void FORTE_TrkEclipse::executeEvent(int pa_nEIID){
  QO() = QI();
  switch (pa_nEIID){
    case scm_nEventREQID:
      if(true == QI()){
        //TODO: test with and without type casts
        track_update(); // get new image data
        COUNT() = static_cast<TForteInt16>(track_count(CH()));

        if(COUNT() > I_BLOB()){ // there is at least I_BLOBs on CH()
          SIZE() = static_cast<TForteInt16>(track_size(CH(), I_BLOB())); //
          FRAME() = static_cast<TForteInt16>(track_get_frame()); //
          CONFIDENCE() = static_cast<TForteInt16>(track_confidence(CH(), I_BLOB()));
          X() = static_cast<TForteInt16>(track_x(CH(), I_BLOB())); // get image  data
          Y() = static_cast<TForteInt16>(track_y(CH(), I_BLOB())); //    and data
          MAJOR() = static_cast<TForteInt16>(track_major_axis(CH(), I_BLOB())); // get image  data
          MINOR() = static_cast<TForteInt16>(track_minor_axis(CH(), I_BLOB())); //    and data

          if(true == INFO()){
            if(COUNT() > I_BLOB()){ // there is a blob
              printf("On Channel=%d  Eclipse Blob#%d is at (X,Y,MAJOR,MINOR)=(%d,%d,%d,%d)\n", (int) CH(), (int) I_BLOB(), (int) X(), (int) Y(), (int) MAJOR(), (int) MINOR());
              printf("\t Confidence=%d; Size=%d;Frame=%d\n", (int) CONFIDENCE(), (int) SIZE(), (int) FRAME());
              printf("No Blob#%i in sight on Color Channel %i\n", (int) I_BLOB(), (int) CH());


int main ()
	float CENTER = 79.5;
	float OFFSET = 0.05;
	printf("Black button to exit test loop and land the drone");
	float x, y;
		x = OFFSET * ((track_x(0,0) - CENTER) / CENTER);
		y = OFFSET * ((track_y(0,0) - CENTER) / CENTER);
		if(track_count(0) > 0)
			printf("Items tracking: %d\n", track_count(0));
			drone_move(0,0, x, y);
			printf("No items: Hovering \n");
	return 0;
/* Global variables go below (if you absolutely need them).*/
int look_for_color_green() { 
  int x, y, color=2;  // set up for color channel 2 (green)
  while (black_button() == 0) //run till button is pressed
      track_update(); // process the most recent image
      if (track_count(color) > 0)
        { // get  x, y for the biggest blob the channel sees
           x = track_x(color,2); y = track_y(color,2); 
	        printf("Biggest blob at (%d,%d)\n",x,y); 
        { printf("No color match in Frame\n"); }
      sleep(0.2);  // give print time to register
    printf("Program is done.\n");
Beispiel #4
int main()

	//Init Variables
	int color = RED;
	int lastSeen = right;
	int pumpTime = 0;
	//Enable Servos
	while(1) {
		//Check if we have time left on our Pump Counter
		if(pumpTime > 0) {
			//Turn Pump On
			set_servo_position(servoPump, pumpOn);
		else {
			//Turn Pump Off
			set_servo_position(servoPump, pumpOff);
		//Image Capture
		//Check if We See a blob
		if(track_count(color) > 0 ) {
			//Find out where blobs are
			if( track_x(color, 0) < 80) {
				move(diagLeft, 500);
				lastSeen = left;
			else if( track_x(color, 0) > 120 ) {
				move(diagRight, 500);
				lastSeen = right;
			else {
				move(forward, 500);
			//Check if the Blob is close
			if( track_bbox_top(color, 0) > 80) {
				//Motors Off
				//Extend Arm (Triggers Pneumatics)
				set_servo_position(servoSwitch, 44);
				//Retract Arm (Triggers Pneumatics)
				set_servo_position(servoSwitch, 1024);
				//We need to refill tanks
				pumpTime += 100;
			//****Screen Debug Info****
			//printf("red blobs: %d\n", track_count(color));
			printf("Blob X Cord: %d\n", track_x(color,0));
			printf("Blob Y Cord: %d\n", track_y(color,0));
			//printf("Blob Box Height: %d\n", track_bbox_height(color,0));
			//printf("Blob Box Width: %d\n", track_bbox_width(color,0));
			printf("track_size: %d\n", track_size(color, 0));
			printf( "top y: %d\n\n", track_bbox_top(color, 0));
		//Else We didn't find a blob
			printf( "Don't see the color blob.\n" );
			// Search for ball using last known direction
			move(lastSeen, 500); 
		//Decrement PumpTime
		if(pumpTime > 0) pumpTime--;
 * process_and_show_images
 * show the different images and save a video file with the results
process_and_show_images (const char* name_output_video,
                         track_t list_of_tracks [MAX_CAM - MIN_CAM][MAX_FRAMES])

  IplImage *ground_plane_image = NULL, *cam[MAX_CAM - MIN_CAM];
  char cam_name [5][255];
  IplImage *DispImage;
  int current_frame, i, j ,k;
  float x_fused = 0.0, y_fused = 0.0, x_fused_errors = 0.0, y_fused_errors = 0.0;
  CvVideoWriter *writer = NULL;
  int   contcam[MAX_CAM - MIN_CAM] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0};
  float acumcam_x[MAX_CAM - MIN_CAM] = {0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0};
  float acumcam_y[MAX_CAM - MIN_CAM] = {0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0};

#ifdef DEBUG
    printf ("process_and_show_images() \n");

    printf ("Creating output video file: %s\n", name_output_video);
    writer = cvCreateVideoWriter (name_output_video, CV_FOURCC ('M', 'J', 'P', 'G'), 15, s, 1);
    //writer = cvCreateVideoWriter (name_output_video, -1, 15, s, 1);
    cvNamedWindow ("Apidis", CV_WINDOW_AUTOSIZE);
    DispImage = cvCreateImage (cvSize (X_RESOLUTION, Y_RESOLUTION), IPL_DEPTH_8U, 3);

    /* for each frame */
    for (current_frame = 0; current_frame < MAX_FRAMES; current_frame++) {
      printf (".");
      fflush (stdout);
      sprintf (cam_name[0], "%s-%04d.jpeg", LOCATION_CAM1_IMAGES, current_frame);
      sprintf (cam_name[1], "%s-%04d.jpeg", LOCATION_CAM2_IMAGES, current_frame);
      sprintf (cam_name[2], "%s-%04d.jpeg", LOCATION_CAM4_IMAGES, current_frame);
      /* Note that cam3 and cam4 are mapped to camera 6 and camera 7 images */
      sprintf (cam_name[3], "%s-%04d.jpeg", LOCATION_CAM6_IMAGES, current_frame);
      sprintf (cam_name[4], "%s-%04d.jpeg", LOCATION_CAM7_IMAGES, current_frame);

      for (i = 0; i < MAX_CAM; i++) {
        cam[i] = cvLoadImage (cam_name[i], CV_LOAD_IMAGE_COLOR);
          if (cam[i] == NULL) {
            printf ("Error opening image: %s \n", cam_name[i]);
            exit (-1);

      if (ground_plane_image == NULL)
        ground_plane_image = cvLoadImage (LOCATION_GROUND_PLANE_IMAGE, CV_LOAD_IMAGE_COLOR);

      cvSetImageROI (DispImage, cvRect (0, 0, 400, 300));
        for (i = 0; i < MAX_CAM; i++) {
          if (track_x (i, current_frame) != 0) { /* if camera 1 in current frame have information */
            cvRectangle (cam[i], cvPoint ((int) track_x (i, current_frame), (int) track_y (i, current_frame)),
            cvPoint ((int) track_x (i, current_frame) + track_w (i, current_frame),
                     (int) track_y (i, current_frame) + track_h (i, current_frame)), CV_RGB (255,255,0), 2, 8, 0);

            cvRectangle (cam[i], cvPoint ((int) track_x_kalman (i, current_frame), (int) track_y_kalman (i, current_frame)),
            cvPoint ((int) track_x_kalman (i, current_frame) + track_w_kalman (i, current_frame),
                     (int) track_y_kalman (i, current_frame) + track_h_kalman (i, current_frame)), CV_RGB (255,0,0), 2, 8, 0);
            if (contcam[i] < 5) /* wait for having 5 values */

            if (contcam[i] == 5) {/* save stats */
              /* get the current mean */
              acumcam_x[i] = 0.0;
              acumcam_y[i] = 0.0;
              for (j = 0; j< 5; j++) {
                acumcam_x[i] += track_px_global_kalman (i, current_frame - j);
                acumcam_y[i] += track_py_global_kalman (i, current_frame - j);
              px_global_mean_5 (i, current_frame) = acumcam_x[i] / (float) contcam[i];
              py_global_mean_5 (i, current_frame) = acumcam_y[i] / (float) contcam[i];

              for (j = 0; j < 5; j++) {
                px_global_var_5 (i, current_frame) +=
                    pow(track_px_global (i, current_frame-j) - px_global_mean_5 (i, current_frame),2);
                py_global_var_5 (i, current_frame) +=
                    pow(track_py_global (i, current_frame-j) - py_global_mean_5 (i, current_frame),2);

              px_global_var_5 (i, current_frame) = px_global_var_5 (i, current_frame) / 5.0;
              py_global_var_5 (i, current_frame) = py_global_var_5 (i, current_frame) / 5.0;
        /* if we lost the objective initialize */
        if (track_x (i, current_frame) == 0)
          contcam[i] = 0;

        cvResize (cam[i], DispImage, CV_INTER_AREA);
        cvResetImageROI (DispImage);
        if (i == 0)
          cvSetImageROI (DispImage, cvRect (400, 0, 400, 300));
        if (i == 1)
          cvSetImageROI (DispImage, cvRect (800, 0, 400, 300));
        if (i == 2)
          cvSetImageROI (DispImage, cvRect (0, 300, 400, 300));
        if (i == 3)
          cvSetImageROI (DispImage, cvRect (400, 300, 400, 300));
        if (i == 4)
          cvSetImageROI (DispImage, cvRect (800, 300, 400, 300));
        } /* for each camera */

        x_fused = fused_px_global (current_frame, list_of_tracks);
        y_fused = fused_py_global (current_frame, list_of_tracks);

        x_fused_errors = fused_px_global_errors (current_frame, list_of_tracks);
        y_fused_errors = fused_py_global_errors (current_frame, list_of_tracks);

        /* for each camera, save the fused data in the data structure list_of_tracks */
        for (k = 0; k < (MAX_CAM - MIN_CAM); k++) {
           track_fused_x (k, current_frame) = x_fused;
           track_fused_y (k, current_frame) = y_fused;

        /* save the fused error (difference between filtered data and fused data) */
        for (k = 0; k < (MAX_CAM - MIN_CAM); k++) {
          if (track_py_local (k, current_frame) > 0) {
               track_error_x (k, current_frame) = abs (track_fused_x (k, current_frame) - track_px_global_kalman (k, current_frame));
               track_error_y (k, current_frame) = abs (track_fused_y (k, current_frame) - track_py_global_kalman (k, current_frame));

        /* get the absolute errors between local data and fused data */
        obtain_track_errors (current_frame, list_of_tracks);

        /* drawing the player positions on the ground plane */

        cvCircle (ground_plane_image, cvPoint (((int)(track_px_global (1, current_frame)/SCALE_X)),
                ((int) (track_py_global(1, current_frame)/SCALE_Y))) , 4, CV_RGB(255, 0, 0), CV_FILLED, CV_AA, 0);

        printf ("Frame:%d, establishing player @: %f,%f --%f,%f --%f,%f\n", current_frame, track_fused_x(0, current_frame),
                 track_fused_y(0, current_frame), x_fused, y_fused, track_px_global(1, current_frame), track_py_global (1, current_frame));

        cvResize (ground_plane_image, DispImage, CV_INTER_AREA);

        cvResetImageROI (DispImage);
        cvShowImage ("Apidis", DispImage);
        cvWriteFrame (writer, DispImage);

        /* free the memory */
        for (i = 0; i < MAX_CAM; i++)
          cvReleaseImage (&cam[i]);


    } /* for each frame */

    /* get the mean errors of each camera */
    obtain_mean_errors (list_of_tracks);

    cvReleaseImage (&ground_plane_image);
    cvReleaseVideoWriter (&writer);
    cvDestroyWindow ("Apidis");

return 0;