static void logfn(int severity, const char *msg) { logsev = severity; tt_want(msg); if (msg) { if (logmsg) free(logmsg); logmsg = strdup(msg); } }
void regress_dns_server_cb(struct evdns_server_request *req, void *data) { struct regress_dns_server_table *tab = data; const char *question; if (req->nquestions != 1) TT_DIE(("Only handling one question at a time; got %d", req->nquestions)); question = req->questions[0]->name; while (tab->q && evutil_ascii_strcasecmp(question, tab->q) && strcmp("*", tab->q)) ++tab; if (tab->q == NULL) TT_DIE(("Unexpected question: '%s'", question)); ++tab->seen; if (!strcmp(tab->anstype, "err")) { int err = atoi(tab->ans); tt_assert(! evdns_server_request_respond(req, err)); return; } else if (!strcmp(tab->anstype, "A")) { struct in_addr in; evutil_inet_pton(AF_INET, tab->ans, &in); evdns_server_request_add_a_reply(req, question, 1, &in.s_addr, 100); } else if (!strcmp(tab->anstype, "AAAA")) { struct in6_addr in6; evutil_inet_pton(AF_INET6, tab->ans, &in6); evdns_server_request_add_aaaa_reply(req, question, 1, &in6.s6_addr, 100); } else { TT_DIE(("Weird table entry with type '%s'", tab->anstype)); } tt_assert(! evdns_server_request_respond(req, 0)) return; end: tt_want(! evdns_server_request_drop(req)); }
/* First, let's see if strcmp is working. (All your test cases should be * functions declared to take a single void * as) an argument. */ void test_strcmp(void *data) { (void)data; /* This testcase takes no data. */ /* Let's make sure the empty string is equal to itself */ if (strcmp("","")) { /* This macro tells tinytest to stop the current test * and go straight to the "end" label. */ tt_abort_msg("The empty string was not equal to itself"); } /* Pretty often, calling tt_abort_msg to indicate failure is more heavy-weight than you want. Instead, just say: */ tt_assert(strcmp("testcase", "testcase") == 0); /* Occasionally, you don't want to stop the current testcase just because a single assertion has failed. In that case, use tt_want: */ tt_want(strcmp("tinytest", "testcase") > 0); /* You can use the tt_*_op family of macros to compare values and to fail unless they have the relationship you want. They produce more useful output than tt_assert, since they display the actual values of the failing things. Fail unless strcmp("abc, "abc") == 0 */ tt_int_op(strcmp("abc", "abc"), ==, 0); /* Fail unless strcmp("abc, "abcd") is less than 0 */ tt_int_op(strcmp("abc", "abcd"), < , 0); /* Incidentally, there's a test_str_op that uses strcmp internally. */ tt_str_op("abc", <, "abcd"); /* Every test-case function needs to finish with an "end:" label and (optionally) code to clean up local variables. */ end: ; }
void regress_dns_server_cb(struct evdns_server_request *req, void *data) { struct regress_dns_server_table *tab = data; const char *question; if (req->nquestions != 1) TT_DIE(("Only handling one question at a time; got %d", req->nquestions)); question = req->questions[0]->name; while (tab->q && ld_evutil_ascii_strcasecmp(question, tab->q) && strcmp("*", tab->q)) ++tab; if (tab->q == NULL) TT_DIE(("Unexpected question: '%s'", question)); ++tab->seen; if (!strcmp(tab->anstype, "err")) { int err = atoi(tab->ans); tt_assert(! evdns_server_request_respond(req, err)); return; } else if (!strcmp(tab->anstype, "errsoa")) { int err = atoi(tab->ans); char soa_record[] = "\x04" "dns1" "\x05" "icann" "\x03" "org" "\0" "\x0a" "hostmaster" "\x05" "icann" "\x03" "org" "\0" "\x77\xde\x5e\xba" /* serial */ "\x00\x00\x1c\x20" /* refreshtime = 2h */ "\x00\x00\x0e\x10" /* retry = 1h */ "\x00\x12\x75\x00" /* expiration = 14d */ "\x00\x00\x0e\x10" /* min.ttl = 1h */ ; evdns_server_request_add_reply( req, EVDNS_AUTHORITY_SECTION, "", EVDNS_TYPE_SOA, EVDNS_CLASS_INET, 42, sizeof(soa_record) - 1, 0, soa_record); tt_assert(! evdns_server_request_respond(req, err)); return; } else if (!strcmp(tab->anstype, "A")) { struct in_addr in; if (!ld_evutil_inet_pton(AF_INET, tab->ans, &in)) { TT_DIE(("Bad A value %s in table", tab->ans)); } evdns_server_request_add_a_reply(req, question, 1, &in.s_addr, 100); } else if (!strcmp(tab->anstype, "AAAA")) { struct in6_addr in6; if (!ld_evutil_inet_pton(AF_INET6, tab->ans, &in6)) { TT_DIE(("Bad AAAA value %s in table", tab->ans)); } evdns_server_request_add_aaaa_reply(req, question, 1, &in6.s6_addr, 100); } else { TT_DIE(("Weird table entry with type '%s'", tab->anstype)); } tt_assert(! evdns_server_request_respond(req, 0)) return; end: tt_want(! evdns_server_request_drop(req)); }
void test_bufferevent_zlib(void *arg) { struct bufferevent *bev1=NULL, *bev2=NULL; char buffer[8333]; z_stream z_input, z_output; int i, pair[2]={-1,-1}, r; (void)arg; infilter_calls = outfilter_calls = readcb_finished = writecb_finished = errorcb_invoked = 0; if (evutil_socketpair(AF_UNIX, SOCK_STREAM, 0, pair) == -1) { tt_abort_perror("socketpair"); } evutil_make_socket_nonblocking(pair[0]); evutil_make_socket_nonblocking(pair[1]); bev1 = bufferevent_socket_new(NULL, pair[0], 0); bev2 = bufferevent_socket_new(NULL, pair[1], 0); memset(&z_output, 0, sizeof(z_output)); r = deflateInit(&z_output, Z_DEFAULT_COMPRESSION); tt_int_op(r, ==, Z_OK); memset(&z_input, 0, sizeof(z_input)); r = inflateInit(&z_input); tt_int_op(r, ==, Z_OK); /* initialize filters */ bev1 = bufferevent_filter_new(bev1, NULL, zlib_output_filter, BEV_OPT_CLOSE_ON_FREE, zlib_deflate_free, &z_output); bev2 = bufferevent_filter_new(bev2, zlib_input_filter, NULL, BEV_OPT_CLOSE_ON_FREE, zlib_inflate_free, &z_input); bufferevent_setcb(bev1, readcb, writecb, errorcb, NULL); bufferevent_setcb(bev2, readcb, writecb, errorcb, NULL); bufferevent_disable(bev1, EV_READ); bufferevent_enable(bev1, EV_WRITE); bufferevent_enable(bev2, EV_READ); for (i = 0; i < (int)sizeof(buffer); i++) buffer[i] = i; /* break it up into multiple buffer chains */ bufferevent_write(bev1, buffer, 1800); bufferevent_write(bev1, buffer + 1800, sizeof(buffer) - 1800); /* we are done writing - we need to flush everything */ bufferevent_flush(bev1, EV_WRITE, BEV_FINISHED); event_dispatch(); tt_want(infilter_calls); tt_want(outfilter_calls); tt_want(readcb_finished); tt_want(writecb_finished); tt_want(!errorcb_invoked); test_ok = 1; end: if (bev1) bufferevent_free(bev1); if (bev2) bufferevent_free(bev2); if (pair[0] >= 0) evutil_closesocket(pair[0]); if (pair[1] >= 0) evutil_closesocket(pair[1]); }