Beispiel #1
void tui_display_window(int x, int y, int width, int height,
                        int foreground_color, int background_color,
                        const char *title, tui_area_t *backing_store)
    int i;

    if (backing_store != NULL) {
        /* 2 more chars on right, 1 more on bottom because of the "shadow".  */
        tui_area_get(backing_store, x, y, width + 2, height + 1);

    tui_make_shadow(x + 2, y + 1, width, height);

    tui_set_attr(foreground_color, background_color, 0);
    tui_put_char(x, y, 0xc9);
    tui_hline(x + 1, y, 0xcd, width - 2);
    tui_put_char(x + width - 1, y, 0xbb);
    tui_put_char(x, y + height - 1, 0xc8);
    tui_hline(x + 1, y + height - 1, 0xcd, width - 2);
    tui_put_char(x + width - 1, y + height - 1, 0xbc);
    for (i = 0; i < height - 2; i++) {
        tui_put_char(x, y + i + 1, 0xba);
        tui_hline(x + 1, y + i + 1, ' ', width - 2);
        tui_put_char(x + width - 1, y + i + 1, 0xba);

    if (!util_check_null_string(title)) {
        int title_x, title_length;

        title_length = strlen(title);
        title_x = x + (width - title_length - 4) / 2;
        tui_display(title_x, y, 0, "\x10 %s \x11", title);
Beispiel #2
static void file_selector_display_item(struct file_list *fl, int num, int first_item_num, int x, int y, int width, int height, int num_cols)
    y += (num - first_item_num) % height;
    x += ((num - first_item_num) / height) * width;

    if (num >= fl->num_used_items) {
        tui_hline(x, y, ' ', width);
    } else {
        int len = strlen(fl->items[num].name);

        /* XXX: Assumes `width' is > 5!  */
        if (len > width - 2) {
            char *name = alloca(width - 2 + 1);

            if (fl->items[num].type == FT_DIR) {
                memcpy(name, fl->items[num].name, width - 3);
                name[width - 4] = name[width - 5] = '.';
                name[width - 3] = '/';
            } else {
                memcpy(name, fl->items[num].name, width - 2);
                name[width - 3] = name[width - 4] = '.';
            name[width - 2] = '\0';
            tui_display(x, y, width, " %s ", name);
        } else {
            if (fl->items[num].type == FT_DIR) {
                tui_display(x, y, width, " %s/ ", fl->items[num].name);
            } else {
              tui_display(x, y, width, " %s ", fl->items[num].name);
Beispiel #3
void tui_clear_screen(void)
    int i;


    tui_set_attr(FIRST_LINE_FORE, FIRST_LINE_BACK, 0);

#ifndef UNSTABLE
    tui_display(0, 0, tui_num_cols(), "VICE version %s", VERSION);
    tui_display(0, 0, tui_num_cols(), "VICE version %s (unstable)", VERSION);

    for (i = 1; i < tui_num_lines() - 1; i++)
        tui_hline(0, i, BACKCHAR, tui_num_cols());
Beispiel #4
static void file_selector_display_path(const char *path, int x, int y, int width)
    int i, xx;

    tui_set_attr(MENU_BORDER, MENU_BACK, 0);
    tui_hline(x, y, 0xcd, width);

    tui_set_attr(MENU_FORE, MENU_BACK, 0);

    for (i = strlen(path) - 1, xx = MIN(x + width - 1, x + i); i >= 0 && xx >= x; i--, xx--) {
        char c;

        /* Display ellipsis on the left if longer than the line.  */
        if (xx <= x + 1 && i > 1) {
            c = '.';
        } else {
            c = path[i] == '/' ? '\\' : path[i];
        tui_put_char(xx, y, c);
Beispiel #5
static void print_configuration (void)
    char tmp[256];
    int y = 5;
    int i;

    tui_clrwin (0);

    tui_drawbox (0);
    tui_hline (2, 3, tui_cols () - 1);
    sprintf (tmp, "UAE %d.%d.%d: The Un*x Amiga Emulator", UAEMAJOR, UAEMINOR, UAESUBREV);
    tui_gotoxy ((tui_cols () - strlen(tmp))/2, 2); tui_puts (tmp);
    strcpy(tmp, "Press RETURN/ENTER to run UAE, ESC to exit");
    tui_gotoxy ((tui_cols () - strlen(tmp))/2, tui_lines ()); tui_puts (tmp);

    tui_gotoxy (OPTION_COLUMN, y++); sprintf (tmp, "Disk file DF0: %s", trimfilename (currprefs.df[0], tui_cols () - 20)); tui_puts (tmp);
    tui_gotoxy (OPTION_COLUMN, y++); sprintf (tmp, "Disk file DF1: %s", trimfilename (currprefs.df[1], tui_cols () - 20)); tui_puts (tmp);
    tui_gotoxy (OPTION_COLUMN, y++); sprintf (tmp, "Disk file DF2: %s", trimfilename (currprefs.df[2], tui_cols () - 20)); tui_puts (tmp);
    tui_gotoxy (OPTION_COLUMN, y++); sprintf (tmp, "Disk file DF3: %s", trimfilename (currprefs.df[3], tui_cols () - 20)); tui_puts (tmp);
    tui_gotoxy (OPTION_COLUMN, y++);
    sprintf (tmp, "VIDEO: %d:%d%s %s", currprefs.gfx_width, currprefs.gfx_height,
	     currprefs.gfx_lores_mode ? " (lores)" : "", "" /*colormodes[currprefs.color_mode]*/);
    tui_puts (tmp);

    tui_gotoxy (OPTION_COLUMN+7, y++);
    if (currprefs.gfx_vresolution)
	tui_puts ("Doubling lines, ");
/*    if (currprefs.gfx_correct_aspect)
	tui_puts ("Aspect corrected");
	tui_puts ("Not aspect corrected");*/
    tui_gotoxy (OPTION_COLUMN+7, y++);
    if (currprefs.gfx_xcenter)
	tui_puts ("X centered");
    if (currprefs.gfx_xcenter == 2)
	tui_puts (" (clever)");
    if (currprefs.gfx_ycenter && currprefs.gfx_xcenter)
	tui_puts (", ");
    if (currprefs.gfx_ycenter)
	tui_puts ("Y centered ");
    if (currprefs.gfx_ycenter == 2)
	tui_puts (" (clever)");
    tui_gotoxy (OPTION_COLUMN+7, y++);
    tui_puts ("drawing every ");
    switch (currprefs.gfx_framerate) {
     case 1: break;
     case 2: tui_puts ("2nd "); break;
     case 3: tui_puts ("3rd "); break;
     default: sprintf (tmp, "%dth ",currprefs.gfx_framerate); tui_puts (tmp); break;
    tui_puts ("frame.    ");

    tui_gotoxy (OPTION_COLUMN+7, y++);
    if (currprefs.gfxmem_size) {
	sprintf (tmp, "Picasso 96 %d MB", currprefs.gfxmem_size / 0x100000);
    } else
	tui_puts ("Picasso 96 Off");

    tui_gotoxy (OPTION_COLUMN, y++);
    tui_puts ("CPU: ");
    switch (currprefs.cpu_level) {
     case 0: tui_puts ("68000"); break;
     case 1: tui_puts ("68010"); break;
     case 2: tui_puts ("68020"); break;
     case 3: tui_puts ("68020/68881"); break;
    if (currprefs.address_space_24 && currprefs.cpu_level > 1)
	tui_puts (" (24 bit addressing)");
    if (currprefs.cpu_compatible)
	tui_puts (" (slow but compatible)");
    tui_gotoxy (OPTION_COLUMN, y++);
    sprintf (tmp, "MEMORY: %4dK chip; %4dK fast; %4dK slow",
    tui_puts (tmp);

    tui_gotoxy (OPTION_COLUMN, y++);
    sprintf (tmp, "ROM IMAGE: %s", trimfilename (currprefs.romfile, tui_cols () - 50));
    tui_puts (tmp);
    tui_gotoxy (OPTION_COLUMN, y++);
    if (!sound_available)
	tui_puts ("SOUND: Not available");
    else {
	switch (currprefs.produce_sound) {
	 case 0: tui_puts ("SOUND: 0 (Off)"); break;
	 case 1: tui_puts ("SOUND: 1 (Off, but emulated)"); break;
	 case 2: tui_puts ("SOUND: 2 (On)"); break;
	 case 3: tui_puts ("SOUND: 3 (On, emulated perfectly)"); break;
	tui_gotoxy (OPTION_COLUMN + 7, y++);
	sprintf (tmp, "%d bits at %d Hz", currprefs.sound_bits, currprefs.sound_freq);
	tui_puts (tmp);
	tui_gotoxy (OPTION_COLUMN + 7, y++);
	sprintf (tmp, "Maximum buffer size %d bytes", currprefs.sound_maxbsiz);
	tui_puts (tmp);

    tui_gotoxy (OPTION_COLUMN,y++);
    tui_puts ("GAME PORT 1: "); tui_puts (gameport_state (0));
    tui_gotoxy (OPTION_COLUMN,y++);
    tui_puts ("GAME PORT 2: "); tui_puts (gameport_state (1));

    for (i = 0;; i++) {
	char buf[256];

	tui_gotoxy (OPTION_COLUMN+1,y++);
	if (sprintf_filesys_unit (currprefs.mountinfo, buf, i) == -1)
	tui_puts (buf);