int test_qtostr(testspec_t *t, FILE *ofp) { mp_rat in[2]; long radix; mp_result res, len; if(!parse_rat_values(t, in, NULL, NULL)) return imath_errno = MP_BADARG, 0; trim_line(t->input[1]); if(!read_long(&radix, t->input[1])) return imath_errno = MP_BADARG, 0; if(radix < MP_MIN_RADIX || radix > MP_MAX_RADIX) { fprintf(stderr, "Line %d: Radix %ld out of range\n", t->line, radix); return imath_errno = MP_RANGE, 0; } trim_line(t->output[0]); len = mp_rat_string_len(in[0], radix); if((res = mp_rat_to_string(in[0], radix, g_output, len)) != MP_OK) return imath_errno = res, 0; if(strcmp(t->output[0], g_output) != 0) return imath_errno = OTHER_ERROR, 0; return 1; }
int test_to_uns(testspec_t *t, FILE *ofp) { mp_int in[1]; int test_len, out_len; mp_result res; if(!parse_int_values(t, in, NULL, NULL)) return imath_errno = MP_BADARG, 0; trim_line(t->output[0]); if((out_len = parse_binary(t->output[0], g_bin1, sizeof(g_bin1))) < 0) return imath_errno = MP_BADARG, 0; if((test_len = mp_int_unsigned_len(in[0])) != out_len) { sprintf(g_output, "Output lengths do not match (want %d, got %d)", test_len, out_len); return imath_errno = OTHER_ERROR, 0; } if((res = mp_int_to_unsigned(in[0], g_bin2, sizeof(g_bin2))) != MP_OK) return imath_errno = res, 0; if(memcmp(g_bin1, g_bin2, test_len) != 0) { int pos = 0, i; for(i = 0; i < test_len - 1; ++i) pos += sprintf(g_output + pos, "%d.", g_bin2[i]); sprintf(g_output + pos, "%d", g_bin2[i]); return imath_errno = OTHER_ERROR, 0; } return 1; }
int load_config(const char *config_file) { int ret = 0; FILE *fp = NULL; char *name, *value; if(config_file == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "config file is null.\n"); return -1; } fp = fopen(config_file, "r"); if(NULL == fp) { fprintf(stderr, "open config file failed!\n"); return -1; } while(read_line(fp, line, LINE_LEN) > 0) { //printf("%s\n", line); if(trim_line(line, &name, &value) == 0) { // printf("name:%s\t\tvalue:%s\n", name, value); if(parse(name, value) !=0) fprintf(stderr, "unmach config:%s = %s\n", name, value); } } fclose(fp); return 0; }
int read_tag_line( FILE *fp, char **tagp, char **valp ) { char *lp, *lp2; while (fgets(lp = tag_linebuf, BUFSIZ, fp)) { tag_line_num++; skip_white(lp); /* lp = trim_line(lp); */ if (!*lp || *lp == '\n' || is_comment_char(*lp)) continue; if (!(lp2 = strchr(lp, TAG_END_CHAR))) { continue; } *lp2++ = 0; lp2 = trim_line(lp2); *tagp = lp; *valp = *lp2 ? lp2 : 0; return tag_line_num; } *tagp = *valp = 0; return (ferror(fp)) ? -1 : 0; }
int test_tostr(testspec_t *t, FILE *ofp) { mp_int in[2]; int radix; mp_result res, len; if(!parse_int_values(t, in, NULL, NULL)) return imath_errno = MP_BADARG, 0; if((res = mp_int_to_int(in[1], &radix)) != MP_OK) return imath_errno = MP_BADARG, 0; if(radix < MP_MIN_RADIX || radix > MP_MAX_RADIX) return imath_errno = MP_RANGE, 0; trim_line(t->output[0]); len = mp_int_string_len(in[0], radix); if((res = mp_int_to_string(in[0], radix, g_output, len)) != MP_OK) return imath_errno = res, 0; if(strcmp(t->output[0], g_output) != 0) return imath_errno = OTHER_ERROR, 0; return 1; }
/** match_stdin * Reads up to the maximum number of lines from standard input * * Return Value: * int - the number of matches found or the number of lines without matches * if the -r flag was used * struct Globals *gl - the "global" variables for this search */ int match_stdin(struct counters *counter, struct Globals *gl){ char *input_line; int count = 0; int status; int matches = 0; unsigned int my_flags; unsigned int num_chars; int max_lines; my_flags = gl->my_flags; num_chars = gl->num_chars; max_lines = gl->max_lines; input_line = calloc(sizeof(char), num_chars); counter->files_read++; while(matches != max_lines && fgets(input_line, num_chars, stdin) != NULL){ count++; trim_line(input_line); status = match_line(input_line, &counter, gl); if(status == MATCH && (my_flags&REVERSE_SELECTION) != REVERSE_SELECTION){ /* Increments the match counter if a match was found and the reverse flag was not chosen */ if((my_flags&SUMMARY) != SUMMARY){ /* Prints out the line if the summary flag was not chosen */ pthread_mutex_lock(&mu); /* Since the server does not read from standard in, no check needs to be done here. */ fprintf(stdout, "%d: %s\n", count, input_line); pthread_mutex_unlock(&mu); } matches++; }else if(status == NO_MATCH && (my_flags&REVERSE_SELECTION) == REVERSE_SELECTION){ /* Increments the match counter if a match was not found and the reverse flag was chosen */ if((my_flags&SUMMARY) != SUMMARY){ /* Prints out the line if the summary flag was not chosen */ pthread_mutex_lock(&mu); /* Since the server does not read from standard in, no check needs to be done here. */ fprintf(stdout, "%d: %s\n", count, input_line); pthread_mutex_unlock(&mu); } matches++; } } counter->lines_read += count; counter->lines_matched += matches; counter->bytes_read += ftell(stdin); return matches; /*match_stdin*/ }
// Assemble the command void assemble (char *line, char * cmd, op_id opcode, parse_func parser, FILE *outfile) { // NOP char *args = trim_line (line + strlen(cmd)); // calc opcode int op = (opcode << 9) | parser(args); fwrite(&op, sizeof(int), 1, outfile); }
int test_qtodec(testspec_t *t, FILE *ofp) { mp_rat in[4]; long radix, prec; mp_round_mode rmode; mp_result res, expect = MP_OK, len; if(!parse_rat_values(t, in, NULL, NULL)) return imath_errno = MP_BADARG, 0; if(t->output[0][0] == '$' && !parse_result_code(t->output[0], &expect)) { fprintf(stderr, "Line %d: Invalid result code [%s]\n", t->line, t->output[0]); return 0; } trim_line(t->input[1]); trim_line(t->input[2]); trim_line(t->input[3]); if(!read_long(&radix, t->input[1])) return imath_errno = MP_BADARG, 0; if(!read_long(&prec, t->input[2])) return imath_errno = MP_BADARG, 0; if(!read_long((long *)&rmode, t->input[3])) return imath_errno = MP_BADARG, 0; if(prec < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "Line %d: Precision %ld out of range\n", t->line, prec); return imath_errno = MP_RANGE, 0; } trim_line(t->output[0]); len = mp_rat_decimal_len(in[0], radix, prec); if((res = mp_rat_to_decimal(in[0], radix, prec, rmode, g_output, len)) != expect) return imath_errno = res, 0; if(res == MP_OK && strcmp(t->output[0], g_output) != 0) return imath_errno = OTHER_ERROR, 0; return 1; }
static int output_img_with_config(FILE *img_fp, FILE *cfg_fp) { int entry_count = parse_config_entry_count(cfg_fp); struct dt_image_writer *writer = dt_image_writer_start(img_fp, entry_count); fseek(cfg_fp, 0, SEEK_SET); /* Reset the file pos to head */ int is_entry = 0; char line[1024]; while (fgets(line, sizeof(line), cfg_fp) != NULL) { char *trimmed = trim_line(line); if (trimmed[0] == '\0') { /* empty line, pass */ continue; } if (trimmed == line) { /* This line is a file name, because it start from the first char of the line */ if (dt_image_writer_add_entry(writer, trimmed) != 0) { return -1; } is_entry = 1; continue; } char *option, *value; if (parse_option(&option, &value, trimmed) != 0) { fprintf(stderr, "Wrong syntax: %s\n", trimmed); return -1; } int ret = is_entry ? set_entry_options(writer, option, value) : set_global_options(writer, option, value); if (ret != 0) { fprintf(stderr, "Unknown option: %s\n", option); return -1; } } if (dt_image_writer_end(writer) != 0) { return -1; } return 0; }
void trim_figure(t_data *d) { int i; i = 0; trim_line(d); trim_col(d); d->tfline = d->fnbline; d->eatline = 0; d->tfcol = d->fnbcol - d->eatcol; d->tf = (char **)malloc(sizeof(*(d->tf)) * (d->tfline + 1)); d->tf[d->tfline] = NULL; while (i < d->tfline) { d->tf[i] = ft_strsub(d->fig[i + d->eatline], d->eatcol, d->tfcol); ++i; } }
void skip_to_end_of_section(FILE *fp) { char buffer[1024]; while (!feof(fp)) { buffer[0]='\0'; fgets(buffer, sizeof(buffer)-1, fp); trim_line(buffer); char *b=&buffer[0]; if (lex(b)==LEX_END_SEC) { break; } } }
void process_key(char *data) { size_t size=0; char *a=data; while (*a != ' ' && *a != '\t' && *a != '\0') { a++; size++; } if (size==0) { return; } int set=0; for (int i=0; i< HAM_LAST_ENTRY_DONT_USE_ME_LOL; i++) { if (strncmp(data, hooklist[i].name, size)==0) { data+=size+1; trim_line(data); int value=read_number(data); hooklist[i].isset=1; hooklist[i].vtid=value; set=1; break; } } if (set==0) { printf("stray key in process_key: %s\n", data); } }
int lex(char*& buffer) { trim_line(buffer); size_t len; for (int i=0; i<LEX_END; i++) { if (tokens[i]!=NULL && *(tokens[i])!='\0') { len=strlen(tokens[i]); if (strncmp(buffer,tokens[i],len)==0) { buffer+=len+1; return i; } } } return LEX_UNKNOWN; }
static int parse_binary(char *str, unsigned char *buf, int limit) { int pos = 0; char *tok; trim_line(str); for(tok = strtok(str, "."); tok != NULL && pos < limit; tok = strtok(NULL, ".")) { long v; if(!read_long(&v, tok) || v > UCHAR_MAX || v < 0) return -1; buf[pos++] = (unsigned char)v; } return pos; }
int read_start_section(char *data) { if (strncasecmp(data, CurrentModName, strlen(CurrentModName))==0) { data+=strlen(CurrentModName)+1; trim_line(data); #ifdef _WIN32 if (strcmp(data, "windows")==0) #elif defined(__linux__) if (strcmp(data, "linux")==0) #elif defined(__APPLE__) if (strcmp(data, "mac")==0) #endif { return 1; } } return 0; }
int read_line(FILE *ifp, char *line, int limit) { static FILE *current_fp = NULL; static int current_line = 0; if(ifp != current_fp) { current_fp = ifp; current_line = 0; } do { if(fgets(line, limit, ifp) == NULL) return 0; ++current_line; } while(is_blank(line)); trim_line(line); return current_line; }
int test_read_uns(testspec_t *t, FILE *ofp) { mp_int out[1], in = g_zreg + 1; int in_len; mp_result res, expect; if(!parse_int_values(t, NULL, out, &expect)) return imath_errno = MP_BADARG, 0; trim_line(t->input[0]); if((in_len = parse_binary(t->input[0], g_bin1, sizeof(g_bin1))) < 0) return imath_errno = MP_BADARG, 0; if((res = mp_int_read_unsigned(in, g_bin1, in_len)) != expect) return imath_errno = res, 0; if(expect == MP_OK && mp_int_compare(in, out[0]) != 0) { mp_int_to_string(in, 10, g_output, OUTPUT_LIMIT); return imath_errno = OTHER_ERROR, 0; } return 1; }
void archive_go_upper(struct_panel *panel) /* Переходим на уровень выше внутри архива */ { if (panel->archive_cwd[0] == '\0') /* Если на верхнем уровне архива - то покидаем его*/ leave_archive(panel); else /* А если нет - */ { char *slash=NULL, *path, *iter; trim_line(panel->archive_cwd); /* Удяляем последний символ (слэш) из текущего имени */ archive_cwd_prev=xconcat(basename(panel->archive_cwd),"/"); slash=strrchr(panel->archive_cwd, '/'); /* Ищем последний слэш в пути */ if (slash==NULL) /* Если значение пути вырождается в NULL (слэша больше не оказалось) то делаем archive_cwd нулевой строкой*/ panel->archive_cwd[0]='\0'; else /* А иначе просто обрезаем путь в архиве на один уровень */ *(slash+1)='\0'; if (panel == &top_panel) { write_config_string("top_panel.archive_cwd", panel->archive_cwd); top_panel.last_name[0]='\0'; write_config_string("top_panel.last_name", top_panel.last_name); } else { write_config_string("bottom_panel.archive_cwd", panel->archive_cwd); bottom_panel.last_name[0]='\0'; write_config_string("bottom_panel.last_name", bottom_panel.last_name); } update(panel); /* Перерисовываем список */ iter=iter_from_filename (archive_cwd_prev, panel); move_selection(iter, panel); /* И выделяем предыдущий каталог в архиве */ free(iter); path=xconcat_path_file(panel->archive_stack[panel->archive_depth],panel->archive_cwd); gtk_label_set_text (GTK_LABEL(panel->path_label), path); /* Пишем имя архива с путём в поле снизу */ free(path); } }
int test_qrdec(testspec_t *t, FILE *ofp) { mp_rat out[1], reg = g_qreg + 1; long radix; mp_result res, expect; if(!parse_rat_values(t, NULL, out, &expect)) return imath_errno = MP_BADARG, 0; trim_line(t->input[1]); if(!read_long(&radix, t->input[1])) return imath_errno = MP_BADARG, 0; if((res = mp_rat_read_decimal(reg, radix, t->input[0])) != expect) return imath_errno = res, 0; if(expect == MP_OK && mp_rat_compare(reg, out[0]) != 0) { mp_rat_to_string(reg, 10, g_output, OUTPUT_LIMIT); return imath_errno = OTHER_ERROR, 0; } return 1; }
static int parse_rat_values(testspec_t *t, mp_rat *in, mp_rat *out, mp_result *rval) { int i, pos = 0; char *str; if(rval != NULL) *rval = MP_OK; /* default */ if(in != NULL) { for(i = 0; i < t->num_inputs; ++i) { str = t->input[i]; trim_line(str); if(*str == '=') { int k = abs(atoi(str + 1)) - 1; if(k < 0 || k >= i) { fprintf(stderr, "Line %d: Invalid input back-reference [%s]\n", t->line, str); return 0; } in[i] = in[k]; } else { mp_rat reg = g_qreg + pos++; /* grab next free register */ if(read_rat_value(reg, str) != MP_OK) { fprintf(stderr, "Line %d: Invalid input value [%s]\n", t->line, str); return 0; } in[i] = reg; } } } for(i = 0; i < t->num_outputs; ++i) { mp_rat reg = g_qreg + pos++; str = t->output[i]; trim_line(str); if(strcmp(str, "?") == 0) mp_rat_zero(reg); else if(*str == '$') { mp_result code; if(!parse_result_code(str, &code)) { fprintf(stderr, "Line %d: Invalid result code [%s]\n", t->line, str); return 0; } else if(rval == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "Line %d: Result code not permitted here [%s]\n", t->line, str); return 0; } else *rval = code; /* Provide a dummy value for the corresponding output */ mp_rat_zero(reg); } else if(out != NULL && read_rat_value(reg, str) != MP_OK) { fprintf(stderr, "Line %d: Invalid output value [%s]\n", t->line, str); return 0; } if(out != NULL) out[i] = reg; } return 1; }
/** match_file * Reads up to the maximum number of lines from standard input * * Parameters: * FILE *fptr - the file pointer * struct Filename *file - the names associated with the file * struct Globals *gl - the "global" variables for this search * Return Value: * int - the number of matches found or the number of lines without matches * if the -r flag was used */ int match_file(FILE *fptr, struct Filename *file, struct Globals *gl){ char *input_line; int count = 0; int status; int matches = 0; unsigned int my_flags; unsigned int num_chars; int max_lines; my_flags = gl->my_flags; num_chars = gl->num_chars; max_lines = gl->max_lines; input_line = calloc(sizeof(char), num_chars); file->counters->files_read++; while(matches != max_lines && fgets(input_line, num_chars, fptr) != NULL){ count++; trim_line(input_line); status = match_line(input_line, &(file->counters), gl); if(status == MATCH && (my_flags&REVERSE_SELECTION) != REVERSE_SELECTION){ /* Increments the match counter if a match was found and the reverse flag was not chosen */ if((my_flags&SUMMARY) != SUMMARY){ /* Prints out the line if the summary flag was not chosen */ pthread_mutex_lock(&mu); if(gl->is_network){ char *output; output = calloc(sizeof(char), gl->path_max); sprintf(output, "%s,%d: %s\n", file->realptr, count, input_line); write_output_line(output, gl); free(output); } else{ fprintf(stdout, "%s,%d: %s\n", file->realptr, count, input_line); } pthread_mutex_unlock(&mu); } matches++; }else if(status == NO_MATCH && (my_flags&REVERSE_SELECTION) == REVERSE_SELECTION){ /* Increments the match counter if a match was not found and the reverse flag was chosen */ if((my_flags&SUMMARY) != SUMMARY){ /* Prints out the line if the summary flag was not chosen */ pthread_mutex_lock(&mu); if(gl->is_network){ char *output; output = calloc(sizeof(char), gl->path_max); sprintf(output, "%s,%d: %s\n", file->realptr, count, input_line); write_output_line(output, gl); free(output); } else{ fprintf(stdout, "%s,%d: %s\n", file->realptr, count, input_line); } pthread_mutex_unlock(&mu); } matches++; } } file->counters->lines_read += count; file->counters->lines_matched += matches; file->counters->bytes_read += ftell(fptr); return matches; /*match_file*/ }
int find_next_archive_directory(struct_panel *panel) { char **directories_list; int i=0; char *slash=NULL, *up_dir; up_dir=strdup(panel->archive_cwd); trim_line(up_dir); /* Удяляем последний символ (слэш) из текущего имени */ slash=strrchr(up_dir, '/'); /* Ищем последний слэш в пути */ if (slash==NULL) /* Если значение пути вырождается в NULL (слэша больше не оказалось) */ up_dir[0]='\0'; /* То делаем archive_cwd нулевой строкой */ else /* А иначе просто обрезаем путь в архиве на один уровень */ *(slash+1)='\0'; directories_list=archive_get_directories_list(panel, up_dir); while (TRUE) { if (directories_list[i]==NULL) { free(directories_list); return FALSE; /* Если достигли конца списка */ } else { #ifdef debug_printf printf ("Checking '%s', need '%s'\n", directories_list[i], panel->archive_cwd); #endif } if (strcmp (directories_list[i], panel->archive_cwd) == 0) /* Сравниваем строку с текущим каталогом */ { if (directories_list[i+1][0] == '\0') /* Если следующая строка пустая - */ { #ifdef debug_printf printf ("Matched dirname '%s', stay here\n", directories_list[i]); #endif free(directories_list[i]); free(directories_list[i+1]); free(directories_list); return FALSE; /* То возвращаем что переход не удался */ } else { free(panel->archive_cwd); panel->archive_cwd=strdup(directories_list[i+1]); if ( panel == &top_panel ) write_config_string("top_panel.archive_cwd", panel->archive_cwd); else write_config_string("bottom_panel.archive_cwd", panel->archive_cwd); #ifdef debug_printf printf("JUMPING TO %s\n", panel->archive_cwd); #endif /*Очищаем оставшийся список каталогов*/ do free(directories_list[i++]); while (directories_list[i] != NULL); free(directories_list); return TRUE; /* Иначе возвращаем успех */ } } #ifdef debug_printf printf ("NOT matched dirname '%s', need '%s'\n", directories_list[i], panel->archive_cwd); #endif free(directories_list[i]); i++; } #ifdef debug_printf printf ("Dirname not matched!\n"); #endif /*Очищаем оставшийся список каталогов*/ do free(directories_list[i++]); while (directories_list[i] != NULL); free(directories_list); return FALSE; /* И возвращаем значение текущего каталога */ }
boost::tribool request_parser::parse_line(http_request &request, const std::string &line) { if (line.empty() || line[line.size() - 1] != '\r') return false; const bool is_empty_line =, line.size(), "\r", 1) == 0; switch (m_state_new) { case request_line: { if (is_empty_line) { // Ignore CRLF characters between requests in Keep-Alive connection return boost::indeterminate; } const auto first_space = line.find(' '); if (first_space == std::string::npos) return false; request.set_method(line.substr(0, first_space)); const auto second_space = line.find(' ', first_space + 1); if (second_space == std::string::npos) return false; request.set_url(line.substr(first_space + 1, second_space - first_space - 1)); if ( + 1, 5, "HTTP/", 5) != 0) return false; const auto version_major_start = second_space + 1 + 5; const auto dot = line.find('.', version_major_start); if (dot == std::string::npos) return false; const auto version_minor_end = line.find('\r', dot); if (version_minor_end == std::string::npos) return false; boost::tribool result = boost::indeterminate; const auto major_version = parse_int( + version_major_start, + dot, result); const auto minor_version = parse_int( + dot + 1, + version_minor_end, result); request.set_http_version(major_version, minor_version); m_state_new = header_line; return result; } case header_line: { if (!m_header.first.empty() && (line[0] == ' ' || line[0] == '\t')) { // any number of LWS is allowed after field, rfc 2068 auto begin = line.begin() + 1; auto end = line.end(); trim_line(begin, end); m_header.second += ' '; m_header.second.append(begin, end); return boost::indeterminate; } if (!m_header.first.empty()) { request.headers().add(m_header); m_header.first.resize(0); m_header.second.resize(0); } if (is_empty_line) { return true; } const auto colon = line.find(':'); if (colon == std::string::npos) return false; auto name_begin = line.begin(); auto name_end = line.begin() + colon; trim_line(name_begin, name_end); m_header.first.assign(name_begin, name_end); auto value_begin = line.begin() + colon + 1; auto value_end = line.end(); trim_line(value_begin, value_end); m_header.second.assign(value_begin, value_end); return boost::indeterminate; } } return false; }
/* * assemble a file and load into memory */ Assembly* parse_file(FILE* file) { Assembly* assembly; /* assembly structure */ int labelid; /* new label id */ Segment* current_segment; /* holds current segment */ char line[MAX_LINE]; /* holds one line */ char* items[MAX_ARGS]; /* split line into items (split on ' ' and '\t') */ int segment; /* holds current segment id */ int count, i, size; /* loop variables */ long long params[MAX_ARGS]; /* parsed items array */ char sbuffer[1024]; /* 1K string buffer */ char* sourcefile; /* current source file */ Label* label; /* initialize variables */ assembly = new_assembly(); labelid = 0; linenr = 0; segment = UNKNOWN; sourcefile = NULL; /* read a line lines (returns nr of characters read, -1 if eof) */ while(read_line(file, line, MAX_LINE) >= 0) { linenr++; /* get rid of spaces/tabs in front of the line */ trim_line(line); /* split the line on spaces/tabs */ count = split_line(line, items); /* note: line == items[0] */ /* check if the line was not empty */ if (strlen(line) > 0) { if (strcmp(line, "code") == 0) { /* code segment */ segment = CODE; current_segment = assembly->code; } else if (strcmp(line, "bss") == 0) { /* bss segment */ segment = BSS; /* bss has no segment structure */ /* (no point in saving uninitialized data */ current_segment = 0; } else if (strcmp(line, "lit") == 0) { /* lit segment */ segment = LIT; current_segment = assembly->lit; } else if (strcmp(line, "data") == 0) { /* data segment */ segment = DATA; current_segment = assembly->data; } else if (strcmp(line, "export") == 0) { /* mark label as public */ if (count != 2) error(linenr, "invalid number of parameters"); label = get_label(assembly, items[1]); /* any exported function should be included */ label->accessed = 1; label->exported = TRUE; } else if (strcmp(line, "import") == 0) { /* mark label as imported */ if (count != 2) error(linenr, "invalid number of parameters"); get_label(assembly, items[1])->imported = TRUE; } else if (segment == UNKNOWN) { /* all other things must be in segments */ error(linenr, "code outside segment"); } else if (strcmp(line, "align") == 0) { /* align a segment */ if (count != 2) error(linenr, "invalid number of parameters"); params[0] = parse_numeric(items[1]); if (segment == BSS) { /* align bss just by size */ while(assembly->bss_size % params[0]) assembly->bss_size++; } else { align_segment(current_segment, params[0]); } } else if (strcmp(line, "byte") == 0) { /* one byte of data */ if (count != 3) error(linenr, "invalid number of parameters"); if (segment == BSS) { error(linenr, "can't put initialized data in bss, use data segment instead"); } else { /* parse */ params[0] = parse_numeric(items[1]); params[1] = parse_numeric(items[2]); /* write to segment */ MS_WriteBE(current_segment->data, params[1], (int)params[0]); for (i = 0; i < (int)params[0]; i++) MS_WriteBit(current_segment->mask, FALSE); } } else if (strcmp(line, "skip") == 0) { /* some empty space */ if (count != 2) error(linenr, "invalid number of parameters"); /* parse */ params[0] = parse_numeric(items[1]); if (segment == BSS) { /* for bss: just update the size */ assembly->bss_size += params[0]; } else { /* for other segment: write zeros */ MS_Write(current_segment->data, 0, (int)params[0]); for (i = 0; i < (int)params[0]; i++) MS_WriteBit(current_segment->mask, FALSE); } } else if (strcmp(line, "address") == 0) { /* insert address to label here */ /* some empty space */ if (count != 2) error(linenr, "invalid number of parameters"); /* write the id to the current segment */ MS_WriteBE(current_segment->data, get_label(assembly, items[1])->id, PTR_SIZE); /* needs to be resolved */ for (i = 0; i < PTR_SIZE; i++) MS_WriteBit(current_segment->mask, TRUE); } else if (strcmp(line, "line") == 0) { if (count < 2) error(linenr, "invalid number of parameters"); if (sourcefile == NULL) error(linenr, "file directive must precede line directive"); size = sprintf(sbuffer, "$%s:", sourcefile); for (i = 1; i < count; i++) { size += sprintf(sbuffer+size, "%s", items[i]); if (i == count-1) { sbuffer[size++] = 0; } else { sbuffer[size++] = ' '; } } /* register debug label */ label = get_label(assembly, sbuffer); if (label->segment == UNKNOWN) { if (segment == BSS) { label->location = assembly->bss_size; } else { label->location = current_segment->data->size; } label->segment = segment; } /* mark as debug function, set accessed to 1 to include it in the assembly */ label->accessed = 1; label->debuginfo = LABEL_DEBUG_LINE; } else if (strcmp(line, "file") == 0) { if (count < 2) error(linenr, "invalid number of parameters"); size = sprintf(sbuffer, "$"); for (i = 1; i < count; i++) { size += sprintf(sbuffer+size, "%s", items[i]); if (i == count-1) { sbuffer[size++] = 0; } else { sbuffer[size++] = ' '; } } if (sourcefile != NULL) free(sourcefile); sourcefile = malloc(size-1); strcpy(sourcefile, sbuffer+1); /* register debug label */ label = get_label(assembly, sbuffer); if (segment == BSS) { label->location = assembly->bss_size; } else { label->location = current_segment->data->size; } label->segment = segment; /* mark as debug function, set accessed to 1 to include it in the assembly */ label->accessed = 1; label->debuginfo = LABEL_DEBUG_FILE; } else if (strcmp(line, "local") == 0) { if (count < 3) error(linenr, "invalid number of parameters"); size = sprintf(sbuffer, "$"); for (i = 1; i < count; i++) { if (i != 2) { size += sprintf(sbuffer+size, "%s", items[i]); if (i == count-1) { sbuffer[size++] = 0; } else { sbuffer[size++] = ' '; } } } /* register debug label */ label = get_label(assembly, sbuffer); label->location = parse_numeric(items[2]); label->segment = UNKNOWN; /* mark as debug function, set accessed to 1 to include it in the assembly */ label->accessed = 1; label->debuginfo = LABEL_DEBUG_LOCAL; } else if (strcmp(line, "param") == 0) { if (count < 3) error(linenr, "invalid number of parameters"); size = sprintf(sbuffer, "$"); for (i = 1; i < count; i++) { if (i != 2) { size += sprintf(sbuffer+size, "%s", items[i]); if (i == count-1) { sbuffer[size++] = 0; } else { sbuffer[size++] = ' '; } } } /* register debug label */ label = get_label(assembly, sbuffer); label->location = parse_numeric(items[2]); label->segment = UNKNOWN; /* mark as debug function, set accessed to 1 to include it in the assembly */ label->accessed = 1; label->debuginfo = LABEL_DEBUG_PARAM; } else if (strcmp(line, "global") == 0) { if (count < 2) error(linenr, "invalid number of parameters"); size = sprintf(sbuffer, "$"); for (i = 1; i < count; i++) { size += sprintf(sbuffer+size, "%s", items[i]); if (i == count-1) { sbuffer[size++] = 0; } else { sbuffer[size++] = ' '; } } /* register debug label */ label = get_label(assembly, sbuffer); label->ref = get_label(assembly, items[1]); /* mark as debug function, set accessed to 1 to include it in the assembly */ label->accessed = 1; label->debuginfo = LABEL_DEBUG_GLOBAL; } else if (strcmp(line, "function") == 0) { if (count < 2) error(linenr, "invalid number of parameters"); size = sprintf(sbuffer, "$"); for (i = 1; i < count; i++) { size += sprintf(sbuffer+size, "%s", items[i]); if (i == count-1) { sbuffer[size++] = 0; } else { sbuffer[size++] = ' '; } } /* register debug label */ label = get_label(assembly, sbuffer); label->ref = get_label(assembly, items[1]); /* mark as debug function, set accessed to 1 to include it in the assembly */ label->accessed = 1; label->debuginfo = LABEL_DEBUG_FUNCTION; } else if (strcmp(line, "label") == 0) { /* a label; register */ if (count != 2) error(linenr, "invalid number of parameters"); if (segment == BSS) { register_label(assembly, items[1], segment, assembly->bss_size); } else { register_label(assembly, items[1], segment, current_segment->data->size); } } else if (strcmp(line, "typedef") == 0) { if (count < 2) error(linenr, "invalid number of parameters"); size = sprintf(sbuffer, "$"); for (i = 1; i < count; i++) { size += sprintf(sbuffer+size, "%s", items[i]); if (i == count-1) { sbuffer[size++] = 0; } else { sbuffer[size++] = ' '; } } /* register debug label */ label = get_label(assembly, sbuffer); /* mark as debug function, set accessed to 1 to include it in the assembly */ label->accessed = 1; label->debuginfo = LABEL_DEBUG_TYPEDEF; } else if (strcmp(line, "field") == 0) { if (count < 2) error(linenr, "invalid number of parameters"); size = sprintf(sbuffer, "$"); for (i = 1; i < count; i++) { if (i != 2) { size += sprintf(sbuffer+size, "%s", items[i]); if (i == count-1) { sbuffer[size++] = 0; } else { sbuffer[size++] = ' '; } } } /* register debug label */ label = get_label(assembly, sbuffer); label->location = parse_numeric(items[2]); label->segment = UNKNOWN; /* mark as debug function, set accessed to 1 to include it in the assembly */ label->accessed = 1; label->debuginfo = LABEL_DEBUG_FIELD; } else { /* not identified; should be an instruction */ write_instruction(assembly, items, count, current_segment); } } } if (sourcefile != NULL) free(sourcefile); /* return the structure */ return assembly; }
int main (int argc, char **argv) { FILE *fr = NULL; FILE *fw = NULL; char *line = NULL; // check the input if (argc != 3) { printf ("Usage: %s infile outfile\n", argv[0]); exit (-1); } char *infile = argv[1]; char *outfile = argv[2]; // open the files if ((fr = fopen (infile, "rt")) == NULL) { printf ("Cannot open infile. infile: %s\n", infile); exit (-2); } if ((fw = fopen(outfile, "w+")) == NULL) { printf ("Cannot open infile. outfile: %s\n", outfile); exit (-2); } int i = 0; int len = sizeof(dictionary) / sizeof(dictionary[0]); // loop through the input while (fgets (g_line, MAXLINE, fr) != NULL) { // check the line g_line_no++; check_line(); // skip empty lines line = trim_line(g_line); if (!(*line)) continue; // loop through the dictionary to find the command for (i = 0; i < len; i++) { if (strncmp (line, dictionary[i].cmd, strlen (dictionary[i].cmd)) == 0) { assemble (line, dictionary[i].cmd, dictionary[i].opcode, dictionary[i].parser, fw); break; } } if (i == len) { printf ("Line: %d\n", g_line_no); printf ("%s\n", g_line); printf ("UNKNOWN command.\n"); exit (-6); } } fclose(fr); fclose(fw); }
void process_base(char *data) { trim_line(data); Offsets.SetBase(read_number(data)); }
void process_pev(char *data) { trim_line(data); Offsets.SetPev(read_number(data)); }
int main(int argc,char **argv) { int curr_arg; bool bDropDelim; bool bNoTrim; char delimiter; FILE *fptr; int linelen; if ((argc < 3) || (argc > 5)) { printf(usage); return 1; } if ((line = (char *)malloc(MAX_LINE_LEN)) == NULL) { printf("couldn't allocate memory for line\n"); return 2; } if ((buf = (char *)malloc(MAX_LINE_LEN)) == NULL) { printf("couldn't allocate memory for buf\n"); free(line); return 3; } bDropDelim = false; bNoTrim = false; for (curr_arg = 1; curr_arg < argc; curr_arg++) { if (!strcmp(argv[curr_arg],"-drop_delim")) bDropDelim = true; else if (!strcmp(argv[curr_arg],"-no_trim")) bNoTrim = true; else break; } if (argc - curr_arg != 2) { printf(usage); free(buf); free(line); return 4; } if (!strcmp(argv[curr_arg],"TAB")) delimiter = TAB; else if (!strcmp(argv[curr_arg],"BACKSLASH")) delimiter = BACKSLASH; else delimiter = argv[curr_arg][0]; if ((fptr = fopen(argv[curr_arg+1],"r")) == NULL) { printf(couldnt_open,argv[curr_arg+1]); free(buf); free(line); return 5; } for ( ; ; ) { GetLine(fptr,line,&linelen,MAX_LINE_LEN); if (feof(fptr)) break; if (bDropDelim && !bNoTrim) trim_line(line,&linelen,delimiter); chop(line,delimiter,bDropDelim); } fclose(fptr); free(buf); free(line); return 0; }