bool FLTranslator::loadTsContent(const QString &key) { QString tsFile(AQ_DISKCACHE_FILEPATH(key)); QString qmFile(AQ_DISKCACHE_DIRPATH + '/' + key + QString::fromLatin1(".qm")); FLTranslations trans; if (!QFile::exists(qmFile)) { if (tsFile.isEmpty()) return false; trans.lrelease(tsFile, qmFile, !multiLang_); } return QTranslator::load(qmFile); }
void Sintatico::Analisador::TransformaLexico(QString _filename) { QFile arquivo; arquivo.setFileName(_filename);; QTextStream tsFile(&arquivo); while(!tsFile.atEnd()){ QString line = tsFile.readLine(); //remove o nome do arquivo while(line[0]!=':'){ line.remove(0,1); } line.remove(0,1); //tranforma string em Stream QTextStream tsLine(&line,QIODevice::ReadOnly); //Contador de linhas int lineCount; //le o numero da linha tsLine>>lineCount; //remove caracteres de controle line.remove(0,2); line.replace(',',' '); line.replace('[',' '); line.replace(']',' '); //lê os tokens while(!tsLine.atEnd()){ //remove '[' Tokens temp; temp.linha = lineCount; tsLine>>temp.token_class; tsLine>>temp.value; if(!temp.value.isEmpty()){ this->valores_lexico.append(temp); // qDebug()<<temp.value<<" - "<<temp.token_class; } } } }
void Transforma(QFile &arquivo, QList<Tokens*> * tokens) { QTextStream tsFile(&arquivo); while(!tsFile.atEnd()){ QString line = tsFile.readLine(); //remove o nome do arquivo while(line[0]!=':'){ line.remove(0,1); } line.remove(0,1); //tranforma string em Stream QTextStream tsLine(&line,QIODevice::ReadOnly); //Contador de linhas int lineCount; //le o numero da linha tsLine>>lineCount; //remove caracteres de controle line.remove(0,2); line.replace(',',' '); line.replace('[',' '); line.replace(']',' '); //lê os tokens while(!tsLine.atEnd()){ //remove '[' Tokens * temp = new Tokens(); temp->linha = lineCount; tsLine>>temp->Classificacao; tsLine>>temp->token; if(!temp->token.isEmpty()){ tokens->append(temp); qDebug()<<temp->token<<" - "<<temp->Classificacao; } } } }
int main( int argc, char** argv ) { if ( argc != 3 ) { usage( argv[0] ); return 0; } QFileInfo const ts = QFileInfo( QString( argv[1] ) ); if ( !ts.exists() ) { usage( argv[0] ); return 1; } QFileInfo const po = QFileInfo( QString( argv[2] ) ); if ( !po.exists() ) { usage( argv[0] ); return 2; } QMap<QString,QString> translations; // Open the .po file and build a map of translations QFile poFile( po.absoluteFilePath() ); QFile::ReadOnly ); QTextStream poStream( &poFile ); poStream.setCodec( "UTF-8" ); poStream.setAutoDetectUnicode( true ); QString source; bool ignore = false; while( !poStream.atEnd() ) { QString line = poStream.readLine(); if ( line.startsWith( "#, fuzzy" ) ) { ignore = true; } else if ( line.startsWith( "msgid " ) ) { source = line.mid( 7, line.size() - 8 ); } else if ( !source.isEmpty() && line.startsWith( "msgstr " ) ) { if ( ignore ) { ignore = false; } else { QString translation = line.mid( 8, line.size() - 9 ); source.replace( "&", "&" ); translation.replace( "&", "&" ); source.replace( "<", "<" ); translation.replace( "<", "<" ); source.replace( ">", ">" ); translation.replace( ">", ">" ); if ( !translation.isEmpty() ) { translations[source] = translation; } } } } QTextStream console( stdout ); console.setCodec( "UTF-8" ); // Open the .ts file and replace source strings with translations // The modified .to file is dumped to stdout QFile tsFile( ts.absoluteFilePath() ); QFile::ReadOnly ); QTextStream tsStream( &tsFile ); tsStream.setCodec( "UTF-8" ); tsStream.setAutoDetectUnicode( true ); source = QString(); while( !tsStream.atEnd() ) { QString line = tsStream.readLine().trimmed(); if ( line.startsWith( "<source>" ) ) { source = line.mid( 8, line.size() - 17 ); console << line << "\n"; } else if ( !source.isEmpty() && line == "<translation type=\"unfinished\"></translation>" && translations.contains( source ) ) { console << "<translation>" << translations[source] << "</translation>\n"; } else if ( !source.isEmpty() && line == "<translation type=\"unfinished\"></translation>" ) { console << line << "\n"; } else { console << line << "\n"; } } return 0; }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { QTextStream error(stderr); QString errorMessage; char *infile, *outfile; QTextCodec *codec = QTextCodec::codecForName("utf-8"); bool quiet = false; /* Check for the correct number of input parameters. */ if (argc < 5 || argc > 8) print_usage_and_exit(); for (int i = 1; i < argc; i++) { QString arg(argv[i]); if (!"-q", Qt::CaseInsensitive)) quiet = true; else if (!"-i", Qt::CaseInsensitive) && ++i < argc) infile = argv[i]; else if (!"-o", Qt::CaseInsensitive) && ++i < argc) outfile = argv[i]; else if (!"-c", Qt::CaseInsensitive) && ++i < argc) { codec = QTextCodec::codecForName(argv[i]); if (!codec) { error << "Invalid text encoding specified\n"; return 1; } } else print_usage_and_exit(); } /* Open the input PO file for reading. */ QFile poFile(infile); if (! | QIODevice::Text)) { error << QString("Unable to open '%1' for reading: %2\n").arg(infile) .arg(poFile.errorString()); return 2; } QDomDocument ts; QTextStream po(&poFile); po.setCodec(codec); int n_strings = po2ts(&po, &ts, &errorMessage); if (n_strings < 0) { error << QString("Unable to convert '%1': %2\n").arg(infile) .arg(errorMessage); return 3; } /* Open the TS file for writing. */ QFile tsFile(outfile); if (! | QIODevice::Text)) { error << QString("Unable to open '%1' for writing: %2\n").arg(outfile) .arg(tsFile.errorString()); return 4; } /* Write the .ts output. */ QTextStream out(&tsFile); out.setCodec(codec); out << QString("<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"%1\"?>\n") .arg(QString(codec->name())); out << ts.toString(4); if (!quiet) { QTextStream results(stdout); results << QString("Converted %1 strings from %2 to %3.\n").arg(n_strings) .arg(infile) .arg(outfile); } return 0; }