIO_0_HI), xmit_slottime[c], xmit_persist[c]);

	        if (ok) {
 * Channel is clear and we have lock on output device. 
 * If destination is "SPEECH" send info part to speech synthesizer.
 * If destination is "MORSE" send as morse code.
	          char dest[AX25_MAX_ADDR_LEN];
		  int ssid = 0;

	          if (ax25_is_aprs (pp)) { 

		    ax25_get_addr_no_ssid(pp, AX25_DESTINATION, dest);
		    ssid = ax25_get_ssid(pp, AX25_DESTINATION);
	 	  else {
		    strlcpy (dest, "", sizeof(dest));

		  if (strcmp(dest, "SPEECH") == 0) {
	            xmit_speech (c, pp);
		  else if (strcmp(dest, "MORSE") == 0) {

		    int wpm = ssid * 2;
		    if (wpm == 0) wpm = MORSE_DEFAULT_WPM;

		    // This is a bit of a hack so we don't respond too quickly for APRStt.
		    // It will be sent in high priority queue while a beacon wouldn't.  
		    // Add a little delay so user has time release PTT after sending #.
		    // This and default txdelay would give us a second.

		    if (p == TQ_PRIO_0_HI) {
		      //dw_printf ("APRStt morse xmit delay hack...\n");
		      SLEEP_MS (700);

	            xmit_morse (c, pp, wpm);
	          else {
	            xmit_ax25_frames (c, p, pp);

	          dw_mutex_unlock (&(audio_out_dev_mutex[ACHAN2ADEV(c)]));
	        else {
 * Timeout waiting for clear channel.
 * Discard the packet.
 * Display with ERROR color rather than XMIT color.
		  char stemp[1024];	/* max size needed? */
		  int info_len;
		  unsigned char *pinfo;

		  dw_printf ("Waited too long for clear channel.  Discarding packet below.\n");

	          ax25_format_addrs (pp, stemp);

	          info_len = ax25_get_info (pp, &pinfo);

	          dw_printf ("[%d%c] ", c, p==TQ_PRIO_0_HI ? 'H' : 'L');

	          dw_printf ("%s", stemp);			/* stations followed by : */
	          ax25_safe_print ((char *)pinfo, info_len, ! ax25_is_aprs(pp));
	          dw_printf ("\n");
		  ax25_delete (pp);

		} /* wait for clear channel. */
	    } /* for high priority then low priority */

	return 0;	/* unreachable but quiet the warning. */

} /* end xmit_thread */