Beispiel #1
static int
test_updating (void)
  char * path;
  tr_session * session;

  /* init the session */
  session = libttest_session_init (NULL);
  path = tr_buildPath (tr_sessionGetConfigDir(session), "blocklists", "level1", NULL);

  /* no blocklist to start with... */
  check_int_eq (0, tr_blocklistGetRuleCount (session));

  /* test that updated source files will get loaded */
  create_text_file (path, contents1);
  tr_sessionReloadBlocklists (session);
  check_int_eq (4, tr_blocklistGetRuleCount (session));

  /* test that updated source files will get loaded */
  create_text_file (path, contents2);
  tr_sessionReloadBlocklists (session);
  check_int_eq (5, tr_blocklistGetRuleCount (session));

  /* test that updated source files will get loaded */
  create_text_file (path, contents1);
  tr_sessionReloadBlocklists (session);
  check_int_eq (4, tr_blocklistGetRuleCount (session));

  /* ensure that new files, if bad, get skipped */
  create_text_file (path,  "# nothing useful\n");
  tr_sessionReloadBlocklists (session);
  check_int_eq (4, tr_blocklistGetRuleCount (session));

  /* cleanup */
  libttest_session_close (session);
  tr_free (path);
  return 0;
Beispiel #2
static void
gotsig (int sig)
    switch (sig)
        case SIGHUP:
            if (!mySession)
                tr_logAddInfo ("Deferring reload until session is fully started.");
                seenHUP = true;
                tr_variant settings;
                const char * configDir;

                /* reopen the logfile to allow for log rotation */
                if (logfileName) {
                    logfile = freopen (logfileName, LOGFILE_MODE_STR, logfile);
                    if (!logfile)
                        fprintf (stderr, "Couldn't reopen \"%s\": %s\n", logfileName, tr_strerror (errno));

                configDir = tr_sessionGetConfigDir (mySession);
                tr_logAddInfo ("Reloading settings from \"%s\"", configDir);
                tr_variantInitDict (&settings, 0);
                tr_variantDictAddBool (&settings, TR_KEY_rpc_enabled, true);
                tr_sessionLoadSettings (&settings, configDir, MY_NAME);
                tr_sessionSet (mySession, &settings);
                tr_variantFree (&settings);
                tr_sessionReloadBlocklists (mySession);

            tr_logAddError ("Unexpected signal (%d) in daemon, closing.", sig);
            /* no break */

        case SIGINT:
        case SIGTERM:
            event_base_loopexit(ev_base, NULL);
Beispiel #3
static int
test_parsing (void)
  char * path;
  tr_session * session;

  /* init the session */
  session = libttest_session_init (NULL);
  check (!tr_blocklistExists (session));
  check_int_eq (0, tr_blocklistGetRuleCount (session));

  /* init the blocklist */
  path = tr_buildPath (tr_sessionGetConfigDir(session), "blocklists", "level1", NULL);
  create_text_file (path, contents1);
  tr_free (path);
  tr_sessionReloadBlocklists (session);
  check (tr_blocklistExists (session));
  check_int_eq (4, tr_blocklistGetRuleCount (session));

  /* enable the blocklist */
  check (!tr_blocklistIsEnabled (session));
  tr_blocklistSetEnabled (session, true);
  check (tr_blocklistIsEnabled (session));

  /* test blocked addresses */
  check (!address_is_blocked (session, ""));
  check ( address_is_blocked (session, ""));
  check ( address_is_blocked (session, ""));
  check ( address_is_blocked (session, ""));
  check ( address_is_blocked (session, ""));
  check ( address_is_blocked (session, ""));
  check ( address_is_blocked (session, ""));
  check ( address_is_blocked (session, ""));
  check ( address_is_blocked (session, ""));
  check (!address_is_blocked (session, ""));
  check (!address_is_blocked (session, ""));
  check (!address_is_blocked (session, ""));
  check (!address_is_blocked (session, ""));

  /* cleanup */
  libttest_session_close (session);
  return 0;
Beispiel #4
static void
gotsig( int sig )
    switch( sig )
        case SIGHUP:
            tr_benc settings;
            const char * configDir = tr_sessionGetConfigDir( mySession );
            tr_inf( "Reloading settings from \"%s\"", configDir );
            tr_bencInitDict( &settings, 0 );
            tr_bencDictAddBool( &settings, TR_PREFS_KEY_RPC_ENABLED, TRUE );
            tr_sessionLoadSettings( &settings, configDir, MY_NAME );
            tr_sessionSet( mySession, &settings );
            tr_bencFree( &settings );
            tr_sessionReloadBlocklists( mySession );

            closing = TRUE;