Scrn *titlescrnnew(Gfx *g){ static Tit t = {0}; static Scrn s = {0}; t.title = resrcacq(imgs, "img/title.png", 0); if(!t.title) return NULL; Txtinfo ti = { TxtSzMedium }; t.f = resrcacq(txt, TxtStyleMenu, &ti); if(!t.f) return NULL; ti.size = TxtSzSmall; Txt *f = resrcacq(txt, TxtStyleMenu, &ti); if(!f) return NULL; t.copy = txt2img(g, f, "Copyright 2011 Steve McCoy and Ethan Burns"); if(!t.copy) return NULL; t.titlepos = (Point){ gfxdims(g).x / 2 - imgdims(t.title).x / 2, 0 }; Point sd = txtdims(t.f, "Press 'x' to Start a new game"); t.startpos = (Point){ gfxdims(g).x / 2 - sd.x / 2, t.titlepos.y + imgdims(t.title).y }; Point ld = txtdims(t.f, "Press 'x' to Load the saved game"); t.loadpos = (Point){ gfxdims(g).x / 2 - ld.x / 2, t.startpos.y + sd.y + 16 }; Point od = txtdims(t.f, "Press 'x' for Options"); t.optspos = (Point){ gfxdims(g).x / 2 - od.x / 2, t.loadpos.y + ld.y + 16 }; t.copypos = (Point){ gfxdims(g).x / 2 - imgdims(t.copy).x / 2, gfxdims(g).y - imgdims(t.copy).y - 8 }; = &titmt; = &t; return &s; }
static void draw(Scrn *s, Gfx *g){ extern char *statname[]; Statup *sup = s->data; gfxclear(g, (Color){ 127, 200, 255 }); enum { Bufsz = 256 }; char buf[Bufsz]; int mh = TxtSzMedium/2; int Pad = 4; Point sloc = { Pad, Pad }; for(int i = StatHp; i < StatMax; i++){ Meter meter = { .base = sup->p->stats[i], .extra = sup->p->eqp[i], .max = statmax[i], .xscale = 2, .h = mh, .cbg = {0x65, 0x65, 0x65}, .cbase = {0x1E, 0x94, 0x22}, .cextra = {0x1B, 0xAF, 0xE0}, .cborder = {} }; Point mloc = { sloc.x + mh*2, sloc.y }; Rect ma = meterarea(&meter, mloc); if(rectcontains(ma, sup->mouse)) meter.cbg = (Color){ 255, 219, 0 }; txtdraw(g, sup->txt, sloc, statname[i]); meterdraw(g, &meter, mloc); if(rectcontains(ma, sup->mouse) && sup->inc && sup->p->stats[i] < statmax[i]){ if(i == StatHp){ sup->p->stats[i] += 5; sup->p->curhp += 5; }else sup->p->stats[i]++; sup->norbs--; sup->uorbs++; sup->inc = 0; } sloc = vecadd(sloc, (Point){0, mh + Pad}); } snprintf(buf, Bufsz, "Orbs: %d", sup->norbs); Point o = txtdims(sup->txt, buf); txtdraw(g, sup->txt, (Point){ Scrnw - o.x, 1 }, buf); gfxflip(g); } static void handle(Scrn *s, Scrnstk *stk, Event *e){ Statup *sup = s->data; if(e->type == Mousemv){ sup->mouse = projpt((Point){ e->x, e->y }); sup->inc = 0; return; } if(e->type == Mousebt && sup->uorbs == 0){ if(sup->norbs == 0) return; sup->mouse = projpt((Point){ e->x, e->y }); sup->inc = 1; return; } if(e->type != Keychng || e->repeat) return; if(e->down && e->key == kmap[Mvinv]){ Player *p = sup->p; int u = 0; for(Invit *i = p->inv; i != p->inv + Maxinv && u < sup->uorbs; i++){ if(i->id == ItemStatup){ i->id = 0; sup->norbs--; u++; } } gamesave(sup->g); scrnstkpop(stk); return; } }