bool KstViewLabel::fillConfigWidget(QWidget *w, bool isNew) const { ViewLabelWidget *widget = dynamic_cast<ViewLabelWidget*>(w); if (!widget) { return false; } if (!isNew) { widget->_text->setText(text()); } widget->_precision->setValue(int(dataPrecision())); widget->_rotation->setValue(double(rotation())); widget->_fontSize->setValue(int(fontSize())); widget->_horizontal->setCurrentItem(horizJustifyWrap()); widget->_fontColor->setColor(foregroundColor()); widget->_font->setCurrentFont(fontName()); widget->_transparent->setChecked(transparent()); widget->_border->setValue(borderWidth()); widget->_boxColors->setForeground(borderColor()); widget->_boxColors->setBackground(backgroundColor()); widget->_margin->setValue(labelMargin()); widget->_text->setFocus(); return true; }
bool World::bresenham(int x0, int y0, int x1, int y1, int z, const BresenhamBackTransformation& transformation) const { int a = y1 - y0; int b = x0 - x1; float m = (float)(y1 - y0) / (float)(x1 - x0); float t = (float)y0 - m * (float)x0; int c = roundf((float)(x1 - x0) * t); int dE = 2 * a; int dNE = 2 * (a + b); int d = 2 * a * (x0 + 1) + b * (2 * y0 + 1) + 2 * c; int current_x = x0; int current_y = y0; while (current_x < x1 || current_y < y1) { if (d > 0) { // NE d += dNE; current_x++; current_y++; } else { // E d += dE; current_x++; } if (!transparent(transformation.x(current_x, current_y), transformation.y(current_x, current_y), z)) { if (current_x == x1 && current_y == y1) { return true; } return false; } } return true; }
void Canvas::DrawText(int x, int y, const TCHAR *text) { assert(text != nullptr); #ifndef UNICODE assert(ValidateUTF8(text)); #endif auto s = RenderText(font, text); if ( == nullptr) return; SDLRasterCanvas canvas(buffer); if (background_mode == OPAQUE) { OpaqueAlphaPixelOperations<SDLPixelTraits, GreyscalePixelTraits> opaque(canvas.Import(background_color), canvas.Import(text_color)); canvas.CopyRectangle<decltype(opaque), GreyscalePixelTraits> (x, y, s.width, s.height, GreyscalePixelTraits::const_pointer_type(, s.pitch, opaque); } else { ColoredAlphaPixelOperations<SDLPixelTraits, GreyscalePixelTraits> transparent(canvas.Import(text_color)); canvas.CopyRectangle<decltype(transparent), GreyscalePixelTraits> (x, y, s.width, s.height, GreyscalePixelTraits::const_pointer_type(, s.pitch, transparent); } }
void OverlayMenuDisplay::openingAnimation() { ROS_DEBUG("openningAnimation"); prepareOverlay(); int current_width = animation_t_ / animate_duration * overlay_->getTextureWidth(); int current_height = animation_t_ / animate_duration * overlay_->getTextureHeight(); { ScopedPixelBuffer buffer = overlay_->getBuffer(); QColor bg_color(0, 0, 0, 255.0 / 2.0); QColor transparent(0, 0, 0, 0.0); QImage Hud = buffer.getQImage(*overlay_); for (int i = 0; i < overlay_->getTextureWidth(); i++) { for (int j = 0; j < overlay_->getTextureHeight(); j++) { if (i > (overlay_->getTextureWidth() - current_width) / 2.0 && i < overlay_->getTextureWidth() - (overlay_->getTextureWidth() - current_width) / 2.0 && j > (overlay_->getTextureHeight() - current_height) / 2.0 && j < overlay_->getTextureHeight() - (overlay_->getTextureHeight() - current_height) / 2.0) { Hud.setPixel(i, j, bg_color.rgba()); } else { Hud.setPixel(i, j, transparent.rgba()); } } } } overlay_->setDimensions(overlay_->getTextureWidth(), overlay_->getTextureHeight()); int window_width = context_->getViewManager()->getRenderPanel()->width(); int window_height = context_->getViewManager()->getRenderPanel()->height(); double window_left = (window_width - (int)overlay_->getTextureWidth()) / 2.0; double window_top = (window_height - (int)overlay_->getTextureHeight()) / 2.0; overlay_->setPosition(window_left, window_top); current_menu_ = next_menu_; }
void Canvas::DrawTransparentText(int x, int y, const TCHAR *text) { assert(text != nullptr); #ifndef UNICODE assert(ValidateUTF8(text)); #endif #ifdef ENABLE_OPENGL /* * RenderText return buffer owned by TextCache, this can be delete by GUI Thread * lock is need for avoid to used alredy deleted buffer. */ TextCache::Lock(); #endif auto s = RenderText(font, text); if ( != nullptr) { SDLRasterCanvas canvas(buffer); ColoredAlphaPixelOperations<ActivePixelTraits, GreyscalePixelTraits> transparent(canvas.Import(text_color)); canvas.CopyRectangle<decltype(transparent), GreyscalePixelTraits> (x, y, s.width, s.height, GreyscalePixelTraits::const_pointer_type(, s.pitch, transparent); } #ifdef ENABLE_OPENGL TextCache::Unlock(); #endif }
void ImageItem::paintEvent(QPaintEvent * e) { QPainter pw(this); // Actual fading QPixmap transparent(mPixmap.size()); transparent.fill(QColor(200,200,200,128)); QPainter p(&transparent); p.setCompositionMode(QPainter::CompositionMode_SourceOver); p.drawPixmap(0,0, mPixmap); if(!mInfoText.isEmpty()) { p.setPen( Qt::black ); p.drawText(4,4,transparent.rect().width(),transparent.rect().height(), Qt::AlignTop | Qt::TextWordWrap, mInfoText); } p.setCompositionMode(QPainter::CompositionMode_DestinationIn); p.fillRect(transparent.rect(), QColor(0, 0, 0, mFade)); p.end(); pw.drawPixmap(0,0, transparent); }
const QPixmap *TransparentTop::background(QColor c) { #if defined(USE_KDE) && defined(HAVE_KROOTPIXMAP_H) if (useTransparent() && !saveBG.isNull()){ if ((c.rgb() == genColor.rgb()) && (transparent() == genFade)) return &genBG; QImage img = saveBG.convertToImage(); fade(img, transparent() / 100., c); genBG.convertFromImage(img); genFade = transparent(); genColor = c; return &genBG; } #endif return NULL; }
void GISCircleVisualizer::update(float wall_dt, float ros_dt) { ros::WallTime now = ros::WallTime::now(); std::string text = text_ + " "; { ScopedPixelBuffer buffer = texture_object_->getBuffer(); QColor transparent(0, 0, 0, 0); QColor foreground = rviz::ogreToQt(color_); QColor white(255, 255, 255, color_.a * 255); QImage Hud = buffer.getQImage(128, 128, transparent); double line_width = 5; double inner_line_width = 10; double l = 128; //double cx = l / 2 - line_width / 4.0; double cx = l / 2; //double cy = l / 2 - line_width / 4.0; double cy = l / 2; double r = 48; double inner_r = 40; double mouse_r = 30; double mouse_cy_offset = 5; QPainter painter( &Hud ); painter.setRenderHint(QPainter::Antialiasing, true); painter.setPen(QPen(foreground, line_width, Qt::SolidLine)); painter.setBrush(white); painter.drawEllipse(line_width / 2.0, line_width / 2.0, l - line_width, l - line_width); double offset_rate = fmod(now.toSec(), 10) / 10.0; double theta_offset = offset_rate * M_PI * 2.0; for (size_t ci = 0; ci < text.length(); ci++) { double theta = M_PI * 2.0 / text.length() * ci + theta_offset;; QFont font("DejaVu Sans Mono"); font.setPointSize(8); font.setBold(false); painter.setFont(font); painter.translate(cx + r * cos(theta), cy + r * sin(theta)); painter.rotate(theta / M_PI * 180 + 90); painter.drawText(0, 0, text.substr(ci, 1).c_str()); painter.restore(); } painter.setPen(QPen(foreground, inner_line_width, Qt::SolidLine)); painter.setBrush(transparent); painter.drawEllipse(cx - inner_r, cy - inner_r, inner_r * 2, inner_r * 2); double mouse_c_x = cx; double mouse_c_y = cy - mouse_cy_offset; double start_angle = -25 * M_PI / 180; double end_angle = -125 * M_PI / 180; painter.setPen(QPen(foreground, line_width, Qt::SolidLine)); painter.drawChord(mouse_c_x - mouse_r, mouse_c_y - mouse_r, 2.0 * mouse_r, 2.0 * mouse_r, start_angle * 180 / M_PI * 16, end_angle * 180 / M_PI * 16); painter.end(); } }
//======================================================= release //=============================================================== int TFWidgetRen::release() { //if(pickedObj == LEVWIDGNAME) //return tris->release(); transparent(); //pickedTri = 0; return 1; }
void KisKraLoaderTest::testLoadAnimated() { KisDocument *doc = KisPart::instance()->createDocument(); doc->loadNativeFormat(QString(FILES_DATA_DIR) + QDir::separator() + "load_test_animation.kra"); KisImageSP image = doc->image(); KisNodeSP node1 = image->root()->firstChild(); KisNodeSP node2 = node1->nextSibling(); QVERIFY(node1->inherits("KisPaintLayer")); QVERIFY(node2->inherits("KisPaintLayer")); KisPaintLayerSP layer1 = qobject_cast<KisPaintLayer*>(; KisPaintLayerSP layer2 = qobject_cast<KisPaintLayer*>(; KisKeyframeChannel *channel1 = layer1->getKeyframeChannel(; KisKeyframeChannel *channel2 = layer2->getKeyframeChannel(; QCOMPARE(channel1->keyframeCount(), 3); QCOMPARE(channel2->keyframeCount(), 1); QCOMPARE(image->animationInterface()->framerate(), 17); QCOMPARE(image->animationInterface()->fullClipRange(), KisTimeRange::fromTime(15, 45)); QCOMPARE(image->animationInterface()->currentTime(), 19); KisPaintDeviceSP dev = layer1->paintDevice(); const KoColorSpace *cs = dev->colorSpace(); KoColor transparent(Qt::transparent, cs); KoColor white(Qt::white, cs); KoColor red(Qt::red, cs); image->animationInterface()->switchCurrentTimeAsync(0); image->waitForDone(); QCOMPARE(dev->exactBounds(), QRect(506, 378, 198, 198)); QCOMPARE(dev->x(), -26); QCOMPARE(dev->y(), -128); QCOMPARE(dev->defaultPixel(), transparent); image->animationInterface()->switchCurrentTimeAsync(20); image->waitForDone(); QCOMPARE(dev->nonDefaultPixelArea(), QRect(615, 416, 129, 129)); QCOMPARE(dev->x(), 502); QCOMPARE(dev->y(), 224); QCOMPARE(dev->defaultPixel(), white); image->animationInterface()->switchCurrentTimeAsync(30); image->waitForDone(); QCOMPARE(dev->nonDefaultPixelArea(), QRect(729, 452, 45, 44)); QCOMPARE(dev->x(), 645); QCOMPARE(dev->y(), -10); QCOMPARE(dev->defaultPixel(), red); }
QRegion KstPlotGroup::clipRegion() { if (transparent()) { // make the clipregion just the children QRegion region; for (KstViewObjectList::Iterator i = _children.begin(); i != _children.end(); ++i) { region += (*i)->clipRegion(); } return region; } return KstViewObject::clipRegion(); }
/** fill the custom widget with current properties */ bool KstViewLegend::fillConfigWidget(QWidget *w, bool isNew) const { ViewLegendWidget *widget = dynamic_cast<ViewLegendWidget*>(w); if (!widget) { return false; } KstBaseCurveList allCurves = kstObjectSubList<KstDataObject, KstBaseCurve>(KST::dataObjectList); if (isNew) { widget->_fontSize->setValue(0); widget->_fontColor->setColor(KstSettings::globalSettings()->foregroundColor); widget->_font->setCurrentFont(KstApp::inst()->defaultFont()); widget->_margin->setValue(5); widget->_boxColors->setColor(KstSettings::globalSettings()->foregroundColor); widget->_vertical->setChecked(true); widget->_transparent->setChecked(false); widget->_border->setValue(2); widget->_title->setText(""); widget->TrackContents->setChecked(true); for (KstBaseCurveList::ConstIterator it = allCurves.begin(); it != allCurves.end(); ++it) { (*it)->readLock(); widget->AvailableCurveList->insertItem((*it)->tagName()); (*it)->unlock(); } } else { // fill legend properties into widget widget->TrackContents->setChecked(trackContents()); widget->_title->setText(title()); widget->_fontSize->setValue(int(fontSize())); widget->_fontColor->setColor(foregroundColor()); widget->_font->setCurrentFont(fontName()); widget->_transparent->setChecked(transparent()); widget->_border->setValue(borderWidth()); widget->_boxColors->setColor(borderColor()); widget->_margin->setValue(_legendMargin); widget->_vertical->setChecked(vertical()); for (KstBaseCurveList::ConstIterator it = _curves.begin(); it != _curves.end(); ++it) { (*it)->readLock(); widget->DisplayedCurveList->insertItem((*it)->tagName()); (*it)->unlock(); } for (KstBaseCurveList::ConstIterator it = allCurves.begin(); it != allCurves.end(); ++it) { (*it)->readLock(); if (_curves.find(*it) == _curves.end()) { widget->AvailableCurveList->insertItem((*it)->tagName()); } (*it)->unlock(); } } return false; }
void CrossFaderWidget::takeAndStoreSnapshotsAboutWidgets(QWidget *sourceWidget, QWidget *targetWidget) { // grab a snapshots of the widgets // source { sourceWidgetSnapshot = QPixmap::grabWidget(sourceWidget); // Create new picture for transparent QPixmap transparent(sourceWidgetSnapshot.size()); // Do transparency transparent.fill(Qt::transparent); QPainter p(&transparent); p.setCompositionMode(QPainter::CompositionMode_Source); p.drawPixmap(0, 0, sourceWidgetSnapshot); // Set original picture's reference to new transparent one sourceWidgetSnapshot = transparent; } // target { targetWidgetSnapshot = QPixmap::grabWidget(targetWidget); // Create new picture for transparent QPixmap transparent(targetWidgetSnapshot.size()); // QPixmap transparent(targetWidget.size()); // Do transparency transparent.fill(Qt::transparent); QPainter p(&transparent); p.setCompositionMode(QPainter::CompositionMode_Source); p.drawPixmap(0, 0, targetWidgetSnapshot); // Set original picture's reference to new transparent one targetWidgetSnapshot = transparent; } }
void gpsp4Qt::ApplyTransparency(QPixmap &pm, QString png) { pm.load(png); QPixmap transparent(pm.size()); transparent.fill(Qt::transparent); QPainter p(&transparent); p.setCompositionMode(QPainter::CompositionMode_Source); p.drawPixmap(0, 0, pm); p.setCompositionMode(QPainter::CompositionMode_DestinationIn); p.fillRect(transparent.rect(), QColor(0, 0, 0, (m_settings.iButtonOpacity * 255) / 4)); p.end(); pm = transparent; }
bool KstViewLabel::fillConfigWidget(QWidget *w, bool isNew) const { ViewLabelWidget *widget = dynamic_cast<ViewLabelWidget*>(w); if (!widget) { return false; } if (isNew) { // probably a new label: set widget to defaults widget->_precision->setValue(8); widget->_rotation->setValue(0); widget->_fontSize->setValue(0); widget->_horizontal->setCurrentItem(0); widget->_fontColor->setColor(KstSettings::globalSettings()->foregroundColor); widget->_font->setCurrentFont(KstApp::inst()->defaultFont()); widget->_margin->setValue(5); widget->_boxColors->setColor(KstSettings::globalSettings()->backgroundColor); if (size().width() * size().height() < 25) { // assume a click, and default to just text widget->_transparent->setChecked(true); widget->_border->setValue(0); } else { // someone drew a box, so assume that is what they wanted widget->_transparent->setChecked(false); widget->_border->setValue(2); } } else { // No, this is broken. It kills latex. #if 0 // replace \n & \t with tabs and newlines for the text edit box QString tmpstr = text(); tmpstr.replace(QString("\\n"), "\n"); tmpstr.replace(QString("\\t"), "\t"); widget->_text->setText(tmpstr); #endif widget->_text->setText(text()); widget->_precision->setValue(int(dataPrecision())); widget->_rotation->setValue(double(rotation())); widget->_fontSize->setValue(int(fontSize())); widget->_horizontal->setCurrentIndex(horizJustifyWrap()); widget->_fontColor->setColor(foregroundColor()); widget->_font->setCurrentFont(fontName()); widget->_transparent->setChecked(transparent()); widget->_border->setValue(borderWidth()); widget->_boxColors->setColor(borderColor()); widget->_margin->setValue(_labelMargin); } widget->_text->setFocus(); return true; }
Material::Material(Material_t tag) : tag(tag), vertexShader(this), fragmentShader(this), index0AttributeName(this) { mId = Material::MaterialIdCount++; mUuid = Math::generateUUID(); mName = ""; side() = kFrontSide; opacity() = 1.0f; transparent() = false; blending() = kNormalBlending; blendSrc() = kSrcAlphaFactor; blendDst() = kOneMinusSrcAlphaFactor; blendEquation() = kAddEquation; depthTest() = true; depthWrite() = true; polygonOffset() = false; polygonOffsetFactor() = 0; polygonOffsetUnits() = 0; // mAlphaTest = 0; overdraw() = 0; // Overdrawn pixels (typically between 0 and 1) for fixing antialiasing gaps in CanvasRenderer visible() = true; needsUpdate() = true; // By default, bind position to attribute index 0. In WebGL, attribute 0 // should always be used to avoid potentially expensive emulation. index0AttributeName("position"); linewidth() = 1.0f; metal() = false; perPixel() = true; shading() = kNoShading; vertexColors() = kNoColors; wireframe() = false; wireframeLinewidth() = 1.0f; }
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void PipelineFilterWidget::mouseMoveEvent(QMouseEvent* event) { if(!(event->buttons() & Qt::LeftButton)) { return; } if((event->pos() - dragStartPosition).manhattanLength() < QApplication::startDragDistance()) { return; } // The user is dragging the filter widget so we should set it as selected. setIsSelected(true); QPixmap pixmap = grab(); // Create new picture for transparent QPixmap transparent(pixmap.size()); // Do transparency transparent.fill(Qt::transparent); #if 1 QPainter p; p.begin(&transparent); p.setOpacity(0.70); p.drawPixmap(0, 0, pixmap); p.end(); #endif QByteArray itemData; QDataStream dataStream(&itemData, QIODevice::WriteOnly); dataStream << transparent << QPoint(event->pos()); QMimeData* mimeData = new QMimeData; mimeData->setData("application/x-dnditemdata", itemData); QDrag* drag = new QDrag(this); drag->setMimeData(mimeData); drag->setPixmap(transparent); drag->setHotSpot(event->pos()); emit dragStarted(this); // if(drag->exec(Qt::CopyAction | Qt::MoveAction, Qt::CopyAction) == Qt::MoveAction) // { // qDebug() << "Drag should close the widget because it was MOVE" << "\n"; // } // else // { // qDebug() << "Drag should leave Widget alone because it was COPY" << "\n"; // } drag->exec(Qt::MoveAction); }
void QuickLauncher::updateStickyHighlightLayer() { // Creates a transparent image which is used // to highlight those buttons which will never // be removed automatically from the launcher TQPixmap areaPix(width(), height()); TQPainter areaPixPainter(&areaPix); areaPixPainter.fillRect(0, 0, width(), height(), TQColor(255, 255, 255)); TQSize itemSize = m_manager->itemSize(); TQSize spaceSize = m_manager->spaceSize(); for (uint n=0; n<m_buttons->size(); ++n) { TQPoint pos = m_manager->pos(n); if ((*m_buttons)[n]->sticky() == false) { areaPixPainter.fillRect(pos.x()-(spaceSize.width()+1)/2, pos.y()-(spaceSize.height()+1)/2, itemSize.width()+spaceSize.width()+1, itemSize.height()+spaceSize.height()+1, TQColor(0, 0, 0)); } } TQImage areaLayer = areaPix.convertToImage(); m_stickyHighlightLayer = TQImage(width(), height(), 32); m_stickyHighlightLayer.setAlphaBuffer(true); int pix, tlPix, brPix, w(width()), h(height()); QRgb transparent(tqRgba(0, 0, 0, 0)); for (int y = h-1; y >= 0; --y) { for (int x = w-1; x >= 0; --x) { pix = tqRed(areaLayer.pixel(x, y)); if (pix == 0) { tlPix = (y>0 && x>0) ? tqRed(areaLayer.pixel(x-1,y-1)) : 255; brPix = (y<h-1 && x<w-1) ? tqRed(areaLayer.pixel(x+1,y+1)) : 255; int c = tlPix-brPix < 0 ? 255 : 0; int alpha = abs(tlPix-brPix)/2; m_stickyHighlightLayer.setPixel(x, y, tqRgba(c, c, c, alpha)); } else { m_stickyHighlightLayer.setPixel(x, y, transparent); } } } repaint(); }
static void CopyTextRectangle(SDLRasterCanvas &canvas, int x, int y, unsigned width, unsigned height, TextCache::Result s, Color text_color, Color background_color, bool opaque) { if (opaque) { OpaqueAlphaPixelOperations<ActivePixelTraits, GreyscalePixelTraits> opaque(canvas.Import(background_color), canvas.Import(text_color)); CopyTextRectangle(canvas, x, y, width, height, opaque, s); } else { ColoredAlphaPixelOperations<ActivePixelTraits, GreyscalePixelTraits> transparent(canvas.Import(text_color)); CopyTextRectangle(canvas, x, y, width, height, transparent, s); } }
void KstPlotGroup::paintSelf(KstPainter& p, const QRegion& bounds) { if (!transparent()) {; // fill non-children areas with color QRegion clipRegion(contentsRect()); QBrush brush(_backgroundColor); for (KstViewObjectList::Iterator i = _children.begin(); i != _children.end(); ++i) { clipRegion -= (*i)->clipRegion(); } p.setClipRegion(clipRegion); p.fillRect(contentsRect(), brush); p.restore(); } KstMetaPlot::paintSelf(p, bounds); }
void Canvas::DrawTransparentText(int x, int y, const TCHAR *text) { assert(text != nullptr); #ifndef UNICODE assert(ValidateUTF8(text)); #endif auto s = RenderText(font, text); if ( == nullptr) return; SDLRasterCanvas canvas(buffer); ColoredAlphaPixelOperations<ActivePixelTraits, GreyscalePixelTraits> transparent(canvas.Import(text_color)); CopyTextRectangle(canvas, x, y, s.width, s.height, transparent, s); }
void tst_QPixmap::transformed() { QFETCH(QSize, size); QFETCH(QTransform, transform); QFETCH(Qt::TransformationMode, transformMode); QPixmap opaque(size); QPixmap transparent(size); opaque.fill(QColor(255, 0, 0)); transparent.fill(QColor(255, 0, 0, 200)); QPixmap transformed1; QPixmap transformed2; QBENCHMARK { transformed1 = opaque.transformed(transform, transformMode); transformed2 = transparent.transformed(transform, transformMode); } }
void Canvas::DrawClippedText(int x, int y, unsigned max_width, const TCHAR *text) { static TCHAR text_buffer[256]; assert(text != NULL); #ifndef UNICODE assert(ValidateUTF8(text)); #endif const TCHAR *clipped_text = text; unsigned width = Canvas::CalcTextWidth(text); if (width > max_width) { #warning "that wrong, does not handle multibyte char." unsigned new_size; fixed target_percent = fixed(max_width) / fixed(width); new_size = fixed(StringLength(text)) * target_percent; CopyString(text_buffer, text, std::min(new_size, 256u)); clipped_text = text_buffer; } #ifndef UNICODE assert(ValidateUTF8(clipped_text)); #endif auto s = RenderText(font, clipped_text); if ( == nullptr) return; SDLRasterCanvas canvas(buffer); if (background_mode == OPAQUE) { OpaqueAlphaPixelOperations<ActivePixelTraits, GreyscalePixelTraits> opaque(canvas.Import(background_color), canvas.Import(text_color)); canvas.CopyRectangle<decltype(opaque), GreyscalePixelTraits> (x, y, s.width, s.height, GreyscalePixelTraits::const_pointer_type(, s.pitch, opaque); } else { ColoredAlphaPixelOperations<ActivePixelTraits, GreyscalePixelTraits> transparent(canvas.Import(text_color)); canvas.CopyRectangle<decltype(transparent), GreyscalePixelTraits> (x, y, s.width, s.height, GreyscalePixelTraits::const_pointer_type(, s.pitch, transparent); } }
void tst_QPixmap::scaled() { QFETCH(QSize, size); QFETCH(QSize, scale); QFETCH(Qt::AspectRatioMode, ratioMode); QFETCH(Qt::TransformationMode, transformMode); QPixmap opaque(size); QPixmap transparent(size); opaque.fill(QColor(255, 0, 0)); transparent.fill(QColor(255, 0, 0, 200)); QPixmap scaled1; QPixmap scaled2; QBENCHMARK { scaled1 = opaque.scaled(scale, ratioMode, transformMode); scaled2 = transparent.scaled(scale, ratioMode, transformMode); } }
void PictogramObject::update(float wall_dt, float ros_dt) { if (text_.empty()) { // not yet setted return; } // update position and orientation if (!context_) { return; } updatePose(wall_dt); if (!need_to_update_) { return; } need_to_update_ = false; ScopedPixelBuffer buffer = texture_object_->getBuffer(); QColor transparent(255, 255, 255, 0); QImage Hud = buffer.getQImage(128, 128, transparent); // should change according to size QPainter painter( &Hud ); painter.setRenderHint(QPainter::Antialiasing, true); QColor foreground = rviz::ogreToQt(color_); painter.setPen(QPen(foreground, 5, Qt::SolidLine)); if (isCharacterSupported(text_)) { QFont font = getFont(text_); QString pictogram_text = lookupPictogramText(text_); if (isEntypo(text_)) { font.setPointSize(100); } else if (isFontAwesome(text_)) { font.setPointSize(45); } painter.setFont(font); painter.drawText(0, 0, 128, 128, Qt::AlignHCenter | Qt::AlignVCenter, pictogram_text); painter.end(); } else { ROS_WARN("%s is not supported", text_.c_str()); } }
void SkirmishMenuState::drawSpecifics() { DataCache::Instance()->getGameData("BigPlanet")->getImage(); ImagePtr houseChoice = DataCache::Instance()->getGameData("UI_HouseChoiceBackground")->getImage()->getCopy(); houseChoice->drawBorders1(); Rect area(20, 53, 300, 53+95); houseChoice->greyOut(area); m_middleFrame->changeBackground(houseChoice); m_selectionBox->setPosition(area.getPosition() - 1); m_selectionBox->setSize(area.getSize()); m_middleFrame->addChild(m_selectionBox); ImagePtr atreides = DataCache::Instance()->getGameData("UI_HeraldColoredAtreides")->getImage(); ImagePtr transparent(new Image(atreides->getSize())); transparent->setColorKey(); GraphicButton *atreidesButton = new GraphicButton(transparent, atreides); atreidesButton->setPosition(UPoint(0, 0)); atreidesButton->onClick.connect( boost::bind(&SkirmishMenuState::setHouse, this, HOUSE_ATREIDES)); m_selectionBox->addChild(atreidesButton); ImagePtr ordos = DataCache::Instance()->getGameData("UI_HeraldColoredOrdos")->getImage(); transparent->setColorKey(); GraphicButton *ordosButton = new GraphicButton(transparent, ordos); ordosButton->setPosition(UPoint(96, 0)); ordosButton->onClick.connect( boost::bind(&SkirmishMenuState::setHouse, this, HOUSE_ORDOS)); m_selectionBox->addChild(ordosButton); ImagePtr harkonnen = DataCache::Instance()->getGameData("UI_HeraldColoredHarkonnen")->getImage(); transparent->setColorKey(); GraphicButton *harkonnenButton = new GraphicButton(transparent, harkonnen); harkonnenButton->setPosition(UPoint(194, 0)); harkonnenButton->onClick.connect( boost::bind(&SkirmishMenuState::setHouse, this, HOUSE_HARKONNEN)); m_selectionBox->addChild(harkonnenButton); m_missionLabel->redraw(); }
void RenderArea::paintEvent(QPaintEvent *) { QPainter painter(this); QImage transparent(600, 600, QImage::Format_ARGB32_Premultiplied); transparent.fill(QColor(0,0,0,0).rgba()); switch (shape) { case RenderArea::Line: if (dragging) { drawLine(&transparent); } else { drawLine(&image); } break; case RenderArea::AALine: if (dragging) { drawAALine(&transparent); } else { drawAALine(&image); } break; case RenderArea::Circle: if (dragging) { drawCircle(&transparent); } else { drawCircle(&image); } break; case RenderArea::FilledCircle: if (dragging) { drawFilledCircle(&transparent); } else { drawFilledCircle(&image); } break; } painter.drawImage(QPoint(0, 0), image); if (dragging) painter.drawImage(QPoint(0, 0), transparent); }
void GPS::initializeImages(){ QPixmap gpsPix; gpsPix.load(":gps"); // Create new picture for transparent QPixmap transparent(gpsPix.size()); // Do transparency transparent.fill(Qt::transparent); QPainter p(&transparent); p.setCompositionMode(QPainter::CompositionMode_Source); p.drawPixmap(0, 0, gpsPix); p.setCompositionMode(QPainter::CompositionMode_DestinationIn); // Set transparency level to 150 (possible values are 0-255) p.fillRect(transparent.rect(), QColor(0, 0, 0, 150)); p.end(); // Set original picture's reference to new transparent one gpsPix = transparent; gps = new QGraphicsPixmapItem(gpsPix); halfSizeImage = gpsPix.size().height() / 2; gps->setTransformationMode(Qt::SmoothTransformation); gps->setScale(sizes[index]); gps->setOffset(-halfSizeImage, -halfSizeImage); QFont b; gpsScene->addItem(gps); b.setStyleHint(QFont::Decorative); b.setBold(true); b.setPointSize(16); latitude=gpsScene->addSimpleText("Latitude: 0",b); longitude=gpsScene->addSimpleText("Longitude: 0",b); latitude->setPos(latitudePosition.x() * sizes[index] - halfSizeImage * sizes[index], latitudePosition.y() * sizes[index] - halfSizeImage * sizes[index]); longitude->setPos(longitudePosition.x() * sizes[index] - halfSizeImage * sizes[index], longitudePosition.y() * sizes[index] - halfSizeImage * sizes[index]); }
void Graphic::drawImageWithAlpha(Image image) { SDL_Surface* tempScreen = NULL; if ((tempScreen = SDL_CreateRGBSurface(SDL_HWSURFACE | SDL_SRCALPHA | SDL_DOUBLEBUF, image.getSurface()->w, image.getSurface()->h, 32, 0, 0, 0, 0)) == NULL) return; if (SDL_SetAlpha(tempScreen, SDL_SRCALPHA, image.alpha) < 0) { SDL_FreeSurface(tempScreen); tempScreen = NULL; return; } if (!transparent(tempScreen, 0, 0, 0)) { SDL_FreeSurface(tempScreen); tempScreen = NULL; return; } SDL_Rect destR; destR.x = image.x; destR.y = image.y; SDL_Rect srcR; srcR.x = 0; srcR.y = 0; srcR.w = image.width; srcR.h = image.height; SDL_BlitSurface(image.getSurface(), &srcR, tempScreen, &destR); if (!onDraw(surface, tempScreen, image.x, image.y)) { SDL_FreeSurface(tempScreen); tempScreen = NULL; return; } SDL_FreeSurface(tempScreen); tempScreen = NULL; }
void Rectangle:: test() { std::string name = "Rectangle"; int argc = 1; char * argv = &name[0]; QApplication a(argc,&argv); // It should apply a bandpass and time filter between f1,s1 and f2,s2 to a signal. { Signal::Processing::Chain::ptr cp = Signal::Processing::Chain::createDefaultChain (); Signal::OperationDesc::ptr transparent(new Test::TransparentOperationDesc); Signal::OperationDesc::ptr buffersource(new Signal::BufferSource(Test::RandomBuffer::smallBuffer ())); Tfr::ChunkFilterDesc::ptr cfd(new Rectangle(1,2,4,4,false)); Signal::OperationDesc::ptr rectangledesc(new TransformOperationDesc(cfd)); Signal::Processing::TargetMarker::ptr at = cp->addTarget(transparent); Signal::Processing::TargetNeeds::ptr n = at->target_needs(); cp->addOperationAt(buffersource,at); cp->addOperationAt(rectangledesc,at); n->updateNeeds(Signal::Interval(0,10)); EXCEPTION_ASSERT( n->sleep (200) ); } }