Beispiel #1
bool QEpicsAcqLocal::setControlLine(const char* scan, int ctl_idx, const QString &varName, double first, double last, double increment)
	acqScan_t *scp;
	acqControl_t *ctlp;
	scp = lookup_acqScan(scan, master);
	if( scp == NULL)		// scan doesn't exist?
		return 0;

	ctlp = setupControlLine( scp, ctl_idx);

	tryCopy( &ctlp->controlPV, varName);
	trySet( &ctlp->startVal, first);
	trySet( &ctlp->deltaVal, increment);
	trySet( &ctlp->finalVal, last);

	return 0;
Beispiel #2
bool Lock::isSet()
    if( trySet( ))
        return false;
    return true;
Beispiel #3
/** (private to doBombs)
 * sets all the squares next to a bomb to triggered
 * WARNING: beware of wraparound! The board is only 256 blocks across,
 * so triggering -1,-1 will affect 256,256
static void detonate(Uint8 x, Uint8 y) {
	trySet(x-1, y-1); trySet(x  , y-1);                  trySet(x+1, y-1);
	trySet(x-1, y  ); level->field[x][y] = BT_TRIGGERED; trySet(x+1, y  );
	trySet(x-1, y+1); trySet(x  , y+1);                  trySet(x+1, y+1);