Beispiel #1
static bool move_piece_to_column_center(TrnPiece * const piece,
                                        TrnGame const * const game)
  int columnIndex = (game->grid->numberOfColumns - 

  piece->topLeftCorner.columnIndex = columnIndex;
  bool success = trn_grid_can_set_cells_with_piece(game->grid,game->current_piece);
  trn_grid_fill_piece(game->grid, game->current_piece);
  return success;
Beispiel #2
bool trn_game_try_to_move(TrnGame* game,void (*move)(TrnPiece * const),
                                     void (*unmove)(TrnPiece * const))
  if (game->status != TRN_GAME_ON)
     return false;

  bool managedToMove = true;

  trn_grid_remove_piece(game->grid, game->current_piece);

  if (! trn_grid_can_set_cells_with_piece(game->grid, game->current_piece)) {
      managedToMove = false;

  trn_grid_fill_piece(game->grid, game->current_piece);

  return managedToMove;
void TestGridCanSetCellsWithPiece()

    /* Reminder on tetromino_srs_i at TRN_ANGLE_0 and TRN_ANGLE_90:

    |   |   |  9|   |   T: topLeftCorner position in grid
    +---+---+---+---+   0: tetromino cells a TRN_ANGLE_0
    | 0 | 0 | 01| 0 |   9: tetromino cells a TRN_ANGLE_90
    |   |   |  9|   |
    |   |   |  9|   |

    // Create a grid.
    int numberOfRows = 10;
    int numberOfColumns = 10;
    TrnGrid* grid = trn_grid_new(numberOfRows, numberOfColumns);

    // For now, the grid has only void cells.

    // Ok, in grid and void.
    TrnPiece piece0 = trn_piece_create(TRN_TETROMINO_I,0,0,TRN_ANGLE_0);
    CU_ASSERT_TRUE( trn_grid_can_set_cells_with_piece(grid, &piece0) )

    // Ok, still in grid (in the first row).
    TrnPiece piece1 = trn_piece_create(TRN_TETROMINO_I,-1,0,TRN_ANGLE_0);
    CU_ASSERT_TRUE( trn_grid_can_set_cells_with_piece(grid, &piece1) )

    // No more in grid.
    TrnPiece piece2 = trn_piece_create(TRN_TETROMINO_I,-2,0,TRN_ANGLE_0);
    CU_ASSERT_FALSE( trn_grid_can_set_cells_with_piece(grid, &piece2) )

    // Ok, in grid and void.
    TrnPiece piece3 = trn_piece_create(TRN_TETROMINO_I,5,0,TRN_ANGLE_90);
    CU_ASSERT_TRUE( trn_grid_can_set_cells_with_piece(grid, &piece3) )

    // Ok, still in grid (in the first column).
    TrnPiece piece4 = trn_piece_create(TRN_TETROMINO_I,5,-2,TRN_ANGLE_90);
    CU_ASSERT_TRUE( trn_grid_can_set_cells_with_piece(grid, &piece4) )

    // No more in grid.
    TrnPiece piece5 = trn_piece_create(TRN_TETROMINO_I,5,-3,TRN_ANGLE_90);
    CU_ASSERT_FALSE( trn_grid_can_set_cells_with_piece(grid, &piece5) )

    // Now, fill the last grid row with non-void tetrominos.
    TrnPositionInGrid pos;
    int columnIndex;
    pos.rowIndex = numberOfRows-1 ;
    for (columnIndex = 0 ; columnIndex < grid->numberOfColumns ; columnIndex++) {
        pos.columnIndex = columnIndex;
        trn_grid_set_cell(grid, pos, TRN_TETROMINO_I);

    // Ok, in grid and void.
    TrnPiece piece6 = trn_piece_create(TRN_TETROMINO_I,0,0,TRN_ANGLE_90);
    CU_ASSERT_TRUE( trn_grid_can_set_cells_with_piece(grid, &piece6) )

    // Still in grid and void, just above the non-void row.
    TrnPiece piece7 = trn_piece_create(TRN_TETROMINO_I,numberOfRows-5,0,TRN_ANGLE_90);
    CU_ASSERT_TRUE( trn_grid_can_set_cells_with_piece(grid, &piece7) )

    // In grid, but last cell of piece overlap a non-void cell of the grid.
    TrnPiece piece8 = trn_piece_create(TRN_TETROMINO_I,numberOfRows-4,0,TRN_ANGLE_90);
    CU_ASSERT_FALSE( trn_grid_can_set_cells_with_piece(grid, &piece8) )