void GMLXercesHandler::endElement(const XMLCh* const uri, const XMLCh* const localname, const XMLCh* const qname ) { char szElementName[MAX_TOKEN_SIZE]; m_nEntityCounter = 0; /* A XMLCh character can expand to 4 bytes in UTF-8 */ if (4 * tr_strlen( localname ) >= MAX_TOKEN_SIZE) { XMLCh* tempBuffer = (XMLCh*) CPLMalloc(sizeof(XMLCh) * (MAX_TOKEN_SIZE / 4 + 1)); memcpy(tempBuffer, localname, sizeof(XMLCh) * (MAX_TOKEN_SIZE / 4)); tempBuffer[MAX_TOKEN_SIZE / 4] = 0; tr_strcpy( szElementName, tempBuffer ); CPLFree(tempBuffer); } else tr_strcpy( szElementName, localname ); if (GMLHandler::endElement(szElementName) == CE_Failure) { throw SAXNotSupportedException("Out of memory"); } }
void GMLXercesHandler::startElement(const XMLCh* const uri, const XMLCh* const localname, const XMLCh* const qname, const Attributes& attrs ) { char szElementName[MAX_TOKEN_SIZE]; m_nEntityCounter = 0; /* A XMLCh character can expand to 4 bytes in UTF-8 */ if (4 * tr_strlen( localname ) >= MAX_TOKEN_SIZE) { static int bWarnOnce = FALSE; XMLCh* tempBuffer = (XMLCh*) CPLMalloc(sizeof(XMLCh) * (MAX_TOKEN_SIZE / 4 + 1)); memcpy(tempBuffer, localname, sizeof(XMLCh) * (MAX_TOKEN_SIZE / 4)); tempBuffer[MAX_TOKEN_SIZE / 4] = 0; tr_strcpy( szElementName, tempBuffer ); CPLFree(tempBuffer); if (!bWarnOnce) { bWarnOnce = TRUE; CPLError(CE_Warning, CPLE_AppDefined, "A too big element name has been truncated"); } } else tr_strcpy( szElementName, localname ); if (GMLHandler::startElement(szElementName, (void*) &attrs) == CE_Failure) { throw SAXNotSupportedException("Out of memory"); } }
void NASHandler::characters( const XMLCh* const chars_in, const unsigned int /* length */ ) #endif { const XMLCh *chars = chars_in; if( m_pszCurField != NULL ) { const int nCurFieldLength = static_cast<int>(strlen(m_pszCurField)); if (nCurFieldLength == 0) { // Ignore white space while( *chars == ' ' || *chars == 10 || *chars == 13 || *chars == '\t') chars++; } char *pszTranslated = tr_strdup(chars); if( m_pszCurField == NULL ) { m_pszCurField = pszTranslated; } else { m_pszCurField = static_cast<char *>( CPLRealloc( m_pszCurField, nCurFieldLength+strlen(pszTranslated)+1 ) ); strcpy( m_pszCurField + nCurFieldLength, pszTranslated ); CPLFree( pszTranslated ); } } else if( m_pszGeometry != NULL ) { if (m_nGeomLen == 0) { // Ignore white space while( *chars == ' ' || *chars == 10 || *chars == 13 || *chars == '\t') chars++; } const int nCharsLen = tr_strlen(chars); if( m_nGeomLen + nCharsLen*4 + 4 > m_nGeomAlloc ) { m_nGeomAlloc = (int) (m_nGeomAlloc * 1.3 + nCharsLen*4 + 1000); m_pszGeometry = (char *) CPLRealloc( m_pszGeometry, m_nGeomAlloc); } tr_strcpy( m_pszGeometry+m_nGeomLen, chars ); m_nGeomLen += static_cast<int>(strlen(m_pszGeometry+m_nGeomLen)); } }
void tr_strcpy( char *pszCString, const XMLCh *panXMLString ) { int bSimpleASCII = TRUE; const XMLCh *panXMLStringOriginal = panXMLString; char *pszCStringOriginal = pszCString; while( *panXMLString != 0 ) { if( *panXMLString > 127 ) bSimpleASCII = FALSE; *(pszCString++) = (char) *(panXMLString++); } *pszCString = 0; if( bSimpleASCII ) return; panXMLString = panXMLStringOriginal; pszCString = pszCStringOriginal; /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* The simple translation was wrong, because the source is not */ /* all simple ASCII characters. Redo using the more expensive */ /* recoding API. */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ wchar_t *pwszSource = (wchar_t *) CPLCalloc(sizeof(wchar_t), tr_strlen(panXMLStringOriginal)+1 ); int i = 0; for( ; panXMLString[i] != 0; i++ ) pwszSource[i] = panXMLString[i]; pwszSource[i] = 0; char *pszResult = CPLRecodeFromWChar( pwszSource, "WCHAR_T", CPL_ENC_UTF8 ); strcpy( pszCString, pszResult ); CPLFree( pwszSource ); CPLFree( pszResult ); }
void NASHandler::endElement( const XMLCh* const /* uri */ , const XMLCh* const localname, const XMLCh* const /* qname */) { char szElementName[MAX_TOKEN_SIZE]; GMLReadState *poState = m_poReader->GetState(); tr_strcpy( szElementName, localname ); m_nDepth --; if (m_bIgnoreFeature && m_nDepth >= m_nDepthFeature) { if (m_nDepth == m_nDepthFeature) { m_bIgnoreFeature = false; m_nDepthFeature = 0; } return; } if ( m_osIgnoredElement != "" && m_nDepth >= m_nDepthElement ) { if ( m_nDepth == m_nDepthElement ) { m_osIgnoredElement = ""; m_nDepthElement = 0; } return; } #ifdef DEBUG_VERBOSE CPLDebug("NAS", "%*sendElement %s m_bIgnoreFeature:%d depth:%d depthFeature:%d featureClass:%s", m_nDepth, "", szElementName, m_bIgnoreFeature, m_nDepth, m_nDepthFeature, poState->m_poFeature ? poState->m_poFeature->GetClass()->GetElementName() : "(no feature)" ); #endif if( m_bInUpdateProperty ) { if( EQUAL( szElementName, "Name" ) ) { CPLAssert( m_osLastPropertyName == "" ); m_osLastPropertyName = m_pszCurField; m_pszCurField = NULL; } else if( EQUAL( szElementName, "Value" ) ) { CPLAssert( m_osLastPropertyValue == "" ); m_osLastPropertyValue = m_pszCurField; m_pszCurField = NULL; } else if( EQUAL( szElementName, "Property" ) ) { if( EQUAL( m_osLastPropertyName, "adv:lebenszeitintervall/adv:AA_Lebenszeitintervall/adv:endet" ) ) { CPLAssert( m_osLastPropertyValue != "" ); m_osLastEnded = m_osLastPropertyValue; } else if( EQUAL( m_osLastPropertyName, "adv:anlass" ) ) { CPLAssert( m_osLastPropertyValue != "" ); m_osLastOccasion = m_osLastPropertyValue; } else { CPLError( CE_Warning, CPLE_AppDefined, "NAS: Expected property name or value instead of %s", m_osLastPropertyName.c_str() ); } m_osLastPropertyName = ""; m_osLastPropertyValue = ""; m_bInUpdateProperty = false; } poState->PopPath(); return; } if ( m_bInUpdate && EQUAL( szElementName, "Update" ) ) { m_bInUpdate = false; } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Is this closing off an attribute value? We assume so if */ /* we are collecting an attribute value and got to this point. */ /* We don't bother validating that the closing tag matches the */ /* opening tag. */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ if( m_pszCurField != NULL ) { CPLAssert( poState->m_poFeature != NULL ); m_poReader->SetFeaturePropertyDirectly( poState->osPath.c_str(), m_pszCurField ); m_pszCurField = NULL; } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* If we are collecting Geometry than store it, and consider if */ /* this is the end of the geometry. */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ if( m_pszGeometry != NULL ) { int nLNLen = tr_strlen( localname ); /* should save attributes too! */ if( m_nGeomLen + nLNLen + 4 > m_nGeomAlloc ) { m_nGeomAlloc = (int) (m_nGeomAlloc * 1.3 + nLNLen + 1000); m_pszGeometry = (char *) CPLRealloc( m_pszGeometry, m_nGeomAlloc); } strcat( m_pszGeometry+m_nGeomLen, "</" ); tr_strcpy( m_pszGeometry+m_nGeomLen+2, localname ); strcat( m_pszGeometry+m_nGeomLen+nLNLen+2, ">" ); m_nGeomLen += static_cast<int>(strlen(m_pszGeometry+m_nGeomLen)); if( poState->m_nPathLength == m_nGeometryDepth+1 ) { if( poState->m_poFeature != NULL ) { CPLXMLNode* psNode = CPLParseXMLString(m_pszGeometry); if (psNode) { /* workaround for common malformed gml:pos with just a * elevation value instead of a full 3D coordinate: * * <gml:Point gml:id="BII2H"> * <gml:pos srsName="urn:adv:crs:ETRS89_h">41.394</gml:pos> * </gml:Point> * */ const char *pszPos; if( (pszPos = CPLGetXMLValue( psNode, "=Point.pos", NULL ) ) != NULL && strstr(pszPos, " ") == NULL ) { CPLSetXMLValue( psNode, "pos", CPLSPrintf("0 0 %s", pszPos) ); } if ( poState->m_poFeature->GetGeometryList() && poState->m_poFeature->GetGeometryList()[0] ) { int iId = poState->m_poFeature->GetClass()->GetPropertyIndex( "gml_id" ); const GMLProperty *poIdProp = poState->m_poFeature->GetProperty(iId); #ifdef DEBUG_VERBOSE char *pszOldGeom = CPLSerializeXMLTree( poState->m_poFeature->GetGeometryList()[0] ); CPLDebug("NAS", "Overwriting other geometry (%s; replace:%s; with:%s)", poIdProp && poIdProp->nSubProperties>0 && poIdProp->papszSubProperties[0] ? poIdProp->papszSubProperties[0] : "(null)", m_pszGeometry, pszOldGeom ); CPLFree( pszOldGeom ); #else CPLError( CE_Warning, CPLE_AppDefined, "NAS: Overwriting other geometry (%s)", poIdProp && poIdProp->nSubProperties>0 && poIdProp->papszSubProperties[0] ? poIdProp->papszSubProperties[0] : "(null)" ); #endif } poState->m_poFeature->SetGeometryDirectly( psNode ); } else CPLError( CE_Warning, CPLE_AppDefined, "NAS: Invalid geometry skipped" ); } else CPLError( CE_Warning, CPLE_AppDefined, "NAS: Skipping geometry without feature" ); CPLFree( m_pszGeometry ); m_pszGeometry = NULL; m_nGeomAlloc = m_nGeomLen = 0; } } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* If we are collecting a feature, and this element tag matches */ /* element name for the class, then we have finished the */ /* feature, and we pop the feature read state. */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ const char *pszLast = NULL; if( m_nDepth == m_nDepthFeature && poState->m_poFeature != NULL && EQUAL(szElementName, poState->m_poFeature->GetClass()->GetElementName()) ) { m_nDepthFeature = 0; m_poReader->PopState(); } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Ends of a wfs:Delete or wfs:Update should be triggered on the */ /* close of the <Filter> element. */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ else if( m_nDepth == m_nDepthFeature && poState->m_poFeature != NULL && EQUAL(szElementName,"Filter") && (pszLast=poState->m_poFeature->GetClass()->GetElementName()) != NULL && ( EQUAL(pszLast, "Delete") || EQUAL(pszLast, "Update") ) ) { m_nDepthFeature = 0; m_poReader->PopState(); } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Otherwise, we just pop the element off the local read states */ /* element stack. */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ else { if( EQUAL(szElementName,poState->GetLastComponent()) ) poState->PopPath(); else { CPLAssert( false ); } } }
void NASHandler::startElement( const XMLCh* const /* uri */, const XMLCh* const localname, const XMLCh* const /* qname */, const Attributes& attrs ) { char szElementName[MAX_TOKEN_SIZE]; GMLReadState *poState = m_poReader->GetState(); tr_strcpy( szElementName, localname ); if ( ( m_bIgnoreFeature && m_nDepth >= m_nDepthFeature ) || ( m_osIgnoredElement != "" && m_nDepth >= m_nDepthElement ) ) { m_nDepth ++; return; } // ignore attributes of external references and "objektkoordinaten" // (see PostNAS #3 and #15) if ( EQUAL( szElementName, "zeigtAufExternes" ) || EQUAL( szElementName, "objektkoordinaten" ) ) { m_osIgnoredElement = szElementName; m_nDepthElement = m_nDepth; m_nDepth ++; return; } #ifdef DEBUG_VERBOSE CPLDebug( "NAS", "%*sstartElement %s m_bIgnoreFeature:%d depth:%d " "depthFeature:%d featureClass:%s", m_nDepth, "", szElementName, m_bIgnoreFeature, m_nDepth, m_nDepthFeature, poState->m_poFeature ? poState->m_poFeature-> GetClass()->GetElementName() : "(no feature)" ); #endif /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* If we are in the midst of collecting a feature attribute */ /* value, then this must be a complex attribute which we don't */ /* try to collect for now, so just terminate the field */ /* collection. */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ if( m_pszCurField != NULL ) { CPLFree( m_pszCurField ); m_pszCurField = NULL; } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* If we are collecting geometry, or if we determine this is a */ /* geometry element then append to the geometry info. */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ const char *pszLast = NULL; if( m_pszGeometry != NULL || IsGeometryElement( szElementName ) ) { const int nLNLen = tr_strlen( localname ); CPLString osAttributes = GetAttributes( &attrs ); /* should save attributes too! */ if( m_pszGeometry == NULL ) m_nGeometryDepth = poState->m_nPathLength; if( m_pszGeometry == NULL || m_nGeomLen + nLNLen + 4 + (int)osAttributes.size() > m_nGeomAlloc ) { m_nGeomAlloc = (int) (m_nGeomAlloc * 1.3 + nLNLen + osAttributes.size() + 1000); m_pszGeometry = (char *) CPLRealloc( m_pszGeometry, m_nGeomAlloc); } strcpy( m_pszGeometry+m_nGeomLen, "<" ); tr_strcpy( m_pszGeometry+m_nGeomLen+1, localname ); if( osAttributes.size() > 0 ) { strcat( m_pszGeometry+m_nGeomLen, " " ); strcat( m_pszGeometry+m_nGeomLen, osAttributes ); } strcat( m_pszGeometry+m_nGeomLen, ">" ); m_nGeomLen += static_cast<int>(strlen(m_pszGeometry+m_nGeomLen)); } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Is this the ogc:Filter element in a update operation */ /* (wfs:Delete, wfsext:Replace or wfs:Update)? */ /* specialized sort of feature. */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ else if( EQUAL(szElementName,"Filter") && (pszLast = m_poReader->GetState()->GetLastComponent()) != NULL && (EQUAL(pszLast,"Delete") || EQUAL(pszLast,"Replace") || EQUAL(pszLast,"Update")) ) { const char* pszFilteredClassName = m_poReader->GetFilteredClassName(); if ( pszFilteredClassName != NULL && strcmp("Delete", pszFilteredClassName) != 0 ) { m_bIgnoreFeature = true; m_nDepthFeature = m_nDepth; m_nDepth ++; return; } if( m_osLastTypeName == "" ) { CPLError( CE_Failure, CPLE_AssertionFailed, "m_osLastTypeName == \"\""); m_bIgnoreFeature = true; m_nDepthFeature = m_nDepth; m_nDepth ++; return; } if( EQUAL( pszLast, "Replace" ) && ( m_osLastReplacingFID == "" || m_osLastSafeToIgnore == "" ) ) { CPLError( CE_Failure, CPLE_AssertionFailed, "m_osLastReplacingFID == \"\" || " "m_osLastSafeToIgnore == \"\"" ); m_bIgnoreFeature = true; m_nDepthFeature = m_nDepth; m_nDepth ++; return; } if( EQUAL( pszLast, "Update" ) && ( m_osLastEnded == "" || m_osLastOccasion == "" ) ) { CPLError( CE_Failure, CPLE_AssertionFailed, "m_osLastEnded == \"\" || m_osLastOccasion == \"\"" ); m_bIgnoreFeature = true; m_nDepthFeature = m_nDepth; m_nDepth ++; return; } m_bIgnoreFeature = false; m_poReader->PushFeature( "Delete", attrs ); m_nDepthFeature = m_nDepth; m_nDepth ++; m_poReader->SetFeaturePropertyDirectly( "typeName", CPLStrdup(m_osLastTypeName) ); m_poReader->SetFeaturePropertyDirectly( "context", CPLStrdup(pszLast) ); if( EQUAL( pszLast, "Replace" ) ) { //CPLAssert( m_osLastReplacingFID != "" ); //CPLAssert( m_osLastSafeToIgnore != "" ); m_poReader->SetFeaturePropertyDirectly( "replacedBy", CPLStrdup(m_osLastReplacingFID) ); m_poReader->SetFeaturePropertyDirectly( "safeToIgnore", CPLStrdup(m_osLastSafeToIgnore) ); } else if( EQUAL( pszLast, "Update" ) ) { //CPLAssert( m_osLastEnded != "" ); //CPLAssert( m_osLastOccasion != "" ); m_poReader->SetFeaturePropertyDirectly( "endet", CPLStrdup(m_osLastEnded) ); m_poReader->SetFeaturePropertyDirectly( "anlass", CPLStrdup(m_osLastOccasion) ); m_osLastEnded = ""; m_osLastOccasion = ""; } return; } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Is it a feature? If so push a whole new state, and return. */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ else if( m_poReader->IsFeatureElement( szElementName ) ) { m_osLastTypeName = szElementName; const char* pszFilteredClassName = m_poReader->GetFilteredClassName(); pszLast = m_poReader->GetState()->GetLastComponent(); if( pszLast != NULL && EQUAL(pszLast,"Replace") ) { XMLCh Name[100]; tr_strcpy( Name, "gml:id" ); int nIndex = attrs.getIndex( Name ); if( nIndex == -1 || m_osLastReplacingFID !="" ) { CPLError( CE_Failure, CPLE_AssertionFailed, "nIndex == -1 || m_osLastReplacingFID !=\"\"" ); m_bIgnoreFeature = true; m_nDepthFeature = m_nDepth; m_nDepth ++; return; } // Capture "gml:id" attribute as part of the property value - // primarily this is for the wfsext:Replace operation's attribute. char *pszReplacingFID = tr_strdup( attrs.getValue( nIndex ) ); m_osLastReplacingFID = pszReplacingFID; CPLFree( pszReplacingFID ); #ifdef DEBUG_VERBOSE CPLDebug( "NAS", "%*s### Replace typeName=%s replacedBy=%s", m_nDepth, "", m_osLastTypeName.c_str(), m_osLastReplacingFID.c_str() ); #endif } if ( pszFilteredClassName != NULL && strcmp(szElementName, pszFilteredClassName) != 0 ) { m_bIgnoreFeature = true; m_nDepthFeature = m_nDepth; m_nDepth ++; return; } m_bIgnoreFeature = false; m_poReader->PushFeature( szElementName, attrs ); m_nDepthFeature = m_nDepth; m_nDepth ++; return; } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* If it is the wfs:Delete or wfs:Update element, then remember */ /* the typeName attribute so we can assign it to the feature that */ /* will be produced when we process the Filter element. */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ else if( EQUAL(szElementName,"Delete") || EQUAL(szElementName,"Update") ) { XMLCh Name[100]; tr_strcpy( Name, "typeName" ); int nIndex = attrs.getIndex( Name ); if( nIndex != -1 ) { char *pszTypeName = tr_strdup( attrs.getValue( nIndex ) ); m_osLastTypeName = pszTypeName; CPLFree( pszTypeName ); } m_osLastSafeToIgnore = ""; m_osLastReplacingFID = ""; if( EQUAL(szElementName,"Update") ) { m_bInUpdate = true; } } else if ( m_bInUpdate && EQUAL(szElementName, "Property") ) { m_bInUpdateProperty = true; } else if ( m_bInUpdateProperty && ( EQUAL(szElementName, "Name" ) || EQUAL(szElementName, "Value" ) ) ) { // collect attribute name or value CPLFree( m_pszCurField ); m_pszCurField = CPLStrdup(""); } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* If it is the wfsext:Replace element, then remember the */ /* safeToIgnore attribute so we can assign it to the feature */ /* that will be produced when we process the Filter element. */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ else if( EQUAL(szElementName,"Replace") ) { XMLCh Name[100]; tr_strcpy( Name, "safeToIgnore" ); int nIndex = attrs.getIndex( Name ); if( nIndex != -1 ) { char *pszSafeToIgnore = tr_strdup( attrs.getValue( nIndex ) ); m_osLastSafeToIgnore = pszSafeToIgnore; CPLFree( pszSafeToIgnore ); } else { CPLError( CE_Warning, CPLE_AppDefined, "NAS: safeToIgnore attribute missing" ); m_osLastSafeToIgnore = "false"; } m_osLastReplacingFID = ""; } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* If it is (or at least potentially is) a simple attribute, */ /* then start collecting it. */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ else if( m_poReader->IsAttributeElement( szElementName ) ) { CPLFree( m_pszCurField ); m_pszCurField = CPLStrdup(""); // Capture href as OB property. m_poReader->CheckForRelations( szElementName, attrs, &m_pszCurField ); // Capture "fid" attribute as part of the property value - // primarily this is for wfs:Delete operation's FeatureId attribute. if( EQUAL(szElementName,"FeatureId") ) m_poReader->CheckForFID( attrs, &m_pszCurField ); } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Push the element onto the current state's path. */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ poState->PushPath( szElementName ); m_nDepth ++; }