Beispiel #1
static String typeString(const CXType &type)
    const char *builtIn = builtinTypeName(type.kind);
    if (builtIn)
        return builtIn;

    if (char pointer = (type.kind == CXType_Pointer ? '*' : (type.kind == CXType_LValueReference ? '&' : 0))) {
        const CXType pointee = clang_getPointeeType(type);
        String ret = typeString(pointee);
        if (ret.endsWith('*') || ret.endsWith('&')) {
            ret += pointer;
        } else {
            ret += ' ';
            ret += pointer;
        return ret;

    if (type.kind == CXType_ConstantArray) {
        String arrayType = typeString(clang_getArrayElementType(type));
        const long long count = clang_getNumElements(type);
        arrayType += '[';
        if (count >= 0)
            arrayType += String::number(count);
        arrayType += ']';
        return arrayType;
    String ret = IndexerJob::typeName(clang_getTypeDeclaration(type));
    if (ret.endsWith(' '))
    return ret;
Beispiel #2
QString QReportBand::header() const
    if(objectName() == "")
        return typeString();
        return typeString() + " - " + objectName();
Beispiel #3
String IndexerJob::typeName(const CXCursor &cursor)
    String ret;
    switch (clang_getCursorKind(cursor)) {
    case CXCursor_FunctionTemplate:
        // ### If the return value is a template type we get an empty string here
    case CXCursor_FunctionDecl:
    case CXCursor_CXXMethod:
        ret = typeString(clang_getResultType(clang_getCursorType(cursor)));
    case CXCursor_ClassTemplate:
    case CXCursor_ClassDecl:
    case CXCursor_StructDecl:
    case CXCursor_UnionDecl:
        ret = RTags::eatString(clang_getCursorSpelling(cursor));
    case CXCursor_FieldDecl:
        // ### If the return value is a template type we get an empty string here
    case CXCursor_VarDecl:
    case CXCursor_ParmDecl:
        ret = typeString(clang_getCursorType(cursor));
        return String();
    if (!ret.isEmpty() && !ret.endsWith('*') && !ret.endsWith('&'))
        ret.append(' ');
    return ret;
Beispiel #4
void KviWindow::savePropertiesAsDefault()
	QString szGroup;

	// save also the settings for THIS specialized window
	if(!KviQString::equalCI(szGroup, typeString()))
		g_pMainWindow->saveWindowProperties(this, szGroup);

	g_pMainWindow->saveWindowProperties(this, typeString());
Beispiel #5
void Interpreter::outputTokenData(const std::string & instruction)
    const Instruction & i = Lexer::tokenize(instruction, machine);
    std::cout << (i.label.isNull() ? "" : typeString(i.label.type) + " ")
              << typeString(i.opcode.type) << " "
              << (i.operand1.isPointer ? "@" : "") + typeString(i.operand1.type) << " "
              << (i.operand2.isPointer ? "@" : "") + typeString(i.operand2.type) << std::endl
              << (i.label.isNull() ? "" : valueString(i.label) + " ")
              << valueString(i.opcode) << " "
              << valueString(i.operand1) << " "
              << valueString(i.operand2) << std::endl;
Beispiel #6
  void runTest() {
    try {
      parser_.parse(0, input_);
    } catch (falcon::Exception& e) {
      setErrorMessage("parsing error: " + e.getErrorMessage());
      setSuccess(e.getCode() == errorCodeExpected_);

    falcon::JsonVal* dom = parser_.getDom();
    if (!dom) {
      if (key_ == "") {
        if (errorCodeExpected_ != 0) {
          setErrorMessage("wrong error code");
        setSuccess(errorCodeExpected_ == 0);
      } else {
        setErrorMessage("parsing error: not a valide JSon");
        setSuccess(errorCodeExpected_ == EINVAL);

    falcon::JsonVal* obj = (falcon::JsonVal*)dom->getObject(key_);
    if (!obj) {
      if (key_ == "") {
        if (errorCodeExpected_ != 0) {
          setErrorMessage("wrong error code");
        setSuccess(errorCodeExpected_ == 0);
      } else {
        setErrorMessage("object not found: " + key_);

    if (obj->_type != type_) {
      setErrorMessage("object type error: expected(" + typeString(type_)
                      + ") found(" + typeString(obj->_type) + ")");

    if (obj->_data == data_) {
      setSuccess(errorCodeExpected_ == 0);
    } else {
      setErrorMessage("object do not have the same value: expected("
                      + data_ + ") found(" + obj->_data + ")");
Beispiel #7
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Returns the property value as a bool.
// If [warn_wrong_type] is true, a warning message is written to the log if the
// property is not of boolean type
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
bool Property::boolValue(bool warn_wrong_type) const
	// If this is a flag, just return boolean 'true' (or equivalent)
	if (type_ == Type::Flag)
		return true;

	// If the value is undefined, default to false
	if (!has_value_)
		return false;

	// Write warning to log if needed
	if (warn_wrong_type && type_ != Type::Boolean)
		Log::warning("Requested Boolean value of a {} Property", typeString());

	// Return value (convert if needed)
	if (type_ == Type::Boolean)
		return value_.Boolean;
	else if (type_ == Type::Int)
		return !!value_.Integer;
	else if (type_ == Type::UInt)
		return !!value_.Unsigned;
	else if (type_ == Type::Float)
		return !!((int)value_.Floating);
	else if (type_ == Type::String)
		// Anything except "0", "no" or "false" is considered true
		return !(val_string_ == '0' || StrUtil::equalCI(val_string_, "no") || StrUtil::equalCI(val_string_, "false"));

	// Return default boolean value
	return true;
void XMLModelDefinitionSerializer::readActivations(TiXmlElement* activationsNode, ActionDefinition* action)
	const char* tmp = 0;

	for (TiXmlElement* activationElem = activationsNode->FirstChildElement();
            activationElem != 0; activationElem = activationElem->NextSiblingElement())
		tmp = activationElem->Attribute("type");
		if (tmp)
			std::string typeString(tmp);

			ActivationDefinition::Type type;
			if (typeString == "movement") {
				type = ActivationDefinition::MOVEMENT;
			} else if (typeString == "action") {
				type = ActivationDefinition::ACTION;
			} else if (typeString == "task") {
				type = ActivationDefinition::TASK;
			} else {
				S_LOG_WARNING("No recognized activation type: " << typeString);
			std::string trigger = activationElem->GetText();
			action->createActivationDefinition(type, trigger);
			S_LOG_VERBOSE( "  Add activation: " << typeString << " : " << trigger);
Beispiel #9
nsWindowMediator::MostRecentWindowInfo(const PRUnichar* inType)
  PRInt32       lastTimeStamp = -1;
  nsAutoString  typeString(inType);
  PRBool        allWindows = !inType || typeString.IsEmpty();

  // Find the most window with the highest time stamp that matches
  // the requested type
  nsWindowInfo *searchInfo,
               *foundInfo = nsnull;

  searchInfo = mOldestWindow;
  listEnd = nsnull;
  while (searchInfo != listEnd) {
    if ((allWindows || searchInfo->TypeEquals(typeString)) &&
        searchInfo->mTimeStamp >= lastTimeStamp) {

      foundInfo = searchInfo;
      lastTimeStamp = searchInfo->mTimeStamp;
    searchInfo = searchInfo->mYounger;
    listEnd = mOldestWindow;
  return foundInfo;
Beispiel #10
// metadata section starts at offset 0x40 and ends around 0xb0 depending on filenamelength
static SymbolsMetadata parseMetadata(RBuffer *buf, int off) {
	SymbolsMetadata sm = { 0 };
	ut8 b[0x100] = { 0 };
	(void)r_buf_read_at (buf, off, b, sizeof (b));
	sm.addr = off;
	sm.cputype = r_read_le32 (b);
	sm.arch = typeString (sm.cputype, &sm.bits);
	//  eprintf ("0x%08x  cputype  0x%x -> %s\n", 0x40, sm.cputype, typeString (sm.cputype));
	// bits = (strstr (typeString (sm.cputype, &sm.bits), "64"))? 64: 32;
	sm.subtype = r_read_le32 (b + 4);
	sm.cpu = subtypeString (sm.subtype);
	//  eprintf ("0x%08x  subtype  0x%x -> %s\n", 0x44, sm.subtype, subtypeString (sm.subtype));
	sm.n_segments = r_read_le32 (b + 8);
	// int count = r_read_le32 (b + 0x48);
	sm.namelen = r_read_le32 (b + 0xc);
	// eprintf ("0x%08x  count    %d\n", 0x48, count);
	// eprintf ("0x%08x  strlen   %d\n", 0x4c, sm.namelen);
	// eprintf ("0x%08x  filename %s\n", 0x50, b + 16);
	int delta = 16;
	sm.segments = parseSegments (buf, off + sm.namelen + delta, sm.n_segments);
	sm.size = (sm.n_segments * 32) + 120;

	// hack to detect format
	ut32 nm, nm2, nm3;
	r_buf_read_at (buf, off + sm.size, (ut8*)&nm, sizeof (nm));
	r_buf_read_at (buf, off + sm.size + 4, (ut8*)&nm2, sizeof (nm2));
	r_buf_read_at (buf, off + sm.size + 8, (ut8*)&nm3, sizeof (nm3));
	// eprintf ("0x%x next %x %x %x\n", off + sm.size, nm, nm2, nm3);
	if (r_read_le32 (&nm3) != 0xa1b22b1a) {
		sm.size -= 8;
		//		is64 = true;
	return sm;
Beispiel #11

	if (XlfExcel::Instance().IsCalledByFuncWiz())
		return XlfOper(true);

XlfOper input(

 double t = (clock()+0.0)/CLOCKS_PER_SEC;
std::string result(
  t = (clock()+0.0)/CLOCKS_PER_SEC-t;
CellMatrix resultCells(result);
CellMatrix time(1,2);
time(0,0) = "time taken";
time(0,1) = t;
return XlfOper(resultCells);
Beispiel #12
/* Property::getUnsignedValue
 * Returns the property value as an unsigned int. If [warn_wrong_type]
 * is true, a warning message is written to the log if the property is
 * not of integer type
unsigned Property::getUnsignedValue(bool warn_wrong_type) {
	// If this is a flag, just return boolean 'true' (or equivalent)
	if (type == PROP_FLAG)
		return 1;

	// If the value is undefined, default to 0
	if (!has_value)
		return 0;

	// Write warning to log if needed
	if (warn_wrong_type && type != PROP_INT)
		wxLogMessage("Warning: Requested Integer value of a %s Property", typeString().c_str());

	// Return value (convert if needed)
	if (type == PROP_INT)
		return value.Integer;
	else if (type == PROP_BOOL)
		return (int)value.Boolean;
	else if (type == PROP_FLOAT)
		return (int)value.Floating;
	else if (type == PROP_STRING)
		return atoi(CHR(val_string));
	else if (type == PROP_UINT)
		return value.Unsigned;

	// Return default integer value
	return 0;
Beispiel #13
/* Property::getStringValue
 * Returns the property value as a string. If [warn_wrong_type] is
 * true, a warning message is written to the log if the property is
 * not of string type
string Property::getStringValue(bool warn_wrong_type) {
	// If this is a flag, just return boolean 'true' (or equivalent)
	if (type == PROP_FLAG)
		return "1";

	// If the value is undefined, default to null
	if (!has_value)
		return "";

	// Write warning to log if needed
	if (warn_wrong_type && type != PROP_STRING)
		wxLogMessage("Warning: Requested String value of a %s Property", typeString().c_str());

	// Return value (convert if needed)
	if (type == PROP_STRING)
		return val_string;
	else if (type == PROP_INT)
		return S_FMT("%d", value.Integer);
	else if (type == PROP_BOOL) {
		if (value.Boolean)
			return "true";
			return "false";
	else if (type == PROP_FLOAT)
		return S_FMT("%f", value.Floating);

	// Return default string value
	return wxEmptyString;
Beispiel #14
/* Property::getBoolValue
 * Returns the property value as a bool. If [warn_wrong_type] is
 * true, a warning message is written to the log if the property is
 * not of boolean type
bool Property::getBoolValue(bool warn_wrong_type) {
	// If this is a flag, just return boolean 'true' (or equivalent)
	if (type == PROP_FLAG)
		return true;

	// If the value is undefined, default to false
	if (!has_value)
		return false;

	// Write warning to log if needed
	if (warn_wrong_type && type != PROP_BOOL)
		wxLogMessage("Warning: Requested Boolean value of a %s Property", typeString().c_str());

	// Return value (convert if needed)
	if (type == PROP_BOOL)
		return value.Boolean;
	else if (type == PROP_INT)
		return !!value.Integer;
	else if (type == PROP_FLOAT)
		return !!((int)value.Floating);
	else if (type == PROP_STRING) {
		// Anything except "0", "no" or "false" is considered true
		if (!val_string.Cmp("0") || !val_string.CmpNoCase("no") || !val_string.CmpNoCase("false"))
			return false;
			return true;

	// Return default boolean value
	return true;
Beispiel #15
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Returns the property value as an unsigned int.
// If [warn_wrong_type] is true, a warning message is written to the log if the
// property is not of integer type
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
unsigned Property::unsignedValue(bool warn_wrong_type) const
	// If this is a flag, just return boolean 'true' (or equivalent)
	if (type_ == Type::Flag)
		return 1;

	// If the value is undefined, default to 0
	if (!has_value_)
		return 0;

	// Write warning to log if needed
	if (warn_wrong_type && type_ != Type::Int)
		Log::warning("Requested Integer value of a {} Property", typeString());

	// Return value (convert if needed)
	if (type_ == Type::Int)
		return value_.Integer;
	else if (type_ == Type::Boolean)
		return (int)value_.Boolean;
	else if (type_ == Type::Float)
		return (int)value_.Floating;
	else if (type_ == Type::String)
		return StrUtil::asUInt(val_string_);
	else if (type_ == Type::UInt)
		return value_.Unsigned;

	// Return default integer value
	return 0;
Beispiel #16
  Tag* Presence::tag() const
    if( m_subtype == Invalid )
      return 0;

    Tag* t = new Tag( "presence" );
    if( m_to )
      t->addAttribute( "to", m_to.full() );
    if( m_from )
      t->addAttribute( "from", m_from.full() );

    const std::string& type = typeString( m_subtype );
    if( !type.empty() )
      if( type != "available" )
        t->addAttribute( "type", type );
      const std::string& show = showString( m_subtype );
      if( !show.empty() )
        new Tag( t, "show", show );

    new Tag( t, "priority", util::int2string( m_priority ) );

    getLangs( m_stati, m_status, "status", t );

    StanzaExtensionList::const_iterator it = m_extensionList.begin();
    for( ; it != m_extensionList.end(); ++it )
      t->addChild( (*it)->tag() );

    return t;
Beispiel #17
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Returns the property value as a string.
// If [warn_wrong_type] is true, a warning message is written to the log if the
// property is not of string type
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
std::string Property::stringValue(bool warn_wrong_type) const
	// If this is a flag, just return boolean 'true' (or equivalent)
	if (type_ == Type::Flag)
		return "1";

	// If the value is undefined, default to null
	if (!has_value_)
		return "";

	// Write warning to log if needed
	if (warn_wrong_type && type_ != Type::String)
		Log::warning("Warning: Requested String value of a {} Property", typeString());

	// Return value (convert if needed)
	if (type_ == Type::String)
		return val_string_;
	else if (type_ == Type::Int)
		return fmt::format("{}", value_.Integer);
	else if (type_ == Type::UInt)
		return fmt::format("{}", value_.Unsigned);
	else if (type_ == Type::Boolean)
		if (value_.Boolean)
			return "true";
			return "false";
	else if (type_ == Type::Float)
		return fmt::format("{}", value_.Floating);

	// Return default string value
	return {};
Beispiel #18
  Tag* Message::tag() const
    if( m_subtype == Invalid )
      return 0;

    Tag* t = new Tag( "message" );
    if( m_to )
      t->addAttribute( "to", m_to.full() );
    if( m_from )
      t->addAttribute( "from", m_from.full() );
	if( !m_id.empty() )
		t->addAttribute( "id", m_id );
	if( !m_timestamp.empty() )
		t->addAttribute( "timestamp", m_timestamp );
    t->addAttribute( TYPE, typeString( m_subtype ) );

    getLangs( m_bodies, m_body, "body", t );
	getLangs( m_subjects, m_subject, "subject", t );
	getLangs( m_htmls, m_html, "html", t );

    if( !m_thread.empty() )
      new Tag( t, "thread", m_thread );

    StanzaExtensionList::const_iterator it = m_extensionList.begin();
    for( ; it != m_extensionList.end(); ++it )
      t->addChild( (*it)->tag() );

    return t;
Beispiel #19
Model::SupportsMimeType(const char *type, const BObjectList<BString> *list,
	bool exactReason) const
	ASSERT((type == 0) != (list == 0));
		// pass in one or the other

	int32 result = kDoesNotSupportType;
	BFile file(EntryRef(), O_RDONLY);
	BAppFileInfo handlerInfo(&file);

	BMessage message;
	if (handlerInfo.GetSupportedTypes(&message) != B_OK) 
		return kDoesNotSupportType;

	for (int32 index = 0; ; index++) {

		// check if this model lists the type of dropped document as supported
		const char *mimeSignature;
		int32 bufferLength;

		if (message.FindData("types", 'CSTR', index, (const void **)&mimeSignature,
			return result;

		if (IsSuperHandlerSignature(mimeSignature)) {
			if (!exactReason) 
				return kSuperhandlerModel;

			if (result == kDoesNotSupportType) 
				result = kSuperhandlerModel;
		int32 match;

		if (type) {
			BString typeString(type);
			match = MatchMimeTypeString(&typeString, mimeSignature);
		} else
			match = WhileEachListItem(const_cast<BObjectList<BString> *>(list),
				MatchMimeTypeString, mimeSignature);
				// const_cast shouldnt be here, have to have it until MW cleans up
		if (match == kMatch) 
			// supports the actual type, it can't get any better
			return kModelSupportsType;
		else if (match == kMatchSupertype) {
			if (!exactReason) 
				return kModelSupportsSupertype;

			// we already know this model supports the file as a supertype,
			// now find out if it matches the type
			result = kModelSupportsSupertype;

	return result;
Beispiel #20
void Chaser::saveToFile(QFile &file)
  QString s;
  QString t;

  // Comment line
  s = QString("# Function entry\n");
  file.writeBlock((const char*) s, s.length());

  // Entry type
  s = QString("Entry = Function") + QString("\n");
  file.writeBlock((const char*) s, s.length());

  // Name
  s = QString("Name = ") + name() + QString("\n");
  file.writeBlock((const char*) s, s.length());

  // Type
  s = QString("Type = ") + typeString() + QString("\n");
  file.writeBlock((const char*) s, s.length());

  // Device class, device name or "Global"
  if (deviceClass() != NULL)
      // For device class chasers we need to save only the steps because
      // all scenes are inside the device class
      for (ChaserStep* step = m_steps.first(); step != NULL; step =
	  s = QString("Function = ") + step->feederFunction->name() + QString("\n");
	  file.writeBlock((const char*) s, s.length());
  else if (device() != NULL)
      // For device chasers (that are saved in the workspace file)
      // write also the device name that this chaser is attached to
      s = QString("Device = ") + device()->name() + QString("\n");
      file.writeBlock((const char*) s, s.length());

      for (ChaserStep* step = m_steps.first(); step != NULL; step =
	  s = QString("Function = ") + step->feederFunction->name() + QString("\n");
	  file.writeBlock((const char*) s, s.length());
      // For global chasers, write device+scene pairs
      for (ChaserStep* step = m_steps.first(); step != NULL; step =
	  // Global chasers need a device+scene pair
	  s = QString("Device = ") + step->callerDevice->name() + QString("\n");
	  file.writeBlock((const char*) s, s.length());
	  s = QString("Function = ") + step->feederFunction->name() + QString("\n");
	  file.writeBlock((const char*) s, s.length());
Beispiel #21
QString Field::typeFromVariantCode() const
	int type = mType;
	if( type == Interval ) return "qvariant_cast<Interval>(%1)";
	if( type == Float ) type = Double;
	if( type == Image || type == Color ) return "%1.value<" + typeString() + ">()";
	return QString("") + variantTypeStrings[type] + "()";
Beispiel #22
void partNode::dump( int chars ) const {
  kdDebug(5006) << QString().fill( ' ', chars ) << "+ "
		<< typeString() << '/' << subTypeString() << endl;
  if ( mChild )
    mChild->dump( chars + 1 );
  if ( mNext )
    mNext->dump( chars );
Beispiel #23
 Json::Value toJson() const
     Json::Value json;
     json["name"] = name();
     json["type"] = typeString();
     json["size"] = static_cast<Json::UInt64>(size());
     return json;
Beispiel #24
void Scene::saveToFile(QFile &file)
  QString s;
  QString t;

  // Comment line
  s = QString("# Function entry\n");
  file.writeBlock((const char*) s, s.length());

  // Entry type
  s = QString("Entry = Function") + QString("\n");
  file.writeBlock((const char*) s, s.length());

  // Name
  s = QString("Name = ") + name() + QString("\n");
  file.writeBlock((const char*) s, s.length());

  // Type
  s = QString("Type = ") + typeString() + QString("\n");
  file.writeBlock((const char*) s, s.length());

  // Device class, device name or "Global"
  if (deviceClass() != NULL)
      // Write only the data for device class scenes
      for (unsigned i = 1; i < deviceClass()->m_channels.count(); i++)
	  s = t + QString(" = ");
	  s += t + QString("\n");
	  file.writeBlock((const char*) s, s.length());
  else if (device() != NULL)
      // For device scenes (that are saved in the workspace file)
      // write also the device name that this scene is attached to
      s = QString("Device = ") + device()->name() + QString("\n");
      file.writeBlock((const char*) s, s.length());

      // Data
      for (unsigned i = 1; i < device()->deviceClass()->m_channels.count(); i++)
	  s = t + QString(" = ");
	  s += t + QString("\n");
	  file.writeBlock((const char*) s, s.length());
      // For global scenes the device name is "Global"
      s = QString("Device = Global") + QString("\n");
      file.writeBlock((const char*) s, s.length());
Beispiel #25
// Convertsa Type to a string
value caml_typeString(value t)

  r = caml_copy_string(typeString(Type_val(t)));

Beispiel #26
bool PhpConst::parseType(const folly::dynamic& cns) {
  auto it = cns.find("type");
  if (it != cns.items().end()) {
    m_kindOf = kindOfFromDynamic(it->second);
    m_cppType = typeString(it->second, false);
    return true;
  return false;
Beispiel #27
PhpFunc::PhpFunc(const folly::dynamic& d,
                 const fbstring& className) :
    m_desc(getFollyDynamicDefaultString(d, "desc", "")),
    m_returnRef(d.getDefault("ref", "false") == "true"),
    m_numTypeChecks(0) {
  auto returnIt = d.find("return");
  if (returnIt != d.items().end()) {
    auto retNode = returnIt->second;
    auto typeIt = retNode.find("type");
    if (typeIt != retNode.items().end()) {
      auto type = typeIt->second;
      if ((type.isString()) && (type != "void") && (type != "null")) {
        m_returnKindOf = m_returnRef ? KindOfRef : kindOfFromDynamic(type);
        m_returnCppType = typeString(type, true);
        m_returnPhpType = phpTypeFromDataType(m_returnKindOf);
    m_returnDesc = getFollyDynamicDefaultString(retNode, "desc", "");

  auto args = d.find("args");
  if (args == d.items().end() || !args->second.isArray()) {
    throw std::logic_error(
      folly::format("'{0}' must have an array field 'args'", name()).str()
  auto ret = d.find("return");
  if (ret == d.items().end() || !ret->second.isObject() ||
      ret->second.find("type") == ret->second.items().end()) {
    throw std::logic_error(
      folly::format("'{0}' must have an array field 'return', which must have "
                    "a string field 'type'", name()).str()

  bool magic = isMagicMethod();
  for (auto &p : args->second) {
    PhpParam param(p, magic);
    if (!param.hasDefault()) {
    if (param.isCheckedType()) {

  m_flags = parseFlags(m_func["flags"]);
Beispiel #28
bool alAuditData(unsigned typeLen, char const * type, unsigned msgLen, char const * msg, unsigned dataLen, void const * dataBlock)
    StringBuffer typeString(typeLen, type);
    StringBuffer msgString(msgLen, msg);
    AuditType typeValue = findAuditType(typeString.str());
    if(typeValue >= NUM_AUDIT_TYPES)
        return false;
    return AUDIT(typeValue, msgString.str(), dataLen, dataBlock);
Beispiel #29
void KviWindow::getDefaultLogFileName(QString & szBuffer, QDate date, bool bGzip, unsigned int uDatetimeFormat)
	QString szLog;

	// dynamic log path
	QString szDynamicPath = KVI_OPTION_STRING(KviOption_stringLogsDynamicPath).trimmed();
		KviQString::escapeKvs(&szDynamicPath, KviQString::PermitVariables | KviQString::PermitFunctions);

		KviKvsVariant vRet;
		if(KviKvsScript::evaluate(szDynamicPath, this, nullptr, &vRet))

	g_pApp->getLocalKvircDirectory(szLog, KviApplication::Log, szDynamicPath);
	KviQString::ensureLastCharIs(szLog, KVI_PATH_SEPARATOR_CHAR);

	//ensure the directory exists

	QString szDate;

		case 1:
			szDate = date.toString(Qt::ISODate);
		case 2:
			szDate = date.toString(Qt::SystemLocaleShortDate);
		case 0:
			szDate = date.toString("yyyy.MM.dd");
	szDate.replace('_', '-'); // this would confuse the log viewer

	QString szBase;
	szBase = szBase.toLower();
	szBase.replace("%%2e", "%2e");

	QString szTmp;
		szTmp = "%1_%2_%3.log.gz";
		szTmp = "%1_%2_%3.log";

	szLog.append(QString(szTmp).arg(typeString(), szBase, szDate));

	szBuffer = szLog;
Beispiel #30
void MultiDimArrayDeclarationAST::generateCode(CodeGenerator& codeGen, GeneratedFunction& func) {
	if (mLengthExpressions.size() > 2) {
		codeGen.codeGenError("Array creation of dimension larger than 2 is not supported.");

	auto& typeChecker = codeGen.typeChecker();

	int outerLocal = func.newLocal("$local$_outer_" + std::to_string(func.numLocals()), typeChecker.findType(typeString()));
	int subArrayLocal = func.newLocal("$local$_sub_" + std::to_string(func.numLocals()), typeChecker.findType("Int"));

	//Create the outer array>generateCode(codeGen, func);
	func.addInstruction("NEWARR " + typeChecker.findType(typeString(mLengthExpressions.size() - 1))->vmType());
	func.addInstruction("STLOC " + std::to_string(outerLocal));

	int condStart = func.numInstructions();
	int condIndex = -1;

	//Condition>generateCode(codeGen, func);
	func.addInstruction("LDLOC " + std::to_string(subArrayLocal));
	condIndex = func.numInstructions();

	func.addInstruction("LDLOC " + std::to_string(outerLocal));
	func.addInstruction("LDLOC " + std::to_string(subArrayLocal));>generateCode(codeGen, func);
	func.addInstruction("NEWARR " + typeChecker.findType(typeString(mLengthExpressions.size() - 2))->vmType());

	func.addInstruction("STELEM " + typeChecker.findType(typeString(mLengthExpressions.size() - 1))->vmType());

	func.addInstruction("LDLOC " + std::to_string(subArrayLocal));
	func.addInstruction("LDINT 1");
	func.addInstruction("STLOC " + std::to_string(subArrayLocal));

	func.addInstruction("BR " + std::to_string(condStart));
	func.instruction(condIndex) += " " + std::to_string(func.numInstructions());

	func.addInstruction("LDLOC " + std::to_string(outerLocal));