Beispiel #1
blargg_err_t Gme_File::track_info( track_info_t* out, int track ) const
	out->track_count = track_count();
	out->length        = -1;
	out->loop_length   = -1;
	out->intro_length  = -1;
	out->song [0]      = 0;
	out->game [0]      = 0;
	out->author [0]    = 0;
	out->copyright [0] = 0;
	out->comment [0]   = 0;
	out->dumper [0]    = 0;
	out->system [0]    = 0;
	copy_field_( out->system, type()->system );
	int remapped = track;
	RETURN_ERR( remap_track_( &remapped ) );
	RETURN_ERR( track_info_( out, remapped ) );
	// override with m3u info
	if ( playlist.size() )
		M3u_Playlist::info_t const& i =;
		copy_field_( out->game  , i.title );
		copy_field_( out->author, );
		copy_field_( out->author, i.composer );
		copy_field_( out->dumper, i.ripping );
		M3u_Playlist::entry_t const& e = playlist [track];
		copy_field_( out->song, );
		if ( e.length >= 0 ) out->length       = e.length * 1000L;
		if ( e.intro  >= 0 ) out->intro_length = e.intro  * 1000L;
		if ( e.loop   >= 0 ) out->loop_length  = e.loop   * 1000L;
	return 0;
Beispiel #2
blargg_err_t Gme_File::track_info( track_info_t* out, int track ) const
	out->track_count   = track_count();
	out->length        = -1;
	out->loop_length   = -1;
	out->intro_length  = -1;
	out->fade_length   = -1;
	out->play_length   = -1;
	out->repeat_count  = -1;
	out->song      [0] = 0;
	out->game      [0] = 0;
	out->author    [0] = 0;
	out->composer  [0] = 0;
	out->engineer  [0] = 0;
	out->sequencer [0] = 0;
	out->tagger    [0] = 0;
	out->copyright [0] = 0;
	out->date      [0] = 0;
	out->comment   [0] = 0;
	out->dumper    [0] = 0;
	out->system    [0] = 0;
	out->disc      [0] = 0;
	out->track     [0] = 0;
	out->ost       [0] = 0;
	copy_field_( out->system, type()->system );
	int remapped = track;
	RETURN_ERR( remap_track_( &remapped ) );
	RETURN_ERR( track_info_( out, remapped ) );
	// override with m3u info
	if ( playlist.size() )
		M3u_Playlist::info_t const& i =;
		copy_field_( out->game     , i.title );
		copy_field_( out->author   , i.artist );
		copy_field_( out->engineer , );
		copy_field_( out->composer , i.composer );
		copy_field_( out->sequencer, i.sequencer );
		copy_field_( out->copyright, i.copyright );
		copy_field_( out->dumper   , i.ripping );
		copy_field_( out->tagger   , i.tagging );
		copy_field_( out->date     , );
		M3u_Playlist::entry_t const& e = playlist [track];
		if ( e.length >= 0 ) out->length       = e.length;
		if ( e.intro  >= 0 ) out->intro_length = e.intro;
		if ( e.loop   >= 0 ) out->loop_length  = e.loop;
		if ( e.fade   >= 0 ) out->fade_length  = e.fade;
		if ( e.repeat >= 0 ) out->repeat_count = e.repeat;
		copy_field_( out->song, );
	// play_length
	out->play_length = out->length;
	if ( out->play_length <= 0 )
		out->play_length = out->intro_length + 2 * out->loop_length; // intro + 2 loops
		if ( out->play_length <= 0 )
			out->play_length = 150 * 1000; // 2.5 minutes
	return blargg_ok;