bool WeakEquationElectronMomentumDDM::N_integrand(
  const FIELD_MATS &fields,
  const GRAD_FIELD_MATS &grad_fields,
  const Material * material,
  DENS_MAT &flux) const
  FIELD_MATS::const_iterator vField = fields.find(ELECTRON_VELOCITY);
  const DENS_MAT & velocity = vField->second;
  thermal_stress(fields, grad_fields, material, flux);
  material->electric_displacement(fields, grad_fields, _electricForce_);

  FIELD_MATS::const_iterator nField = fields.find(ELECTRON_DENSITY);
  const DENS_MAT & n = nField->second;

  CLON_VEC tsx(flux,CLONE_COL,0);
  CLON_VEC tsy(flux,CLONE_COL,1);
  CLON_VEC tsz(flux,CLONE_COL,2);
  tsx += n.mult_by_element(_electricForce_[0]);
  tsy += n.mult_by_element(_electricForce_[1]);
  tsz += n.mult_by_element(_electricForce_[2]);
  return true;
void WeakEquationElectronMomentumDDM::thermal_stress(const FIELD_MATS &fields,
                                                     const GRAD_FIELD_MATS &gradFields,
                                                     const Material * material,
                                                     DENS_MAT &flux) const
  GRAD_FIELD_MATS::const_iterator dtField = gradFields.find(ELECTRON_TEMPERATURE);
  const DENS_MAT_VEC & DTe = dtField->second;

  CLON_VEC tsx(flux,CLONE_COL,0);
  CLON_VEC tsy(flux,CLONE_COL,1);
  CLON_VEC tsz(flux,CLONE_COL,2);

  // ith velocity component has thermal stress of
  // d_i n * Cp * Te
  DENS_MAT nCp(DTe[0].nRows(),DTe[0].nCols());  
  nCp *= 2./3.;  // correction to capacity account for convection
  tsx += nCp.mult_by_element(DTe[0]);
  tsy += nCp.mult_by_element(DTe[1]);
  tsz += nCp.mult_by_element(DTe[2]);
  FIELD_MATS::const_iterator tField = fields.find(ELECTRON_TEMPERATURE);
  const DENS_MAT & Te = tField->second;
  for (int i = 0; i < nsd_; i++)
    _dnCp_[i] *= 2./3.; // correction to capacity account for convection
  tsx += Te.mult_by_element(_dnCp_[0]);
  tsy += Te.mult_by_element(_dnCp_[1]);
  tsz += Te.mult_by_element(_dnCp_[2]);
Beispiel #3
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