Beispiel #1
static void
geturllist( tr_info * inf,
            tr_benc * meta )
    tr_benc * urls;
    const char * url;

    if( tr_bencDictFindList( meta, "url-list", &urls ) )
        int          i;
        const int    n = tr_bencListSize( urls );

        inf->webseedCount = 0;
        inf->webseeds = tr_new0( char*, n );

        for( i = 0; i < n; ++i )
            if( tr_bencGetStr( tr_bencListChild( urls, i ), &url ) )
                const size_t len = strlen( url );

                if( tr_urlIsValid( url, len  ) )
                    inf->webseeds[inf->webseedCount++] = tr_strndup( url, len );
Beispiel #2
static int
test_list( void )
    int64_t      i;
    const char * str;
    tr_benc      top;

    tr_rpc_parse_list_str( &top, "12", -1 );
    check( tr_bencIsInt( &top ) );
    check( tr_bencGetInt( &top, &i ) );
    check( i == 12 );
    tr_bencFree( &top );

    tr_rpc_parse_list_str( &top, "12", 1 );
    check( tr_bencIsInt( &top ) );
    check( tr_bencGetInt( &top, &i ) );
    check( i == 1 );
    tr_bencFree( &top );

    tr_rpc_parse_list_str( &top, "6,7", -1 );
    check( tr_bencIsList( &top ) );
    check( tr_bencListSize( &top ) == 2 );
    check( tr_bencGetInt( tr_bencListChild( &top, 0 ), &i ) );
    check( i == 6 );
    check( tr_bencGetInt( tr_bencListChild( &top, 1 ), &i ) );
    check( i == 7 );
    tr_bencFree( &top );

    tr_rpc_parse_list_str( &top, "asdf", -1 );
    check( tr_bencIsString( &top ) );
    check( tr_bencGetStr( &top, &str ) );
    check( !strcmp( str, "asdf" ) );
    tr_bencFree( &top );

    tr_rpc_parse_list_str( &top, "1,3-5", -1 );
    check( tr_bencIsList( &top ) );
    check( tr_bencListSize( &top ) == 4 );
    check( tr_bencGetInt( tr_bencListChild( &top, 0 ), &i ) );
    check( i == 1 );
    check( tr_bencGetInt( tr_bencListChild( &top, 1 ), &i ) );
    check( i == 3 );
    check( tr_bencGetInt( tr_bencListChild( &top, 2 ), &i ) );
    check( i == 4 );
    check( tr_bencGetInt( tr_bencListChild( &top, 3 ), &i ) );
    check( i == 5 );
    tr_bencFree( &top );

    return 0;
Beispiel #3
static bool
announce_list_has_url (tr_benc * announce_list, const char * url)
  tr_benc * tier;
  int tierCount = 0;
  while ((tier = tr_bencListChild (announce_list, tierCount++)))
      tr_benc * node;
      const char * str;
      int nodeCount = 0;
      while ((node = tr_bencListChild (tier, nodeCount++)))
        if (tr_bencGetStr (node, &str) && !strcmp (str, url))
          return true;

  return false;
Beispiel #4
static tr_bool
addURL( tr_benc * metainfo, const char * url )
    const char * str;
    tr_benc * announce_list;
    tr_bool changed = FALSE;
    tr_bool match = FALSE;

    /* maybe add it to "announce" */
    if( !tr_bencDictFindStr( metainfo, "announce", &str ) )
        printf( "\tAdded \"%s\" in \"announce\"\n", url );
        tr_bencDictAddStr( metainfo, "announce", url );
        changed = TRUE;

    /* see if it's already in announce-list */
    if( tr_bencDictFindList( metainfo, "announce-list", &announce_list ) ) {
        tr_benc * tier;
        int tierCount = 0;
        while(( tier = tr_bencListChild( announce_list, tierCount++ ))) {
            tr_benc * node;
            int nodeCount = 0;
            while(( node = tr_bencListChild( tier, nodeCount++ )))
                if( tr_bencGetStr( node, &str ) && !strcmp( str, url ) )
                    match = TRUE;

    /* if it's not in announce-list, add it now */
    if( !match )
        tr_benc * tier;

        if( !tr_bencDictFindList( metainfo, "announce-list", &announce_list ) )
            announce_list = tr_bencDictAddList( metainfo, "announce-list", 1 );

        tier = tr_bencListAddList( announce_list, 1 );
        tr_bencListAddStr( tier, url );
        printf( "\tAdded \"%s\" to \"announce-list\" tier %zu\n", url, tr_bencListSize( announce_list ) );
        changed = TRUE;

    return changed;
Beispiel #5
static bool
replaceURL (tr_benc * metainfo, const char * in, const char * out)
  const char * str;
  tr_benc * announce_list;
  bool changed = false;

  if (tr_bencDictFindStr (metainfo, "announce", &str) && strstr (str, in))
      char * newstr = replaceSubstr (str, in, out);
      printf ("\tReplaced in \"announce\": \"%s\" --> \"%s\"\n", str, newstr);
      tr_bencDictAddStr (metainfo, "announce", newstr);
      tr_free (newstr);
      changed = true;

  if (tr_bencDictFindList (metainfo, "announce-list", &announce_list))
      tr_benc * tier;
      int tierCount = 0;
      while ((tier = tr_bencListChild (announce_list, tierCount++)))
          tr_benc * node;
          int nodeCount = 0;
          while ((node = tr_bencListChild (tier, nodeCount++)))
              if (tr_bencGetStr (node, &str) && strstr (str, in))
                  char * newstr = replaceSubstr (str, in, out);
                  printf ("\tReplaced in \"announce-list\" tier %d: \"%s\" --> \"%s\"\n", tierCount, str, newstr);
                  tr_bencFree (node);
                  tr_bencInitStr (node, newstr, -1);
                  tr_free (newstr);
                  changed = true;

  return changed;
Beispiel #6
static tr_bool
getfile( char ** setme, const char * root, tr_benc * path )
    tr_bool success = FALSE;

    if( tr_bencIsList( path ) )
        int i;
        char * tmp;
        const int n = tr_bencListSize( path );
        struct evbuffer * buf = evbuffer_new( );

        evbuffer_add( buf, root, strlen( root ) );
        for( i = 0; i < n; ++i )
            const char * str;
            if( tr_bencGetStr( tr_bencListChild( path, i ), &str ) )
                evbuffer_add( buf, TR_PATH_DELIMITER_STR, 1 );
                evbuffer_add( buf, str, strlen( str ) );

        tmp = evbuffer_free_to_str( buf );
        *setme = tr_utf8clean( tmp, -1 );
        tr_free( tmp );
        /* fprintf( stderr, "[%s]\n", *setme ); */
        success = TRUE;

    if( ( *setme != NULL ) && path_is_suspicious( *setme ) )
        tr_free( *setme );
        *setme = NULL;
        success = FALSE;

    return success;
Beispiel #7
static bool
getfile (char ** setme, const char * root, tr_benc * path, struct evbuffer * buf)
  bool success = false;

  if (tr_bencIsList (path))
      int i;
      const int n = tr_bencListSize (path);

      evbuffer_drain (buf, evbuffer_get_length (buf));
      evbuffer_add (buf, root, strlen (root));
      for (i=0; i<n; i++)
          const char * str;

          if (tr_bencGetStr (tr_bencListChild (path, i), &str))
              evbuffer_add (buf, TR_PATH_DELIMITER_STR, 1);
              evbuffer_add (buf, str, strlen (str));

      *setme = tr_utf8clean ((char*)evbuffer_pullup (buf, -1), evbuffer_get_length (buf));
      /* fprintf (stderr, "[%s]\n", *setme); */
      success = true;

  if ((*setme != NULL) && path_is_suspicious (*setme))
      tr_free (*setme);
      *setme = NULL;
      success = false;

  return success;
Beispiel #8
static int
getfile( char        ** setme,
         const char   * root,
         tr_benc      * path )
    int err;

    if( !tr_bencIsList( path ) )
        err = TR_EINVALID;
        struct evbuffer * buf = tr_getBuffer( );
        int               n = tr_bencListSize( path );
        int               i;

        evbuffer_add( buf, root, strlen( root ) );
        for( i = 0; i < n; ++i )
            const char * str;
            if( tr_bencGetStr( tr_bencListChild( path, i ), &str )
              && strcmp( str, ".." ) )
                evbuffer_add( buf, TR_PATH_DELIMITER_STR, 1 );
                evbuffer_add( buf, str, strlen( str ) );

        *setme = tr_utf8clean( (char*)EVBUFFER_DATA( buf ), EVBUFFER_LENGTH( buf ), NULL );
        /* fprintf( stderr, "[%s]\n", *setme ); */
        tr_releaseBuffer( buf );
        err = 0;

    return err;
Beispiel #9
static bool
removeURL (tr_benc * metainfo, const char * url)
  const char * str;
  tr_benc * announce_list;
  bool changed = false;

  if (tr_bencDictFindStr (metainfo, "announce", &str) && !strcmp (str, url))
      printf ("\tRemoved \"%s\" from \"announce\"\n", str);
      tr_bencDictRemove (metainfo, "announce");
      changed = true;

  if (tr_bencDictFindList (metainfo, "announce-list", &announce_list))
      tr_benc * tier;
      int tierIndex = 0;
      while ((tier = tr_bencListChild (announce_list, tierIndex)))
          tr_benc * node;
          int nodeIndex = 0;
          while ((node = tr_bencListChild (tier, nodeIndex)))
              if (tr_bencGetStr (node, &str) && !strcmp (str, url))
                  printf ("\tRemoved \"%s\" from \"announce-list\" tier #%d\n", str, (tierIndex+1));
                  tr_bencListRemove (tier, nodeIndex);
                  changed = true;
              else ++nodeIndex;

          if (tr_bencListSize (tier) == 0)
              printf ("\tNo URLs left in tier #%d... removing tier\n", (tierIndex+1));
              tr_bencListRemove (announce_list, tierIndex);

      if (tr_bencListSize (announce_list) == 0)
          printf ("\tNo tiers left... removing announce-list\n");
          tr_bencDictRemove (metainfo, "announce-list");

  /* if we removed the "announce" field and there's still another track left,
   * use it as the "announce" field */
  if (changed && !tr_bencDictFindStr (metainfo, "announce", &str))
      tr_benc * tier;
      tr_benc * node;

      if ((tier = tr_bencListChild (announce_list, 0)))
          if ((node = tr_bencListChild (tier, 0)))
              if (tr_bencGetStr (node, &str))
                  tr_bencDictAddStr (metainfo, "announce", str);
                  printf ("\tAdded \"%s\" to announce\n", str);

  return changed;
Beispiel #10
static const char*
getannounce( tr_info * inf, tr_benc * meta )
    const char *      str;
    tr_tracker_info * trackers = NULL;
    int               trackerCount = 0;
    tr_benc *         tiers;

    /* Announce-list */
    if( tr_bencDictFindList( meta, "announce-list", &tiers ) )
        int       n;
        int       i, j, validTiers;
        const int numTiers = tr_bencListSize( tiers );

        n = 0;
        for( i = 0; i < numTiers; ++i )
            n += tr_bencListSize( tr_bencListChild( tiers, i ) );

        trackers = tr_new0( tr_tracker_info, n );

        for( i = 0, validTiers = 0; i < numTiers; ++i )
            tr_benc * tier = tr_bencListChild( tiers, i );
            const int tierSize = tr_bencListSize( tier );
            tr_bool anyAdded = FALSE;
            for( j = 0; j < tierSize; ++j )
                if( tr_bencGetStr( tr_bencListChild( tier, j ), &str ) )
                    char * url = tr_strstrip( tr_strdup( str ) );
                    if( tr_urlIsValidTracker( url ) )
                        tr_tracker_info * t = trackers + trackerCount;
                        t->tier = validTiers;
                        t->announce = tr_strdup( url );
                        t->scrape = tr_convertAnnounceToScrape( url );
                        t->id = trackerCount;

                        anyAdded = TRUE;
                    tr_free( url );

            if( anyAdded )

        /* did we use any of the tiers? */
        if( !trackerCount )
            tr_free( trackers );
            trackers = NULL;

    /* Regular announce value */
    if( !trackerCount
      && tr_bencDictFindStr( meta, "announce", &str ) )
        char * url = tr_strstrip( tr_strdup( str ) );
        if( tr_urlIsValidTracker( url ) )
            trackers = tr_new0( tr_tracker_info, 1 );
            trackers[trackerCount].tier = 0;
            trackers[trackerCount].announce = tr_strdup( url );
            trackers[trackerCount].scrape = tr_convertAnnounceToScrape( url );
            trackers[trackerCount].id = 0;
            /*fprintf( stderr, "single announce: [%s]\n", url );*/
        tr_free( url );

    inf->trackers = trackers;
    inf->trackerCount = trackerCount;

    return NULL;
Beispiel #11
static const char*
getannounce( tr_info * inf,
             tr_benc * meta )
    const char *      str;
    tr_tracker_info * trackers = NULL;
    int               trackerCount = 0;
    tr_benc *         tiers;

    /* Announce-list */
    if( tr_bencDictFindList( meta, "announce-list", &tiers ) )
        int       n;
        int       i, j;
        const int numTiers = tr_bencListSize( tiers );

        n = 0;
        for( i = 0; i < numTiers; ++i )
            n += tr_bencListSize( tr_bencListChild( tiers, i ) );

        trackers = tr_new0( tr_tracker_info, n );
        trackerCount = 0;

        for( i = 0; i < numTiers; ++i )
            tr_benc * tier = tr_bencListChild( tiers, i );
            const int tierSize = tr_bencListSize( tier );
            for( j = 0; j < tierSize; ++j )
                if( tr_bencGetStr( tr_bencListChild( tier, j ), &str ) )
                    char * url = tr_strstrip( tr_strdup( str ) );
                    if( tr_httpIsValidURL( url ) )
                        tr_tracker_info * t = trackers + trackerCount++;
                        t->tier = i;
                        t->announce = tr_strdup( url );
                        t->scrape = announceToScrape( url );
                    tr_free( url );

        /* did we use any of the tiers? */
        if( !trackerCount )
            tr_free( trackers );
            trackers = NULL;

    /* Regular announce value */
    if( !trackerCount
      && tr_bencDictFindStr( meta, "announce", &str ) )
        char * url = tr_strstrip( tr_strdup( str ) );
        if( tr_httpIsValidURL( url ) )
            trackers = tr_new0( tr_tracker_info, 1 );
            trackers[trackerCount].tier = 0;
            trackers[trackerCount].announce = tr_strdup( url );
            trackers[trackerCount++].scrape = announceToScrape( url );
            /*fprintf( stderr, "single announce: [%s]\n", url );*/
        tr_free( url );

    inf->trackers = trackers;
    inf->trackerCount = trackerCount;

    return inf->trackerCount ? NULL : "announce";