void mexFunction(int nlhs, mxArray *plhs[], int nrhs, const mxArray *prhs[])
    // arguments
    const_marray mX(prhs[0]);
    const_marray mY(prhs[1]);
    const_marray mLam(prhs[2]);
    const_marray mAug(prhs[3]);
    const_marray mT0(prhs[4]);
    const_marray mSkip(prhs[5]);
    marray mW = duplicate(prhs[6]);
    marray mW0 = duplicate(prhs[7]);
    // take inputs
    cmat_t X = view2d<double>(mX);
    cvec_t Y = view_as_col<double>(mY);
    double lambda = mLam.get_scalar();
    double aug = mAug.get_scalar();
    double t0 = mT0.get_scalar();
    index_t skip = (index_t)mSkip.get_scalar();
    const index_t d = mX.nrows();
    // main
    if (aug == 0)
        vec_t w(mW.ptr_real(), d, 1);
        SGD_QN trainer(w, lambda, skip, t0);
        run_sgdx(trainer, X, Y, 1);
        vec_t w(mW.ptr_real(), d, 1);
        double& w0 = *(mW0.ptr_real());
        SGD_QN_A trainer(w, w0, lambda, aug, skip, t0);
        run_sgdx(trainer, X, Y, 1); 
    // return
    plhs[0] = mW;
    plhs[1] = mW0;
Beispiel #2
 double train_denoising(NIterator noisy_it, NIterator noisy_end, CIterator clean_it, CIterator clean_end, std::size_t max_epochs, Args... args) {
     dll::rbm_trainer<parent_t, EnableWatcher, RW, true> trainer(args...);
     return trainer.train(as_derived(),
                          noisy_it, noisy_end,
                          clean_it, clean_end,
int main(int argc, char** argv) {
    if (argc < 2) {
        printf("provide training file dir\n");
    std::string treeDir(argv[1]);
    std::string trainPath = treeDir + "/train.txt";
    std::string devPath = treeDir + "/dev.txt";
    // model parameters
    int wordDim = 32;
    int numClasses = 5;

    // training parameters
    sOptions_t options = {

    SentimentTraining trainer(options, wordDim, numClasses);

    return 0;
bool makeBOWModel(std::vector<BOWImg> &images, Mat &vocabulary, Mat &trainData, Mat &response)
	// Load training images
	std::cout<<"--->Loading training images ... "<<std::endl;
	int numImages = imgRead(images);
	if(numImages < 0)
		return false;
	std::cout<<"    "<<numImages<<" images loaded."<<std::endl;
	// Random shuffle samples
	std::random_shuffle (images.begin(), images.end());
		Get the ROI of images. 
		Feature detect and extract descriptors.
	printf("--->Extracting %s features ...\n", conf.extractor.c_str());	
	features(images, conf.extractor, conf.detector);
	BOWKMeansTrainer trainer(conf.numClusters,TermCriteria(CV_TERMCRIT_EPS+CV_TERMCRIT_ITER,10,1.0));
	for(std::vector<BOWImg>::iterator iter = images.begin();iter != images.end(); iter++)
		Mat tmp = iter->descriptor;
	std::cout<<"--->Constructing vocabulary list ..."<<std::endl;	
	vocabulary = trainer.cluster();
	std::cout<<"--->Extracting BOW features ..."<<std::endl;
 	bowFeatures(images, vocabulary, conf.extractor);
 	// Prepare traning data.
	Mat rawData;

	for(std::vector<BOWImg>::iterator iter = images.begin();iter != images.end(); iter++)
	// PCA
#ifdef _USE_PCA_
	float factor = 1;
	int maxComponentsNum = static_cast<float>(conf.numClusters) * factor;
	PCA pca(rawData, Mat(),CV_PCA_DATA_AS_ROW, maxComponentsNum);
	Mat pcaData;
	for(int i = 0;i<rawData.rows;i++)
		Mat vec = rawData.row(i);
		Mat coeffs = pca.project(vec);
	trainData = pcaData;
	trainData = rawData;
	return true;
Beispiel #5
void Base::RunTrainer()
    if (Exists(Tagger().WeightFileName())) return;
    std::ofstream cout_file(Tagger().FolderName() + ".txt");
    auto cout = std::cout.rdbuf();
    Trainer trainer(Tagger());
Beispiel #6
void TrainDocWordVectors()
	int vec_dim = 50;
	int num_threads = 4;
	int num_rounds = 20;
	int num_negative_samples = 10;
	float starting_alpha = 0.06f;

	const char *doc_words_file_name = "e:/dc/el/tac/2010/train/dw.bin";
	const char *word_cnts_file = "e:/dc/el/wiki/word_cnts.bin";
	const char *word_vecs_file_name = "e:/dc/el/vecs/word_vecs_3.bin";
	const char *dst_vec_file_name = "e:/dc/el/vecs/2010/train_3_dw_vecs.bin";

	EADocVecTrainer trainer(num_rounds, num_threads, num_negative_samples, starting_alpha);
	trainer.TrainDocWordFixedWordVecs(doc_words_file_name, word_cnts_file, word_vecs_file_name, 
		vec_dim, dst_vec_file_name);
Beispiel #7
int main(int argc, const char *argv[])
  if (argc==3)
    DepthmapLoaderT depthmapLoader;
    LabelsLoaderT labelsLoader(RGB2LABEL, N_LABELS);
    SamplerT sampler(N_SAMPLES, atoi(argv[1]));
    TrainingSetT trainingSet(argv[2], "_depth.png", "_labels.png", N_LABELS,
			     depthmapLoader, labelsLoader, sampler);

    TreeT tree(atoi(argv[1]), TREE_DEPTH);
    TreeTrainerT trainer(".", USE_CPU);

    TreeTrainerParametersT params;
    params.nFeatures = N_FEATURES;
    params.nThresholds = N_THRESHOLDS;
    params.computeFRange = false;
    params.featLowBounds[0] = -60;
    params.featLowBounds[1] = -60;
    params.featUpBounds[0] = 60;
    params.featUpBounds[1] = 60;
    params.thrLowBound = -200;
    params.thrUpBound = 200;
    params.randomThrSampling = true;
    params.perLeafSamplesThr = static_cast<float>(N_SAMPLES)/N_LABELS;
    //params.perLeafSamplesThr = 1;

      trainer.train(tree, trainingSet, params, 1, TRAIN_DEPTH);
      std::stringstream treeName;
      treeName << "tree" << argv[1] << ".xml";
    catch (cl::Error err)
      std::cerr << err.what() << ": " << err.err() << std::endl;

    return 0;

  return 1;
use training data to build a codebook/vocabulary
int trainVocabulary(std::string vocabPath,
					std::string vocabTrainDataPath,
					double clusterRadius)

	//ensure not overwriting a vocabulary
	std::ifstream checker;
	if(checker.is_open()) {	
		std::cerr << vocabPath << ": Vocabulary already present" <<
		return -1;

	std::cout << "Loading vocabulary training data" << std::endl;
	cv::FileStorage fs;	

	//load in vocab training data
	fs.open(vocabTrainDataPath, cv::FileStorage::READ);
	cv::Mat vocabTrainData;
	fs["VocabTrainData"] >> vocabTrainData;
	if (vocabTrainData.empty()) {
		std::cerr << vocabTrainDataPath << ": Training Data not found" <<
		return -1;

	std::cout << "Performing clustering" << std::endl;

	//uses Modified Sequential Clustering to train a vocabulary
	of2::BOWMSCTrainer trainer(clusterRadius);
	cv::Mat vocab = trainer.cluster();

	//save the vocabulary
	std::cout << "Saving vocabulary" << std::endl;
	fs.open(vocabPath, cv::FileStorage::WRITE);
	fs << "Vocabulary" << vocab;

	return 0;
Beispiel #9
    static bool
    localTest2Layer( void ) {
        log_info( "Test 2 Layer - Start" );
        Dnn dnn;
        DnnBuilder builder( dnn, ACTIVATION_RELU );
        builder.addLayerInput( 1, 1, 2 );
        builder.addLayerFullyConnected( 20 );
        builder.addLayerSoftmax( 2 );
        dnn.initialize();                                   // Randomize the weights.

        DNN_NUMERIC *input  = dnn.getDataInput();
        DNN_NUMERIC *output = dnn.getDataOutput();
        if( input == 0 || output == 0 ) {
            return log_error( "bad pointers from dnn" );
        *input++ =  0.3;                // Send a data point (0.3,-0.5) forward through the network.
        *input   = -0.5;
        if( !dnn.predict()) {
            log_error( "Problem with forward propagation through the network." );
        DNN_NUMERIC probability1 = *output;
        DnnTrainerSGD trainer( &dnn );
        trainer.learningRate( 0.01  );
        trainer.l2Decay(      0.001 );
        trainer.train( 0 );
        DNN_NUMERIC probability2 = *output;
        if( probability2 <= probability1 ) {
            return log_error( "Probability did not change for the better: %f to %f", probability1, probability2 );
        log_info( "Test 2 Layer - End" );
        return true;
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
	std::vector<Mat<float> > mse;
	float lr = 1e-1f;
	//Neural Networks settings :
	Topology topo;
	unsigned int nbrneurons = 25;
	unsigned int nbrlayer = 1;
	unsigned int nbrinput = width*height;
	unsigned int nbroutput = 10;
	//topo.push_back(nbrinput,NTNONE);	//input layer
	topo.push_back(nbrinput,NTSIGMOID);	//input layer
	//topo.push_back(nbrneurons, NTSIGMOID);
	topo.push_back(15, NTSIGMOID);
	//topo.push_back(nbroutput, NTSOFTMAX);	//linear output
	topo.push_back(nbroutput, NTSIGMOID);	//linear output
	NN<float> nn(topo, lr);
	NNTrainer<float> trainer(&nn);	
	report.open(report_fn.c_str(), ios::out);
    image.open(training_image_fn.c_str(), ios::in | ios::binary); // Binary image file
    label.open(training_label_fn.c_str(), ios::in | ios::binary ); // Binary label file

	// Reading file headers
    char number;
    for (int i = 1; i <= 16; ++i) {
        image.read(&number, sizeof(char));
    for (int i = 1; i <= 8; ++i) {
        label.read(&number, sizeof(char));
	//checking rotation :
	Mat<float> im1(8,8, (char)1);
	Mat<float> im2( rotate(im1,PI/2.0f) );
	//checking arctan !!!
	float y = -4.0f;
	float x = 4.0f;
	std::cout << arctan(y,x)*180.0f/(PI) << std::endl;
	//checking reading :
	char labelval = 0;
	float theta = PI/2;
	im1 = inputMNIST(labelval);
	im2 = rotate(im1,theta);
	std::cout << "Rotation of : " << theta*180.0f/PI << std::endl;
	char labelval = 0;
	int nbrTimes = 1;
	int iteration = 50000;
	int offx = 2;
	int offy = 2;
	int size = 28;
	int countSuccess = 0;
	for(int k=1;k<=nbrTimes;k++)
	report.open(report_fn.c_str(), ios::out);
    image.open(training_image_fn.c_str(), ios::in | ios::binary); // Binary image file
    label.open(training_label_fn.c_str(), ios::in | ios::binary ); // Binary label file

	// Reading file headers
    char number;
    for (int i = 1; i <= 16; ++i) {
        image.read(&number, sizeof(char));
    for (int i = 1; i <= 8; ++i) {
        label.read(&number, sizeof(char));
	int batchSize = 100;
	while( iteration)
		Mat<float> inputOriginal( inputMNIST(labelval) );
		//let us choose the rotation :
		float theta = ((float)(rand()%2))*PI;
		//let us apply it :
		Mat<float> rotatedinput(extract( rotate(inputOriginal, theta), offx,offy, offx+(size-1), offy+(size-1) ));
		Mat<float> inputR( reshapeV( rotatedinput ) );
		Mat<float> inputO( reshapeV( inputOriginal) );
		Mat<float> target( 0.0f, 10,1);
		target.set( 1.0f, labelval+1, 1);
		if(labelval < 10)
			Mat<float> output( nn.feedForward( inputR) );
			int idmax = idmin( (-1.0f)*output).get(1,1);
			transpose( operatorL(target,output) ).afficher();
			std::cout << " LEARNING ITERATION : " << iteration << " ; IDMAX = " << idmax << std::endl;
			Mat<float> output( nn.feedForward( inputO) );
			int idmax = idmin( (-1.0f)*output).get(1,1);
			transpose( operatorL(target,output) ).afficher();
			std::cout << " LEARNING ITERATION : " << iteration << " ; IDMAX = " << idmax << std::endl;
			trainer.accumulateGradient( inputO, (output - target) );
			float momentum = 1.0f;
			//counting :
			if(idmax == labelval+1)
			//original input :
			output =  nn.feedForward( inputO);
			idmax = idmin( (-1.0f)*output).get(1,1);
			transpose( operatorL(target,output) ).afficher();
			std::cout << " LEARNING ITERATION : " << iteration << " ; IDMAX = " << idmax << std::endl;
			nn.backPropBATCH(target, batchSize);
			//counting :
			if(idmax == labelval+1)
			if( iteration % 1000 == 0)
				std::cout << " TEST : " << countSuccess << " / " << 1000 << std::endl;
				writeInFile(std::string("./mse.txt"), mse);
				countSuccess = 0;
		iteration = 50000;
	std::cout << " VALIDATION TEST : in progress.." << std::endl;
	iteration = 1000;
	int success = 0;
	while( iteration)
		Mat<float> rotatedinput( inputMNIST(labelval) );
		//let us choose the rotation :
		//float theta = rand()%360;
		float theta = ((float)(rand()%2))*PI;
		//let us apply it :
		rotatedinput = extract( rotate(rotatedinput, theta), offx,offy, offx+(size-1), offy+(size-1) );
		Mat<float> input( reshapeV( rotatedinput ) );
		Mat<float> target( 0.0f, 10,1);
		target.set( 1.0f, labelval+1, 1);
		if(labelval < 10)
			Mat<float> output( nn.feedForward( input));
			int idmax = idmin( (-1.0f)*output).get(1,1);
			std::cout << " ITERATION : " << iteration << " ; IDMAX = " << idmax << std::endl;
			if(idmax == labelval+1)
	std::cout << "VALIDATION TEST : " << success << " / 1000." << std::endl;
	return 0;
Beispiel #11
int main(int argc, char** argv)
    // parse directory option
    int getopt_res;
    std::string model_directory = "";
    std::string cad120_directory = "";
    bool cross_validation = false;
    bool grid_search = false;
    bool dfound = false;
    bool cfound = false;

    while ((getopt_res = getopt(argc, argv, "d:c:vg")) != -1)
        switch (getopt_res)
        case 'd':
            dfound = true;
            model_directory = optarg;

        case 'c':
            cfound = true;
            cad120_directory = optarg;

        case 'v':
            cross_validation = true;

        case 'g':
            grid_search = true;

            fprintf(stderr, "Usage: train_cad120 -c CAD120_DIRECTORY_PATH -d MODEL_DIRECTORY_PATH [-v] [-g]\n");
            return 1;

    if (!dfound || !cfound)
        fprintf(stderr, "Usage: train_cad120 -c CAD120_DIRECTORY_PATH -d MODEL_DIRECTORY_PATH [-v] [-g]\n");
        return 1;

    pcml::TrainFutureMotion trainer(model_directory);

    const std::vector<std::string>& joint_names = trainer.jointNames();

    // add input motions to trainer
    pcml::CAD120Reader reader(cad120_directory);

    for (int subject=0; subject < reader.numSubjects(); subject++)
        for (int action=0; action < reader.numActions(subject); action++)
            for (int video=0; video < reader.numVideos(subject, action); video++)
                // print subject/action/video
                printf("Parsing [subject %d, action %d, video %d]\n", subject, action, video);

                std::vector<Eigen::VectorXd> motion_list;
                std::vector<int> action_labels_list;

                // reading a demonstration
                reader.startReadFrames(subject, action, video);

                int frame_idx = 0;
                while (reader.readNextFrame())
                    // retrieve motion
                    Eigen::VectorXd current_motion( joint_names.size() * 3 );
                    for (int i=0; i<joint_names.size(); i++)
                        Eigen::Vector3d position;
                        reader.getJointPosition(joint_names[i], position);

                        current_motion.block( i*3, 0, 3, 1 ) = position;

                    // retrieve action label
                    action_labels_list.push_back( reader.getSubActivityIndex() );

                    /*// print sub-activity per frame
                    printf("sub-activity at %04d: %s\n", frame_idx, reader.getSubActivity().c_str());


                // conversion from stl vector to eigen matrix/vector
                Eigen::MatrixXd motion( motion_list[0].rows(), motion_list.size() );
                Eigen::VectorXi action_labels( action_labels_list.size() );

                for (int i=0; i<motion_list.size(); i++)
                    motion.col(i) = motion_list[i];
                    action_labels(i) = action_labels_list[i];

                trainer.addMotion(motion, action_labels);

    if (cross_validation)
        printf("Doing cross validation takes a while...\n"); fflush(stdout);
        printf("Cross validation complete\n"); fflush(stdout);

    if (grid_search)
        printf("Doing grid search takes a while...\n"); fflush(stdout);
        printf("Grid search complete\n"); fflush(stdout);

    if (!cross_validation && !grid_search)
        // training
        printf("Training takes a while...\n"); fflush(stdout);
        printf("Training complete\n"); fflush(stdout);

        // saving the trained model
        printf("Saving the trained model\n"); fflush(stdout);

    return 0;
Beispiel #12
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
	if (argc != 2 && argc != 3)
		cout << "usage rnnlib [-s | --save] config_file" << endl;
	bool autosave = false;
	string configFilename;
	if (argc == 3)
		string saveFlag(argv[1]);
		autosave = (saveFlag == "-s" || saveFlag == "--save");
		configFilename = argv[2];
		configFilename = argv[1];
	ConfigFile conf(configFilename);
	string task = conf.get<string>("task");
	if (task == "transcription" && conf.has("dictionary"))
		task = conf.set<string>("task", "dictionary_transcription");
	bool display = conf.get<bool>("display", false);
	vector<int> jacobianCoords = conf.get_list<int>("jacobianCoords");
	bool gradCheck = conf.get<bool>("gradCheck", false);
	verbose = conf.get<bool>("verbose", false);
	int displaySequence = conf.get<int>("sequence", 0);
	string dataset = conf.get<string>("dataset", "train");
	check(in(validDatasets, dataset), 
		  dataset + " given as 'dataset' parameter in config file '" 
		  + configFilename + "'\nmust be one of '" + str(validDatasets) + "'");
	string dataFileString = dataset + "File";
	string saveName = "";
	ofstream* logout = 0;
	TeeDev* tdev = 0;
	TeeStream* tout = 0;
	string displayPath = "";
	string logname = "";
	if (display || jacobianCoords.size())
		displayPath = conf.get<string>("displayPath");
		logname = displayPath + "log";
	else if (autosave)
		if (in (conf.filename, '@'))
			saveName = conf.filename.substr(0, conf.filename.find('@'));
			saveName = conf.filename.substr(0, conf.filename.rfind('.'));
		saveName += "@" + time_stamp();
		logname = saveName + ".log";
	if (autosave || display || jacobianCoords.size())
		logout = new ofstream(logname.c_str());
		check(logout->is_open(), "can't open log file " + logname);
		tdev = new TeeDev(cout, *logout);
		tout = new TeeStream(*tdev);
		cout << "writing to log file " << logname << endl;
	ostream& out = tout ? *tout : cout;
	vector<string> dataFiles = conf.get_list<string>(dataFileString);
	int dataFileNum = conf.get<int>("dataFileNum", 0);
	check(dataFiles.size() > dataFileNum, "no " + ordinal(dataFileNum) + " file in size " + str(dataFiles.size()) + " file list " + dataFileString + " in " + configFilename);
	DataHeader header(dataFiles[dataFileNum], task, 1);
	DataSequence* testSeq = 0;
	if (display || gradCheck || jacobianCoords.size())
		NetcdfDataset* data = new NetcdfDataset(dataFiles[dataFileNum], task, displaySequence);
		testSeq = new DataSequence((*data)[0]);
		delete data;
	Mdrnn *net;
	if (task == "code")
		net = new CodeNet(out, conf, header);
	else if (task == "memory")
		net = new MemoryNet(out, conf, header);
	else if (task == "pm")
		net = new PmNet(out, conf, header);
		net = new MultilayerNet(out, conf, header);
	out << endl << "network:" << endl;
	PRINT(task, out);
	out << *net;
	//build weight container after net is created
	int numWeights = WeightContainer::instance().weights.size();
	out << numWeights << " weights" << endl << endl;
	//build the network after the weight container
	//only construct optimiser after weight container is built
	Optimiser* opt;
	if (conf.get<string>("optimiser", "steepest") == "rprop")
		opt = new Rprop(out);
		opt = new SteepestDescent(out, conf.get<double>("learnRate", 1e-4), conf.get<double>("momentum", 0.9));
	Trainer trainer(out, net, opt, conf);
	out << "setting random seed to " << Random::set_seed(conf.get<unsigned long int>("randSeed", 0)) << endl << endl;
	if (conf.get<bool>("loadWeights", false))
		out << "loading dynamic data from "  << conf.filename << endl;
		DataExportHandler::instance().load(conf, out);
		out << "epoch = " << trainer.epoch << endl << endl;
	double initWeightRange = conf.get<double>("initWeightRange", 0.1);
	out << "randomising uninitialised weights with mean 0 std. dev. " << initWeightRange << endl << endl;
	out << "optimiser:" << endl << *opt << endl;
	if (gradCheck)
		out << "data header:" << endl << header << endl;
		out << "running gradient check for sequence " << displaySequence << endl;
		out << *testSeq; 
 		GradientCheck(out, net, *testSeq, conf.get<int>("sigFigs", 6), 
			conf.get<double>("pert", 1e-5), conf.get<bool>("verbose", false));
	else if (jacobianCoords.size())
		out << "data header:" << endl << header << endl;
		out << "calculating Jacobian for sequence " << displaySequence << " at coords " << jacobianCoords << endl;
		out << *testSeq; 
		out << "output path: " << endl << displayPath << endl;
		net->outputLayer->outputErrors.get(jacobianCoords) = net->outputLayer->outputActivations.get(jacobianCoords);
	else if (display)
		out << "data header:" << endl << header << endl;
		out << "displaying sequence " << displaySequence << endl;
		out << *testSeq; 
		out << "output path: " << endl << displayPath << endl;
		out << "errors:" << endl << net->outputLayer->errorMap;
	else if (conf.get<bool>("errorTest", false))
		out << "trainer:" << endl;
	if (logout)
		delete logout;
	if (tdev)
		delete tdev;
//	if (tout)
//	{
//		delete tout;
//	}
	delete net;
	delete opt;
Beispiel #13
 double train(Iterator&& first, Iterator&& last, std::size_t max_epochs, Args... args) {
     dll::rbm_trainer<parent_t, EnableWatcher, RW, false> trainer(args...);
     return trainer.train(as_derived(), std::forward<Iterator>(first), std::forward<Iterator>(last), max_epochs);
Beispiel #14
 double train_denoising(const Samples& noisy, const Samples& clean, std::size_t max_epochs, Args... args) {
     dll::rbm_trainer<parent_t, EnableWatcher, RW, true> trainer(args...);
     return trainer.train(as_derived(), noisy.begin(), noisy.end(), clean.begin(), clean.end(), max_epochs);
void ClassifySvmSharedCommand::processSharedAndDesignData(vector<SharedRAbundVector*> lookup) {
    try {
        OutputFilter outputFilter(verbosity);

        LabeledObservationVector labeledObservationVector;
        FeatureVector featureVector;
        readSharedRAbundVectors(lookup, designMap, labeledObservationVector, featureVector);

        // optionally remove features with low standard deviation
        if ( stdthreshold > 0.0 ) {
            FeatureVector removedFeatureVector = applyStdThreshold(stdthreshold, labeledObservationVector, featureVector);
            if (removedFeatureVector.size() > 0) {
                std::cout << removedFeatureVector.size() << " OTUs were below the stdthreshold of " << stdthreshold << " and were removed" << std::endl;
                if ( outputFilter.debug() ) {
                    std::cout << "the following OTUs were below the standard deviation threshold of " << stdthreshold << std::endl;
                    for (FeatureVector::iterator i = removedFeatureVector.begin(); i != removedFeatureVector.end(); i++) {
                        std::cout << "  " << i->getFeatureLabel() << std::endl;

        // apply [0,1] standardization
        if ( transformName == "zeroone") {
            std::cout << "transforming data to lie within range [0,1]" << std::endl;
        else {
            std::cout << "transforming data to have zero mean and unit variance" << std::endl;

        SvmDataset svmDataset(labeledObservationVector, featureVector);

        OneVsOneMultiClassSvmTrainer trainer(svmDataset, evaluationFoldCount, trainingFoldCount, *this, outputFilter);

        if ( mode == "rfe" ) {
            SvmRfe svmRfe;
            ParameterRange& linearKernelConstantRange = kernelParameterRangeMap["linear"]["constant"];
            ParameterRange& linearKernelSmoCRange = kernelParameterRangeMap["linear"]["smoc"];
            RankedFeatureList rankedFeatureList = svmRfe.getOrderedFeatureList(svmDataset, trainer, linearKernelConstantRange, linearKernelSmoCRange);

            map<string, string> variables;
            variables["[filename]"] = outputDir + m->getRootName(m->getSimpleName(sharedfile));
            variables["[distance]"] = lookup[0]->getLabel();
            string filename = getOutputFileName("summary", variables);

            std::ofstream outputFile(filename.c_str());

            int n = 0;
            int rfeRoundCount = rankedFeatureList.front().getRank();
            std::cout << "ordered features:" << std::endl;
            std::cout << setw(5)  << "index"
                      << setw(12) << "OTU"
                      << setw(5)  << "rank"
                      << std::endl;
            outputFile << setw(5)  << "index"
                       << setw(12) << "OTU"
                       << setw(5)  << "rank"
                       << std::endl;
            for (RankedFeatureList::iterator i = rankedFeatureList.begin(); i != rankedFeatureList.end(); i++) {
                int rank = rfeRoundCount - i->getRank() + 1;
                outputFile << setw(5)  << n
                           << setw(12) << i->getFeature().getFeatureLabel()
                           << setw(5)  << rank
                           << std::endl;
                if ( n <= 20 ) {
                    std::cout << setw(5) << n
                              << setw(12) << i->getFeature().getFeatureLabel()
                              << setw(5) << rank
                              << std::endl;
        else {
            MultiClassSVM* mcsvm = trainer.train(kernelParameterRangeMap);

            map<string, string> variables;
            variables["[filename]"] = outputDir + m->getRootName(m->getSimpleName(sharedfile));
            variables["[distance]"] = lookup[0]->getLabel();
            string filename = getOutputFileName("summary", variables);

            std::ofstream outputFile(filename.c_str());

            printPerformanceSummary(mcsvm, std::cout);
            printPerformanceSummary(mcsvm, outputFile);

            outputFile << "actual  predicted" << std::endl;
            for ( LabeledObservationVector::const_iterator i = labeledObservationVector.begin(); i != labeledObservationVector.end(); i++ ) {
                Label actualLabel = i->getLabel();
                outputFile << i->getDatasetIndex() << " " << actualLabel << " ";
                try {
                    Label predictedLabel = mcsvm->classify(*(i->getObservation()));
                    outputFile << predictedLabel << std::endl;
                catch ( MultiClassSvmClassificationTie& m ) {
                    outputFile << "tie" << std::endl;
                    std::cout << "classification tie for observation " << i->datasetIndex << " with label " << i->first << std::endl;

            delete mcsvm;

    catch (exception& e) {
        m->errorOut(e, "ClassifySvmSharedCommand", "processSharedAndDesignData");
Beispiel #16
 double train(const Samples& training_data, std::size_t max_epochs, Args... args) {
     dll::rbm_trainer<parent_t, EnableWatcher, RW, false> trainer(args...);
     return trainer.train(as_derived(), training_data.begin(), training_data.end(), max_epochs);
Beispiel #17
// Apart from command-line flags, input is a collection of lstmf files, that
// were previously created using tesseract with the lstm.train config file.
// The program iterates over the inputs, feeding the data to the network,
// until the error rate reaches a specified target or max_iterations is reached.
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
  ParseArguments(&argc, &argv);
  // Purify the model name in case it is based on the network string.
  if (FLAGS_model_output.empty()) {
    tprintf("Must provide a --model_output!\n");
    return 1;
  STRING model_output = FLAGS_model_output.c_str();
  for (int i = 0; i < model_output.length(); ++i) {
    if (model_output[i] == '[' || model_output[i] == ']')
      model_output[i] = '-';
    if (model_output[i] == '(' || model_output[i] == ')')
      model_output[i] = '_';
  // Setup the trainer.
  STRING checkpoint_file = FLAGS_model_output.c_str();
  checkpoint_file += "_checkpoint";
  STRING checkpoint_bak = checkpoint_file + ".bak";
  tesseract::LSTMTrainer trainer(
      NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, FLAGS_model_output.c_str(),
      checkpoint_file.c_str(), FLAGS_debug_interval,
      static_cast<inT64>(FLAGS_max_image_MB) * 1048576);

  // Reading something from an existing model doesn't require many flags,
  // so do it now and exit.
  if (FLAGS_stop_training || FLAGS_debug_network) {
    if (!trainer.TryLoadingCheckpoint(FLAGS_continue_from.c_str())) {
      tprintf("Failed to read continue from: %s\n",
      return 1;
    if (FLAGS_debug_network) {
    } else {
      if (FLAGS_train_mode & tesseract::TF_INT_MODE)
      GenericVector<char> recognizer_data;
      if (!tesseract::SaveDataToFile(recognizer_data,
                                     FLAGS_model_output.c_str())) {
        tprintf("Failed to write recognition model : %s\n",
    return 0;

  // Get the list of files to process.
  if (FLAGS_train_listfile.empty()) {
    tprintf("Must supply a list of training filenames! --train_listfile\n");
    return 1;
  GenericVector<STRING> filenames;
  if (!tesseract::LoadFileLinesToStrings(FLAGS_train_listfile.c_str(),
                                         &filenames)) {
    tprintf("Failed to load list of training filenames from %s\n",
    return 1;

  UNICHARSET unicharset;
  // Checkpoints always take priority if they are available.
  if (trainer.TryLoadingCheckpoint(checkpoint_file.string()) ||
      trainer.TryLoadingCheckpoint(checkpoint_bak.string())) {
    tprintf("Successfully restored trainer from %s\n",
  } else {
    if (!FLAGS_continue_from.empty()) {
      // Load a past model file to improve upon.
      if (!trainer.TryLoadingCheckpoint(FLAGS_continue_from.c_str())) {
        tprintf("Failed to continue from: %s\n", FLAGS_continue_from.c_str());
        return 1;
      tprintf("Continuing from %s\n", FLAGS_continue_from.c_str());
    if (FLAGS_continue_from.empty() || FLAGS_append_index >= 0) {
      // We need a unicharset to start from scratch or append.
      string unicharset_str;
      // Character coding to be used by the classifier.
      if (!unicharset.load_from_file(FLAGS_U.c_str())) {
        tprintf("Error: must provide a -U unicharset!\n");
        return 1;
      tesseract::SetupBasicProperties(true, &unicharset);
      if (FLAGS_append_index >= 0) {
        tprintf("Appending a new network to an old one!!");
        if (FLAGS_continue_from.empty()) {
          tprintf("Must set --continue_from for appending!\n");
          return 1;
      // We are initializing from scratch.
      trainer.InitCharSet(unicharset, FLAGS_script_dir.c_str(),
      if (!trainer.InitNetwork(FLAGS_net_spec.c_str(), FLAGS_append_index,
                               FLAGS_net_mode, FLAGS_weight_range,
                               FLAGS_learning_rate, FLAGS_momentum)) {
        tprintf("Failed to create network from spec: %s\n",
        return 1;
  if (!trainer.LoadAllTrainingData(filenames)) {
    tprintf("Load of images failed!!\n");
    return 1;

  bool best_dumped = true;
  char* best_model_dump = NULL;
  size_t best_model_size = 0;
  STRING best_model_name;
  tesseract::LSTMTester tester(static_cast<inT64>(FLAGS_max_image_MB) *
  tesseract::TestCallback tester_callback = nullptr;
  if (!FLAGS_eval_listfile.empty()) {
    if (!tester.LoadAllEvalData(FLAGS_eval_listfile.c_str())) {
      tprintf("Failed to load eval data from: %s\n",
      return 1;
    tester_callback =
        NewPermanentTessCallback(&tester, &tesseract::LSTMTester::RunEvalAsync);
  do {
    // Train a few.
    int iteration = trainer.training_iteration();
    for (int target_iteration = iteration + kNumPagesPerBatch;
         iteration < target_iteration;
         iteration = trainer.training_iteration()) {
      trainer.TrainOnLine(&trainer, false);
    STRING log_str;
    trainer.MaintainCheckpoints(tester_callback, &log_str);
    tprintf("%s\n", log_str.string());
  } while (trainer.best_error_rate() > FLAGS_target_error_rate &&
           (trainer.training_iteration() < FLAGS_max_iterations ||
            FLAGS_max_iterations == 0));
  delete tester_callback;
  tprintf("Finished! Error rate = %g\n", trainer.best_error_rate());
  return 0;
} /* main */
int main(int argc, const char* argv[]) {
    try {
        // Parse command line arguments.
        TCLAP::CmdLine cmd("Depth RF trainer", ' ', "0.3");
        TCLAP::ValueArg<std::string> image_list_file_arg("f", "image-list-file", "File containing the names of image files", true, "", "string", cmd);
        TCLAP::ValueArg<int> num_of_classes_arg("n", "num-of-classes", "Number of classes in the data", true, 1, "int", cmd);
        TCLAP::SwitchArg print_confusion_matrix_switch("m", "conf-matrix", "Print confusion matrix", cmd, true);
        TCLAP::ValueArg<int> background_label_arg("l", "background-label", "Lower bound of background labels to be ignored", false, -1, "int", cmd);
        TCLAP::ValueArg<std::string> json_forest_file_arg("j", "json-forest-file", "JSON file where the trained forest should be saved", false, "forest.json", "string");
        TCLAP::ValueArg<std::string> binary_forest_file_arg("b", "binary-forest-file", "Binary file where the trained forest should be saved", false, "forest.bin", "string");
        TCLAP::ValueArg<std::string> config_file_arg("c", "config", "YAML file with training parameters", false, "", "string", cmd);
        TCLAP::ValueArg<int> num_of_threads_arg("t", "threads", "Number of threads to use", false, -1, "int", cmd);
        cmd.xorAdd(json_forest_file_arg, binary_forest_file_arg);
        cmd.parse(argc, argv);
        const int num_of_classes = num_of_classes_arg.getValue();
        bool print_confusion_matrix = print_confusion_matrix_switch.getValue();
        const std::string image_list_file = image_list_file_arg.getValue();

        // Initialize training and weak-learner parameters to defaults or load from file
        ForestTrainerT::ParametersT training_parameters;
        WeakLearnerT::ParametersT weak_learner_parameters;
        if (config_file_arg.isSet()) {
            ait::log_info(false) << "Reading config file " << config_file_arg.getValue() << "... " << std::flush;
            std::ifstream ifile_config(config_file_arg.getValue());
            cereal::JSONInputArchive iarchive(ifile_config);
            iarchive(cereal::make_nvp("training_parameters", training_parameters));
            iarchive(cereal::make_nvp("weak_learner_parameters", weak_learner_parameters));
            ait::log_info(false) << " Done." << std::endl;
        if (num_of_threads_arg.isSet()) {
            training_parameters.num_of_threads = num_of_threads_arg.getValue();

        // Read image file list
        ait::log_info(false) << "Reading image list ... " << std::flush;
        std::vector<std::tuple<std::string, std::string>> image_list;
        std::ifstream ifile(image_list_file);
        if (!ifile.good()) {
            throw std::runtime_error("Unable to open image list file");
        ait::CSVReader<std::string> csv_reader(ifile);
        for (auto it = csv_reader.begin(); it != csv_reader.end(); ++it) {
            if (it->size() != 2) {
                ait::log_error() << "Image list file should contain two columns with the data and label filenames.";
            const std::string& data_filename = (*it)[0];
            const std::string& label_filename = (*it)[1];
            boost::filesystem::path data_path = boost::filesystem::path(data_filename);
            boost::filesystem::path label_path = boost::filesystem::path(label_filename);
            if (!data_path.is_absolute()) {
                data_path = boost::filesystem::path(image_list_file).parent_path();
                data_path /= data_filename;
            if (!label_path.is_absolute()) {
                label_path = boost::filesystem::path(image_list_file).parent_path();
                label_path /= label_filename;
            image_list.push_back(std::make_tuple(data_path.string(), label_path.string()));
        ait::log_info(false) << " Done." << std::endl;
        // TODO: Ensure that label images do not contain values > num_of_classes except for background pixels. Other approach: Test samples directly below.
        // Set lower bound for background pixel lables
        ait::label_type background_label;
        if (background_label_arg.isSet()) {
            background_label = background_label_arg.getValue();
        } else {
            background_label = num_of_classes;
        weak_learner_parameters.background_label = background_label;

        // Create weak learner and trainer.
        StatisticsT::Factory statistics_factory(num_of_classes);
        WeakLearnerT iwl(weak_learner_parameters, statistics_factory);
        ForestTrainerT trainer(iwl, training_parameters);
        SampleProviderT sample_provider(image_list, weak_learner_parameters);
        BaggingWrapperT bagging_wrapper(trainer, sample_provider);

        RandomEngineT rnd_engine(11);
        std::random_device rnd_device;
        ait::log_info() << "rnd(): " << rnd_device();
        RandomEngineT rnd_engine(rnd_device());

        // Train a forest and time it.
        auto start_time = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now();
        // TODO
        //		ForestTrainerT::ForestT forest = bagging_wrapper.train_forest(rnd_engine);
        // TODO: Testing all samples for comparison with depth_trainer
        for (int i = 0; i < image_list.size(); ++i) {
            sample_provider.load_samples_from_image(i, rnd_engine);
        SampleIteratorT samples_start = sample_provider.get_samples_begin();
        SampleIteratorT samples_end = sample_provider.get_samples_end();
        ait::log_info() << "Starting training ...";
        ForestTrainerT::ForestT forest = trainer.train_forest(samples_start, samples_end, rnd_engine);
        auto stop_time = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now();
        auto duration = stop_time - start_time;
        auto period = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::period();
        double elapsed_seconds = duration.count() * period.num / static_cast<double>(period.den);
        ait::log_info() << "Done.";
        ait::log_info() << "Running time: " << elapsed_seconds;
        // Optionally: Serialize forest to JSON file.
        if (json_forest_file_arg.isSet()) {
                ait::log_info(false) << "Writing json forest file " << json_forest_file_arg.getValue() << "... " << std::flush;
                std::ofstream ofile(json_forest_file_arg.getValue());
                cereal::JSONOutputArchive oarchive(ofile);
                oarchive(cereal::make_nvp("forest", forest));
                ait::log_info(false) << " Done." << std::endl;
        // Optionally: Serialize forest to binary file.
        } else if (binary_forest_file_arg.isSet()) {
                ait::log_info(false) << "Writing binary forest file " << binary_forest_file_arg.getValue() << "... " << std::flush;
                std::ofstream ofile(binary_forest_file_arg.getValue(), std::ios_base::binary);
                cereal::BinaryOutputArchive oarchive(ofile);
                oarchive(cereal::make_nvp("forest", forest));
                ait::log_info(false) << " Done." << std::endl;
        } else {
            throw("This should never happen. Either a JSON or a binary forest file have to be specified!");

        // Optionally: Compute some stats and print them.
        if (print_confusion_matrix) {
            ait::log_info(false) << "Creating samples for testing ... " << std::flush;
            for (int i = 0; i < image_list.size(); ++i) {
                sample_provider.load_samples_from_image(i, rnd_engine);
            SampleIteratorT samples_start = sample_provider.get_samples_begin();
            SampleIteratorT samples_end = sample_provider.get_samples_end();
            ait::log_info(false) << " Done." << std::endl;
            std::vector<ait::size_type> sample_counts(num_of_classes, 0);
            for (auto sample_it = samples_start; sample_it != samples_end; sample_it++) {
            auto logger = ait::log_info(true);
            logger << "Sample counts>> ";
            for (int c = 0; c < num_of_classes; ++c) {
                if (c > 0) {
                    logger << ", ";
                logger << "class " << c << ": " << sample_counts[c];
            // For each tree extract leaf node indices for each sample.
            std::vector<std::vector<ait::size_type>> forest_leaf_indices = forest.evaluate(samples_start, samples_end);
            // Compute number of prediction matches based on a majority vote among the forest.
            int match = 0;
            int no_match = 0;
            for (auto tree_it = forest.cbegin(); tree_it != forest.cend(); ++tree_it) {
                for (auto sample_it = samples_start; sample_it != samples_end; sample_it++) {
                    const auto &node_it = tree_it->cbegin() + (forest_leaf_indices[tree_it - forest.cbegin()][sample_it - samples_start]);
                    const auto &statistics = node_it->get_statistics();
                    auto max_it = std::max_element(statistics.get_histogram().cbegin(), statistics.get_histogram().cend());
                    auto label = max_it - statistics.get_histogram().cbegin();
                    if (label == sample_it->get_label()) {
                    } else {
            ait::log_info() << "Match: " << match << ", no match: " << no_match;
            // Compute confusion matrix.
            auto forest_utils = ait::make_forest_utils(forest);
            auto confusion_matrix = forest_utils.compute_confusion_matrix(samples_start, samples_end);
            ait::log_info() << "Confusion matrix:" << std::endl << confusion_matrix;
            auto norm_confusion_matrix = ait::EvaluationUtils::normalize_confusion_matrix(confusion_matrix);
            ait::log_info() << "Normalized confusion matrix:" << std::endl << norm_confusion_matrix;
            ait::log_info() << "Diagonal of normalized confusion matrix:" << std::endl << norm_confusion_matrix.diagonal();
            // Computing per-frame confusion matrix
            ait::log_info() << "Computing per-frame confusion matrix.";
            using ConfusionMatrixType = typename decltype(forest_utils)::MatrixType;
            ConfusionMatrixType per_frame_confusion_matrix(num_of_classes, num_of_classes);
            WeakLearnerT::ParametersT full_parameters(weak_learner_parameters);
            // Modify parameters to retrieve all pixels per sample
            full_parameters.samples_per_image_fraction = 1.0;
            SampleProviderT full_sample_provider(image_list, full_parameters);
            for (int i = 0; i < image_list.size(); ++i) {
                full_sample_provider.load_samples_from_image(i, rnd_engine);
                samples_start = full_sample_provider.get_samples_begin();
                samples_end = full_sample_provider.get_samples_end();
                forest_utils.update_confusion_matrix(per_frame_confusion_matrix, samples_start, samples_end);
            ait::log_info() << "Per-frame confusion matrix:" << std::endl << per_frame_confusion_matrix;
            ConfusionMatrixType per_frame_norm_confusion_matrix = ait::EvaluationUtils::normalize_confusion_matrix(per_frame_confusion_matrix);
            ait::log_info() << "Normalized per-frame confusion matrix:" << std::endl << per_frame_norm_confusion_matrix;
            ait::log_info() << "Diagonal of normalized per-frame confusion matrix:" << std::endl << per_frame_norm_confusion_matrix.diagonal();
            ait::log_info() << "Mean of diagonal of normalized per-frame confusion matrix:" << std::endl << per_frame_norm_confusion_matrix.diagonal().mean();

    } catch (const std::runtime_error& error) {
        std::cerr << "Runtime exception occured" << std::endl;
        std::cerr << error.what() << std::endl;
    return 0;
Beispiel #19
double SVM::train()
	Array X(input, nInstances, nVars);
	Array y(response, nInstances);
	Array K;
	if(opt->kernel == SVM_RBF)
		K = kernelRBF(X, X, opt->sigma);
	else if(opt->kernel == SVM_LINEAR)
		K = kernelLinear(X, X);
	// K must be a symmetric matrix
	assert(K.rows == K.cols);
	double *_K = K.getData();

	Array A(K.rows, K.cols);
	double *_A = A.getData();
	double *_y = y.getData();
	int step = A.cols;
	for(int i = 0;i < K.rows; i++)
		for(int j = 0;j < K.cols;j++)
			_A[i * step + j] = _y[i] * _y[j] * _K[i * step + j];
	Array LB(nInstances);
	Array UB(nInstances);
	double *_LB = LB.getData();
	double *_UB = UB.getData();
	for(int i = 0;i < UB.size;i++)
		_UB[i] = opt->C;
	for(int i = 0;i < LB.size;i++)
		_LB[i] = 0;

	Array x(nInstances);
#ifdef DEBUG
	opt->minconf_opt.verbose = 3;

	minConf_TMP trainer(x, LB, UB, &(opt->minconf_opt));
	trainer.loadData(nInstances, nInstances, _A, _y);
	trainErr = getTrainErr(x, y, K);
	alpha = x.getData();
	// Release memory.
	return trainErr;
Gym::startTraining() {

	// Imposto la cancellazione asincrona del thread
	pthread_setcanceltype( PTHREAD_CANCEL_ASYNCHRONOUS, NULL );

	// Prendo il controllo sulle FLTK

	// Aggiorno il log di lavoro
	this->log_buffer->append( "\n\nInizio l'addestramento." );
	this->log_display->insert_position( this->log_buffer->length() );

	// Rimuovo le vecchie informazioni

	// Modifico il colore della casella dell'errore massimo
	this->error_box->color( FL_RED );

	// Rilascio il controllo sulle FLTK

	// Cancello la vecchia rete neurale
	if ( this->neural_network != NULL )
		delete this->neural_network;

	// Ricavo il numero degli strati
	const size_t n_layers = (size_t) this->n_layers_input->value();

	// Ricavo il numero dei neuroni degli strati nascosti
	const size_t hidden_neurons_0 = (size_t) this->hidden_neurons_input0->value();
	const size_t hidden_neurons_1 = (size_t) this->hidden_neurons_input1->value();
	const size_t hidden_neurons_2 = (size_t) this->hidden_neurons_input2->value();

	// Creo la nuova rete neurale
	if ( n_layers == 2 )
		this->neural_network = new Network( 2, this->input_size, this->output_size );

	else if ( n_layers == 3 )
		this->neural_network = new Network( 3, this->input_size, hidden_neurons_0, this->output_size );

	else if ( n_layers == 4 )
		this->neural_network = new Network( 4, this->input_size, hidden_neurons_0, hidden_neurons_1, this->output_size );

	else if ( n_layers == 5 )
		this->neural_network = new Network( 5, this->input_size, hidden_neurons_0, hidden_neurons_1, hidden_neurons_2, this->output_size );

	// Ricavo l'algoritmo di addestramento
	const size_t train_algorithm = this->train_algorithm_input->value();

	// Ricavo l'errore desiderato
	const T_Precision desired_error = (T_Precision) this->desired_error_input->value();

	// Ricavo le epoche massime
	const size_t max_epochs = (size_t) this->max_epochs_input->value();

	// Ricavo la frequenza di report
	const size_t report_frequency = (size_t) this->report_frequency_input->value();

	// Creo l'addestratore della rete neurale
	Trainer trainer( this->neural_network );

	// Imposto la funzione di report dell'addestramento
	trainer.setReportFun( Gym::static_update_plot );
	trainer.setReportFunData( (void *) this );

	// Controllo l'algoritmo di addestramento della rete neurale
	switch ( train_algorithm ) {

		// BATCH
		case TRAIN_BATCH: {

			// Ricavo il tasso di apprendimento
			const T_Precision eps = (T_Precision) this->learning_rate_input->value();

			// Ricavo il momentum
			const T_Precision momentum = (T_Precision) this->momentum_input->value();

			// Imposto i parametri dell'apprendimento
			trainer.setParams( eps, momentum );

			// Addestro la rete neurale
			trainer.trainOnFile< algorithms::Batch >( this->train_set_path.c_str(), desired_error, max_epochs, report_frequency );


		// RPROP
		case TRAIN_RPROP: {

			// Ricavo il fatto di incremento
			const T_Precision increase_factor = (T_Precision) this->increase_factor_input->value();

			// Ricavo il fatto di decremento
			const T_Precision decrease_factor = (T_Precision) this->decrease_factor_input->value();

			// Imposto i parametri dell'apprendimento
			trainer.setParams( decrease_factor, increase_factor );

			// Addestro la rete neurale
			trainer.trainOnFile< algorithms::Rprop >( this->train_set_path.c_str(), desired_error, max_epochs, report_frequency );


		// RPROP+

			// Ricavo il fatto di incremento
			const T_Precision increase_factor = (T_Precision) this->increase_factor_input->value();

			// Ricavo il fatto di decremento
			const T_Precision decrease_factor = (T_Precision) this->decrease_factor_input->value();

			// Imposto i parametri dell'apprendimento
			trainer.setParams( decrease_factor, increase_factor );

			// Addestro la rete neurale
			trainer.trainOnFile< algorithms::RpropPlus >( this->train_set_path.c_str(), desired_error, max_epochs, report_frequency );


		// RPROP-

			// Ricavo il fatto di incremento
			const T_Precision increase_factor = (T_Precision) this->increase_factor_input->value();

			// Ricavo il fatto di decremento
			const T_Precision decrease_factor = (T_Precision) this->decrease_factor_input->value();

			// Imposto i parametri dell'apprendimento
			trainer.setParams( decrease_factor, increase_factor );

			// Addestro la rete neurale
			trainer.trainOnFile< algorithms::RpropMinus >( this->train_set_path.c_str(), desired_error, max_epochs, report_frequency );


		// IRPROP+

			// Ricavo il fatto di incremento
			const T_Precision increase_factor = (T_Precision) this->increase_factor_input->value();

			// Ricavo il fatto di decremento
			const T_Precision decrease_factor = (T_Precision) this->decrease_factor_input->value();

			// Imposto i parametri dell'apprendimento
			trainer.setParams( decrease_factor, increase_factor );

			// Addestro la rete neurale
			trainer.trainOnFile< algorithms::IRpropPlus >( this->train_set_path.c_str(), desired_error, max_epochs, report_frequency );


		// IRPROP-

			// Ricavo il fatto di incremento
			const T_Precision increase_factor = (T_Precision) this->increase_factor_input->value();

			// Ricavo il fatto di decremento
			const T_Precision decrease_factor = (T_Precision) this->decrease_factor_input->value();

			// Imposto i parametri dell'apprendimento
			trainer.setParams( decrease_factor, increase_factor );

			// Addestro la rete neurale
			trainer.trainOnFile< algorithms::IRpropMinus >( this->train_set_path.c_str(), desired_error, max_epochs, report_frequency );


		default: break;

	// Prendo il controllo sulle FLTK

	// Imposto il passo dell'asse delle ascisse del grafico dell'errore
	this->error_plot->SetXRulerStep( (float) report_frequency );

	// Modifico il colore della casella dell'errore massimo
	this->error_box->color( FL_GREEN );

	// Modifico l'etichetta del pulsante
	this->training_button->label( "Addestra" );

	// Memorizzo la fine del thread
	this->training_flag = false;

	// Aggiorno il log di lavoro
	this->log_buffer->append( "\nAddestramento terminato con successo." );
	this->log_display->insert_position( this->log_buffer->length() );

	// Rilascio il controllo sulle FLTK
Beispiel #21
void Tasty::_init()
#ifdef QT_DEBUG
    static bool inited = false;
    inited = true;

    auto now = QDateTime::currentMSecsSinceEpoch();


    _engine     = new QQmlApplicationEngine(this);
    _settings   = new Settings(this);
    _manager    = _engine->networkAccessManager();
    _pusher     = new PusherClient(this);
    _dataCache  = new TastyDataCache;

    _entryImageWidth   = _settings->maxImageWidth();
    _commentImageWidth = _entryImageWidth;

    Q_TEST(connect(qApp, SIGNAL(applicationStateChanged(Qt::ApplicationState)),
                   this, SLOT(_saveOrReconnect(Qt::ApplicationState))));

    Q_TEST(connect(_manager, SIGNAL(networkAccessibleChanged(QNetworkAccessManager::NetworkAccessibility)),
                   this, SLOT(_showNetAccessibility(QNetworkAccessManager::NetworkAccessibility))));

    Q_TEST(connect(_pusher, SIGNAL(unreadChats(int)),          this, SLOT(_setUnreadChats(int))));
    Q_TEST(connect(_pusher, SIGNAL(unreadNotifications(int)),  this, SLOT(_setUnreadNotifications(int))));
    Q_TEST(connect(_pusher, SIGNAL(unreadFriendsEntry(int)),   this, SLOT(_incUnreadFriendsEntries())));


    qmlRegisterType<FeedModel>          ("org.binque.taaasty", 1, 0, "FeedModel");
    qmlRegisterType<CalendarModel>      ("org.binque.taaasty", 1, 0, "CalendarModel");
    qmlRegisterType<CommentsModel>      ("org.binque.taaasty", 1, 0, "CommentsModel");
    qmlRegisterType<AttachedImagesModel>("org.binque.taaasty", 1, 0, "AttachedImagesModel");
    qmlRegisterType<UsersModel>         ("org.binque.taaasty", 1, 0, "UsersModel");
    qmlRegisterType<MessagesModel>      ("org.binque.taaasty", 1, 0, "MessagesModel");
    qmlRegisterType<FlowsModel>         ("org.binque.taaasty", 1, 0, "FlowsModel");
    qmlRegisterType<TagsModel>          ("org.binque.taaasty", 1, 0, "TagsModel");

    qmlRegisterType<Entry>          ("org.binque.taaasty", 1, 0, "TlogEntry");
    qmlRegisterType<CalendarEntry>  ("org.binque.taaasty", 1, 0, "CalendarEntry");
    qmlRegisterType<Comment>        ("org.binque.taaasty", 1, 0, "Comment");
    qmlRegisterType<User>           ("org.binque.taaasty", 1, 0, "User");
    qmlRegisterType<Author>         ("org.binque.taaasty", 1, 0, "Author");
    qmlRegisterType<Tlog>           ("org.binque.taaasty", 1, 0, "Tlog");
    qmlRegisterType<Rating>         ("org.binque.taaasty", 1, 0, "Rating");
    qmlRegisterType<AttachedImage>  ("org.binque.taaasty", 1, 0, "AttachedImage");
    qmlRegisterType<Media>          ("org.binque.taaasty", 1, 0, "Media");
    qmlRegisterType<Notification>   ("org.binque.taaasty", 1, 0, "Notification");
    qmlRegisterType<Message>        ("org.binque.taaasty", 1, 0, "Message");
    qmlRegisterType<MessageBase>    ("org.binque.taaasty", 1, 0, "MessageBase");
    qmlRegisterType<Conversation>   ("org.binque.taaasty", 1, 0, "Chat");
    qmlRegisterType<Flow>           ("org.binque.taaasty", 1, 0, "Flow");

    qmlRegisterType<TextHandler>    ("org.binque.taaasty", 1, 0, "TextHandler");
    qmlRegisterType<Poster>         ("org.binque.taaasty", 1, 0, "Poster");

    qmlRegisterType<CachedImage>("ImageCache", 2, 0, "CachedImage");

    auto root = _engine->rootContext();
    root->setContextProperty("Tasty", this);
    root->setContextProperty("Settings", _settings);

    auto notifs = NotificationsModel::instance(this);
    root->setContextProperty("NotifsModel", notifs);

    auto friendActivity = NotificationsModel::friendActivity(this);
    root->setContextProperty("FriendActivityModel", friendActivity);

    auto chats = ChatsModel::instance(this);
    root->setContextProperty("ChatsModel", chats);

    auto cache = CacheManager::instance(_manager);
    root->setContextProperty("Cache", cache);

    Q_TEST(QObject::connect(_settings, SIGNAL(loadImagesOverWifiChanged(bool)), cache, SLOT(setAutoloadOverWifi(bool))));
    Q_TEST(QObject::connect(_settings, SIGNAL(maxLoadImageSizeChanged(int)),    cache, SLOT(setMaxLoadSize(int))));

    auto bayes = Bayes::instance();
    root->setContextProperty("Bayes", bayes);

    auto trainer = bayes->trainer();
    root->setContextProperty("Trainer", trainer);

    float density = 160;
    float density = 267; // test

    double scale = density < 180 ? 1 :
                   density < 270 ? 1.5 :
                   density < 360 ? 2 : 3;

    root->setContextProperty("mm", density / 25.4); // N900: 1 mm = 10.5 px; Q10: 12.9
    root->setContextProperty("pt", 1);
    root->setContextProperty("dp", scale); // N900: 1.5; Q10: 2
    root->setContextProperty("sp", density / 160); // scaleable pixels

    root->setContextProperty("builtAt", QString::fromLatin1(__DATE__));


#ifdef QT_DEBUG
    auto ms = QDateTime::currentMSecsSinceEpoch() - now;
    qDebug() << "Started in" << ms << "ms";