Beispiel #1
static int
gettoken(struct snmp_toolinfo *tool)
	int c;
	struct enum_type *t;

	if (saved_token != -1) {
		c = saved_token;
		saved_token = -1;
		return (c);

	 * Skip any whitespace before the next token
	while ((c = tgetc()) != EOF) {
		if (c == '\n')
		if (!isspace(c))
	if (c == EOF)
		return (TOK_EOF);

	if (!isascii(c)) {
		warnx("unexpected character %#2x", (u_int)c);
		return (TOK_ERR);

	 * Skip comments
	if (c == '#') {
		while ((c = tgetc()) != EOF) {
			if (c == '\n') {
				goto again;
		warnx("unexpected EOF in comment");
		return (TOK_ERR);

	 * Single character tokens
	if (strchr("():|", c) != NULL)
		return (c);

	if (c == '"' || c == '<') {
		int end = c;
		size_t n = 0;

		val = 1;
		if (c == '<') {
			val = 0;
			end = '>';

		while ((c = tgetc()) != EOF) {
			if (c == end)
			if (n == sizeof(nexttok) - 1) {
				nexttok[n++] = '\0';
				warnx("filename too long '%s...'", nexttok);
				return (TOK_ERR);
			nexttok[n++] = c;
		nexttok[n++] = '\0';
		return (TOK_FILENAME);

	 * Sort out numbers
	if (isdigit(c)) {
		size_t n = 0;
		nexttok[n++] = c;
		while ((c = tgetc()) != EOF) {
			if (!isdigit(c)) {
				if (tungetc(c) < 0)
					return (TOK_ERR);
			if (n == sizeof(nexttok) - 1) {
				nexttok[n++] = '\0';
				warnx("number too long '%s...'", nexttok);
				return (TOK_ERR);
			nexttok[n++] = c;
		nexttok[n++] = '\0';
		sscanf(nexttok, "%lu", &val);
		return (TOK_NUM);

	 * So that has to be a string.
	if (isalpha(c) || c == '_' || c == '-') {
		size_t n = 0;
		nexttok[n++] = c;
		while ((c = tgetc()) != EOF) {
			if (!isalnum(c) && c != '_' && c != '-') {
				if (tungetc (c) < 0)
					return (TOK_ERR);
			if (n == sizeof(nexttok) - 1) {
				nexttok[n++] = '\0';
				warnx("string too long '%s...'", nexttok);
				return (TOK_ERR);
			nexttok[n++] = c;
		nexttok[n++] = '\0';

		 * Keywords
		for (c = 0; keywords[c].str != NULL; c++)
			if (strcmp(keywords[c].str, nexttok) == 0) {
				val = keywords[c].val;
				return (keywords[c].tok);

		if ((t = snmp_enumtc_lookup(tool, nexttok)) != NULL) {
			val = t->syntax;
			return (TOK_DEFTYPE);

		return (TOK_STR);

	if (isprint(c))
		warnx("%u: unexpected character '%c'", input->lno, c);
		warnx("%u: unexpected character 0x%02x", input->lno, (u_int)c);

	return (TOK_ERR);
Beispiel #2
// Display a pop-up window and page it for the user.  If altmodeline is true, display buffer name and filename (only) on bottom
// mode line.  If endprompt is true, wait for user to press a key before returning (regardless of page size).  Current bindings
// (if any) for backPage, forwPage, backLine, and forwLine commands are recognized as well as 'b' (backward page), 'f' or space
// (forward page), 'u' (backward half page), 'd' (forward half page), 'g' (goto first page), 'G' (goto last page), ESC or 'q'
// (exit), and '?' (help).  Any non-navigation key gets pushed back into the input stream to be interpeted later as a command. 
// Return status.
int bpop(Buffer *bufp,bool altmodeline,bool endprompt) {
	Line *lnp1,*lnp,*lpmax;
	int crow;		// Current screen row number.
	int disprows;		// Total number of display rows.
	int halfpage;		// Rows in a half page.
	int n;			// Rows to move.
	ushort ek;		// Input extended key.
	char *strp,*strpz;	// Line text pointers.
	char *hprompt = NULL;	// Help prompt;
	bool firstpass = true;

	// Display special mode line if requested.
	if(altmodeline) {

		// Find last window on screen and rewrite its mode line.

	// Set up and display a pop-up "window".
	disprows = term.t_nrow - 2;

	// Check if buffer will fit on one page and if not, set lpmax to first line of last page.
	lpmax = NULL;
	n = 0;
	for(lnp = lforw(bufp->b_hdrlnp); lnp != bufp->b_hdrlnp; lnp = lforw(lnp)) {
		if(++n > disprows) {

			// Find beginning of last page.
			lpmax = bufp->b_hdrlnp;
			n = disprows;
			do {
				lpmax = lback(lpmax);
				} while(--n > 0);

	// Begin at the beginning.
	lnp1 = lforw(bufp->b_hdrlnp);
	halfpage = disprows / 2;
	n = 0;

	// Display a page (beginning at line lnp1 + n) and prompt for a naviagtion command.  Loop until exit key entered or
	// endprompt is false and buffer fits on one page (lpmax is NULL).
	for(;;) {
		lnp = lnp1;

		// Moving backward?
		if(n < 0) {
			do {
				// At beginning of buffer?
				if(lpmax == NULL || lnp1 == lforw(bufp->b_hdrlnp))

				// No, back up one line.
				lnp1 = lback(lnp1);
				} while(++n < 0);

		// Moving forward?
		else if(n > 0) {
			do {
				// At end of buffer or max line?
				if(lpmax == NULL || lnp1 == bufp->b_hdrlnp || lnp1 == lpmax)

				// No, move forward one line.
				lnp1 = lforw(lnp1);
				} while(--n > 0);

		// Illegal command?
		if(n != 0 && lnp1 == lnp)

			// Yes, ignore it.
			n = 0;
		else {
			// Found first row ... display page.
			lnp = lnp1;
			crow = 0;
			do {
				// At end of buffer?
				if(lnp == bufp->b_hdrlnp) {

					// Yes, erase remaining lines on physical screen.
					while(crow < disprows) {
						vscreen[crow]->v_rfcolor = gfcolor;
						vscreen[crow]->v_rbcolor = gbcolor;
						vscreen[crow]->v_left = FARRIGHT;
						vscreen[crow]->v_right = 0;
						vscreen[crow++]->v_flags |= VFCHGD | VFCOLOR;
						vscreen[crow++]->v_flags |= VFCHGD;

				// Update the virtual screen image for this line.  Characters past right edge of screen won't be
				// displayed, so ignore those.
				strpz = (strp = ltext(lnp)) + (lused(lnp) <= (int) term.t_ncol ? lused(lnp) : term.t_ncol);
				while(strp < strpz)
				vscreen[crow]->v_rfcolor = gfcolor;
				vscreen[crow]->v_rbcolor = gbcolor;
				vscreen[crow]->v_left = FARRIGHT;
				vscreen[crow]->v_right = 0;
				vscreen[crow++]->v_flags |= VFCHGD | VFCOLOR;
				vscreen[crow++]->v_flags |= VFCHGD;
				// On to the next line.
				lnp = lforw(lnp);
				} while(crow < disprows);

			// Screen is full.  Copy the virtual screen to the physical screen.
			if(pupd_all(false) != SUCCESS)
				return rc.status;

			// Bail out if called from terminp() and one-page buffer.
			if(firstpass && !endprompt && lpmax == NULL)
				goto uexit;
			firstpass = false;

		// Display prompt.
		mlputs(MLHOME | MLFORCE,hprompt != NULL ? hprompt : lpmax == NULL || lnp1 == lpmax ? text201 : ": ");
													// "End: "
		if(TTflush() != SUCCESS)
			return rc.status;

		// Get response.
		for(;;) {
			// Get a keystroke and decode it.
			if(getkey(&ek) != SUCCESS)
				return rc.status;

			// Exit?
			if(ek == (CTRL | '[') || ek == 'q')
				goto uexit;

			// Forward whole page?
			if(ek == ' ' || ek == 'f' || iscmd(ek,forwPage)) {
				n = disprows - overlap;

			// Forward half page?
			if(ek == 'd') {
				n = halfpage;

			// Backward whole page?
			if(ek == 'b' || iscmd(ek,backPage)) {
				n = overlap - disprows;

			// Backward half page?
			if(ek == 'u') {
				n = -halfpage;

			// Forward a line?
			if(iscmd(ek,forwLine)) {
				n = 1;

			// Backward a line?
			if(iscmd(ek,backLine)) {
				n = -1;

			// First page?
			if(ek == 'g') {
				if(lpmax == NULL || lnp1 == lforw(bufp->b_hdrlnp))
					n = -1;			// Force beep.
				else {
					lnp1 = lforw(bufp->b_hdrlnp);
					n = 0;

			// Last page?
			if(ek == 'G') {
				if(lpmax == NULL || lnp1 == lpmax)
					n = 1;			// Force beep.
				else {
					lnp1 = lpmax;
					n = 0;

			// Help?
			if(ek == '?') {
				StrList msg;

				// Get string list...
				if(vopen(&msg,NULL,false) != 0)
					return vrcset();

				// build prompt...
				if(vputs(text202,&msg) != 0)
						// "(<SPC>,f"
					return vrcset();
				if(hkey(&msg,forwPage,0) != SUCCESS)
					return rc.status;
				if(vputs(text203,&msg) != 0)
						// ") +page (b"
					return vrcset();
				if(hkey(&msg,backPage,0) != SUCCESS)
					return rc.status;
				if(vputs(text204,&msg) != 0)
						// ") -page (d) +half (u) -half"
					return vrcset();
				if(hkey(&msg,forwLine,'+') != SUCCESS || hkey(&msg,backLine,'-') != SUCCESS)
					return rc.status;
				if(vputs(text206,&msg) != 0)
						// " (g) first (G) last (ESC,q) quit (?) help: "
					return vrcset();

				// and display it.
				if(vclose(&msg) != 0)
					return vrcset();
				mlputs(MLHOME | MLFORCE,msg.sl_vp->v_strp);
			else {
				// Other key.  "Unget" the key for reprocessing and return.
				goto uexit;

	return rc.status;