Beispiel #1
MCAHead translate_Args(Node *n, SymbolTable table, Var* vlist, int *len, MCA mca)
    assert(n->nodetype == Args);
    Var v1, v2, v3;
    Node* child = n->children->head->next;
    MCAHead h;
    MCAHead h1, h2, h3;
        case 0:
            v1 = NewVar(PLACE);
            v1->ttype = TEMP;
            h1 = translate_Exp(NT_getChild(n, 0), table, v1, mca);
            vlist[*len] = v1;
            *len = *len + 1;
            h2 = translate_Args(NT_getChild(n, 2), table, vlist, len, mca);
            h = LinkMulMCAHead(mca, 2, h1, h2);
        case 1:
            v1 = NewVar(PLACE);
            v1->ttype = TEMP;
            h = translate_Exp(NT_getChild(n, 0), table, v1, mca);
            vlist[*len] = v1;
            *len = *len + 1;

    return h;
Beispiel #2
struct InterCodes* translate_Args(struct TreeNode* Args, struct ArgList* arg_list){
	if(strcmp(Args->children->name, "Exp") == 0){
		printf("Args - Exp\n");
		Operand t1 = new_temp();
		struct InterCodes* code1 = translate_Exp(Args->children, t1);
		struct ArgList* temp = (struct ArgList*)malloc(sizeof(struct ArgList));
		temp->op = t1;
		temp->next = arg_list;
		arg_list = temp;
		return code1;
	if(strcmp(Args->children->name, "COMMA") == 0){
		printf("Args - Exp COMMA Args\n");
		Operand t1 = new_temp();
		struct InterCodes* code1 = translate_Exp(Args->children->neighbours->neighbours, t1);
		struct ArgList* temp = (struct ArgList*)malloc(sizeof(struct ArgList));
		temp->op = t1;
		temp->next = arg_list;
		arg_list = temp;
		struct InterCodes* code2 = translate_Args(Args->children, arg_list);

		struct InterCodes* p = code1;
		while(p->next != NULL)
			p = p->next;
		p->next = code2;
		code2->prev = p;

		code2->next = NULL;

		return code1;
Beispiel #3
MCAHead translate_Cond(Node *n, Var lt, Var lf, SymbolTable table, MCA mca)
    assert(n->nodetype == Exp);
    Var v1, v2, v3;
    Node* child = n->children->head->next;
    MCAHead h;
    MCAHead h1, h2, h3, h4, h5;
    char *op;
        case 3:                   //RELOP
            v1 = NewVar(PLACE);
            v1->ttype = TEMP;
            v2 = NewVar(PLACE);
            v2->ttype = TEMP;
            h1 = translate_Exp(NT_getChild(n, 0), table, v1, mca);
            h2 = translate_Exp(NT_getChild(n, 2), table, v2, mca);
            h3 = NewMCAHead(mca, NewMidCode(C_IF, v1, v2, lt));
            h3->ptrtoe->op = NT_getChild(n, 1)->data.s;
            h4 = NewMCAHead(mca, NewMidCode(C_GOTO, lf, NULL, NULL));
            h = LinkMulMCAHead(mca, 4, h1, h2, h3, h4);
        case 10:                  //NOT
            h = translate_Cond(NT_getChild(n, 1), lf, lt, table, mca);
        case 1:                   //AND
            v1 = NewVar(PLACE);
            v1->ttype = LABEL;
            h1 = translate_Cond(NT_getChild(n, 0), v1, lf, table, mca);
            h2 = NewMCAHead(mca, NewMidCode(C_LAB, v1, NULL, NULL));
            h3 = translate_Cond(NT_getChild(n, 2), lt, lf, table, mca);
            h = LinkMulMCAHead(mca, 3, h1, h2, h3);
        case 2:                   //OR
            v1 = NewVar(PLACE);
            v1->ttype = LABEL;
            h1 = translate_Cond(NT_getChild(n, 0), lt, v1, table, mca);
            h2 = NewMCAHead(mca, NewMidCode(C_LAB, v1, NULL, NULL));
            h3 = translate_Cond(NT_getChild(n, 2), lt, lf, table, mca);
            h = LinkMulMCAHead(mca, 3, h1, h2, h3);
            v1 = NewVar(PLACE);
            v1->ttype = TEMP;
            h1 = translate_Exp(child, table, v1, mca);
            v2 = NewVar(CON);
            v2->value = 0;
            h2 = NewMCAHead(mca, NewMidCode(C_IF, v1, v2, lt));
            h3 = NewMCAHead(mca, NewMidCode(C_GOTO, lf, NULL, NULL));
            h = LinkMulMCAHead(mca, 3, h1, h2, h3);

    return h;
intercodes translate_Cond(struct Node *node,operand label_true,operand label_false) {
	struct Node *child = node->child;
	assert(child != NULL);
	intercodes code1,code2,code3,code4;
	//Exp1 RELOP Exp2
	if (child->sibling != NULL && strcmp(child->sibling->type,"RELOP") == 0) {
		operand t1 = new_tmp();
		operand t2 = new_tmp();
		code1 = translate_Exp(child,t1);
		code2 = translate_Exp(child->sibling->sibling,t2);
		relop_type type = get_relop(child->sibling);
		code3 = gen_triop(type,t1,t2,label_true);
		code4 = gen_one(GOTO_K,label_false);
		code1 = link(code1,code2);
		code1 = link(code1,code3);
		code1 = link(code1,code4);
		return code1;
	//NOT Exp1
	if (strcmp(child->type,"NOT") == 0) 
		return translate_Cond(child->sibling,label_true,label_false);
	//Exp1 AND Exp2
	if (child->sibling != NULL && strcmp(child->sibling->type,"AND") == 0) {
		operand label1 = new_label();
		code1 = translate_Cond(child,label1,label_false);
		code2 = translate_Cond(child->sibling->sibling,label_true,label_false);
		code3 = gen_one(LABEL_K,label1);
		code1 = link(code1,code3);
		code1 = link(code1,code2);
		return code1;
	//Exp1 OR Exp2
	if (child->sibling != NULL && strcmp(child->sibling->type,"OR") == 0) {
		operand label1 = new_label();
		code1 = translate_Cond(child,label_true,label1);
		code2 = translate_Cond(child->sibling->sibling,label_true,label_false);
		code3 = gen_one(LABEL_K,label1);
		code1 = link(code1,code3);
		code1 = link(code1,code2);
		return code1;
	//other cases
	operand t1 = new_tmp();
	code1 = translate_Exp(node,t1);
	operand c1 = new_constant(0);
	code2 = gen_triop(NE,t1,c1,label_true);
	code3 = gen_one(LABEL_K,label_false);
	code1 = link(code1,code2);
	code1 = link(code1,code3);
	return code1;
Beispiel #5
struct InterCodes* translate_Dec(struct TreeNode* Dec){
	if(strcmp(Dec->children->name, "Exp") == 0){
		printf("Dec - VarDec ASSIGNOP Exp\n");
		Operand t1 = new_temp();
		FieldList item = (FieldList)malloc(sizeof(struct FieldList_));

		struct InterCodes* code1 = translate_Exp(Dec->children, t1);
		struct InterCodes* code2 = (struct InterCodes*)malloc(sizeof(struct InterCodes));
		code2->code.kind = ASSIGN_;
		code2->code.u.assign.left = (Operand)malloc(sizeof(struct Operand_));
		code2->code.u.assign.left->kind = VARIABLE;
		strcpy(code2->code.u.assign.left->u.ID, item->inter_name);
		code2->code.u.assign.right = t1;

		struct InterCodes* p = code1;
		while(p->next != NULL)
			p = p->next;
		p->next = code2;
		code2->prev = p;

		code2->next = NULL;

		return code1;
Beispiel #6
InterCodes translate_Dec(node* dec){
	*	Dec
	*	|	VarDec 
	*	|	VarDec ASSIGNOP Exp
	if(dec->child->brother != NULL){
		Operand t1 = new_temp();
		InterCodes codes1 = translate_Exp(dec->child->brother->brother, t1);
		InterCodes codes2 = translate_VarDec(dec->child);
		InterCodes codes3 = InterCodes_init();
		codes3->code = new_interCode(0);
		codes3->code->assign.left = new_operand_name(dec->child->node_value);
		codes3->code->assign.right = t1;
		if(codes1 == NULL){
			codes1 = codes2;
		return codes1;
	else if(dec->child->brother == NULL){
		return translate_VarDec(dec->child);
	return NULL;
Beispiel #7
InterCodes translate_Args(node* Args,Operand *arg,int* num){
	if(Args->child->brother == NULL){
		InterCodes code1 = InterCodes_init();
		/*if(strcmp(Args->child->child->name,"ID") == 0){
			FieldList p = Findname(Args->child->child->node_value);
			if(p->type->kind!=Int && p->type->kind!=Float){
				Operand op = new_temp();
				Operand re = new_operand_name(p->name);
				code1->code = new_interCode(ASSIGN);
				code1->code->assign.right = re;
				code1->code->assign.left = op;
				return code1;
		Operand op = new_temp();
		code1 = translate_Exp(Args->child, op);
		arg[(*num)++] = op; 
		return code1;
		InterCodes code1 = InterCodes_init();
		if(strcmp(Args->child->child->name,"ID") == 0){
			FieldList p = Findname(Args->child->child->node_value);
			if(p->type->kind!=Int && p->type->kind!=Float){
				Operand op = new_temp();
				Operand re = new_operand_name(p->name);
				code1->code = new_interCode(ASSIGN);
				code1->code->assign.right = re;
				code1->code->assign.left = op;
				arg[(*num)++] = op;
			Operand op = new_temp();
			code1 = translate_Exp(Args->child, op);
			arg[(*num)++] = op;
		InterCodes code2 = translate_Args(Args,arg,num);
		return code1;
Beispiel #8
InterCodeNode translate_Args(treenode *Args_n){
	if(Args_n == NULL){
		//deprintf("Args is NULL\n");
		return NULL;
	if(Args_n->child_num == 1){
		// args -> exp
		Operand t1 = new_Temp();
		InterCodeNode node1 = translate_Exp(Args_n->node[0],t1);
		return node1;
	if(Args_n->child_num == 3){
		// args -> exp , args
		Operand t1 = new_Temp();
		InterCodeNode node1 = translate_Exp(Args_n->node[0],t1);
		InterCodeNode node2 = translate_Args(Args_n->node[2]);
		return produceNodeByNode(node1,node2);
intercodes translate_Args(struct Node *node,operand *arg_list,int *arg_num) {
	intercodes code1,code2,code3,code4;
	struct Node *child = node->child;
	assert(child != NULL);
	if (child->sibling == NULL) {
		operand t1 = new_tmp();
		code1 = translate_Exp(child,t1);
		arg_list[*arg_num++] = t1;
		return code1;
	//Exp COMMA Args
	if (strcmp(child->sibling->type,"COMMA") == 0) {
		operand t1 = new_tmp();
		code1 = translate_Exp(child,t1);
		arg_list[*arg_num++] = t1;
		code2 = translate_Args(child->sibling->sibling,arg_list,arg_num);
		code1 = link(code1,code2);
		return code1;
Beispiel #10
MCAHead translate_DecList(Node *n, SymbolTable table, MCA mca)
    assert(n->nodetype == DecList);
    Var v1 = NULL, v2 = NULL, v3 = NULL;
    Node* declist = n;
    Node *dec = NULL;
    char *decid;
    MCAHead h = NULL;
    MCAHead h1 = NULL, h2 = NULL, h3 = NULL;
    Symbol symbol;

        dec = NT_getChild(declist, 0); 
        decid = getVarId(NT_getChild(dec, 0));
        symbol = LookUpSymbol(sts, NewSymbol(decid, NULL, -1)); 
            case ARRAY:
                v1 = NewVar(VAR);
                v1->name = decid;
                v2 = NewVar(SIZE);
                v2->value = symbol->type->width; 
                h1 = NewMCAHead(mca, NewMidCode(C_DEC, v1, v2, NULL));
            case STRUCTURE:
                printf("%s", "Cannot translate: Code contains variables or parameters of structure type\n.");
            case BASIC:
        if(dec->seq == 1)
            v1 = NewVar(VAR);
            v1->name = decid;
            v2 = NewVar(PLACE);
            v2->ttype = TEMP;
            h2 = translate_Exp(NT_getChild(dec, 2), table, v2, mca);
            h3 = NewMCAHead(mca, NewMidCode(C_ASSIGN, v1, v2, NULL));
        h = LinkMulMCAHead(mca, 4, h, h1, h2, h3);

        if(declist->seq == 0)
        declist = NT_getChild(declist, 2);
    return h;
intercodes translate_array(struct Node *node,operand place,union varp *list,enum varType *listtype) {
	struct Node *child = node->child;
	assert(child != NULL);
	intercodes code1 = NULL;
	intercodes code2,code3,code4;
	int size = 0;
	operand t1;
	if (strcmp(child->sibling->type,"ID") == 0) {
		int id = getVarID(child->child);
		int flag = getFlag(child->child->text);
		if (flag == 1)
			t1 = new_var(id);
			t1 = new_reference(id);
		enum varType type;
		union varp vp = getVar(child->child,&type);
		if (vp.ap->basetype == varStruct) 
			size = get_structure_size(vp.ap->base,vp.ap->basetype);
		if (vp.ap->basetype == varInt || vp.ap->basetype == varFloat) 
			size = 4;
		if (list != NULL) {
			*list = vp.ap->base;
			*listtype = vp.ap->basetype;
//	if (child->child->sibling != NULL && strcmp(child->child->sibling->type,"LB") == 0) {
//	}
	//handle Exp2
	operand t2 = new_tmp();
	code2 = translate_Exp(child->sibling->sibling,t2);
	code1 = link(code1,code2);
	//calculate offset
	operand c1 = new_constant(size);
	operand t3 = new_tmp();
	code3 = gen_binop(MUL_K,t3,t2,c1);
	//Add array address
	operand t4 = new_tmp_id(place->u.tmp_no);
	code4 = gen_binop(ADD_K,t4,t1,t3);
	code1 = link(code1,code4);
	place->kind = ADDRESS;
	return code1;
Beispiel #12
void intercode_aly(node *p){		
	char name[20];
	if (p == NULL){
		return ;
		InterCodes codes = translate_Extdef(p);
		if(p->brother != NULL)
	else if(strcmp(name,"Exp")==0){
		Operand t1 = new_temp();
		InterCodes expe = translate_Exp(p,t1);
		if(p->brother != NULL)
	else if(strcmp(name,"CompSt")==0){/*
		InterCodes codes =	translate_Compst(p);
		if(p->brother != NULL)
	else if(strcmp(name,"Stmt")==0){
		InterCodes codes = translate_Stmt(p);
		if(p->brother != NULL)

	if(p->child != NULL)
	if(p->brother != NULL)
intercodes translate_Dec(struct Node *node) {
	struct Node *child = node->child;
	assert(child != NULL);
	intercodes code1,code2,code3;
	if (child->sibling == NULL) { 
		return translate_VarDec(child,NULL);
	//VarDec ASSIGNOP Exp
	if (child->sibling != NULL && strcmp(child->sibling->type,"ASSIGNOP") == 0) {
		operand t1 = NULL;
		code1 = translate_VarDec(child,&t1);
		operand t2 = new_tmp();
		code2 = translate_Exp(child->sibling->sibling,t2);
		code3 = gen_assign(ASSIGN_K,t1,t2);
		code1 = link(code1,code2);
		code1 = link(code1,code3);
		return code1;
Beispiel #14
InterCodeNode translate_Dec(treenode * Dec_n){
	if(Dec_n == NULL){
		//deprintf("Dec is NULL\n");
		return NULL;
	if(Dec_n->child_num == 1){
		//dec -> vardec
		Operand temp = new_Operand();
		return translate_VarDec(Dec_n->node[0],temp);
	//dec -> vardec = exp
	assert(Dec_n->child_num == 3);
	Operand left = new_Operand();
	Operand right = new_Temp();
	InterCodeNode node1 = translate_VarDec(Dec_n->node[0],left);
	InterCodeNode node2 = translate_Exp(Dec_n->node[2],right);
	InterCode assign_code = new_InterCode();
	assign_code->kind = ASSIGN;
	assign_code->u.assign.left = left;
	assign_code->u.assign.right = right;
	InterCodeNode node3 = produceNodeByCode(assign_code);
	InterCodeNode temp = produceNodeByNode(node1,node2);
	return produceNodeByNode(temp,node3);
intercodes translate_Stmt(struct Node *node) {
	struct Node *child = node->child;
	assert(child != NULL);
	intercodes code1,code2,code3,code4,code5,code6,code7;
	//Exp SEMI
	if (strcmp(child->type,"Exp") == 0)  {
		return translate_Exp(child,NULL);
	if (strcmp(child->type,"CompSt") == 0) return translate_CompSt(child);
	if (strcmp(child->type,"RETURN") == 0) {
		operand t1 = new_tmp();
		code1 = translate_Exp(child->sibling,t1);
		code2 = gen_one(RETURN_K,t1);
	//	code1 = link(code1,code2);
		return code1;
	if (strcmp(child->type,"IF") == 0) {
		struct Node *brother = child->sibling->sibling->sibling->sibling->sibling;
	//IF LP Exp RP Stmt1
		if (brother == NULL) {
			operand label1 = new_label();
			operand label2 = new_label();
			code1 = translate_Cond(child->sibling->sibling,label1,label2);
			code2 = translate_Stmt(child->sibling->sibling->sibling->sibling);
			code3 = gen_one(LABEL_K,label1);
			code4 = gen_one(LABEL_K,label2);
			code1 = link(code1,code3);
			code1 = link(code1,code2);
			code1 = link(code1,code4);
			return code1;
	//IF LP Exp RP Stmt1 ELSE Stmt2
		else {
			operand label1 = new_label();
			operand label2 = new_label();
			operand label3 = new_label();
			code1 = translate_Cond(child->sibling->sibling,label1,label2);
			code2 = translate_Stmt(child->sibling->sibling->sibling->sibling);
			code3 = translate_Stmt(brother->sibling);
			code4 = gen_one(LABEL_K,label1);
			code5 = gen_one(LABEL_K,label2);
			code6 = gen_one(LABEL_K,label3);
			code7 = gen_one(GOTO_K,label3);
			code1 = link(code1,code4);
			code1 = link(code1,code2);
			code1 = link(code1,code7);
			code1 = link(code1,code5);
			code1 = link(code1,code3);
			code1 = link(code1,code6);
			return code1;
	//WHILE LP Exp RP Stmt1
	if (strcmp(child->type,"WHILE") == 0) {
		operand label1 = new_label();
		operand label2 = new_label();
		operand label3 = new_label();
		code1 = translate_Cond(child->sibling->sibling,label2,label3);
		code2 = translate_Stmt(child->sibling->sibling->sibling->sibling);
		code3 = gen_one(LABEL_K,label1);
		code4 = gen_one(LABEL_K,label2);
		code5 = gen_one(LABEL_K,label3);
		code6 = gen_one(GOTO_K,label1);
		code1 = link(code3,code1);
		code1 = link(code1,code4);
		code1 = link(code1,code2);
		code1 = link(code1,code6);
		code1 = link(code1,code5);
		return code1;
	return NULL;
Beispiel #16
MCAHead translate_Stmt(Node* n, SymbolTable table, MCA mca)
    assert(n->nodetype == Stmt);
    Var v1, v2, v3;
    Node* child = n->children->head->next;
    MCAHead h;
    MCAHead h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6, h7;

        case 0:        //Exp
            h = translate_Exp(child, table, NULL, mca);
        case 1:        //Compst
            return translate_CompSt(child, table, mca);
        case 2:        //RETURN
            v1 = NewVar(PLACE);
            v1->ttype = TEMP;
            h1 = translate_Exp(child->next, table, v1, mca);
            h2 = NewMCAHead(mca, NewMidCode(C_RETURN, v1, NULL, NULL));
            h = LinkMulMCAHead(mca, 2, h1, h2);
        case 3:        //IF
            v1 = NewVar(PLACE);
            v1->ttype = LABEL;
            v2 = NewVar(PLACE);
            v2->ttype = LABEL;
            h1 = translate_Cond(child->next->next, v1, v2, table,mca);
            h2 = NewMCAHead(mca, NewMidCode(C_LAB, v1, NULL, NULL));
            h3 = translate_Stmt(NT_getChild(n, 4), table, mca);
            h4 = NewMCAHead(mca, NewMidCode(C_LAB, v2, NULL, NULL));
            h = LinkMulMCAHead(mca, 4, h1, h2, h3, h4);
        case 4:        //IF ELSE
            v1 = NewVar(PLACE);
            v1->ttype = LABEL;
            v2 = NewVar(PLACE);
            v2->ttype = LABEL;
            v3 = NewVar(PLACE);
            v3->ttype = LABEL;
            h1 = translate_Cond(child->next->next, v1, v2, table,mca);
            h2 = NewMCAHead(mca, NewMidCode(C_LAB, v1, NULL, NULL));
            h3 = translate_Stmt(NT_getChild(n, 4), table, mca);
            h4 = NewMCAHead(mca, NewMidCode(C_GOTO, v3, NULL, NULL)); 
            h5 = NewMCAHead(mca, NewMidCode(C_LAB, v2, NULL, NULL));
            h6 = translate_Stmt(NT_getChild(n, 6), table, mca);
            h7 = NewMCAHead(mca, NewMidCode(C_LAB, v3, NULL, NULL));
            assert(h6 != NULL && h2 != NULL);
            h = LinkMulMCAHead(mca, 7, h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6, h7);
        case 5:        //WHILE
            v1 = NewVar(PLACE);
            v1->ttype = LABEL;
            v2 = NewVar(PLACE);
            v2->ttype = LABEL;
            v3 = NewVar(PLACE);
            v3->ttype = LABEL;
            h1 = NewMCAHead(mca, NewMidCode(C_LAB, v1, NULL, NULL)); 
            h2 = translate_Cond(NT_getChild(n, 2), v2, v3, table,mca);
            h3 = NewMCAHead(mca, NewMidCode(C_LAB, v2, NULL, NULL));
            h4 = translate_Stmt(NT_getChild(n, 4), table, mca);
            h5 = NewMCAHead(mca, NewMidCode(C_GOTO, v1, NULL, NULL));
            h6 = NewMCAHead(mca, NewMidCode(C_LAB, v3, NULL, NULL));
            h = LinkMulMCAHead(mca, 6, h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6);
    return h;
Beispiel #17
MCAHead translate_Exp(Node *n, SymbolTable table, Var place, MCA mca)
    assert(n->nodetype == Exp);
    Var v1, v2, v3, v4, v5;
    Node* child = n->children->head->next;
    Symbol symbol;
    MCAHead h;
    MCAHead h1, h2, h3, h4, h5;
    char *temp;
    Var vlist[12];
    int vlistlen = 0;
    int t;
        case 0:   //ASSIGNOP
            v1 = NewVar(PLACE);
            v1->ttype = TEMP;
            h1 = translate_Exp(child, table, v1, mca);
            v2 = NewVar(PLACE);
            v2->ttype = TEMP;
            h2 = translate_Exp(child->next->next, table, v2, mca);
            h3 = NewMCAHead(mca, NewMidCode(C_ASSIGN, v1, v2, NULL));
            h4 = genPlaceMidCode(mca, C_ASSIGN, place, v3, NULL);
            h = LinkMulMCAHead(mca, 4, h1, h2, h3, h4);
        case 1:   case 2: case 3: case 10:  //AND OR NOT RELOP
            v3 = NewVar(CON);
            v3->value = 0;
            h1 = genPlaceMidCode(mca, C_ASSIGN, place, v3, NULL);
            v1 = NewVar(PLACE);
            v1->ttype = LABEL;
            v2 = NewVar(PLACE);
            v2->ttype = LABEL;
            h2 = translate_Cond(n, v1, v2, table, mca);
            v3 = NewVar(CON);
            v3->value = 1;
            h = LinkMulMCAHead(mca, 5, h1, h2,
                               NewMCAHead(mca, NewMidCode(C_LAB, v1, NULL, NULL)),
                               genPlaceMidCode(mca, C_ASSIGN, place, v3, NULL),
                               NewMCAHead(mca, NewMidCode(C_LAB, v2, NULL, NULL)));
        case 4:   //PLUS
            v2 = NewVar(PLACE);
            v2->ttype = TEMP;
            h1 = translate_Exp(child, table, v2, mca);
            v3 = NewVar(PLACE);
            v3->ttype = TEMP;
            h2 = translate_Exp(child->next->next, table, v3, mca);
            h3 = genPlaceMidCode(mca, C_ADD, place, v2, v3);
            h = LinkMulMCAHead(mca, 3, h1, h2, h3);
        case 5:   //MINUS
            v2 = NewVar(PLACE);
            v2->ttype = TEMP;
            h1 = translate_Exp(child, table, v2, mca);
            v3 = NewVar(PLACE);
            v3->ttype = TEMP;
            h2 = translate_Exp(child->next->next, table, v3, mca);
            h3 = genPlaceMidCode(mca, C_SUB, place, v2, v3);
            h = LinkMulMCAHead(mca, 3, h1, h2, h3);
        case 6:   //STAR
            v2 = NewVar(PLACE);
            v2->ttype = TEMP;
            h1 = translate_Exp(child, table, v2, mca);
            v3 = NewVar(PLACE);
            v3->ttype = TEMP;
            h2 = translate_Exp(child->next->next, table, v3, mca);
            h3 = genPlaceMidCode(mca, C_MUL, place, v2, v3);
            h = LinkMulMCAHead(mca, 3, h1, h2, h3);
        case 7:   //DIV
            v2 = NewVar(PLACE);
            v2->ttype = TEMP;
            h1 = translate_Exp(child, table, v2, mca);
            v3 = NewVar(PLACE);
            v3->ttype = TEMP;
            h2 = translate_Exp(child->next->next, table, v3, mca);
            h3 = genPlaceMidCode(mca, C_DIV, place, v2, v3);
            h = LinkMulMCAHead(mca, 3, h1, h2, h3);
        case 8:   //LPRP
            h = translate_Exp(child->next, table, place, mca);
        case 9:   //MINUS
            v1 = NewVar(PLACE);
            v1->ttype = TEMP;
            h1 = translate_Exp(child->next, table, v1, mca);
            v2 = NewVar(CON);
            v2->value = 0;
            h2 = genPlaceMidCode(mca, C_SUB, place, v2, v1);
            h = LinkMulMCAHead(mca, 2, h1, h2);
        case 11:  //CALL
            v1 = NewVar(VAR);
            v1->name = NT_getChild(n, 0)->data.s;
            h1 = translate_Args(NT_getChild(n, 2), table, vlist, &vlistlen, mca);
            #ifdef debug
            printMCA(mca, h1);
            if(strcmp(v1->name, "write") == 0) 
                h = LinkMulMCAHead(mca, 2, h1,
                                   NewMCAHead(mca, NewMidCode(C_WRITE, vlist[0], NULL, NULL)));
                for(t = 0; t < vlistlen; t++)
                    h1 = LinkMulMCAHead(mca, 2, h1,
                                   NewMCAHead(mca, NewMidCode(C_ARG, vlist[t], NULL, NULL)));
                h = LinkMulMCAHead(mca, 2, h1, genPlaceMidCode(mca, C_CALL, place, v1, NULL));
        case 12:  //CALL NO ARG
            v1 = NewVar(VAR);
            v1->name = NT_getChild(n, 0)->data.s;
            if(strcmp(v1->name, "read") == 0)
                h = genPlaceMidCode(mca, C_READ, place, NULL, NULL);
                h = genPlaceMidCode(mca, C_CALL, place, v1, NULL);
        case 13:  //ARRAY
            if(NT_getChild(n, 0)->seq == 15)
                temp = NT_getChild(NT_getChild(n, 0), 0)->data.s;
                symbol = LookUpSymbol(sts, NewSymbol(temp, NULL, -1));
                if(n->syn == NULL)
                   n->syn = NewSyn();
                n->syn->SType = symbol->type->tv->array->elem;
                n->syn->symbol = symbol;
                v1 = NewVar(PLACE);
                v1->ttype = TEMP;
                h1 = translate_Exp(NT_getChild(n, 2), table, v1, mca);
                v2 = NewVar(CON);
                v2->value = n->syn->SType->width;
                v3 = NewVar(TEMP);
                n->syn->addr = v3;
                h2 = NewMCAHead(mca, NewMidCode(C_MUL, v3, v1, v2));
                h = LinkMulMCAHead(mca, 2, h1, h2);
                if(n->syn == NULL)
                   n->syn = NewSyn();
                h1 = translate_Exp(NT_getChild(n, 0), table, NULL, mca);
                n->syn->SType = NT_getChild(n, 0)->syn->SType->tv->array->elem;
                n->syn->symbol = NT_getChild(n, 0)->syn->symbol;
                v1 = NewVar(PLACE);
                v1->ttype = TEMP;
                h2 = translate_Exp(NT_getChild(n, 2), table, v1, mca);
                v2 = NewVar(TEMP);
                v3 = NewVar(CON);
                v3->value = n->syn->SType->width;
                h3 = NewMCAHead(mca, NewMidCode(C_MUL, v2, v1, v3));
                v4 = NewVar(TEMP);
                n->syn->addr = v4;
                h4 = NewMCAHead(mca, NewMidCode(C_ADD, v4, NT_getChild(n, 0)->syn->addr, v2));
                h = LinkMulMCAHead(mca, 4, h1, h2, h3, h4);
            if(n->parent->nodetype != Exp || n->parent->seq != 13)
                    v1 = NewVar(VAR);
                    v1 = NewVar(GetADDR);
                v1->name = n->syn->symbol->name;
                v2 = NewVar(TEMP);
                h5 = NewMCAHead(mca, NewMidCode(C_ADD, v2, v1, n->syn->addr));
                h = LinkMulMCAHead(mca, 2, h, h5);
                n->syn->addr = v2;

                changevar(place, n->syn->addr);
                place->kind = ADDR;
                char *temp = malloc(5);
                sprintf(temp, "t%d", place->var_no);
                place->name = temp;

        case 14:  //STRUCT
        case 15:   //ID
            symbol = LookUpSymbol(sts, NewSymbol(child->data.s, NULL, -1));
                case BASIC:  
                    v2 = NewVar(VAR);
                    v2->name = child->data.s;
                    changevar(place, v2);
                    //h = genPlaceMidCode(mca, C_ASSIGN, place, v2, NULL);
                    h = NULL;
                case ARRAY:
                    v2 = NewVar(GetADDR);
                    v2->name = child->data.s;
                    changevar(place, v2);
                    h = NULL;
                case STRUCTURE:
                    printf("%s", "Cannot translate: Code contains variables or parameters of structure type\n.");
        case 16:   //INT
            v2 = NewVar(CON);
            v2->value = child->data.i; 
            changevar(place, v2);
           // place = v2;
            //h = genPlaceMidCode(mca, C_ASSIGN, place, v2, NULL);
            h = NULL;
        case 17:   //FLOAT
    return h;
Beispiel #18
InterCodes translate_Stmt(node* Stmt){
	if(strcmp(Stmt->child->name,"Exp") == 0){
		Operand t = new_temp();
		return translate_Exp(Stmt->child,t);

	else if(strcmp(Stmt->child->name,"CompSt") == 0){
		return translate_Compst(Stmt->child);
	else if(strcmp(Stmt->child->name,"RETURN") == 0){
		Operand t1 = new_temp();
		InterCodes codes1 =  translate_Exp(Stmt->child->brother,t1);
		InterCodes codes2 = InterCodes_init();
		codes2->code = new_interCode(RET);
		codes2->code->onlyop.op = t1;
		return codes1;
	else if(strcmp(Stmt->child->name,"WHILE") == 0){
		Operand label1 = new_label();
		Operand label2 = new_label();
		Operand label3 = new_label();

		InterCodes codes1 = InterCodes_init();
		codes1->code = new_interCode(LAB);
		codes1->code->onlyop.op = label1;

		InterCodes codes2 = translate_Cond(Stmt->child->brother->brother, label2, label3);
		InterCodes codes3 = InterCodes_init();
		codes3->code = new_interCode(LAB);
		codes3->code->onlyop.op = label2;

		InterCodes codes4 = translate_Stmt(Stmt->child->brother->brother->brother->brother);

		InterCodes codes5 = InterCodes_init();
		codes5->code = new_interCode(GOTO);
		codes5->code->onlyop.op = label1;

		InterCodes codes6 = InterCodes_init();
		codes6->code = new_interCode(LAB);
		codes6->code->onlyop.op = label3;


		return codes1;

	//IF LP Exp RP Stmt1 
	else if(Stmt->child->brother->brother->brother->brother->brother == NULL){
		Operand label1 = new_label();
		Operand label2 = new_label();
		InterCodes codes1 = translate_Cond(Stmt->child->brother->brother, label1, label2);
		InterCodes codes2 = InterCodes_init();
		codes2->code = new_interCode(LAB);
		codes2->code->onlyop.op = label1;

		InterCodes codes3 = translate_Stmt(Stmt->child->brother->brother->brother->brother);

		InterCodes codes4 = InterCodes_init();
		codes4->code = new_interCode(LAB);
		codes4->code->onlyop.op = label2;


		return codes1;
	//IF LP Exp RP Stmt1 ELSE Stmt2 
		Operand	label1 = new_label();
	 	Operand	label2 = new_label();
		Operand label3 = new_label();

		InterCodes codes1 = translate_Cond(Stmt->child->brother->brother, label1, label2);

		InterCodes codes2 = InterCodes_init();
		codes2->code = new_interCode(LAB);
		codes2->code->onlyop.op = label1;

		InterCodes codes3 = translate_Stmt(Stmt->child->brother->brother->brother->brother);

		InterCodes codes4 = InterCodes_init();
		codes4->code = new_interCode(GOTO);
		codes4->code->onlyop.op = label3;

		InterCodes codes5 = InterCodes_init();
		codes5->code = new_interCode(LAB);
		codes5->code->onlyop.op = label2;

		InterCodes codes6 = translate_Stmt(Stmt->child->brother->brother->brother->brother->brother->brother);

		InterCodes codes7 = InterCodes_init();
		codes7->code = new_interCode(LAB);
		codes7->code->onlyop.op = label3;


		return codes1;
	//else if(Stmt->child->brother-)
Beispiel #19
InterCodes translate_Cond(node* exp,Operand true_place,Operand false_place){
		return translate_Cond(exp->child->brother,true_place,false_place);
	else if(strcmp(exp->child->brother->name,"RELOP")==0){
		Operand t1 = new_temp();
		Operand t2 = new_temp();
		InterCodes codes1 = translate_Exp(exp->child,t1);
		InterCodes codes2 = translate_Exp(exp->child->brother->brother,t2);
		InterCodes codes3 = InterCodes_init();
		codes3->code = new_interCode(COND);
		codes3->code->cond.op1 = t1;
		codes3->code->cond.op2 = t2;
		codes3->code->cond.op = new_operand(op,0);
		InterCodes codes4 = InterCodes_init();
		codes4->code = new_interCode(GOTO);
		codes4->code->onlyop.op = true_place;

		InterCodes codes5 = InterCodes_init();
		codes5->code = new_interCode(GOTO);
		codes5->code->onlyop.op = false_place;


		return codes1;
	else if(strcmp(exp->child->brother->name,"AND")==0){
		Operand label1 = new_label();
		InterCodes codes1 = translate_Cond(exp->child, label1, false_place);
		InterCodes codes2 = translate_Cond(exp->child->brother->brother, true_place, false_place);
		InterCodes codes3 = InterCodes_init();
		codes3->code = new_interCode(LAB);
		codes3->code->onlyop.op = label1;
		return codes1;
	else if(strcmp(exp->child->brother->name,"OR")==0){
		Operand label1 = new_label();
		InterCodes codes1 = translate_Cond(exp->child, true_place, label1);
		InterCodes codes2 = translate_Cond(exp->child->brother->brother, true_place, false_place);
		InterCodes codes3 = InterCodes_init();
		codes3->code = new_interCode(LAB);
		codes3->code->onlyop.op = label1;
		return codes1;
		/*Operand t1 = new_temp()
		InterCodes codes1 = translate_Exp(Exp, sym_table, t1)
		code2 = [IF t1 != #0 GOTO label_true]
		return code1 + code2 + [GOTO label_false]
Beispiel #20
struct InterCodes* translate_Exp(struct TreeNode* Exp, Operand place){
	if (strcmp(Exp->children->name, "INT")){
		printf("Exp - INT\n");
		if(place != NULL){
			FieldList item = (FieldList)malloc(sizeof(struct FieldList_));

			place->kind = CONSTANT;
			place->u.value = Exp->children->value_int;

			struct InterCodes* temp = (struct InterCodes*)malloc(sizeof(struct InterCodes));
			temp->code.kind = NONE_;
			return temp;
			struct InterCodes* temp = (struct InterCodes*)malloc(sizeof(struct InterCodes));
			temp->code.kind = NONE_;
			return temp;
	if (strcmp(Exp->children->name, "ID")){
		if(Exp->children->neighbours == NULL){
			printf("Exp - ID\n");
			if(place != NULL){
				FieldList item = (FieldList)malloc(sizeof(struct FieldList_));

				place->kind = VARIABLE;
				strcpy(place->u.ID, item->inter_name);

				struct InterCodes* temp = (struct InterCodes*)malloc(sizeof(struct InterCodes));
				temp->code.kind = NONE_;
				return temp;
				struct InterCodes* temp = (struct InterCodes*)malloc(sizeof(struct InterCodes));
				temp->code.kind = NONE_;
				return temp;
		if(strcmp(Exp->children->neighbours->name, "DOT")){
			printf("Exp - Exp DOT ID\n");
			//Operand t1 = new_temp();
			//struct InterCodes* code1 = translate_Exp(Exp->children->neighbours->neighbours, t1);

			FieldList item = (FieldList)malloc(sizeof(struct FieldList_));
			int i = lookupTable(Exp->children->neighbours->neighbours->value_str,&item,0);
				case 0:{
					Operand t1 = new_temp();
					struct InterCodes* code1 = (struct InterCodes*)malloc(sizeof(struct InterCodes));
					code1->code.kind = ADD_;
					code1->code.u.binop.result = t1;
					code1->code.u.binop.op1 = (Operand)malloc(sizeof(struct Operand_));
					code1->code.u.binop.op1->kind = VARIABLE;
					strcpy(code1->code.u.binop.op1->u.ID, item->inter_name);
					code1->code.u.binop.op2 = (Operand)malloc(sizeof(struct Operand_));
					code1->code.u.binop.op2->kind = CONSTANT;
					code1->code.u.binop.op2->u.value = index_size(item, Exp->children->value_str);

					place->kind = REFERENCE;
					strcpy(place->u.ID, t1->u.ID);

					return code1;
				case 1:{
					Operand t1 = new_temp();
					Operand t2 = new_temp();

					struct InterCodes* code1 = (struct InterCodes*)malloc(sizeof(struct InterCodes));
					code1->code.kind = ASSIGN_;
					code1->code.u.assign.left = t1;
					code1->code.u.assign.right = (Operand)malloc(sizeof(struct Operand_));
					code1->code.u.assign.right->kind = ADDRESS;
					strcpy(code1->code.u.assign.right->u.ID, item->inter_name);

					struct InterCodes* code2 = (struct InterCodes*)malloc(sizeof(struct InterCodes));
					code2->code.kind = ADD_;
					code2->code.u.binop.result = t2;
					code2->code.u.binop.op1 = t1;
					code2->code.u.binop.op2 = (Operand)malloc(sizeof(struct Operand_));
					code2->code.u.binop.op2->kind = CONSTANT;
					code2->code.u.binop.op2->u.value = index_size(item, Exp->children->value_str);

					place->kind = REFERENCE;
					strcpy(place->u.ID, t2->u.ID);

					code1->next = code2;
					code2->prev = code1;

					return code1;
	if (strcmp(Exp->children->name, "Exp")){
		if (strcmp(Exp->children->neighbours->name, "ASSIGNOP")){
			if (strcmp(Exp->children->neighbours->neighbours->children->name, "ID")){
				printf("Exp - Exp ASSIGNOP Exp\n");
				if(place != NULL){
					Operand t1 = new_temp();
					FieldList item = (FieldList)malloc(sizeof(struct FieldList_));

					struct InterCodes* code1 = translate_Exp(Exp->children, t1);

					struct InterCodes* code2 = (struct InterCodes*)malloc(sizeof(struct InterCodes));
					code2->code.kind = ASSIGN_;
					code2->code.u.assign.left = (Operand)malloc(sizeof(struct Operand_));
					code2->code.u.assign.left->kind = VARIABLE;
					strcpy(code2->code.u.assign.left->u.ID, item->inter_name);
					code2->code.u.assign.right = t1;

					/*struct InterCodes* code3 = (struct InterCodes*)malloc(sizeof(struct InterCodes));
					code3->code.kind = ASSIGN;
					code3->code.u.assign.left = (Operand)malloc(sizeof(struct Operand_));
					code3->code.u.assign.left->kind = VARIABLE;
					strcpy(code3->code.u.assign.left->u.ID, place->u.ID);
					code3->code.u.assign.right = (Operand)malloc(sizeof(struct Operand_));
					code3->code.u.assign.right->kind = VARIABLE;
					strcpy(code3->code.u.assign.right->u.ID, Exp->children->neighbours->neighbours->children->inter_name);*/

					place->kind = VARIABLE;
					strcpy(place->u.ID, item->inter_name);

					struct InterCodes* p = code1;
					while(p->next != NULL)
						p = p->next;
					p->next = code2;
					code2->prev = p;
					code2->next = NULL;

					return code1;
					Operand t1 = new_temp();
					FieldList item = (FieldList)malloc(sizeof(struct FieldList_));
					struct InterCodes* code1 = translate_Exp(Exp->children, t1);

					struct InterCodes* code2 = (struct InterCodes*)malloc(sizeof(struct InterCodes));
					code2->code.kind = ASSIGN_;
					code2->code.u.assign.left = (Operand)malloc(sizeof(struct Operand_));
					code2->code.u.assign.left->kind = VARIABLE;
					strcpy(code2->code.u.assign.left->u.ID, item->inter_name);
					code2->code.u.assign.right = t1;

					struct InterCodes* p = code1;
					while(p->next != NULL)
						p = p->next;
					p->next = code2;
					code2->prev = p;
					code2->next = NULL;

					return code1;
		if(strcmp(Exp->children->neighbours->name, "PLUS")){
			printf("Exp - Exp PLUS Exp\n");
			if(place != NULL){
				Operand t1 = new_temp();
				Operand t2 = new_temp();
				struct InterCodes* code1 = translate_Exp(Exp->children->neighbours->neighbours, t1);
				struct InterCodes* code2 = translate_Exp(Exp->children, t2);		
				struct InterCodes* code3 = (struct InterCodes*)malloc(sizeof(struct InterCodes));
				code3->code.kind = ADD_;
				code3->code.u.binop.result = (Operand)malloc(sizeof(struct Operand_));
				code3->code.u.binop.result->kind = VARIABLE;
				strcpy(code3->code.u.binop.result->u.ID, place->u.ID);
				code3->code.u.binop.op1 = t1;
				code3->code.u.binop.op2 = t2;

				struct InterCodes* p = code1;
				while(p->next != NULL)
					p = p->next;
				p->next = code2;

				code2->prev = p;
				p = code2;
				while(p->next != NULL)
					p = p->next;
				p->next = code3;
				code3->prev = p;

				code3->next = NULL;

				return code1;
				Operand t1 = new_temp();
				Operand t2 = new_temp();
				struct InterCodes* code1 = translate_Exp(Exp->children->neighbours->neighbours, t1);
				struct InterCodes* code2 = translate_Exp(Exp->children, t2);

				struct InterCodes* p = code1;
				while(p->next != NULL)
					p = p->next;
				p->next = code2;
				code2->prev = p;

				code2->next = NULL;

				return code1;
		if(strcmp(Exp->children->neighbours->name, "MINUS")){
			printf("Exp - Exp MINUS Exp\n");
			if(place != NULL){
				if(Exp->children->neighbours->neighbours != NULL){
					Operand t1 = new_temp();
					Operand t2 = new_temp();
					struct InterCodes* code1 = translate_Exp(Exp->children->neighbours->neighbours, t1);
					struct InterCodes* code2 = translate_Exp(Exp->children, t2);
					struct InterCodes* code3 = (struct InterCodes*)malloc(sizeof(struct InterCodes));
					code3->code.kind = SUB_;
					code3->code.u.binop.result = (Operand)malloc(sizeof(struct Operand_));
					code3->code.u.binop.result->kind = VARIABLE;
					strcpy(code3->code.u.binop.result->u.ID, place->u.ID);
					code3->code.u.binop.op1 = t1;
					code3->code.u.binop.op2 = t2;

					struct InterCodes* p = code1;
					while(p->next != NULL)
						p = p->next;
					p->next = code2;

					code2->prev = p;
					p = code2;
					while(p->next != NULL)
						p = p->next;
					p->next = code3;
					code3->prev = p;

					code3->next = NULL;

					return code1;
					Operand t1 = new_temp();
					struct InterCodes* code1 = translate_Exp(Exp->children, t1);
					struct InterCodes* code2 = (struct InterCodes*)malloc(sizeof(struct InterCodes));
					code2->code.kind = SUB_;
					code2->code.u.binop.result = (Operand)malloc(sizeof(struct Operand_));
					code2->code.u.binop.result->kind = VARIABLE;
					strcpy(code2->code.u.binop.result->u.ID, place->u.ID);
					code2->code.u.binop.op1 = (Operand)malloc(sizeof(struct Operand_));
					code2->code.u.binop.op1->kind = CONSTANT;
					code2->code.u.binop.op1->u.value = 0;
					code2->code.u.binop.op2 = t1;

					struct InterCodes* p = code1;
					while(p->next != NULL)
						p = p->next;
					p->next = code2;
					code2->prev = p;

					code2->next = NULL;

					return code1;
				if(Exp->children->neighbours->neighbours != NULL){
					Operand t1 = new_temp();
					Operand t2 = new_temp();
					struct InterCodes* code1 = translate_Exp(Exp->children->neighbours->neighbours, t1);
					struct InterCodes* code2 = translate_Exp(Exp->children, t2);

					struct InterCodes* p = code1;
					while(p->next != NULL)
						p = p->next;
					p->next = code2;
					code2->prev = p;

					code2->next = NULL;

					return code1;
					Operand t1 = new_temp();
					struct InterCodes* code1 = translate_Exp(Exp->children, t1);

					return code1;
		if(strcmp(Exp->children->neighbours->name, "STAR")){
			printf("Exp - Exp STAR Exp\n");
			if(place != NULL){
				Operand t1 = new_temp();
				Operand t2 = new_temp();
				struct InterCodes* code1 = translate_Exp(Exp->children->neighbours->neighbours, t1);
				struct InterCodes* code2 = translate_Exp(Exp->children, t2);		
				struct InterCodes* code3 = (struct InterCodes*)malloc(sizeof(struct InterCodes));
				code3->code.kind = MUL_;
				code3->code.u.binop.result = (Operand)malloc(sizeof(struct Operand_));
				code3->code.u.binop.result->kind = VARIABLE;
				strcpy(code3->code.u.binop.result->u.ID, place->u.ID);
				code3->code.u.binop.op1 = t1;
				code3->code.u.binop.op2 = t2;

				struct InterCodes* p = code1;
				while(p->next != NULL)
					p = p->next;
				p->next = code2;

				code2->prev = p;
				p = code2;
				while(p->next != NULL)
					p = p->next;
				p->next = code3;
				code3->prev = p;

				code3->next = NULL;

				return code1;
				Operand t1 = new_temp();
				Operand t2 = new_temp();
				struct InterCodes* code1 = translate_Exp(Exp->children->neighbours->neighbours, t1);
				struct InterCodes* code2 = translate_Exp(Exp->children, t2);

				struct InterCodes* p = code1;
				while(p->next != NULL)
					p = p->next;
				p->next = code2;
				code2->prev = p;

				code2->next = NULL;

				return code1;
		if(strcmp(Exp->children->neighbours->name, "DIV")){
			printf("Exp - Exp DIV Exp\n");
			if(place != NULL){
				Operand t1 = new_temp();
				Operand t2 = new_temp();
				struct InterCodes* code1 = translate_Exp(Exp->children->neighbours->neighbours, t1);
				struct InterCodes* code2 = translate_Exp(Exp->children, t2);
				struct InterCodes* code3 = (struct InterCodes*)malloc(sizeof(struct InterCodes));
				code3->code.kind = DIV_;
				code3->code.u.binop.result = (Operand)malloc(sizeof(struct Operand_));
				code3->code.u.binop.result->kind = VARIABLE;
				strcpy(code3->code.u.binop.result->u.ID, place->u.ID);
				code3->code.u.binop.op1 = t1;
				code3->code.u.binop.op2 = t2;

				struct InterCodes* p = code1;
				while(p->next != NULL)
					p = p->next;
				p->next = code2;

				code2->prev = p;
				p = code2;
				while(p->next != NULL)
					p = p->next;
				p->next = code3;
				code3->prev = p;

				code3->next = NULL;

				return code1;
				Operand t1 = new_temp();
				Operand t2 = new_temp();
				struct InterCodes* code1 = translate_Exp(Exp->children->neighbours->neighbours, t1);
				struct InterCodes* code2 = translate_Exp(Exp->children, t2);

				struct InterCodes* p = code1;
				while(p->next != NULL)
					p = p->next;
				p->next = code2;
				code2->prev = p;

				code2->next = NULL;

				return code1;
		if(strcmp(Exp->children->neighbours->name, "RELOP") || strcmp(Exp->children->neighbours->name, "NOT") || strcmp(Exp->children->neighbours->name, "AND") || strcmp(Exp->children->neighbours->name, "OR")){
			printf("Exp - Exp Cond Exp\n");
			if(place != NULL){
				Operand label1 = new_label();
				Operand label2 = new_label();
				struct InterCodes* code1 = (struct InterCodes*)malloc(sizeof(struct InterCodes));
				code1->code.kind = ASSIGN_;
				code1->code.u.assign.left = (Operand)malloc(sizeof(struct Operand_));
				code1->code.u.assign.left->kind = VARIABLE;
				strcpy(code1->code.u.assign.left->u.ID, place->u.ID);
				code1->code.u.assign.right = (Operand)malloc(sizeof(struct Operand_));
				code1->code.u.assign.right->kind = CONSTANT;
				code1->code.u.assign.right->u.value = 0;
				struct InterCodes* code2 = translate_Cond(Exp, label1, label2);
				struct InterCodes* code3 = (struct InterCodes*)malloc(sizeof(struct InterCodes));
				code3->code.kind = LABEL_;
				code3->code.u.labelcode.label = label1;
				struct InterCodes* code4 = (struct InterCodes*)malloc(sizeof(struct InterCodes));
				code4->code.kind = ASSIGN_;
				code4->code.u.assign.left = (Operand)malloc(sizeof(struct Operand_));
				code4->code.u.assign.left->kind = VARIABLE;
				strcpy(code4->code.u.assign.left->u.ID, place->u.ID);
				code4->code.u.assign.right = (Operand)malloc(sizeof(struct Operand_));
				code4->code.u.assign.right->kind = CONSTANT;
				code4->code.u.assign.right->u.value = 1;
				struct InterCodes* code5 = (struct InterCodes*)malloc(sizeof(struct InterCodes));
				code5->code.kind = LABEL_;
				code5->code.u.labelcode.label = label2;

				code1->next = code2;
				code2->prev = code1;
				struct InterCodes* p = code2;
				while(p->next != NULL)
					p = p->next;
				p->next = code3;
				code3->prev = p;

				code3->next = code4;
				code4->prev = code3;

				code4->next = code5;
				code5->prev = code4;

				code5->next = NULL;

				return code1;
	if (strcmp(Exp->children->neighbours->name, "LP")){
		printf("Exp - ID LP RP\n");
		if(strcmp(Exp->children->neighbours->neighbours->value_str, "read") == 0){
			struct InterCodes* code1 = (struct InterCodes*)malloc(sizeof(struct InterCodes));
			code1->code.kind = READ_;
			code1-> = place;
			return code1;
			FieldList item = (FieldList)malloc(sizeof(struct FieldList_));
			struct InterCodes* code1 = (struct InterCodes*)malloc(sizeof(struct InterCodes));
			code1->code.kind = CALL_;
			code1-> = (Operand)malloc(sizeof(struct Operand_));
			code1->>kind = VARIABLE;
			strcpy(code1->code.u.assign.left->u.ID, place->u.ID);
			code1-> = (Operand)malloc(sizeof(struct Operand_));
			code1->>kind = VARIABLE;
			strcpy(code1->>u.ID, item->name);
			return code1;
	if(strcmp(Exp->children->neighbours->name, "Args")){
		printf("Exp - ID LP Args RP\n");
		struct ArgList* arg_list = NULL;
		struct InterCodes* code1 = translate_Args(Exp->children->neighbours, arg_list);
		if(strcpy(Exp->children->neighbours->neighbours->neighbours->value_str, "write") == 0){
			struct InterCodes* code2 = (struct InterCodes*)malloc(sizeof(struct InterCodes));
			code2->code.kind = WRITE_;
			code2->code.u.write.wr = arg_list->op;

			struct InterCodes* p = code1;
			while(p->next != NULL)
				p = p->next;
			p->next = code2;
			code2->prev = p;

			code2->next = NULL;

			return code1;
			FieldList item = (FieldList)malloc(sizeof(struct FieldList_));
			struct ArgList* q = arg_list;
			struct InterCodes* code2 = NULL;
			while(q != NULL){
				struct InterCodes* code3 = (struct InterCodes*)malloc(sizeof(struct InterCodes));
				code3->code.kind = ARG_;
				code3->code.u.arg.argument = q->op;
				if(code2 == NULL){
					code2 = code3;
					struct InterCodes* p = code2;
					while(p->next != NULL)
						p = p->next;
					p->next = code3;
					code3->prev = p;
				q = q->next;
			struct InterCodes* code4 = (struct InterCodes*)malloc(sizeof(struct InterCodes));
			code4->code.kind = CALL_;
			code4-> = (Operand)malloc(sizeof(struct Operand_));
			code4->>kind = VARIABLE;
			strcpy(code4->code.u.assign.left->u.ID, place->u.ID);
			code4-> = (Operand)malloc(sizeof(struct Operand_));
			code4->>kind = VARIABLE;
			strcpy(code4->>u.ID, item->name);

			struct InterCodes* p = code1;
			while(p->next != NULL)
				p = p->next;
			p->next = code2;
			code2->prev = p;

			p = code2;
			while(p->next != NULL)
				p = p->next;
			p->next = code4;
			code4->prev = p;

			code4->next = NULL;

			return code1;
	if (strcmp(Exp->children->name, "RB") == 0){
		printf("Exp - Exp LB Exp RB\n");
		FieldList item = (FieldList)malloc(sizeof(struct FieldList_));

		Operand t1 = new_temp();
		Operand t2 = new_temp();
		Operand t3 = new_temp();

		struct InterCodes* code1 = translate_Exp(Exp->children->neighbours, t1);
		struct InterCodes* code2 = (struct InterCodes*)malloc(sizeof(struct InterCodes));
		code2->code.kind = MUL_;
		code2->code.u.binop.result = t2;
		code2->code.u.binop.op1 = t1;
		code2->code.u.binop.op2 = (Operand)malloc(sizeof(struct Operand_));
		code2->code.u.binop.result->kind = CONSTANT;
		code2->code.u.binop.result->u.value = 4;
		struct InterCodes* code3 = (struct InterCodes*)malloc(sizeof(struct InterCodes));
		code3->code.kind = ADD_;	
		code3->code.u.binop.result = t3;
		code3->code.u.binop.op1 = (Operand)malloc(sizeof(struct Operand_));
		code3->code.u.binop.op1->kind = ADDRESS;
		strcpy(code3->code.u.binop.op1->u.ID, item->inter_name);
		code3->code.u.binop.op2 = t2;
		//place = t4;
		place->kind = REFERENCE;
		strcpy(place->u.ID, t3->u.ID);

		struct InterCodes* p = code1;
		while(p->next != NULL)
			p = p->next;
		p->next = code2;
		code2->prev = p;

		code2->next = code3;
		code3->prev = code2;

		code3->next = NULL;

		return code1;
Beispiel #21
InterCodeNode translate_Stmt(treenode *Stmt_n){
	if(Stmt_n == NULL){
		//deprintf("Stmt is NULL\n");
		return NULL;
	if(Stmt_n->child_num == 1){
		return translate_CompSt(Stmt_n->node[0]);
	}else if(Stmt_n->child_num == 2){
		//exp ;
		Operand temp = new_Operand();
		return translate_Exp(Stmt_n->node[0],temp);
	}else if(Stmt_n->child_num == 3){
		//return exp ;
		Operand temp = new_Temp();
		InterCodeNode node1 = translate_Exp(Stmt_n->node[1],temp);
		InterCode ret_code = new_InterCode();
		ret_code->kind = RETURN;
		ret_code->u.retn.return_op = temp;
		InterCodeNode node2 = produceNodeByCode(ret_code);
		return produceNodeByNode(node1,node2);
	}else if(Stmt_n->child_num == 5){
		treenode *head = Stmt_n->node[0];
		if(strcmp(head->operval,"IF") == 0){
			//if (exp) stmt	
			Operand label1 = new_Label();
			Operand label2 = new_Label();
			InterCodeNode node1 = translate_Cond(Stmt_n->node[2],label1,label2);
			InterCodeNode node3 = translate_Stmt(Stmt_n->node[4]);
			InterCode code2 = new_InterCode();
			code2->kind = LABEL;
			code2->u.label.label_op = label1;
			InterCodeNode node2 = NULL;//produceNodeByCode(code2);

			InterCode code4 = new_InterCode();
			code4->kind = LABEL;
			code4->u.label.label_op = label2;
			InterCodeNode node4 = produceNodeByCode(code4);

			InterCodeNode temp1 = produceNodeByNode(node1,node2);
			InterCodeNode temp2 = produceNodeByNode(temp1,node3);
			return produceNodeByNode(temp2,node4);
		if(strcmp(head->operval,"WHILE") == 0){
			//while (exp) stmt
			Operand label1 = new_Label();
			Operand label2 = new_Label();
			Operand label3 = new_Label();

			InterCode code1 = new_InterCode();
			code1->kind = LABEL;
			code1->u.label.label_op = label1;
			InterCodeNode node1 = produceNodeByCode(code1);
			InterCodeNode node2 = translate_Cond(Stmt_n->node[2],label2,label3);
			InterCode code3 = new_InterCode();
			code3->kind = LABEL;
			code3->u.label.label_op = label2;
			InterCodeNode node3 = NULL;//produceNodeByCode(code3);

			InterCodeNode node4 = translate_Stmt(Stmt_n->node[4]);

			InterCode code5 = new_InterCode();
			code5->kind = GOTO;
			code5->u.label.label_op = label1;
			InterCodeNode node5 = produceNodeByCode(code5);

			InterCode code6 = new_InterCode();
			code6->kind = LABEL;
			code6->u.label.label_op = label3;
			InterCodeNode node6 = produceNodeByCode(code6);

			InterCodeNode temp1 = produceNodeByNode(node1,node2);
			InterCodeNode temp2 = produceNodeByNode(temp1,node3);
			InterCodeNode temp3 = produceNodeByNode(temp2,node4);
			InterCodeNode temp4 = produceNodeByNode(temp3,node5);
			return produceNodeByNode(temp4,node6);
	}else if(Stmt_n->child_num == 7){
		//if (exp) stmt else stmt
		Operand label1 = new_Label();
		Operand label2 = new_Label();
		Operand label3 = new_Label();

		InterCodeNode node1 = translate_Cond(Stmt_n->node[2],label1,label2);

		InterCode code2 = new_InterCode();
		code2->kind = LABEL;
		code2->u.label.label_op = label1;
		InterCodeNode node2 = NULL;//produceNodeByCode(code2);

		InterCodeNode node3 = translate_Stmt(Stmt_n->node[4]);

		InterCode code4 = new_InterCode();
		code4->kind = GOTO;
		code4->u.label.label_op = label3;
		InterCodeNode node4 = produceNodeByCode(code4);

		InterCode code5 = new_InterCode();
		code5->kind = LABEL;
		code5->u.label.label_op = label2;
		InterCodeNode node5 = produceNodeByCode(code5);

		InterCodeNode node6 = translate_Stmt(Stmt_n->node[6]);

		InterCode code7 = new_InterCode();
		code7->kind = LABEL;
		code7->u.label.label_op = label3;
		InterCodeNode node7 = produceNodeByCode(code7);

		InterCodeNode temp1 = produceNodeByNode(node1,node2);
		InterCodeNode temp2 = produceNodeByNode(temp1,node3);
		InterCodeNode temp3 = produceNodeByNode(temp2,node4);
		InterCodeNode temp4 = produceNodeByNode(temp3,node5);
		InterCodeNode temp5 = produceNodeByNode(temp4,node6);
		return produceNodeByNode(temp5,node7);
		//deprintf("**** Illegal Stmt Error ****\n");
		return NULL;
Beispiel #22
struct InterCodes* translate_Stmt(struct TreeNode* Stmt){
	if (strcmp(Stmt->children->name, "SEMI") == 0){
		if(Stmt->children->neighbours->neighbours == NULL){
			printf("Stmt - Stmt SEMI\n");
			return translate_Exp(Stmt->children->neighbours, NULL);
			printf("Stmt - RETURN Stmt SEMI\n");
			Operand t1 = new_temp();
			struct InterCodes* code1 = translate_Exp(Stmt->children->neighbours, t1);
			struct InterCodes* code2 = (struct InterCodes*)malloc(sizeof(struct InterCodes));
			code2->code.kind = RETURN_;
			code2->code.u.returncode.r = t1;
			struct InterCodes* p = code1;
			while(p->next != NULL)
				p = p->next;
			p->next = code2;
			code2->prev = p;

			code2->next = NULL;

			return code1;
	if(strcmp(Stmt->children->name, "CompSt") == 0){
		printf("Stmt - CompSt\n");
		return translate_CompSt(Stmt->children);
	if(strcmp(Stmt->children->name, "Stmt") == 0){
		if(strcmp(Stmt->children->neighbours->neighbours->neighbours->neighbours->name, "IF") == 0){
			printf("Stmt - IF LP Exp RP Stmt\n");
			Operand label1 = new_label();
			Operand label2 = new_label();
			struct InterCodes* code1 = translate_Cond(Stmt->children->neighbours->neighbours, label1, label2);
			struct InterCodes* code2 = translate_Stmt(Stmt->children);
			struct InterCodes* code3 = (struct InterCodes*)malloc(sizeof(struct InterCodes));
			code3->code.kind = LABEL_;
			code3->code.u.labelcode.label = label1;
			struct InterCodes* code4 = (struct InterCodes*)malloc(sizeof(struct InterCodes));
			code4->code.kind = LABEL_;
			code4->code.u.labelcode.label = label2;

			struct InterCodes* p = code1;
			while(p->next != NULL)
				p = p->next;
			p->next = code3;
			code3->prev = p;
			code3->next = code2;

			p = code2;
			while(p->next != NULL)
				p = p->next;
			p->next = code4;
			code4->prev = p;
			code4->next = NULL;

			return code1;
		if(strcmp(Stmt->children->neighbours->neighbours->neighbours->neighbours->name, "WHILE") == 0){
			printf("Stmt - WHILE LP Exp RP Stmt\n");
			Operand label1 = new_label();
			Operand label2 = new_label();
			Operand label3 = new_label();
			struct InterCodes* code1 = translate_Cond(Stmt->children->neighbours->neighbours, label2, label3);
			struct InterCodes* code2 = translate_Stmt(Stmt->children->neighbours->neighbours);
			struct InterCodes* code3 = (struct InterCodes*)malloc(sizeof(struct InterCodes));
			code3->code.kind = LABEL_;
			code3->code.u.labelcode.label = label1;
			struct InterCodes* code4 = (struct InterCodes*)malloc(sizeof(struct InterCodes));
			code4->code.kind = LABEL_;
			code4->code.u.labelcode.label = label2;
			struct InterCodes* code5 = (struct InterCodes*)malloc(sizeof(struct InterCodes));
			code5->code.kind = LABEL_;
			code5->code.u.labelcode.label = label3;
			struct InterCodes* code6 = (struct InterCodes*)malloc(sizeof(struct InterCodes));
			code6->code.kind = GOTO_;
			code6->code.u.gotocode.label = label3;

			code3->next = code1;
			code1->prev = code3;

			struct InterCodes* p = code1;
			while(p->next != NULL)
				p = p->next;
			p->next = code4;
			code4->prev = p;
			code4->next = code2;

			p = code2;
			while(p->next != NULL)
				p = p->next;
			p->next = code6;
			code6->prev = p;
			code6->next = code5;
			code5->prev = code6;

			code5->next = NULL;

			return code3;
		if(strcmp(Stmt->children->neighbours->name, "ELSE") == 0){
			printf("Stmt - IF LP Exp RP Stmt ELSE Stmt\n");
			Operand label1 = new_label();
			Operand label2 = new_label();
			Operand label3 = new_label();
			struct InterCodes* code1 = translate_Cond(Stmt->children->neighbours->neighbours, label1, label2);
			struct InterCodes* code2 = translate_Stmt(Stmt->children->neighbours->neighbours);
			struct InterCodes* code3 = translate_Stmt(Stmt->children);
			struct InterCodes* code4 = (struct InterCodes*)malloc(sizeof(struct InterCodes));
			code4->code.kind = LABEL_;
			code4->code.u.labelcode.label = label1;
			struct InterCodes* code5 = (struct InterCodes*)malloc(sizeof(struct InterCodes));
			code5->code.kind = LABEL_;
			code5->code.u.labelcode.label = label2;
			struct InterCodes* code6 = (struct InterCodes*)malloc(sizeof(struct InterCodes));
			code6->code.kind = LABEL_;
			code6->code.u.labelcode.label = label3;
			struct InterCodes* code7 = (struct InterCodes*)malloc(sizeof(struct InterCodes));
			code7->code.kind = GOTO_;
			code7->code.u.gotocode.label = label3;

			struct InterCodes* p = code1;
			while(p->next != NULL)
				p = p->next;
			p->next = code4;
			code4->prev = p;
			code4->next = code2;

			p = code2;
			while(p->next != NULL)
				p = p->next;
			p->next = code7;
			code7->prev = p;
			code7->next = code5;

			code5->prev = code7;
			code5->next = code3;

			p = code3;
			while(p->next != NULL)
				p = p->next;
			p->next = code6;
			code6->prev = p;
			code6->next = NULL;

			return code1;
Beispiel #23
struct InterCodes* translate_Cond(struct TreeNode* Exp, Operand label_true, Operand label_false){
	if(strcmp(Exp->children->neighbours->name, "RELOP") == 0){
		printf("Exp - Exp RELOP Exp\n");
		Operand t1 = new_temp();
		Operand t2 = new_temp();
		struct InterCodes* code1 = translate_Exp(Exp->children->neighbours->neighbours, t1);
		struct InterCodes* code2 = translate_Exp(Exp->children, t2);
		struct InterCodes* code3 = (struct InterCodes*)malloc(sizeof(struct InterCodes));
		code3->code.kind = IF_;
		code3->code.u.ifcode.op1 = t1;
		code3->code.u.ifcode.op2 = t2;
		code3->code.u.ifcode.label = label_true;
		strcpy(code3->code.u.ifcode.op_type, Exp->children->neighbours->value_str);
		struct InterCodes* code4 = (struct InterCodes*)malloc(sizeof(struct InterCodes));
		code4->code.kind = GOTO_;
		code4->code.u.gotocode.label = label_false;

		struct InterCodes* p = code1;
		while(p->next != NULL)
			p = p->next;
		p->next = code2;
		code2->prev = p;

		p = code2;
		while(p->next != NULL)
			p = p->next;
		p->next = code3;
		code3->prev = p;

		code3->next = code4;
		code4->prev = code3;

		code4->next = NULL;

		return code1;
	if(strcmp(Exp->children->neighbours->name, "NOT") == 0){
		printf("Exp - NOT Exp\n");
		return translate_Cond(Exp->children, label_false, label_true);
	if(strcmp(Exp->children->neighbours->name, "AND") == 0){
		printf("Exp - Exp AND Exp\n");
		Operand label1 = new_label();
		struct InterCodes* code1 = translate_Cond(Exp->children->neighbours->neighbours, label1, label_false);
		struct InterCodes* code2 = translate_Cond(Exp->children, label_true, label_false);
		struct InterCodes* code3 = (struct InterCodes*)malloc(sizeof(struct InterCodes));
		code3->code.kind = LABEL_;
		code3->code.u.labelcode.label = label1;

		struct InterCodes* p = code1;
		while(p->next != NULL)
			p = p->next;
		p->next = code3;
		code3->prev = p;

		code3->next = code2;
		code2->prev = code3;

		return code1;
	if(strcmp(Exp->children->neighbours->name, "OR") == 0){
		printf("Exp - Exp OR Exp\n");
		Operand label1 = new_label();
		struct InterCodes* code1 = translate_Cond(Exp->children->neighbours->neighbours, label_true, label1);
		struct InterCodes* code2 = translate_Cond(Exp->children, label_true, label_false);
		struct InterCodes* code3 = (struct InterCodes*)malloc(sizeof(struct InterCodes));
		code3->code.kind = LABEL_;
		code3->code.u.labelcode.label = label1;

		struct InterCodes* p = code1;
		while(p->next != NULL)
			p = p->next;
		p->next = code3;
		code3->prev = p;

		code3->next = code2;
		code2->prev = code3;

		return code1;
		printf("Exp - ELSE\n");
		Operand t1 = new_temp();
		struct InterCodes* code1 = translate_Exp(Exp, t1);
		struct InterCodes* code2 = (struct InterCodes*)malloc(sizeof(struct InterCodes));
		code2->code.kind = IF_;
		code2->code.u.ifcode.op1 = t1;
		code2->code.u.ifcode.op2 = (Operand)malloc(sizeof(struct Operand_));
		code2->code.u.ifcode.op2->kind = CONSTANT;
		code2->code.u.ifcode.op2->u.value = 0;
		code2->code.u.ifcode.label = label_true;
		char op[2] = {'!', '='};
		strcpy(code2->code.u.ifcode.op_type, op);
		struct InterCodes* code3 = (struct InterCodes*)malloc(sizeof(struct InterCodes));
		code3->code.kind = GOTO_;
		code3->code.u.gotocode.label = label_false;

		struct InterCodes* p = code1;
		while(p->next != NULL)
			p = p->next;
		p->next = code2;
		code2->prev = p;

		code2->next = code3;
		code3->prev = code2;

		code3->next = NULL;

		return code1;
Beispiel #24
InterCodeNode translate_Cond(treenode *cond,Operand label_t,Operand label_f){
	if(cond == NULL){
		//deprintf("Cond is NULL\n");
		return NULL;
	if(cond->child_num == 2){
		treenode *op = cond->node[0];
		treenode *exp = cond->node[1];
		if(strcmp(op->operval,"NOT") == 0){
			return translate_Cond(exp,label_f,label_t);
	if(cond->child_num == 3){
		treenode *prev = cond->node[0];
		treenode *midd = cond->node[1];
		treenode *next = cond->node[2];
		if(strcmp(midd->operval,"RELOP") == 0){
			//exp relop exp
			Operand t1 = new_Temp();
			Operand t2 = new_Temp();
			InterCodeNode node1 = translate_Exp(prev,t1);
			InterCodeNode node2 = translate_Exp(next,t2);
			Operand relop = new_Operand();
			relop->kind = RELOP_OP;
			InterCode relop_code = new_InterCode();
			relop_code->kind = RELOP;
			relop_code->u.rel.op1 = t1;
			relop_code->u.rel.op2 = t2;
			relop_code->u.rel.relop_op = relop;
			relop_code->u.rel.label_op = label_f;
			InterCodeNode node3 = produceNodeByCode(relop_code);

			/*InterCode gto_code = new_InterCode();
			gto_code->kind = GOTO;
			gto_code->u.gto.label_op = label_f;
			InterCodeNode node4 = produceNodeByCode(gto_code);*/

			InterCodeNode temp1 = produceNodeByNode(node1,node2);
			InterCodeNode temp2 = produceNodeByNode(temp1,node3);
			return temp2;

		}else if(strcmp(midd->operval,"AND") == 0){
			// exp and exp
			Operand label1 = new_Label();
			InterCodeNode node1 = translate_Cond(prev,label1,label_f);
			InterCodeNode node3 = translate_Cond(next,label_t,label_f);
			InterCode label_code = new_InterCode();
			label_code->kind = LABEL;
			label_code->u.label.label_op = label1;

			InterCodeNode node2 = produceNodeByCode(label_code);
			InterCodeNode temp = produceNodeByNode(node1,node2);
			return produceNodeByNode(temp,node3);
		}else if(strcmp(midd->operval,"OR") == 0){
			// exp or exp
			Operand label1 = new_Label();
			InterCodeNode node1 = translate_Cond(prev,label_t,label1);
			InterCodeNode node3 = translate_Cond(next,label_t,label_f);
			InterCode label_code = new_InterCode();
			label_code->kind = LABEL;
			label_code->u.label.label_op = label1;

			InterCodeNode node2 = produceNodeByCode(label_code);
			InterCodeNode temp = produceNodeByNode(node1,node2);
			return produceNodeByNode(temp,node3);
	//other case
	Operand t1 = new_Temp();
	InterCodeNode node1 = translate_Exp(cond,t1);
	Operand zero = new_Operand();
	zero->kind = CONSTANT;
	zero->u.value = 0;
	Operand unequal = new_Operand();
	unequal->kind = RELOP_OP;

	InterCode unequal_code = new_InterCode();
	unequal_code->kind = RELOP;
	unequal_code->u.rel.op1 = t1;
	unequal_code->u.rel.relop_op = unequal;
	unequal_code->u.rel.op2 = zero;
	unequal_code->u.rel.label_op = label_f;
	InterCodeNode node2 = produceNodeByCode(unequal_code);

	// InterCode gto_code = new_InterCode();
	// gto_code->kind = GOTO;
	// gto_code->u.gto.label_op = label_f;
	// InterCodeNode node3 = produceNodeByCode(gto_code);

	InterCodeNode temp = produceNodeByNode(node1,node2);
	return temp;
Beispiel #25
InterCodes translate_Array(node *Exp,Operand place){
	InterCodes code1 = NULL;			
	FieldList p = Findname(Exp->child->child->node_value);
	int size =0;
	//Operand t ;
	if(strcpy(Exp->child->child->name,"ID") == 0){	//Exp[Exp]
		if(p->type->array.elem->kind == STRUCTURE)
			size = getSize(p);
		else size = 4;
		Operand op1 = new_operand_name(Exp->child->child->node_value);
		InterCodes code2,code3,code4;
		Operand t1 = new_temp();
		code2 = translate_Exp(Exp->child->brother->brother,t1);			//翻译[]中的exp
		Operand t2 = new_temp();
		Operand c1 = new_operand(1,size);
		code3 = InterCodes_init();
		code3->code = new_interCode(MUL);
		code3->code->binop.result = t2;
		code3->code->binop.op1 = t1;
		code3->code->binop.op2 = c1;
		code4 = InterCodes_init();
		code4->code = new_interCode(ADDR);
		code4->code->binop.result = place;
		code4->code->binop.op1 = op1;
		code4->code->binop.op2 = t2;
		place->kind = ADDR_op;
		return code2;
	else if(strcpy(Exp->child->child->name,"Exp") == 0)			//Exp[Exp][Exp]
		if(p->type->array.elem->kind == STRUCTURE)
			size = getSize(p);
		else size = 4;
		InterCodes code = InterCodes_init();
		Operand temp = new_temp();
		code = translate_Array(Exp->child,temp);
		Operand op1 = new_operand_name(Exp->child->child->node_value);
		InterCodes code2,code3,code4;
		Operand t1 = new_temp();
		code2 = translate_Exp(Exp->child->brother->brother,t1);			//翻译[]中的exp
		Operand t2 = new_temp();
		Operand c1 = new_operand(1,size);
		code3 = InterCodes_init();
		code3->code = new_interCode(MUL);
		code3->code->binop.result = t2;
		code3->code->binop.op1 = t1;
		code3->code->binop.op2 = c1;
		code4 = InterCodes_init();
		code4->code = new_interCode(ADDR);
		code4->code->binop.result = place;
		code4->code->binop.op1 = op1;
		code4->code->binop.op2 = t2;
		place->kind = ADDR_op;
		return code2;

Beispiel #26
//maybe useless
InterCodeNode translate_ExpDotExp(treenode *enode, Operand place){
	//Exp -> Exp [Exp]
	//		Exp ->
	//		Exp -> Exp[Exp].id[Exp]
	treenode *exp1 = enode->node[0];
	treenode *index_exp = enode->node[2];

	treenode *exp2 = exp1->node[0];
	treenode *field_id = exp1->node[2];

	treenode *var_id = exp2->node[0];

	Operand start = new_Operand();

	FieldList if_para = fetchPara(var_id->idval);
	FieldList field = NULL;
	if(if_para != NULL){
		struct Var_info *temp_var = fetchVarInfo(var_id->idval);
		start->kind = VARIABLE;
		start->u.var_no = temp_var->var_no;
		field = (if_para->type->u).structure->tail;
		struct Var_info *temp_var = fetchVarInfo(var_id->idval);
		start->kind = REFERENCE;
		start->u.var_no = temp_var->var_no;
		FieldList temp_var2 = fetchArg(var_id->idval);
		field = (temp_var2->type->u).structure->tail;
	int count = 0;
	FieldList p = field;
	while(p != NULL){
		if(strcmp(p->name,field_id->idval) == 0)
			case basic:
				count += 4;break;
			case array:
				count += 4*((p->type->u).array.size);break;
			case structure:
				count += computeStructSize((p->type->u).structure);
		p = p->tail;
	Operand field_offset = new_Operand();
	field_offset->kind = CONSTANT;
	field_offset->u.value = count;

	Operand array_start = new_Temp();
	InterCode add_code = new_InterCode();
	add_code->kind = ADD;
	add_code->u.binop.result = array_start;
	add_code->u.binop.op1 = start;
	add_code->u.binop.op2 = field_offset;
	InterCodeNode node1 = produceNodeByCode(add_code);

	Operand t1 = new_Temp();
	InterCodeNode node2 = translate_Exp(index_exp,t1);
	Operand t2 = new_Temp();
	Operand length4 = new_Operand();
	length4->kind = CONSTANT;
	length4->u.value = 4;

	InterCode mul_code = new_InterCode();
	mul_code->kind = MUL;
	mul_code->u.binop.result = t2;
	mul_code->u.binop.op1 = t1;
	mul_code->u.binop.op2 = length4;
	InterCodeNode node3 = produceNodeByCode(mul_code);

	Operand addr = new_Temp();
	InterCode add_code1 = new_InterCode();
	add_code1->kind = ADD;
	add_code1->u.binop.result = addr;
	add_code1->u.binop.op1 = array_start;
	if(t1->kind == CONSTANT){
		t1->u.value = t1->u.value * 4;
		add_code1->u.binop.op2 = t1;
		node3 = NULL;
		add_code1->u.binop.op2 = t2;

	InterCodeNode node4 = produceNodeByCode(add_code1);

	// Operand new_addr = new_Operand();
	// new_addr->kind = ADDRESS;
	// new_addr->u.temp_no = addr->u.temp_no;
	// Operand data = new_Temp();
	// InterCode assign_code = new_InterCode();
	// assign_code->kind = ASSIGN;
	// assign_code->u.assign.left = data;
	// assign_code->u.assign.right = new_addr;
	// InterCodeNode node5 = produceNodeByCode(assign_code);
	place->kind = ADDRESS;
	place->u.temp_no = addr->u.temp_no;
	InterCodeNode temp12 = produceNodeByNode(node1,node2);
	InterCodeNode temp123 = produceNodeByNode(temp12,node3);
	InterCodeNode temp1234 = produceNodeByNode(temp123,node4);
	return temp1234;
	//return produceNodeByNode(temp1234,node5);
Beispiel #27
InterCodes translate_Exp(node* exp,Operand place){
	//-------------------------------------------------Exp ASSIGNOP Exp
	if(exp->exp_type == 7){
		Operand t = new_temp();		
		InterCodes codes1 ;
		codes1 = translate_Exp(exp->child->brother->brother,t);

			InterCodes codes2 = InterCodes_init();
			codes2->code = new_interCode(0);
			codes2->code->assign.left = new_operand_name(exp->child->child->node_value);
			codes2->code->assign.right = t;
			/*if(place != NULL){
				InterCodes codes3 = InterCodes_init();
				codes3->code = new_interCode(0);
				codes3->code->assign.left = place;
				codes3->code->assign.right = codes2->code->assign.left;
			Operand t2 =new_temp();
			InterCodes codes2 = translate_Exp(exp->child,t2);
			if(place != NULL){
				InterCodes codes3 = InterCodes_init();
				codes3->code = new_interCode(0);
				codes3->code->assign.left = place;
				codes3->code->assign.right = t2;
		return codes1;
	//-------------------------------------------------Exp AND Exp
	else if(exp->exp_type == 8){
		Operand	label1 = new_label();
		Operand label2 = new_label();
		InterCodes codes1 = InterCodes_init();
		codes1->code = new_interCode(0);
		codes1->code->assign.left = place;
		codes1->code->assign.right = new_operand(1,0);

		InterCodes codes2 = translate_Cond(exp, label1, label2);
		InterCodes codes3 = InterCodes_init();
		codes3->code = new_interCode(5);
		codes3->code->onlyop.op = label1;

		InterCodes codes4 = InterCodes_init();
		codes4->code = new_interCode(0);
		codes4->code->assign.left = place;
		codes4->code->assign.right = new_operand(1,1);

		InterCodes codes5 = InterCodes_init();
		codes5->code = new_interCode(LAB);
		codes5->code->onlyop.op = label2; 

		return codes1;

	//-------------------------------------------------Exp OR Exp
	else if(exp->exp_type == 9){
		Operand	label1 = new_label();
		Operand label2 = new_label();
		InterCodes codes1 = InterCodes_init();
		codes1->code = new_interCode(0);
		codes1->code->assign.left = place;
		codes1->code->assign.right = new_operand(1,0);

		InterCodes codes2 = translate_Cond(exp, label1, label2);
		InterCodes codes3 = InterCodes_init();
		codes3->code = new_interCode(5);
		codes3->code->onlyop.op = label1;

		InterCodes codes4 = InterCodes_init();
		codes4->code = new_interCode(0);
		codes4->code->assign.left = place;
		codes4->code->assign.right = new_operand(1,1);

		InterCodes codes5 = InterCodes_init();
		codes5->code = new_interCode(LAB);
		codes5->code->onlyop.op = label2; 

		return codes1;

	//-------------------------------------------------Exp RELOP Exp
	else if(exp->exp_type == 10){
		Operand	label1 = new_label();
		Operand label2 = new_label();
		InterCodes codes1 = InterCodes_init();
		codes1->code = new_interCode(0);
		codes1->code->assign.left = place;
		codes1->code->assign.right = new_operand(1,0);

		InterCodes codes2 = translate_Cond(exp, label1, label2);
		InterCodes codes3 = InterCodes_init();
		codes3->code = new_interCode(5);
		codes3->code->onlyop.op = label1;

		InterCodes codes4 = InterCodes_init();
		codes4->code = new_interCode(0);
		codes4->code->assign.left = place;
		codes4->code->assign.right = new_operand(1,1);

		InterCodes codes5 = InterCodes_init();
		codes5->code = new_interCode(LAB);
		codes5->code->onlyop.op = label2; 

		return codes1;

	//-------------------------------------------------Exp PLUS Exp
	else if(exp->exp_type == 11){
		Operand t1 = new_temp();
		Operand t2 = new_temp();

		InterCodes codes1 = InterCodes_init();
		InterCodes codes2 = InterCodes_init();
		InterCodes codes3 = InterCodes_init();
		codes1 = translate_Exp(exp->child->brother->brother,t1);
		codes2 = translate_Exp(exp->child,t2);
		codes3->code = new_interCode(1);//plus
		codes3->code->binop.result = place;
		codes3->code->binop.op1 = t1;
		codes3->code->binop.op2 = t2;
		return codes1;

	//-------------------------------------------------Exp MINUS Exp
	else if(exp->exp_type == 12){
		Operand t1 = new_temp();
		Operand t2 = new_temp();

		InterCodes codes1 = InterCodes_init();
		InterCodes codes2 = InterCodes_init();
		InterCodes codes3 = InterCodes_init();
		codes1 = translate_Exp(exp->child->brother->brother,t1);
		codes2 = translate_Exp(exp->child,t2);
		codes3->code = new_interCode(2);//sub
		codes3->code->binop.result = place;
		codes3->code->binop.op1 = t2;
		codes3->code->binop.op2 = t1;


		return codes1;

	//--------------------------------------------------Exp STAR Exp
	else if(exp->exp_type == 13){
		Operand t1 = new_temp();
		Operand t2 = new_temp();

		InterCodes codes1 = InterCodes_init();
		InterCodes codes2 = InterCodes_init();
		InterCodes codes3 = InterCodes_init();
		codes1 = translate_Exp(exp->child->brother->brother,t1);
		codes2 = translate_Exp(exp->child,t2);
		codes3->code = new_interCode(3);//star
		codes3->code->binop.result = place;
		codes3->code->binop.op1 = t1;
		codes3->code->binop.op2 = t2;


		return codes1;

	//--------------------------------------------------Exp DIV Exp
	else if(exp->exp_type == 14){	
		Operand t1 = new_temp();
		Operand t2 = new_temp();

		InterCodes codes1 = InterCodes_init();
		InterCodes codes2 = InterCodes_init();
		InterCodes codes3 = InterCodes_init();
		codes1 = translate_Exp(exp->child->brother->brother,t1);
		codes2 = translate_Exp(exp->child,t2);
		codes3->code = new_interCode(4);//div
		codes3->code->binop.result = place;
		codes3->code->binop.op1 = t1;
		codes3->code->binop.op2 = t2;


		return codes1;

	//--------------------------------------------------LP Exp RP
	else if(exp->exp_type == 15){
		return translate_Exp(exp->child->brother,place);

	//--------------------------------------------------MINUS Exp
	else if(exp->exp_type == 16){
		Operand t1 = new_temp();
		InterCodes codes1 = InterCodes_init();
		InterCodes codes2 = InterCodes_init();
		codes1 = translate_Exp(exp->child->brother,t1);
		codes2->code = new_interCode(SUB);
		codes2->code->binop.result = place;
		t1->is_min = 1;
		codes2->code->binop.op1 = new_operand(1,0);
		codes2->code->binop.op2 = t1;

		return codes1;


	//---------------------------------------------------NOT Exp
	else if(exp->exp_type == 17){
		Operand	label1 = new_label();
		Operand label2 = new_label();
		InterCodes codes1 = InterCodes_init();
		codes1->code = new_interCode(0);
		codes1->code->assign.left = place;
		codes1->code->assign.right = new_operand(1,0);

		InterCodes codes2 = translate_Cond(exp, label1, label2);
		InterCodes codes3 = InterCodes_init();
		codes3->code = new_interCode(5);
		codes3->code->onlyop.op = label1;

		InterCodes codes4 = InterCodes_init();
		codes4->code = new_interCode(0);
		codes4->code->assign.left = place;
		codes4->code->assign.right = new_operand(1,1);

		InterCodes codes5 = InterCodes_init();
		codes5->code = new_interCode(LAB);
		codes5->code->onlyop.op = label2; 

		return codes1;

	//---------------------------------------------------ID LP Args RP
	else if(exp->exp_type == 18){
		Operand* arg_list = (Operand*)malloc(sizeof(Operand)*8);
		int arg_num = 0;
		InterCodes codes1 = translate_Args(exp->child->brother->brother,arg_list,&arg_num);
		if (strcmp(exp->child->node_value,"write")==0){
			InterCodes codes2 = InterCodes_init();
			codes2->code = new_interCode(WRITE);
			codes2->code->onlyop.op = arg_list[0];

			return codes1;
		int i = 0;
   		for(;i < arg_num;i++){
   			InterCodes codes2 = InterCodes_init();
   			codes2->code = new_interCode(ARG);//codes2->code->kind = REFERENCE;	////////////////////////////////
   			codes2->code->onlyop.op = arg_list[i];

   		InterCodes codes3 = InterCodes_init();
   		codes3->code = new_interCode(CALL);
   		codes3->code->assign.left = place;
   		codes3->code->assign.right = new_operand_name(exp->child->node_value);

  		return codes1;

	//---------------------------------------------------ID LP RP
	else if(exp->exp_type == 19){
		InterCodes codes = InterCodes_init();
			codes->code = new_interCode(READ);
			codes->code->onlyop.op = place;
		/*else if(strcmp(exp->child->name,"write")==0){
			InterCodes codes = InterCodes_init();
			codes->code = new_interCode(READ);
			codes->code->onlyop.op = place;

			codes->code = new_interCode(CALL);
			codes->code->assign.left = place;
			codes->code->assign.right = new_operand_name(exp->child->name); 
		return codes;

	//--------------------------------------------------Exp LB Exp RB
	else if(exp->exp_type == 20){
		return translate_Array(exp,place);

	//--------------------------------------------------Exp DOT ID
	else if(exp->exp_type == 21){
		return translate_Struct(exp,place);

	else if(exp->exp_type == 22){
		InterCodes codes = InterCodes_init();
		codes->code = new_interCode(0);
		codes->code->assign.right = new_operand_name(exp->node_value);
		codes->code->assign.left = place;
		return codes;

	else if(exp->exp_type == 23){
		InterCodes codes = InterCodes_init();
		codes->code = new_interCode(0);
		codes->code->assign.right = new_operand(1,exp->node_int);
		codes->code->assign.left = place;
		return codes;

	else if(exp->exp_type == 24){

Beispiel #28
InterCodeNode translate_Exp(treenode *Exp_n, Operand place){
	if(Exp_n == NULL){
		//deprintf("Exp is NULL\n");
		return NULL;

		case 1:{
			treenode *node = Exp_n->node[0];
			if(node->type == NODE_INT){
				//exp -> int
				int value = node->ival;
				place->kind = CONSTANT;
				place->u.value = value;
				return NULL;
			}else if(node->type == NODE_FLOAT){
				//exp -> float
				//printf("******* No Float Type *******\n");
				return NULL;
				//exp -> id
				treenode *id = Exp_n->node[0];
				char *name = id->idval;
				struct Var_info *var = fetchVarInfo(name);
				if(var != NULL){
					place->u.var_no = var->var_no;
					if(var->type == BASIC || var->type == ARRAY){
						place->kind = VARIABLE;
					}else if(var->type == STRUCT){
						place->kind = REFERENCE;
					//deprintf("**** can not find var in VarInfo ****\n");
				return NULL;
		case 2:{
			treenode *op = Exp_n->node[0];
			treenode *exp = Exp_n->node[1];
			if(strcmp(op->operval,"MINUS") == 0){
				//MINUS exp
				//- exp
				Operand temp = new_Operand();
				InterCodeNode node1 = translate_Exp(exp,temp);
				if(temp->kind == CONSTANT){
					place->kind = CONSTANT;
					place->u.value = -(temp->u.value);
					return NULL;
					Operand zero = new_Operand();
					zero->kind = CONSTANT;
					zero->u.value = 0;
					InterCode sub_code = new_InterCode();
					sub_code->kind = SUB;
					sub_code->u.binop.result = place;
					sub_code->u.binop.op1 = zero;
					sub_code->u.binop.op2 = temp;
					InterCodeNode node2 = produceNodeByCode(sub_code);
					return produceNodeByNode(node1,node2);
			}else if(strcmp(op->operval,"NOT") == 0){
				//NOT exp
				//! exp
				Operand label1 = new_Label();
				Operand label2 = new_Label();
				Operand zero = new_Operand();
				zero->kind = CONSTANT;
				zero->u.value = 0;
				Operand one  = new_Operand();
				one->kind = CONSTANT;
				one->u.value = 1;

				InterCode code0 = new_InterCode();
				code0->kind = ASSIGN;
				code0->u.assign.left = place;
				code0->u.assign.right = zero;
				InterCodeNode node0 = produceNodeByCode(code0);

				InterCodeNode node1 = translate_Cond(Exp_n,label1,label2);
				InterCode code2 = new_InterCode();
				code2->kind = LABEL;
				code2->u.label.label_op = label1;
				InterCodeNode node2 = NULL;//produceNodeByCode(code2);

				InterCode code3 =  new_InterCode();
				code3->kind = ASSIGN;
				code3->u.assign.left = place;
				code3->u.assign.right = one;
				InterCodeNode node3 =  produceNodeByCode(code3);

				InterCode code4 = new_InterCode();
				code4->kind = LABEL;
				code4->u.label.label_op = label2;
				InterCodeNode node4 = produceNodeByCode(code4);

				InterCodeNode temp1 = produceNodeByNode(node0,node1);
				InterCodeNode temp2 = produceNodeByNode(temp1,node2);
				InterCodeNode temp3 = produceNodeByNode(temp2,node3);
				return produceNodeByNode(temp3,node4);
				return NULL;
		case 3:{
			treenode *prev = Exp_n->node[0];
			treenode *midd = Exp_n->node[1];
			treenode *next = Exp_n->node[2];
			if(strcmp(midd->operval,"ASSIGNOP") == 0){
				//exp = exp
				Operand left = new_Operand();
				Operand right = new_Temp();
				InterCodeNode node1 = translate_Exp(prev,left);
				InterCodeNode node2 = translate_Exp(next,right);
				//printf("**** split node ****\n");
				InterCode assign_code = new_InterCode();
				assign_code->kind = ASSIGN;
				assign_code->u.assign.left = left;
				assign_code->u.assign.right = right;
				place = left;
				InterCodeNode node3 = produceNodeByCode(assign_code);
				//printf("**** show node3 ****\n");
				InterCodeNode temp = produceNodeByNode(node1,node2);
				return produceNodeByNode(temp,node3);
			}else if(strcmp(midd->operval,"PLUS") == 0){
				//exp + exp
				Operand temp1 = new_Temp();
				Operand temp2 = new_Temp();
				InterCodeNode node1 = translate_Exp(prev,temp1);
				InterCodeNode node2 = translate_Exp(next,temp2);
				if(temp1->kind == CONSTANT && temp2->kind == CONSTANT){
					place->kind = CONSTANT;
					place->u.value = temp1->u.value + temp2->u.value;
					return NULL;
				InterCode plus_code = new_InterCode();
				plus_code->kind = ADD;
				plus_code->u.binop.result = place;
				plus_code->u.binop.op1 = temp1;
				plus_code->u.binop.op2 = temp2;
				InterCodeNode node3 = produceNodeByCode(plus_code);
				InterCodeNode temp = produceNodeByNode(node1,node2);
				return produceNodeByNode(temp,node3);
			}else if(strcmp(midd->operval,"MINUS") == 0){
				//exp - exp
				Operand temp1 = new_Temp();
				Operand temp2 = new_Temp();
				InterCodeNode node1 = translate_Exp(prev,temp1);
				InterCodeNode node2 = translate_Exp(next,temp2);
				if(temp1->kind == CONSTANT && temp2->kind == CONSTANT){
					place->kind = CONSTANT;
					place->u.value = temp1->u.value - temp2->u.value;
					return NULL;
				// if(temp1->kind == temp2->kind && temp1->kind == VARIABLE){
				// 	if(temp1->u.var_no == temp2->u.var_no){
				// 		place->kind = CONSTANT;
				// 		place->u.value = 0;
				// 	}
				// }
				InterCode minus_code = new_InterCode();
				minus_code->kind = SUB;
				minus_code->u.binop.result = place;
				minus_code->u.binop.op1 = temp1;
				minus_code->u.binop.op2 = temp2;
				InterCodeNode node3 = produceNodeByCode(minus_code);
				InterCodeNode temp = produceNodeByNode(node1,node2);
				return produceNodeByNode(temp,node3);
			}else if(strcmp(midd->operval,"STAR") == 0){
				//exp * exp
				Operand temp1 = new_Temp();
				Operand temp2 = new_Temp();
				InterCodeNode node1 = translate_Exp(prev,temp1);
				InterCodeNode node2 = translate_Exp(next,temp2);
				if(temp1->kind == CONSTANT && temp2->kind == CONSTANT){
					place->kind = CONSTANT;
					place->u.value = temp1->u.value * temp2->u.value;
					return NULL;
				InterCode star_code = new_InterCode();
				star_code->kind = MUL;
				star_code->u.binop.result = place;
				star_code->u.binop.op1 = temp1;
				star_code->u.binop.op2 = temp2;
				InterCodeNode node3 = produceNodeByCode(star_code);
				InterCodeNode temp = produceNodeByNode(node1,node2);
				return produceNodeByNode(temp,node3);
			}else if(strcmp(midd->operval,"DIV") == 0){
				//exp / exp
				Operand temp1 = new_Temp();
				Operand temp2 = new_Temp();
				InterCodeNode node1 = translate_Exp(prev,temp1);
				InterCodeNode node2 = translate_Exp(next,temp2);
				if(temp1->kind == CONSTANT && temp2->kind == CONSTANT){
					place->kind = CONSTANT;
					place->u.value = (temp1->u.value) / (temp2->u.value);
					return NULL;
				InterCode div_code = new_InterCode();
				div_code->kind = DIV;
				div_code->u.binop.result = place;
				div_code->u.binop.op1 = temp1;
				div_code->u.binop.op2 = temp2;
				InterCodeNode node3 = produceNodeByCode(div_code);
				InterCodeNode temp = produceNodeByNode(node1,node2);
				return produceNodeByNode(temp,node3);
			}else if(strcmp(midd->operval,"relop") == 0 
					|| strcmp(midd->operval,"AND") == 0
					|| strcmp(midd->operval,"OR") == 0){
				//exp relop exp	
				//exp or exp
				//exp and exp
				Operand label1 = new_Label();
				Operand label2 = new_Label();
				Operand zero = new_Operand();
				zero->kind = CONSTANT;
				zero->u.value = 0;
				Operand one  = new_Operand();
				one->kind = CONSTANT;
				one->u.value = 1;

				InterCode code0 = new_InterCode();
				code0->kind = ASSIGN;
				code0->u.assign.left = place;
				code0->u.assign.right = zero;
				InterCodeNode node0 = produceNodeByCode(code0);

				InterCodeNode node1 = translate_Cond(Exp_n,label1,label2);
				InterCode code2 = new_InterCode();
				code2->kind = LABEL;
				code2->u.label.label_op = label1;
				InterCodeNode node2 = NULL;//produceNodeByCode(code2);

				InterCode code3 =  new_InterCode();
				code3->kind = ASSIGN;
				code3->u.assign.left = place;
				code3->u.assign.right = one;
				InterCodeNode node3 =  produceNodeByCode(code3);

				InterCode code4 = new_InterCode();
				code4->kind = LABEL;
				code4->u.label.label_op = label2;
				InterCodeNode node4 = produceNodeByCode(code4);

				InterCodeNode temp1 = produceNodeByNode(node0,node1);
				InterCodeNode temp2 = produceNodeByNode(temp1,node2);
				InterCodeNode temp3 = produceNodeByNode(temp2,node3);
				return produceNodeByNode(temp3,node4);

			}else if(strcmp(prev->operval,"LP") == 0 && strcmp(next->operval,"RP") == 0){
				//( exp )
				return translate_Exp(midd,place);
			}else if(prev->type == NODE_ID && strcmp(next->operval,"RP") == 0){
				//id ()
				FieldList func = fetchFunc(prev->idval);
				if(func == NULL){
					//deprintf("Can not find the function!\n");
					return NULL;
					if(strcmp(func->name,"read") == 0){
						InterCode read_code = new_InterCode();
						read_code->kind = READ;
						read_code-> = place;
						return produceNodeByCode(read_code);
						Operand func_op = new_Operand();
						func_op->kind = FUNC;
						func_op->u.func_name = func->name;
						InterCode call_code = new_InterCode();
						call_code->kind = CALL;
						call_code-> = place;
						call_code-> = func_op;
						return produceNodeByCode(call_code);
			}else if(strcmp(midd->operval,"DOT") == 0){
				//Exp . id
				treenode *main_id = Exp_n->node[0]->node[0];
				treenode *sub_id = Exp_n->node[2];
				FieldList if_para = fetchPara(main_id->idval);
				FieldList para_field;
				if(if_para != NULL){
					//in parameters 
					para_field = (if_para->type->u).structure->tail;
					struct Var_info *var = fetchVarInfo(main_id->idval);
					if(var == NULL){
						//printf("Can not find the Para\n");
						return NULL;
					int v_no = var->var_no;
					Operand temp_op = new_Operand();
					temp_op->kind = ADDRESS;
					temp_op->u.var_no = v_no;

					if(strcmp(sub_id->idval,para_field->name) == 0){
						//first field
						Operand temp = new_Temp();
						place->kind = TEMP;
						place->u.temp_no = temp->u.temp_no;
						InterCode addr_code = new_InterCode();
						addr_code->kind = ASSIGN;
						addr_code->u.assign.left = temp;
						addr_code->u.assign.right = temp_op;
						return produceNodeByCode(addr_code);
						int count = 0;
						while(para_field != NULL){
							if(strcmp(sub_id->idval,para_field->name) == 0)
							para_field = para_field->tail;
						Operand res_op = new_Temp();
						Operand op1 = new_Operand();
						op1->kind = VARIABLE;
						op1->u.var_no = v_no;
						Operand op2 = new_Operand();
						op2->kind = CONSTANT;
						op2->u.value = count*4;
						InterCode add_code = new_InterCode();
						add_code->kind = ADD;
						add_code->u.binop.result = res_op;
						add_code->u.binop.op1 = op1;
						add_code->u.binop.op2 = op2;
						InterCodeNode node1 = produceNodeByCode(add_code);

						Operand get_value = new_Operand();
						get_value->kind = ADDRESS;
						get_value->u.temp_no = res_op->u.temp_no;
						Operand res1_op = new_Temp();

						InterCode assign_code = new_InterCode();
						assign_code->kind = ASSIGN;
						assign_code->u.assign.left = res1_op;
						assign_code->u.assign.right = get_value;
						InterCodeNode node2 = produceNodeByCode(assign_code);

						place->kind = TEMP;
						place->u.temp_no = res1_op->u.temp_no;

						return produceNodeByNode(node1,node2);
					//not in parameters
					struct Var_info *var = fetchVarInfo(main_id->idval);
					if(var == NULL){
						//printf("Can not find the Var_Info\n");
						return NULL;
					int v_no = var->var_no;
					Operand temp_op = new_Operand();
					temp_op->kind = REFERENCE;
					temp_op->u.var_no = v_no;
					FieldList normal_var = fetchArg(main_id->idval);
					FieldList type_field = (normal_var->type->u).structure->tail;
					if(strcmp(sub_id->idval,type_field->name) == 0){
						//first field
						Operand temp = new_Temp();
						place->kind = ADDRESS;
						place->u.temp_no = temp->u.temp_no;
						InterCode addr_code = new_InterCode();
						addr_code->kind = ASSIGN;
						addr_code->u.assign.left = temp;
						addr_code->u.assign.right = temp_op;
						return produceNodeByCode(addr_code);
						int count = 0;
						while(type_field != NULL){
							if(strcmp(sub_id->idval,type_field->name) == 0)
							type_field = type_field->tail;
						Operand res_op = new_Temp();
						Operand op2 = new_Operand();
						op2->kind = CONSTANT;
						op2->u.value = count*4;
						InterCode add_code = new_InterCode();
						add_code->kind = ADD;
						add_code->u.binop.result = res_op;
						add_code->u.binop.op1 = temp_op;
						add_code->u.binop.op2 = op2;
						InterCodeNode node1 = produceNodeByCode(add_code);

						place->kind = ADDRESS;
						place->u.temp_no = res_op->u.temp_no;
						return node1;
		case 4:{
			if(strcmp(Exp_n->node[2]->name,"Args") == 0){
				//id (args)
				treenode *id = Exp_n->node[0];
				FieldList func = fetchFunc(id->idval);
				if(func == NULL){
					//printf("**** Can not find the function ****\n");
					return NULL;
				arg_list = NULL;
				InterCodeNode node1 = translate_Args(Exp_n->node[2]);
				if(strcmp(func->name,"write") == 0){
					InterCode write_code = new_InterCode();
					write_code->kind = WRITE;
					write_code->u.write.arg = arg_list->op;
					InterCodeNode node2 = produceNodeByCode(write_code);
					return produceNodeByNode(node1,node2);
					OperandNode p = arg_list;
					InterCodeNode link_head = new_InterCodeNode();
					while(p != NULL){
						InterCode arg_code = new_InterCode();
						arg_code->kind = ARG;
						arg_code->u.arg.arg_op = p->op;
						InterCodeNode node2 = produceNodeByCode(arg_code);
						p = p->next;
					Operand func_op = new_Operand();
					func_op->kind = FUNC;
					func_op->u.func_name = func->name;
					InterCode call_code = new_InterCode();
					call_code->kind = CALL;
					call_code-> = place;
					call_code-> = func_op;
					InterCodeNode node3 = produceNodeByCode(call_code);
					InterCodeNode temp = produceNodeByNode(node1,link_head->next);
					return produceNodeByNode(temp,node3);
			if(strcmp(Exp_n->node[2]->name,"Exp") == 0){
				//exp [exp]
				treenode *pre_exp = Exp_n->node[0];
				if(pre_exp->child_num == 3){
					// [exp] 
					treenode *inner_exp = pre_exp->node[0];
					if(inner_exp->child_num == 1){
						return translate_ExpDotExp(Exp_n,place);
					}else if(inner_exp->child_num == 4){
						return NULL;
				treenode *id = pre_exp->node[0];
				treenode *index = Exp_n->node[2];
				FieldList if_para = fetchPara(id->idval);
				if(pre_exp->child_num == 4 || if_para != NULL){
					printf("Can not translate the code: contain multidimensional array and function parameters of array type\n");
					struct Var_info *var = fetchVarInfo(id->idval);
					if(var == NULL){
						return NULL;
					Operand array_op = new_Operand();
					array_op->kind = REFERENCE;
					array_op->u.var_no = var->var_no;
					if(index->node[0]->type == NODE_INT){
						// id [int]
						int size = index->node[0]->ival;
						if(size == 0){
							Operand t1 = new_Temp();
							InterCode assign_code = new_InterCode();
							assign_code->kind = ASSIGN;
							assign_code->u.assign.left = t1;
							assign_code->u.assign.right = array_op;

							place->kind = ADDRESS;
							place->u.temp_no = t1->u.temp_no;
							return produceNodeByCode(assign_code);
							Operand res_op = new_Temp();
							Operand offset_num = new_Operand();
							offset_num->kind = CONSTANT;
							offset_num->u.value = size*4;

							InterCode add_code = new_InterCode();
							add_code->kind = ADD;
							add_code->u.binop.result = res_op;
							add_code->u.binop.op1 = array_op;
							add_code->u.binop.op2 = offset_num;

							place->kind = ADDRESS;
							place->u.temp_no = res_op->u.temp_no;
							return produceNodeByCode(add_code);
					}else if(index->node[0]->type == NODE_ID){
						//id [id]
						char *name = index->node[0]->idval;
						struct Var_info *var1 = fetchVarInfo(name);
						Operand res_op = new_Temp();
						Operand op1 = new_Operand();
						op1->kind = VARIABLE;
						op1->u.var_no = var1->var_no;
						Operand op2 = new_Operand();
						op2->kind = CONSTANT;
						op2->u.value = 4;

						InterCode mul_code = new_InterCode();
						mul_code->kind = MUL;
						mul_code->u.binop.result = res_op;
						mul_code->u.binop.op1 = op1;
						mul_code->u.binop.op2 = op2;
						InterCodeNode node1 = produceNodeByCode(mul_code);

						Operand res2_op = new_Temp();
						InterCode add_code = new_InterCode();
						add_code->kind = ADD;
						add_code->u.binop.result = res2_op;
						add_code->u.binop.op1 = array_op;
						add_code->u.binop.op2 = res_op;
						InterCodeNode node2 = produceNodeByCode(add_code);

						place->kind = ADDRESS;
						place->u.temp_no = res2_op->u.temp_no;
						return produceNodeByNode(node1,node2);
						Operand t1 = new_Temp();
						InterCodeNode node1 = translate_Exp(index,t1);

						Operand t2 = new_Operand();
						t2->kind = CONSTANT;
						t2->u.value = 4;

						Operand res_op = new_Temp();
						InterCode mul_code = new_InterCode();
						mul_code->kind = MUL;
						mul_code->u.binop.result = res_op;
						mul_code->u.binop.op1 = t1;
						mul_code->u.binop.op2 = t2;
						InterCodeNode node2 = produceNodeByCode(mul_code);

						Operand res2_op = new_Temp();
						InterCode add_code = new_InterCode();
						add_code->kind = ADD;
						add_code->u.binop.result = res2_op;
						add_code->u.binop.op1 = res_op;
						add_code->u.binop.op2 = array_op;
						InterCodeNode node3 = produceNodeByCode(add_code);

						place->kind = ADDRESS;
						place->u.temp_no = res2_op->u.temp_no;
						InterCodeNode temp = produceNodeByNode(node1,node2);
						return produceNodeByNode(temp,node3);
intercodes translate_Exp(struct Node *node, operand place) {
	struct Node *child = node->child;
	assert(child != NULL);
	intercodes code1 = NULL;
	intercodes code2 = NULL;
	intercodes code3 = NULL;
	intercodes code4 = NULL;
	intercodes code5 = NULL;
	if (strcmp(child->type,"INT") == 0) {
		operand c1 = new_constant(atoi(child->text));
		code1 = gen_assign(ASSIGN_K,place,c1);
		return code1;
	if (strcmp(child->type,"ID") == 0 && child->sibling == NULL) {
		int id = getVarID(child);
		operand v1 = new_var(id);
		code1 = gen_assign(ASSIGN_K,place,v1);
		return code1;
	//Exp1 ASSINGOP Exp2
	if (strcmp(child->type,"Exp") == 0 && strcmp(child->sibling->type,"ASSIGNOP") == 0) {
		//Exp1 is ID (ID = Exp2)
//		printf("%s\n",child->child->type);
		if (strcmp(child->child->type,"ID") == 0) {
			operand t1 =  new_tmp();
			int id = getVarID(child->child);
			operand v1 = new_var(id);
			code1 = translate_Exp(child->sibling->sibling,t1);
			code2 = gen_assign(ASSIGN_K,v1,t1);
		//	code1 = link(code1,code2);
			if (place != NULL) {
				code3 = gen_assign(ASSIGN_K,place,v1);
				code1 = link(code1,code3);
			return code1;
		//Exp[Exp] = Exp2
	if (strcmp(child->type,"Exp") == 0 &&
		(strcmp(child->sibling->type,"PLUS") == 0 
		|| strcmp(child->sibling->type,"MINUS") == 0
		|| strcmp(child->sibling->type,"STAR") == 0
		|| strcmp(child->sibling->type,"DIV") == 0)) {
		operand t1 = new_tmp();
		operand t2 = new_tmp();
		code1 = translate_Exp(child,t1);
		code2 = translate_Exp(child->sibling->sibling,t2);
		//printf("%d %d\n", t1->u.tmp_no, t2 -> u.tmp_no);
		if (strcmp(child->sibling->type,"PLUS") == 0) {
			code3 = gen_binop(ADD_K,place,t1,t2);
		else if (strcmp(child->sibling->type,"MINUS") == 0)
			code3 = gen_binop(SUB_K,place,t1,t2);
		else if (strcmp(child->sibling->type,"STAR") == 0)
			code3 = gen_binop(MUL_K,place,t1,t2);
		else if (strcmp(child->sibling->type,"DIV") == 0)
			code3 = gen_binop(DIV_K,place,t1,t2);
		//code1 = link(code1,code2);
		//code1 = link(code1,code3);
		return code1;
	//MINUS Exp1
	if (strcmp(child->type,"MINUS") == 0)  {
		operand t1 = new_tmp();
		code1 = translate_Exp(child,t1);
		operand c1 = new_constant(0);
		code2 = gen_binop(SUB_K,place,c1,t1);
		code1 = link(code1,code2);
		return code1;
	//Exp1 RELOP Exp2
	//NOT Exp1
	//Exp1 AND Exp2
	//Exp1 OR Exp2
	if (strcmp(child->type,"NOT") == 0 
	|| strcmp(child->sibling->type,"RELOP") == 0
	|| strcmp(child->sibling->type,"AND") == 0
	|| strcmp(child->sibling->type,"OR") == 0) {
		operand label1 = new_label();
		operand label2 = new_label();
		operand c1 = new_constant(0);
		operand c2 = new_constant(1);
		code1 = gen_assign(ASSIGN_K,place,c1);
		code2 = translate_Cond(node,label1,label2);
		code3 = gen_one(LABEL_K,label1);
		code4 = gen_assign(ASSIGN_K,place,c2);
		code5 = gen_one(LABEL_K,label2);
		code1 = link(code1,code2);
		code1 = link(code1,code3);
		code1 = link(code1,code4);
		code1 = link(code1,code5);
		return code1;
	if (strcmp(child->sibling->sibling->type,"LP") == 0 && strcmp(child->sibling->sibling->type,"RP") == 0) {
		char *func_name = child->text;
		if (strcmp(func_name,"read") == 0) {
			if (place == NULL) {
				operand t1 = new_tmp();
				code1 = gen_one(READ_K,t1);
				code1 = gen_one(READ_K,place);
			return code1;
		struct funMes *func_node = getFunMes(child);
		assert(func_node != NULL);
		operand f1 = new_function(func_name);
		if (place != NULL && place->kind != ADDRESS) 
			code1 = gen_assign(CALL_K,place,f1);
		else if (place != NULL && place->kind == ADDRESS) {
			operand t2 = new_tmp();
			code1 = gen_assign(CALL_K,t2,f1);
			code2 = gen_assign(ASSIGN_K,place,t2);
			code1 = link(code1,code2);
		else {
			operand t2 = new_tmp();
			code1 = gen_assign(CALL_K,t2,f1);
		return code1;
	//ID LP Args RP
	if (strcmp(child->sibling->type,"LP") == 0 && strcmp(child->sibling->sibling->type,"Args") == 0) {
		char *func_name = child->text;
		operand *arg_list = (operand *)malloc(sizeof(operand) * 10);
		int arg_num = 0;
		code1 = translate_Args(child->sibling->sibling,arg_list,&arg_num);
		if (strcmp(func_name,"write") == 0) {
			assert(arg_num == 1);
			operand t1;
			if (arg_list[0]->kind == ADDRESS) {
				t1 = new_tmp();
				code2 = gen_assign(ASSIGN_K,t1,arg_list[0]);
				code1 = link(code1,code2);
				t1 = arg_list[0];
			code3 = gen_one(WRITE_K,t1);
			code1 = link(code1,code3);
			return code1;
		int i;
		for (i = 0;i < arg_num;i++) {
			code2 = gen_one(ARG_K,arg_list[i]);
			code1 = link(code1,code2);
		operand f1 = new_function(func_name);
		if (place != NULL && place->kind != ADDRESS) 
			code3 = gen_assign(CALL_K,place,f1);
		else if (place != NULL && place->kind == ADDRESS) {
			operand t2 = new_tmp();
			code1 = gen_assign(CALL_K,t2,f1);
			code2 = gen_assign(ASSIGN_K,place,t2);
			code1 = link(code1,code2);
		else {
			operand t2 = new_tmp();
			code3 = gen_assign(CALL_K,t2,f1);
		code1 = link(code1,code3);
		return code1;
	//LP Exp RP
	if (strcmp(child->type,"LP") == 0) {
		return translate_Exp(child->sibling,place);
	//Exp1 LB Exp2 RB
	if (strcmp(child->type,"LB") == 0) {
		return translate_array(node,place,NULL,NULL);
	//Exp DOT ID
	return NULL;
